



Ordinary Council Meeting

7.00pm, 26 May 2015

Gumblossom Community Centre, Tapping Way, Quinns Rocks

Recording of Council Meetings Policy





·         To ensure that there is a process in place to outline access to the recorded proceedings of Council.


·         To emphasise that the reason for recording of Council Meetings is to ensure the accuracy of Council Minutes and that any reproduction is for the sole purpose of Council business.




Recording of Proceedings


(1)     Proceedings for meetings of the Council, Electors, and Public Question Time during Council Briefing Sessions shall be recorded by the City on sound recording equipment, except in the case of meetings of the Council where the Council closes the meeting to the public. 


(2)     Notwithstanding subclause (1), proceedings of a meeting of the Council which is closed to the public shall be recorded where the Council resolves to do so.


(3)     No member of the public is to use any electronic, visual or vocal recording device or instrument to record the proceedings of the Council or a committee without the written permission of the Council.


Access to Recordings


(4)     Members of the public may purchase a copy of recorded proceedings or alternatively listen to recorded proceedings with the supervision of a City Officer.  Costs of providing recorded proceedings to members of the public will be the cost of the recording plus staff time to make the copy of the proceedings. The cost of supervised listening to recorded proceedings will be the cost of the staff time. The cost of staff time will be set in the City's schedule of fees and charges each year.


(5)     Elected Members may request a recording of the Council proceedings at no charge.  However, no transcript will be produced without the approval of the Chief Executive Officer.  All Elected Members are to be notified when recordings are requested by individual Members.


Retention of Recordings


(6)     Recordings pertaining to the proceedings of Council Meetings shall be retained in accordance with the State Records Act 2000.


Disclosure of Policy


(7)     This policy shall be printed within the agenda of all Council, Special Council, Electors and Special Electors meetings to advise the public that the proceedings of the meeting are recorded.



Unconfirmed Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting



held on Tuesday 26 May, 2015







Item  1              Attendances   1

Item  2              Apologies and Leave of Absence   2

Item  3              Public Question Time   2

PQ01-05/15     Ms C Sharp, Yanchep  2

PQ02-05/15     Mr C Howard, Noora Way, Quinns Rocks  3

PQ03-05/15     Mrs N Sangalli, Quinns Road, Quinns Rocks  5

PQ04-05/15     Mr L Flood, Ronez Elbow, Merriwa  7

PQ05-05/15     Mr J Magditsch, High Road, Wanneroo  8

Item  4              Confirmation of Minutes   8

OC01-05/15     Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting held on 28 April 2015  8

Item  5              Announcements by the Mayor without Discussion   8

OA01-05/15     Projects in the Northern Coastal Area  8

Item  6              Questions from Elected Members   10

CQ01-05/15     Cr Winton – Procedure for Petition Updates  10

Item  7              Petitions   11

New Petitions Received  11

PT01-05/15      Request to Construct a Shared Path along the Coast between Burns Beach and Mindarie  11

Update on Petitions  11

Item  8              Reports   11

Planning and Sustainability  12

Policies and Studies  12

PS01-05/15      Draft Revised Local Planning Policy: 4.14 Compliance  12

Town Planning Schemes & Structure Plans  16

PS02-05/15      Initiation of Advertising for Amendment No. 140 - Rezoning of Lot 4 & 5 Mornington Drive, Mariginiup  16

PS03-05/15      Consideration of WAPC Modifications - Amendment No. 3 to the Drovers Place Precinct Agreed Structure Plan No. 80  17

PS04-05/15      Adoption of Amendment No. 1 to the Butler Jindalee Agreed Structure Plan No. 39  24

PS05-05/15      Re-advertising Amendment No. 102 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 - East Wanneroo Cell 9 - East Landsdale  36

PS06-05/15      Reconsideration of Amendment No. 2 to the Drovers Place Precinct Agreed Structure Plan No. 80  86

Development Applications  94

PS07-05/15      Single House Additions (Outbuilding and Games Room) DA2014/2441 at Lot 1246 (114) Aldersea Circle Clarkson  94

PS08-05/15      Single House Additions (Garage, Retaining Wall and Front Fence)  DA2015/448 at Lot 204 (85) High Road Wanneroo  98

Regulatory Services  102

PS09-05/15      Midge Management Strategy Partnership Agreement 2015-2020  102

PS10-05/15      Donation of Building Licence Fee for 2015 HIA Charitable Foundation at Lot 1022 Celeste Street, Eglinton  102

Infrastructure  102

Infrastructure Projects  102

IN01-05/15       Yanchep Active Open Space - Marmion Avenue Extension  Costs  102

IN02-05/15       Wanneroo Civic Centre Extension Update  103

Tenders  105

IN03-05/15       Tender No. 01511 Kingsway Olympic Sports Clubrooms Upgrade  105

IN04-05/15       Tender No. 01512 Community Centres Swipe Card, Security and Fire Detection Systems  105

Traffic Management  106

IN05-05/15       Clarkson High School Bus Embayment  106

IN06-05/15       Deletion of Pathway Project PR-2586 Speranza Parkway, Sinagra  108

IN07-05/15       Parking Prohibitions Extension - Neerabup Primary School, Banksia Grove  108

IN08-05/15       Marathon Loop / Gnangara Road, Madeley - Review of Vehicular Access Arrangements  111

Waste Services  113

IN09-05/15       PT02-02/15 Request for Additional Bins Quinns Dog Beach  113

Community Development  113

Capacity Building  113

CD01-05/15     Community Funding Program March 2015 Round  113

Program Services  115

CD02-05/15     Transition of Community Aged Care Packages  115


Corporate Strategy & Performance  115

Finance  115

CS01-05/15     Warrant of Payment for the Period to 30 April 2015  115

CS02-05/15     Financial Activity Statement for the Period Ended 31 March 2015  190

CS03-05/15     Financial Activity Statement for the Period Ended 30 April 2015  197

CS04-05/15     Petition PT01-04/15 Community Facility - Quinns Mindarie Surf Lifesaving Club  203

Governance and Legal  203

CS05-05/15     Review of the Council Members' Fees, Allowances, Reimbursements & Benefits Policy  203

CS06-05/15     Donations to be Considered by Council - May 2015  217

Chief Executive Office  217

Office of the CEO Reports  217

CE01-05/15     Sponsorship Agreement Wanneroo Agricultural Society  217

Item  9              Motions on Notice   218

MN01-05/15    Mayor Tracey Roberts – Feasibility Study - the Installation of Shark Barriers at  City's Beaches  218

MN02-05/15    Cr Linda Aitken – Yanchep Secondary School  218

Item  10           Urgent Business   219

UB01-05/15     Submission on Application for Liquor and Drive Through Store at Lot 1061 (No. 2) Captiva Approach, Butler  219

Item  11           Confidential  219

CR01-05/15     Resolution of Contractual Matter  220

CR02-05/15     Drainage Agreement - Willespie Park (Reserve 45977) and Lot 3 (15) Goundrey Drive, Pearsall  221

CR03-05/15     Offer to Purchase Lot 501 (94) Hampton Road Darch  221

CR04-05/15     Coastal Infastructure Update - Confidential  222

CR05-05/15     Yanchep Active Open Space - Oval Groundworks Costs  223

Item  12           Date of Next Meeting   223

Item  13           Closure   223





Mayor Roberts declared the meeting open at 7:00pm and read the prayer.


Good evening Councillors, staff, ladies and gentlemen, we wish to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land we are meeting on, the Whadjuk people.  We would like to pay respect to the Elders of the Nyoongar nation, past and present, who have walked and cared for the land and we acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contributions made to the life of this city and this region and I invite you to bow your head in prayer:


Lord, We ask for your blessing upon our City, our community and our Council.  Guide us in our decision making to act fairly, without fear or favour and with compassion, integrity and honesty.  May we show true leadership, be inclusive of all, and guide the City of Wanneroo to a prosperous future that all may share.  We ask this in your name. Amen

Please refer to agenda for details of full reports and attachments.

Item  1                                                      Attendances

TRACEY ROBERTS, JP                       Mayor




DOT NEWTON, JP                                 Central Ward

DIANNE GUISE                                     Central Ward

FRANK CVITAN, JP                              Central Ward

SABINE WINTON                                  Coastal Ward

GLYNIS PARKER                                  Coastal Ward

RUSSELL DRIVER                               Coastal Ward

NORMAN HEWER                                North Ward

LINDA AITKEN                                       North Ward

ANH TRUONG                                       South Ward

BRETT TREBY                                       South Ward

DENIS HAYDEN                                    South Ward




NOELENE JENNINGS                         A/Chief Executive Officer

PHILIP ST JOHN                                    Director, Planning and Sustainability

HARMINDER SINGH                            A/Director, Infrastructure

FIONA HODGES                                    Director, Community Development

MUSTAFA YILDIZ                                  A/Director, Corporate Strategy & Performance

KATE OOSTERHOF                              A/Manager Governance and Legal

MICHAEL PENSON                              Manager Property Services

PAS BRACONE                                     Manager Planning Implementation

ALAN McCOLL                                       Manager Regulatory Services

MATT WILSON                                       Manager Communications & Events

NICKY BARKER                                    Coordinator Governance

YVETTE HEATH                                    Minute Officer




Item  2                                                      Apologies and Leave of Absence

BOB SMITHSON                                    Coastal Ward (18.05.15 – 08.06.15)

DOMENIC ZAPPA                                 South Ward (18.05.15 – 08.06.15)

HUGH NGUYEN                                    South Ward (18.05.15 – 08.06.15)


There were 38 members of the public and two members of the press in attendance.

Item  3       Public Question Time

Questions received in writing prior to the Council meeting

PQ01-05/15       Ms C Sharp, Yanchep

Closure of Club Capricorn Resort, Yanchep


As a small business owner I use the facilities at Club Capricorn for festivals and workshops, in addition to this my clients come from all over Western Australia and stay at the resort.   The closure is wrong on so many levels and I thought that the City of Wanneroo would have done more to stop the closure and liaise with the landowners on behalf of the public. 


My questions are as follows:-


1.         What is the Councils’ opinion with regard to the shortage of coastal camping resorts with closure of Club Capricorn Resort in Yanchep which will greatly affect tourism in the area?


Response by Director, Planning and Sustainability


The Council is aware of the need to maintain a diverse local economy within the northern growth corridor, and sees Tourism development as an important component of this.  In this regard the approved Local Structure Plan (No 44) for Capricorn Coastal Village includes a Precinct identified for Hotel and Tourism Development.  Furthermore, the City is also actively seeking to redevelop its caravan park at Quinns Rocks, to ultimately provide serviced sites for caravans, campervans, RV’s and a limited number of park homes for short stay visitors.  The City is also planning to undertake a tourism land use study to identify the most appropriate locations and associated tourism activities within the City within the second half of this year.


2.         Why is a local amenity changing without public consultation?


Response by Director, Planning and Sustainability


Ultimately, any decisions about the closure of the Club Capricorn Resort are made on a private commercial basis by the operators of that site. The City, will, however, continue to work with the owners and developers of the site to seek to achieve a redevelopment that incorporates appropriate Tourism facilities.



Questions received at the Council meeting

Cycling and safety issues


Currently working as a psychologist in the Coastal Ward and addressing social issues in the area by engaging children in sport.  As well as being a qualified Aus-Kick and Modified Rules Coach, tonight am representing, as president and coach, the Northern Beaches Cycling Club.  As there are no cycling facilities in the Northern suburbs, children’s safety is put at risk.  They are currently training in carparks and the open road each week.


1.         How have you assessed the needs of the various sporting groups in the Coastal Ward?


Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


Question taken on notice.


Further Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


The City of Wanneroo SmartClubs, Club Development Program is designed to assist sport and recreation groups to operate sustainably, efficiently and successfully. An annual survey is conducted to assess the needs of clubs in terms of facility planning, governance, training requirements and funding. In addition City officers regularly meet and correspond with sporting clubs to determine their requirements.


2.         In the Coastal Ward, is the Council satisfied that they have adequately consulted all sporting groups in formulating its budget allocation this year?


Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


Question taken on notice.


Further Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


Throughout the City, all facility requests, both for rehabilitation of existing and/or the provision of new facilities, are investigated. Where needs and feasibility can be demonstrated, these are listed for consideration in the City’s Draft Capital Works Program Budget and then prioritised alongside other requests of a similar nature.


3.         How and when did these consultations occur?


Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


Question taken on notice.


Further Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


The City has met with a number of sporting groups in relation to sporting needs in the coastal corridor including the Northern Beaches Cycle Club in relation to facilities within the Alkimos development.  Meetings with sporting clubs have been face to face, through email correspondence, club workshops and community consultation depending upon the needs of each of the sporting groups.


4.         Does your new project funding reflect a fair and equitable allocation of funds to address the needs of all grassroots facilities across the Coastal Ward?


Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


Question taken on notice.


Further Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


Please refer to response for Question 2.


5.         My experience of Local Government is that cycling is considered as solely a transportation issue.  Does the Council recognise that cycling is a well populated junior and senior recreational and sporting activity?


Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


Question taken on notice.


Further Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


The City considers cycling to be a recreational sport as well as a transport mode. Based on the community consultation conducted as part of the current development of the City’s Cycle Plan, there is clear evidence that there is a well populated cycle club within the City. Furthermore, the Wheeled Sport and Equestrian co-location review conducted in 2011 by the City highlighted a trend that cycling is a growing sport and the need for appropriate recreational cycling facilities to be provided in the northern areas of Wanneroo to cater for population growth. As part of the Cycle Plan development, three Community Workshops were held which included the participation of the Northern Beaches Cycle Club. The final draft of the Cycle Plan, which is due for completion early in June 2015, will be available again for community comment potentially in the middle of June 2015.


6.         The safety of our children is paramount and I ask Council if you will commit to allocate funds in this year’s budget for the safety and protection of junior cyclists?


Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


As part of the development of the City’s cycle plan, community consultation has been started this year through community workshops, one of which was held in Butler.  Question taken on notice so can address in more detail.


Further Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


The City’s Cycle Plan considers all elements of cycling including the safety of junior cyclists across the City. Three proposed actions, specifically related to the safety of junior recreational cyclist  that are currently included in the draft, are:


a)         The City to investigate the development of a recreational cycling facility within the northern corridor (Joondalup/ Wanneroo);


b)         The City to conduct a study to identify appropriate interim sites for recreational cycle training and events within the City along with the development of template Traffic Management plans for these activities for use by cycling clubs; and


c)         Improve cycling participation in schools by offering cycle training for those schools that participate in Travelsmart to Schools Program or similar travel behaviour change programs.



7.         Can we get an answer to any of the questions tonight?  There is an urgent need for the allocation of funds, not in the future, but is an immediate and pressing need?


Response by Mayor Roberts


The questions have been taken on notice and the A/Director will provide you with an informed detailed response in the minutes.


Erosion and land issues


1.         Following erosion issues and the plights of the people in Seabird, does the City of Wanneroo contain any unallocated or unspecified land along its coast, and if so can the City provide details?


Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


Question taken on notice.


Further Response by A/Director, Corporate Strategy & Performance


The coastal area of the City contains Crown land under the control of the City, Crown land not under control of the City and a small parcel of freehold (Quinns Rocks) held by the City as well as freehold in private hands.


2.         Is relinquishing the management of foreshore reserves something the Council can do easily and without public consultation?


Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


Question taken on notice.


Further Response by A/Director, Corporate Strategy & Performance


The City cannot relinquish Crown reserves without the approval of the Minister for Lands.


3.         Has the City provided any comment to the Department of Transport on the draft Review of the Coastal Adaption and Protection Policy, particularly addressing the increased responsibility on Local Government?


Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


This policy came out a few years ago and comment was not provided at that time. It is a State Government policy on coastal adaption along the WA coastline and it is mainly to define the responsibility of various local government or other coastal managers.


4.         There is no bus embayment in front of Quinns Baptist Highschool and a Transperth bus is stopping in the middle of Salerno Drive to pick up school students which is heavily impacting on traffic in the area.  Would the City of Wanneroo do an audit of the bus stops at all local schools t make sure there are adequate bus embayments for all of them and is this a Council issue or is it a PTA issue?




Response by Mayor Roberts


The City has regular dialogue with the Department of Transport in relation to bus bays and bus stops, especially along Marmion Avenue in the Alkimos area at the moment.


Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


The City’s Road Safety and Travelsmart Officer works with the local schools to identify road safety issues and these are investigated and prioritised for consideration by Council.  This is the current procedure.


5.         Is it possible to get the contact details of this officer?


Response by A/Director, Infrastructure


Yes, will ask the Road Safety Officer to contact you.


6.         Thank you for reopening the submission regarding the Butler Liquor Store, however the word “existing” has been removed from the development sign and replaced with the word “approved”.  Does this mean the City feels that:-


a)          they have reliably informed its residents that by using the word “approved” without further explanation that the public have understood that only the use of the land has been approved and not the actual liquor licence? 


b)          by placing the development application signage at the back of the premises that records the least amount of traffic, that a true opinion has been recorded? 


c)          by not using the shopfront of the applicant that all affected residents using this shopping centre have been captured, including those using the ACROD parking bays and the pedestrian traffic having to cross the exit where the proposed bottleshop is to be located?


Response by Director, Planning and Sustainability


Question taken on notice.


Further Response by Director, Planning and Sustainability


a)               The use of the word ‘approved’ in the advertisement placed by the City refers to the fact that the Liquor Store has been approved by Council.  A Liquor Licence is obtained from the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor and not from the City, and it would be improper for the City to refer to the progress of the Liquor Licence application when advertising an application for planning approval.


b)     & c) The City is satisfied that reasonable notice has been provided and that a true opinion has been recorded.


The advertising sign was placed at an entrance to the car park closest to the subject tenancy which enabled all vehicles and pedestrians using this entrance to view the sign on entry to the shopping centre.  In addition, letters were sent to landowners of properties on Tarpon Link and Captiva Approach adjacent to the shopping centre.  Whilst it can always be suggested that advertising of the proposal could be improved, I believe that the community has been given reasonable opportunity to comment in this case.


Dual use path between Burns Beach and Mindarie


1.         A petition is being presented with over 600 signatures requesting the construction of a shared path along the coast between Burns Beach and Mindarie.  This has been in the development stage for many years now, when will this project be started?


Response by Mayor Roberts


This has been addressed for a number of years and have had petitions with over 1,000 signatures.  The City of Wanneroo, the City of Joondalup and the State Government each contributed $50,000 towards a study for the effectiveness of a dual use path between Burns Beach to Mindarie and this will be addressed more under Mayoral announcements this evening.


Further Response by Director, Planning and Sustainability


The study was completed in 2013 and proposed two possible alignments for the path, both of which sit outside of the foreshore reserve.  The Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) have advised that they are not in a position to progress the pathway until the land parcels which make up the proposed Tamala Park Conservation Park are formally transferred to the Conservation Commission of Western Australia (CCWA) and a Management Plan for the Conservation Park prepared. 


One of the large parcels of land is currently owned by PEET limited, and this won't be transferred until the last stages of subdivision for the Burns Beach Estate have been completed. It may be some time before this occurs.  The City has been liaising with the City of Joondalup to lobby State Government to progress the preparation of Management Plan in advance of land being transferred so that construction of the dual use path can commence as soon as possible once the land has been transferred.


2.         Could the City investigate if lighting could be installed along the footpath from Portofino’s to the Marina in Mindarie for night time and safety reasons?


          Response by Mayor Roberts


          Question taken on notice.


          Further Response by Director, Community Development


The City will need to conduct further investigation into this matter and provide a final response once the investigation has been completed.



PS08-05/15 Single House Additions (Garage, Retaining Wall and Front Fence) DA2015/448 at Lot 204 (85) High Road, Wanneroo


In relation to PS08-05/15 a building application was submitted in February 2014, the building was started in April but the application was refused by Planning in August, however the building was finished in November 2014.  In February 2015 it was resubmitted for approval and a retrospective building licence.  With any other development application is it alright to build it and then seek a retrospective building licence if it had been refused previously?


Response by Director, Planning and Sustainability


At the moment the current process requires a triple fee for these retrospective applications and this is on the basis of deterrent against commencement of development without approval.  My personal view is that is not effective enough.  The draft compliance procedure on tonight’s Agenda suggests a more robust approach to compliance than has occurred in the past.

Item  4       Confirmation of Minutes

OC01-05/15       Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting held on 28 April 2015

Moved Cr Newton, Seconded Cr Cvitan


That the minutes of the:-


1.         Ordinary Council Meeting held on 28 April 2015 be confirmed; and


2.         Ordinary Council Meeting held on 14 October 2014 be amended to correct an administrative error to the recommendation by removing the words “for the purpose of seeking public comment” in item 1.


Carried Unanimously

Item  5       Announcements by the Mayor without Discussion

OA01-05/15       Projects in the Northern Coastal Area

The Mayor advised the State Government’s draft sub-regional planning framework had identified the City as a major supplier of land and employment, indicating that Wanneroo is expected to accommodate three-quarters of the population growth in the north-west sub-region.  In order to accommodate future growth she explained that appropriate transport infrastructure is needed, hence the City has strongly advocated projects such as the Northern Suburbs Railway and Mitchell Freeway extension.  


The Mayor read out a number of projects the City is involved in within this area, which were:-


“Quinns Erosion / Fred Stubbs.

·         Residents welcomed the reopening of Quinns Beach following the completion of emergency coastal protection works in November last year.

·         The sand bag revetment and limestone wall were extreme but necessary measures to save the foreshore and Fred Stubbs Park.


·         The sandbag revetment length is approximately 300m and the limestone retaining wall length is approximately 200m.


·         During the year I visited the site on a regular basis and to this day continue to applaud the commitment of our staff and contractors for their work in a location which was very challenging.


·         In addition, I would like to thank the Quinns Rocks community for their positive feedback on the finished works.


Mitchell Freeway


·         Quinns residents will be very happy with the early announcement of the Mitchell Freeway extension which will provide our northern commuters with a closer freeway exit to home.


·         The City welcomed the early commencement of the Mitchell Freeway extension, however we strongly believe there is a significant need to extend the project another 5.5km to Romeo Road.


·         We do have concerns the potential increase in traffic and associated issues would negatively impact the communities of Merriwa and surrounding suburbs, particularly the Mindarie school precinct and RAAFA Cambrai retirement village and continue to push for a longer extension to alleviate these concerns.


·         Extending the freeway to Romeo Road would prompt early construction of the Wanneroo Road to Marmion Avenue east-west link, providing access to Butler train station and amenities for residents in Carabooda and surrounding suburbs.


Ward Merger


·         From the next election the North Ward will merge with the Coastal Ward to create the North Coast Ward.


·         The changes will see five councillors representing the north coast ward.


·         Carabooda, Nowergup, Neerabup, Carramar, Banksia Grove and Pinjar will be merged into the Central Ward.


·         The Central and South Wards retained their names.


Butler North

·         Council recently endorsed the Butler District Open Space Master Plan review which includes recommendations on playing fields, hard courts, a community building, floodlighting and passive parks.


·         The review will be open for public comment as of Monday July 13 and will close August 7.





