Council Agenda




7.00pm, 31 January, 2006

Civic Centre,

Dundebar Road, Wanneroo


Public Question & Statement Time


Council allows a minimum of 15 minutes for public questions and statements at each Council meeting.  If there are not sufficient questions to fill the allocated time, the person presiding will move on to the next item.  If there are more questions than can be dealt with in the 15 minutes allotted, the person presiding will determine whether to extend question time.




During the meeting, no member of the public may interrupt the meeting’s proceedings or enter into conversation.  Each person seeking to ask questions during public question time may address the council for a maximum of 3 minutes each.


Members of the public wishing to submit written questions are requested to lodge them with the Chief Executive Officer at least 30 hours prior to the start of the meeting.


The person presiding will control public question time and ensure that each person wishing to ask a question is given a fair and equal opportunity to do so.  A person wishing to ask a question should state his or her name and address before asking the question.  If the question relates to an item on the agenda, the item number should also be stated.


The following general rules apply to question and statement time:


·                Questions should only relate to the business of the council and should not be a statement or personal opinion.

·                Only questions relating to matters affecting Council will be considered at an ordinary meeting, and at a special meeting only questions that relate to the purpose of the meeting will be considered.  Questions may be taken on notice and responded to after the meeting.

·                Questions may not be directed at specific members of council or employees.

·                Questions & statements are not to be framed in such a way as to reflect adversely on a particular Elected Member or Officer.

·                The first priority will be given to persons who are asking questions relating to items on the current meeting agenda.

·                The second priority will be given to public statements.  Only statements regarding items on the agenda under consideration will be heard.




The Mayor and Councillors will conduct an informal session on the same day as the meeting of the Council at the Civic Centre, Wanneroo, commencing at 6.00pm where members of the public may, by appointment, present deputations. If you wish to present a deputation please submit your request for a deputation in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer or fax through to Executive Services on 9405 5097. 


·                A time period of 10 minutes is set aside for each deputation. 

·                Deputations shall not exceed five (5) persons in number and only three (3) of those persons shall be at liberty to address the Council and to respond to questions the Mayor and Councillors may have.


Please ensure that mobile phones are switched off before entering the Council Chamber.  Any queries on this agenda, please contact Executive Services on 9405 5027 or 9405 5018.

Recording of Council Meetings Policy


·      To ensure that there is a process in place to outline access to the recorded proceedings of Council.

·      To emphasise that the reason for tape recording of Council Meetings is to ensure the accuracy of Council Meetings.


Recording of Proceedings

(1)          Proceedings for meetings of the Council, of electors and of the Audit Committee shall be recorded, by the City, on sound recording equipment except, in the case of meetings of the Council or the Audit Committee, where the Council or the Committee, as the case may be, closes the meeting to the public.

(2)          Notwithstanding sub clause (1), proceedings of a meeting of the Council or of the Audit Committee which is closed to the public shall be recorded where the Council or the Audit Committee, as the case requires, resolves to do so.

(3)          No member of the public is to use any electronic, visual or vocal recording device or instrument to record the proceedings of the Council or a committee without the written permission of the Council.

Access to Recorded Tapes

(4)          Members of the public may purchase a copy of the taped proceedings or alternatively listen to recorded proceedings with the supervision of a City Officer.

(5)          Elected Members may listen to a recording of the Council proceedings upon request, free of charge.  However, no transcript will be produced without the approval of the Chief Executive Officer.

(6)          Costs of providing taped proceedings to members of the public will be the cost of the tape plus staff time to make the copy of the proceedings.  The cost of supervised listening to recordings will be the cost of the staff time.  The cost of staff time will be set in the City’s schedule of fees and charges each year.

Retention of Tapes

(7)          Recordings pertaining to the proceedings of Council Meetings shall be retained in accordance with the Library Board of Western Australia Act (1951-83), General Disposal Authority for Local Government Records.  The current requirement for the retention of recorded proceedings is thirty (30) years.

Disclosure of Policy

(8)          This policy shall be printed within the agenda of all Council, Special Council, Electors and Special Electors and the Audit Committee meetings to advise the public that the proceedings of the meeting are recorded.



Notice is given that the next Ordinary Council Meeting will be held at the Civic Centre,

Dundebar Road, Wanneroo on Tuesday 31 January, 2006 commencing at 7.00pm.






Chief Executive Officer

25 January 2006







Item  1          Attendances  1

Item  2          Apologies and Leave of Absence   1

Item  3          Public Question Time   1

Item  4          Confirmation of Minutes  1

OC01-01/06    Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting Held on 13 December 2005  1

Item  5          Announcements by the Mayor without Discussion   1

Item  6          Questions from Elected Members  1

Item  7          Petitions  1

New Petitions Presented  1

Update on Petitions  1

Item  8          Reports  2

Declarations of Interest by Elected Members, including the nature and extent of the interest.  Declaration of Interest forms to be completed and handed to the Chief Executive Officer. 2

Planning and Development  3

Policies & Studies  3

PD01-01/06     Alkimos Wastewater Treatment Plant - Public Environmental Review   3

Town Planning Schemes and Structure Plans  26

PD02-01/06     Proposed Lot 10 Flynn Drive, Carramar Local Structure Plan  26

PD03-01/06     Proposed Amendment No.23 to District Planning Scheme No.2: Rezoning Pt Lot 51, Walding Road, Carabooda from Rural Resource Zone to Special Rural Zone  32

PD04-01/06     Adoption of Local Structure Plan 40 and Final Adoption Amendment No. 57 to District Planning Scheme No.2 - Lots 1 Yanchep Beach Road and 102 Marmion Avenue, Yanchep  44

PD05-01/06     Proposed Yanchep-Two Rocks District Concept Plan  68

PD06-01/06     Discontinuance of Amendment No. 15 to District Planning Scheme No.2  97

Development Applications  102

PD07-01/06     Proposed Bed and Breakfast - Lot 751 (21) Piper Street, Quinns Rocks  102

PD08-01/06     Proposed Nightclub - Lot 10 (Strata Lot 2/49) Berriman Drive, Wangara  114

PD09-01/06     Proposed Sand Extraction on Lot 205 (512) Shearwater Avenue, Two Rocks  119

Delegated Authority Reports  130

PD10-01/06     Subdivision Applications Determined Under Delegated Authority During November 2005 And December 2005  130

PD11-01/06     Development Applications Determined by Delegated Authority for December 2005  154

Other Matters  168

PD12-01/06     Lifting of Urban Deferred Zoning Under the Metropolitan Region Scheme - Wanneroo Road, Woodvale  168

Infrastructure  176

Tenders  176

IN01-01/06     Tender No 05555 - Construction of Five Bus Shelters at Various Locations within the City of Wanneroo  176

Traffic Management  182

IN02-01/06     PT01-09/05 - Traffic Management Treatments in Mindarie Drive, Quinns Rocks  182

IN03-01/06     Anchorage Drive, Mindarie - Traffic Management Treatment  192

Funding and Budget  196

IN04-01/06     Mindarie Foreshore Restoration Project - Stage 2 – Coastwest Grant  196

IN05-01/06     Restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain - Yellagonga Regional Park  200

Corporate Services  204

Finance  204

CS01-01/06     Warrant of Payment - for the Period to 30 November 2005  204

CS02-01/06     Warrant of Payments - for the Period to 31 December 2005  273

CS03-01/06     Financial Activity Statements - for the Period Ended  30 November 2005  317

Contracts and Property  329

CS04-01/06     Realignment of Mather Drive, Neerabup  329

CS05-01/06     Proposed Lease - Portion 935 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo - Small Business Centre (North West Metro) Inc  337

CS06-01/06     Proposed Lease - Portion 935 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo - Wanneroo Business Association Inc  347

CS07-01/06     Head Lease and Sublease for Portion State Forest 65 - Shooting and Recreational Facilities  358

CS08-01/06     Shared Use - Public/School Sports Ovals  363

Community Development  369

Community Services  369

CD01-01/06    Home and Community Care (HACC) Program 2005 - 2006 Deed of Variation  369

CD02-01/06    Additional Home and Community Care (HACC) Funding Awarded to the City  373

CD03-01/06    Hainsworth Skate Facility  378

CD04-01/06    Grant From Lotterywest for 2006 Summer Concert Series  383

Leisure & Library Services  385

CD05-01/06    Dalvik Park Merriwa - Development Proposal  385

Ranger & Safety Services  393

CD06-01/06    Application to Keep More Than Two Dogs - Various Addresses  393

Governance and Strategy  397

Governance & Customer Relations  397

GS01-01/06     Donation Request to be Considered by Council  397

Strategic Projects  401

GS02-01/06     Consultant Selection for Visioning and Structure Plan  401

Chief Executive Office  405

General  405

CE01-01/06     Donation Requests Determined Under the Delegated Authority of the Chief Executive Officer  405

CE02-01/06     State Infrastructure Strategy  409

Item  9          Motions on Notice   450

MN01-01/06   Cr Salpietro - Request for a Waiver of Fees - Celebrate Recovery  450

MN02-01/06   Cr Treby - Dob in a Graffiti Offender  454

MN03-01/06   Cr Salpietro – Mindarie Regional Council  456

Item  10        Urgent Business  457

Item  11        Confidential   457

CR01-01/06    Joint Venture Arrangement - Lot 4 Flynn Drive, Neerabup  457

CR02-01/06    Consent of Assignment of Sublease - Yanchep Lagoon Kiosk  457

Item  12        Date of Next Meeting   458

The next Ordinary Councillors Briefing Session has been scheduled for 6.00pm on Tuesday, 14 February 2006, to be held at the Civic Centre, Dundebar Road, Wanneroo. 458

Item  13        Closure   458




Item  1                Attendances

Item  2                Apologies and Leave of Absence

Item  3                Public Question Time

Item  4                Confirmation of Minutes

OC01-01/06   Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting Held on 13 December 2005

That the minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 13 December 2005 be confirmed.


Item  5                Announcements by the Mayor without Discussion

Item  6                Questions from Elected Members

Item  7                Petitions

New Petitions Presented

Update on Petitions


Item  8                Reports

Declarations of Interest by Elected Members, including the nature and extent of the interest.  Declaration of Interest forms to be completed and handed to the Chief Executive Officer.

Cr Loftus to declare an impartial interest in Item PD04-01/06 due to being a member of the Yanchep Sports Club, whose premises are on Lot 1, Yanchep Beach Road, Yanchep.


Cr Loftus to declare a financial interest in Item PD05-01/06 due to the applicant in the report being a client of a business of which Cr Loftus is a director and under delegated authority by the Minister for Local Government and Regional Development to the Director General has approved his full participation in discussions and decision making procedures relating to Council’s consideration of all matters affecting Tokyu Corporation’s St Andrews Project, under section 6.69 (3) (b) of the Local Government Act.


Mayor Kelly to declare an indirect financial interest in Item PD05-01/06 due to receiving political donations from Tokyu Corporation towards his election campaign as an Independent in the State seat of Girrawheen in the 2005 State Government election. 


Mayor Kelly to declare an indirect financial interest in Items PD06-01/06 due to receiving political donations from Ray Jackson towards his election campaign as an Independent in the State seat of Girrawheen in the 2005 State Government election. 


Cr Loftus to declare a financial interest in Item PD09-01/06 due to the applicant in the report being a client of a business of which Cr Loftus is a director.


Cr Loftus to declare an impartial interest in Item CS06-01/06 due to being a member of the association mentioned in the report.


Cr Gray to declare an impartial interest in Item CS06-01/06 due to being a member of the Wanneroo Business Association.


Cr Loftus to declare a financial interest in Item CD04-01/06 due to the applicant in the report being a client of a business of which Cr Loftus is a director.


Cr Loftus to declare an impartial interest in Item CR02-01/06 due to being a member of the Yanchep Sports Club, to which the signatories to this sublease are also members of the same club.


Planning and Development

Policies & Studies

PD01-01/06   Alkimos Wastewater Treatment Plant - Public Environmental Review

File Ref:                                              S16/0013V01

File Name: AAAlkimos Wastewater Treatment Plant   Public Environmental Review .doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 4 Approval by GraceB Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Planning and Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Ian Bignell

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       6

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To consider the Public Environmental Review (PER) for the proposed Alkimos Wastewater Treatment Plant (AWWTP).


In the 1970s the Water Corporation identified the need for a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) north of the Beenyup WWTP to service the planned growth of Perth’s North West Corridor.  Lot 101 Alkimos was purchased for this purpose.  Water Corporation is now proposing to develop the AWWTP by 2009/10, initially to treat some 10 million litres per day (ML/d) of wastewater and projected to increase to 60 ML/d by 2040.  The plant would be developed in stages to reach an ultimate capacity of 160 ML/d.


A key issue for the Water Corporation in siting the proposed plant in a coastal location is securing the advantage of a gravity system, which avoids the need for pumping of wastewater to the plant, as well as providing for incorporation of an ocean outfall.


The Water Corporation is proposing two sites for the AWWTP.  Site A is located between 300 and 1000 metres from the shoreline behind the foredunes.  Site B is located between 1000 and 1700 metres of the coast at a higher point in the landscape. Site A is as shown in the current Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) and site B is depicted in MRS Amendment No 1029/33 which has been advertised and is currently under consideration by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).  Site B has been determined as the preferred site (which would allow for development of more desirable land adjoining the Alkimos regional beach for residential and other uses), with site A the fallback option should any environmental, technical or commercial impediments arise with option B. 


A location plan and site options plan are appended as Attachment 1 and 2 respectively.


The EPA has required the preparation of a PER to describe this proposal and its likely environmental impacts.  The proposal involves the construction, operation and maintenance of a WWTP at Alkimos, to be developed in stages up to an operational capacity of 160 ML/d. 

It involves the associated treated wastewater disposal strategy via an ocean outlet, with future opportunities for wastewater reuse.


The PER has been released for public comment for a ten-week period between 14 November 2005 and 23 January 2006.


Council has previously considered the AWWTP in the context of consideration of the Alkimos-Eglinton MRS Amendment 1029/33 at the December 2003 meeting (item PD10-12/03).  Council resolved to support the Amendment in principle, subject to a number of comments including the following in respect of the WWTP site:


“2.       It considers the proposal to move the Waste Water Treatment Plant site inland has considerable merit in terms of providing access to the adjacent regional beach and the development of a significant beach node at this point. 


The location of the proposed Public Purposes reservation however represents a significant barrier and interruption to the orderly development of the narrow urban belt between the Alkimos Regional Centre and regional beach/coastal node.  The Council would therefore strongly support and encourage further negotiations between the parties aimed at relocating the plant as far eastward as practical to a location that further reduces development constraints in the vicinity of the regional beach and the linkage to the Alkimos Regional Centre.


3.         It is concerned that detailed, site specific odour modelling has not been finalised at this stage and that further studies to be undertaken should also address such matters as landform and possible future land uses of the buffer areas, and possibilities for reuse of wastewater.”


At its 26 April 2005 meeting (item PD10-04/05) Council further considered a modified Amendment (changes made in respect of regional roads only) where it supplemented and reiterated its earlier submission.


Particulars of the scope and key characteristics of the AWWTP proposal are provided in Section 2 of the PER.  A summary table for Sites A and B is provided as Attachment 3.  The AWWTP will be based on advanced versions of the activated sludge process and developed in stages, ahead of forecast demand over the next 50-100 years.  The treatment processes are likely to involve some or all of the following:


·                Screening and grit removal and primary sedimentation tanks at the eastern end of the site;

·                Activated sludge secondary treatment;

·                Sludge thickening, digesters, storage tanks and dewatering;

·                Gas engines for energy recovery;

·                Treated Wastewater balancing lagoons;

·                Outlet flume in the west of the site;

·                Water reclamation plant and product-water tanks;

·                Odour control extraction and scrubbing plants, with discharge via vent stacks of some 50m height.

The design for the first stage is not yet finalised and some flexibility is needed to meet odour and other environmental and process requirements.  It is also noted that the plant layout and processes will adapt to technological improvements over its lifetime.


Plant layout plans for Sites A and B are attached as Attachment 4 and 5 respectively.


As part of the proposal, the Water Corporation will also construct a land outlet pipeline connecting the AWWTP to the ocean outlet point, and an ocean outlet pipeline (1000-1200 mm diameter) of approximately 3500 metres length. Extension or duplication of the submarine pipeline may possibly be required in the future.  The pipeline would be buried below the sand level on the beach and to the 5 metres water depth contour to ensure the pipe is not visible and so as not to provide a barrier to sand movement.  A temporary construction groyne or jetty would be built across the beach to the 3-4m depth contour.


In terms of power consumption, this is expected to be approx. 25M kWhr per annum at full capacity of 160 ML/d.  Recovery of biogas to fuel gas engines is expected to contribute approx. 40% of the plant energy requirements.


The summary table (Attachment 3) shows the key characteristics and environmental factor differences between the preferred Site B and the alternative Site A.  In particular, it can be seen that significant earth working and excavation of some 3M cubic metres of earth will be required to achieve appropriate development levels at Site B (compared to minimal earthworks for Site A), together with the loss of an additional 5ha vegetation to be cleared (28.2ha in total for Site B compared to 23.2ha for Site A).  In terms of site odour buffers, these are generally 600 metres for both options, although a larger 800 metres buffer may be required to the west and northwest under Site B.  The Water Corporation is anticipating that technological advances can reduce the actual buffer requirements.


Section 2 of the PER also outlines opportunities and options for re-use of treated wastewater to meet the 20% target for wastewater recycling set down in the State Water Strategy.  Four categories are identified for such schemes:


Category 1 - Industrial.

Category 2 – Green Space (irrigation of public parks, golf courses and possibly private gardens).

Category 3 – Agricultural (irrigation of agricultural areas).

Category 4 – Indirect Potable (use of recycled water to augment scheme water supplies).


Opportunities for reuse at AWWTP include:


·                Carabooda market gardens (either through a managed aquifer recharge [MAR] scheme as part of a proposed horticulture precinct or through pipelines for direct irrigation of crops);

·                Environmental benefits (a MAR scheme may boost groundwater levels and provide positive benefits for wetlands, groundwater dependent ecosystems and remnant bushland areas etc);

·                Gnangara Mound (MAR scheme infiltration of the Mound);

·                Supply to local community (integrated water management for new residential areas); and

·                Drinking water supplies (MAR scheme options).

The report does note, however that currently reuse options are more suited for Beenyup WWTP as initial waste water flows from Alkimos are projected to be minor in comparison.


Section 4 of the PER outlines the environmental impacts of the proposal and management strategies.  A summary table showing the key environmental factors assessed and proposed management are shown in Attachment 6


The environmental assessment has considered the Site options A and B together with their respective buffer areas, several ocean outfall launch site options (as shown in Attachment 2), and a proposed ocean pipeline location.  As noted above, in many respects the environmental impacts of the proposal are identical for whichever site option is ultimately chosen, except for various biophysical site elements (vegetation types and condition, clearing extent etc) and odour buffer requirements.


The PER is being advertised for a ten-week period between 14 November 2005 and 23 January 2006.  The City has been granted a time extension to provide its submission following the Council meeting of 31 January 2006.


It is considered that the following points should form the basis of the City’s submission in relation to this PER. 




The proposed AWWTP will be one of the most significant strategic infrastructure projects for the future growth of the City’s coastal corridor and as such is generally supported by the Council.  The PER is generally considered to adequately address the environmental impacts of the proposal subject to the EPA and Water Corporation having regard for further comments made below.


The EPA is also reminded that it should consider and/or integrate its decision-making process for this PER with the environmental review carried out in conjunction with the Alkimos-Eglinton MRS Amendment No 1029/33 to ensure consistent and considered decisions.


Site Options: 


Council has previously supported the proposed Site option B for AWWTP in considering MRS Amendment 1029/33.  This support has been based mainly on the stated planning and land development considerations.  The City does acknowledge however that Site B does necessitate additional clearing of native vegetation and significant earthworks/excavation compared to Site A.  The report also notes that Site B is botanically more significant than Site A because it contains the only population of Nuytsia Floribunda Closed Low Heath in the area, it includes a parabolic dune landform which is the interface between Quindalup and Spearwood Vegetation Systems, and has feeding habitat areas for the Carnaby’s Cockatoo.


The City is of the view that notwithstanding these important environmental factors, that Site B should be supported on broader sustainability and planning grounds.  The City would encourage however the EPA to seek that clearing of vegetation and impact on the dunal system is minimised as part of the development, and in particular that the Nuytsia Floribunda Closed Low Heath area is retained on the site.  In this regard, the City also advises that it is currently preparing a Local Biodiversity Strategy for its district, and target-setting for the draft Strategy is likely to encourage a minimum of 35% of the native vegetation within the Public Purposes Reservation area be retained.


The PER also appears to include a discrepancy in information on vegetation clearing for both Sites A and B and preferred launch site option 1b.  Table 2.1 of the PER (Attachment 3) indicates clearing of 23.2ha and 28.2ha respectively, whereas Table 4.14 (Attachment 6) indicates 21.5ha and 30.4ha.  This discrepancy needs to be clarified and/or corrected.


The City had also sought consideration of sites even further to the east as part of its submission on the MRS Amendment.  Two further site options C and D, located approximately 1 and 2km east of Site B, were investigated and considered by the AWWTP Coordinating Committee in 2004.  The Committee decided not to pursue options C and D, key reasons being additional costs, development delays, and concerns regarding the operation of a WWTP in a major excavation some 30m deep.  The Water Corporation’s philosophy in relying on coastal locations and ocean outfalls for WWTPs is arguably dated given the State Water Strategy objectives of recycling/ reuse of treated wastewater.


Sustainability principles and recycling of treated wastewater:


Under the Environmental Sustainability goal of the City’s current Strategic Plan 2002-2005, a strategy is to “support efficient use of water, energy and other resources”.  The Draft Strategic Plan 2006-2021 includes an Outcome Objective of: “1.2 Minimise increase in water consumption”.  The City’s Smart Growth Strategy includes Strategy 3f. which involves: “….developing integrated water management strategies to increase water efficiency”, and Action iv) under this Strategy is to: “Support the State Government in implementing the re-use of treated wastewater”.  The Smart Growth Local Planning Policy also includes these matters as did the City’s submission on the State Water Strategy.


The AWWTP PER proposes that initially, the plant will discharge all treated wastewater to the ocean, and that opportunities will be provided for possible future re-use of the treated wastewater.  The PER includes commitments by the Water Corporation to carry out relevant investigations in this regard.


The City should advise the EPA that it wishes to see every avenue explored for seeing the reuse of the treated wastewater occur as soon as possible as it is philosophically opposed to the notion of such a valuable resource being wasted.  (Indeed, perhaps it should be called something other than ‘waste’ water).  Particular opportunities that warrant investigation are possible use by the City’s important agricultural industries in Carabooda area and industrial use in Neerabup Industrial Area.  A further opportunity is usage for irrigation of public open spaces, particularly those within the buffer zone, which is also not referred to within the PER report.  Reuse for this purpose is an important and sustainable objective for local government open space provision and also links into the intergenerational equity objective identified within the report.


The EPA should seek a commitment from Water Corporation that it will pursue recycling of treated wastewater from commencement of operation of the AWWTP, with appropriate performance targets to be included in the EPA and Ministerial approval conditions for AWWTP.


Energy Efficiencies:


The plant will have significant energy requirements of 25M kWh per annum at full capacity.  The Water Corporation should be commended that biogas recovery will contribute to 40% of energy requirements, however the PER does not address other use of alternative ‘green’ energy sources for the AWWTP.  The EPA should seek a commitment from Water Corporation that it will use green energy sources and continually seek to improve energy efficiencies and minimise greenhouse gas emissions from the AWWTP.


Odour Management:


One of the issues raised by the City in its submission on the MRS Amendment was its concerns that site specific odour modelling studies had not been completed at that time.  The PER (Section 7.4.4) outlines that modelling studies were completed in early 2004 and recommended a 600 metres odour buffer for both Sites A and B.  During the investigations, however, it became evident that siting the AWWTP in a deep basin at Site B creates conditions whereby odour may ‘pond’ and accumulate in the basin during low-wind, atmospheric inversion conditions.  The accumulated odourous air would then be flushed from the basin when wind speeds increase and/or the inversion breaks up.  The usual dispersion modelling does not account for this phenomenon, and as a result CSIRO were engaged to further investigate the extent of the potential odour ponding and to advise on implications for an appropriate odour buffer zone.  The CSIRO study concluded that the buffer needs to be extended to 800 metres to the west and northwest of the site to account for ponding events.


Assuming the EPA acceptance of the revised buffer arrangement for Site B, the City would support the EPA and WAPC in revising the MRS Amendment to reflect the revised buffer to the west and northwest of the site.  In this regard it may be appropriate to increase the area within the Public Purposes Reservation portion of the buffer to say 650 metres (currently 450 metres) and retain the outer discretionary buffer width of 150 metres as Urban Deferred zone as currently proposed.


The EPA should also seek a commitment from the Water Corporation that it will continually investigate new technologies for odour management which may therefore reduce buffer requirements in the future.


The EPA is further advised that the City is most anxious that the issue of odour management is rigorously investigated, given the history of the Beenyup WWTP.  In that case, despite many improvements over many years to supposedly address its odour problem, the problem still persists.  In the case of Alkimos, a major regional centre is proposed quite near to the WWTP and it is particularly important that this centre is not subject to odours from the WWTP.


Community Consultation and Buffer Zone Uses:


The evaluation of community attitudes towards Alkimos completed by Market Equity and included as Appendix D within the PER provides reliable data regarding the values of the AWWTP and its buffer zone.  Significantly, the data supports the notion that a balance of conservation areas and passive/active parklands is an acceptable solution within the buffer zone.  Similarly, the reuse of wastewater to irrigate these parklands was also strongly supported through the community consultation process.


It should also be noted that the Administration has initiated discussions with the Water Corporation in relation to the usage of the AWWTP buffer zone for compatible purposes.  This will involve the balancing of conservation and recreational values within the buffer area taking into account landform, odour emission controls, and community values.  The Water Corporation regards the buffer zone as ‘a community asset’ and therefore it would be appropriate for the City to strive to create a green hub accommodating a variety of important social and environmental features.


Recent Water Corporation brochure material on the potential development of the buffer zone is of concern.  The extent and type of facilities being promoted (for example, major sports stadiums) has not been tested and it is doubtful that they could be accommodated on the land. Many are of national or international standard and the cost of provision would be enormous. It is the City’s view that the brochure material is somewhat misleading and may well cause community expectations of the level and extent of facility provision to be raised unnecessarily.


Also of concern is the apparent desire of the Water Corporation to lease this buffer zone to the City at “commercial rates” to enable “the City” to develop the facilities. This is inappropriate.  If the land is to be used for recreational purposes the land must be ceded to the Crown or City and the issue of who meets the cost of facility provision and ongoing maintenance must be determined.  In this regard, any development of the buffer must be linked to discussions relating the Regional and District level recreation facility provision for the area. It should be noted that if it is determined that regional level facilities are appropriate in the buffer, then it is considered that responsibility for this should rest with the State.

Statutory Compliance

The PER is being processed in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act.

Strategic Implications

The PER associated with the proposed AWWTP is consistent with the Environmental Sustainability goal of the City’s current Strategic Plan 2002-2005, in particular the strategy to “support efficient use of water, energy and other resources”.

Policy Implications


Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority.

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That Council ADVISES the Environmental Protection Authority that it generally supports the Alkimos Wastewater Treatment Plant Public Environmental Review, subject to the comments made in this report.

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Town Planning Schemes and Structure Plans

PD02-01/06   Proposed Lot 10 Flynn Drive, Carramar Local Structure Plan

File Ref:                                              SP/0027V01

File Name: BAProposed draft Lot 10 Flynn Drive  Carramar Local Structure Plan.doc This line will not be printed Please do NOT delete

Level 4 Approval by GraceB Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by GraceB Date 11 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by GraceB Date 11 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Planning and Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Timothy Dawson

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       2

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To consider the proposed Lot 10 Flynn Drive Carramar Local Structure Plan (LSP).



Mitchell Goff & Associates


H Hoffman, H Atlas, C R Guenzl, D Breckler & J Berinson (Korsunski Charitable Trustees)


Lot 10 (275) Flynn Drive, Carramar

Site Area

13.2374 Hectares

DPS 2 Zoning

Special Rural

MRS Zoning

Urban and Urban Deferred


The subject site is bounded by the Carramar Special Rural Estate to the south and west, Flynn Drive to the north and a State Housing Commission landholding (the Banksia Grove Joint Venture land) to the east. The location of the site is shown on Attachment 1.  Approximately the northern third of the site, adjoining Flynn Drive, forms part of Bush Forever Site 494.


In December 2001, Council initiated Amendment No.7 to District Planning Scheme No.2 (DPS2) to rezone the subject land from Special Rural to Urban Development (refer PD04-12/01).


In April 2002, Council considered a Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) proposal to lift the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Urban Deferred zoning of Lot 10 and resolved as follows (item PD16-04/02 refers):


“That Council advises the Western Australian Planning Commission that it:


1.       DOES NOT SUPPORT the proposed lifting of the Metropolitan Region Scheme Urban Deferred zoning on Lot 10 Flynn Drive, Carramar.  The proposal does not meet the criteria for the lifting of Urban Deferred and is premature because it does not represent a logical progression of urban development. 


2.       DOES NOT consider it reasonable that local governments be expected to be responsible for the care and maintenance of regionally significant bushland identified for protection under Bush Forever and therefore when a subdivision application is received, it will request that the Bush Forever site be created as a Crown Reserve with the Crown maintaining responsibility for the ongoing care and management of the land.”


In spite of Council’s resolution, in January 2005 the WAPC resolved to amend the MRS by lifting the Urban Deferred zoning of the portion of the land that was not affected by Bush Forever site, transferring the land to the Urban Zone.


In April 2005, Council finally adopted Amendment No.7 to DPS2 to rezone the land (excluding the Bush Forever Site) from Special Rural zone to Urban Development zone and forwarded the amendment documentation to the WAPC for its consideration (item PD02-04/05 refers). This matter is still pending with the WAPC.


An application has now been made for Council to consider adopting a structure plan over the subject land.  Attachment 2 contains the draft LSP map. The LSP makes provision for:


·                31 R10 transition lots of minimum size 1000m2 incorporating a 10 metre wide vegetation buffer along the southern and western boundaries of the site where it abuts the Special Rural zone;

·                111 R20 residential lots;

·                An area of local open space comprising 3,971m2.


It is proposed that access to this area will be provided through the future subdivisional roads proposed to be built within the Banksia Grove Joint Venture land. The draft LSP also proposes possible road connections to the adjoining Special Rural zone, should this area urbanise at some stage in the future.


In the event of the development of the subject land preceding that of the adjoining portion of the Banksia Grove Joint Venture land, the WAPC has agreed, under the provisions of a Negotiated Planning Solution Deed relating to the acquisition of the Bush Forever site, that the site may provide temporary access via an easement along the eastern boundary of the Bush Forever Site, linking with Flynn Drive.


DPS2 requires that all new structure plans be publicly advertised, prior to Council considering adoption of the plan.  A structure plan of the nature currently proposed would normally be advertised for a period of 42 days by way of an onsite advertising sign, an advertisement in the local newspaper and on the City’s website and letters being sent to affected and nearby landowners. 


The urban development front in this part of the City is currently over a kilometre west of the subject site.  All of the intervening land is that included in the recently announced Banksia Grove Joint Venture. 

Whilst the Joint Venture is planning to submit a structure plan for its land during 2006, given the size of its landholding, the likely staging of development and the proposal to realign the northern portion of Pinjar Road (which requires amendment to the MRS), it is likely to be several years before development reaches the boundary of Lot 10.


The limited size of the structure plan area means that the future population would not support any permanent human services and facilities such as schools, shops, community facilities, public transport etc and therefore, with the exception of a local area of open space, the structure plan makes no such provision for these facilities, either on a temporary or permanent basis.  If the development was to proceed in advance of the development front (which would provide access to such services and facilities) residents would be socially isolated in a similar manner that occurred with the initial stages of the Banksia Grove development.  In this circumstance, Council would invariably come under pressure to provide a range of facilities to this community.


Under the provisions of the Negotiated Planning Solution Deed between the WAPC and landowner, the landowner may gain temporary access through the Bush Forever site to Flynn Drive in the event that development proceeds prior to a road frontage becoming available via the adjoining development.  This access is required to cross an existing firebreak or a degraded portion of the Bush Forever site along the eastern side of the subject land. Under this arrangement, access is to be protected by an easement which is to be terminated on availability of road frontage to the site.  The firebreak is about 3 metres wide, which is inadequate to create satisfactory access and will invariably result in clearance of regionally significant vegetation within the Bush Forever site.  This arrangement would also be problematic as it would not provide the new lots with a dedicated road frontage connected to the public road system.


On the basis of the above issues, it is recommended that the Council does not facilitate the development of the subject land at this stage.  To do this, Council could either reject the structure plan until the development front more closely approaches the site or alternatively include a provision in the structure plan that precludes development being undertaken until such a time.  The proposed structure plan itself however is also considered to be inadequate, particularly in the areas of housing diversity and employment initiatives.  Given the limited size of the subject landholding and its remote location, progressing it in advance of and in isolation to the structure plan for the Banksia Grove Joint Venture land is also considered undesirable and likely to produce a suboptimal level of integration.  In this regard, it would be preferable for the proponent and the Banksia Grove Joint Venture to work together to submit a joint structure plan for the two landholdings, with the structure plan containing an appropriate staging mechanism to ensure that development is not undertaken on Lot 10 until such time as it adjoins the development front.  It is therefore recommended that Council does not progress the structure plan for Lot 10, but advises the two land owners of its requirement to work together and lodge a joint structure plan for their landholdings. 

Statutory Compliance

Clause 9.4.1 of DPS2 provides that in considering a Structure Plan, Council may exercise its discretion and determine that either the Structure Plan is satisfactory for public advertising, that it may be advertised following the inclusion or modification of specified matters or that the Structure Plan should not be agreed to for stated reasons.

Strategic Implications

Progressing this structure plan is considered to be inconsistent with the goal of providing Healthy Communities under the City’s Strategic Plan, and in particular Strategy 2.2 of the Planning and Development Directorate Strategic Plan which seeks to provide a cohesive system of integrated land use planning.

Policy Implications


Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority.

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That Council:-

1.       Pursuant to Clause 9.4.1 of District Planning Scheme No.2 DETERMINES that the proposed Lot 10 Flynn Drive, Carramar Local Structure Plan, as submitted by Mitchell Goff and Associates on behalf of Korsunski Charitable Trustees and outlined on Attachment 2 to this report SHOULD NOT BE AGREED for the following reasons:

a)      The development front at Banksia Grove is over a kilometre from the subject site and it is likely to be several years before it reaches the site boundary. Development at this stage would result in a socially isolated community, be problematic in respect to providing the new lots with a dedicated road frontage connected to the public road system and would require clearing of regionally significant bushland in order to provide temporary access.

b)      Amendment No.7 to District Planning Scheme No.2, which is proposing to zone the land Urban Development is yet to be finalised.

c)       The proposed structure plan is considered to be inadequate, particularly in the areas of housing diversity and employment initiatives.

d)      It would be preferable for the proponent and the Banksia Grove Joint Venture to work together to submit a properly integrated structure plan for the two landholdings, with the structure plan containing an appropriate staging mechanism to ensure that development on Lot 10 does not proceed until such time as it adjoins the development front. 

2.       ADVISES the proponent and the Banksia Grove Joint Venture that they should work together to prepare and lodge an integrated structure plan for their two respective landholdings. 

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PD03-01/06   Proposed Amendment No.23 to District Planning Scheme No.2: Rezoning Pt Lot 51, Walding Road, Carabooda from Rural Resource Zone to Special Rural Zone

File Ref:                                              TPS/0023V01

File Name: BAProposed Amendment No 23 to the District Planning Scheme No 2 Rezoning Pt Lot 51  Walding Road  Carabooda from

Level 4 Approval by GraceB Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006Rural.doc This line will not be printed Please do NOT delete

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Planning and Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Timothy Dawson

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       3

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To consider an application seeking amendment to District Planning Scheme No.2 (DPS2) to rezone Pt Lot 51, Walding Road, Carabooda from Rural Resource Zone to Special Rural Zone.



Greg Rowe and Associates


Elite Developments (WA) Pty Ltd and Danari Holdings Pty Ltd


Pt Lot 51 Walding Road, Carabooda

Site Area

53.3885 hectares (ha)

DPS 2 Zoning

Rural Resource Zone

MRS Zoning

Rural Zone


Pt Lot 51 Walding Road, Carabooda is located at the north-eastern corner of the intersection of Walding Road and Delich Road, Carabooda. Portions of these roads abutting the subject land are unconstructed. Yanchep National Park is situated immediately to the west of the subject land. A location plan is provided in Attachment 1.


Council at its meeting of 20 July 2004 (Item PD05-07/04 refers) considered the subject amendment proposal and resolved, amongst other things, to advise the applicant that it would be prepared to initiate the amendment subject to:


1.       Undertaking a comprehensive range of changes to the Development Guide Plan and the Special Provisions; and

2.       Giving further consideration to the timing of various studies and management plans required for the amendment in consultation with the City Administration.


The amendment proposes to rezone Lot 51 Walding Road, Carabooda from Rural Resource Zone to Special Rural Zone, subject to several Special Provisions in order to facilitate the subdivision of the land into 18 lots of minimum two hectares each with a maximum building envelope of 2000m2. It is also proposed to create a conservation reserve of approximately 15 ha to be ceded free of cost to the Crown for possible inclusion in the adjacent Yanchep National Park.  This reserve is intended to protect a number of caves and Floristic Community Type 26a, which is a State-listed, “endangered” Threatened Ecological Community (TEC).

In accordance with Council’s previous resolution, the applicant has modified the Development Guide Plan by making provision for the following:


1.       A 50-metre buffer around the accurately plotted cave locations and the identified TEC;


2.       Relocation of the proposed Lot 18 to improve the relationship between the proposed conservation area and the Yanchep National Park;


3.       Provision of an emergency access route from the end of the proposed internal access road to Delich Road via the 6-metre wide firebreak along the eastern boundary of the subject land; and


4.       A site for an emergency water supply tank.


Attachment 2 contains the modified Development Guide Plan.


A modified set of Special Provisions has also been provided by the applicant addressing Council’s resolution (refer Attachment 3).


All scheme amendments require public consultation.  The consultation period is normally 42 days and is normally undertaken by way of an on-site advertising sign, advertisements in the local newspaper and in the City’s website, and letters to relevant service agencies and adjacent landowners.


The Town Planning Regulations provide that where an amendment is consistent with the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) and State policies and strategies, then the consent of the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) will not be required to advertise the amendment.  The Department of Planning and Infrastructure has advised that since it considered that the proposed amendment was inconsistent with the State policies and strategies, the consent of the WAPC would be required in this instance.


The request to rezone the subject site is based on the following reasons:


a)       Poor land capability for horticultural and agricultural activities, which are encouraged within the “Rural Resource” zone;


b)      Significant environmental features, such as cave/karst features. Such features are of paramount importance to protect and conserve the subject land;


c)       Extensive vegetation that has high landscape and biodiversity qualities, which should be retained, rather than degraded in favour of horticultural and agricultural activities; and


d)      Flora and fauna biodiversity relationships between the subject site and adjacent Yanchep National Park can only be further expanded and protected through the retention of remnant vegetation.


The above reasons are generally considered valid, however, in respect to reason (a), it should be noted that in terms of soil type, it is mainly the limestone outcrop areas, which are unsuited to agriculture.  While the other parts of the property not affected by limestone outcropping, may have suitable soils for agriculture, the Carabooda groundwater sub-area within which this area falls is fully allocated in respect to groundwater licences and therefore additional licences may not be available for any further horticultural and agricultural activities.


In the draft East Wanneroo Land Use and Water Management Strategy, the subject land has been identified within a landscape rural living area.  Land to the north and east of the site is however identified in a ‘Proposed Future Rural and Agricultural Precinct’.


The Special Provisions considered by Council at its meeting of 20 July 2004 proposed to require the subdivider to prepare the following management plans and studies.


1.       Cave/karst Management Plan;

2.       Bushfire Management Plan;

3.       Geotechnical Studies;

4.       Vegetation and Fauna Management Plan;

5.       Aboriginal Heritage Survey; and

6.       Study on risk associated with the rising water table levels.

7.       Fencing Management Plan;

8.       Drainage and Nutrient Management Plan;

9.       Tree Survey.


However, Council also resolved to require the applicant to give further consideration to the timing of these management plans and studies in consultation with Administration. The applicant discussed this matter with Administration and it has been agreed that the first seven items would most appropriately be prepared in consultation with the relevant Government Agencies during the advertising period, as these plans may influence the design of the Development Guide Plan, the location of the building envelopes and the wording of the special provisions. It was also agreed that it was most appropriate to prepare the Drainage and Nutrient Management Plan at the subdivision stage. In regards to the Tree Survey, it was noted that this would form part of the Vegetation and Fauna Management Plan and a separate survey was therefore not necessary.


It should be noted that as a result of preparing the management plans and the studies during the advertising stage, some changes may be needed to the development guide plan and special provisions.  If relevant, any changes will be discussed in the report when Council considers the adoption of the Amendment.  The Administration has reviewed the Proposed Special Provisions provided by the applicant and the relevant provisions have been included in the Recommendation below.

Statutory Compliance

The scheme amendment will follow the statutory process outlined in the Town Planning Regulations.

Strategic Implications

Consideration of this amendment is consistent with the goal of providing Healthy Communities under the City’s Strategic Plan and in particular, Strategy 2.2 of the Planning and Development Directorate Plan, which seeks to provide a cohesive system of integrated land use planning.

Policy Implications


Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority.

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That Council:-

1.       Pursuant to Section 7 of the Town Planning and Development Act 1928 (as amended) PREPARES Amendment No.23 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 to:

a)      rezone Lot 51 Walding Road, Carabooda from Rural Resource Zone to Special Rural Zone.

b)      include the following Special Provisions in Schedule 13 of the District Planning Scheme No.2:

i)       The minimum lot size shall be not less than 2.0 hectares and subdivision should be carried out generally in accordance with the provisions of the Development Guide Plan.

ii)      Building Envelopes:

Development (including effluent disposal systems) should be generally located within the nominated building envelopes to a maximum size of 2,000m2 as depicted on the Development Guide Plan. Clearing of land outside the nominated building envelope and driveway is prohibited, unless such clearing is undertaken in accordance with an approved Bush Fire Management Plan. The subdivider shall place a notification on the Certificate of Title of all the proposed lots advising the future owners that clearing outside the building envelope (except for firebreaks and driveways) is prohibited unless such clearance is required under the provisions of an approved Bush Fire Management Plan.

iii)     Effluent Disposal:

No dwelling shall be approved by the Council unless it is connected to an alternative domestic wastewater treatment system as approved by the Health Department of Western Australian with an adequate phosphorus retention capacity, as determined by the Department of Environment and with the base of the system or the modified irrigation area being 0.5 metres above the estimated maximum water table level as determined from time to time by the Department of Environment or equivalent State Government Agency.

iv)     Drainage and Nutrient Management

The subdivider, prior to lodging a subdivision application with the Western Australian Planning Commission, shall prepare, lodge and obtain approval from Council of a Drainage and Nutrient Management Plan.  The recommendations of the approved management plan shall be implemented through the subdivision process.

v)      Cave and Karstic Features Management Plan:

Subdivision and development should be consistent with the provisions of the Caves and Karstic Features Management Plan to the satisfaction of the Council.

vi)     Bush Fire Management Plan:

The emergency water supply site identified in the Bush Fire Management Plan shall be ceded to the Crown free of cost and without any payment of compensation.

vii)    Prohibition of Stock:

Stock-related animals (including, but not limited to, horses, cattle, goats, pigs, sheep, alpacas, llamas and similar hoof-like animals) and domestic cats are prohibited.

viii)   Notification of Surrounding Agricultural Land Uses:

The subdivider shall place a notification on the Certificate of Title of all the proposed lots advising the future owners of the possible impacts of the surrounding agricultural land uses in respect to matters such as odour, noise and dust.

ix)     Conservation Reserve:

The proposed ‘Conservation Reserve’ as shown on the Development Guide Plan shall be ceded free of cost to the Crown without payment of compensation.

2.       REFERS Amendment No. 23 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) pursuant to Section 7A1 of the Town Planning and Development Act 1928.

3.       Pursuant to Town Planning Regulation 13(2), SUBMITS two copies of the amendment documents to the Western Australian Planning Commission seeking its consent to advertise the amendment for public comments.

4.       ADVISES the applicant that it will require the preparation and submission of a:

·  Cave/Karst Management Plan

·  Bushfire Management Plan

·  Geotechnical Studies

·  Vegetation and Fauna Management Plan

·  Aboriginal Heritage Survey

·  Study on the risk associated with the rising water table levels

·  Fencing Management Plan

prior to it considering final adoption of the amendment.

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PD04-01/06   Adoption of Local Structure Plan 40 and Final Adoption Amendment No. 57 to District Planning Scheme No.2 - Lots 1 Yanchep Beach Road and 102 Marmion Avenue, Yanchep

File Ref:                                              SP/0036V01 and TPS/0057V01

File Name: BAAdoption of Local Structure Plan 40   Lot 102 Marmion Avenue  Yanchep.doc This line will not be printed Please do NOT

Level 5 Approval by GraceB Date 25 January 2006

Level 4 Approval by GraceB Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006delete

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Planning and Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       4

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To consider the adoption of Local Structure Plan No.40 and final adoption of Amendment No.57 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS2).



Chappell and Lambert


Yanchep Beach Estates & City of Wanneroo


Lots 1 Yanchep Beach Road (City of Wanneroo) and 102 Marmion Avenue (Yanchep Beach Estates) Yanchep

Site Area

Approximately 70 Hectares

DPS 2 Zoning

Urban Development and Local Scheme Reserve – Parks and Recreation


The subject site is located to the immediate south-east of the Marmion Avenue/Yanchep Beach Road intersection.  The site is bounded by Marmion Avenue to the west, Yanchep Beach Road to the north, the Northern Suburbs Railway Reservation to the east and an existing Parks and Recreation reserve to the south.  A plan indicating the location of the subject site is shown as Attachment 1.


Lot 1 currently contains the Yanchep Sports Club.  Lot 102 is currently vacant, comprising former cleared grazing land and patches of remnant vegetation.  The land originally formed part of the Tokyu Corporation’s Yanchep/Two Rocks landholding and is included within the study area for the proposed St Andrews District Structure Plan (DSP).


Council, at its meeting on 29 April 2005 (Item PD14-04/05), considered the draft Local Structure Plan (LSP) and determined that it was satisfactory, subject to a number of matters being addressed and resolved prior to advertising it for public comment. At the same meeting, Council also resolved to prepare Amendment No.57 to DPS2, which sought to rezone Lot 1 from Local Scheme Reserve – Parks and Recreation Reserve to Urban Development, and advertise it concurrent with the structure plan.


The LSP was prepared by Chappell and Lambert Planning Consultants on behalf of Yanchep Beach Estates and includes the following key elements:


·                Provision for a district centre with a staged retail floor space allocation of up to 15,000m2, together with a range of mixed use and business areas;

·                Integration with Lot 1 Yanchep Beach Road to allow for the possible relocation of Yanchep Sports Club, if Council wishes to pursue this option either in the short or longer term;

·                Provision of a railway supportive precinct incorporating provision for a range of housing types and mixed use development;

·                Provision to accommodate a High School as currently shown on Metropolitan Region Scheme, or flexibility in the design to enable this to be developed for residential use should the Department of Education and Training decide that the site could be relocated;

·                Key regional road access points to Yanchep Beach Road and Marmion Avenue;

·                Proposed residential density of R60 within the Centre, Business and Mixed Use zones and R30 within the Residential zone.


The advertised version of the statutory section of the LSP is included as Attachment 2.


The Environmental Protection Authority advised the City on 7 June 2005 that the scheme amendment did not warrant an environmental assessment, thereby allowing the amendment to be advertised.  The WAPC approval to advertising of the amendment was not required in this instance.


A 42-day public advertising period was carried out for both the LSP and Amendment No. 57.  Advertising was carried out by means of three on-site signs, an advertisement in the local newspaper and adjacent landowners being informed by mail.  The submission period closed on 16 August 2005 and eight submissions were received, of which three were from State Government Agencies. 


Local Structure Plan

Main Roads WA advised that it had no objection to the proposed LSP.  The issues raised by the remaining submissions, and an Administration comment on each is set out below:


Water Corporation


The existing 460mm distribution water main traversing Lot 102 will cater for an initial first stage of development within the LSP area, further stages will require upgrading of the distribution network from the storage tanks located south of Lot 102, the additional distribution water mains may require prefunding by the developer.