Quinns Mindarie Community Centre


·         The City of Wanneroo recently sought public comment on the proposed design of the Quinns Mindarie Community Centre.


·         Located at Quinns Road, the facility will be constructed as a second storey addition to the existing Quinns Mindarie Surf Life Saving Club. It is anticipated that construction will commence next financial year.


Your Move


·         Residents in the City of Wanneroo are encouraged to sign up to the Your Move Wanneroo project, which commenced in April.


·         Your Move is a free and personalised program providing information to support the people of Wanneroo to become more active, healthy and connected.


·         City of Wanneroo residents who sign up will be able to take advantage of tools such as exclusive offers, active transport maps and timetables tailored to the local area and a variety of community services and information.


·         The City of Wanneroo is committed to encouraging healthy and active communities, and is currently developing its own bicycle development plan to inform our bicycle path network.


Anchorage Drive traffic management


·         Community consultation for the management of Anchorage Drive was completed at the end of March.


·         Community feedback is currently being compiled for further consideration. The final proposal for the installation of traffic treatments will be developed with a report presented to council soon after.”


The Mayor concluded by advising that many projects are currently underway to improve facilities and infrastructure for residents in the fast-growing North and Coastal Wards and thanked everyone for attending.


Item  6       Questions from Elected Members

CQ01-05/15       Cr Winton – Procedure for Petition Updates

Under the Petitions Update in the 28 April 2015 Minutes for “PT03-03/15 Request the Installation of Airconditioning or Industrial Fans at the Gumblossom Community Sports Hall” it stated a report would come to the May meeting but this is not the case.  What is the usual requirement or practice in providing a report to petitions that are tabled?


Response by A/Chief Executive Officer


The general practice is to prepare the report for a petition as soon as practicable.  If that can be the next meeting of Council it is, otherwise it will be the following one.  In this case there was a lot to investigate so the report was not ready for this meeting.



Item  7       Petitions

New Petitions Received 

PT01-05/15       Request to Construct a Shared Path along the Coast between Burns Beach and Mindarie

Cr Winton presented a petition of 617 signatories requesting Council’s consideration to construct a shared path along the coast between Burns Beach and Mindarie. 


This petition be forwarded to the Infrastructure directorate for action.



Moved Cr Hayden, Seconded Cr Hewer


That the petition be received and forwarded to the relevant Directorate for action.



Update on Petitions   


Item  8       Reports

Declarations of Interest by Elected Members, including the nature and extent of the interest. Declaration of Interest forms to be completed and handed to the Chief Executive Officer.

Mayor Roberts declared an impartial interest in Item CD01-05/15 due to being a member of the Quinns Beach Primary School Board.

Mayor Roberts declared an impartial interest in Item CS04-05/15 due to being Vice-patron of the Quinns Mindarie Surf Life Saving Club.

Mayor Roberts declared an impartial interest in Item CE01-05/15 due to being a financial member and Patron of the Wanneroo Agricultural Society.

Crs Guise, Winton and Newton declared an impartial interest in Item CE01-05/15 due to being financial members of the Wanneroo Agricultural Society.

Cr Aitken declared an impartial interest in Item MN02-05/15 due to being on the Yanchep District High School Council.


Planning and Sustainability

Policies and Studies

PS01-05/15       Draft Revised Local Planning Policy: 4.14 Compliance

File Ref:                                              8222 – 15/144465

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       2         


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Guise

That Council pursuant to Clause of District Planning Scheme No. 2 ADVERTISES draft revised Local Planning Policy 4.14: Compliance, as contained in Attachment 1, for public comment for a period of 21 days, by way of:

1.       Advertisements in a local newspaper for two consecutive weeks; and

2.       Display on the City’s website.

Carried Unanimously

CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 26 May, 2015                                                                    13



Town Planning Schemes & Structure Plans

PS02-05/15       Initiation of Advertising for Amendment No. 140 - Rezoning of Lot 4 & 5 Mornington Drive, Mariginiup

File Ref:                                              11222 – 15/34209

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       4         


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Cvitan

That Council:-


Pursuant to Section 75 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 determines NOT to initiate proposed Amendment No. 140 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 for the following reasons:

1.       The proposal is considered urban in nature and therefore is inconsistent with the objectives and intent of the rural zoning of the land under the Metropolitan Region Scheme and the City of Wanneroo’s District Planning Scheme No. 2. Such a proposal occurring in an area that is still largely used for rural purposes may lead to potential for land use conflicts;


2.       The proposal is premature in that a Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment is required prior to the rezoning of the subject sites under the City of Wanneroo’s District Planning Scheme No. 2;


3.       The proposal is premature as the area is shown as having potential for urban development in the East Wanneroo Structure Plan but further investigations are required to determine the suitability of the area for urbanisation;


4.       The proposal is premature in that comprehensive structure planning is required for the area to ensure orderly and proper planning; and


5.       Approval of the amendment would set a precedent for other more intensive non-rural developments in the rural zone.  This could have a cumulative adverse effect on the intention of the rural zoning of the locality.


Carried Unanimously



PS03-05/15       Consideration of WAPC Modifications - Amendment No. 3 to the Drovers Place Precinct Agreed Structure Plan No. 80

File Ref:                                              2957-03 – 15/114182

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       4         


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Cvitan

That Council:-


1.       DETERMINES that the modifications required by the Western Australian Planning Commission to Amendment No. 3 of the Drovers Place Precinct Agreed Structure Plan No. 80 included in Attachment 3, are SATISFACTORY, pursuant to Clause 9.7.3, 9.6.3 (c) and 9.4.1 (a) of District Planning Scheme No. 2;


2.       PURSUANT to subclause 9.4.1 (a) of District Planning Scheme No. 2, WAIVES public advertising of the modifications required by the Western Australian Planning Commission included in Attachment 3, on the basis that adequate publicity of the proposal has already been undertaken;


3.       DETERMINES that the revised Amendment No. 3 proposal included in Attachment 4, prepared by Turner Master Planners Australia to incorporate the modifications required by the Western Australian Planning Commission outlined in Attachment 3 is SATISFACTORY pursuant to Clause 9.6.1 (b) of District Planning Scheme No. 2, and SUBMITS three copies to the Western Australian Planning Commission for its adoption and certification;


4.       Pursuant to Clause 9.6.5 of District Planning Scheme No. 2, ADOPTS Amendment No. 3 to the Drovers Place Precinct Agreed Structure Plan No. 80 included in Attachment 4 and AUTHORISES the Director Planning and Sustainability to SIGN the amendment documents once adopted by the Western Australian Planning Commission; and


5.       NOTES that Administration will provide an update in due course regarding a request from the Western Australian Planning Commission dated 8 April 2015 to rezone the Drovers Place Precinct Agreed Structure Plan No. 80 (Central Precinct) to ‘Business’ under District Planning Scheme No. 2.


Carried Unanimously

CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 26 May, 2015                                                                    18

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PS04-05/15       Adoption of Amendment No. 1 to the Butler Jindalee Agreed Structure Plan No. 39

File Ref:                                              5975-01 – 15/120525

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       3         


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Cvitan

That Council:-

1.       Pursuant to Clause 9.6.1 of the City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme No. 2, RESOLVES that Amendment No. 1 to the Butler-Jindalee District Structure Plan No. 39 submitted by Gray and Lewis Landuse Planners on behalf of Northern Corridor Developments Ltd included as Attachment 2 is SATISFACTORY without modifications and SUBMITS three (3) copies of the structure plan amendment documents to the Western Australian Planning Commission for its adoption and certification;

2.       Pursuant to Clause 9.6.5 of the City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme No. 2, ADOPTS Amendment No. 1 to the Butler-Jindalee District Structure Plan No. 39 documents and AUTHORISES the Director, Planning and Sustainability to SIGN once certified by the Western Australian Planning Commission; and

3.       NOTES the Schedule of Submissions included in Attachment 3, ENDORSES Administration’s responses to those submissions, FORWARDS the Schedule of Submissions to the Western Australian Planning Commission, and ADVISES the submitters of its decision.

Carried Unanimously

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(Closed 13 January 2015)



Summary of Submission

Administration Response

Recommended Modification


Western Power


Western Power has no comment to make.


No modification required.


Department of Education


The Department agrees with the proposed changes and therefore has no objection.


No modification required.


Water Corporation


The Water Corporation has no objections of comments to make regarding the modifications.


It is noted that the proposed changes to the DSP are essentially to reflect changes that have already been adopted through Local Structure Plans within the DSP area.  These changes are mostly minor in nature and should not compromise the Corporation’s planning.


No modification required.


Main Roads Western Australia


Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) has no objection to rezoning portions to Urban Development, Business and Service Industrial adjacent to the Mitchell Freeway and Marmion Avenue.


No modification required.


As previously advised in our Structure Plan No 60 letter to the City dated 20 August 2008, structure plans still do not depict the ultimate Mitchell Freeway reservation in the vicinity of the Northeast corner of Lot 1001 proposed for Urban Development.


Drafting of Land Protection plans that support the Ultimate Planning Design Concept for the Mitchell freeway in the vicinity of the north-eastern corner of Lot 1001 will need to be undertaken prior to an MRS amendment.  Information on the proposed amendments can be obtained from the Department for Planning – Urban Transport Systems.  However, MRWA understands responsibility for the drafting and initiating the amendment now resides with MRWA and this can be undertaken in the new year.  A copy of Department of Planning Carriageway Pattern drawing 1.5576 is attached for information.  Highlighted in yellow is the ultimate land requirement at the NE corner of Lot 1001 that will be required for road purposes, to be ceded free of cost to MRWA as a condition of subdivision.  Statutory Report Figure 9 – bottom plan depicts the ultimate requirement line.  This requirement needs to be reflected in all Structure plans.


MRWA is of the view the MRS amendment will need to be undertaken prior to rezoning for Urban Development.

Dismissed.  The alignment of the Mitchell Freeway reservation in the vicinity of the north-east corner of Lot 1001 depicted on DSP 39 is consistent with the alignment depicted on the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS).  It is considered premature to depict an ultimate reservation ahead of any future amendments to the MRS.


The land is zoned Urban under the MRS and therefore an MRS amendment is not necessary prior to the land being rezoned from Service Industrial to Urban Development.



No modification required.


A Structure Plan Noise Assessment recommended that a noise barrier wall adjacent to the Mitchell Freeway was not considered practical.  It cannot be ascertained from the noise report why a noise wall is not practical.  MRWA reserves the right to further review noise issues at the subdivision stage.  All noise treatments shall be the responsibility of the developer.


Note: To control external noise levels at the ground floor of future residences so as not to exceed the SPP limit, Main Roads expects a continuous Estate noise wall to reduce façade noise levels to below the State Planning Policy 5.4 noise limit.  This should be implemented in accordance with the intent of the policy along the western boundary of the Mitchell Freeway reservation.  The developer should be allowed to limit the wall to a modest height of 2.2 metres.  MRWA’s request for a noise wall may cause a review of noise levels which may reduce or eliminate the need to residence treatments at ground floor level, but probably not for any upper storey rooms.

Noted.  Proposed Amendment 1 to DSP 39 is a high level amendment which relates to zoning of land, locations of centres and roads and removal of reference to the Romeo Road railway station.  The requirement for a noise barrier wall will be addressed during future stages of planning.

No modification required.


MRWA disagrees with the Statutory report which suggests a business zone should have good direct access to regional roads whilst quoting the City’s Planning Policy 3.8.  Business zone lot access to Regional Roads such as Marmion Avenue and Romeo Road shall be gained from easements in gross which connect to the local road network neighbourhood connector roads.


Full control of access shall be enforced along the boundary of Marmion Avenue, Romeo Road and the Mitchell Freeway. No vehicle access shall be permitted to or from the Marmion Avenue, Romeo Road or Mitchell Freeway reservation from adjacent structure plan lots.  This shall be noted on the deposited plan in accordance with s150 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 as a restrictive covenant for the benefit of MRWA and the City at the applicant’s expense.


It should be noted that the City’s Planning Policy 3.8 (LPP 3.8) is as yet unsupported by Main Roads.

Noted.  MRWA’s disagreement with comments included in the statutory report is noted.  Matters related to access to/from primary roads (including easements) are detailed design matters which are dealt with at the subdivision stage of the planning process.


In respect to MRWA’s comments regarding LPP 3.8, there is no statutory requirement for MRWA to endorse a local planning policy.


No modification required.


As with the adjacent South Alkimos Agreed Structure Plan No. 72 and the proposed draft Alkimos City Centre Structure Plan No. 89 (LSP 89), MRWA notes significant major differences between Lots 1001 and 1002 Marmion Avenue Alkimos Agreed Structure Plan No. 60 (ASP 60) NW corridor modelled traffic volumes and independently reviewed 2031 traffic modelling undertaken for the Alkimos – Eglinton District Structure Plan No. 18 (DSP 18) in 2006/2007.  ASP 60 and DSP 18 modelled volume differences are significant, particularly on Marmion Avenue (-45%) and Romeo Road (-40%) adjacent to Marmion Avenue.


The applicant should be advised that future intersection and signalisation traffic analysis at subdivision stage should be based on modelled traffic volumes to be agreed with MRWA.  Modelled traffic volumes as shown in the ASP 60 Traffic and Movement report are not endorsed by MRWA at this time.

Noted.  MRWA’s comments in relation to differences in modelled traffic volumes provided for ASP 60 and DSP 18 do not relate to Amendment No. 1 given they relate to a local structure plan and a different district structure plan.  Notwithstanding this, the following information is provided regarding the traffic models used in the north-west corridor.


The traffic modelling for DSP 18 was undertaken in 2006/07 and was based on the MRWA ROM model.  The traffic modelling for ASP 60 was based on a model developed by Bruce Aulabaugh (Traffic Engineer) in who was engaged by the City to address deficiencies evident in the MRWA ROM model used for DSP 18.  Given the timeframe elapsed between modelling for DSP 18 and development of the model used for ASP 60, it is accepted that there are differences between the traffic volumes.  Differences in the traffic modelling can also be attributed to the fact that the MRWA ROM model is a high level model that estimates vehicle movements on regional roads such as Marmion Avenue and Romeo Road where Bruce Aulabaugh’s model is more detailed and estimates vehicle movements on both the regional roads and the local road network.   Administration considers Bruce Aulabaugh’s model to be more accurate due to its greater level of detail and therefore a more appropriate modelling tool for the north-west corridor.

No modification required.


DSP modelled traffic volumes for Marmion Avenue adjacent to the LSP 60 Business zone are in the vicinity of 40,000 vpd.  MRWA is of the view this section of Marmion Avenue will ultimately be near midblock capacity and will be at signal capacity for a 4 land road.  Therefore, for traffic safety and transport demand related reasons, it would be prudent to plan for future additional intersection lanes onto Marmion Avenue (i.e. six lane divided on Marmion Avenue and 4 lanes divided on Romeo Road with additional appropriately designed intersection left and right turn pockets within the road reservation).  Main Roads is aware that additional carrying capacity on Romeo Road may be required closer to the Mitchell Freeway interchange.

Noted.  See response for 4.5 above.  The design of Marmion Avenue is outside the scope of Amendment No. 1.


Marmion Avenue and Romeo Road are designated as other regional roads under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS).  Future planning for both roads should be based on this designation and reserve widths reserved under the MRS.  It is noted that the reserve width for Romeo Road under the MRS is sufficient to accommodate a four lane divided road.


Furthermore, the designation and future design of Marmion Avenue and/or Romeo Road are outside the scope of matters which should be addressed at the district structure planning stage.  An amendment to the designation and/or widths reserved under the MRS should be facilitated through an MRS amendment.  In the event that MRWA want to review future planning for Marmion Avenue and/or Romeo Road they should, in the first instance enter into discussions with the Western Australian Planning Commission. It is not appropriate to use a district structure plan amendment as a platform to seek a review on future planning for Marmion Avenue and/or Romeo Road.

No modification required


As it is highly likely Marmion Avenue will become a primary freight route, all detailed traffic assessments and designs will need to allow for ‘as of right’ freight vehicle requirements.

Dismissed.  See response for 4.6 above.   

No modification required.


Neighbourhood Connector roads, where they intersect with Marmion Ave and Romeo Road do not appear to show road reservation truncations to accommodate the ultimate signalised layouts.  In addition, planning of truncations for interim treatments will need to be determined in conjunction with Main Roads Road Network Services Branch. If signalisation is not warranted at this point in time, there may be larger land requirements associated with interim treatments such as roundabouts.

Noted.  Matters such as planning for road reservation truncations and interim treatments are detailed design matters which will be addressed during the subdivision stage of the planning process.



No modification required.


The Benenden Avenue road reservation width between Howden Parade and Romeo Road appears inadequate to cater for business zone development and signalisation requirements.


Note:  In response to LSP Amendment 2, MRWA previously noted the Transport Assessment has not provided SIDRA analysis results for Romeo Road/Benenden Avenue intersection.  MRWA request this information be provided by the applicant prior to further structure planning and/or subdivision.

Noted.  See response to 4.8 above.


MRWA’s comment in relation to their request for a SIDRA analysis to be provided in response to Amendment 2 to LSP 60 is noted.  DSP 39 is a high level planning document and as such, it is not appropriate to require SIDRA analysis results to be provided at this stage of the planning process.  The requirement for a SIDRA analysis for Romeo Road/Benenden Avenue will be considered at a later stage in the planning process such as the local structure planning and/or development application stage.

No modification required.


Awnings, arcades and galleries shall not encroach within the Marmion Avenue or Romeo Road reservation.

Noted.  Not relevant to this stage of the planning process.  These matters will be addressed at the development application stage of the planning process.

No modification required.


Department of Planning




The proposed modifications specifically relate to the realignment of Marmion Avenue; the boundary reconfiguration of the adjoining high school and public open space site; and the realignment of the north-west neighbourhood connector located to the east of the DSP 39 area are consistent with the WAPC adopted modifications to the Trinity ASP and DSP 18.


No modification required.


The removal of Romeo Road Train Station is consistent with advice received from the Public Transport Authority.


No modification required.


The replacement of ‘Service Industrial’ with ‘Urban Development’ zoned land; the inclusion of ‘Business’ zoned land; and the removal of the northern ‘Other Local Centre’ will need to be supported by an economic and employment impact study.  Further, the interface between the ‘Service Industrial’ zoned land located south of DSP 39, and the proposed ‘Urban Development’ zoned land under Amendment 1, will need to be appropriately addressed.

Noted.  An Employment Assessment was not provided with the original documentation to the City and as such, not provided to the Department of Planning.  The proponent has since provided an Employment Assessment for the proposed Amendment.  The Department of Planning has advised they will consider this assessment when Amendment 1 is forwarded to them for their consideration.


Administration has reviewed the Employment Assessment and notes that proposed Amendment No. 1 will generate approximately an additional 257 jobs compared with the current DSP 39 zoning. 

No modification required.


The area identified in the Trinity ASP as subject to further planning, is to be considered once an economic and employment study has been prepared and submitted.  The Department would consider concurrently assessing Amendment 1 and the future modification to the Trinity ASP.

Noted.  See response to 5.3 above.

No modification required.


 The WAPC will formally consider Amendment 1 to DSP 39 after the City of Wanneroo has made its determination and forwarded the proposal to the WAPC for determination.  A comprehensive assessment of all the issues will be undertaken should the proposal be referred to the WAPC for endorsement.


No modification required.





PS05-05/15       Re-advertising Amendment No. 102 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 - East Wanneroo Cell 9 - East Landsdale

File Ref:                                              2965 – 15/119540

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       1         


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Cvitan

That Council, as directed, by the Minister for Planning pursuant to regulation 20 (1) of the Town Planning Regulation 1967, RE-ADVERTISES Amendment No. 102 to amend Part 10 and Schedule 9 of the District Planning Scheme No. 2 as follows and the Cost Sharing Arrangements contained in Attachment 1 to this report:

Part 10

a)      subclause 9.12.7 be amended to replace the integer ‘8’ with ‘9’;

b)      subclause 10.5.2(a) be amended as follows:

          Public Open Space shall include:

a)      all community purpose sites except in Cell 9;

c)      second sentence of sub clause 10.6.2 be reworded as follows:


“This will be calculated by determining the number of hectares in the Area of a Cell and multiplying that area by 9 in the case of Cells 1 to 6 and multiplying that area by 13 in the case of Cell 9.”


d)      subclause 10.6.3 be amended to redefine variables ‘B(1’) and ‘D’ of the formulae to calculate the Infrastructure Cost Per Lot as follows:

“B(1) = in the case of Cells 1 to 6 the lots produced at the rate of 9 lots per hectare for the Area equivalent of the land holding of an owner, and in the case of Cell 9 at the rate of 13 lots per hectare for the Area equivalent of the land holding of an owner; and

D =    in the case of Cells 1 to 6 the number of lots to be produced to achieve 9 lots per hectare for the Area equivalent of the unsubdivided balance area of a Cell, and in the case of Cell 9 the number of lots to be produced to achieve 13 lots per hectare for the Area equivalent of the unsubdivided balance area of that Cell.”; and

e)      the last sentence of subclause 10.6.4(a) be deleted and replaced with the following sentences:

            “This shall be calculated by Council by dividing the total area of the lot by 450m2 to derive a lot potential for the lot in Cells 1 – 6. In the case of Cell 9 this shall be calculated by dividing the total area of the lot by 500m2 to derive a lot potential for the lots in that Cell.”

Schedule 9

f)       To include the following provisions in Clause 3 under Cell 9:


The cost of acquiring 100% of the designated wetland core of the ‘Conservation Category Wetland’ located on Lots 72, 73 and 74 Queensway and of the ‘Resource Enhancement Wetland’ located on Lots 55 and 56 Alexander Drive, at the rate of 20% of the englobo land value for the contribution area, as determined under the provisions of Part 10 of the Scheme.


The cost of acquisition of the land for buffer and landscaping of the buffer along the eastern boundary abutting Alexander Drive.

Community Purpose Site:

·        The acquisition of land for the 5000m2 Community Purpose site;

·        Design and construction of a Community Centre on the Community Purpose site.

Carried Unanimously

CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 26 May, 2015                                                                    37

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PS06-05/15       Reconsideration of Amendment No. 2 to the Drovers Place Precinct Agreed Structure Plan No. 80

File Ref:                                              2957-02 – 15/121749

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       6         


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Parker

That Council:-


1.       Pursuant to Clauses 9.6.1 (b) of the City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme No. 2, RESOLVES that Amendment No. 2 to Drovers Place Precinct Agreed Structure Plan No. 80, included as Attachment 2, submitted by Roberts Day Group on behalf of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth is SATISFACTORY, subject to the recommended modifications listed in the Schedule of Modifications included as Attachment 6 being made to the satisfaction of the Director Planning and Sustainability;


2.       Pursuant to Clause 9.6.1 of the City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme No. 2, SUBMITS three copies of Amendment No. 2 to Drovers Place Precinct Agreed Structure Plan No. 80 to the Western Australian Planning Commission for its adoption and certification, once modified in accordance with 1. above;


3.       Pursuant to Clause 9.6.5 of the City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme No. 2, ADOPTS the duly modified Amendment No. 2 to Drovers Place Precinct Agreed Structure Plan No. 80 and AUTHORISES the Director, Planning and Sustainability to SIGN the Amendment documents; and


4.       NOTE the Schedule of Submissions received in respect of Amendment No. 2 to Drovers Place Precinct Agreed Structure Plan No. 80 included as Attachment 3 and Attachment 4, ENDORSE Administration’s comments and recommendations in response to those submissions, FORWARDS the Schedule of Submissions to the Western Australian Planning Commission and ADVISES the submitters of its decision.