The current 35-40 metre height limit for servicing development with a water service from the existing scheme will not suit portions of land within this proposed structure Plan. The areas in excess of 40 metres AHD will require recontouring or a boosted supply.


The Water Corporation has identified a site within the structure plan area for a large interim wastewater transfer pump station, with an associated buffer that is required when the current Yanchep wastewater treatment plant north of Yanchep Beach Road becomes redundant. This pump station will operate until the construction of a large gravity main to the Alkimos Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is not expected to be constructed within the next 25 years (refer Attachment 3). It is envisaged that the current wastewater plant north of Yanchep Beach Road will reach capacity and therefore become redundant in approximately 2009/10.




The Water Corporation’s water supply requirements can be adequately accommodated into the more detailed levels of planning for this site.  The Water Corporation was however contacted to clarify the land requirements of the interim wastewater pump station. It advised that a site of approximately 1,800 square meters, plus an associated buffer of approximately 50 metres would be required. They also clarified that there is an existing 350 metre buffer, from the existing treatment plant in Yanchep, which will intrude into the north eastern portion of Lot 102.


Given the location of a district centre and railway station precinct, Lot 102 is a strategically important site for the North West corridor.  The landowner is also seeking to develop a neighbourhood size shopping centre on the site in the short term, which will be a locally important facility for both the existing and planned Yanchep community. The Water Corporation proposal for the interim wastewater transfer pump station, with its associated buffer requirement has the potential to significantly impact on the development and timing of the site and this issue will require resolution with the Water Corporation prior to the finalisation of this LSP.




That further discussions be undertaken with the Water Corporation with the intent of resolving this issue, if possible without prejudicing the development or timing of the district centre and the outcome of those discussions being incorporated, if necessary, into the structure plan documents.


Department of Education and Training


The Department of Education and Training (DET) has confirmed that the high school site shown on the structure plan is required to cater for students in this locality.




The LSP identifies the current High School site, however highlights the possible relocation of the site and subsequent use of the land for residential purposes.


This site is currently reserved for Public Purposes – High School under the MRS and should be reflected accordingly on the zoning plan of the LSP. Any proposed relocation of the High School site would need to be accommodated within the district structure plan process currently underway for the area through investigations and negotiations with the DET. An MRS amendment would also be required prior to the ‘Public Purpose’ reservation being deleted and replaced by an Urban Development/Residential Zone under DPS2.




That this issue be noted and the zoning plan be modified to reflect the existing MRS reservation.


Memorandum of Understanding restricts the submissions of further residential based structure plans


Tokyu Corporation signed an agreement with Council in 2003, which included a statement that ‘Tokyu Corporation agrees it will not prepare any additional LSP’s until the District Structure Plan is lodged with the City. Why would Council consider applications from other developers and restrict Tokyu?




The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is an agreement between the City and Tokyu Corporation and does not obligate the owners of Lot 102. 




That this issue be dismissed.


No Adopted District Structure Plan


The LSP and associated amendments should not be considered prior to the formation of the District Structure Plan, albeit via a Concept Plan. Council may be in breach of State Government requirements in considering a LSP and adoption ahead of the concept plan.




When the City receives a structure plan, DPS2 requires that the application be considered on its merit.  A District Concept Plan has now been received for the Tokyu landholding as a first step in the District Structure Planning process.  This plan sets out broad development parameters for the District.  A separate report is on this agenda that deals with this plan.  The LSP is generally consistent with the broad proposals outlined in the DCP and it is considered that local planning over this site could proceed without prejudicing the district planning.  There is no legal impediment to Council adopting the LSP and the structure planning process requires the Western Australian Planing Commission to adopt and certify the structure plan before it becomes effective.




That this issue be dismissed.


Calthorpe Design Guidelines


The LSP has adopted the Calthorpe design guidelines which are essentially flawed.




United States based Calthorpe Associates has undertaken the preparation of the Two Rocks Yanchep District Concept Plan in association with a multi-disciplined team of locally based Consultants.  The LSP is generally consistent with the broad proposals outlined in the DCP.  A separate report is on this agenda that deals with the DCP.  The DCP is generally considered to be an appropriate basis for the preparation of the District Structure Plan. 




That this issue be dismissed.


Traffic Movements from Welwyn Avenue


Plan 1 of the LSP identifies traffic movements from Welwyn Avenue as left in/left out only. This traffic movement is contrary to the access arrangement proposed in Structure Plan No. 41 which relates to land to the immediate north of Yanchep Beach Road.  Structure Plan No. 41 identified a full access T-intersection at Yanchep Beach Road and Welwyn Avenue. Structure Plan No. 41 has been adopted by Council and objection is raised against the LSP in relation to the proposed restricted access, particularly as it is likely to impact on the development of proposed land uses within the area of Structure Plan No. 41.




Council should also note that a thirteen signatory petition was tabled on 30 August 2005 objecting to the intersection of Welwyn Avenue and Yanchep Beach Road being downgraded to left in left out (item PT02-08/05).


Transcore prepared the traffic impact statements for both Structure Plan No. 40 and Structure Plan No. 41. The City has received revised advice in the form of a letter from Transcore outlining that it was unaware that Structure Plan No. 41 had been adopted by the City and as a result, the recommended road system for Structure Plan No. 40 did not entail the ‘full access’ layout for Welwyn Avenue/Yanchep Beach Road intersection.


Transcore further advised that having considered the two proposals, that there is enough physical separation between the proposed four way signalised intersection on Yanchep Beach Road and Welwyn Avenue for the intersection of Welwyn Avenue/Yanchep Beach Road to operate as a “full access” T-intersection in the future without undermining traffic operations and safety. Transcore therefore recommends that Structure Plan No. 40 be amended to show a “full access” T-intersection for the intersection of Welwyn Avenue/Yanchep Beach Road.


While Transcore has revised its recommendations, the traffic impact statement which forms part of the LSP has not been modified accordingly, nor assessed by the City’s Infrastructure Directorate at this stage. The proposed full T-intersection is proposed to be spaced at a distance of approximately 160 metres from the signalised intersection, which does not accord to the minimum typical spacing of 200 metres. Having further studied the access arrangements to Yanchep Beach Road, and recognising that further traffic analysis will be required in the context of the further structure plan that will be required for the Centre zoned land within this LSP area, further consideration of this issue can be deferred until the Centre structure plan stage. 




That the issue of intersection spacing and design to Yanchep Beach Road be further considered in the context of the further structure plan that will be required for the Centre zoned land within this LSP area.


Open Space Provision


Comment is made that the public open space (POS) provision should be increased to at least 25% and that these areas should contain the best examples of the site’s bushland to support local flora and flora. Also that the mature road verge trees and sportsman club trees should be kept and the club should include a swimming pool and football ovals suitable for the growing area.


The POS size is inadequate and located in areas of poor vegetation quality. In line with Councils Smart Growth, there is a recognition of the need for greater areas of POS.




WAPC Policy requires a 10% POS provision and the LSP will meet this requirement.  Much of the vegetation located on Lot 102 has been found to be degraded and not worthy of retention and so therefore the POS location and design does not reflect this aim.


Notwithstanding the above, the design and location of POS identified on the indicative concept plan forming part of the structure explanatory section (see Attachment 4) could be significantly improved.  Reference to use of the POS as active areas is also ill-founded as the POS areas identified on the concept plan are too small in size to accommodate active recreation. The applicant has also excluded non residential areas from POS calculations, thus reducing the amount of POS to be provided in comparison to the overall land area. Mixed use development should be included in these calculations, particularly as these areas are likely to contain a residential component.


The LSP has not addressed the provision of POS exceptionally well nor provided for its provision within the Part 1 document. Opportunity exists for POS to be integrated with development within the district centre and transit precinct and whilst this is attempted in the concept plan accompanying the report there is no reference to this in the statutory section of the LSP. Further investigation into the provision and location of POS is warranted.




The provision of POS should be revisited in terms of the required allocation and distribution throughout the Structure Plan area and appropriate provisions included in the Part 1 document of the LSP.


Lack of Information


The contents of the document are inadequate. There is insufficient information on all the environmental issues, aboriginal heritage/archaeology, karst terrain investigation, water supply, aquifer investigation, waste treatment issues.


The is no detailed information on water supply, how it will be delivered, what assessments will be made, supply information, how will the current town supply be impacted on. There is insufficient information of the treatment of wastewater, especially commercial waste production and measures to prevent groundwater contamination.


There is no apparent E-W Connective ‘green corridor’ to facilitate fauna movement in the region. Carnaby Cockatoo’s live in the area. There must be a management plan for endangered animals. There needs to be a flora and fauna survey undertaken and fauna management strategy.


There is no management plan for aboriginal heritage and archaeological issues.




The subject area has been included in an extensive series of broad scale environmental investigations commissioned by the Tokyu Corporation during the 1990’s and the results of the studies were published in a series of environmental reports. Information from these reports was used to identify areas of regionally significant vegetation in the broader district and were reserved for Parks and Recreation in the MRS.


The overall Yanchep/Two Rocks area was subject to an Environmental Review as part of Amendment No.787 to the City’s former TPS1.  The review addressed the potential impacts of the rezoning and required the preparation of a number of management plans as part of subsequent district and local structure planning.  The matters to be addressed in the management plans included vegetation and fauna; karst management; stygofauna and troglobitic fauna management; waste management; drainage, nutrient and water management and aboriginal heritage. ATA Environmental has now prepared and submitted a detailed flora and vegetation assessment for the LSP area and addressed environmental management strategies as relevant for this landholding.  This is dealt with in a later section of this report.  The above documents have been referred to the Department of Environment and the Department of Indigenous Affairs (DIA) for their comment.




That appropriate provisions be included in the Part 1 document to ensure that relevant environmental management plans are finalised prior to subdivision or development of the land and the recommendations implemented to the satisfaction of the City.

Amendment No. 57

The issues raised by the submissions on the Amendment and an Administration comment on each is set out below:


Environmental Protection Authority


The Environmental Protection Authority provided the following advice in relation to Amendment No.57:


“Although the subject site has largely been cleared and developed, there remains some areas that support native vegetation. Consideration should be given during structure planning to retain these areas with particular attention to maintaining ecological linkages with the adjacent significantly vegetated site.”




As acknowledged by the EPA, Lot 1 has been largely developed and cleared of native vegetation.  Notwithstanding this, the proposal relates to the rezoning of the land and there is no intention at this stage to undertake any further clearing as part of this process.  It should also be noted that given the limited size of the remaining vegetated area, the overall relatively degraded nature of the remaining vegetation on the site, the location of the site within a district centre where development intensity is likely to be high and the relative isolation of the site from other conservation areas, it is considered impractical to maintain viable areas of vegetation protection or an ecological link through this site.  It should be noted that there is a significant east west regional reserve immediately to the south of Lot 102 that will be largely retained for biodiversity protection and this will provide a ecological linkage function.




That this issue be dismissed.


Agreement on Land Exchange


Chappell and Lambert have advised on behalf of their client Yanchep Beach Estates, that at this time, agreement with the City of Wanneroo has not been reached in regard to a land exchange and as such have requested that in the event that an agreement is not achievable, that the current zonings under both DPS2 and the LSP for Lot 1 remain in place to reflect and protect the ongoing usage of that land for recreation purposes related to the Bowling Club.


Objection is also raised as it is believed that the information contained in the Amendment documents is not detailed or specific enough. What is meant by the land swap and would it involve a ‘similar sized parcel’? It sounds like the 10% POS is to be diminished in size to facilitate construction.




An urban development zoning is used to provide flexibility in planning and is unlikely to hinder ongoing use of the site for the purpose of recreation. The Urban Development zoning will allow the planning for the Yanchep Sports Club site to be controlled through the structure planning process, will provide an opportunity for further consultation to occur between all relevant parties, and will provide greater flexibility for any potential relocation or redevelopment of the site in the future.




That this issue be dismissed.


Eucalypt Trees


The site has significant advanced eucalypt trees, which will be cleared under an Urban zoning. These trees are a community asset.




The proposal relates to the rezoning of the land and there is no intention at this stage to undertake any clearing as part of this process.  The Urban Development zoning will merely provide flexibility in planning for any future development or redevelopment on the site.  The Urban Development zone will require a structure plan to be in place over the land prior to any development or subdivision occurring and this process will provide the opportunity for further community consultation in the context of more detailed planning proposals for the site.




That this issue be dismissed.


Having considered the submissions made in relation to this Amendment, it is recommended that it proceed without change.

Other Matters to be Addressed Prior to Adoption

As per Council’s resolution of 29 April 2005, the proponent was advised that prior to adoption of the structure plan, Council would require the following matters to be satisfactorily undertaken and addressed in the structure plan:


a)         The preparation of a Retail Modelling Strategy for the staging and maximum floor space within the Structure Plan area and surrounding district, to analyse both current and long term retail demands in the district and set out key indicators for determining when the staged expansion of retail floor space within the centre should be permitted, the amount of the second stage and the maximum floor space of the Centre;

b)         The preparation and revision of the various environmental management plans required by the Environmental Conditions set out in Schedule 12 of District Planning Scheme No. 2;

c)         The preparation of an Employment Strategy for the Structure Plan area, to provide further information regarding the employment assessment including, the industry distribution of jobs, residential based employment, provision for broadband infrastructure, the adequacy of the land set aside for employment uses and incentives, assistance and other schemes to assist the promotion of small business;

d)         Further consultation occurring between the proponent, Department for Planning and Infrastructure, Public Transport Authority and Administration to determine the distribution of parking for the Yanchep Train Station.

e)         Application of the City’s Smart Growth Assessment Tool to the LSP.


The applicant has addressed each of these matters as follows:


Retail Modelling Strategy


The proponent engaged Shrapnel Urban Planning to review the requirement for the retail modelling for the district centre who have responded as follows:


-          There is uncertainty over the eventual urban form and density of the large St Andrews development planned to the north of Lot 102.


The proponents of the St Andrews Concept Plan are considering a land use distribution and pattern of centres, which is inconsistent with current MRS zonings and existing structure planning frameworks. The revised urban structure envisages the Yanchep Regional Centre being located considerably closer to Lot 102 than has previously been planned for. This regional centre would also be sufficiently nearer to the future Alkimos Regional Centre to the south and may potentially affect the ultimate retail floor space potential of Alkimos.


The long standing planned pattern of major centres throughout a substantial part of the north west corridor stands to be adversely affected by planning decisions made in relation to the St Andrews area.


-          The onus to prove the case for relocating the future Yanchep Regional Centre should fall on the proponents of change and not the owners of Lot 102.


The location of the Alkimos regional centre and the proposed district centre on Lot 102 both reflect the Metropolitan Centres Policy Statement (SPP 4.2). The owner of Lot 102 is merely seeking structure plan approval to be able to develop a centre in accordance with current planning policy.


-          Retail modelling requires realistic assumptions


The requirement for retail modelling is unreasonable. The significance of the St Andrews development and the present uncertainty as to its eventual urban form would make any retail modelling carried out at the present time little more than a theoretical exercise. Retail modelling relating to any particular centre needs to occur within a generally agreed urban context.


-          Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)


The urban framework currently proposed in the St Andrews concept plan would exert some adverse influences on the longer term retail floor space potential of the planned district centre on Lot 102 and the future Alkimos Regional Centre. Such effects are clearly not envisaged by the proponents of St Andrews who have a MOU with the developer of Lot 102 to the effect that the planning of St Andrews will take into proper account the plan to develop a district centre on Lot 102. Given the MOU it follows that the St Andrews planning will eventually need to be modified so that the proposed urban structure physically represents the undertakings in the MOU.


-          District structure planning will require retail assessment to be undertaken.


District structure planning is already being undertaken by the proponents of St Andrews estate and is likely to take some time to complete, during which time a comprehensive retail assessment will need to be undertaken. Any district structure planning to the north will need to recognise the District Centre on Lot 102 as provided by SPP 4.2.


The above position is generally accepted in that Statement of Planning Policy 4.2 (SPP 4.2) “Metropolitan Centres Policy Statement for the Perth Metropolitan Region’, identified the corner of Yanchep Beach Road and Marmion Avenue as a site for a District Centre. The Metropolitan Centres Policy indicates that district centres should be confined to 15,000 square metres unless consistent with a WAPC endorsed Local Planning Strategy. In addition to SPP 4.2, the City’s Centres Strategy adopted by Council and endorsed by the WAPC, also identifies this site as a district centre. This Strategy also did not go as far as to specify a maximum retail floor space.


The prominent location of this site at the intersection of two regional roads and within one kilometre of the future Yanchep South railway station, does lend itself to develop as viable district centre that is highly accessible, can offer a range of goods and services for the existing local community and which can provide for local business and employment.


As there is no defined retail limit for this centre and no comprehensive retail analysis has been undertaken for the current Tokyu Corporation proposals in the broader district, it is recommended that the LSP identify a retail floor space allocation of 5,500 sqm in Stage 1 and that a further 5,500 sqm in Stage 2 (consistent with the District Concept Plan allocation for this site), subject to the timing of this stage being justified in relation to population and the orderly provision of retailing throughout the area.  This is well within the limits of a district centre.  Any further increase over this should be justified in the context of the overall retail modelling for the District. 




Modify the provisions of Part 1 to identify a retail floor space allocation of 5,500 sqm in Stage 1 and a further 5500sqm in Stage 2 subject to the timing of stage 2 being justified in relation to population and the orderly provision of retailing throughout the area. Any further increase over this should be justified in the context of the overall retail modelling for the District. 


Environmental Management Plans


ATA Environmental Consultants have prepared relevant Environmental Management Plans as required for Schedule 12 of DPS2.


As part of this work, ATA Environmental also conducted a flora and vegetation survey of the site.  This survey indicated that vegetation on the site ranged from good to completely degraded, due to past clearing, grazing and the presence of aggressive weeds.  The survey did not identify any Declared Rare or Priority Flora within the site, nor any Threatened Ecological Communities.


The applicant has indicated that comments from the EPA in August 2003 indicate that no management plans were required at the Structure Planning stage in regards to karst landforms and subterranean fauna as the area is located outside potential karst areas, solid and liquid waste as the site is not proposing any industrial areas, or aboriginal culture as the site does not contain any known sites of aboriginal significance.


The appropriate management plan has been received in relation to vegetation and fauna management. The City has referred these plans to the appropriate State agencies and is awaiting their comments. In the interim to enable the LSP to proceed, it is recommended that a provision be included in the Part 1 document to ensure these plans are finalised prior to subdivision or development of the land and the plan recommendations are implemented to the satisfaction of the City.


Employment Strategy


A draft Employment Strategy was lodged with the City in January 2006 which promotes a range of strategies including those relating to broadband infrastructure, employment supportive design and land uses for the business areas proposed in the LSP and employment targets.  A detailed assessment of the Strategy is currently being undertaken.  As this will take some time to complete, it is suggested that Council’s adoption of the LSP be made conditional on the satisfactory completion of the strategy with any necessary provisions being inserted into the statutory section of the plan. 


Yanchep Train Station Parking


The applicant has met with the DPI and PTA to determine the distribution of parking for the Yanchep Train Station. These agencies advised that the majority of parking will be accommodated on the eastern side of the Station (Lot 103). A smaller proportion of parking is to be provided on Lot 102 with this provision being provided in the railway reserve and complimented by ‘kiss’n ride’ facilities and bus embayments.  This advice is consistent with the Northern Suburbs Railway Alignment Definition Report – Alkimos to Yanchep prepared by GHD for the DPI.  This report identified that the Yanchep Beach Road Station will provide park and ride facilities for approximately 700 bays with 200 of these bays provided on the western side of the line. This facility will be developed along the rail reserve frontage with buses using the street system between the parking areas on the east side of the line.  It is understood that this study has not been endorsed by the WAPC at this stage.


There appears to be inconsistency in terms of the exact location of the car parking bays on the western side of the railway line in terms of whether they will be located within the rail reserve or abutting the rail reserve. In any case the LSP design will need to be altered to accommodate the final outcome of the Railway Alignment Definition Study.  A clause has been included in the statutory section of the structure plan to accommodate this.


Smart Growth Assessment Tool


The applicant has recently undertaken an assessment of LSP using the City’s Smart Growth Assessment Tool.  An analysis of this is currently being undertaken and Elected Members will be advised of the outcome prior to the Council meeting. 

Other Matters

Local Housing Strategy


Council has recently adopted a Local Housing Strategy to guide the future form and type of housing within the City of Wanneroo. Given the location of the proposed railway station and district centre either within or adjacent to the LSP area, this LSP is considered strategically important in respect to housing provision.  Whilst the LSP seeks to apply a density code of R30-60 over the LSP area, it does not specifically address the principles and recommended actions of the Local Housing Strategy and does not contain any provision to ensure that the housing density, diversity and other targets contained within the Housing Strategy will be delivered.  It is recommended that the Council’s adoption of the LSP be made conditional upon such provision being made in the statutory section of the LSP. 


Centre Zone


The LSP proposes a Centre zone over the proposed retail component of the District Centre.  This Centre zone will necessitate the adoption of a Centre Structure Plan prior to subdivision or development of this area proceeding.  The assessment of the LSP has raised a number of issues that still require some resolution.  These include issues such as the location and design of access points onto Yanchep Beach Road, the location and design of open space areas, housing strategies, provision for parking associated with the adjacent train station.  In addition to this, it is not considered that sufficient detail exists in the northern portion of the LSP to ensure that appropriate strategic outcomes are achieved for the station precinct and district centre. Some of these issues relate to the land use mix, design requirements, road spacing and land use intensity.  It is therefore recommended that the Centre zoned portion of the LSP be extended to cover all that land currently shown as Business, Residential/Mixed Use and that portion of the Residential land within 400 metres of the proposed railway station.  A comprehensive centre structure plan can then be undertaken for this overall area prior to subdivision or development proceeding. 

Statutory Compliance

This Structure Plan application has been processed in accordance with the requirements of District Planning Scheme No.2 and the amendment process has complied with the requirements of the Town Planning Regulations.

Strategic Implications

Consideration of this LSP and scheme amendment is consistent with the goal of providing Healthy Communities under the City’s Strategic Plan and in particular, Strategy 2.2 of the Planning and Development Directorate Strategic Plan, which seeks to provide a cohesive system of integrated land use planning.

Policy Implications

The Smart Growth Local Planning Policy is relevant to this proposal.  This policy basically requires assessment of the proposal against the Smart Growth Strategy, and this is facilitated through the Smart Growth Assessment Tool (SGAT).

The applicant has submitted a self-assessment of the proposed LSP against the SGAT (LSP level). (While this meets Council’s requirement for undertaking of the SGAT assessment, it would have been preferable if the applicant had involved City officers in the process, in the same way that it is preferable for developers to consult with the City during the course of preparation of their proposals, rather than submit a proposal for approval with no prior consultation).


The applicant’s self-assessment has been reviewed by Administration and the following key conclusions drawn:


-          The housing proposals are generally consistent with the Smart Growth Strategy (and the Local Housing Strategy), however it will be desirable for the LSP to include further information concerning how the various housing targets are to be achieved.

-          The SGAT has scored the LSP highly on Effective Use of Land and Infrastructure.  However, while the self-assessment has stated ‘basic compliance’ regarding consistency with POS planning requirements of the City and Liveable Neighbourhoods, this is questionable, particularly given the comments made in this report regarding open space and the likelihood  that the high school site may need to be retained, and that a larger sized POS which was apparently intended for part of this site (if able to be put to residential use) will therefore probably not be possible.

-          Long Term Health of the Environment has scored reasonably well, however the following should be noted: the self-assessment has given high measurements to some criteria which are really not applicable (e.g. consistency with foreshore strategy/policy) and several criteria relate to provision of quite large conservation areas (greater than 10 ha) which in cases such as this are not possible, but result in zero scores which probably unreasonably penalise the LSP; and the self-assessment indicates that various things have been prepared (e.g. Urban Water Management Strategy; Waster Water Re-Use Management Plan) however such documents have not been submitted.  These things can be required to be submitted prior to subdivision, in a similar manner that it is intended that other outstanding documentation relating to environmental management plans be submitted at that time.

-          Identity, Equity and Inclusiveness has scored very highly.  It should be noted that the main way in which local identity is to be promoted is through proposed POS and streetscape treatments (which are not detailed at this point). It should also be noted that heritage-related criteria have scored very low which is unfair in cases such as this where there is little in heritage value on the site.

-          Generally the proposal is considered to perform very well in local employment terms.  The Employment Strategy refers to 1,188 local jobs being provided, and 440 dwelling units in the LSP area (compared to 760 dwellings according to the SGAT: something which needs reviewing).  This is a very high jobs per dwelling ratio, resulting from the presence of the proposed district centre and substantial business and mixed use areas.

-          The LSP scores very highly against the principle of People and Government. However, it is noted that many things are said as being done, but with no documentation to support this.  Those matters should therefore be taken as statements of intent and the applicant required to act upon them in due course.

Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority.

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That Council:-

1.       Pursuant to Clause 9.6.1 of District Planning Scheme No.2, RESOLVES that the draft Lot 102 Marmion Avenue, Yanchep Structure Plan as submitted by Chappell and Lambert on behalf of Yanchep Beach Estates and as outlined on Attachment 2 to this report is SATISFACTORY, subject to the following matters being addressed and/or appropriate modifications being undertaken:

a)      Further discussions being undertaken with the Water Corporation with the intent of resolving the location of its proposed interim waste water treatment plant, if possible without prejudicing the development or timing of the district centre and the outcome of those discussions being incorporated, if necessary, into the statutory section of the structure plan.

b)      Plan 2 – The Zoning Plan being modified to reflect all existing Metropolitan Region Scheme Reservations.

c)       The provision of public open space being revisited in terms of the required allocation and distribution throughout the Structure Plan area and appropriate provisions included in the statutory section of the structure plan.

d)      Clause 9.1 being modified to ensure that relevant environmental management plans are finalised prior to subdivision or development of the land and the recommendations implemented to the satisfaction of the City.

e)       Clause 8.1 being modified to facilitate a retail net lettable area of up to 5,500 square metres and a up to a further 5,500 square metres of retail net lettable area subject to the timing of this further retail floor space being justified to the satisfaction of the City in relation to population and the orderly provision of retailing throughout the district.  Any additional retail net lettable area over the 11,000 square metres for this centre is to be justified in the context of an amendment to the structure plan and overall retail modelling for the District.

f)       The finalisation of the Employment Strategy to the satisfaction of the City and any appropriate recommendations being incorporated into the statutory section of the structure plan in lieu of the existing clause 9.5.

g)      The structure plan being specifically modified to address the principles and recommended actions of the City’s adopted Local Housing Strategy, in particular means to ensure that the housing density, diversity and affordability targets will be delivered.

h)      The proposed Centre zone being extended to cover all that land currently proposed to be zoned as Centre/Private Clubs and Recreation, Business, Residential/Mixed Use and that portion of the Residential zone within 400 metres of the proposed railway station, together with any other consequential changes.

2.       Upon resolution of the matters listed under 1 above, and receipt of any appropriately modified documents, FORWARDS the draft Structure Plan to the Western Australian Planning Commission for its adoption and certification.

3.       Pursuant to Clause 9.6.5 of District Planning Scheme No. 2, ADOPTS, SIGNS and SEALS the Structure Plan documents once certified by the Western Australian Planning Commission.

4.       Pursuant to Town Planning Regulation 17(2) ADOPTS, without modification, Amendment No. 57 to District Planning Scheme No.2 to Rezone Lot 1 Yanchep Beach Road from Local Authority Reserve – Parks and Recreation to Urban Development zone.

5.       Pursuant to Town Planning Regulations 22 and 25 (a) (g) AUTHORISES the affixing of the common seal to, and endorses the signing of, the amendment documentation.

6.       FORWARDS the amendment documentation to the Western Australian Planning Commission for its consideration REQUESTING the Hon Minister for Planning and Infrastructure grant final approval to the amendment.

7.       ENDORSES the comments made in this report regarding the submissions received on the draft Structure Plan and scheme amendment for inclusion in the schedule of submissions to be forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission and ADVISES the submitters of its decision.

8.       ADVISES the applicant of its obligation under the Aboriginal Heritage Act.


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PD05-01/06   Proposed Yanchep-Two Rocks District Concept Plan

File Ref:                                              S27/0038V01

File Name: BAAdoption of the Proposed Yanchep Rocks  St Andrews  District Concept Plan.doc This line will not be printed Please do

Level 4 Approval by GraceB Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by GraceB Date 09 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by GraceB Date 09 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Planning and Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil 

Author:   Rod Peake

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       6

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To consider the public submissions received on the Yanchep-Two Rocks (St Andrews) District Concept Plan (DCP).



Roberts Day Group


Tokyu Corporation


Yanchep and Two Rocks localities

Site Area

Approximately 4,130 hectares

DPS 2 Zoning

Residential, Centre, Urban Development, Industrial Development and various other zones


The St Andrews Project relates to some 4,130 hectares of land in the Yanchep/Two Rocks localities.  The goals of the St Andrews Project, as set out in a Strategic Cooperation Agreement (SCA) between the State Government, WA Planning Commission, Tokyu Corporation and this City are split into two key elements:


1.       The development of the St Andrews landholding based on:

a)       Around 55,000 serviced residential lots, with a population of some 148,000;

b)      50–60,000 jobs with the first 1000 being created between 2003 and 2008;

c)       A regional strategic commercial centre; and

d)      Approximately 1600 hectares of Regional Open Space.


2.       The development of the land in a manner, which is:

a)       Environmentally, socially and economically sustainable;

b)      Recognises and uses worlds best practice in urban design wherever possible;

c)       Accords with relevant state and local government policies; and

d)      Places a high priority on encouragement of public transport usage.


The SCA identified a number of strategic projects to be undertaken including the creation of employment opportunities through the IDEAS Project (an Acronym for Innovation, Development, Employment and Applications Strategy) and the commencement of residential development.  The IDEAS project has identified a number of projects that will create employment opportunities within Yanchep and Two Rocks.


Council at its meeting on 1 July 2003 (item CE04-07/03) considered the proposal for the further development of cooperation processes between Tokyu Corporation and the City of Wanneroo, including the establishment of the St Andrews Project Advisory Committee and agreement to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Tokyu Corporation. The MOU is an in-principle agreement describing joint initiatives and cooperation between the parties, and foreshadows future projects and actions relating to the St Andrews development and to the local community. The MOU includes a Shared Vision & Goals; Implementation; Strategic Projects; Framework for Action; and Arrangements for the Implementation of the MOU.


The MOU states that a District Structure Plan is needed to guide the development and to help ensure its best practice objectives can be achieved.  It also provides for the submission of a DCP as the first stage in the District Structure Planning process.  These plans will be supplemented where required with additional information sufficient for the City to make an appropriate level of assessment and determination.


The MOU states that ‘it is expected that the Tokyu Corporation will work with the City of Wanneroo and the State Government to resolve any outstanding issues relating to the planning proposals including such matters as:


·                The nature of the transport corridors and the type of public transport system to be adopted;

·                The nature and location of retail centres;

·                The range, location and density of housing forms; and

·                The type and nature of commercial and industrial activities to be accommodated in the Plan.’

The DCP will lead directly to the preparation of a District Structure Plan and amendments to the Metropolitan Region Scheme and City’s District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS2).


The initial DCP (December 2003) was lodged with the City in January 2004.  The proposals included in the DCP were discussed with various other super lot landowners and Government agencies during the North West Corridor Review and St Andrews Workshops held at the City in January and February 2004 and a subsequent St Andrews workshop in July 2004.  Further discussions were held with Tokyu’s consultants, Government agencies and the Administration to discuss and resolve key elements of the DCP.


A revised District Concept Plan (October 2004) was prepared and forwarded to the City in November 2004.  Council, at its meeting on 26 April 2005 (Item PD15-04/05), considered the plan and resolved inter alia, to advertise it for public comment for a 60 day period, subject to various modifications being undertaken by the applicant.  Council also identified a number of issues requiring additional information and consideration prior to it further considering the plan.  These issues are discussed in the Comment Section of this report.


The key elements of the DCP are:


1.       The establishment of a transit orientated, mixed use employment boulevard, including a light rail or rapid bus transit system;

2.       A wide variety of housing types and densities to cater for a diverse and ultimate total population of approximately 150,000, with a target workforce of 55,000;

3.       District employment areas;

4.       A series of mixed use activity centres including town, village, coastal and gateway centres, including:

a)       Two new town centres, north of Yanchep Beach Road in Yanchep (Regional Centre) and east of the existing Two Rocks Townsite (District Centre);

b)      Seven village centres;

c)       Five new coastal centres (mixed use) and several gateway centres (mixed use);

5.       Potential marina sites;

6.       Extension of the Northern Suburbs Railway line along the Freeway into a country railway service and three stations (including Yanchep Beach Road, new Yanchep Town Centre and a potential Park and Ride station);

7.       Potential open space linkages (active and passive), district and regional active open space, foreshore reserves, preserved areas (ecological and habitat), neighbourhood and urban  open space; and

8.       Civic uses such as high schools, university, TAFE, libraries, etc.


A copy of the advertised DCP and other supporting plans are included at Attachments 1 to 6.  A complete A3 sized copy of the advertised DCP report has been placed in the Elected Members Reading Room.


The DCP was advertised for public comment for a period of 60 days in accordance with Council’s resolution.  It was advertised by means of on-site signs in strategic locations and advertisements in the local newspaper.  The submission period closed on 20 September 2005 and 16 submissions were received, two either in support or expressing no objection to the proposal and 14 objecting or raising issues of concern.


In addition to Council’s advertising requirements, the applicant was intending to undertake further consultation with the local community, via a community information session during the advertising period.  This information session was intended to provide an opportunity for the DCP proposals to be explained by the consultants to the local community and the opportunity for detailed questions to be asked and feedback to be provided directly. However, this information session was not held and the applicants have requested it be deferred to the district structure planning stage, where more detailed planning will occur.


Prior to considering the DCP for advertising consent, the Administration sought preliminary comments from a number of relevant State Government agencies.  The Department for Planning and Infrastructure’s (DPI) formal response was still outstanding when the Council considered the DCP for advertising approval. DPI is a key agency in the implementation of the St Andrews Project and included in the Strategic Cooperation Agreement.  DPI has recently provided a response raising various issues on the DCP proposals and matters or requirements that need to be addressed during the district and local structure planning processes. 

The relevant comments to key issues are set out included in the Comment Section below. The applicant has provided details of how they intend to deal with the issues raised by DPI.


Response to the Submissions

A copy of the full submissions have been placed in the Elected Members Reading Room for review.  The main issues raised by the submissions, together with a comment on each area is outlined below:


Issue 1 – Inadequate Consultation


Three submissions raised concerns about the consultation process for the DCP and Capricorn Village Structure Plan. One submission suggests that ‘a campaign of obfuscation is being undertaken by the Council to stifle debate about the proposed development’ and ‘it is impossible to rule out the possibility that a serious conflict of interest exists in the relationship between Council and the Tokyu/Capricorn Village Joint Venture/Yanchep Sun City.’ This submission also suggests that a Ward Councillor in his paper the Sun City News ‘is an efficient propaganda machine for the interests of the developers, not only in advertisements, but in opinion pieces.’




The DCP has been advertised in-accordance with Council’s resolution including on-site signs in strategic locations and advertisements in the local newspaper.  The DCP was also advertised for a 60 day period, rather than the normal 28-42 day period applied to most structure plans. The Capricorn Village Structure Plan was advertised in-accordance with the advertising procedures for structure plans in Part 9 of DPS2 and was adopted by Council at its 14 October 2003 meeting (item PD01-10/3).


The consultation process has been open and encouraged public comment on the DCP. The applicant has already undertaken an extensive preliminary process of community consultation for over two years, to ensure that the planning process is well informed by local values and sentiment.  The consultation techniques undertaken to date include a community information hotline, editions of a newsletter, community workshops, open days and displays, a telephone survey, community feed back forms and specific youth consultation. The results of this preliminary consultation have been fed into the design process, with key issues including dune preservation, housing diversity, retention of natural topography, open space, public transport, facilities, vegetation protection and enhanced passive recreation areas.


Further public consultation will be undertaken at the district and local structure planning stages.




That the issue be dismissed.


Issue 2 – Impact of Marinas on Coastline


Two submissions were concerned about the impact of the two marinas and argue that the marinas will have a detrimental effect on the foreshore and coastline. One submission provided details of the impacts of other existing marinas, including Hillarys, Mindarie and Two Rocks. The submission states that further marinas are not required and are not supported by the community. The other submission argued that the proposed marina north of Club Capricorn will destroy the Yanchep Lagoon.




Since the early 1990’s, there have been various planning documents that have identified the need for, or have planned for, potential marina sites to cater for the future 150,000 population of Yanchep and Two Rocks.  The DCP identifies two ‘Potential Marina’ locations, including a site midway between Two Rocks and Yanchep and another site close to the northern boundary of the Project area.  These sites are proposed to include shops, cafes and tourist orientated uses on the coastline.  The Council should support the principle of additional boat launching and marina sites to meet the needs of the proposed population and to create coastal nodes with retail, tourism, recreational and employment opportunities.  However, detailed coastal and environmental studies will be required to ensure the sites are appropriately located and do not significantly impact on the coast.  These detailed studies should occur at the district structure planning stage, however appropriate preliminary consultation with relevant Government agencies and environmental and coastal consultants should occur at this stage.  The Council required the applicant during the advertising period to explore the proposed marina sites further with the relevant Government agencies and the City and provide further advice on the appropriateness of these sites for the Council to consider prior to final adoption of the DCP. The additional information submitted by the applicants is discussed further in the Point 7 - Issues Required to be Addressed before Adoption.




That the issue be dismissed, noting that detailed coastal and environmental studies will be required to ensure the proposed marina sites are appropriately located and will not significantly impact on the coast.


Issue 3 - Provision of Hospital


One submission stated that there was no provision for hospitals.




Several sites for a future hospital have been previously identified within the locality and more detailed investigation and determination of a hospital sites will occur at the district structure planning and town centre planning stages.




That the issue be noted and determined through the district and local structure planning stages.


Issue 4 – Use of the St Andrews Name


Two submissions objected to the use of the St Andrews name on the DCP and Project. The submissions argue that Two Rocks and Yanchep already have a significant identity and are locally relevant, as opposed to St Andrews.




St Andrews is the estate name chosen by the developer.  The formal suburb names remain Two Rocks and Yanchep.  It is acknowledged that these suburbs names have a significant identity and are intended to remain.  It should however be noted that the suburbs are too large for a developed urban area and new suburbs are likely to be established and named as the area develops, in the same way that occurred in the 1990’s during the urbanisation of the East Wanneroo area. 




That the issue be noted.


Issue 5 - Amount of POS & Green Links


The public open space (POS) is minimal in the context of the entire DCP and should increased significantly. The coastal plains walk trail should be extended through the area to the coast at or near Two Rocks. The east-west green corridors are a real asset to the DCP and are strongly supported by the community. The green corridors are not large enough and should be retained for native vegetation protection.




The development area will provide its required 10% POS allocation. Whilst key areas have been shown on the DCP, more detailed planning on the location and distribution of the POS will be undertaken through the district and local structure planning processes, which will be subject to future public consultation.


The DCP identifies a well-designed system of recreation corridors that have the ability to physically connect proposed public open space (POS), thus forming a truly integrated park and recreation related open space system.  It is intended that the east-west linear open space areas will consist of part of the 10% local POS, recreational ovals, privately owned rural-residential lots (with landscape protection controls) and the retention of significant topographical features (i.e. dunes and ridgelines).  These east-west linear open space areas are aimed at providing linkages for residents to the coast and bushland areas (including Wilbinga and Yanchep National Parks and regional open space).  The linkages will be strategic pedestrian and cycle links throughout the district.  However, these open space areas will not be reserved and acquired by the WAPC as regional open space.  Therefore, the open space areas would normally be part of the normal 10% POS contribution.  There is a need to ensure that the creation of such linkages does not prejudice provision of adequate open space areas for a full range social, recreation and conservation purposes.


The Council required the applicant during the advertising period to discuss these open space linkages, in terms of their width, purpose, general location, design, maintenance costs and impact on overall POS provision and provide further advice on these issues for the Council to consider prior to further consideration of the DCP. It also required further discussion in respect to the provision of higher order active recreation areas.  The additional information submitted by the applicants are discussed further in the Points 8 - 10 - Issues Required to be Addressed before Adoption.




That the issue be noted.


Issue 6 - Water Provision


Four submissions raised various issues related to the provision of reticulated water and its availability.




The applicants have undertaken various studies and consultations with the relevant agencies in the past to demonstrate that a suitable water supply will be available to cater for the development of the district. The Water Corporation has already purchased land for a water treatment and a water storage sites. More detailed consultation on water reticulation and timing of facilities will be undertaken during district and local structure planning stage.




That the issue be noted and further considered during the district and local structure planning stage.


Issue 7 – Protection of Dunes


All natural landforms and flora and fauna on the western side of Two Rocks Road or at least two kilometres from the shoreline should be protected from development and be left in its natural state.




The subject land is zoned ‘Urban’ and ‘Urban Deferred’ under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) and Urban Development under the City’s DPS2.  The overall Yanchep/Two Rocks area was subject to an Environmental Review as part of Amendment 787 to the City’s former Town Planning Scheme No. 1.  The review addressed the potential impacts of the urban zoning and required the preparation of a number of management plans as part of subsequent structure planning to address environmental issues.


The primary dune system along the coast has been reserved for Parks and Recreation in the MRS and identified for protection in Bush Forever. The reserve extends approximately 100-200 metres inwards of the coast, and runs the entire length of the DCP area.


Ultimately the preservation of the dune formations within the remaining part of the DCP area will be difficult to achieve given servicing requirements, developable lots grades and road safety standards.  The applicant has however attempted to preserve some natural landforms and associated vegetation within some of the proposed areas of open space as well as the low density (R5) housing areas.


If Council was to retain the land on the western side of Two Rocks Road as open space then this could only be achieved either through reserving the land under either the MRS or the City’s DPS2, with the WAPC or the City compensating the landowners accordingly.  Alternatively, a greater proportion of the overall open space obligation from the Tokyu Corporation landholding could be concentrated in this area. This part of the landholding was not however considered appropriate for inclusion in regional reservation areas when the landholding was rezoned to Urban in the MRS and concentrating the landowners open space in this area would deprive the future communities of the remaining portion of the DCP area of open space.  Either option is therefore not considered appropriate in this instance.




That the submission be dismissed.


Issue 8 - Environmental Issues


Several submissions raised concerns about various environmental issues such as bushland retention, biodiversity and that the environmental studies that date back to 1991. The submissions that the DCP should be redesigned based on sustainable principles including the provision of substantial areas of bushland, biodiversity, conservation corridors, etc.




The subject area has been included in an extensive series of broad scale environmental investigations commissioned by the Tokyu Corporation during the 1990’s and the results of the studies were published in a series of environmental reports. Information from these reports was used to identify areas of regionally significant vegetation in the broader district and were reserved for Parks and Recreation in the MRS. In addition, the proponent has provided supporting documentation from ATA Environmental Consultants with regard to the vegetation within the locality as part of recent local structure planning.


The overall Yanchep/Two Rocks area was subject to an Environmental Review as part of Amendment No.787 to the City’s former TPS1.  The review addressed the potential impacts of the rezoning and required the preparation of a number of management plans as part of subsequent district and local structure planning.  The matters to be addressed in the management plans included vegetation and fauna; karst management; stygofauna and troglobitic fauna management, waste management; drainage, nutrient and water management and aboriginal heritage.


ATA Environmental have prepared and submitted detailed environmental assessments and management plans for the two local structure planning areas (Capricorn Village Yanchep and Two Rocks Northern Precinct) that are currently being progressed by Tokyu Corporation/Joint Venture. 

Further environmental assessments and new management plans are required to be prepared for the landholding at the district and local structure planning stages as specified in the Environmental Conditions for the land included in Schedule 12 of DPS2. 


The environmental assessments for the Capricorn Village LSP identified the presence of Melaleuca cardiophylla (Mc) within the district.  This is a locally significant species and consideration should be given to the retention of stands of this vegetation, where it is considered viable in the long term having regard to the size, shape and condition of the stands.  A recent environmental assessment indicates that the best opportunities for protecting stands of Melaleuca cardiophylla in the Yanchep/Two Rocks district would be those stands closest to the coast, of which there are four north of Two Rocks and three between Two Rocks and Yanchep. 


The Council required the applicant during the advertising period to undertake further assessment and discussion with the City and relevant Government agencies regarding the identification and protection of appropriate stands of Melaleuca cardiophylla within the Yanchep/Two Rocks area and providing advice to the Council to consider as part of its adoption of the DCP. The additional information submitted by the applicants is discussed further in the Point 6 - Issues Required to be Addressed before Adoption.




That the issues be noted, as these matters are being addressed through the environmental conditions and district and local structure planning processes, which will be the subject of future consultation.


Issue 9 – Concern over Densities


Three submissions raised concerns about the high densities proposed in the DCP and the overall population proposed.




The DCP includes a wide variety of housing types and densities ranging from R5 (i.e. special residential 2000m2 lots) for areas of high landscape value to R60 and R100 within the coastal centres and Town Centres to cater for a diverse and ultimate total population of approximately 150,000.  An indicative Overall Density Map for the DCP is included at Attachment 5.


Higher residential densities and a greater diversity of density codes than that traditionally provided in outer residential areas is an integral component of the DCP and is considered to be essential if the sustainability objectives of the DCP are to be achieved.  The proposed range of density codes will help to:


1.       Increase the range of housing types that will better suit the needs of the projected demographic makeup of the area.  This is characterised by a relatively older population, more mature families and a higher proportion of ‘empty nesters’ and single person households.  The demographic makeup has, and is expected to continue to lead to relatively smaller household sizes.

2.       Reduce dependency on private motor vehicles by achieving a population density that will help support viable transport alternatives, such as walking, cycling and public transport options;

3.       Reinforce diverse mixed use centres, which will add to the vitality and security of these areas;

4.       Reduce the per capita cost of providing and maintaining road, public utility and other services to the DCP area;

5.       Develop a more efficient and sustainable urban form, which will help to reduce urban sprawl.

The provision of a variety of densities and housing types in the DCP is in keeping with the City’s strategic direction.  The Healthy Communities goal of the City’s Strategic Plan seeks to ‘…foster an identity that that promotes lifestyle choices…’.  The City’s Smart Growth Strategy also includes ‘Lifestyle and Housing Choice as one of its six principles.  This principle seeks to encourage the provision of a variety of housing types and the enhancement of lifestyle options.  The City’s recently adopted Local Housing Strategy, which was prepared pursuant to the above Smart Growth principle, includes as a main objective to ‘…ensure that a wide range and choice of housing is provided to meet the changing social and economic needs of the community…’.  The DCP is generally considered to be consistent with the directions under the City’s Smart Growth Strategy and draft Local Housing Strategy.


The residential densities proposed are also consistent with Western Australian Planning Commission’s (WAPC) policies.  Part 2 of the residential section of its ‘Development Control Policy Manual’ specifies the following as an objective ‘…to facilitate the supply of residential lots of a wide range of sizes and shapes…’.  Further to this, the WAPC’s ‘Guidelines for the Preparation of Local Structure Plans’ manual (1992), Part 3.4.1 – ‘The Location and Density of Housing Areas’ promotes a mix in housing densities and specifically suggests that structure plans should ‘…include medium and higher density housing sites, particularly near significant employment locations, public transport routes, commercial centres, educational facilities and recreation areas’.  More recently, the WAPC has released the ‘Liveable Neighbourhoods’ document. This document reiterates the more traditional policy provisions and specifically states that ‘Smaller lots and lots capable of supporting higher density should be located close to town and neighbourhood centres, public transport and adjacent to high amenity areas such as parks’.




That the issue be dismissed. The Council should support the principles contained in the DCP to provide a variety of housing types and densities in the locality and their general distribution.  Noting that further discussion and determination of the distribution of R-Code densities will occur during the district structure planning and local structure planning stages of the planning process. 


Issue 10 – Reef Break Drive


One submission from the subdividers of Two Rocks South Structure Plan area supported the DCP and the realignment of Reef Break Drive as proposed in the DCP. The submission requested the realignment be initiated as a priority.




The DCP proposes the realignment of Reef Break Drive to connect to Two Rocks as a ‘T’ intersection. This realignment will require an amendment to the MRS and land exchanges between the WAPC and the landowners. The proposed realignment is generally supported and should occur as planning for the area progresses. The respective landowners should liaise with the WAPC to progress the land exchange and initiation of an MRS amendment.




That the issue be noted.