Procedural Motion


Moved Cr Newton, Seconded Cr Treby


That Council adjourn to consider the wording of an alternative motion.


Carried Unanimously


The meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.


Moved Cr Guise, Seconded Cr Driver


That the meeting be resumed.

Carried Unanimously


The meeting resumed at 7:50pm.


Mayor Roberts noted MLA Mr John Quigley’s attendance at the meeting.



Alternative Motion


Moved Cr Newton, Seconded Cr Guise


That Council pursuant to Clause 9.6.1 (b) of the City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme No. 2, RESOLVES that Amendment No. 2 to Drovers Place Precinct Agreed Structure Plan No. 80, included as Attachment 2, submitted by Roberts Day Group on behalf of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth is NOT APPROVED for the following reasons:-


a)         The proposed residential density is considered to be excessive in view of the environmental significance of Lake Joondalup and the Yellagonga Regional Park and midge management issues associated with the area; and


b)        The proposal is considered to generate excessive traffic that cannot be accommodated on the local road network and the arrangements for vehicle access are considered to be unsatisfactory.





For the motion:           Cr Cvitan, Cr Driver, Cr Guise, Cr Hayden, Cr Hewer, Cr Newton,
Cr Parker, Mayor Roberts, Cr Treby, Cr Truong and Cr Winton


Against the motion:   Cr Aitken


Reason for Alternative Motion


For the reasons as stated in the recommendation.




















CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 26 May, 2015                                                                    87






Development Applications

PS07-05/15       Single House Additions (Outbuilding and Games Room) DA2014/2441 at Lot 1246 (114) Aldersea Circle Clarkson

File Ref:                                              DA2014/2441 – 15/114328

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       4         


Moved Cr Cvitan, Seconded Cr Driver

That Council:-

1.       APPROVES the development application for the Single House Additions (Outbuilding and Games Room) at Lot 1246 (114) Aldersea Circle, Clarkson, as shown in Attachment 2, pursuant to Clause 6.9.1 of District Planning Scheme No. 2 and subject to compliance with the following conditions to the satisfaction of the Manager, Planning Implementation: -

a)      This approval only relates to the proposed Single House Additions (Outbuilding and Games Room), as highlighted on the approved plan. It does not relate to any other development on the lot.

b)      All stormwater shall be collected and retained on site.

c)      The proposed outbuilding must not be used for commercial and/or industrial purposes or for human habitation.

2.       ADVISES the submitter of this decision.



Carried Unanimously

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PS08-05/15       Single House Additions (Garage, Retaining Wall and Front Fence)  DA2015/448 at Lot 204 (85) High Road Wanneroo

File Ref:                                              DA2015/448 – 15/116506

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       3         


Moved Cr Cvitan, Seconded Cr Driver

That Council:-

1.       APPROVES the development application for the Single House Additions (Garage, Retaining Wall and Front Screening Wall) at Lot 204 (85) High Road, Wanneroo, as shown in Attachment 2, pursuant to Clause 6.9.1 of District Planning Scheme No.2 and subject to compliance with the following conditions to the satisfaction of the Manager, Planning Implementation: -

a)      This approval only relates to the proposed Single House Additions (Garage, Retaining Wall and Front Screening Wall), as shown on the approved plan. It does not relate to any other development on the lot.

b)      This approval is only valid from the date of this decision and does not retrospectively authorise any previous unapproved development on the subject site.

c)      The garage shall be used for purposes that are ancillary to the residential use of the property, and shall not be used for commercial/industrial purposes or for human habitation.

d)      All stormwater shall be collected and retained on site.

2.       ADVISES the submitter of this decision.


Carried Unanimously

CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 26 May, 2015                                                             98


Regulatory Services

PS09-05/15       Midge Management Strategy Partnership Agreement 2015-2020

File Ref:                                              3601 – 15/123975

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       2         


Moved Cr Guise, Seconded Cr Parker

That Council AGREES to the City participating as a member of the Midge Management Steering Committee, proposed for a further five (5) years (2015-2020) subject to a commitment from the other financial members of this committee agreeing to participating and providing the necessary funding for an equivalent term.


Carried Unanimously


PS10-05/15       Donation of Building Licence Fee for 2015 HIA Charitable Foundation at Lot 1022 Celeste Street, Eglinton

File Ref:                                              3330 – 15/101561

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil       


Moved Cr Guise, Seconded Cr Parker

That Council APPROVES a donation of the building licence fee of $1,289.38 from the Award Governance Donations Account 717633-1207-316 for the construction of the 2015 HIA Charitable Home at Lot 1022 (20) Celeste Street, Eglinton.


Carried Unanimously



Infrastructure Projects

IN01-05/15         Yanchep Active Open Space - Marmion Avenue Extension  Costs

File Ref:                                              4504 – 15/45769

Responsible Officer:                           A/Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil       


Moved Cr Newton, Seconded Cr Cvitan

That Council accepts the agreed total Marmion Avenue Extension Costs of $1,650,592.05, therefore complying with the requirements of Clause 4.2(b) of the Deed of Agreement between the City of Wanneroo and the Yanchep Beach Joint Venture, subject to satisfactory completion of the Developer Contribution Plan for Yanchep-Two Rocks.


Carried Unanimously


IN02-05/15         Wanneroo Civic Centre Extension Update

File Ref:                                              19008 – 15/143114

Responsible Officer:                           A/Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         nil

Attachments:                                       1         


Moved Cr Newton, Seconded Cr Cvitan

That Council ENDORSES the revised Wanneroo Civic Centre Extension Concept Plan, City of Wanneroo Drawing No 2836-1-1, and as detailed in Attachment 1, noting that:


1.       the plan is to be constructed with two storey office building with ability for an additional floor to be added in future; and

2.       the environmental and energy ratings applied to the design will align with State Government standard “4.5 Star” NABERS, but aiming for at a "5 Star" NABERS energy rating and for a “5 Star” (version 2) Green Star Office Design ratings.

Carried Unanimously

CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 26 May, 2015                                                           103

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IN03-05/15         Tender No. 01511 Kingsway Olympic Sports Clubrooms Upgrade

File Ref:                                              4381 – 15/125256

Responsible Officer:                           A/Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil       


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Hayden

That Council:

1.       ACCEPTS the tender submitted by McCorkell Constructions (WA) Pty Ltd for Tender No. 01511 for the Kingsway Olympic Sports Clubrooms Upgrade for its tendered fixed lump sum price of $478,280 as per the General Condition of Tendering; and

2.       NOTES that construction is scheduled to commence from 1 October 2015 to accommodate current sports club usage of the Kingsway Olympic Sports Clubrooms facility.


Carried Unanimously


IN04-05/15         Tender No. 01512 Community Centres Swipe Card, Security and Fire Detection Systems

File Ref:                                              21174 – 15/133660

Responsible Officer:                           A/Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         NIL

Attachments:                                       Nil       


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Hayden

That Council ACCEPTS the tender submitted by Downer EDI Engineering Electrical Pty Ltd for Tender No. 01512 for the Community Centres Swipe Card, Security and Fire Detection Systems for its tendered fixed lump sum price of $796,870 as per General Condition of Tendering.


Carried Unanimously




Traffic Management

IN05-05/15         Clarkson High School Bus Embayment

File Ref:                                              2129 – 14/233433

Responsible Officer:                           A/Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       3         


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Cvitan

That Council:-

1.       LISTS a project for consideration and prioritisation in the future 20 Year Capital Works Program for the modifications to the existing bus embayment on south side of Walyunga Boulevard adjacent to Clarkson Community High School as shown in Drawing 2305-3-1 (Attachment 3 refers); and

2.       ADVISES the Principal of Clarkson High School and the Public Transport Authority of Councils decision;

Carried Unanimously

CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 26 May, 2015                                                           106

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IN06-05/15         Deletion of Pathway Project PR-2586 Speranza Parkway, Sinagra

File Ref:                                              8706V02 – 15/95357

Responsible Officer:                           A/Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       1         


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Cvitan

That Council:-

1.       APPROVES the deletion of the Pathway Project, PR-2586 Speranza Parkway, Sinagra – construction of pathway from San Teodoro Avenue to No. 7 Speranza Parkway from the Capital Works Program; and

2.       APPROVES the following budget variation to reallocate the funds of $12,119 allocated to PR-2586 in accordance with Section 6.8(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1995 as follows:-






Speranza Parkway, Singara - Construct 50m x 2.4m shared path north. San Teodora Ave to Lot 7

$ 12,119



Minor Pathway Projects – Various


$ 12,119


$ 12,119

$ 12,119



Carried Unanimously


IN07-05/15         Parking Prohibitions Extension - Neerabup Primary School, Banksia Grove

File Ref:                                              5597 – 15/111785

Responsible Officer:                           A/Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       3         


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Cvitan

That Council:-

1.       APPROVES the revised parking prohibition for Viridian Drive and Turquoise Loop adjacent to the Neerabup Primary School, Banksia Grove as shown on City of Wanneroo Drawing 2424-1-3 (Attachment 3 refers) incorporating the following:-

a)   removal of "NO STOPPING ROAD OR NATURE STRIP" (R5-35(R)) sign on the south/east corner of the Viridian Drive/Turquoise Loop intersection; and

b)   the installation of "NO STOPPING ROAD OR NATURE STRIP" (R5-35) signs along the south side of Turquoise Loop east of Viridian Drive.


2.       ADVISES the Principal of Neerabup Primary School of the Council’s decision with a request to circulate the information to the school community.


Carried Unanimously

CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 26 May, 2015                                                           109

PDF Creator


IN08-05/15         Marathon Loop / Gnangara Road, Madeley - Review of Vehicular Access Arrangements

File Ref:                                              2128V02 – 15/139163

Responsible Officer:                           A/Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       2         


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Cvitan

That Council:-

1.       ENDORSES for community consultation purpose, the concept plan as shown in City of Wanneroo Drawing No 3128-1-0 (Attachment 2) with the following details:

a)      opening the existing Marathon Loop (western end) intersection onto Gnangara Road as a Left-In/Left-Out Only intersection, and

b)      opening of Marathon Loop (cul-de-sac end) onto Gnangara Road as a full intersection.

2.       NOTES that a report will be presented to Council following the conclusion of the community feedback process.


Carried Unanimously

CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 26 May, 2015                                                           111

PDF Creator


Waste Services

IN09-05/15         PT02-02/15 Request for Additional Bins Quinns Dog Beach

File Ref:                                              6543 – 15/138011

Responsible Officer:                           A/Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       1         


Moved Cr Driver, Seconded Cr Parker

That Council:-


1.       DOES NOT SUPPORT the Petitioner’s request to supply bins at Quinns Dog Beach;

2.       SUPPORTS Option 3 comprising the provision of 4 additional bins and dispensers at the entrance to Quinns Dog Beach where sufficient hardstand exists; and

3.       ADVISES the petition organiser of Council's Decision.




Community Development

Capacity Building

Mayor Roberts declared an impartial interest in Item CD01-05/15 due to being a member of the Quinns Beach Primary School Board.

CD01-05/15       Community Funding Program March 2015 Round

File Ref:                                              19964 – 15/127375

Responsible Officer:                           Director Community Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       1         


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Guise

That Council:-


1.       APPROVES the allocation of $1,000.00 to Quinns Beach Primary School Parents and Citizens Assoc Inc via Community Event Funding for the Quinns Beach Primary School Community Carols Night on 10 December 2015 SUBJECT to receipt of a renewed certificate of public liability insurance;


2.       APPROVES the allocation of $3,000.00 to Bambara Primary School and Westcoast Songfest via Community Event Funding for Westcoast Songfest from 4 November 2015 to 6 March 2016 SUBJECT to receipt of a renewed certificate of public liability insurance;


3.       APPROVES the allocation of $2,644.28 to the Menswork Project Inc via Community Development Funding for the Wanneroo Mens Group (WMG) from 25 June 2015 to 26 May 2016 SUBJECT to receipt of a renewed certificate of public liability insurance;


4.       APPROVES the allocation of $1,500.00 to the Two Rocks Independent Public Primary School Board via Community Development Funding for Drumbeat at Two Rocks on 23 June 2015 SUBJECT to receipt of a satisfactory quotation for the Drumbeat Incursion;


5.       APPROVES the allocation of $2,439.70 to the North Coastal Women’s Shed Inc via Community Development Funding for the Community Drum Circle – Drum it up from 27 July 2015 to 27 June 2016 SUBJECT to receipt of satisfactory quotes to support Community Funding expenditure, clarification of public liability insurance details and receipt of a renewed certificate of public liability insurance;


6.       APPROVES the allocation of $2,361.35 to Burbridge School for children with multiple disabilities via Community Development Funding for a Sensory Garden and Sensory Work Area from 20 July 2015 to 17 December 2015 SUBJECT to receipt of a renewed certificate of public liability insurance;


7.       APPROVES the allocation of $3,000.00 to Atlantis Productions Inc for the stage performance of Oliver Twist via Community Event Funding from 4 November 2015 to 9 November 2015 SUBJECT to arrangement of adequate public liability insurance, satisfactory Certificate of Incorporation, confirmation of satisfactory local venue and approved funding support from other sources totalling $5,000.00;


8.       APPROVES the allocation of $785.96 to Two Rocks Yanchep Assisted Cancer Travels Inc (TRYACT Inc) via Community Development Funding for On the Buses from 1 June 2015 to 31 December 2015 SUBJECT to receipt of a renewed public liability insurance certificate and change of project start date to within a reasonable timeframe after Council announcement of the March 2015 round;


9.       APPROVES the allocation of $3,000.00 to Spring in the Grove Inc via Community Event Funding for the 8th Annual Spring in the Grove on 1 November 2015 subject to receipt of renewed public liability insurance certificate;


10.     APPROVES the allocation of $1,640.00 to Smart Centre of Excellence Inc via Community Development Funding for Ladies and Senior Citizen Self Defence SUBJECT to receipt of renewed public liability insurance certificate, satisfactory quotes for Community Funding expenditure and change of project start date to within a reasonable timeframe after Council announcement of the March 2015 round outcome; and


11.     APPROVES the allocation of $2,700.00 to BJL Connecting Communities via Community Development Funding for a Community Garden from 1 May 2015 to 31 December 2015 SUBJECT to receipt of satisfactory quotes to support expenditure items for Community Funding, supporting information for organisation contribution and other funding sources, agreement by organisation to work with the City’s Community Development Officer and in accordance with the City’s Community Gardens Policy where applicable and change of project start date to within a reasonable timeframe after Council announcement of the March 2015 round outcome.






Program Services

CD02-05/15       Transition of Community Aged Care Packages

File Ref:                                              19152 – 15/137095

Responsible Officer:                           Director Community Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       3         


Moved Cr Newton, Seconded Cr Aitken

That Council ENDORSES the transition of the 22 Community Aged Care Packages to Whiteoak Home Care Services Pty Ltd as of 1 July 2015.


Carried Unanimously


Corporate Strategy & Performance


CS01-05/15       Warrant of Payment for the Period to 30 April 2015

File Ref:                                              1859 – 15/135652

Responsible Officer:                           Director Corporate Strategy & Performance

Disclosure of Interest:                         NIl

Attachments:                                       Nil       


Moved Cr Cvitan, Seconded Cr Guise

That Council RECEIVES the list of payments drawn for the month of April 2015, as summarised below:-




Director Corporate Services Advance A/C

Accounts Paid – April 2015

   Cheque Numbers

   EFT Document Numbers



Less Cancelled Cheques

Town Planning Scheme




101639 - 102083

2208 - 2231










Municipal Fund – Bank A/C

Accounts Paid – April 2015

Municipal Recoup

Direct Payments

Payroll – Direct Debits









Town Planning Scheme

Accounts Paid – April 2015

                           Cell 1

                           Cell 4

                           Cell 5

                           Cell 8























Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund








Christina Brown




  Refund - Quiz Night - Gold Program - Unable To Attend




Eidrah Walters




  Refund - Heritage Craft Activities 28.03.2015 - Unable To Attend




Suevani Naidoo




  Bond Refund




Homestead for Youth




  Bond Refund




Patricia Soe Lin




  Bond Refund




Landsdale Cricket Club Incorporated




  Bond Refund




Shree Kutchi Leva Patel Community WA




  Bond Refund




Black Swan Taekwondo Incorporated




  Bond Refund




Cheryl Frost




  Bond Refund




Grant Woods




  Bond Refund




Landsdale Community Wesleyan Methodist Church




  Bond Refund




The Potters House




  Bond Refund




Kristy Anuriw




  Bond Refund




P3 Events Pty Ltd




  Bond Refund




Clarkson Presbyterian Church




  Bond Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Peter Lynch




  Reimbursement - Development Application Fees - Duplicated




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




A Kaps




  Refund - Food Act Application Inspection Fee - Cancelled By Applicant




Paul Mifka




  Reimbursement Of Development Application Fees - Not Required




Shree Kutch Leva Patel Cricket Club




  Bond Refund




Landsdale Cricket Club Incorporated




  Refund Of Hire Fees




Shirley Anne Kane




  Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Genevieve Da Silva




  Refund - Swimming Lesson Term 1 - Lesson Cancelled




Kimberley Markham-Schwarz




  Refund - Swimming Lesson Term 1 - Lesson Cancelled




L A Indika P Wickramanayake




  Refund - Swimming Lesson Term 2 - Withdrawn




D & E Hine




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Ice Hockey Australia




  Sponsorship To Support 1 X Member At LIHF Championships, Jaca Spain From 07 - 13.03.2015




Trigg Island Surf Life Saving Club




  Sponsorship To Support 2 X Members, Australian Surf Lifesaving Championships, North Kirra Beach, Queensland On 11 - 12.04.2015




Clarkson Little Athletics Club




  Sponsorship To 2 X Members, Australian Junior Athletics Championships, Sydney NSW From 10 - 15.03.2015




Koori Kids




  Donation To Koori Kids For The Printing And Distribution Of Naidoc Week School Initiatives 2015




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Department of Housing




  1 X Financial Assistance




Worldwide Online Printing Joondalup




  Refund - Overpayment Of Commercial Waste Account - Finance




The Salon @ Ocean Keys




  Refund - Overpayment Of Commercial Waste Account - Finance




The Owners of 7 Delage St Joondalup




  Refund - Overpayment Of Commercial Waste Account - Finance




Eden Outdoor Living




  Refund - Overpayment Of Commercial Waste Account - Finance




Teresa O'Connell




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Kidz Biz Early Learning Centres




  Refund - Overpayment Of Commercial Waste Account - Finance




HDC Corporation Pty Ltd




  Refund - Overpayment Of Commercial Waste Account - Finance




Kevin & Emma O'Hare




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Shaun David Rout & Yvette Amanda Ro




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Ridgewood Little Athletics Centre Incorporated




  Bond Refund




Ridgewood Little Athletics Centre Incorporated




  Bond Refund




Yanchep Red Hawks Cricket Club




  Bond Refund




Rates Refund




Century Gold Key Realty




  1 X Financial Assistance




Urban WA Real Estate Pty Ltd




  1 X Financial Assistance




Mr Lyndon Reynolds




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy








DA & C Scutti




  Bond Refund




Dushyant Kalaria




  Bond Refund




Jaleshwari Hirani




  Bond Refund




Arlene Karena




  Bond Refund




Wanneroo Softball Club




  Bond Refund




Kylie Hetherington




  Bond Refund




Sabauon Yad




  Bond Refund




Kristel Villanueva




  Bond Refund




Samantha J Morgan




  Bond Refund




Ferinaz Mousavi




  Bond Refund




Greydon Mead




  Bond Refund




Mindarie Mustangs Little Athletics




  Bond Refund




Quinns Districts Amateur Football Club




  Bond Refund




Street Hassle Events




  Bond Refund




Quinns Rocks Cricket Club




  Bond Refund




Sharai Downey




  Bond Refund








K Cheeseman & C Philips




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




D M Flynn




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




M & B Fischer




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Ros Doyle




  Refund - Quiz Night - Gold Program - Unable To Attend




Alinta Gas




  Gas Supplies For The City




Fines Enforcement Registry




  Lodgement Of 43 Infringement Notices - Ranger Services








Water Corporation




  Water Supplies For The City




  1 X Financial Assistance $12.77
















  Power Supplies For The City




  2 X Financial Assistance $211.55








  1 X Financial $160.28




  Internet/Data/Phones Charges - IT




Shuhari Karate Club




  Kidsport Voucher X 3 Children




Kingsway Stadium Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Water Corporation




  Water Main Link In Fee - Neerabup Industrial Area Flynn Drive - Projects




Ms Georgia Williams




  Reimbursement - Austswim Requalification  - Aquamotion




Balga Soccer & Social Club (Incorporated)




  Kidsport Voucher X 7 Children




The Scout Association of Australia




  Kidsport Voucher X 4 Children




Currambine Netball Club (Incorporated)




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Yanchep Community Centre Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Department of Transport




  License Fees - 2 X Plant - Fleet




Office Choice Malaga




  Rubber Stamps X 21 - Infrastructure




Landsdale Cricket Club Incorporated 




  Key Bond Refund




Eh Nyaw Maw 




  Key Bond Refund




Ajo Akot Ajo Bak 




  Bond Refund




Haider Al Marshadi 




  Bond Refund




Rates Refund




Challenge Brass Band 




  Hire Fee Refund




Edwardo Sunga 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Gloria Mailer 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




John Butler Primary College Parents 




  Bond Refund




North Coast Ball Club Incorporated




  Key Bond Refund




North Coast Ball Club Incorporated




  Key Bond Refund




North Coast Ball Club Incorporated




  Key Bond Refund




North Coast Ball Club Incorporated




  Key Bond Refund




North Coast Ball Club Incorporated




  Key Bond Refund




North Coast Ball Club Incorporated




  Key Bond Refund




North Coast Ball Club Incorporated




  Key Bond Refund




Office of the Public Advocate 




  Refund - Hall Hire




Adrian Jones 




  Refund - Hall Hire




Wanneroo Friendlies Chemist 




  1 X Financial Assistance




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




N Gon 




  Refund - Paid Caution Fee - No Penalty Applicable




Rates Refund




Department Of Housing




  1 X Financial Assistance




IPN Wanneroo GP Super Clinic 




  1 X Financial Assistance




City of Wanneroo 




  Cash Advance - Buy Out For Jimmy Cliff Band And Crew - Dinner - Communications And Events




Alinta Gas 




  2 X Financial Assistance




AMP Life Limited 




  Payroll Deductions




Girrawheen Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Wanneroo Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Water Corporation 




  Water Supplies For The City




  1 X Financial Assistance $18.87












  Power Supplies For The City




  Streetlights 25.01.15 - 24.02.15








  2 X Financial Assistance




Clarkson Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Generations Personal Super 




  Payroll Deductions




Hostplus Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deductions




Australian Super 




  Payroll Deductions




MLC Nominees Pty Limited 




  Payroll Deductions




The Industry Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deductions




1OOF Portfolio Service Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deductions




Integra Super 




  Payroll Deductions




Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund




  Payroll Deductions




First State Super 




  Payroll Deductions




MTAA Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deductions








  Payroll Deductions




Rest Superannuation 




  Payroll Deductions




Asgard Capital Management Ltd 




  Payroll Deductions




Unisuper Limited 




  Payroll Deductions




Finance Services Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Hesta Super Fund 




  Payroll Deductions




Prime Super 




  Payroll Deductions




Colonial First State Firstchoice 




  Payroll Deductions




Care Super 




  Payroll Deductions




Spectrum Super 




  Payroll Deductions




Media Super 




  Payroll Deductions




BT Super For Life 




  Payroll Deductions




Telstra Superannuation Scheme 




  Payroll Deductions




Amist Super 




  Payroll Deductions




Valdor Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deductions




Vision Super Pty Ltd 




  Payroll Deductions




Mercer Super Trust 




  Payroll Deductions




Macquarie Investment Management Ltd 




  Payroll Deductions




Superwrap - Personal Super Plan 




  Payroll Deductions




Sunsuper Pty Ltd 




  Payroll Deductions




Construction & Building Unions 




  Payroll Deductions




Asteron Optimum - Suncorp Master Trust 




  Payroll Deductions




Water Corporation 




  Neerabup Industrial Area Sewer Easement Lodgement Legal - Projects




ANZ Superannuation Saving Account 




  Payroll Deductions




Healthy Communities Program Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Perpetual Wealth Focus Super Plan 




  Payroll Deductions




Statewide Superannuation Trust 




  Payroll Deductions




OnePath Life Limited 




  Payroll Deductions




IHS Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deductions




AXA  Australia 




  Payroll Deductions




Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Staff 




  Payroll Deductions




Girl Guides WA Incorporated 




   Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Victorian Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deductions




Matrix Superannuation Master Trust 




  Payroll Deductions




The Scout Association of Australia 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




The Trustee for Tindari Self Managed Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deductions








  Payroll Deductions




The Trustee For Legalsuper 




  Payroll Deductions








  Payroll Deductions




Suncorp Master Trust 




  Payroll Deductions




Canon Australia Pty Ltd 




  Canon Document Scanner - IT




Stephen McKee 




  Replace Hardy Fence - Waste




Wanneroo Deli & Lunch Bar 




  Catering For Funded Services PD Day 12.12.2014




Westcoast Custom Blinds 




  Venetian Blind - Capacity Building




C Ford 




  Refund Of Casual Building 2015 - Overpayment Addison Park Clubrooms




Jigna Shah 




  Bond Refund




Sarah Ackland 




  Bond Refund




Cook Islands Community WA Incorporated 




  Bond Refund




Yanchep Two Rocks Recreation Association 




  Bond Refund




Shailesh Patel 




  Bond Refund




Bahai's of Wanneroo 




  Bond Refund




Farah Zeitoon 




  Bond Refund




Marzia Zamir 




  Bond Refund




Quinns Rocks Cricket Club 




  Key Bond Refund




Quinns Rocks Cricket Club 




  Key Bond Refund




Quinns Rocks Cricket Club 




  Key Bond Refund




Attention: Zoe Hughes Western Australia 




  Key Bond Refund




Yanchep-Two Rocks RSL Sub Branch 




  Community Funding Grant - Delivery Of 2015 Approved Hallmark Events On 25.04.2015, 18.08.2015, 02 - 03.09.2015 And 11.11.2015




P Skinner 




  Reimbursement Of Development Fees Not Required - Single House Conversion




S Kitchin 




  Reimbursement Of Development Fees - Withdrawn




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




H Janowicz 




  Refund - Dog Registration Sterilised




S & C Gant 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




C Hawes & B Coote 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Aleisha Burton 




  Dog Registration - Sterilised




David Evans Real Estate 




  1 X Financial Assistance




Ruby Benjamin Animal Foundation 




  Donation - Subsidised Pet Sertilisation Within The City of Wanneroo - Regulatory Services




Ashdale Primary Parents & Citizens 




  Donation For Subscription To The Safety House Program 2015 & Cost Of Safety House Puppet Show September 2015




Indoor Sports WA 




  Sponsorship To Support 4 X Members In Their Participation At The Super National Indoor Netball Championships Held In Sydney NSW 01 - 09.05.2015




Quinns Rocks Cricket Club 




  Key Bond Refund




Quinns Rocks Cricket Club 




  Key Bond Refund




Quinns Rocks Cricket Club 




  Key Bond Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Greenwood Baseball Club Incorporated 




  Key Bond Refund




Greenwood Baseball Club Incorporated 




  Key Bond Refund




Rates Refund




RAAFA (WA Division) Incorporated




  Community Funding - Delivery Of 2015 Approved Hallmark Events Anzac Day And Remembrance Day Supported By The City Of Wanneroo Community Funding Program




Quinns Rocks RSL Sub-Branch 




  Community Funding - Delivery Of 2015 Approved Hallmark Events Anzac Vietnam Veterans And Remembrance Days Supported By City Of Wanneroo Community Funding Program




Abdul Majid 




  Partial Refund Of Codes Variation Fee - Lot 1546 Summerhome Parade Yanchep (Codes Variation Not Required 1 Hour Assessment Fee Retained)




Lorna Finlay 




  Reimbursement Of Development Application Fees (Incomplete Application) - 111 St Andrews Drive Yanchep (Insufficient Information Provided)




Josephine Williams 




  Reimbursement Of Development Application Fees (Application Not Required) 6 Valkyrie Place Two Rocks




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Da Kidz Fundraising Incorporated 




  Refund Hire Fee




Tanja Abbotts 




  Refund Of Cancelled Swimming Lesson In Term 1 2015 For Second Child




Claire Sliwa 




  Refund Of Cancelled Swimming Lesson In Term 1 2015




Huey Shi Ang 




  Refund - Pre-Paid Fees For Term 2 2015 Swimming Lessons Due To No Vacancy




Vicki Beattle 




  Refund - Due To Not Re-enrolling In Term 2 2015 Swimming Lessons




Nicole Martin 




  Refund - Cancelled Lesson For Term 1 2015 Swimming Lessons




Rates Refund




Karyn Wallis 




  Refund Of Credited Lesson For Term 1 2015 Swimming Lessons




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




City of Wanneroo 




  Cash Advance - Cr Aitken, Mayor Roberts, M Yildiz, Cr Cvitan - Attend 2015 LGMA Darwin Congress 29.04.2015 - 02.05.2015




Alinta Gas 




  Gas Supplies For The City




Fines Enforcement Registry 




  Lodgement Of 51 Infringements Notices Records - Rangers




Girrawheen Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Quinns Rocks Adult Day Care Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




The Heights Community Club Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Wanneroo Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Water Corporation 




  Water Supplies For The City




  1 X Financial Assistance $200.00




Yanchep Two Rocks Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash












  Power Supplies For The City




Wanneroo Adult Day Centre Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Dianella White Eagles Soccer Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 7 Children








Canon Australia Pty Ltd 




  Cannon Document Scanner - IT




Dept of Transport 




  Annual Inspection Fees - Fleet




Impact Panel & Paint 




  Repairs To Rate Payer Vehicle Damaged By The City - WRC




Western Australian Adult Literacy 




  Registration For Western Australia  April 2015 For Angela Langford-Smith (Presenter)




Cr F Cvitan 




  Monthly Allowance




Cr D M Newton 




  Monthly Allowance




Harvey Norman AV/TI Superstore 




  Fridge - Addison Park Clubroom - Facilities




City of Wanneroo 




  Fees For Lodgement Of Demolition Permit - Toilet Block & Asbestos Fence Removal - Quinns Rocks Caravan Park




Alinta Gas 




  3 X Financial Assistance




Building & Construction Industry 




  Construction Levy Payments - Finance




Stephen Napier Freeborn 




  Volunteer Payment - Adult Day Support




Girrawheen Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Facility Officer WLCC Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Quinns Rocks Adult Day Care Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




The Heights Community Club Petty Cash




  Petty Cash
















  1 X Financial Assistance $200.00




  Streetlights X 130 - 28.02.2015 - 27.03.2015




  Streetlights X 23428 - 25.02.2015 - 24.03.2015








  Phone/Internet Charges For The City




  1 X Financial Assistance $167.87




Clarkson Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Yanchep Red Hawks Football Club 




  Bond Refund




Rim Hamad 




  Bond Refund




Fazal Shabudin 




  Bond Refund




Swetnisha Stephens 




  Bond Refund




Marjory Requilme 




  Bond Refund




Elaine Hadfield 




  Bond Refund




Landsdale Junior Cricket Club Incorporated 




  Key Bond Refund




K Mesiti 




  Refund - Cancellation Of Children's Workshop With Jo France 15.04.2015




Amber Lister 




  Refund - Cancellation Of Children's Workshop With Jo France 15.04.2015




Rita Nicols 




  Refund - Cancellation Of Children's Workshop With Jo France 15.04.2015








  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Benn Tudor-Roberts 




  Photographic Competition 1st Prize Instagram Winner




Susan Kay 




  Photographic Competition Adult Overall Winner




Christy Williams 




  Photographic Competition 1st Prize Youth Heritage & Nature




Poojan Shah 




  Photographic Competition 2nd Prize Youth Coastal & Maritime




Jonno Merkl 




  Photographic Competition 1st Prize Youth Coastal & Maritime




Nicole Millar 




  Photographic Competition 2nd Prize Adult Heritage & Nature




Pamela Annesley 




  Photographic Competition 1st Prize Adult Heritage & Nature




Tenille Moir 




  Photographic Competition 2nd Prize Adult Coastal & Maritime




Adam Johns 




  Photographic Competition 1st Prize Adult Coastal & Maritime








Jarred Levy 




  Photographic Competition 2nd Prize Youth Heritage & Nature




Victoria Rose Shakeshaft 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Property Yields WA 




  1 X Financial Assistance




Wolf Fitness & Self Defence 




  Payment Refund For Cancellation Of Bookings




Clarkson Presbyterian Church 




  Payment Refund For Cancellation Of Bookings




Clarkson Presbyterian Church 




  Payment Refund For Cancellation Of Bookings




Rates Refund




Mindarie Mustangs Little Athletics 




  Key Bond Refund




BWS Liquor Store Kallaroo 




  Refund - Overpayment Of Waste Account 1154-02




Rates Refund




K Lopresti & J Pallister 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




N Munro 




  Refund - Multisport 2015




A Strang 




  Refund - Multisport 2015 Paid Twice




Landsdale Residents Association 




  Community Funding Pre-Landsdale Neighbour Day 2015 Event




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Gavin Montgomery 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Jasbir Kaur 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Sholeh Pirmorady 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Mr J Lamont & Ms E Fogarty 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Claire Gilpin 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Rates Refund




Tuan Dung Luu 




  Bond Refund




Satterley Property Group 




  Refund Portion Of Fees Not Expended Assessing Amendment No.22 To The Butler-Ridgewood Agreed Structure Plan No.27




Yanchep & Districts Country Womens 




  Refund Facility Booking




Nspire Kids 




  Refund Facility Booking




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Water Corporation 




  Water Charges For The City




Girl Guides WA Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Mary Mackillop Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child








  Installation Of Flooring - Aquamotion - Building Maintenance




City of Cockburn 




  Lost Book Charges - Libraries




Garry Mason 




  Entertainment - Wanneroo Day Club - Funded Services




Harvey Norman AV/TI Superstore 




  Various Items For IT




Hyatt Regency Perth 




  Balance Of Accommodation - Global Beats And Eats Events - Communications & Events




Infringement Payment Centre 




  Fail To Comply With A Notice Of Request For Information - WN 320921 - Emergency Services




Kambos Electrical Trust 




  Electric Frying Pan & Urn - Funded Services




McInerney Sales Pty Ltd 




  New Vehicle - Ford Ranger Dual Cab - $29,129 - Fleet




  New Vehicle - Ford Ranger Automatic - $49,050.60 - Fleet




Millpoint Caffe Bookshop 




  Book Purchases - Library Services




North Metropolitan Health Services 




  Training - Working Through Ethical Dilemmas & Boundary Issues With Young People Attendee M Leeming - Youth Services




Odin Road Medical Centre 




  Fitness For Work Consultation - HR




Olympic Kingsway Sports Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 6 Children




Party Plus 




  Balloon Pump Hire - Community Links




RAC Motoring & Services Pty Ltd 




  Call Out Fee - Flat Battery WN 33016 - Rangers




Rexel Electrical Supplies Pty Ltd 




  Spare Parts - Fleet




SAI Global Ltd 




  Surveillance Audit - Building Maintenance




State Library of WA 




  Lost/Damaged Books - Library Services




Stephen McKee 




  Remove Oil Stains - Various Locations - Waste




  Remove Asbestos - Various Locations - Waste




  Replace Fencing Sheets - Various Locations - Waste




  Remove & Replace Paving - Chesham Rise Alkimos - Waste




Ms Rosemary Stevens 




  Workshop - Writing Your Memoirs 22.03.2015 - Heritage




Wanneroo Deli & Lunch Bar 




  Sandwiches For Social Support Outing On 05.03.2015 - Funded Services




Zenith Interiors 




  Rumba Workstation - Library




Teka Davis 




  Photographic Competition - Overall Winner




Department of Transport 




  Annual License - Various Vehicle - Fleet








Lesley Sharman 




  Bond Refund




Kim Hemmings 




  Bond Refund




Clarissa Ford 




  Bond Refund




Marissa Payne 




  Bond Refund




Doanh Kinh Le 




  Bond Refund




Carnival Nominees Pty Ltd 




  Bond Refund




Kerry-lee Riley 




  Bond Refund




Tracey Pearce 




  Refund - Direct Debits Payments - Membership Was Cancelled - Aquamotion




Stephanie Anne Boyle 




  Sale Of Consignment Items - Candles X 3




Western Australian Planning Commission




  Lodgement Fee - WAPC Form 1A Application For Approval Of Freehold Proposed Subdivision Of Lot 555 (23) Dundebar Road, Wanneroo - Land And Leasing




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Swan Park Inline Skate Club 




  Sponsorship To Support 1 X Member - Participation At The 2015 Korean Open Inline Speed Skating Championships To Be Held 22.04.2015 - 04.05.2015




Wanneroo Giants Baseball Club 




  Sponsorship For The Participation Of 2 X Members At The Junior League Nationals Held In Surfers Paradise 04 - 09.04.2015




Vision Impaired & Blind Bowlers Of 




  Sponsorship For The Participation Of 1 X Member To Attend The Australian Blind Bowling Championships In Salisbury SA On The 28.04.2015




N Bridgeman 




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilisation




Two Rocks Fish N Dive Pty Ltd 




  Refund - Trading In Public Places Application Fee - Application Should Be Made To Department Of Transport




Jayne M Menzies 




  Refund - Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




Suzanne Ross 




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




Derek Bowler 




  Refund - Copies Of Plans - Unavailable




Rates Refund




Canning River Canoe Club 




  Sponsorship For 5 X Members At The WA State Marathon Canoeing Championships Held In Ascot 07 - 08.03.2015




Joondalup Little Athletics Centre 




  Sponsorship For The Participation Of 1 X Member At The Australian Junior Athletics Championships Held In Sydney 11 - 15.03.2015




Cerebral Palsy Sport And Recreation 




  Sponsorship For The Participation Of Nicholas Prescott At The CPISRA Football World Championships To Be Held In Nottingham England 06.08 - 16.08.2015




Basketball WA 




  Sponsorship For The Participation Of 1 X Members At The U18 National Basketball Championships Held In Ballarat 11.04.2015




Rates Refund




Philip Milton 




  Reimbursement Of Development Application Fees - Application Not Required




Rates Refund




Clarkson Presbyterian Church 




  Key Bond Refund








Amelia Lassetter 




  Refund - Swimming Lessons Due To Broken Arm In Term 2 2015




GA & GT Hutchinson 




  Refund - Swimming Lessons Due To Relocation In Term 2 2015




Gabriella Egan 




  Refund - Swimming Lessons For 2 Children In Term 1 2015




Marilyn Jean Hendrikse 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Rates Refund




Shawn D'Souza 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Grant & Claire Jones 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Stuart & Donna Gow 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Robert Butler 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Karene Day 




  Refund - Dog Registration - Paid Twice




Desmond Will 




  Refund - Cash On Account - Member Has Joined So Payments Will Be Automatic - Aquamotion




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Sarahjane Donoghue 




  Bond Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Alexander Heights Day Centre Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alinta Gas 




  Gas Supplies For The City




Girrawheen Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Facility Officer WLCC Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Quinns Rocks Adult Day Care Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Wanneroo Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Water Corporation 




  Water Charges For The City
















  Power Supplies For The City




  2 X Financial Assistance $109.90








  Phone Charges For The City




Wanneroo Adult Day Centre Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Finance Services Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Building & Health Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Adaptable Training Partnership 




  Training - Work Safely At Heights - 10 Building Maintenance Staff




ASA Flexible Doors Pty Ltd 




  Install Doors At Ashby Operations Centre Shed C - Building Maintenance




Stephen McKee 




  Remove Asbestos - Various Locations - Waste








Total Director Corporate Services Advance - Cheques













Western Power 




  Design Fees For The Avenue & Lagoon Drive - Projects












Australia Post 




  Postage Charges For The City February 2015




Australian Manufacturing Workers Union 




  Payroll Deduction




Australian Services Union 




  Payroll Deduction




Australian Taxation Office 




  Payroll Deduction




Butler Netball Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 5 Children




Carramar Cougars JFC 




  Kidsport Voucher X 4 Children




Carramar Scout Group 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child








  Payroll Deduction




Child Support Agency 




  Payroll Deduction




City of Wanneroo - Payroll Rates 




  Payroll Deduction




City of Wanneroo - Social Club 




  Payroll Deduction




Dalmain Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 5 Children




Department of Fire & Emergency Services 




  2014 / 2015 ESL Quarter 3 Contribution - Finance




Department of Planning 




  Development Application Fees - Accepted By The City On Behalf Of The Development Assessment Panel - Applicant: Rowe Group Development Application: 2015/510 $3503.00 - Planning Implementation




Department of Transport 




  Vehicle Searches - Regulatory Services




Ellenbrook United Football Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Frediani Milk Wholesalers 




  Milk Deliveries For The City




Hamersley Rovers Junior FC Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 3 Children




HBF Insurance 




  Payroll Deduction




Hey Fever North 




  Kidsport Voucher X 4 Children




High Flyers Gym 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Hocking Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 3 Children




Joondalup & District Rugby League Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 4 Children




Joondalup Lakers Basketball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Children




Joondalup Lakers Hockey 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Kingsway Junior Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 12 Children




Kingsway United Christian Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children








  Land Enquiries For The City




Landsdale Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child








  Payroll Deduction




Mr James Curran 




  Reimbursement - Building Surveyor Registration Required For Work - Building




Mr Todd Belcher 




  Reimbursement - HR Learners Permit - Projects




Nga Iwi Katoa Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 4 Children




North Beach And Districts Rugby League Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




North Coast Rugby Union Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Prelates Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Children




Quinns Districts Junior Football Club 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 40 Children




Quinns Districts Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 3 Children




Riding for the Disabled Association 




  Kidsport Voucher X 3 Children




Saints Netball Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 7 Children




Selectus Salary Packaging 




  Payroll Deduction




Sorrento Tennis Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




The Michael Penson Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deduction




The Scout Association of Australia WA 




  Kidsport Voucher X 3 Children




Titans Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




Trailer Parts Pty Ltd 




  Parts - Fleet




Wanneroo Bmx Raceway Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




Wanneroo City Soccer Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 8 Children




Wanneroo Districts Jnr Rugby Union Football Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Wanneroo Districts Netball Association 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Wanneroo Lions Touch Association 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




Warwick Greenwood Junior Football Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 3 Children




Western Devils Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Whitford City Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Woola Woola Koolangkas 




  Kidsport Voucher X 5 Children




Yanchep United Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child












Adware Flags and Flagpoles 




  Indoor Flagpole Lower Section - Marketing




Air Liquide WA Pty Ltd 




  Cylinder Fee G & D Size - Fleet




BCE Surveying 




  Pegging Out Cadastral Boundary & Pick Up Existing Telstra Pits For Lenore Road - Projects




Befriend Incorporated 




  Gold Autumn Computer Classes - Healthy Communities




Bridgeleigh Reception Centre 




  Community & Conservation Volunteers Dinner On 27.02.2015 - Marketing




Brierty Ltd 




  Claim Approved For January 2015




Challenge Batteries WA 




  Batteries - Fleet




Chefnet (WA) Pty Ltd 




  Chef For Naidoc 09.07.2014 - Community Development




Civica Pty Ltd 




  Authority Upgrade To V6.10 - Test - Call Id 387751.Au01 - IT




Coates Hire Operations Pty Ltd 




  Various - Kingsway - Facilities




Community Newspapers 




  Advertising For The City




Corporate Scorecard 




  Standard Financial Assessment - Contracts




COVS Parts 




  Credit 58945521 Taken Up Twice On Batch 2198




Davis Langdon Pty Ltd 




  Butler North District Master Plan Review - Manager Program Services




Dimension Data Learning Solutions 




  Training - Install/Configure And Manage V5.5 - S Chantapongpiwat & A Mathew - IT




Discus Digital Print 




  Signage - Change In Opening Times - Library Services




Dowsing Concrete 




  Footpath - 26 Edgar Crescent - Engineering




Drainflow Services Pty Ltd 




  Road Sweeping Services For The City




Evolution Training & Safety Pty Ltd 




  Training - Traffic Management - 24.04.2015 - B Boylan








  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients




Integrity Industrial Pty Ltd 




  Casual Labour - Projects




International Association for Public Participation Australasia 




  Registration - Various Training Courses - M Goode - Marketing








  Registration - 2015 State Conference - Solutions Beyond - Land Development




JB Hi Fi Group Pty Ltd 




  Samsung TV For Aquamotion




Jim Davies & Associates Pty Ltd 




  Consultancy Fee Yellagonga Drainage Study -  Asset Management




Kerb Direct Kerbing 




  Repair Kerb - Various Locations - Engineering




Kott Gunning 




  Legal Fees For The City




Kyocera Document Solutions 




  Photocopier Meter Reading For The City




Ladybirds Plant Hire 




  Rental Of Indoor Plants For The City




Laundry Express 




  Cleaning Of Linen - Hospitality




Local Government Managers Australia 




  Membership 2014 - 2015 - M Wilson - Marketing




Lovegrove Turf Services Pty Ltd 




  Turf Services - Various Locations




Lycopodium Infrastructure Pty Ltd 




  Architectural Consultancy Services - Kingsway Baseball Clubrooms - Projects




  Architectural Consultancy Services - Oldham Park Multi Purpose Room - Projects




Mailforce Document Solutions Pty Ltd 




  Print/Issue 2014 / 2015 Fourth And Final Rates Notices - Rating Services




Marketforce Express Pty Ltd 




  Advertising Services For The City




McLeods Barristers And Solicitors 




  Legal Fees For The City




Mindarie Regional Council 




  Refuse Disposal For The City




My Own Chef (Recipes) 