Issue 11 - Wastewater Treatment Plan


The Water Corporation lodged a submission providing advice on its chlorine buffer requirements for its water treatment plan on Lot 316 including a chlorine storage buffer area of approximately 300m radius to residential development. The water storage area on Lot 307 does not require a buffer.




The DCP has identified the Water Corporation’s lots as ‘Out Parcel’, as the land is not owned by the Tokyu Corporation or its joint venture partners. The applicants have only included land owned by the Tokyu Corporation or its joint venture partners within the DCP. The Water Corporation’s buffer requirements will be further considered during the district structure planning stages.




That the issue be noted and further considered during the district structure planning stage.


Issue 12 - Caravan Parks & Tourism


Four submissions raised issues about the closure of the Club Capricorn Caravan Park and the provision of other caravan parks and tourism facilities (backpackers, family accommodation, sustainable tourism, etc..) along the coastline.




The DCP identifies the Club Capricorn Caravan Park area within the Capricorn Coastal Village Structure Plan, which contains more local structure planning for the land. At the meeting of Council on 14 October 2003 (PD01-10/03), Council resolved that the Capricorn Village Structure Plan is satisfactory, subject to a number of modifications and various matters being addressed by the proponent. The Capricorn Joint Venture is currently undertaking subdivision works for its first stages and established a Capricorn Affordable Tourism Working Group, including community representatives, state government, City of Wanneroo Administration and developer representation to meet over the next 6 months. The purpose of the Working Group is proposed to be as follows:


·                Exchange information in relation to tourism development in Yanchep and Two Rocks with particular reference to the Capricorn site;

·                Examine implications of WA State Government’s Affordable Tourism Strategy;

·                To explore affordable tourism options within the Capricorn area;

·                To explore other affordable tourism proposals with the Yanchep-Two Rocks area; and

·                To update representative organisations of proposed development stages.


The information and discussions from the Working Group will provide significant input into the preparation of the district structure plan and local structure plans and tourism initiatives along throughout the locality.




That the issue be noted and further considered during the district structure planning stage.


Issue 13 - Coastal Foreshore Road


Three submissions argued that a coastal foreshore road should be provided to encourage tourism development, lifestyle benefits and greater access to coastal areas. Two submissions suggested that a north-south coastal road should be extended north of Two Rocks to connect to Indian Ocean Drive (Guilderton to Geraldton) to provide additional tourism opportunities.




The provision of continuous coastal foreshore roads would create economic and tourism opportunities (ie. creation of a ‘scenic type drive’), whilst providing local neighbourhood traffic movement and public transport. A continuous coastal foreshore road could be designed to link tourism/coastal town sites, marinas and recreational areas. It is recommended that the Council require the inclusion of a coastal foreshore road in the district structure plan.


Whilst the construction of a coastal road connection from Two Rocks to Indian Ocean Drive would have significant tourism benefits, it is highly unlikely that such a road could be built, due to funding constraints for the road connection and more significantly, the environmental agencies would not allow the construction of such a road through Wilbinga Nature Reserve to the north of Two Rocks.




That the issue be upheld in relation to the provision of a continuous coastal road. It is recommended that the Council require the DSP to include a coastal foreshore road.


Issue 14 - Public Transport and Railway


Four submissions raised issues about the public transport system and road system. One submission suggested that the transit system needs to be more in tune with current and future transport directions, including more encouragement of public transport and car free zones. One submission asked who would pay for the light rail and transport system, and if the Government had committed themselves to a timeline for the construction of the freeway and rail system?

Another submission suggested that it was ludicrous to have two rail spines, with the major element not readily accessible, requiring double access, which is not appropriate in a future fast moving commuter oriented development.




The DCP proposes an extensive public transport system to serve the proposed population, including:


·                The extension of the Northern Suburbs Railway line and three stations (including Yanchep Beach Road, new Yanchep Town Centre and a potential Park and Ride station close to the Freeway alignment);

·                The establishment of a transit orientated mixed use employment boulevard, including a light rail or rapid bus transit system; and

·                The extension of the Northern Suburbs Railway line along the Freeway into a country railway service.

The Project aims to create high levels of employment self-sufficiency to decrease car dependency and vehicle trips. The DCP proposes to integrate land use and transport planning to encourage greater use of public transport and alternative transport modes, thereby reducing car driver trips in-accordance with the aims of the Metropolitan Transport Strategy. Detailed traffic modelling will be undertaken as part of the preparation of the District Structure Plan.


The timing of the provision of the railway has not yet been determined by the State Government. The City will need to ensure that efficient public transport systems are provided early in the development stages to establish travel patterns and high public transport usage. The public transport system would normally be funded by the State Government, however DPI in its letter dated 28 June 2005 advised that the light rail component is not at government cost (capital or operational). This matter will require further discussion through the District Structure Planning Stage.


The DPI engaged consultants to undertake a Railway Alignment Definition Study to define the rail alignment between Romeo Road in Alkimos and Yanchep.  This study will assist in finalising the rail alignment and progressing District and Local Structure Planning and future MRS amendments in Yanchep, Alkimos and Eglinton.  The study follows on the completion in 2003 of a similar study between Clarkson Station and Romeo Road.  The study was overseen by a Steering Committee, which the City was represented on and the study has now been completed.  The Study also reviewed the position of the railway alignment between Eglinton and Yanchep Beach Road stations to minimise the impact of the railway alignment on the lateral Parks and Recreation wedge between Eglinton and Yanchep (also known as Ningana regional open space).  The Council should require the alignment of the Northern Suburbs Railway as determined in the Study to be included in the DSP.




That the issue be noted and further considered during the district structure planning stage.


Issue 15 - Employment


Several of the submissions raised concerns about the claims for local employment and that the developer has not met their employment targets in the St Andrews Project. Concern was also expressed about the location of industrial areas.




The St Andrews DCP contains the various elements to implement the economic and employment objectives of the St Andrews Project as set out in the SCA and MOU, which were detailed earlier in the Background section of this report.  The DCP identifies appropriate areas for the creation of employment and economic development including: mixed use town, village centres and coastal nodes, an extensive mixed use employment corridor, TAFE and university sites, technology park, district employment areas for light industrial activities, school sites and a planning format suitable for encouraging the establishment of home based businesses.  The DCP acknowledges that the key to the achievement of high employment levels in the Project area is the attraction of externally oriented economic activity.  It is important to note that the DCP provides the general physical framework for locating the planned level of local employment, however at the DSP stage, the areas set aside for employment will need to be validated and a comprehensive Employment Strategy will be needed to demonstrate how the planned levels of employment will be delivered.  It should also be noted that the St Andrews Project does include more employment initiatives than any other developer’s structure planning proposals to date. 


The DCP includes an Enterprise Area Land Uses (EALU) Plan, which is the Project Team’s further development and refinement of the planning for the Yanchep Town Centre and the southern precinct and its employment initiatives.  A copy of the EALU Plan is included at Attachment 6.  The EALU Plan includes: two Enterprise Areas (either side of the future Marmion Avenue), two Research Parks - Mixed use areas (either side of Yanchep Beach Road and abutting the railway alignment), a Hospital site, TAFE & University sites, residential areas and a light industrial area (south of Yanchep Beach Road largely between the railway and the Freeway alignments).  The distribution of the proposed uses in the EALU Plan is generally appropriate. Further discussion on the EALU Plan is included in Point 5 - Issues Required to be Addressed before Adoption.


The proposed levels of employment self-sufficiency and public transport patronage, which have not occurred in the Corridor to date, are crucial to ensure that significant traffic congestion does not occur and that there is adequate capacity in the regional road network.  The City will need to monitor the development of the district to ensure that the employment targets in the MOU and various documents are achieved.  The Council should continue to support and assist the developers to achieve the economic and employment initiatives of the St Andrews Project. 




That the issue be noted.

Issues Required to be Addressed by Council

The issues that Council required further consideration of prior to further considering the draft DCP are outlined below, as well as a comment on each.

1.         Further retail modelling and additional information being submitted on the viability of the three easternmost village centres abutting the existing Parks and Recreation reserves.


DPI raised a similar concern in its recent advice on the DCP. The applicant's retail consultant has undertaken a further analysis and concluded that several modifications will need to be considered with respect to these centres as part of the preparation of the DSP.  These modifications include:


i)          the downgrading of the centre on Breakwater Drive to centre due to its proximity to the new town centre east of Two Rocks; and


ii)         the centre in the north/east corner of the district being relocated further southwest to enhance the viability of this centre by creating a full catchment;


In respect of the village centre east of the Lot 501 development (the Reef Estate), the applicants have advised that this centre is intended to function as a meaningful gateway to the eastern Parklands and only be a neighbourhood level centre, with a relatively small retail component that does not require a large catchment area.  The applicant has advised that it is expected that the proximity of the Parklands will encourage a primarily tourist-based economy as people will stop and buy goods/recreational gear before entering the park, therefore an adjustment would be counterproductive.  The parklands area adjoining the neighbourhood centre is only likely to attract low visitor numbers. The viability of this neighbourhood centre still needs to be considered and justified, therefore further retail modelling and additional information on this neighbourhood centre will be required at the district structure planning stage.


2.         Discussion occurring with the applicants, DPI, Public Transport Authority and the City regarding the alignment of the railway, location of stations and timing of the railway.  The applicant providing further advice on these issues and modifying the railway alignment to reflect the outcomes of the Romeo Road to Yanchep Railway Alignment Definition Study, when completed.


The DPI has engaged consultants to undertake a Railway Alignment Definition Study to define the rail alignment between Romeo Road in Alkimos and Yanchep.  This study will assist in finalising the rail alignment and progressing District and Local Structure Planning and future MRS amendments in Yanchep, Alkimos and Eglinton.  The study follows the 2003 completion of a similar study between Clarkson Station and Romeo Road.  The study was undertaken over a three-month period and overseen by a Steering Committee, which the City was represented on.  The Study also reviewed the position of the railway alignment between Eglinton and Yanchep Beach Road stations to minimise the impact of the railway alignment on the lateral Parks and Recreation wedge between Eglinton and Yanchep (also known as Ningana regional open space).


The railway alignment study has been completed but is yet to be considered by the Transport Committee of the WAPC.  The DCP shows the Study’s recommended alignment up to the Yanchep Town Centre (southern).  North of the Yanchep Town Centre, the DCP shows the developers preferred alignment and station location, but planning in this area is subject to further study.  The DPI’s Rail Alignment Study has identified three alignment options for the northern section:


a)         Route curving sharply east to the freeway then turning north along the freeway at a point south of the water block (as referred to in the Rail Alignment Study).  This is the developer preferred option and shown in the DCP.


b)         Route continuing from station in northerly direction, passing west of the ‘water block’ then turning east to join the freeway at the next interchange.


c)         Route curving north-east from station, passing through the ‘water block’ and lining up with the Freeway at the next interchange.  The developer preferred option eliminates (to the maximum possible extent) severance of the urban land located between the ‘Transit Corridor’ and the Mitchell Freeway.


The determination of the alignment of the railway will be the subject of ongoing discussions with the applicants, DPI and the City, as part of the District Structure Planning.


No information has been provided from the applicant or DPI on the timing of construction of railway. The provision of public transport infrastructure, especially the Northern Suburbs Railway, in a timely manner is critical to establish travel patterns and urban form and density particularly in railway precincts. Development in railway precincts should be delayed at least until the railway is provided.


3.         The applicant submitting further information on the outcomes of the DPI’s Strategic Transport Evaluation Modelling and Railway Alignment Definition Study and their implications for the District Concept Plan.


The applicant has sought the outcomes of the Strategic Transport Evaluation Model for the North West Corridor from the DPI, however has been advised that it is currently being refined and that outputs relating to the St Andrews DCP can only be expected in 1-2 months.  The applicant is not able to provide further information at this time, however has advised that the outcomes of that modelling will be given proper consideration when available. The City and the applicant should continue to seek the outcomes of the Strategic Transport Evaluation Model for the North West Corridor from the DPI during the preparation of the DSP.


4.         Further discussions occurring during the advertising period between the applicant’s traffic consultants and the City’s Infrastructure Directorate regarding the traffic implications of the proposed District Concept Plan, staging of development and the timing of the railway and arterial roads.


A broad traffic analysis has been undertaken for the DCP area sufficient to demonstrate the adequacy of the general district level road structure outlined on the DCP. 

Further discussions have been held between the applicant and the Administration regarding the matters that would be required to be included within the further transport studies that will be required to accompany the DSP.


5.         Further discussions occurring during the advertising period on how the interface between the proposed employment and residential areas on the Enterprise Area Land Uses Plan is proposed to be managed and the appropriateness of the location of the TAFE and University sites.


The applicant has submitted additional detail of how the interface between the proposed employment and residential areas on the Enterprise Area Land Uses Plan will be managed, including transition land uses, open space, mixed use, urban design measures, types of employment, etc.


The applicant has submitted additional information justifying the location of TAFE and University sites in the DCP, which is satisfactory for the DCP stage, as the City will consider the locations further during the district and local structure planning stages.


6.         The applicant undertaking further assessment and discussion with the City, CALM, DEP and DPI regarding the identification and protection of appropriate stands of Melaleuca cardiophylla within the Yanchep/Two Rocks area and providing advice to the Council to consider as part of its adoption of the District Concept Plan.


The applicant has appointed ATA Environmental Consultants to map the location of stands of melaleuca cardiophylla across the St Andrews Concept Plan.  Twenty-six (26) sites have been identified within the project area and an assessment undertaken of the condition of the stands of vegetation.


The applicant has advised that the flexibility of the Concept Plan facilitates the opportunity for environmental preservation. It has been determined as a result of this study that many of these stands of melaleuca cardiophylla could be preserved through specific site planning at the district and local structure planning stages.  Actual stands to be conserved should be identified through the district structure planning process.


7.         The applicant investigating the proposed marina sites further with the relevant Government agencies and the City and providing further advice on the appropriateness of these sites for the Council to consider prior to final adoption of the District Concept Plan.


The DCP identifies two ‘Potential Marina’ locations, including a site midway between Two Rocks and Yanchep and another site close to the northern boundary of the Project area.  These sites are proposed to include shops, cafes and tourist orientated uses on the coastline.  Since the early 1990’s, there have been various planning documents that have identified the need for or planned for potential marina sites to cater for the future 150,000 population of Yanchep and Two Rocks.  The applicant has advised that a preliminary Marina Study was prepared by MP Rogers and Associates in 2002 that addresses the likely future demands for marine infrastructure such as harbours, mooring pens and boat launching facilities and then examines various development options to provide the required facilities.  The two areas noted on the DCP as being a ‘Potential Marina Location’ were so designated because of specific consultant input.  The applicant has received initial advice with regard to the northern marina site that indicates there is potential for a marina in this location.  Further supporting documentation will be prepared as part of the preparation of the district structure plan to support the suitability and sustainability of the marina sites identified in the DCP.


One of the most important natural features of the St. Andrew’s property is the ocean and the coastline.  The provision of marinas in the project allows the coastline to be enjoyed by both tourists and residents and create significant employment and tourism opportunities.


The Council should support the principle of additional boat launching and marina sites to meet the needs of the proposed population and to create coastal nodes with retail, tourism, recreational and employment opportunities.  However, detailed coastal and environmental studies will be required at the district structure planning stages to ensure the sites are appropriately located and do not significantly impact on the coastal processes. Swimming and beach areas are critically important aspects of the St. Andrews site and coastal areas.  It is therefore in the interest of the project to protect these areas and ensure that their recreational and environmental quality is not jeopardized.  Further environmental consultation and research will be required at the local and district structure planning stages to fully understand and mitigate any impacts on these areas from new marinas.


8.         Further consultation between the City and the applicants should occur on the proposals included in the St Andrews Facility Planning Technical Reference Group and its Discussion Paper and their inclusion in the District Concept Plan.


The St Andrews Facility Planning Technical Reference Group (comprising Tokyu Corporation and City Administration representatives) identified that based on the district’s projected population, an allocation of between 100 and 140 hectares is required solely for regional/district open space.  In addition, open space land requirements of at least 60 to 65 hectares were considered necessary for a municipal golf course.  This creates a minimum land requirement of between 160 and 205 hectares to cater for regional/district open space facilities.  It should be noted that these requirements relate to open space only and hence do not include hectare provisions for other recreational and community facilities identified by the Technical Reference Group.


The draft DCP currently identifies approximately 65 hectares of land that is suitable for regional and/or district open space, of which 20 hectares is designated as bush forever, therefore leaving a current provision level of only 45 hectares.  Whilst the submission accepts that the Concept Plan needs to be adjusted to meet the open space requirements, the process of securing land and addressing site design criteria is not clearly identified.  An assumption is also made that 10 hectares in Ningana Reserve, south of the district, can contribute to the total project supply of usable district active open space, however given its bush forever status the ability for such an area to accommodate active playing fields is still questionable.  The submission outlines two potential new areas of district open space:


·                Collocation with the proposed university campus immediately south of the northern town centre

·                Land west of the northern town centre.


These options are supported in principle however the ability to utilise these land areas and develop partnerships with relevant stakeholders (e.g. tertiary institutions) needs to be addressed in further detail at the DSP stage.  These two options also need to be supported by several other alternatives for securing adequate land areas.  Those already discussed by the Technical Reference Group that appear to have merit for further investigation include:


·                Inclusion of several 15 hectare district reserves within the linear open space network;

·                Investigation of the availability of Landcorp land south of the Yanchep town site;

·                Investigation into increasing the current identified District Active Open Space allocations from 20 - 30 hectares to 30 - 40 hectares

·                Detailed investigation of sites impacted by bush forever to ascertain exact land areas available.


The developer must provide additional, detailed information that identifies and verifies the suitability of the potential land availability options.  This can effectively be undertaken at the DSP stage.  This would include matters such as the distribution, location, size, topography, bush forever restrictions opportunities for collocation with other relevant stakeholders to clearly demonstrate how the active open space demand will be met in the district.


9.         Further discussion occurring between the applicant, DPI, CALM, Department of Environmental Protection and the City regarding the potential to locate Regional and District Active Playing Fields and a Municipal Golf Course within the Parks and Recreation areas.  The applicant shall provide further advice and relevant Government agency advice on the appropriateness of these sites for the Council to consider when it considers the District Concept Plan for final adoption.


Land set aside for regional recreation will serve a greater catchment than the application area and therefore this is primarily an issue for the State to consider through its review of the North West Corridor Structure Plan.  This review is currently being undertaken by the Department for Planning and Infrastructure and the City will need to ensure that this issue is properly addressed in the review. 


Notwithstanding this, the applicants environmental consultant has undertaken an assessment of the potential to locate regional and district sporting facilities within the areas surrounding the DCP area that are currently designated as Parks and Recreation.  This analysis indicates that there is some potential within the Ningana bushland to accommodate playing fields.  This area comprises around 70 hectares and is made up of land that has either been cleared, contains highly degraded bushland (19.7ha) or tuart plantation (51.3ha).  Whilst initial discussions have been undertaken during the consultation period with officers from Bush forever and the Department of Environment, the potential for this area to be cleared and developed for recreation purposes requires further analysis and discussion on a range of issues.  This can adequately be undertaken during the preparation of the DSP. 


10.       Further discussion occurring between the applicant and the City on the linear Open Space linkages, in terms of their width, purpose, general location, design, maintenance costs and impact on the overall POS provision.


The proposed linear open space linkages are supported in principle as they provide a well-designed system of recreation corridors, are capable of integrating natural and recreational areas and physically define neighbourhoods.  The applicant has provided additional information addressing the width, purpose, general location and design of these open space linkages, however the issues of maintenance costs and impact of these linkages on the overall POS provision needs further consideration and justification by the applicant. These issues can be worked through during the preparation of the DSP.


11.       Application to the City’s Smart Growth Assessment Tool to the District Concept Plan.


The applicant has undertaken an assessment of DCP using the City’s Smart Growth Assessment Tool.  An analysis of this is included in the Policy Implications section of this report. 

Other Issues

The following additional issues have been identified by Administration, which require further advice from the DPI:


1.       A portion of the Yanchep National Park is located west of the Freeway and is zoned Urban Deferred in the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS). The land is known as the ‘Water block’ and is an ‘A’ class reserve managed by CALM. The DCP does not propose any uses on the land, however various alignments of the railway line have been identified through the site. It is unclear whether this land will be retained in the Yanchep National Park after the freeway is extended or developed for urban purposes. The City should seek the advice of the WAPC on the future planning of this land;


2.       The DCP has not been submitted or assessed under Part 9 (Structure Planning provisions) of the DPS2 rather it is an initial preliminary step in the preparation of the DSP with the purpose of obtaining in principle agreement to key elements of the concept such as the public transport proposals.  Given the nature of the DCP and district and local structure planning that needs still needs to be prepared, the Council’s adoption of the DCP should be limited to key items and principles


The advertising and adoption of the DCP is a key step in the consultation process and progressing the land use planning and development of the Yanchep and Two Rocks localities.  The DCP has been prepared in consultation with the City and processed in-accordance with the MOU.  Future stages of planning will involve further consultation and consideration by the Council, including the District Structure Planning, MRS Amendments, Amendments to DPS2 and Local Structure Planning.


To ensure an appropriate outcome is achieved and in a suitable timeframe, it will be important for the proposed DSP to be prepared with effective ongoing consultation between the applicant, the City, the DPI and other key stakeholders.  This has been agreed with the applicants and work has already commenced between the parties in relation to the information requirements and scope of issues to be addressed in the DSP.  Initial discussions have also been undertaken with the DPI regarding a coordinated and streamlined assessment process.

Statutory Compliance

The processing of the DCP has generally followed the processes described in the MOU adopted by the Council at its meeting on 10 June 2003 (item CEO04-07/03).

Strategic Implications

Consideration of this DCP is consistent with the goal of providing Healthy Communities under the City’s Strategic Plan and in particular Strategy 2.2 of the Planning and Development Directorate Strategic Plan, which seeks to provide a cohesive system of integrated land use planning.

Policy Implications

The Smart Growth Local Planning Policy is relevant to this proposal.  This policy basically requires assessment of the proposal against the Smart Growth Strategy, and this is facilitated through the Smart Growth Assessment Tool (SGAT).


The report on the draft DCP considered by Council at its meeting of 26 April 2005 included brief comment upon the proposal in respect to the then draft Smart Growth Strategy, and noted that the proposal was seen to be generally consistent with the principles and strategies of the draft Strategy.  Council’s resolution included a requirement for the SGAT to be applied to the proposed final DCP.


The applicant has submitted a self-assessment of the proposed final DCP against the SGAT (District Structure Plan Level).  While this meets Council’s requirement for undertaking of the SGAT assessment, it would have been preferable if the applicant had involved City officers in the process, in the same way that it is preferable for developers to consult with the City during the course of preparation of their proposals, rather than submit a proposal for approval with no prior consultation.  It was earlier stated in this report that it will be important for the proposed DSP to be prepared with effective ongoing consultation between the applicant, the City and other relevant stakeholders, and it is also important for the SGAT assessment that will be prepared for the DSP to involve similar ongoing consultation.  To ensure Smart Growth Principles are properly considered, it is important that the SGAT be used as a tool to inform the development of the DSP and is not prepared as an after-thought, having prepared the plan.  Ongoing consultation will also allow the performance of the SGAT (which is now undergoing a two year trial period) to be properly monitored.


The applicant’s self-assessment has been reviewed by Administration and the following key conclusions drawn:


1.       The DCP is considered to be generally consistent with the Smart Growth Strategy and its related policy.  However, it cannot be properly determined at this stage whether the specific criteria measurements given, and the resulting Smart Growth ‘scores’ and ‘ratings’ (for each Smart Growth principle, and overall) should be considered reasonable.


          The DCP represents a broader level of planning than a DSP, with more detailed information to be provided at DSP stage.  However, the DCP has had to be assessed using the DSP level of SGAT as the SGAT is currently only available for trailing at two levels (DSP and Local Structure Plan).  The result has been that many of the SGAT criteria have been assigned measurements which are not able to be scrutinised for validity as the information they need to be based on is presently not available, but should be prepared at the DSP stage.  Such measurements should therefore be viewed as indicating intent, rather than current performance.


2.       There are two matters which the SGAT has identified will require particularly close attention at time of development of the DSP:


          a)       Provision of detailed information to adequately demonstrate how the employment targets are to be achieved.


          b)      Provision of detailed information to show how regional and district recreation requirements are able to be satisfactorily met.

Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority.