  Audio Books - Clarkson Library




Natural Area Holdings Pty Ltd 




  February Maintenance - Various Locations - Infrastructure Assets




OSHGroup Pty Ltd 




  Worksite Assessment - HR




Pacific Brands Workwear Group 




  Staff Uniforms - J Quinn - Customer Relations




Paula Silbert Arts Consultancy 




  Workshop - Self Marketing Surviving The Visual Arts And Media With Practical Steps, Tough Love And Good Old Common Sense - 20 - 21.03.2015 - Heritage, Museum And Arts




Pintaudi Trust 




  Labour - J Hills - Creche - Two Rocks




Programmed Integrated Workforce 




  Casual Labour For The City




Recall Total Information Management 




  Document Retrieval Services - Records




Reliable Fencing 




  Damage Fence Ashby Compound - Engineering




Sheridans For Badges 




  Name Badges For Freeman Of The City




Specialised Security Shredding 




  Shredding Services For The City




Squire Patton Boggs 




  Legal Fees For The City




The Royal Life Saving Society Australia WA Branch Incorporated 




  Award Fee Class X 7 - Aquamotion




Thomas J O'Donovan 




  Acoustic Musical 04.02.2015 Live In The Amphitheatre -Communications 7 Events




Toll Transport Pty Ltd 




  Courier Services For The City




Total Road Services 




  Traffic Control Services For The City




Triton Electrical Contractors Pty Ltd 




  Electrical Works - Various Locations - Projects




Vigilant Traffic Management Pty Ltd 




  Traffic Control Services For The City




Wanneroo Electric 




  Electrical Maintenance For The City




Wanneroo Plumbing 




  Plumbing Maintenance For The City




White Oak Home Care Services Pty Ltd 




  Support Services HACC/CACP Clients




Wink Peace Pout Photobooths 




  Photobooth Hire 18.02.2015 -  Events




Wood & Grieve Engineers 




  Consultancy Services - Electrical Services At Shelvock Park Sports Floodlights - Projects












Bistel Construction Pty Ltd 




  Payment Certificate 6 - Kingsway Baseball Improvements - Projects




Bollig Design Group Ltd 




  Payment Certificate 1 - Architectural Consultancy - Wanneroo Civic Centre Extension - Projects




Stiles Electrical 




  Payment Certificate 3 - Riverlinks Park Floodlighting - Projects








Stiles Electrical 




  Payment Certificate 2 - Riverlinks Park Floodlighting - Projects












Andy Heerkens 




  Volunteer Payment - Seniors & Shoppers




Australia Post 




  Billpay Charges March 2015 - Rates




Australian Taxation Office 




  Payroll Deduction




Balga Junior Football Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 13 Children




Barlow Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deduction




Bombers Junior Football Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Cr Linda May Aitken 




  Travel Allowance March 2015




Crosbie & Duncan Golf 




  Commission On Fees Carramar Golf April 2015




Eagles Junior Basketball Club (Incorporated) 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Genesis Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




High Flyers Gym 




  Kidsport Voucher X 4 Children




Hocking Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 5 Children




Janice Lewis 




  Volunteer Payment - Quinns Adult Day Centre




John Everitt Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deduction




Joondalup Lakers Basketball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




L & D Ryan Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deduction








  Gross Rental Valuations - Rates




Mr Mustafa Yildiz 




  Reimbursement - Online Course For CPD Points - Governance & Legal




Mr Ron Hoffman 




  Volunteer Payment - Seniors




Mr Zanya Khama 




  Annual Reward & Recognition 2014 - Simpler Smarter Better Faster Award - HR




North Coast Rugby Union Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 4 Children




Ocean Ridge Junior Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Olympic Kingsway Sports Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 4 Children




Padbury Pumas Junior Basketball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Quinns Districts Junior Football Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 16 Children




Selectus Salary Packaging 




  GST Inputs Claimed To Be Credited To Employees Accounts March 2015 - Finance




Snowbird Gardens Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deduction




The Claystone Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deduction




The Forrestal Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deduction




The Michael Penson Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deduction




The Scout Association of Australia WA 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




The Trustee For Bobs Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deduction




The Trustee For G & F Hodges Family Super Fund 




  Payroll Deduction




The Trustee For The Richards Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deduction




The Trustees of The Easson Family Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deduction




Timms Superannuation Fund 




  Payroll Deduction




Trailer Parts Pty Ltd 




  Parts For Fleet




WA Super 




  Payroll Deduction




Wanneroo Districts Jnr Rugby Union Football Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 6 Children




Wanneroo Lions Touch Association 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Western Power 




  Relocation - Street Lights Brazier Road Yanchep -  Projects




  Installation - Streetlights Rawlinson Drive Marangaroo - Projects




Whitford Hockey Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children
















  Cash Collection Services For The City




Ati-Mirage Training & Business Solutions 




  Training - Customer Relations Coaching For 5 Customer Relations Staff 27.03.2015




BBC Entertainment 




  Entertainment 2014 Annual Rewards & Recognition Presentation 01.04.2015 - Capability And Culture




Britel Enterprise Pty Ltd 




  Advertising - Aquamotion








  Cabcharge Services For The City




Celsius Air 




  Replacement Of HVAC - Engineering








  Processing Recyclables At Mandurah MRF - Waste




CY O'Connor of Tafe 




  Training - Firearms Handling And Safety - G Holding & R Williams - Rangers




DBS Fencing 




  Chain Mesh - Ashby Depot  - Engineering




Dowsing Concrete 




  Footpath - Samales - Projects




  Install Concrete Apron, Kerbing & Pram Ramp - Aubrey Court Wanneroo - Projects




Drainflow Services Pty Ltd 




  Road Sweeping Services - Various Locations - Engineering




  High Pressure Jetting - Various Locations - Engineering




Hays Personnel Services 




  Casual Labour For The City




Kerb Direct Kerbing 




  Install Kerbing - Huntsville Court - Projects




  Extra Concrete - Huntsville Court - Projects




Kyocera Document Solutions 




  Photocopier Meter Reading For The City




Ladybirds Plant Hire 




  Plant Hire For The City




Marketforce Express Pty Ltd 




  Advertising Services For The City




Mayday Earthmoving 




  Heavy Equipment Hire For The City




McLeods Barristers And Solicitors 




  Legal Fees For The City




Michael Page International (Australia) Pty Ltd 




  Casual Labour - Finance




Mindarie Regional Council 




  Refuse Disposal For The City




Officeworks Superstores Pty Ltd 




  Quantum 4 Door Locker Grey - Kingsway




Peerless Jal Pty Ltd 




  Cleaning Products For Stores




Plumbline Brickwork & Masonry 




  Stage 1 Manhole Construction - Projects




Programmed Integrated Workforce 




  Casual Labour For The City




Reliable Fencing 




  Install Pedestrian Gates - Coogee Park - Projects




Road Signs Australia 




  Sign - Yanchep Dental - Engineering




Shani Wood Events Pty Ltd 




  Last Post - Event 24.04.2015 - 50% Deposit - Heritage




  Event Management Fee - Heritage




St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd 




  Provide First Aid Training - R Dianne - Youth Services




The Royal Life Saving Society Australia WA Branch Incorporated 




  First Aid Training - C Hayley - Community Links








  Spare Parts For Fleet




Veolia Environmental Services (Australia) Pty Ltd 




  Bin Collection Services - Waste




Vertical Telecoms WA Pty Ltd 




  Remove/Install Two Way - Fleet




Vigilant Traffic Management Pty Ltd 




  Traffic Management - Various Locations - Projects




Wanneroo Business Association Incorporated 




  Funding Agreement 2014 - Planning








  Writing WA Annual Membership Renewal - Library Services












18th WA Wanneroo Boys Brigade 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 2 Children




Australian Manufacturing Workers Union 




  Payroll Deduction




Australian Services Union 




  Payroll Deduction




Australian Taxation Office 




  Payroll Deduction








  Payroll Deduction




Child Support Agency 




  Payroll Deduction




Churches Of Christ Sport & Recreation Association Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




City of Wanneroo - Payroll Rates 




  Payroll Deduction




City of Wanneroo - Social Club 




  Payroll Deduction




CLJ Taekwondo (Joondalup) Pty Ltd 




  Kidsport Voucher X 6 Children




Cr Glynis Parker 




  Reimbursement - Meeting Travel Expenses




  Reimbursement - Purchase Of Corporate Apparel 2014 / 2015




Cr Russell Driver 




  Reimbursement - Purchase Of Corporate Apparel




Duncan & Crosbie Pro Golf WA Pty Ltd 




    Commissions Fees - March 2015 - Property




Football West Limited 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Frediani Milk Wholesalers 




  Milk Deliveries For The City




Genesis Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Greenwood Tennis Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




HBF Insurance 




  Payroll Deduction




High Flyers Gym 




  Kidsport Voucher X 4 Children




Joondalup & District Rugby League Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 13 Children




Joondalup Lakers Hockey 




  Kidsport Voucher X 3 Children




Kingsway Junior Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 9 Children








  Gross Rental Valuations - Rating Services




  Mining Tenements Chargeable - Rating Services








  Payroll Deduction




Main Roads WA 




  Grant Payment - Hester Avenue Blackspot - Projects




Nga Iwi Katoa Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 3 Children




North Coast Rugby Union Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




Ocean Ridge Junior Football Club Incorporate 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Padbury Pumas Junior Basketball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




Perth Energy Pty Ltd 




  Gas Charges For Aquamotion 01.03.2015 - 01.04.2015




Quinns FC Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 26 Children




Selectus Salary Packaging 




  Payroll Deduction




Trailer Parts Pty Ltd 




  Parts For Fleet




Tuart Hill Junior Soccer Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 6 Children




Wanneroo Districts Netball Association 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Wanneroo Lions Touch Association 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




Wanneroo Rebels Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 4 Children




West Coast Gymnastics Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Yanchep United Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child












Amcap Distribution Centre 




  Parts For Fleet




Analytico Pty Ltd 




  Autodesk Vehicle Tracking Commercial Maintenance Subscription 08.04.2015 - 07.04.2016 - IT




Ati-Mirage Training & Business Solutions 




  Training - Customer Conflict Management X 17 - Customer Relations




Caltex Energy 




  Fuel For Two Rocks Fire Tanker - Fleet




Cat Welfare Society Incorporated 




  Daily Impound Fee - Rangers




Chemicals Australia Operations Pty Ltd 




  Chlorine Gas Supplier - Aquamotion




Cherry's Catering 




  Citizenship Ceremony 16.02.2015 - Hospitality




Coastal Services 




  Service Washing Machine - Wanneroo Community Centre - Building Maintenance




Commissioner of Police 




  Volunteer Police Checks February 2015 - Community Links








  Technician For Faulty ICV - Fire




Dell Australia Pty Ltd 




  Software - IT




Dowsing Concrete 




  Footpath - 18 Curtis Way - Engineering




Drainflow Services Pty Ltd 




  Sweeping - Aquamotion & Memorial Park Car Bays - Engineering




  Emergency Call Out - Clean Oil Spill - Ross Street - Waste




Dynamic Flame Badminton Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 3 Children




Essential Fire Services 




  Investigate Power Failure On Electric Pump - Hainsworth Leisure Centre - Building Maintenance




Fire & Safety WA 




  Various Items - Fire Services




Hays Personnel Services 




  Contract Staff - E Moriah - IT




Heavy Automatics 




  Pulse Wheel Assembly - Fleet








  Legal Fees - Flynn Drive - Projects




Initial Hygiene 




  Hygiene Services - Building Maintenance




Integrity Industrial Pty Ltd 




  Casual Labour For The City




Kenwick Auto Electrics 




  Graffiti Cleaner - Emergency Services




Kerb Direct Kerbing 




  Kerbing - Manito Place - Engineering




Kyocera Document Solutions 




  Photocopier Meter Reading For The City




Ladybirds Plant Hire 




  Rental Indoor Plants - Wanneroo Public Library - Library Services




Learning Horizons 




  Structural Review - HR




Lovegrove Turf Services Pty Ltd 




  Install Kikuyu Turf - Ridgewood Park - Parks




Marketforce Express Pty Ltd 




  Advertising Services For The City




Mayday Earthmoving 




  Loader - Sovereign Road Two Rocks - Engineering




Mindarie Regional Council 




  Refuse Disposal For The City




Mini-Tankers Australia Pty Ltd 




  Fuel For March 2015 - Fleet




Mirco Bros Pty Ltd Oil Distributors 




  Hardware Supplies - Parks




Morrissey Marketing & Communications 




  Communication Team - Events




Northern Lawnmower & Chainsaw Specialists 




  Parts For Fleet




NSC Enterprise Solutions Pty Ltd 




  Geographic Redundant Call Server - IT




  NSC Implementation - IT




Office Cleaning Experts 




  Cleaning Services For The City




Plumbline Brickwork & Masonry 




  Supply/Install Brick Wall - Koondoola Regional Bushland - Projects




Prestige Alarms 




  Alarm Services For The City




Print Smart Online Pty Ltd 




  Printing - Kingsway Membership Agreement - Kingsway




Programmed Integrated Workforce 




  Casual Labour For The City




Quinns Rocks Junior Tennis Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 6 Children




Reliable Fencing 




  Supply/Install Fencing - Ashby Compound - Engineering




Schindler Lifts Aust Pty Ltd 




  Lift/Escalator Maintenance - Various Locations - Building Maintenance




Skyline Landscape Services (WA) 




  Landscape Maintenance - Ocean Reef Road - Parks




Squire Patton Boggs 




  Legal Fees For The City




Sterihealth Services Pty Ltd 




  Clinical Waste Bin - WRC




The Royal Life Saving Society Australia WA Branch Incorporated 




  Training - Heart Beat Club First Aid X 18 Attendees - Community Links








  Parts For Fleet




Vigilant Traffic Management Pty Ltd 




  Traffic Control Services For The City












Australian Super 




  Payroll Deduction




City of Wanneroo - Rates 




  Rates Deductions From Councillor Payments




Cr Brett Treby 




  Monthly Allowance




Cr Denis John Hayden 




  Monthly Allowance




Cr Dianne Guise 




  Monthly Allowance




Cr Domenic Zappa 




  Monthly Allowance




Cr Glynis Parker 




  Monthly Allowance




Cr Huu Van Nguyen 




  Monthly Allowance




Cr Linda May Aitken 




  Monthly Allowance




Cr Norman Hewer 




  Monthly Allowance




Cr Robert Smithson 




  Monthly Allowance




Cr Russell Driver 




  Monthly Allowance




Cr Sabine Winton 




  Monthly Allowance




Cr Thi Nguyet-Anh Truong 




  Monthly Allowance




Mayor Tracey Roberts 




  Monthly Allowance












BG & E Pty Ltd 




  Progress Claim 10 - Provision Of Consultancy Services - Design And Documentation Of  Lenore Road - Projects












Office Cleaning Experts 




  Cleaning Services For The City












BP Australia Ltd 




  Fuel Issues For March 2015












McCorkell Constructions Pty Ltd 




  Payment Certificate 2 - Kingsway Baseball/Softball Clubrooms - Projects












Australian Taxation Office 




  Payroll Deduction




Balga Junior Football Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 6 Children




Beaumaris Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Building Commission 




  Collection Agency Fee Payments




Butler Netball Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 6 Children




CLJ Taekwondo (Joondalup) Pty Ltd 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Cr Norman Hewer 




  Reimbursement - Meeting Travel Expenses




Cuzzies Sports Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




Dale Sutherland 




  Volunteer Payment - The Heights Community Centre




Ellenbrook Eels Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 4 Children




  Faith Versaci




Ellenbrook United Football Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




Frediani Milk Wholesalers 




  Milk Deliveries For The City




High Flyers Gym 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Hocking Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Jitterbugs Syncro Ice Skating Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Joondalup Jaguars Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 6 Children




Joondalup Lakers Basketball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Joondalup Lakers Hockey 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Kalari Taekwondo Australia Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 5 Children




Main Roads WA 




  Line Marking - Ocean Reef Road - Projects




Maureen Butler 




  Volunteer Payment - Alexander Heights Adult Day Centre




Mrs Hazel Walker 




  Volunteer Payment - Alexander Heights Adult Day Centre




Ms Jacqueline Colville 




  Reimbursement For Prescription Lens/Frames




North Beach And Districts Rugby League Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Padbury Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Padbury Pumas Junior Basketball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 3 Children




Quinns Districts Junior Football Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 6 Children




Quinns Districts Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Quinns Rock Bush Fire Brigade 




  Reimbursement For Costs Associated With Running Brigade - Fire Services




Shamrock Rovers Perth Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




The Girls Brigade Western Australia Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




The Scout Association of Australia WA 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Trailer Parts Pty Ltd 




  Parts For Fleet




Vodafone Messaging 




  Monthly SMS Alerts - Emergency Services




Wanneroo Districts Netball Association 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Warwick Greenwood Junior Football Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 4 Children




Westside Football Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




Whitford City Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




Yanchep United Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child












Western Power 




  Works - Early Undertakings Contract - Flynn Drive Project - Projects












National Australia Bank 




  Flexipurchase For The City February 2015 - $15,868.65 - Breakdown On Page




















3 Monkeys Audiovisual 




  AV Controls Upgrade - Capacity Building




3M Australia Pty Ltd 




  Various Items For IT








  Healthy Communities - Hacky Sacks




A03 Independent Computer Search Pty Ltd 




  Equallogic 1 Year Pro Support - IT




A1 Apiaries 




   Callout/Assessment Of Illegal Bee Hives - Teodoro Reserve - Conservation




ABM Landscaping 




  Relaying Brickpaved Crossovers - Graham Road - Projects




Abrasive Trust 




  Trailer Blast Prime And Coat - Fleet Assets




Accidental First Aid Supplies 




  First Aid Training Courses For Rangers - Regulatory Services




  First Aid Supplies For The City




Acurix Networks Pty Ltd 




  1 X Wireless Access Point - IT








  Sound Equipment - Two Rocks Public Meeting 18.03.2015 - Engineering




  Sound Systems For Meetings In Girrawheen & Yanchep - Governance




Adform Engraving & Signs 




  Sign - Senior Fire Protection Officer & Fire Protection Officer - Fire Services




  Name Badges & Reflective Helmet Name Labels - Fire Services




  Door Sign Rail For Emergency Services




  Silver / Black Photo Board - Fire Services




Advance Press (2013) Pty Ltd 




  Printing - Loft Flash Cards - Capability & Culture




Advanced Traffic Management 




  Traffic Controllers - Global Beats & Eats - Marketing




AECOM Australia Pty Ltd 




  Consultancy Services At Pinjar Park - Property




AHRI - Australian Human Resources Institute 




  50% Deposit - Internal HR Consulting Skills - Effective Business Partnering - 16 & 30.06.2015 - HR




Air Liquide WA Pty Ltd 




  Cylinder Gas Hire - Stores




Airlube Australasia 




  Fuel Filter For Stores




Akwaaba African Drumming 




  African Drumming Workshop And Roving - Global Beats And Eats 2015 - Events




Alan Muller 




  Anzac Commemoration Commission - Australia Resilience - Heritage




Alanco Australia Pty Ltd 




  Spare Parts For Fleet




Alexander House of Flowers 




  Funeral Spray - The Late Athina Panagiotidis - Office Of The Mayor




  60th Wedding Anniversary Box - Mr & Mrs Aberdeen - Office Of The Mayor




  90th Bright Box Arrangements - I Rodi - Office Of The Mayor




Alexander Kemp McKie 




  Urban Artist - Girrawheen Youth Centre Holiday Program - Youth Services




ALH Group Ltd (BWS) 




  Beverages For Exhibition Opening - Heritage




All Fence U Rent Pty Ltd 




  Fence For Beats And Eats 2015 - Marketing




Allpest WA 




  Snake Removal - Various Locations - Parks








  Stamp X 1 - File Copy - Regulatory




  Various Self Inking Stamps - Library Services




Amazing Clean Master Trust 




  Cleaning Curtains - Banksia Grove Community Centre - Building Maintenance




Amcap Distribution Centre 




  Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet/Stores




AMF Bowling Centres Australia 




  Entry Fees For 20 - April School Holiday Program - Youth Services




Amgrow Pty Ltd 




  Fertiliser - Parks




Amlec House Pty Ltd 




  Strategic Plan For City CCTV System - Regulatory Services








  Gazebo For Hainsworth Centre - Community Links




Analytico Pty Ltd 




  Autodesk Vehicle Tracking Commercial Subscription - IT




APN Outdoor (Trading) Pty Ltd 




  Metroback Advertising 01 - 08.03.2015 - Retro Rewind - Marketing




Appealing Signs & Graphics 




  Layout And Supply Vinyl Decals - Kingsway




Aquamaster Reticulation Services 




  Repair Kerbing - Graham - Projects




  Repairs To Sprinklers - Various Locations - Projects








  Cash Collections - WRC




Arrow Pressure Wash 




  Install New Chemical Hose - Fleet




  Repair Damaged Lances - Fleet




Artists Chronicle 




  1 Year Subscription To Artist's Chronicle Visual Art - Heritage




Artworks Conservation 




  Conservation - World War 1 Bugle - Heritage, Museum & Arts




  Conservation - Book Press - Heritage, Museum & Arts




  Conservation - Pulley - Heritage, Museum & Arts




Ashdown Ingram 




  Spare Parts For Fleet




Asphaltech Pty Ltd 




  Granit Asphalt - Warman Street - Engineering




Astro Synthetic Turf 




  Repair Rubber Softfall & Security Guard At Ballymote Park - Parks




AT & D Navtrack 




  Deinstall Two Way Radio & Reinstall Radios - Fleet




ATeam Cleaning Services 




  Waste Crew - Global Beats And Eats - Marketing




Atom Supply 




  Parts For Fleet




Audio Technik 




  Sound Production For Global Beats And Eats - Marketing




Australian Communications & Media Authority 




  Apparatus License Renewal Fees IT




Australian Laboratory Services Pty Ltd 




  Oil Sample Bottles - Stores




Australian Plant Wholesalers/Lullfitz 




  Plants For Parks




Australian Protection Services Pty Ltd 




  Events Support - Global Beats And Eats - Marketing




  Security - Global Beats & Eats Event - Marketing




Autosmart WA North Metro 




  Floor Smart Cleanse - Fleet




Baguette Me Not 




  Staff Voucher - Global Beats And Eats - Marketing




Balcatta Veterinary Hospital 




  Euthanasia/Cremation X 1 Cat - Community Services




Battery World Joondalup 




  Battery And Charger For Aquamotion




BCE Surveying 




  Undertake Setting Out Proposed Telstra Pits Lenore Road Hocking Stage 2 - Projects