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That Council:-

1.       NOTES the draft District Concept Plan, as submitted by the Roberts Day Group on behalf of Tokyu Corporation and as outlined in Attachment 1 to this report and SUPPORTS this plan as the basis for the preparation of the District Structure Plan.

2.       ADVISES the applicant that the District Structure Plan will need to be supplemented with the full range of technical studies as required by the City and Department for Planning and Infrastructure and the concepts contained in the District Concept Plan will require full technical justification.  This work should include an assessment of the issues raised in this report.

3.       ENDORSES the comments made in this report regarding the submissions received on this draft District Concept Plan for inclusion in the schedule of submissions to be forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission and ADVISES the submitters of its decision.

4.       FORWARDS the draft District Concept Plan to the Western Australian Planning Commission for its consideration.

5.       REQUESTS the Department of Planning and Infrastructure to:

a)      Ensure that it properly addresses the provision of Regional Recreation Reserves in it current review of the North West Corridor Structure Plan; and

b)      Clarify the future planning intent for the portion of the Yanchep National Park zoned urban deferred and located west of the future freeway reserve. 

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PD06-01/06   Discontinuance of Amendment No. 15 to District Planning Scheme No.2

File Ref:                                              TPS/0015V01

File Name: BAAmendment No  15 to District Planning Scheme No 2.doc This line will not be printed Please do NOT delete

Level 4 Approval by GraceB Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by shb Date 12 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by shb Date 12 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Planning and Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Silvia Foti

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments                                        2

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To consider discontinuing Amendment 15 to District Planning Scheme No.2 (DPS2).



JJ, BM, PD and MJ Havel


JJ, BM, PD and MJ Havel


Lot 500 and 501 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo

Site Area

3.0917 Hectares

MRS Zoning


DPS 2 Zoning

General Rural


The location of the subject land is shown on Attachment 1.  The land is situated between the Yellagonga Regional Park to its west and East Wanneroo Urban Cell No. 1 to its east.


The land is contained within the draft Drovers Place Precinct Local Structure Plan area.


Amendment 15 to DPS2 sought to rezone Lot 500 and 501 Wanneroo Road from General Rural to Special Residential to facilitate future subdivision of each of the present lots into three lots (resulting in a total of six lots).  This was mainly to enable the owner’s children and their families to live on a property in this location.


Council resolved to initiate Amendment No. 15 on 2 July 2002 (item PD06-07/02 refers) and subsequently forwarded the required documents to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for its consent to advertise.  On 23 January 2003, the WAPC responded advising that it had granted consent to advertise the proposal subject to a number of modifications being undertaken which included:


-          The proposed Amendment being modified to include all those lots zoned rural between Lake Joondalup and Wanneroo Road;

-          A structure plan being prepared and advertised for public inspection concurrently with the proposed Amendment for all those lots zoned rural in this vicinity between Lake Joondalup and Wanneroo Road, on the basis of a report prepared by a suitably qualified person, which provides detailed advice regarding estimated maximum ground water levels and identifies areas subject to periodic inundation.

-          Infrastructure contributions being determined for connection to reticulated water and sewerage, structure planning costs and any other cost, which should be shared between the relevant landowners; and

-          The proposed Special Provisions being modified prior to advertising to reflect that proposed new lots (including those with existing dwellings) are to be serviced by reticulated water and sewerage at the subdivision stage.


For some time the lack of structure planning delayed progression of this Amendment, however on 22 November 2005 (Item PD08-11/05 refers), Council adopted the Drovers Place Precinct Local Structure Plan for this area and this is awaiting endorsement by the WAPC.


Under the draft Structure Plan, a proposal for Special Residential can be accommodated, however, the applicant has advised the City that they wish to now withdraw their Amendment proposal.


Their reasons for withdrawal include:


-                 The provisions contained in the Drovers Place Structure Plan negate Amendment 15, in particular, the insistence that a road be built at their expense and on their land along the western and northern boundaries at no benefit to them.


-                 The Drovers Place Precinct Structure Plan ignores the location of existing residences and would deny them of their quality of life.


-                 Resumption of the wetland margin and defacto resumption for a road means that there would be virtually no land left to subdivide and pass on.


-                 Submissions on these matters have been dismissed and they feel it is better to retain the rural zoning and address the matter of inheritance through other means.


The intent of the draft Local Structure Plan for the Drover’s Place Precinct is to provide a broad level planning framework for development of the Structure Plan area. It provides broad objectives for development and outlines key roads, public access and open space areas sufficient to provide for the coordinated development of the area.


The Structure Plan Map (refer Attachment 2) outlines the planned pattern of development for the Structure Plan area. The structure plan provides for preferred land uses for the area and does not specifically zone land rather it will guide the subsequent preparation of site specific development, structure plan and zoning proposals by individual landowners. It should be noted that the Lots south of Lot 811 Wanneroo Road in the structure plan were identified for a Special Residential land use consistent with the Amendment 15 zoning proposal.


Adoption of the Drovers Place Precinct Local Structure Plan now enables Amendment No.15 to be progressed, as the requirement for a Structure Plan, which was the major hindrance to advertising the Amendment proposal has been overcome. Should the landowners have wished to proceed they would have needed to readdress their Amendment proposal by satisfying any outstanding requirements of the WAPC and modifying their Development Guide Plan and Special Provisions to ensure consistency with the Structure Plan. The modified documents would also need to be returned to the WAPC for its consent prior to the commencement of advertising of the Amendment.


Council has previously expressed support for Special Residential rezoning of this land and this use has been reflected in the draft structure plan for the area.  A revised development guide plan, consistent with the structure plan for the overall precinct, was however required to ensure proper integration with adjacent lots and the Yellagonga Regional Park.


Whilst Council subsequently resolved to delete the foreshore interface road that was the cause of much of the landowner’s grievance and forms a substantial part of the rationale for seeking to discontinue the Amendment, Council will recall that the Department for Planning and Infrastructure recommended this interface road and therefore this may well be a WAPC required modification to the structure plan before it is prepared to adopt and certify the plan.  A number of issues such as access to Wanneroo Road, provision of a road along the northern boundary of Lot 500 and inundation still require resolution and will require further studies and plans to be prepared before progressing the Amendment.  As these would be landowner obligations, there seems little point in continuing with the Amendment at this stage.  On this basis it is recommended that the Amendment be discontinued.

Statutory Compliance

To date the amendment process has complied with the requirements of the Town Planning Regulations.  If Council supported the requested discontinuation of the amendment, then section 14 (4) (b) of the Town Planning Regulations 1967 (as amended), requires it to pass a resolution to that effect and advise the WAPC in writing of that resolution.

Strategic Implications

Consideration of this scheme amendment is consistent with the goal of providing Healthy Communities under the City’s Strategic Plan and in particular, Strategy 2.2 of the Planning and Development Directorate Strategic Plan, which seeks to provide a cohesive system of integrated land use planning.

Policy Implications


Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority.

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That Council in pursuance of section 14 (4) (b) of the Town Planning Regulations 1967 (as amended), DISCONTINUES Amendment No. 15 to City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme No. 2 and adviseS the Western Australian Planning Commission accordingly.


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Development Applications

PD07-01/06   Proposed Bed and Breakfast - Lot 751 (21) Piper Street, Quinns Rocks

File Ref:                                              P27/0111V01

File Name: EAProposed Bed and Breakfast   Lot 751  21  Piper Street  Quinns Rock.doc This line will not be printed Please do NOT delete

Level 4 Approval by GraceB Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Dat N Phan Date 09 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Planning and Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Dat N Phan

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       2

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To consider an application to convert a Single House, currently under construction on Lot 751 (21) Piper Street, Quinns Rocks to a Bed and Breakfast (see Attachment 1).



Eddie Burton


Eddie Burton and Sharon A Burton


Lot 751 (21) Piper Street, Quinns Rock

Site Area

0.0911 Hectares

DPS 2 Zoning


MRS Zoning



Discretionary (D)


In April 2005, the City granted a Building Licence for the construction of a two-storey dwelling, with a basement carpark to accommodate three vehicles. The single house is currently under construction and consists of a basement car park level, a rumpus room located directly above the basement, and a third level consisting of four bedrooms, each with a separate ensuite, a kitchen, a home office, a living room and a dining room (refer Attachment 2).




The application proposes the conversion of the ‘Single House’ to a ‘Bed and Breakfast’ for a maximum of four guests (two couples only). The guests will be accommodated within bedrooms three and four, both located on the second floor of the dwelling.


A ‘bed and breakfast’ is defined under District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS2) as:


“any dwelling in which the resident of the dwelling provides accommodation on an overnight or short-term basis, usually to the travelling public, and may include the provision of meals for guests.”


The lot is zoned “Residential R20” and a Bed and Breakfast is a discretionary use under that zone. 


The proposal’s compliance with DPS2 development standards is summarised as follows:


Number of Persons



Car Parking

4 (2 plus 1 additional bay per 2 guests)


6 (3 in garage

with driveway accommodating up to three additional vehicles in tandem


Adjoining landowners were notified of the proposal and given 14 days to lodge comments. At the conclusion of the comment period, six submissions and a 17-signature petition had been received from local residents objecting to the proposal. The petition was tabled at the Council meeting held on 22 November 2005 (item PT04-11/05).  The petition did not include any reasons for objection.  The issues raised in the submissions, together with an Administration comment on each are set out below:




Administration’s Comment

Objector 1


1. Piper Street is one of the quietest streets in old Quinns as access was cut off from Tapping Way to prevent traffic and speeding motorists. The Bed and Breakfast will create a greater increase in traffic flow to the area.

2. This proposed property has a swimming pool, and jacuzzi, which is situated on the high end of the street, there is potential for many late evenings in summer of alcohol induced noise echoing down the street.

3. A Bed and Breakfast would devalue our property in the long term.

4. As we don’t know the type of people that could be attracted to the business, we are concerned about the security of the neighbourhood.



1. The Bed and Breakfast is proposed to only cater for a maximum of four guests within two bedrooms.  It is not envisaged that an establishment of this scale would add significantly to traffic volumes on the street network. Similar trip rates are expected to that of a large single house.

2. The use is of a modest scale and the operator will need to ensure that the applicable noise limits prescribed under the Environmental Protection Act are complied with.

3. The objector has not provided any evidence to back up the claim that property values would be reduced by the proposal.

4. The guests are only accommodated on a short-term basis and it is not envisaged that the security of the neighbourhood would be affected.

Objector 2


1. This area of Old Quinns is purely residential in zoning and character. The application is not in keeping with the residential character, and zoning of the immediate area and seeks to change the local residents’ amenity for no good reason.

2.Old Quinns is no longer seen as a holiday destination, now being contiguous with suburbia. Accordingly any demand for Bed and Breakfast holiday accommodation in the area is considered minimal. There is no tourism demand justification for the wishes of the applicant overriding those of the local residents.

3. As there appears no real demand for holiday accommodation it is assumed that the application intends for the accommodation to be provided to itinerant workers or guests whose costs are funded by government agencies such as Centrelink. I consider such guests inappropriate.

4. I am greatly concerned that, if this application is granted, future applications might be made to further vary the use of the property into something more intrusive to local residents.



1. The proposed use is residential in nature and compatible with the zoning of the property.

2. The viability of the proposal and tourist demand is not a valid planning for consideration in determining this proposal.

3. The objector has not provided any evidence to back up the claim that property would be used by itinerant workers. 

4. Any future applications would need to be considered entirely on their own merit.  

Objector 3


1. This is very much a residential area and it is also an area where parking is at a premium due to the design of the street in this area.

2. I wish to express concern that the building is very much under construction as this was a ‘fait accompli’. If this was the original plan surely people in the immediate area should have been consulted before construction.



1. The proposed use is residential in nature and the site can accommodate the car parking requirements for the proposed activity.

2. The only approval issued to date enables the site to be used as a single house and this house is quite capable of being used for conventional residential purposes.  No commitment for the proposed Bed and Breakfast has been given. 


Objector 4


1. We strongly oppose this approval as we feel it will have an unfavourable effect on our privacy, lifestyle, property value and that of the neighbouring properties.

2. The location of the elevated pool and bar, and its design to be a social area will create major noise and privacy concerns for all surrounding properties.

3. Arrival and departure of guests at various times of the day and night would be a relevant factor regarding noise from car engines, doors opening and closing, car boots and horns.

4. The proposal will increase traffic flow within the area and will pose greater difficulty for neighbouring properties to enter and exit the individual driveways.

5. The proposal will have an adverse impact on the amenity and property values in the street.



1. The house was approved in 2005 under the design requirements of the current Residential Design Codes, which has guidelines to maintain reasonable levels of privacy. The objectors’ property is located on a higher level that the subject property, therefore the affect on their privacy would be minimal. The proposed use is residential in nature and at a scale that is unlikely to significantly impact on the amenity of the area. 

2. A maximum of six people including four guests are proposed.  It is considered the pool area and the activities carried out within the area is no different to families with social gatherings within their outdoor living areas.  The operator will need to ensure that the applicable noise limits prescribed under the Environmental Protection Act are complied with.

3. Arrival and departure noise factors is considered minimal as only a maximum of four guests can be accommodated at any one time. The operator will need to ensure that the applicable noise limits prescribed under the Environmental Protection Act are complied with.

4. It is considered the number of guests proposed to be accommodated would have minimal affect on traffic flow, and all parking is to be contained on-site and therefore having minimal impact on the neighbouring properties and their accessibility. It is not envisaged that an establishment of this scale would add any significantly to traffic volumes on the street network.

5. The objector has not provided any evidence to back up the claim that property values would be devalued or amenity affected by the proposal.


Objector 5


1. The proposal will bring traffic and noise to the street, also parking problems.

2. The area is generally a residential area.



1. It is not envisaged that an establishment of this scale would add any significantly to traffic volumes on the street network. The operator will need to ensure that the applicable noise limits prescribed under the Environmental Protection Act are complied with.  Sufficient car parking is proposed to be located o site to cater for demand.

2. The proposed use is of a modest scale and residential in nature.


Objector 6


1. We feel that the location of a Bed and Breakfast in the street will lead to an increase in traffic, noise and possibly anti social behaviour destroying the tranquillity of the street and a lowering of the property values.

2. We oppose the Bed and Breakfast as we wish to live in a residential street not a seaside resort.



1. It is not envisaged that an establishment of this scale would add any significantly to traffic volumes on the street network. The operator will need to ensure that the applicable noise limits prescribed under the Environmental Protection Act are complied with.  The objector has not provided any evidence to back up the claim that property values would be reduced or amenity affected by the proposal.

2. The proposed use is of a modest scale and residential in nature.


The proposed use is residential in nature and compatible with the zoning of the property. The application seeks approval for a maximum of six people (four guests and two residents) to occupy the premises at any one time.  This is a modest scale and the operations associated with this, are unlikely to significantly impact on the amenity of the area.  It is noted that the Residential Design Codes permit up to six (6) unrelated people, or indeed a larger group of related people, to live within the same dwelling as of right. 


The applicant proposes to pave the entire verge area and a significant area of the lot forward of the dwelling.  It is considered that this would detract from the residential character of the area and result in vehicles parking haphazardly.  The dwelling currently under construction has provision for three enclosed garage bays and three additional bays within the driveway.  The proposal would require a minimum of four bays in total.  It is recommended that the extent of pavement be restricted to that necessary to park a vehicle in front of each garage and that required to provide crossover access to this parking area.  This can be marked up on the site plans as a condition of approval.


The range of issues raised by the submissions are unlikely to be realised to any significant degree and on this basis conditional approval to the application is recommended.

Statutory Compliance

The application complies with the statutory requirements of the DPS2.

Strategic Implications

The proposal is consistent with the Healthy Communities goal of the City’s Strategic Plan which seeks to foster an identity that promotes lifestyle choices and the provision of quality services and infrastructure.  It is also consistent with the Economic Development goal, which seeks to maximise opportunities for balanced economic growth and development within the City, by encouraging employment growth and tourism.


The proposal is consistent with Actions 5.4 and 5.5 of the City’s Economic Development Strategy which relate to the expansion of home based businesses and tourism development.  And is also consistent with Objective One of the City’s Tourism Strategy, which recommends the development of new and existing tourism products, of which accommodation is one. 


“Emphasis on accommodation of all types: Camping and caravan parks, guesthouse and bed and breakfasts, Hotels 3, 4, 5 star are all important for the growth of tourism in Wanneroo.”

Policy Implications


Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority.

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That Council:-

1.       APPROVES the application for the use of the house at Lot 751 (21) Piper Street, Quinns Rocks as a Bed and Breakfast subject to the following conditions:

a)      The use of the premises shall conform to the District Planning Scheme No.2 definition of a "Bed and Breakfast", which states:

          “Bed and Breakfast means any dwelling in which the resident of the dwelling provides accommodation on an overnight or short-term basis, usually to the travelling public, and may include the provision of meals for guests.”

b)      A maximum of four guests may occupy the premises at any one time and bedrooms three and four as depicted on the approved plans shall be the only bedrooms used for Bed and Breakfast accommodation purposes.

c)       A minimum of four on-site car bays with associated access shall be provided and maintained for the use.  The use is to be managed in a way that would preclude the parking of resident, guest or visitor vehicles on the street, verge or outside specifically designated onsite paved car parking areas.

d)      The proposed driveway and crossover to be designed and constructed as set out in red on the approved plans.

2.         ADVISES those who made submissions of Council’s decision.

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PD08-01/06   Proposed Nightclub - Lot 10 (Strata Lot 2/49) Berriman Drive, Wangara

File Ref:                                              P33/0069V01

File Name: EAProposed Renewal of Nightclub Approval use   Lot 2  2 10  Berriman Drive  Wangara.doc This line will not be printed Please

Level 5 Approval by hw Date 25 January 2006

Level 4 Approval by GraceB Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by GraceB Date 11 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Dat N Phan Date 09 January 2006do NOT delete

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Planning and Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Dat N Phan

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       2

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To consider the re-approval of Strata Lot 2, 49 Berriman Drive Wangara as a ‘Nightclub’ use to conduct private adult recreation functions.



Danny Serafini


Mary-Anne Kenworthy


Lot 10 (2/49) Berriman Drive, Wangara

Site Area

0.4010 Hectares

DPS 2 Zoning

Service Industrial


At its meeting on 26 November 2002 (item PD18-11/02 refers), Council granted conditional approval for a change in use of Unit 2, 49 Berriman Drive, Wangara from Factory to Club (Non Residential), subject to the following conditions:


“1.    The use of the Unit 2 for Club (Non Residential) purposes shall cease 12 months from the date of this approval, unless a further approval is granted by the City. Any renewal application should be lodged one month prior to the expiry of this approval.

2        A maximum of fifty (50) persons shall be permitted on the premises at any one time.

3.       The hours of operation are confined to Friday 8pm to 3am and Saturday 8pm to 3am. Special functions or events that may arise outside of the specified operation hours will require the written approval of the Manager, Approval Services.

4.       The applicant/owner shall ensure that all associated vehicle parking is to be contained within the subject site (excluding verge areas).

5.       Applicant/owner is required to comply with the Health (Public Buildings) Regulations 1992 and the Building Code Australia 1997.”


In October 2003, the City received a second application to continue the use.  As this application was largely consistent with the initial approval, with the exception that operating times were proposed to be extended to include Wednesday and Thursday evenings, and no significant operational issues had been encountered, the application was conditionally approved under delegated authority on 10 November 2003.


In November 2004, the City received a third application seeking approval to continue the use.  At this stage Administration reconsidered the categorisation of the use under District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS2) and considered the activity should be more appropriately described as a ‘Nightclub’ use. The application was referred to Council for determination as the City was in receipt of a petition objecting to the proposal. At its meeting on 1 February 2005 (item PD16-01/05 refers), Council granted approval to the use subject to a similar range of conditions as that previous imposed.


This current application is consistent with Council’s approval granted in February 2005.  In particular the current application does not propose to change the hours of operation or the maximum number of people to be accommodated at any one time, which is currently set at 50.


The City did not undertake advertising of this application as it is proposing a use that is consistent with the existing established approval.


The subject site is located within the Wangara Industrial Area.  Attachment 1 indicates the location of the site.  The original development of six (6) units were approved for Factory and Warehouse uses (refer Attachment 2).


The proposal seeks approval for the continued use of Strata Lot 2 as a ‘Nightclub’ to conduct private adult recreation functions.  Under DPS2 a ‘Nightclub’ use is defined as follows:


“Nightclub means any land or buildings used to provide entertainment and dancing and may include the provision of food and drink for consumption on the premises, but does not include the sale of packaged liquor or gaming and to which a license under the provisions of the Liquor Licensing Act 1988 may have been granted.”


For comparative purposes, Club (non-residential) is defined in DPS2 as:


            “Club (non-residential) means premises used for the purpose of club premises by an incorporated club or incorporated association or other body of persons united by a common interest (whether those premises be licensed under the provisions of the Liquor Act 1970 as amended or re-enacted or not) and which premises are not otherwise classified under the provisions of the Scheme.”


The proposed use of the unit is not considered to be detrimental to the amenity of the locality, particularly if similar conditions are imposed in respect to operating hours and the number of patrons.  The use is considered to be consistent with the intent of the Service Industrial zone, in that the zone provides for a wide range of uses that are capable of being conducted in a manner which will prevent them being obtrusive, or detrimental to the local amenity.


Each of the three previous approvals have been issued with a 12 month time limitation.  The applicant has requested a five-year approval be issued on the basis that they are unaware of any problems in Council considering past renewals and consider that the annual renewal process is tedious and creates unnecessary work for both parties. 

Time limited use approvals are only normally issued where the Council has a concern over the potential impact of the use. Given that this use has now been operating without any significant impact on amenity for over three years, it would seem unreasonable to continue to limit the period of approval for five years or otherwise.  It is therefore recommended that any new approval be granted on a permanent basis.  It should be noted that this will not preclude Council from taking action in the event that the use operates outside its conditions of approval.

Statutory Compliance

The application complies with the requirements of the DPS2.

Strategic Implications

This proposal is consistent with the Healthy Communities goal of the City’s Strategic Plan, which seeks to foster an identity that promotes lifestyle choice.

Policy Implications


Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority.

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That Council APPROVES the application for a Nightclub on Lot 10 (Strata Lot 2/49) Berriman Drive, Wangara, in accordance with the plans attached to and forming part of this report and subject to the following conditions:

1.       A maximum of fifty (50) persons shall be permitted on the premises at any one time;

2.       The hours of operation are confined to Wednesday and Thursday evenings 7.30pm to 2am, Friday evening 8pm to 3am and Saturday evening 8pm to 3am. Special functions or events that may arise outside of the specified operation hours will require the prior written approval from the Manager Planning Services;

3.       The applicant/owner shall provide a minimum of seventeen (17) carbays on site for the approved use and shall manage the use to ensure that all associated vehicle parking is contained within the subject site;

4.       The business shall be conducted in such a manner will not be unobtrusive and not prejudicially affect the amenity of the area in the opinion of the City.

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PD09-01/06   Proposed Sand Extraction on Lot 205 (512) Shearwater Avenue, Two Rocks

File Ref:                                              P32/0791V01

File Name: AAProposed Sand Extraction on Lot 205  512  Shearwater Avenue  Two Rocks.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 4 Approval by GraceB Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Planning and Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Rod Peake

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       3

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To consider an application for the extraction of sand from Lot 205 (512) Shearwater Drive, Two Rocks.




Ewing Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd on behalf of Zebra Properties Pty Ltd and P and N Landreach Pty Ltd (owners of Lot 501 Two Rocks Road, Two Rocks ‘The Reef’)


Tokyu Corporation


Lot 205 (512) Shearwater Drive, Two Rocks

Site Area

7.96 hectares

MRS Zoning

Urban Deferred

DPS 2 Zoning

Urban Development



The subject site comprises a 7.96 hectare portion of Lot 205 Breakwater Drive, Two Rocks, measuring approximately 240 metres wide by 330 metres long.  The site is located within an existing valley on the eastern side of Lot 205, approximately 600 metres south of Breakwater Drive (see Attachment 1).  It is located adjacent to Lot 203, which is reserved for the purposes of Parks and Recreation under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) and forms part of Bush Forever Site 284.


The application proposes to remove up to approximately eight metres of sand from the existing valley.  The excavation will not involve removal of any ridgeline and the final ground levels are proposed to integrate with the existing surrounding ground levels. A five metre buffer is proposed to the adjacent Bush Forever site and it is proposed to rehabilitate the site on completion of the works (see Attachment 2).


The application indicates that the site location has been chosen on the basis that it will not impact or compromise the planning and development of the Tokyu landholding and will have minimal impact on the existing community and physical features of the site.  It is further indicated that this is the only available site within the Tokyu landholding.


The purpose of the excavation is to provide clean sand fill for use in the subdivisional earthworks for ‘The Reef’, a new residential estate under construction at Lot 501 Two Rocks Road, immediately south of the existing Two Rocks town site.  The application indicates that there is insufficient clean sand available on Lot 501 for this purpose and that approval of this application will avoid excessive truck movements, particularly along Wanneroo Road, should it be necessary to import sand from another source.


The application is supplemented by a Flora and Fauna Management Strategy, which reports on the results of a flora and vegetation survey of the site conducted in October 2005.  This survey indicates that the site contains no Threatened Ecological Communities, Declared Rare or Priority Flora.  It did however indicate that the condition of the vegetation on the site is generally very good.  The Management Strategy also sets outs out a range of flora and fauna management measures to be implemented in the event that approval is granted.


A more complete explanation of the proposal and its rationale is set out in a letter from the applicant’s planning consultant, which is included as Attachment 3.

Planning Framework

The site is zoned Urban Development under District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS2).  The purpose of the Urban Development Zone is “…to provide for the orderly planning and development of larger areas of land in an integrated manner within a regional context whilst retaining flexibility to review planning with changing circumstances.


Subclause 3.14.3 of DPS2 requires that no development shall be commenced or carried out in an Urban Development Zone until an Agreed Structure Plan has been prepared and adopted under the provisions of Part 9 of the Scheme.  If contrary to the intent of this subclause, Council is required to consider an application in respect of a development, then subclause 9.11.2 requires Council, to have regard to the following considerations, in addition to any other matters required by this Scheme:


1.         As an overriding consideration, the intent that development should not proceed without an Agreed Structure plan in place;


2.         The desirability from a planning point of view of having an Agreed Structure Plan in place before development occurs; and


3.         The interests of orderly and proper planning, and concern for the amenity of the relevant locality in the short, intermediate and long term.


There is no Agreed Structure Plan in place for the subject site.  A District Concept Plan has been submitted by Tokyu Corporation as a preliminary step in the preparation of a District Structure Plan for the overall Yanchep Two Rocks District.  This plan sets out the proposed broad land use pattern for the District.  Whilst this plan is supported as the basis for the preparation of a formal District Structure Plan, it will need to be supplemented with a full range of technical studies and justification.  The current version of the District Concept Plan indicates future low density residential development and an open space spine in close proximity to the subject site. 


The Strategic Cooperation Agreement (SCA) signed by the State Government, Tokyu Corporation and the City in 1999, sets out the following vision for the Tokyu landholding:


“A dynamic hub of excellence recognised globally as a leading example of regional sustainability in a coastal setting.  A place where the community and economy prospers in an enviable environment nestled between the Indian Ocean and Yanchep National Park.”


The SCA further indicates that one of the goals of the project is to develop the Tokyu landholding in a manner that is “…environmentally, socially and economically sustainable, recognising and using worlds best practice wherever possible.”


These sentiments are also reflected in the City’s existing and new draft Strategic Plan. Goal one of the City’s existing Strategic Plan seeks to “Value, protect and enhance our natural environment in harmony with the growth and progress of our City”.  The new draft Strategic Plan has a similar goal, and includes as key outcome objectives to “Improve the quality of biodiversity in designated areas” and “minimise the impact of development on natural landform”. 


The City’s Smart Growth Local Planning Policy indicates that Council should have due regard for the various Smart Growth strategies and principles.  Of particular relevance to this application is Principle 3 – which seeks to “promote development that minimises environmental impact, together with practices that conserve and enhance natural areas”.  In the Memorandum of Understanding, signed by Tokyu Corporation and the City in 2003, “Tokyu Corporation agrees to actively support Council’s Smart Growth initiative…”.


No advertising of the application has been undertaken to date.  Should Council consider granting approval to the proposal then it would be prudent to first undertake community consultation.  A proposal of this nature would normally be advertised for a period 30 days by way of an advertising sign at the site entry to Breakwater Drive, together with an advertisement in the local newspaper and on the City’s website.


Given that the site is located adjacent to a MRS Parks and Recreation Reserve, the application was referred to the Department for Planning and Infrastructure (DPI) for its comments and recommendation.  The DPI has advised that it does not support the proposal as it is likely to have an adverse impact on the adjacent regionally significant bushland that is contained within the adjacent Parks and Recreation Reserve.  The DPI has further requested that it be notified if the City intends to approve the application, as it will need referral to the Environmental Protection Authority for assessment.


It is not considered that the proposal is consistent with either the City’s or landowner’s environmental sustainability or best practice objectives.  The site has not been the subject of any district or local structure planning to date and given its location, it is not likely to be considered for development for several years.


The site is currently in its undisturbed natural state and although it does not contain any rare or endangered flora or vegetation, it does contain vegetation that is still in very good condition.  The site also abuts a regional reserve that contains regionally significant vegetation that would be likely to risk degradation if the works proceed. 

The excavation proposal would result in the loss of existing vegetation and whilst it is proposed to carry out revegetation and rehabilitation works, this is unlikely to restore the biodiversity values of the land or its current condition.


The applicant’s need for sand to complete subdivisional earthworks, or arguments over a short term reduction in truck movements to the site, is not considered sufficient justification to carry out land clearing and excavation works in a natural area that is yet to undergo comprehensive preplanning, which would properly assess the site’s natural characteristics and provide the opportunity to either conserve the site’s attributes or incorporate them into the plan, in the way envisaged by the various strategic planning documents relevant to this site. 


There are alternative sources of sand available through commercial quarry operators or other sources.  There are also likely to be more appropriate locations within the Tokyu Corporation landholding, where the land has either been substantially degraded through past grazing or other activities, or is likely to be significantly modified in the shorter term through urban development activities.


On this basis of the above, the application is not supported.


The application has been referred to the DPI for its comments and recommendations as the land is located adjacent to a MRS Parks and Recreation Reserve.  The DPI has indicated that it also does not support the application, given its potential impact on the regionally significant bushland within the Regional Reserve.  The City’s DPS2 contains a range of environmental conditions relating to the subject land including a requirement that regionally significant vegetation within the Bush Forever sites that surround the Tokyu landholding shall be protected from direct and indirect impacts associated with development.  Given the DPI’s recommendation, if Council decides to approve this application under the terms of its DPS2, then the City must refer the application to the DPI for it to determine under the terms of the MRS.  The applicant must obtain both approvals prior to commencement of works. 


Council should also note that the proposal is classified as an “Extractive Industry” under the City’s Extractive Industry Local Laws.  In the event that the applicant obtains planning approval under both the City’s DPS2 and the MRS, then it will also require an Extractive Industry Licence prior to commencement of works.  The applicant has been made aware of this requirement and in the event that the relevant planning approvals are obtained, will submit the necessary licence application.  This licence can be issued under delegated authority and therefore the applicant should not incur any significant time delays.

Statutory Compliance

The application has followed the process outlined in DPS2.  Given that there is no Agreed Structure Plan in place for this site, Council in determining the proposal, must have regard to the following additional considerations:


1.         As an overriding consideration, the intent that development should not proceed without an Agreed Structure plan in place;


2.         The desirability from a planning point of view of having an Agreed Structure Plan in place before development occurs; and


3.         The interests of orderly and proper planning, and concern for the amenity of the relevant locality in the short, intermediate and long term.

Strategic Implications

Approval of this application is considered to be contrary to the Environmentally Sustainability Goal of the City’s Strategic Plan which seels to “Value, protect and enhance our natural environment in harmony with the growth and progress of our City”.  The City’s new draft Strategic Plan has a similar goal, and includes as key outcome objectives to “Improve the quality of biodiversity in designated areas” and “minimise the impact of development on natural landform”.  Approval of this application is also considered contrary to this.

Policy Implications

The City’s Smart Growth Local Planning Policy indicates that Council should have due regard for the various Smart Growth strategies and principles.  Of particular relevance to this application is Principle 3 – which seeks to “promote development that minimises environmental impact, together with practices that conserve and enhance natural areas”.  The application is considered contrary to this aspect of the policy.

Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council REFUSES the application lodged by Ewing Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd for the extraction of sand from Lot 205 (512) Shearwater Avenue, Two Rocks, for the following reasons:

1.       The land is zoned Urban Development and District Planning Scheme No. 2 requires that an Agreed Structure Plan be in place prior to the commencement or carrying out of any development.

2.       Notwithstanding that there is discretion available under District Planning Scheme No. 2 to consider approval of an application for development on land zoned Urban Development prior to the adoption of a structure plan, it is not considered desirable in this case, rather it is considered contrary to the interests of orderly and proper planning and the amenity of the area in the short, intermediate and long term.

3.       It is not considered that the proposal is consistent with either the City’s or landowner’s environmental sustainability or best practice objectives.

4.       The site has not been the subject of any district or local structure planning to date and given its location, it is not likely to be considered for development for several years. During the structure planning process the site’s natural characteristics would be properly assessed with the opportunity to either conserve the site’s natural attributes or incorporate them into the plan.

5.       The site is currently in its undisturbed natural state and contains vegetation that is still in very good condition.  The proposal would result in the loss of existing vegetation and whilst it is proposed to carry out revegetation and rehabilitation works, this is unlikely to restore the biodiversity values of the land or its current condition.

6.       The site abuts a regional reserve that contains regionally significant vegetation that would be likely to risk degradation if the works proceed.

7.       The applicant’s need for sand to complete subdivisional earthworks on a nearby site, or arguments over a short term reduction in truck movements to the subdivision site, is not considered sufficient justification to carry out land clearing and excavation works in a natural area that is yet to undergo comprehensive preplanning.

8.       There are alternative sources of sand available through commercial quarry operators or other sources to satisfy the applicant’s requirements.  There are also likely to be more appropriate locations within the Tokyu Corporation landholding, where the land has either been substantially degraded through past grazing or other activities, or is likely to be significantly modified in the shorter term through urban development activities.

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Delegated Authority Reports

PD10-01/06   Subdivision Applications Determined Under Delegated Authority During November 2005 and December 2005

File Ref:                                              S09/0008V03

File Name: FCSubdivision Applications Delegations determined under Delegated Authority during November 2005 and December

Level 4 Approval by GraceB Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by GraceB Date 09 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by GraceB Date 09 January 20062005.doc This line will not be printed Please do NOT delete

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Planning and Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachment(s):                                    20

Author:  Grace Babudri

Meeting Date:  31 January 2006

Attachments:  20

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Determination of subdivision applications processed in the period for the month of November 2005 and December 2005 under delegated authority.


The West Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is responsible for determining all subdivision applications within the State.  Applications for approval are lodged with the WAPC and are referred to local governments and affected public bodies for comment.  Comments are made within 42 days of receiving the application after which the Commission determines the applications.  There is a right of appeal by the applicant if aggrieved with the Commission’s decision.


Council has delegated to the Chief Executive Officer its functions relating to the provision of comments to the Commission on subdivision applications.  The Chief Executive Officer has in turn delegated to the Planning and Development Directorate this responsibility.  A Land Development Unit has been established to assist with the assessment of all applications.


Those applications considered to be either controversial in nature or contrary to Council policy, are referred to Council for consideration.  All other applications are dealt with in respect to the following categories.


SCU 1 Subdivision applications received which are generally consistent with an approved or Agreed Structure Plan (including Outline Development Plan and Development Guide Plan).


SCU 2 Subdivision applications previously supported, or not supported by Council and subsequently determined by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) consistent with the Council’s recommendation.


SCU 3 Applications for extension of subdivisional approval issued by the WAPC which were previously supported by Council.


SCU 4 Applications for subdivision or amalgamation which result from conditions of development approval given by or on behalf of Council.


SCU 5 Applications for subdivision or amalgamation of lots which would allow the development of the land for uses permitted in the zone within which that land is situated including applications involving the excision of land for road widening, sump sites, school sites, etc.


SCU 6 Applications for subdivision or amalgamation of lots contrary to Council or WAPC Policy or are not generally consistent with an approved or Agreed Structure Plan.


The following table provides the details of the subdivision applications dealt with under delegated authority in the period for the month of November 2005 and December 2005.

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That Council NOTES the actions taken in relation to providing comments to the Western Australian Planning Commission on subdivision applications processed under delegated authority in the period for the month of November 2005 and December 2005 as listed below:

Subdivision Application Delegations


WAPC No/ Received Date

Location / Owner

DPS2 Zoning

LDU Category


WAPC Advised




Lots 179 - 182 Lenore Road, Wanneroo

Yoze Bebich

Special Rural 07


Not Supported





Lot 282 (41) Baretta Road, Wangara

Eric Tatasciore, Gary Tatasciore, Luke Tatasciore

Service Industrial







Lot 16 (246) Mary Street, Wanneroo

Fernfarm Holdings Pty Ltd

Regional Reservation-Other Regional Road & Rural Resource







Lot 502 (163) Pinjar Road, Ashby

Endeavour Properties Pty Ltd

Regional Reservation- Other Regional Road & Urban Development







Lot 51 (39) Esther Loop, Wanneroo

Heidi E Carstens








Lot 131 (69) Landsdale Road, Darch

Bosiljka Klarich & Ante Klarich

Urban Development







Lot 108 (1) Covent Fairway, Pearsall

Van D Nguyen & Golden Property Holdings Pty Ltd

Urban Development







Lot 238 (5) Endeavour Way, Wangara

Rodney T Martell

Service Industrial







Lot 233 (85) Wattle Mews, Hocking

Van D Nguyen

Urban Development SCU5






Lot 9109 (1250) Connolly Drive, Butler

Butler Land Company Pty Ltd & Quinns Developments Pty Ltd

Urban Development







Lot 10 (41) Callaway Street, Wangara

Western Australian Land Authority

General Industrial







Lot 1188 (280) Ocean Keys Boulevard, Clarkson

Australand Holdings Ltd

Urban Development







Lot 1189 (300) Ocean Keys Boulevard, Clarkson

Australand Holdings Ltd

Urban Development







Lot 9016 (240) Hartman Drive, Darch

Patanal Pty Ltd

Urban Development







Lot 681 (42) Sacramento Parade, Hocking

Van D Nguyen & Cuc T Dinh

Urban Development SCU5






Lot 793 (39) St Louis Avenue, Hocking

Hocking Land Co Pty Ltd

Urban Development







Lot 9038 (650) Connolly Drive, Clarkson

Homeswest Rentals

Urban Development







Lot 58 (15) Queensway Road, Landsdale

John B Tilbrook, John E Tilbrook, Mark B Tilbrook, Pauline E Tilbrook

General Rural







Lot 3 (60) Hainsworth Avenue, Girrawheen

Homeswest Rentals








Lot 248 (20) Boscastle Way, Darch

William R Searle & Regan A Searle

Urban Development





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PD11-01/06   Development Applications Determined by Delegated Authority for December 2005

File Ref:                                              S09/0009V01

File Name: FADevelopment Applications determined by Delegated Authority for December 2005.doc This line will not be printed

Level 4 Approval by GraceB Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by GraceB Date 11 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by GraceB Date 11 January 2006Please do NOT delete

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Planning and Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       1

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Development Applications determined by Administration between 1 December 2005 and 31 December 2005, acting under Delegated Authority from Council.




The City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme 2 (DPS2) provides Council with development approval powers which are designed to avoid conflict between different land uses on adjoining lots.  It is also necessary to ensure the completed developments meet the required standards such as building setbacks, carparking and landscaping.  Planning approvals are not generally required for single residential houses unless they seek to vary the requirements of the Residential Design Codes (RD Codes.)


The City of Wanneroo continues to experience very rapid growth pressures.  Since the commencement of 2005, the City has received over 70 development applications on average per month in addition to an average of over 570 building license applications.


Council has delegated some of its responsibilities for decision making on development applications to certain officers in Administration which enables the processing of applications within the required 60 day statutory period and within normal customer expectations.   


The Administration, in assessing development proposals, attempts to extract from the relevant planning documents the key policies and requirements of Council in order to make comments and recommendations on the issues raised in the assessment of each individual development application.


Development applications determined by Administration between 1 December 2005 and 31 December 2005, acting under Delegated Authority from Council are included in the attached Schedule 1.





Statutory Compliance

A Delegated Authority Register was adopted by Council at its meeting on 30 August 2005 (item GS06-08/05 refers).  The decisions referred to in Attachment 1 of this report are in accordance with this register.

Strategic Implications

This report is consistent with the corporate management and development goal of the City’s Strategic Plan, which seeks to establish an organisation that is open, accountable and committed to customer service.

Policy Implications


Financial Implications

Planning applications incur administration fees which are generally based on the Town Planning (Local Government Planning Fees) Regulations and have been adopted by Council in its annual budget.  The estimated cost of development for each application is listed in schedule 1.  Applications where an estimated cost has not been provided, are either applications for the exercising of discretion or for a change of use.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority.

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That Council NOTES the determinations made by Administration acting under delegated authority from Council on development applications processed between
1 December 2005 and 31 December 2005.

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  Development Applications determined for Period                City of Wanneroo

  WHERE (Issued_date BETWEEN 01/12/2005 AND 31/12/2005

Note:  Estimated cost not provided on applications for use only or where a flat fee is applicable

  Ram Id           Date     Owners                                                                        Days                Est Cost  Decision

DA05/0817      27/10/2005    JOEL DOUGLAS & MICHELLE DOUGLAS                   27                    $4,000.00         Approved

                   Prop address   21 LEE-STEERE DRIVE MARIGINIUP  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 7 P 12887 Vol 1538 Fol 365

                   Descriptio      SINGLE HOUSE - SHED ADDITION

                   Applicant       OUTDOORWORLD

                   File Number   P20/0217V01

DA05/0992      15/12/2005    EVERBLUE INVESTMENTS AND BUTLER HOLDINGS    5                     $15,116.00       Approved

                   Prop address   26 KILN ROAD NOWERGUP  WA  6032

                   Land            Lot 104 D 71107 Vol 1754 Fol 594

                   Descriptio      SINGLE HOUSE-SWIMMING POOL

                   Applicant       SAPPHIRE POOLS - WELSHPOOL

                   File Number   P24/0047V01

DA05/0918      25/11/2005    CHRISTOPHER STIPANICEV & DRINA STIPANICEV      9                     $9,500.00         Approved

                   Prop address   68 BEBICH DRIVE WANNEROO  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 163 P 16085 Vol 1787 Fol 419

                   Descriptio      SINGLE DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION

                   Applicant       OUTDOOR WORLD

                   File Number   P34/1843V01

DA03/0308.01  04/11/2005    WAYNE G JONES & JEAN M JONES                         25                    $0.00              Approved

                   Prop address   37 GREENFIELDS CIRCLE HOCKING  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 142 P 16428 Vol 1810 Fol 668

                   Descriptio      HOME BUSINESS - CATEGORY 2 - SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS

                   Applicant       WG JONES, JM JONES

                   File Number   P13/0333V01

DA05/0932      28/11/2005    R W HANSEN FIDELITY PTY LTD                             13                    $8,000.00         Approved

                   Prop address   235 MCLENNAN DRIVE NOWERGUP  WA  6032

                   Land            Lot 100 P 14371 Vol 1654 Fol 583

                   Descriptio      SINGLE HOUSE - SWIMMING POOL & BUSHFIRE WATER STORAGE

                   Applicant       R W HANSEN FIDELITY PTY LTD

                   File Number   P24/0063V01

DA05/0401      07/06/2005    ANNE E BRIERLEY & HENRY EA BRIERLEY                132                  $0.00              Approved

                   Prop address   22 GREENHAVEN GLADE CARRAMAR  WA  6031

                   Land            Lot 135 D 73753 Vol 1816 Fol 581

                   Descriptio      HOME BUSINESS - CATEGORY 2 - EMBROIDERY

                   Applicant       AE BRIERLEY, HEA BRIERLEY

                   File Number   P07/0979V01

DA05/0668      09/09/2005    WA EARTHMOVING CONTRACTORS PTY LTD           61                    $180,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   43 ROGERS WAY LANDSDALE  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 2 D 76864 Vol 1857 Fol 758

                   Descriptio      WAREHOUSE AND INCIDENTAL OFFICE

                   Applicant       SJ ROCCA

                   File Number   P17/0892V01

DA05/0832      28/10/2005    DARREN C BELL & JOYLEEN M BELL                        17                    $22,100.00       Approved

                   Prop address   157 LAKELANDS DRIVE GNANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 141 P 16140 Vol 1786 Fol 409

                   Descriptio      SINGLE HOUSE - SWIMMING POOL ADDITION

                   Applicant       AQUA TECHNICS (WA) PTY LTD - WELSHPOOL

                   File Number   P12/0223V01


Development Applications determined for Period                  City of Wanneroo

  WHERE (Issued_date BETWEEN 01/12/2005 AND 31/12/2005

Note:  Estimated cost not provided on applications for use only or where a flat fee is applicable

  Ram Id           Date     Owners                                                                        Days                Est Cost  Decision

DA05/0944      02/12/2005    QUITO PTY LTD                                                  9                     $12,000.00       Approved

                   Prop address   140 VINCENT ROAD WANNEROO  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 123 P 12916 Vol 1543 Fol 713

                   Descriptio      SINGLE HOUSE - PATIO ADDITION

                   Applicant       J & E INDUSTRIES

                   File Number   P34/2587V01

DA05/0855      09/11/2005    JUTTA GANZ & MANFRED TEW GANZ                      18                    $12,000.00       Approved

                   Prop address   360 OLD YANCHEP ROAD CARABOODA  WA  6033

                   Land            Lot 24 D 53122 Vol 1497 Fol 793

                   Descriptio      RURAL USE - SELLING OF OLIVES AND OLIVE OIL

                   Applicant       MTEW GANZ

                   File Number   P06/0147V01

DA04/0447      02/07/2004    DAWN J CUERDEN & JOHN T CUERDEN                  351                  $0.00              Approved

                   Prop address   157 KAROBORUP ROAD CARABOODA  WA  6033

                   Land            Lot 113 DP 231086 Vol 1077 Fol 844

                   Descriptio      CHANGE OF USE - SINGLE HOUSE TO ART GALLERY

                   Applicant       JT CUERDEN

                   File Number   P06/0047V01

DA05/0919      25/11/2005    SUN W CHAN & AINHI WONG                                 6                     $3,000.00         Approved

                   Prop address   8 BUCKINGHAM DRIVE WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 188 P 11776 Vol 1467 Fol 593

                   Descriptio      VEHICLE SALES/HIRE PREMISES - ELECTRIC FENCE

                   Applicant       K HUBBARD

                   File Number   P33/0222V01

DA05/0646      31/08/2005    GAMBETTA HOLDINGS PTY LTD                             71                    $130,920.00      Approved

                   Prop address   26 DELLAMARTA ROAD WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 321 P 11775 Vol 1452 Fol 0301

                   Descriptio      WAREHOUSE - EXTENSION

                   Applicant       HIGHLINE LTD

                   File Number   P33/0025V01

DA05/0913      24/11/2005    HOMESWEST RENTALS                                        6                     $5,600.00         Approved

                   Prop address   2A BILBY ROAD GIRRAWHEEN  WA  6064

                   Land            Part Lot 1273 P 10840

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - CARPORT ADDITIONS

                   Applicant       AP NAUGHTIN

                   File Number   P11/0753V01

DA05/0920      25/11/2005    DAVOR DRLJAN & NADA IVANOVIC                         5                     $1,300.00         Approved

                   Prop address   17B BENDIX WAY GIRRAWHEEN  WA  6064

                   Land            Lot 2 Vol 1996 Fol 637 S/P 26145

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - CARPORT ADDITON

                   Applicant       NEW IMAGE HOME IMPROVEMENTS

                   File Number   P11/0617V01

DA05/0967      07/12/2005    AUDIE L BAVINGTON & ANGELA J RATHJEN              8                     $5,000.00         Approved

                   Prop address   57G AMBERTON AVENUE GIRRAWHEEN  WA  6064

                   Land            Lot 11 Vol 2571 Fol 482 S/P 45692

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION

                   Applicant       OUTDOOR WORLD

                   File Number   P11/0045V01

  Development Applications determined for Period                City of Wanneroo

  WHERE (Issued_date BETWEEN 01/12/2005 AND 31/12/2005

Note:  Estimated cost not provided on applications for use only or where a flat fee is applicable

  Ram Id           Date     Owners                                                                        Days                Est Cost  Decision