Beaurepaires For Tyres 




  Tyre Fitting Services For The City




Benara Nurseries 




  Plants For Parks




Bengineering Transport Equipment 




  Drop Down Sides Platform - Fleet




Beryl Weston 




  Cleaning Services - 28 Denston Way Girrawheen - Programs




Bidvest Hospitality Perth 




  Coffee, Tea & Sugar - Stores




Binley Fencing 




  Temporary Fencing - Various Locations - Projects




BIS Fabrication Pty Ltd 




  Delivery Of Roof Truss - Ashby Operation Centre - Building Maintenance




Bladon WA Pty Ltd 




  Backpack For Brigade - Fire Services




  Maxwell & Williams Porcelain English Mugs - Marketing




  300 X Green Lanyards, Printed And Delivered - Marketing




Boral Construction Materials Group Ltd 




  Concrete - Various Locations - Engineering




Boult Nominees 




  Supply Power & Lighting - Retro Rewind 2015 - Marketing




  Power And Lighting - Global Beats And Eats Festival 2015 - Events




Boya Equipment 




  Solo 425 Backpack Sprayer - Parks




  Spare Parts For Fleet




BP Australia Ltd 




  Energrease Oil - Stores




Bring Couriers 




  Courier Services For Health Services




Bucher Municipal Pty Ltd 




  Vehicle Spare Parts - Stores/Fleet




Bunnings Pty Ltd 




  Hardware Purchases For The City








  2 X Large Shuttle Bus For Global Beats And Eats Festival - Events




Byprogress Pty Ltd 




  Entertainment - Spongebob 3D - Global Beats & Eats - Communications & Events




Campbells Wholesale Pty Ltd 




  Motorway Distilled Water - Stores




Car Care (WA) Mindarie 




  Detail & Clean - 5 X Fire Trucks - Emergency Services




Car Care Motor Company Pty Ltd 




  Vehicle Service - Fleet




Cardno (WA) Pty Ltd 




  Consultancy Services - Quinns Beach Long Term Coastal Management - Projects




Carramar Resources Industries 




  Disposal Of Rubble - Projects/Engineering




Castledine Gregory 




  Legal Fees For The City




Cathedral Office Products Pty Ltd 




  2 X Pinboards For Wanneroo Community Centre - Projects




CBC Australia Pty Ltd 




  Various Items - Fleet




CCH Australia Ltd 




  Australian Consumer Credit Law Online Subscription 01.06.2015 - 31.05.2016 - Funded Services




Challenge Batteries WA 




  12 Volt Battery - Fleet/Stores




Champion Music 




  Entertainment - Global Beats And Eats Festival 2015 - 11.04.2015 - Events




Chemical Essentials Pty Ltd 




  Vet Disinfectant - Rangers




Chemicals Australia Operations Pty Ltd 




  Aquamotion Chemical Supplies




Cherry's Catering 




  Catering Services For The City




Chica Catering 




  Catering Services For The City




Chocolate Drops 




  Chocolate For Annual Reward & Recognition - HR




Chris Kershaw Photography 




  Photography - Citizenship Ceremonies - Marketing




City of Joondalup 




  Tri-Cities Events In Canberra - Office Of The CEO




  50% Contribution - Conference Facilities For Joint Meeting 06.03.2015 - Office Of The CEO




Civica Pty Ltd 




  Infringement Health Check & Animal Review & Mentoring - IT




Clark Equipment Sales Pty Ltd 




  Various Items For Fleet




Clark Rubber Balcatta 




  Pool Noodles - Aquamotion








  Processing Recyclables - Waste




Clever Patch Creative Solutions 




  Dolly Pegs & Stems - Heritage Museum And Arts




Clifton Perth 




  Staging/Lighting And Vision - Global Beats And Eats Festival 2015 - Events




Clinipath Pathology 




  Medical Services - Waste




Coates Hire Operations Pty Ltd 




  Equipment Hire - Projects/WRC/Transport And Traffic




Coca Cola Amatil Pty Ltd 




  Beverages - Kingsway Stadium




Coffey Environments Pty Ltd 




  Consultancy Audit Services - Wangara Industrial Area - Property




Colgan Industries Pty Ltd 




  Installation - New Machinery Shed At Buckingham House - Building Maintenance




  Cleaning & Restoration -Fire Pits - Neerabup Heritage Kilns - Building Maintenance




  Cages & Gates 2015 - Neerabup Heritage - Building Maintenance




Colourpoint Print & Design 




  Printing - Infringement Notice - Rangers




Community Newspapers 




  Advertising For The City




Conway Highbury Pty Ltd 




  Review Of Wards & Representation Stage 4 Of Project - Governance




  Review Of Local Laws - Governance




Corporate Scorecard 




  Financial Assessment - Contracts & Purchasing




Courier Australia 




  Courier Charges - Fleet




COVS Parts 




  Various Items - Fleet/Stores




Critical Fire Protection & Training Pty Ltd 




  Conduct Servicing Of Fire Extinguishers - Fire Services




Cubic Solutions 




  Geotextile - Projects




Cutting Edges Pty Ltd 




  Various Parts - Fleet




Dark Light Pty Ltd 




  Entry Fee For Darklight Joondalup X 15 - Youth Development




Data #3 Limited 




  Software Licenses - Various - IT




Datacom Systems (WA) Pty Ltd 




  Disaster Recovery - Hosted Services March 2015 & Wan & Internet March 2015 - IT




Davey Glass 




  Glazing Services For The City




Davidson Trahaire Corpsych Pty Limited 




  Employee Support Program - HR




  Development At Work Coaching Services - HR




Davis Langdon Pty Ltd 




  Review Cost Comparison Report - Butler North District Public Open Space Master Plan - Facilities




DBS Fencing 




  Chainmesh Fence - Various Locations - Parks




De Vita & Dixon Lawyers 




  Legal Fees For The City




Dell Australia Pty Ltd 




  Computer Equipment - IT




Demon Detailing 




  Community Transport Bus Cleaning - Funded Services




Diamond Lock & Key 




  Locking Services For The City




Dick Smith Electronics 




  Handheld Radios - Kingsway Stadium




  Eleloop Pro Rechargeable Batteries AA - Rangers




  Uniden Fp1200 Corded Phone - IT




Dimension Data Learning Solutions 




  Training - Microsoft Report Builder - C Mills - IT




Direct Communications 




  Supply & Fit Mid Band Two Way - Fleet




Discus Digital Print 




  Printing - Anzac Coreflutes - Heritage, Museum & Arts




  Printing - Somme Battlefields & Pozieres - Heritage, Museum & Arts




  Posters - A Camera On Gallipoli - Heritage, Museum & Arts




  Prints - Somme Battlefields & Pozieres - Heritage, Museum & Arts




  Printing - Global Beats & Eats Banner - Communication & Events




  Printing - 8 X Panels For Wanneroo & The Great War - Heritage, Museum & Arts




Don@100smallthings Pty Ltd 




  Loft Training & Consulting 16 - 20.03.2015 - HR




Donald Veal Consultants Pty Ltd 




  Road Safety Audits - Various Locations - Asset Management




Dowsing Concrete 




  Install Concrete Apron & Pram Ramp - Huntsville Circle Wanneroo - Projects




  Footpath - Hillcrest Road - Engineering




  Installation Of Footpath, Pram Ramp & Bollard - Mary Street Pearsall - Projects




Drainflow Services Pty Ltd 




  Road Sweeping Services For The City




  Inspection & CCTV Of Drainage Opposite 12 Gangway Turn Alkimos - Engineering




  Jetting - Wishart Loop - Engineering




DVM Fencing 




  Supply/Install Fencing - Dundebar Road - Engineering




Dymocks Joondalup 




  Books Purchased - Library Services




D-Zine Custom Painting 




  Painting Of Fence & Section Of Roof At Memorial Park - Building Maintenance




E & MJ Rosher 




  Spare Parts - Stores




ECO Environmental Pty Ltd 




  Hydrolab Rental - Conservation




Edge People Management 




  Ergonomic Assessment - Injury Management




Educational Experience Pty Ltd 




  Art Drying Rack - Heritage, Museum & Arts




e-Fire & Safety 




  Servicing 66 Vehicles - Fleet




Elan Media Partners Pty Ltd 




  CD/DVD Purchases - Libraries




Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd 




  Service Iron Filters - Various Locations - Parks




Embroidme Malaga 




  6 X Premier Ladies Polo Shirt - Building Services




  Hi-Visibility Vests With CoW Logo - Community Links




  Staff Uniform - Regulatory Services




  Screen Print Rashies With CoW Logo - Youth Services




ENZED Service Centre Perth North 




  Vehicle Hoses - Fleet








  Ergonomic Equipment - Injury Management




Essential Fire Services 




  Replace Batteries - Alexander Heights




  Supply 1 X Fip Log Book To Depot 2 - Building Maintenance




  Supply 1 X Fip Log Book To Cockman House - Building Maintenance




Event Health Management Pty Ltd 




  First Aid For Global Beats & Eats Festival - Communications & Events




Evolution Sports Imports Pty Ltd 




  Soccer Balls - Kingsway Indoor Stadium




Evolution Traffic Control Pty Ltd 




  Traffic Management Services For The City




Excalibur Printing 




  Staff Uniform - Fire Services




Exceed Consulting (WA) Pty Ltd 




  Desktop Audit - Various Parks - Projects




  Playground Safety Audit - Nanatee Park Wanneroo - Parks




Fawzak Pty Ltd 




  Magazine Subscriptions - Library Services




Fence Hire WA 




  Temporary Mesh Fence - Wanneroo Community Centre - Building Maintenance




Find Wise Location Services 




  Location Of Services For Projects




Fire & Safety WA 




  Various Items - Fire Services




Form Studios 




  Project Management & Liaising With Suppliers, 3D Conceptual Design & Detailed Plans - Heritage, Museum & Arts




  Printing Cost Of Panels & Additional Showcase Props - Heritage, Museum & Arts








  Foxtel Subscription - Library




Freds Hardware 




  Various Hardware Supplies - Parks/Engineering




Freds Lagoon Hardware 




  Various Hardware Supplies - Parks




Frontline Fire & Rescue Equipment 




  Service/Repair To Auxiliary Pump - Fleet




  Remove/Replace Damaged Hose Reel - Fleet




  Various Items For Emergency Services




Fuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd 




  Printroom - Paper Supplies - Governance




Geoff's Tree Service Pty Ltd 




  Pruning - Various Locations - Parks




  Tree Surgeon - Various Locations - Parks




  Stump Grinding - Various Location - Parks




Golder Associates Pty Ltd 




  Geotechnical Investigation And Pavement Thickness Design - Flynn Drive - Projects




Grass Growers 




  Greenwaste Received - March 2015 - Waste




  Disposal Of Greenwaste February 2015 - Waste




Greenacres Turf Group 




  Install Village Green Turf At Jimbub & Luisini Parks - Projects




Greens Hiab Service 




  Install Goal Posts - Blackmore Park - Parks




Greenway Enterprises 




  Various Items - Parks/Conservation




Guardian Tactile Systems Pty Ltd 




  Install Warning Tiles - Hartman/Westport/Russell - Engineering








  Maintenance Of Gym Equipment And Call Out Fees - Aquamotion




Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd 




  Road Works Materials - Various Locations - Projects/Engineering




Harmer News Pty Ltd 




  Newspapers/Periodicals The City




Hart Sport 




  Various Items - Kingsway




Hays Personnel Services 




  Contract Staff For The City




Headset ERA 




  Headset X 3 - IT




  Plantronics Spare Charging Base Unit - IT




Heatley Sales Pty Ltd 




  Various Items For Stores




Heavy Automatics 




  Spare Parts For Fleet/Stores








  Support Services HACC/CACP Clients




Hickey Constructions Pty Ltd 




  Removal Of Ceiling & Repaint - Gumblossom Craftroom - Building Maintenance




  Works - Girrawheen Library - Building Maintenance




Hitachi Construction Machinery Pty Ltd 




  Vehicle Filters - Stores




Holton Connor Pty Ltd 




  Architectural & Consultancy Services - Koondoola Community Centre - Projects




Home Chef 




  Support Services HACC/CACP Clients








  Legal Fees For The City




Hort Marketing 




  Rosemary - Parks




HS Hyde & Son 




  Hainsworth Leisure Centre - Accessible Toilet Modification - Projects




Hughan Saw Service 




  Sharpen Chipper Knives - Fleet




  Retooth Blade - Fleet




Humes Concrete Products 




  Drainage Items - Various Locations - Projects/Engineering




Hydroquip Pumps 




  Supply Pumps - Brighton - Parks




i3 Consultants WA 




  Sidra Analysis - Marmion Avenue & Lukin Drive & Joondalup Drive - Traffic & Traffic




ID Card World Pty Ltd 




  Double ID Cardholders - Fire Services




  Various Items - Engineering




Ideal Systems (WA) Pty Ltd 




  Chair Stacker Trolley - Kingsway Stadium




Image Bollards 




  Supply/Install Mirror - Depot - Engineering




Initial Hygiene 




  Hygienic Services - Building Maintenance




Insight Call Centre Services 




  Call Centre Services - Customer Relations




Inspired Development Solutions Pty Ltd 




  Innovation Workshop On 23.03.2015 - IT




Instant Toilets & Showers Pty Ltd 




  Various Items - Global Beats & Eats Event - Communication & Events




Integrity Industrial Pty Ltd 




  Contract Staff - Contracts & Purchasing




Isentia Pty Ltd 




  Media Monitoring For The Month Of March 2015 - IT




J Blackwood & Son Ltd 




  Various Items - Waste/Stores/Engineering




  Door Track - Fleet




Jacksons Drawing Supplies Pty Ltd 




  Art And Craft Supplies For Heights Community House - Funded Services




Jadu Software Pty Ltd 




  Community Consultation Development For City Website - IT




  Software - IT




  Securepay Online - Integration Services - IT




James Bennett Pty Ltd 




  Book Purchases - Library Services




Jana Braddock Arts 




  Curatorial Work - Northern Perspectives - Heritage, Museum & Arts




Jason Thomas 




  Photography Services - Marketing




JB Hi Fi Group Pty Ltd 




  Uniden Cordless Phone - Fleet




JCA Dealer Services 




  Mini Camera - Fleet




  Parts - Fleet




John Croft Trading As ER Music 




  Music & Drumming Session At The Heights Community House 07.04.2015 - Programs




Jonathan Cope 




  Dance Performance - Global Beats & Eats - Communications & Events




Joondalup Coachline 




  Gold Program - Summer Piaf Excursion Bus - Programs




Joondalup Drive Medical Centre 




  Medical Fees For The City




Joondalup Smash Repairs Pty Ltd 




  Insurance Excess Payment - WN 33424 & WN 33233 - Risk Management




Jorin Music 




  Live Performance - Global Beats & Eats Events - Communications & Events




Josephine Franco 




  Seniors Workshop 14.04.2015 - Heritage, Museums And Arts




JSB Fencing and Machinery Hire 




  Fencing - Kingsway Football/Baseball - Projects




  Supply/Install Colour Bond Gates - Graham Road - Projects




  Removal Of Chain Mesh Fencing - Graham Road - Projects




Judy Rogers 




  Artwork For ANZAC Commemoration Commission - Australia Resilience - Heritage, Museum & Arts




KDAire Mechanical Services 




  Airconditioning Maintenance For The City




Ken Wu 




  Lion Dance Performance - Global Beats & Eats - Communications & Events




Kennards Hire Pty Ltd 




   Track Mats - Global Beats & Eats Event - Marketing




Kerb Direct Kerbing 




  Kerbing - Various Locations - Projects








  1022 Litres Kerosene - Fire Services




Kismet (WA) Pty Ltd 




  ATM Trailer X 2 - Global Beats & East Events - Communications & Events








  Graffiti Removal For The City




Knight And Sons 




  Consumables For City Of Wanneroo Pound - Rangers




Konnect (Coventry Fasteners) 




  Spare Parts For Fleet




Kristoffer Myhre 




  Photography Services - Retro Rewind 2015 - Marketing




  Promotional Video - Global Beats And Eats - Marketing




  Film/Edit - Jimmy Cliff Performance & Interview - Marketing




KSR Communications 




  Service Call - Program Stations To Enable Dss Keys - IT




Kyocera Document Solutions 




  Laser Printer X 3 - IT




  Photocopier Meter Reading For The City




L & T Venables Pty Ltd 




  Spare Parts - Fleet




Ladybirds Plant Hire 




  Rental Of Indoor Plants - March 2015




Landsdale Mini Hardware & Boxes Galore 




  Hardware Purchases For The City




Landsdale Rose Gardens 




  Roses - Memorial Park - Parks




Lasso Kip Pty Ltd 




  Advertising - The Parents Paper - Kingsway




Laura Moseley 




  Event & Consulting Fees - Global Beats & Eats Event - Communications & Events




LD Total 




  Landscape Maintenance Services - Scarfo & Badolato Park - Parks




Learning Horizons 




  Training - Business Excellence Training - T Evans - IT




Les Mills Asia Pacific 




  Group Fitness License Fees - Aquamotion




Les Trios Amies 




  Performance - Les Trois 12.03.2015 - Heritage, Museum & Arts




Lounge Backline 




  Musical Equipment - Global Beats & Eats - Communications & Events




Love Grid Badminton Academy Incorporated 




  Shuttlecocks - Kingsway Stadium




Lovegrove Turf Services Pty Ltd 




  Turfing Maintenance Works - Various Locations - Parks




Lynford Motors 




  New Vehicle - Ford Ranger X 2 $49,569.40 Each - Fleet Assets




Major Motors 




  Spare Parts/Services - Fleet




  New Vehicle - Isuzu Crew Cab $184,798.90 - Fleet Assets




Mammoth Equipment & Exhausts Pty Ltd 




  Various Items - Stores




Marfleet Distributing Co. Pty Ltd 




  Spare Parts - Fleet




Marketforce Express Pty Ltd 




  Advertising Services For The City




Master Lifts WA 




  Additional Charges To Invoice 2187 - Labour Charges - Aquamotion




Mayday Earthmoving 




  Heavy Equipment Hire For The City




McGees Property 




  Valuation Services - Property




McIntosh & Son 




  Spare Parts - Fleet




McLeods Barristers And Solicitors 




  Legal Fees - Compensation - Property




Mercury Search & Selection Pty Ltd 




  E-Recruitment Monthly Fee - HR




Meridian Services 




  Security Patrol Officers - Rangers




Messages On Hold 




  Messages On Hold Service  30.03.2015 - 29.06.2015 - Marketing




Meter Office 




  Stationery Supplies For Library Services




Metropolitan Cash Register Co 




  Thermal Paper Rolls For Library Services




Mindarie Regional Council 




  Refuse Disposal Services For The City




Miracle Recreation Equipment Pty Ltd 




  Repairs To Gate - Wanneroo Recreation Centre - Parks




  Supply & Install Park Seat - Lenham Park - Parks




  Repairs To Fitness Equipment - Ramblas Park - Parks




Mirco Bros Pty Ltd Oil Distributors 




  Various Items - Parks




Modern Teaching Aids Pty Ltd 




  Various Items - Community Links




Morrissey Marketing & Communications 




  Communications Team Backfill And Consultancy - Marketing




Move It 




  Removal Services For The City




MP Rogers & Associates Pty Ltd 




  Consultancy Services - Coastal Hazard Risk Management & Adaptation Plan Part 1 Coastal Vulnerability Study & Hazard Mapping - Planning




  Two Rocks Coastal Management Public Presentation - Engineering




  Finalisation Of Two Rocks Coastal Management - Engineering




Mr Branko Civich 




  Massage Services - Aquamotion




Mr Jonathan Finch 




  Strategic Overview For Ageing Services - Programs




Ms Catriona Ferguson 




  Entertainment - St Patricks Day - Quinns Day Centre




Mustang Print & Copy 




  Printing - Learners Manual - Fire Services




Newsxpress Ocean Keys 




  Newspaper Delivery For Clarkson Library




Ngala Community Services 




  Skilled Dads Workshop Presented By Keith Read On 14.03.2015 - Library Services




Nice Design 




  New Museum Donations 2014 Vinyl Lettering & Remember When Vinyl Lettering - Heritage, Museums & Arts




Nola Allen 




  Develop & Conduct Harmony Week Book Making Workshop Girrawheen Library - Library




Northern Corridor Contracting 




  Firebreak Installations - Various Location - Rangers




Northern Districts Pest Control 




  Pest Control Services For The City




Northern Lawnmower & Chainsaw Specialists 




  Spare Parts For Fleet




  2 X Hedge Trimmer, 1 X Chainsaw & 4 X Brush Cutters - Fleet




  Harness - Engineering








  Spare Parts For Fleet




Nu-Trac Rural Contracting 




  Beach Cleaning Services - Quinns - Engineering




Nutrition Systems 




  Quest Protein Bars - Aquamotion




Oce Australia Limited 




  Monthly Maintenance Fee - Printer - IT




  Digital Scanner - IT




Office National Balcatta 




  Whiteboard Cleaner - Fire Services








  Torch For Printroom - Governance




  Cable Patch Blue - IT




Officeworks Superstores Pty Ltd 




  Supplies For Art Collection - Heritage




Osborne Park Welding Supplies 




  Spare Parts - Fleet




OTOC Limited 




  Consulting Services - IT




Pacific Brands Workwear Group 




  Staff Uniforms - Various Employees




  Staff Uniform - Stores




Paper Recycling Industries 




  Recycling Bin Exchange - IT




Paperbark Technologies 




  Arboricultural Report - Koondoola Community Centre - Projects




  Arboricultural Report - Alexander Heights - Parks




Parks & Leisure Australia 




  WA Parks Benchmarking Seminar - L Hamling - Facilities




Perth Castings 




  Walk Of Remembrance Plaque - Memorial Park - Parks




Perth Relaxation Therapy 




  1 X Massage Session - Programs




  Group Stretching Relaxation Session - Funded Services




Pharaohs Vending Services 




  Confectionery For Kingsway




Phase One Audio 




  Barriers - Global Beats & Eats 10.04.2015 - Communications & Events




Phoenix Motors of Wanneroo 




  Check/Inspect Dashboard Meter - WN 33588 - Fleet




Pinnacle People 




  Casual Labour - Marketing




PJ & CA Contracting 




  Sand Cleaning - Various Locations - Parks




  Replace Sand - Mist Park - Parks




  Step Repairs - Alston Park - Parks




  Replace Capping - Various Locations - Parks




PLE Computers 




  SD Cards For Camera X 12 - Rangers




  HDMI Cable - IT




PMP Distribution 




  Distribution Of Flyers - Global Beats & Eats Events - Communications & Events




Power Vac Pty Ltd 




  Spare Parts - Fleet




Prestige Alarms 




  Alarm Services For The City




  Supply/Install CCTV - WLCC - Capacity Building




Print Smart Online Pty Ltd 




  Printing - Aquamotion Membership Agreement Books




  Printing - Programs/Flyers - Global Beats And Eats - Communications And Events




  Printing - Brochure Golf Combo - Property




  Printing - Mayoral Letterhead Paper - Mayors Office




Programmed Integrated Workforce 




  Casual Labour For The City




Protector Alsafe 




  Various Items - Stores




PT Hydraulics 




  Hydraulic Cutter - Fleet




Put On Happy Face - Face Painting 




  Face Painting - Global Beats & Eats 2015 - Communications & Events




  Entertainment - Face Painting - Clarkson Library




Ralph Beattie Bosworth 




  Professional Services - Preparation Of Planning And Concept Design -   Civic Centre Extension - Projects




  Preparation Of Cost Estimate - Wanneroo Sports Pavilion - Facilities




RCG Pty Ltd 




  Disposal Of Clean Rubble - Engineering




Reece's Hire & Structures 




  Equipment Hire - Global Beats & Eats Event - Marketing




Reliable Fencing 




  Temporary/Repairs Fencing - Various Locations - Parks/Engineering/Conservation




  Install Windbreak Fencing - Yanchep & Quinns Foreshore - Projects




  Nets/Pitch Repairs - Kingsbridge Park - Parks




  Replace Fence - Ashley - Parks








  Lawn Mix - Parks




Ricoh Australia Pty Ltd 




  Image Charges - Print Room




Ricoh Finance 




  Lease Fees - Printer - Print Room








  Front Wheel Alignment - WN 33410 - Fleet




Road & Traffic Services 




  Line Working - Hudson Avenue - Projects




Road Signs Australia 




  Letters Stickers - Engineering




  Various Street Name Plate - Engineering




  Bollards With Bases - Projects




  Sign - Closure Of PAW/Road Reserve - Seaham Way - Engineering




  Sign - Belvedere Hills - Engineering




Roads 2000 Pty Ltd 




  Road Works & Materials - Various Locations - Projects/Engineering




S & C Linemarking 




  Painting - Parking Bays - Various Location - Engineering




Safety House WA Incorporated 




  Safety House Street Signs - Engineering




Safety World 




  Safety Items - Various Departments




  Prescription Safety Glasses - M Harman - Waste




Sanax Medical And First Aid Supplies 




  Various Items - Stores




Scotts Trimming Service 




  Shade Cloth Tarp - Conservation








  Kitchen Supplies For The City




Sebel Furniture Ltd 




  4 X Ottomans - Clarkson Library




Sharp Impressions 




  Overboots - Stores




Sigma Data Solutions 




  Kofax Standard Support 1 Year - IT




Sign A Rama 




  Roster Sign & Gatofoarm Board - Heritage, Museum & Arts




Sign Synergy Pty Ltd 




  Signs - Various - Building Maintenance




Skids Swimwear 




  Adult Rashies - Youth Services




Skyline Landscape Services (WA) 




  Streetscape Maintenance - Arterial Road - Parks




Slater-Gartrell Sports 




  Supply/Install Tennis Nets X 6 - Parks




  Various Items - Kingsway Stadium




Sonic Healthplus Pty Ltd 




  Corporate Consultation & Hepatitis B Seerology - Conservation




Sorensen Short & Associates 




  Final Claim - Casseley Avenue & Beach Road - Property




  Field Survey - Property




SoundPack Solutions 




  CD/DVD Cases - Library Services




Sports World of WA 




  Goggles Resale - Aquamotion




Spotlight Stores Pty Ltd 




  Craft Items - Heritage




Sprayline Spraying Equipment 




  Spray Guard - Conservation




  Various Equipment - Parks




Squire Patton Boggs 




  Legal Fees For The City




St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd 




  Provide First Aid Training To Youth Services




  Resuscitation Refresher - E Musgrave - Kingsway




Standout Signs 




  Supply And Apply Graphics - Fleet




Stanlee WA 




  Kinox Connoisserve Jug - For Quinns Adult Day Centre - Programs




Statewide Bearings 




  Various Parts - Fleet




Statewide Pump Services 




  Oil Recovery - Building Maintenance




Sterihealth Services Pty Ltd 




  Delivery & Pick-Up Of Sharpsmarts - Waste




Stewart & Heaton Clothing Company Pty Ltd 




  Uniforms - Fire Services




Streamline Trust 




  Newspapers To Yanchep/Two Rocks Library




Street Pitch 




  Staff X 4 - Distribution Of Global Eats & Beats Flyers - Communications & Events




Streetcut WA 




  Asphalt Cutting - Graham - Projects




Studio Bomba 




  Various Items - Heritage, Museum And Arts




Supersealing Pty Ltd 




  Crack Sealing Work - Russell Road - Engineering




Supreme Shades 




  Remove/Repair 2 X Sails - Ashdale - Parks




Surf Life Saving WA Incorporated 




  Lifeguard Contract April 2015 - Leisure




Swan Towing Services Pty Ltd 




  Towing Services For Fleet




Taldara Industries Pty Ltd 




  Disposable Cups - Hospitality/Stores




Tamala Park Regional Council 




  GST Payable - March 2015 - Pursuant To Section 153B Of Agreement - Finance




Techwest Solutions Pty Ltd 




  Digital Radio And PA System Upgrade - Aquamotion




  Repair/Fix Antenna - Aquamotion




The Community Network Australia Digital Advertising Networks 




  Advertising - IGA Landsdale - Kingsway




The Hire Guys Wangara 




  Blades X 2 - Engineering




  Dingo Skid Steer - Parks




  Hire Of Traffic Management Board - Waste




  Hire Of Quick Cut Saw/Rake - Projects




  Hire Of Electric Floor Grinder - Engineering




The Lulus Pty Ltd 




  MC For Citizenship Ceremony 13.04.2015




The Rigging Shed 




  Spare Parts - Fleet




The Royal Life Saving Society Australia WA Branch Incorporated 




  Training - Senior First Aid - Various Employees - Kingsway




  First Aid Renewal For 11 Staff - Projects




  Home Pool Inspections - Building Approvals




The Trustee for Smyth Family Trust 




  Balloon Twister - Clarkson Open Day - Library Services




The Trustee For Spraying WA Unit Trust 




  Treatment For Eradication Of Crabgrass - Warradale Reserve - Parks




The Trustee for The Entertainment Bank Trust 




  Maracas Workshop On 11.04.2015 - Communications & Events




The Twisted Vaudeville Circus 




  Samba Dancers - Global Beats & Eats - Communications & Events




The Watershed Water Systems 




  Reticulation Item - Various Location - Parks




Toll Transport Pty Ltd 




  Courier Services For The City








  Saw & Saw Blades - Parks




  Drill Bits - Fleet




Total Road Services 




  Traffic Control Services For The City




Toyota Material Handling (WA) Pty Ltd 




  Spare Parts - Fleet








  Spare Parts - Fleet/Stores




Trisley's Hydraulic Services Pty Ltd 




  Supply/Install Transfer Blowers - Aquamotion Pools




  Supply/Fit Pump - Aquamotion




  Hydrotherapy Pool Inspection - Aquamotion




  Monthly Maintenance - Disinfectant Systems - Aquamotion




Turfmaster Pty Ltd 




  Apply Wetting Agent - Kingsway Soccer - Parks




  Supply Road Lawn Sand & Turf Topper - Carramar Golf - Parks




  Carramar & Marangaroo Golf Course Maintenance March 2015 - Parks




  Additional Greens Mowing - Marangaroo & Carramar Golf Course - Parks




  Supply Nutrarich Compost - Parks




  Sweeping - Kingsbridge - Parks




  Vertidrain & Sweep - Various Locations - Parks




  Turf & Lawn Sand - Marangaroo Golf Course - Parks




Two Rocks Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade 




  Battery Charger / Air Compressor - Emergency Services




  WIFI Printer Paper And Ink - Emergency Services




  Sensor Light & Globes - Emergency Services




  Renewal For PO Box 167 - Emergency Services




Veda Advantage Information Services & Solutions 




  Bureau Charges - Rangers




Veolia Environmental Services (Australia) Pty Ltd 




  Emptying Of Frontlift Bin - Various Locations - Waste




Vertical Telecoms WA Pty Ltd 




  Hand Held Battery - Engineering




Vetcare Innovation Pty Ltd 




  Pharmacy Costs - Rangers




  Euthanasia X 1 Dog & 1 Cat - Rangers




  Microchip X 10 Dog/Cat - Rangers




Vigilant Traffic Management Pty Ltd 




  Traffic Control Services For The City




VIP Curtains & Blinds 




  Supply/Install Fire Compliant Blinds - Gumblossom Community Centre




Vizcom Technologies 




  Service Contract - Governance




WA Garage Doors Pty Ltd 




  Repair Roller Door - Margaret Cockman Pavilion - Building Maintenance




  Install New Roller Door - Addison Park Clubrooms - Building Maintenance




WA Hino Sales & Service 




  Various Parts - Fleet/Stores




WA Iveco 




  Various Repairs - WN 33745 - Fleet




WA Library Supplies 




  Floor Mat Bubbles All Around - Capacity Building




WA Limestone Company 




  Limestone - Various Locations - Projects/Engineering




WA Music Therapy Pty Ltd 




  Music Therapy Session 21 & 30.03.2015 - Funded Services




WA Safety And Training Pty Ltd 




  Safety Officer Duties - Global Beats & Eats - Communications & Events




WA Temporary Fencing Supplies 




  Fence Rental - Gumblossom Park - Emergency Services




Wangara Volkswagen 




  License - WN 33692 - Fleet Assets




  New Vehicle - Transporter $38,079.17 - WN 33692 - Fleet




Wanneroo Caravan Centre & Steel Fabricators 




  Fabrication Works For The City




Wanneroo Electric 




  Electrical Maintenance For The City




Wanneroo IGA 




  Food Items For Easter Celebration - Yanchep/Two Rocks Youth Programs - Youth Services




Wanneroo Plant Farm 




  Various Items - Parks




Wanneroo Plumbing 




  Plumbing Maintenance For The City




Wanneroo Towing Service 




  Towing Of Abandoned Vehicles - Rangers




Wanneroo Trophy Shop 




  Name Badges - Various Employees




  Medals - Kingsway




West Australian Newspapers Ltd 




  Death Notice - Jayde Nelligan - Marketing & Advertising Senior Governance Officer - HR




West Australian Nursing Agency 




  Immunisation Clinic - Health Services




West Australian Young Readers Book Award 




  Various Items - Library




West Coast Institute of Training 




  Social Support Lunch 18.03.2015 X 23 People - Funded Services




Westbuild Products Pty Ltd 




  Various Items - Stores








  Presentation Services For ASC Club Health Check - Facilities




West-Sure Group Pty Ltd 




  Cash Collection Services For The City




Westwide Corridor Coaches Pty Ltd 




  Bus Hire For April School Holiday Activities - Youth Services




White Oak Home Care Services Pty Ltd 




  Support Services HACC/CACP Clients




Wink Peace Pout Photobooths 




  Photobooth Hire - Global Beats & Eats - Communications & Events








  3000 Wristbands - Communication & Events




Wood & Grieve Engineers 




  Consultancy - Engineering Services - New Civic Centre Fire & Smoke Detection System - Projects




Work Clobber 




  Staff Uniform - Various Employees




Worldwide Online Printing 




  Printing - Business Cards - Various Employees




  Printing - Bin Stickers - Waste




Wt Partnership Australia Pty Ltd 




  Revision Of BMX Relocation Costing - Facilities




Yanchep Cabinets 




  Install 2 Storage Cabinets With 4 X Lockable Doors At Ashby Operation Centre












Bollig Design Group Ltd 




  Progress Claim 1 - Provision For Architectural Consultancy Services For Pearsall Hocking Community Centre - Projects












City of Wanneroo - Municipal Bank Account 




  Bank Reconciliation April 2015 $86,797.10












Athena Calisthenics Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Australia Post 




  Postage Charges - Lodged March 2015




Australian Manufacturing Workers Union 




  Payroll Deduction




Australian Services Union 




  Payroll Deduction




Australian Taxation Office 




  Payroll Deduction




Beaumaris Netball Club 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 2 Children




Carramar Cougars JFC 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 4 Children








  Payroll Deduction




Child Support Agency 




  Payroll Deduction




City of Wanneroo - Payroll Rates 




  Payroll Deduction




City of Wanneroo - Social Club 




  Payroll Deduction




Cr Thi Nguyet-Anh Truong 




  Reimbursement - Travel & Childcare Expenses - January, February, March 2015




Elizabeth Valeriani 




  Volunteer Payment - Wanneroo Adult Day Centre




Ellenbrook Rabbitohs Rugby League Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 2 Children




Evan Evans 




  Tough Media Outdoor Stickers - Youth Services




Everlast Flames Netball Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 2 Children




Frediani Milk Wholesalers 




  Milk Deliveries For The City




HBF Insurance 




  Payroll Deduction




High Flyers Gym 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 1 Child




Kingsway Junior Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 4 Children








  Gross Rental Valuations - Rating Services




  Service Fee - Extraction Of Rectified Aerial Imagery - IT








  Payroll Deduction




Mary Colvin 




  Volunteer Payment - Alexander Heights Adult Day Centre




Mr Pasqualino Bracone 




  Reimbursement - Glasses - Eyesight Screening And Testing Procedure




Mr Vernon Mortensen 




  Volunteer Payment - Quinns Adult Day Centre




Ms Anne Condo 




  Volunteer Payment - Wanneroo Adult Day Centre




Ms Christine Hewett 




  Reimbursement - Glasses - Eyesight Screening And Testing Procedure




Ms Lorraine Mortensen 




  Volunteer Payment - Quinns Adult Day Centre




Ms Susan Morrissey 




  Volunteer Payment - The Heights




Nga Iwi Katoa Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 1 Child




North Beach And Districts Rugby League Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 3 Children




North Coast Rugby Union Football Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 1 Child




Olympic Kingsway Sports Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 5 Children




Padbury Pumas Junior Basketball Club 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 1 Child




Perth Outrigger Canoe Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 2 Children




Quinns Districts Calisthenics Club 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 1 Child




Quinns Districts Netball Club 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 2 Children




Quinns FC Incorporated 




  Kidsport Voucher X 41 Children




Quinns Rock Bush Fire Brigade 




  Reimbursement - Maintenance Of Station Yards - Fire Services




  Reimbursement - Navy Brigade T-Shirts Fire - Services




Riding For The Disabled Association Of WA Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 1 Child




Saints Netball Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 2 Children




Selectus Salary Packaging 




  Payroll Deduction




Shobukan Pty Ltd 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 2 Children




Shooters Netball Club 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 1 Child




Trailer Parts Pty Ltd 




  Various Parts - Fleet




Wanneroo Amateur Football Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 1 Child




Wanneroo City Soccer Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 3 Children




Wanneroo Districts Jnr Rugby Union Football Club 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 5 Children




World Shotokan Karate-Do Federation Australia 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 1 Child












Amcap Distribution Centre 




  Various Parts - Fleet




Ashdown Ingram 




  Various Parts - Fleet




Asphaltech Pty Ltd 




  Granit Mix - Engineering




Beacon Equipment 




  Mower - Fleet




Best Consultants Pty Ltd 




  Electrical Consulting Services - Warradale Park Sports Lighting - Projects




  Electrical Consulting Services - Paloma Skate Park Lighting - Projects




BOC Limited 




  Nitrogen Dry D Size - Fleet




BP Australia Ltd 




  Oil Vanellus - Stores




Brad Pottinger 




  MC For Global Beats And Eats Festival 2015 - Events








  Paving Bricks - Kingsway - Projects




Bucher Municipal Pty Ltd 




  Various Parts - Fleet








  Cabcharge Services For The City




Car Care Motor Company Pty Ltd 




  Vehicle Services - Fleet




Cardno Geotech Pty Ltd 




  Pavement Investigation - Ashley - Projects




Carramar Resources Industries 




  Disposal Of Mixed/Greenwaste - Parks




Collins Craft & School Supplies 




  Art & Craft Items - Funded Services




Commissioner of Police 




  Volunteer National Police Check - January 2015 - Community Links




Courier Australia 




  Courier Charges - Fleet




COVS Parts 




  Various Parts - Fleet/Stores




Cummins South Pacific Pty Ltd 




  Various Parts - Fleet/Stores




Donald Cant Watts Corke (WA) Pty Ltd 




  Survey Consultancy Services - Kingsway Baseball Clubrooms - Projects




Dowsing Concrete 




  Supply & Install Slab - Koondoola Regional Bushland - Projects




  New Footpath - Various Locations - Projects




Drive In Electrics 




  Vehicle Electrical Repairs - Fleet




DVG Wanneroo Mitsubishi 




  New Vehicle - Isuzu Ute WN 33537 $42,271.95 - Fleet Assets




Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd 




  Re-Instatement Of Irrigation And Repairs To System - Luisini Park - Projects




Form Studios 




  Printing - Panels & Additional Showcase Props - Heritage & Museums




  Remaining 50% Of Project Management & Liaising With Suppliers, 3D Conceptual Design & Detailed Plans & Graphic Design Of Interpretation Panels X 3 - Heritage, Museums & Arts




Freds Hardware 




  Hardware Purchases - Parks




Frontline Fire & Rescue Equipment 




  Repair Tool Boxes & Hose Reels - Fleet




Greens Hiab Service 




  AFL Goal Erection - Various Ovals - Parks




Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd 




  Concrete Mix - Ridgewood Park - Parks




Harmer News Pty Ltd 




  Financial Review Subscription - Penson - Property




Hays Personnel Services 




  Casual Labour For The City








  Support Services HACC/CACP Clients




Humes Concrete Products 




  Drainage Items - Tony Martin Way - Projects




Hyder Consulting Pty Ltd 




  Technical Support - Strategic Waste Management - Waste




Integrity Industrial Pty Ltd 




  Casual Labour For The City




Joondalup Drive Medical Centre 




  Medical Fees - Injury Management




Kerb Direct Kerbing 




  Kerbing - Kingsway - Projects




Kingsley Tennis Club 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 2 Children




Kyocera Document Solutions 




  Photocopier Meter Reading For The City








  Tensioning Tools - Parks




  Boomkleen 5ltr X 4 - Parks




Lasso Kip Pty Ltd 




  Advertising - Parent Paper - Library Services




Laundry Express 




  Laundry Services - Hospitality




Local Government Managers Australia 




  Workshop - Art As A Tool - 28.05.2015 - D Criddle




Lycopodium Infrastructure Pty Ltd 




  Fishermans Hollow - Change Block - Projects




Major Motors 




  Radiator Cap - Fleet




Marketforce Express Pty Ltd 




  Advertising Services For The City




Mayday Earthmoving 




  Heavy Equipment Hire For The City




McLeods Barristers And Solicitors 




  Legal Fees For The City




Michael Page International (Australia) Pty Ltd 




  Casual Labour For The City




Mindarie Regional Council 




  Refuse Disposal For The City




Mirco Bros Pty Ltd Oil Distributors 




  Fertiliser - Parks




Museums Australia Western Australia Branch 




  Registration To Peninsula Farm (Tranby) PD Workshop Attendees R Marshall & B Kershaw - Heritage, Museums & Arts




Northern Districts Gymnastics Club Incorporated 




  Kidsport Vouchers X 1 Child




Office Cleaning Experts 




  Cleaning Services Various Locations April 2015 - Building Maintenance




Officeworks Superstores Pty Ltd 




  Sticky Labels For Anzac - Heritage




Phoenix Motors of Wanneroo 




  Repairs To WN 33728 - Fleet




Plumbline Brickwork & Masonry 




  Installation Of Loose Granite Spalls - Koondoola Regional Bushland Works - Projects




  Construction Of Limestone Wall - Koondoola Regional Bushland Works - Projects




Programmed Integrated Workforce 




  Casual Labour For The City




Reliable Fencing 




  Chain Mesh Fencing - Waste




Roads 2000 Pty Ltd 




  Works - Dallas Crescent - Projects




Royal Pumps 




  On Site Repairs To Pressure Pump - Fleet




Seabreeze Landscape Supplies 




  Brickies Sand - Parks




Squire Patton Boggs 




  Legal Fees For The City




Stanlee WA 




  Various Items - Funded Services




Staples Australia Pty Ltd 




  Stationary For The City March 2015




Supreme Shades 




   Manufacture/Fit New Shade Sail - Merriwa Community Centre - Parks




Surf Life Saving WA Incorporated 




  First Aid CPR Refresher - K Barac - Funded Services




The Hire Guys Wangara 




  Equipment Hire For Parks




The Royal Life Saving Society Australia WA Branch Incorporated 




  Senior First Aid - 18.03.15 - 19.03.15 - S Miller - Aquamotion




Total Eden Pty Ltd 




  Spare Parts - Fleet




Turfmaster Pty Ltd 




  Vertidrain - Various Locations - Parks




Vigilant Traffic Management Pty Ltd 




  Traffic Control Services For The City




Wanneroo Electric 




  Electrical Maintenance For The City




Wanneroo IGA 




  Groceries For Art Programs - Heritage, Museums & Arts




Wanneroo Plumbing 




  Plumbing Maintenance For The City




WEX Australia Pty Ltd 




  Fuel Cards - Fleet




Worldwide Online Printing 




  Printing - Business Card - Various Employees












Badge Construction (WA) Pty Ltd 




  Payment Claim 2 - Koondoola Community Centre - Projects








Total Director Corporate Services Advance - EFT's













National Australia Bank 




Flexipurchase - Hospitality - February 2015




  Coles Supermarkets - In House Catering Requests




  D & A Food Pty Ltd - In House Catering Requests




  Muffin Break Wanneroo - In House Catering Requests




  Wanneroo Deli - In House Catering Requests




  Wanneroo Fresh - In House Catering Requests




  Wanneroo Supa IGA - In House Catering Requests








Flexipurchase - IT - February 2015




  Syntricate.Com.Au - Purchase of 2 x HTC ONE M8 OtterBox Cases for Parks Maintenance Mobile Phones




  Cartridge World Wanneroo - Toner Kit - Emergency Management Room




  Dick Smith - 6 X Apple Ipad Air With Covers








Flexipurchase - Building Maintenance - February 2015




  Action Lock Service - Various Keys/Locks




  Barnetts Architectural Hardware - Hardware Purchases




  Battery World Joondalup - AAA Batteries




  Bunnings - Hardware Purchases




  CSR Gyprock - Various Items




  Diamond Lock & Key - Key Blanks




  Dick Smith - Modular Inline Coupler




  Engineers Australia - ICM TRAINING




  KR Engineering WA - Planer Blades




  Masters - Hardware Purchase




  Solver Decorator Centre - Paint Supplies




  Taubmans Trade Centre - Paint Supplies




  Woolworths - Garbage Bin








Flexipurchase - Libraries - February 2015




  Boffins Bookshop Pty Ltd - Purchase Of Local Stock




  Bookdepository.Com - Resources For Lets Program




  City Of Perth Park11 - Parking - Exchange




  Coles Wanneroo - Library Event - Orange Juice & Biscuits For Patrons For Morning Tea




  Dymocks Joondalup - Bookstock




  James Bennett Pty Ltd - Audio CD For Books In A Bag Kit




  Jb Hi Fi - Purchase Of Local Stock




  Kmart Wanneroo - Toy Frog For Discovery Backpack - Loanable Item




  Library Board Of Qld - 2014 / 2015 Summer Reading Club Merchandise Kit




  Nappy Express Hire Service - Bi-Annual Clean Of 28 Floor Mats For Storytime




  News Ltd Subscriptions - Subscription For The Australian Newspaper




  Officeworks Online - Comsol Mini Display Port To Vga Female Adaptor For Library Services




  Paypal - Step Ladder - Officeworks.




  The Disk Doctor - Consumables For CD/DVD Cleaner




  Thingz Gifts - Cushions Purchased For Lets Program




  Two Rocks IGA - Water For Yanchep Library (Staff Consumption)




  Westbooks - Storytime Books And Popular JF Series








Flexipurchase - Regulatory Services - February 2015




  BCF Australia - Car Fridge




  Better Pets And Gardens - Dog Bed Cover, Leads & Cat Bowls




  Bunnings - Ant Killer & Bug Zapper Globe




  Chicken Treat Carramar - Meals For Volunteers & Brigades EMT Meeting




  Chippys Fish Cafe - Food For Volunteers




  Duvas - Food For Brigades Wesco Fire




  Lay Trading Pty Ltd - Meals For Vollies - Wesco Fire




  Neptunes Cafe - Meeting With Brigade Members @Two Rocks




  Pet City Wanneroo - Dog Leads




  Woolworths - Cat Food








Total Purchasing Cards Transactions








Total EFT's And Purchasing Cards









Cell 1




  Endeavour Properties - SD141587 GST Incorrectly Processed




Cell 4




  Castledine Gregory - Legal Fees




  Castledine Gregory - Legal Fees




  Castledine Gregory - Legal Fees




Cell 5




  McLeods Barristers And Solicitors - Legal Fees




  McLeods Barristers And Solicitors - Legal Fees




Cell 8




  McLeods Barristers And Solicitors - Legal Fees




  McLeods Barristers And Solicitors - Legal Fees

















Ajo Akot Ajo Bak




Haider Al Marshadi




Kandoo Investment Pty Ltd




Da Beat Dance Studio




Eagles Junior Basketball Club (Inc)




Mr Samuel Jordan




Jeremy Clark




QBE Insurance




West Coast Sparkies




WOW Fitness Group




Westpac Banking Corporation




Lend Lease Communities (Australia) Limited




ACM Interiors




C Dyson




J Brown




Cheque Incorrectly Accounted For Previous Period














General Fund Bank Account



Payroll Payments April 2015:




























Payroll Total












City of Wanneroo - Municipal Bank Account




Bank Reconciliation April 2015 $86,797.10








Bank Account Fees




Pooling Maintenance Fee




GLF Trans Fee




CBA Merchant Fee




CBA Pos Fee




Bpay Fees Debtors




Bpay Fees Rates




Bpoint Fees Debtors




Bpoint Fees Rates




Commbiz Fee




Account Service Fee




Aquamotion Direct Debit Return Fees




Trace Fee




Payroll Reject Return Fee








Total Bank Fees








International Money Transfer




  IQ Incoming  - Additional Accommodation - Local Government Planners Association Liveable Cities European Tour - Councillors Bob Smithson, Domenic Zappa, Hugh Nguyen And Daniel Simms (Extra Nights In Copenhagen & Amsterdam)




  Jimmy Cliff - Headline Performance For City Of Wanneroo Global Beats & Eats 2015








Total International Transfers








F Hodges




  Library Services - Official Charter Sign




  Parking Fees




  Hospitality - Beverages - Active Reserves Meeting - F Hodges, Cr G Parker, Cr L Aitken, Cr F Cvitan, Cr N Hewer








N Jennings




  Parking Fees




  Training - Six Sigma Workshop - A Ellerby 16 - 17.04.2015




  Local Government Managers Australia Conference - Darwin - Cr Cvitan




  Airfares - Perth/Darwin - Local Government Managers Australia Conference - Cr Cvitan




  Airfares - Perth/Darwin - Local Government Managers Australia Conference - Mrs Cvitan (To Be Invoiced)








M Yildiz




  Mayor T Roberts - Breakfast With Mark McGowan 06.03.2015




  Airfares - Local Government Planners Association Liveable Cities European Tour - Cr Smithson




  Mayor T Roberts - Wanneroo Business Association Breakfast 18.03.2015




  Conference Expenses - Local Government Managers Australia 2015 National Congress & Business Expo - Darwin -Cr L Aitken & Mayor T Roberts




  Airfares - Perth/Darwin - Local Government Managers Australia 2015 National Congress & Business Expo - Mayor T Roberts & Cr Aitken








Chris Morrison




  Subscription - OHS Legal Decisions Weekly 29.01.15 -28.01.2016




  WA Major Projects Conference 24 - 25.03.2015 - C Pavitt








H Singh




  Membership Subscription - Institute Of Public Works Engineering Australasia - H Singh, R Korenhof 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015




  Corporate Membership Subscription - Institute Of Public Works Engineering Australasia - 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015




  First Aid Course - M Ribbons




  First Aid Course - V Moothoosamy




  Clearing Permit - Cheltondale Park




  Parking Fees




  Architectural Record Book  - M Movaffaghi








P St John




  Registration Fee - Economic Development Australia - Driving Change In Our Cities - J Macey




  Parking Fees




  Hospitality - Beverages - Meeting With Cr Treby




  Subscription - Infographics Monthly




  Registration Fee - Urban Development Institute Of Australia "Setting The Course" Luncheon 01.04.2015




  Hospitality - Beverages - Councillors Busselton Bus Tour To Investigate Caravan Parks




  Incorrect Charge - Reimbursed - Receipt 4233126




  Accommodation - Pullman Resort, Bunker Bay - Councillors Busselton Bus Tour To Investigate Caravan Parks - 21 - 22 .03.2015




  Hospitality - Lunch Celebration - Local Government Managers Australia Challenge








Purchasing Officer




  Monthly Subscription - Freshdesk Service




  Monthly Subscription - Campaign Monitor




  Youth Services - Caricature Art At Hainsworth Youth Club




  Training - Sexual Health Course - A Farelly, S Bailey, O Bravo, M Goode, L Hardy, K Traynor




  The West Australian - Death Notices




  Gumblossom Community Centre - Client Meals




  Gumblossom Community Centre - Pantry Items




  Woolworths Gift Cards - Alexander Heights Day Club Meal Cards




  Vehicle Side Window Shades For Buses




  Coles/Myer Gift Card - Materials For Youth Centre




  Coles Gift Card - Food & Beverages For Cooking Activities At Youth Centre




  Coles Gift Card - Wanneroo Day Club - Lunch Card




  Delivery Fee - Coles Gift Card - Wanneroo Day Club - Lunch Card




  Coles Gift Card - Aboriginal Seniors Kookaburra Club - Lunch Card




  Youth Services - 3 X Movie Ticket Booklets




  Coles/Myer Gift Cards - Community Capacity Building Employee Of The Month Award (X10) March To December 2015




  Delivery Fee - Coles/Myer Gift Cards - Community Capacity Building Employee Of The Month Award (X10) March To December 2015




  Alzheimer's Disease International Conference (15-18 April 2015) - D Criddle




  Hyatt Regency - Deposit For Artists Room For Global Beats & Eats




  Coles/Myer Gift Card For 8 - 11 Year Old Program




  Coles/Myer Gift Card - Food & Equipment For Clarkson Youth Centre




  Monthly Subscription - Freshdesk Service




  Coles Gift Card - Youth Services Term 1 Food








D Simms




  Hospitality - WA Local Government Association Meeting 27.01.2015 - Receipt Lost CEO To Reimburse City Of Wanneroo




  Registration Fee - Local Government Chief Officers Group Meeting - Tasmania - D Simms




  Registration Fee - Wanneroo Business Association Breakfast - D Simms




  Hospitality - Coffees & Lunch - City Of Melton Visit To City Of Wanneroo 11.02.2015




  Hospitality - Meeting To Discuss Organisational Structure - D Simms, N Jennings, H Hardcastle (Learning Horizons) - 13.02.2015




  Parking Fees




  Registration Fee - Economic Development Australia - Driving Change In Our Cities 10.03.2015 - D Simms & M Dickson




  Taxifare Fares: Local Government Chief Officers Group Conference, Tasmania (25 - 27.02.2015)




  Accommodation - Local Government Chief Officers Group Conference, Tasmania (25 - 27.02.2015)




  Accommodation - A May (PA To CEO) - National Public Sector EA/PA Conference, Sydney (24 - 26.02.2015)




  Parking Fees




  Hospitality - Meeting With KPMG To Discuss Audit & Risk Committee Reports - 06.03.2015 (D Simms, N Jennings, Cr H Nguyen, K Williams-KPMG)




  Hospitality - Prior To Outer Metropolitan Growth Council Meeting - 19.03.2015 - D Simms, R Tame (CEO, City Of Armadale), R Spielman (National Growth Areas Alliance)




  Hospitality - Lunch - Elected Member Bus Tour Of Caravan Parks - Busselton - 21.03.2015 - Elected Members: Mayor T Roberts, Cr D Newton, Cr F Cvitan, Cr D Guise, Cr N Hewer, Cr G Parker, Cr S Winton, Cr B Treby; Administration: D Simms, P St John, M Penson, M Sparks




  Accommodation - Elected Member Bus Tour Of Caravan Parks - Busselton - 21 - 22.03.2015 - Elected Members: Mayor T Roberts, Cr D Newton, Cr F Cvitan, Cr D Guise, Cr N Hewer, Cr G Parker, Cr S Winton, Cr B Treby; Administration: D Simms, P St John, M Penson, M Sparks




  Hospitality - Interviews For Manager Infrastructure Projects - 23.03.2015 - D Simms, H Singh, G Monkhouse, P Casey (Beilby, Recruitment Consultant)




  Hospitality - Dinner With Preferred Candidate For Manager Infrastructure Projects - 23.03.2015 - Cervantes, Pinnacles - D Simms, H Singh, G Monkhouse, P Casey (Beilby, Recruitment Consultant), Preferred Candidate








Total Credit Card Payments








Total Bank Fees, International Transactions And Credit Cards








Advance Recoup April 2015








Direct Payment Total (Includes Advance Recoup, Credit Cards And Bank Fees)








Total Accounts Paid - Municipal Fund




Carried Unanimously


CS02-05/15       Financial Activity Statement for the Period Ended 31 March 2015

File Ref:                                              12606 – 15/114868

Responsible Officer:                           Director Corporate Strategy & Performance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       4         


Moved Cr Cvitan, Seconded Cr Guise

That Council RECEIVES the Financial Activity Statements and commentaries on variances to Year to Date Budget for the period ended 31 March 2015, consisting of:



1.       2014/15 Annual Original and Revised Budget;

2.       March 2015 Year to Date Revised Budget;

3.       March 2015 Year to Date Income and Expenditures;

4.       March 2015 Year to Date Material Variance Notes; and

5.       March 2015 Year to Date Net Current Assets.


Carried Unanimously

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CS03-05/15       Financial Activity Statement for the Period Ended 30 April 2015

File Ref:                                              12606 – 15/140334

Responsible Officer:                           Director Corporate Strategy & Performance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       4         


Moved Cr Cvitan, Seconded Cr Guise

That Council RECEIVES the Financial Activity Statements and commentaries on variances to Year to Date Budget for the period ended 30 April 2015, consisting of:

1.       2014/15 Annual Original and Revised Budget;

2.       April 2015 Year to Date Revised Budget;

3.       April 2015 Year to Date Income and Expenditures;

4.       April 2015 Year to Date Material Variance Notes; and

5.       April 2015 Year to Date Net Current Assets.


Carried Unanimously

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Mayor Roberts declared an impartial interest in Item CS04-05/15 due to being Vice-patron of the Quinns Mindarie Surf Life Saving Club.

CS04-05/15       Petition PT01-04/15 Community Facility - Quinns Mindarie Surf Lifesaving Club

File Ref:                                              5422 – 15/143329

Responsible Officer:                           Director Corporate Strategy & Performance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil       


Moved Cr Driver, Seconded Cr Parker

That Council:-

1.       NOTES that the upgrade of the Quinns Mindarie Surf Lifesaving Club is being funded from the Asset Replacement Reserve.

2.       NOTES that the proceeds from the sale of Lot 12 Fowey Loop, Mindarie are held in the Asset Replacement Reserve; and

3.       ADVISES the petition organiser of Councils decision.


Carried Unanimously


Governance and Legal

CS05-05/15       Review of the Council Members' Fees, Allowances, Reimbursements & Benefits Policy

File Ref:                                              2409 – 15/141581

Responsible Officer:                           Director Corporate Strategy & Performance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       1         


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Truong

That Council ADOPT BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY the amendments to the Council Members’ Fees, Allowances, Reimbursements & Benefits Policy as shown in Attachment 1.




CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 26 May, 2015                                                                  201














CS06-05/15       Donations to be Considered by Council - May 2015

File Ref:                                              2855V02 – 15/141264

Responsible Officer:                           Director Corporate Strategy & Performance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil       


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Truong

That Council APPROVES a request for sponsorship in the sum of $1,500.00 to Scouts WA for the participation of Riley Schotte, Michael Marko and Tana Glassock in the Manila Ticket to Life Project to be held in Manila Philippines from 15 – 24 May 2015.


Carried Unanimously


Chief Executive Office

Office of the CEO Reports

Mayor Roberts declared an impartial interest in Item CE01-05/15 due to being a financial member and Patron of the Wanneroo Agricultural Society.

Crs Guise, Winton and Newton declared an impartial interest in Item CE01-05/15 due to being financial members of the Wanneroo Agricultural Society.

CE01-05/15       Sponsorship Agreement Wanneroo Agricultural Society

File Ref:                                              8689 – 15/140672

Responsible Officer:                           Chief Executive Officer

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil         


Moved Cr Cvitan, Seconded Cr Guise

That Council APPROVES a Sponsorship Agreement with the Wanneroo Agricultural Society as outlined within this report to the value of $34,100 per year for a period of  three years.


Carried Unanimously



Item  9       Motions on Notice

MN01-05/15      Mayor Tracey Roberts – Feasibility Study - the Installation of Shark Barriers at  City's Beaches

File Ref:                                              1806 – 15/146804

Author:                                                Mayor Tracey Roberts

Action Officer:                                    A/Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil        


Moved Cr Roberts, Seconded Cr Driver

That Council REQUESTS Administration to investigate the feasibility of installation of a shark barrier at City’s beaches and report back to Council in December 2015.


Carried Unanimously


Cr Aitken declared an impartial interest in Item MN02-05/15 due to being on the Yanchep District Highschool Council.

MN02-05/15      Cr Linda Aitken – Yanchep Secondary School

File Ref:                                              11790 – 15/157506

Author:                                                Cr Linda Aitken

Action Officer:                                    Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil       


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Hewer

That Council AUTHORISES the Mayor to write to the Premier and Minister for Education requesting that the planned Yanchep Secondary School opening be brought forward to the 2017 school year instead of the current plan for commencement in 2019.


Procedural Motion


Moved Cr Roberts, Seconded Cr Treby


That the Motion be deferred to seek further information as concerned bringing the date forward to 2017 may compromise the quality of the school.





For the motion:           Cr Cvitan, Cr Driver, Cr Guise, Cr Hayden, Cr Hewer, Cr Newton, Cr Parker, Cr Roberts, Cr Treby, Cr Truong and Cr Winton


Against the motion:   Cr Aitken


Carried Unanimously



Item  10     Urgent Business

The Mayor explained that the presiding person may dispense with the requirement to give notice under Clause 3.14 where the presiding person is satisfied that a) the motion is a matter of urgency and the motion could not reasonably be dealt with at the next ordinary meeting of the Council and b) that it was not reasonable for the notice to be given.  The Mayor stated she was satisfied that those requirements had been met.


Cr Winton explained that she was made aware that the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor had reopened the submission period to allow further submissions on the liquor store and drive through and if waited till the next ordinary Council meeting, there would not be an opportunity to make a submission as the period would have closed.

UB01-05/15       Submission on Application for Liquor and Drive Through Store at Lot 1061 (No. 2) Captiva Approach, Butler

Moved Cr Winton, Seconded Cr Driver


That Council:-


1.       INSTRUCT Administration to make a submission to the Department of Racing, Gaming          and Liquor on the application before it relating to the liquor store and drive-through    component at Lot 1061 (no 2) Captiva Approach Butler, outlining the concerns         received from members of the community as part of the public consultation period;          and


2.       ADVISE the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor that it will consider moving a     further submission on this issue at a later stage.


Carried Unanimously


Item  11     Confidential

Moved Cr Guise, Seconded Cr Cvitan


That Council move into a Confidential Session to discuss these items under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995 Section 5.23(2).



The meeting was closed to the public and all recording ceased at 8:28pm.


Moved Cr Newton, Seconded Cr Guise


That the meeting be reopened to the public.



The meeting was reopened to the public and all recording recommenced at 8:35pm.


Mayor Roberts read aloud the motions.


CR01-05/15       Resolution of Contractual Matter

File Ref:                                              11305 – 15/119411

Responsible Officer:                           A/Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil      

This report is to be dealt with in confidential session, under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995 Section 5.23(2), as follows:

(c)          a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting

(d)          legal advice obtained, or which may be obtained, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting

(e)(iii)    a matter that if disclosed, would reveal  information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government

Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Parker

That Council:-


1.       In accordance with legal advice provided to the City, ENDORSES the Chief Executive Officer to resolve and settle the contractual matter in accordance with the terms set out in Administration’s report; and


2.         AUTHORISES the Common Seal to be affixed to any associated documentation required for the resolution of this matter.




Moved Mayor Roberts, Seconded Cr Treby


To add a new recommendation 3.


3.         Council requests administration to conduct an investigation into potential breaches of confidence and any associated violations of the City's Code of Conduct in respect of this report and its related documents, and report back to Council accordingly.


Carried Unanimously

Substantive Motion as Amended


That Council:-


1.       In accordance with legal advice provided to the City, ENDORSES the Chief Executive Officer to resolve and settle the contractual matter in accordance with the terms set out in Administration’s report;


2.         AUTHORISES the Common Seal to be affixed to any associated documentation required for the resolution of this matter; and


3.         REQUESTS administration to conduct an investigation into potential breaches of confidence and any associated violations of the City's Code of Conduct in respect of this report and its related documents, and REPORT back to Council accordingly.


The substantive motion was put as amended and

Carried Unanimously

CR02-05/15       Drainage Agreement - Willespie Park (Reserve 45977) and Lot 3 (15) Goundrey Drive, Pearsall

File Ref:                                              15958 – 15/107564

Responsible Officer:                           A/Director Corporate Strategy & Performance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       2        

This report is to be dealt with in confidential session, under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995 Section 5.23(2), as follows:

(e)(iii)    a matter that if disclosed, would reveal  information about the business, professional, commercial or financial affairs of a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government


Moved Cr Newton, Seconded Cr Cvitan

1.       That Council AUTHORISES the affixing of the Common Seal of the City of Wanneroo to a drainage agreement between the City and Westwin Asset Pty Ltd for:

a)      the construction of a drainage swale in part of Willespie Park, Pearsall (that part being Lot 15058 on Plan 24125); and;

b)      subject to the completion of a), the decommissioning of a temporary drainage sump in Lot 3 (15) Goundrey Drive, Pearsall (Lot 3 on Plan 24125),

such affixing of the Common Seal to be in accordance with the City's Execution of Documents Policy; and

2.       NOTES that a community facilities contribution of $20,000 paid by Westwin Asset Pty Ltd to the City under the drainage agreement will be allocated to Project No. PR-1046 (Pearsall Hocking Community Centre project).


Carried Unanimously


CR03-05/15       Offer to Purchase Lot 501 (94) Hampton Road Darch

File Ref:                                              7241 – 15/130244

Responsible Officer:                           Director Corporate Strategy & Performance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       3        

This report is to be dealt with in confidential session, under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995 Section 5.23(2), as follows:

(c)          a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting


Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Hayden

That Council:-


1.       SUPPORTS in principle the conditional offer as presented by Red8 Property Group Pty Ltd for the purchase of Lot 501 (94) Hampton Road, Darch for the amount outlined in the body of this report;


2.       AUTHORISES the public advertising of the proposed disposition of Lot 501 (94) Hampton Road, Darch in accordance with Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995;


3.       In the event there are no submissions,


a)      AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer to accept the conditional offer as presented by Red8 Property Group Pty Ltd for the purchase of Lot 501 (94) Hampton Road, Darch for the amount outlined in the body of this report;


b)      AUTHORISES the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer to affix the Common Seal of the City of Wanneroo to the Transfer of Land documentation for the sale of Lot 501 (94) Hampton Road, Darch in accordance with the City of Wanneroo’s Execution of Documents Policy;


4.       NOTES any other associated documentation relating to the sale of Lot 501 (94) Hampton Road, Darch are to be executed in accordance with the City of Wanneroo’s Execution of Documents Policy;


5.       DELEGATES BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY to the Chief Executive Officer the authority to vary:


a)      The settlement date; and

b)      The date of satisfaction of any conditions,


          Pursuant to the Contract of Sale between the City of Wanneroo and Red8 Property Group Pty Ltd for the sale of  Lot 501 (94) Hampton Road, Darch; and


6.       NOTES that a further report may be presented to Council in the event that submissions are received following the conclusion of the public advertising period in 2 above.





CR04-05/15       Coastal Infastructure Update - Confidential

File Ref:                                              11575 – 15/149125

Responsible Officer:                           A/Director Corporate Strategy & Performance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil      

This report is to be dealt with in confidential session, under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995 Section 5.23(2), as follows:

(d)          legal advice obtained, or which may be obtained, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting


Moved Cr Driver, Seconded Cr Parker

That Council NOTES that the Chief Executive Officer will continue with operational mitigation of coastal infrastructure risks.


Carried Unanimously

CR05-05/15       Yanchep Active Open Space - Oval Groundworks Costs

File Ref:                                              4504 – 15/147106

Responsible Officer:                           A/Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil        

This report is to be dealt with in confidential session, under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995 Section 5.23(2), as follows:

(e)(ii)     a matter that if disclosed, would reveal information that has a commercial value to a person, where the information is held by, or is about, a person other than the local government


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Hewer

That Council ENDORSES the estimated Oval Groundworks Costs as detailed in the report, therefore complying with the requirements of Clause 5.1(b)(ii) of the Deed of Agreement between the City of Wanneroo and the Yanchep Beach Joint Venture, subject to satisfactory completion of the Developer Contribution Plan for Yanchep-Two Rocks.




Item  12     Date of Next Meeting

The next Special Council meeting has been scheduled for 6:00pm on Tuesday 9 June, to be held at Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo.

Item  13     Closure

There being no further business, the Mayor closed the meeting at 8.40pm.


In Attendance


TRACEY ROBERTS, JP                            Mayor




DOT NEWTON, JP                                      Central Ward

DIANNE GUISE                                           Central Ward

FRANK CVITAN, JP                                    Central Ward

SABINE WINTON                                        Coastal Ward

GLYNIS PARKER                                       Coastal Ward

RUSSELL DRIVER                                     Coastal Ward

NORMAN HEWER                                      North Ward

LINDA AITKEN                                             North Ward

ANH TRUONG                                             South Ward

BRETT TREBY                                             South Ward

DENIS HAYDEN                                         South Ward