DA05/0917      24/11/2005    ANNETTE E HOPKINS                                           5                     $2,200.00         Approved

                   Prop address   57J AMBERTON AVENUE GIRRAWHEEN  WA  6064

                   Land            Lot 14 Vol 2571 Fol 485 S/P 45692

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION (UNIT 57J)

                   Applicant       AE HOPKINS

                   File Number   P11/0045V01

DA05/0929      28/11/2005    STACEY BERGERSEN & KIM L DEVENNY                   5                     $1,980.00         Approved

                   Prop address   8C CASSERLEY AVENUE GIRRAWHEEN  WA  6064

                   Land            Lot 15 Vol 2072 Fol 615 S/P 29148

                   Descriptio      GROUPED  DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION

                   Applicant       THE PATIO COMPANY

                   File Number   P11/0176V01

DA05/0972      09/12/2005    ROLLAND M EGGLESTONE                                   7                     $4,000.00         Approved

                   Prop address   MULBERRY MEWS 11/19 RUDKIN PLACE KOONDOOLA  WA  6064

                   Land            Lot 11 Vol 2185 Fol 211 S/P 37488

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION  UNIT 11

                   Applicant       OASIS PATIOS

                   File Number   P16/0046V01

DA05/0975      09/12/2005    MICHAEL K SMITH                                               9                     $1,340.00         Approved

                   Prop address   MARCELLO COURT 1/19 WESTGATE WAY MARANGAROO  WA  6064

                   Land            Lot 1 Vol 1776 Fol 201 S/P 15250

                   Descriptio      GROUPED  DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION (UNIT 1)

                   Applicant       FACTORY DIRECT

                   File Number   P19/0507V01

DA05/0993      15/12/2005    GEOFFREY M HAVEL & LUCINDA M HAVEL                5                     $2,600.00         Approved

                   Prop address   71A MANBARI CRESCENT WANNEROO  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 2 Vol 2142 Fol 150 S/P 34082

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION (UNIT 71A)

                   Applicant       GM HAVEL

                   File Number   P34/4199V01

DA05/0894      21/11/2005    DANIEL V JURKOVIC & MARIE-CLAIRE D JURKOVIC    8                     $5,000.00         Approved

                   Prop address   27A WINSHIP AVENUE WANNEROO  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 1 Vol 1750 Fol 288 S/P 620

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION

                   Applicant       J & E INDUSTRIES

                   File Number   P34/1267V01

DA05/1001      13/12/2005    MARK I OLIVER & SHELLEY L OLIVER                       8                     $3,000.00         Approved

                   Prop address   11A BISHOPS CLOSE QUINNS ROCKS  WA  6030

                   Land            Lot 1 Vol 1895 Fol 777 S/P 20743

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION (UNIT 11A)

                   Applicant       EDEN HOME IMPROVEMENTS

                   File Number   P27/1338V01

DA05/0888      17/11/2005    ELENA LUMSDAINE                                              15                    $10,500.00       Approved

                   Prop address   5A COLES PLACE YANCHEP  WA  6035

                   Land            Lot 2 Vol 1928 Fol 086 S/P 22549

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO ENCLOSURE

                   Applicant       PERTH OUTDOOR CENTRE PTY LTD

                   File Number   P36/0694V01

  Development Applications determined for Period                City of Wanneroo

  WHERE (Issued_date BETWEEN 01/12/2005 AND 31/12/2005

Note:  Estimated cost not provided on applications for use only or where a flat fee is applicable

  Ram Id           Date     Owners                                                                        Days                Est Cost  Decision

DA04/0545.02  04/11/2005    GABOR SEKE                                                     24                    $0.00              Approved

                   Prop address   57 MOONDYNE TRAIL GNANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 30 P 18318 Vol 1925 Fol 078

                   Descriptio      HOME BUSINESS -  CATEGORY 2 - HAIRDRESSER

                   Applicant       A MILES

                   File Number   P12/0199V01

DA05/0923      24/11/2005    BRADLEY D LEMMON & NAOMI L LEMMON                9                     $22,712.00       Approved

                   Prop address   10 BEN HALL RISE GNANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 19 D 82107 Vol 1925 Fol 93

                   Descriptio      SINGLE HOUSE - SWIMMING POOL

                   Applicant       BUCCANEER POOLS

                   File Number   P12/0247V01

DA05/0984      13/12/2005    EDWIN A STILES                                                 7                     $5,400.00         Approved

                   Prop address   7B COMET COURT ALEXANDER HEIGHTS  WA  6064

                   Land            Lot 2 Vol 1953 Fol 736 S/P 23878

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION (UNIT 7B)

                   Applicant       THORN ROOFING CONTRACTORS

                   File Number   P01/0497V01

DA05/1000      16/12/2005    CROWN - VESTED CITY OF WANNEROO                  4                     $5,000.00         Approved

                   Prop address   BRADMAN PARK-RES 45006 26 BRADMAN DRIVE BUTLER  WA  6036

                   Land            SWAN LOC 12675

                   Descriptio      EDUCATION ESTABLISHMENT - SHED ADDITION

                   Applicant       SLAVIN ARCHITECTS

                   File Number   PA15/0005V01

DA05/0811      26/10/2005    SKC RAIL & MARINE SERVICES PTY LTD                   38                    $0.00              Approved

                   Prop address   62 PARAMOUNT DRIVE WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 239 P 22161 Vol 2115 Fol 447


                   Applicant       E DOLMAN

                   File Number   P33/0065V01

DA05/0734      05/10/2005    FELJILL PTY LTD                                                 17                    $480,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   4 UPPILL PLACE WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 10 P 22267 Vol 2125 Fol 840

                   Descriptio      SHOWROOM/WAREHOUSE/WORKSHOP

                   Applicant       G HUTCHINS

                   File Number   P33/0348V01

DA05/0989      14/12/2005    CHEMAYNE A APPLEYARD & MARK W APPLEYARD     6                     $14,000.00       Approved

                   Prop address   1 PENNYGUM PLACE MARIGINIUP  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 18 D 96765 Vol 2160 Fol 876

                   Descriptio      SINGLE HOUSE - SPA ADDITION

                   Applicant       MW APPLEYARD

                   File Number   p20/0023v01

DA05/0808      26/10/2005    MALCOLM A BERGERSEN & WENDY A BERGERSEN    25                    $1,800.00         Approved

                   Prop address   3 ST FILLANS BEND WANNEROO  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 323 P 23517 Vol 2165 Fol 750

                   Descriptio      SINGLE HOUSE - SHED FOR KEEPING OF PIGEONS

                   Applicant       MA BERGERSEN

                   File Number   P34/2482V01

  Development Applications determined for Period                City of Wanneroo

  WHERE (Issued_date BETWEEN 01/12/2005 AND 31/12/2005

Note:  Estimated cost not provided on applications for use only or where a flat fee is applicable

  Ram Id           Date     Owners                                                                        Days                Est Cost  Decision

DA05/0754      14/10/2005    SASHI L BARTLETT & STEPHEN A BARTLETT             46                    $0.00              Approved

                   Prop address   15 INVERELL GREEN CARRAMAR  WA  6031

                   Land            Lot 1128 P 23747 Vol 2175 Fol 263

                   Descriptio      HOME BUSINESS - CATEGORY 2 - BEAUTY THERAPY

                   Applicant       SL BARTLETT

                   File Number   P07/1376V01

DA05/0615      22/08/2005    SHAUN HARRISON & TRACEY J HARRISON               88                    $300,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   195 ANCHORAGE DRIVE MINDARIE  WA  6030

                   Land            Lot 68 P 24087 Vol 2191 Fol 279

                   Descriptio      SINGLE HOUSE - THREE STOREY DWELLING

                   Applicant       S HARRISON

                   File Number   P22/0867V01

DA05/0971      09/12/2005    RAAFA ASSOCIATION INC                                     9                     $1,500.00         Approved

                   Prop address   CAMBRAI VILLAGE 85 HESTER AVENUE MERRIWA  WA  6030

                   Land            Lot 12 P 24265 Vol 2202 Fol 109

                   Descriptio      RETIREMENT VILLAGE - PATIO ADDITION (UNIT 4)

                   Applicant       CAVERSHAM PROPERTY PTY LTD

                   File Number   P21/0080V01

DA05/0878      15/11/2005    KATRINA A ZEMKE & STEVEN J ZEMKE                     17                    $4,300.00         Approved

                   Prop address   39 JADE LOOP CARABOODA  WA  6033

                   Land            Lot 11 DP 24942 Vol 2205 Fol 831

                   Descriptio      SINGLE HOUSE - ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS

                   Applicant       SJ ZEMKE

                   File Number   P06/0015V01

DA05/0516.02  08/12/2005    IAN PENEGAR & WENDY D PENEGAR                      1                     $0.00              Approved

                   Prop address   50 JADE LOOP CARABOODA  WA  6033

                   Land            Lot 20 DP 24942 Vol 2205 Fol 833

                   Descriptio      SINGLE HOUSE - 2 HORSES & STABLES ADDITION

                   Applicant       I PENEGAR

                   File Number   P06/0038V01

DA05/0787      13/10/2005    TREVOR BRANNAN & MICHELLE F BRANNAN            43                    $219,404.00      Approved

                   Prop address   54 THE FAIRWAYS GNANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 60 DP 25805 Vol 2503 Fol 40

                   Descriptio      SINGLE HOUSE

                   Applicant       RURAL BUILDING COMPANY

                   File Number   P12/0236V01

DA05/0828      31/10/2005    GULLOTTI NOMINEES PTY LTD                              29                    $44,567.00       Approved

                   Prop address   71 VICTORSEN PARADE CLARKSON  WA  6030

                   Land            Lot 632 DP 27679 Vol 2213 Fol 26


                   Applicant       DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT

                   File Number   P08/0424V01

DA05/0900      21/11/2005    PAUL JARVIS-VAGG & PENELOPE A JARVIS-VAGG     10                    $4,950.00         Approved

                   Prop address   1/61 WEYMOUTH BOULEVARD QUINNS ROCKS  WA  6030

                   Land            Lot 1 Vol 2543 Fol 486 S/P 43758

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION

                   Applicant       P JARVIS-VAGG, PA JARVIS-VAGG

                   File Number   P27/1292v01

  Development Applications determined for Period                City of Wanneroo

  WHERE (Issued_date BETWEEN 01/12/2005 AND 31/12/2005

Note:  Estimated cost not provided on applications for use only or where a flat fee is applicable

  Ram Id           Date     Owners                                                                        Days                Est Cost  Decision

DA05/0670      09/09/2005    AKELA PTY LTD                                                   64                    $90,000.00       Approved

                   Prop address   67 EXCELLENCE DRIVE WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 262 DP 34905 Vol 2529 Fol 390


                   Applicant       F CONWAY

                   File Number   P33/0125V01

DA05/0313      03/05/2005    CHRISTINE L DIXON & CRAIG J DIXON                     143                  $1,500.00         Refused

                   Prop address   31 LIMERICK CRESCENT DARCH  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 340 DP 34478 Vol 2532 Fol 668


                   Applicant       CJ DIXON

                   File Number   P09/0330V01

DA05/0905      23/11/2005    RACHEL BLACK & LEITH FREESTONE                      11                    $0.00              Approved

                   Prop address   97 SEAGROVE BOULEVARD MERRIWA  WA  6030

                   Land            Lot 2049 DP 34426 Vol 2531 Fol 722

                   Descriptio      HOME BUSINESS - CATEGORY 2 - REPTILE FARMING & DEALING

                   Applicant       L FREESTONE

                   File Number   P21/0353V01

DA05/0899      22/11/2005    VIMAL K CHAVDA & URVI J MANDALIA                      3                     $0.00              Approved

                   Prop address   19 CHISHOLM LINK MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 37 DP 34940 Vol 2534 Fol 642

                   Descriptio      HOME BUSINESS - CATEGORY 2 (HAIRDRESSING)

                   Applicant       VK CHAVDA, UJ MANDALIA

                   File Number   P18/0252V01

                   File Number   P33/0176V01

DA05/0721      03/10/2005    ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP OF PERTH             40                    $986,364.00      Approved


                   Land            Lot 217 DP 35022 Vol 2536 Fol 889


                   Applicant       WOODS BAGOT PTY LTD

                   File Number   P04/0189V01

DA05/0961      05/12/2005    MARIA SALAMONE, SALVATORE SALAMONE,             14                    $11,000.00       Approved

                   Prop address   50 DRIVER ROAD DARCH  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 8005 DP 36178 Vol 2544 Fol 070

                   Descriptio      USE NOT LISTED - INERT LANDFILL - SHED ADDITION

                   Applicant       OUTDOOR WORLD

                   File Number   P09/0076V01

DA05/0850      08/11/2005    WARREN P HURIHANGANUI & TRIENA M                  22                    $0.00              Approved

                   Prop address   54 BUSHWOOD FOLLOW TWO ROCKS  WA  6037

                   Land            Lot 80 DP 38231 Vol 2549 Fol 030

                   Descriptio      USE NOT LISTED - BUILDING ENVELOPE MODIFICATION

                   Applicant       TM HURIHANGANUI

                   File Number   P32/0440V01

DA03/0978.03  27/10/2005    HOMESWEST                                                     27                    $0.00              Approved

                   Prop address   43 BRAMPTON AVENUE BUTLER  WA  6036

                   Land            Lot 397 DP 35592


                   Applicant       HTS CONSULTANTS

                   File Number   P05/1548V01

  Development Applications determined for Period                City of Wanneroo

  WHERE (Issued_date BETWEEN 01/12/2005 AND 31/12/2005

Note:  Estimated cost not provided on applications for use only or where a flat fee is applicable

  Ram Id           Date     Owners                                                                        Days                Est Cost  Decision

DA05/0747      03/10/2005    GERALDINE WARNES                                           18                    $2,280.00         Approved

                   Prop address   18 BOSCASTLE WAY DARCH  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 1 Vol 2599 Fol 872 S/P 49374

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION

                   Applicant       OUTDOOR CENTRE HOLDINGS PTY LTD

                   File Number   P09/0490V01

DA05/0892      18/11/2005    BESTWEST DEVELOPMENT PTY LTD                       14                    $15,805.00       Approved

                   Prop address   25 SIDERNO RISE HOCKING  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 888 DP 40157 Vol 2570 Fol 195 S/P 49317

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO ADDITIONS (UNITS 2,6,7,14,17 & 21)

                   Applicant       BESTWEST DEVELOPMENT PTY LTD

                   File Number   P13/0525V01

DA05/0931      28/11/2005    ANDREW D BOND                                               5                     $30,000.00       Approved

                   Prop address   241 COUNTRYSIDE DRIVE TWO ROCKS  WA  6037

                   Land            Lot 17 DP 40184 Vol 2560 Fol 71

                   Descriptio      USE NOT LISTED - BUILDING ENVELOPE MODIFICATION

                   Applicant       AD BOND

                   File Number   p32/0554v01

DA05/0799      20/10/2005    GAVAN T O'DAY & THERESA O'DAY                         32                    $9,500.00         Approved

                   Prop address   4/56 FREDERICK STREET WANNEROO  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 4 Vol 2603 Fol 847 S/P 48505

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO & CARPORT ADDITION

                   Applicant       THORN ROOFING CONTRACTORS

                   File Number   P34/1432V01

DA05/0983      13/12/2005    BRIGHTWATER CARE GROUP                               7                     $1,800.00         Approved

                   Prop address   KINGSWAY COURT 24 BARON LOOP MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Part Lot 103 Sec 140 DP 36095

                   Descriptio      RETIREMENT VILLAGE - PATIO ADDITION (UNIT 24)

                   Applicant       SHEPPARD STEEL

                   File Number   P18/1244V01

DA05/0901      21/11/2005    BRIGHTWATER CARE GROUP                               13                    $3,390.00         Approved

                   Prop address   KINGSWAY COURT 79 IMPERIAL CIRCUIT MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Part Lot 103 Sec 95 DP 36095

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION (UNIT 95)

                   Applicant       PEARCEY CONSTRUCTIONS PTY LTD

                   File Number   p18/1212v01

DA05/0926      25/11/2005    CROWN LAND-CITY OF WANNEROO MANAGEMENT  14                    $800.00           Approved

                   Prop address   TENANCY 2 2/27 OCEAN KEYS BOULEVARD CLARKSON  WA  6030

                   Land            Part Lot 511 DP 39299

                   Descriptio      CHANGE OF USE CIVIC BUILDING TO SHOP

                   Applicant       D BECAREVIC

                   File Number   P08/1150V05

DA05/0925      25/11/2005    CROWN LAND-CITY OF WANNEROO MANAGEMENT  14                    $2,000.00         Approved

                   Prop address   TENANCY 4-CAFÉ 4/27 OCEAN KEYS BOULEVARD CLARKSON  WA  6030

                   Land            Part Lot 511 DP 39299

                   Descriptio      SHOP - STORE ROOM ADDITION TO TENANCY 4 CAFÉ

                   Applicant       C MCDOUGALL

                   File Number   P08/1150V05

  Development Applications determined for Period                City of Wanneroo

  WHERE (Issued_date BETWEEN 01/12/2005 AND 31/12/2005

Note:  Estimated cost not provided on applications for use only or where a flat fee is applicable

  Ram Id           Date     Owners                                                                        Days                Est Cost  Decision

DA05/0906      23/11/2005    BOOLEY CORPORATION PTY LTD                          11                    $245,109.00      Approved

                   Prop address   47 MATTA WAY PEARSALL  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 743 DP 43686 Vol 2584 Fol 919

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       JWH GROUP (METRO STYLE)

                   File Number   P25/0487V01

DA05/0802      24/10/2005    HOCKING LAND CO PTY LTD                                 26                    $281,695.00      Approved

                   Prop address   33 ST LOUIS AVENUE HOCKING  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 796 DP 43649

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       CONTENT LIVING

                   File Number   P13/1117V01

DA05/0700      23/09/2005    KATRINA A SILVERLOCK, KARL SILVERLOCK,            62                    $218,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   66 TISSINGTON DRIVE DARCH  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 106 DP 41027 Vol 2589 Fol 870

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       K SILVERLOCK

                   File Number   P09/1146V01

DA05/0821      24/10/2005    BRIGHTWATER CARE GROUP                               22                    $3,950.00         Approved

                   Prop address   KINGSWAY COURT 29 IMPERIAL CIRCUIT MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Part Lot 103 Sec 70 DP 36095

                   Descriptio      RETIREMENT VILLAGE - PATIO ADDITION TO UNIT 70

                   Applicant       PEARCEY CONSTRUCTIONS

                   File Number   p18/1128v01

DA05/0904      23/11/2005    BRIGHTWATER CARE GROUP                               12                    $4,423.00         Approved

                   Prop address   KINGSWAY COURT 33 IMPERIAL CIRCUIT MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Part Lot 103 Sec 72 DP 36095

                   Descriptio      RETIREMENT VILLAGE - PATIO ADDITION (UNIT 72)

                   Applicant       PEARCEY CONSTRUCTIONS PTY LTD

                   File Number   P18/1213V01

DA05/0861      04/11/2005    BRIGHTWATER CARE GROUP                               13                    $2,970.00         Approved

                   Prop address   KINGSWAY COURT 7 IMPERIAL CIRCUIT MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Part Lot 103 Sec 101 DP 36095

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION (UNIT 101)

                   Applicant       PEARCEY CONSTRUCTIONS

                   File Number   P18/1184V01

DA05/0963      07/12/2005    BRIGHTWATER CARE GROUP                               9                     $4,265.00         Approved

                   Prop address   KINGSWAY COURT 17 IMPERIAL CIRCUIT MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Part Lot 103 Sec 105 DP 36095

                   Descriptio      RETIREMENT VILLAGE - PATIO ADDITION (UNIT 105)

                   Applicant       THORN ROOFING CONTRACTORS

                   File Number   P18/1230V01

DA05/0822      24/10/2005    BRIGHTWATER CARE GROUP                               23                    $2,537.00         Approved

                   Prop address   KINGSWAY COURT 20 IMPERIAL CIRCUIT MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Part Lot 103 Sec 109 DP 36095

                   Descriptio      RETIREMENT VILLAGE - PATIO ADDITION TO UNIT 10

                   Applicant       PEARCEY CONSTRUCTIONS

                   File Number   P18/1093V01

  Development Applications determined for Period                City of Wanneroo

  WHERE (Issued_date BETWEEN 01/12/2005 AND 31/12/2005

Note:  Estimated cost not provided on applications for use only or where a flat fee is applicable

  Ram Id           Date     Owners                                                                        Days                Est Cost  Decision

DA05/0860      04/11/2005    BRIGHTWATER CARE GROUP                               13                    $1,580.00         Approved

                   Prop address   KINGSWAY COURT 18 IMPERIAL CIRCUIT MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Part Lot 103 Sec 112 DP 36095

                   Descriptio      GROUP DWELLING - PATIO ADDITION (Unit 112)

                   Applicant       PEARCEY CONSTRUCTIONS

                   File Number   P18/1185V01

DA05/0994      15/12/2005    BRIGHTWATER CARE GROUP                               5                     $3,100.00         Approved

                   Prop address   KINGSWAY COURT 5 BARON LOOP MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Part Lot 103 Sec 122 DP 36095

                   Descriptio      RETIREMENT VILLAGE - PATIO ADDITION (UNIT 5)

                   Applicant       THORN ROOFING CONTRACTORS

                   File Number   P18/1245V01

DA05/0869      15/11/2005    CRAIG R BROOKS                                               18                    $45,000.00       Approved

                   Prop address   3/39 INNOVATION CIRCUIT WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 3 Vol 2590 Fol 622 S/P 46610


                   Applicant       M & M INTERIORS

                   File Number   P33/0331V01

DA05/0698      20/09/2005    REFAEL GHARIDIAN                                             47                    $961,645.00      Approved

                   Prop address   8 SALAMANCA TURN CLARKSON  WA  6030

                   Land            Lot 1431 DP 45445 Vol 2594 Fol 518

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 7 UNITS

                   Applicant       JWH GROUP (METRO STYLE)

                   File Number   P08/1902V01

DA05/0676      13/09/2005    ROSEBEACH PTY LTD                                          29                    $350,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   26 AUTOMOTIVE DRIVE WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 6 DP 44874 Vol 2599 Fol 438

                   Descriptio      SHOWROOM - TINT A CAR BUSINESS

                   Applicant       HINDLEY & ASSOCIATES PTY LTD

                   File Number   P33/0430V01

DA05/0596.01  13/12/2005    JAYANTKUMAR K PATEL                                       0                     $200,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   20 CRAIGHALL TURN MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 354 DP 47029 Vol 2597 Fol 819

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       JWH GROUP (METRO STYLE)

                   File Number   P18/1008V01

DA05/0750      03/10/2005    BUTLER LAND COMPANY PTY LTD & QUINNS            26                    $10,000.00       Approved

                   Prop address   SUBDIVIDED 960 CONNOLLY DRIVE RIDGEWOOD  WA  6030

                   Land            Lot 9002 DP 46286


                   Applicant       MCNALLY NEWTON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS

                   File Number   P28/0212V01

DA05/0793      19/10/2005    CARINE NOMINEES PTY LTD                                  35                    $280,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   263 SANTA BARBARA PARADE JINDALEE  WA  6036

                   Land            Lot 1341 DP 46614


                   Applicant       FINLAY & RUMBLE ARCHITECTS P/L

                   File Number   P15/0197V01

  Development Applications determined for Period                City of Wanneroo

  WHERE (Issued_date BETWEEN 01/12/2005 AND 31/12/2005

Note:  Estimated cost not provided on applications for use only or where a flat fee is applicable

  Ram Id           Date     Owners                                                                        Days                Est Cost  Decision

DA05/0770      03/10/2005    HOMER HOLDINGS PTY LTD & MALAGA                   36                    $500,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   6 PROFIT PASS WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 309 DP 45312 Vol 2599 Fol 644

                   Descriptio      FACTORY UNIT - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       MALAGA PROPERTIES PTY LTD

                   File Number   P33/0488V01

DA05/0723      30/09/2005    BLUE ACRE PTY LTD & VESPOLI ENTERPRISES PTY   30                    $180,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   69 INSPIRATION DRIVE WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 314 DP 45312 Vol 2599 Fol 647

                   Descriptio      WAREHOUSE AND INCIDENTAL OFFICE

                   Applicant       VESPOLI ENTERPRISES PTY LTD

                   File Number   P33/0436V01

DA05/0666      08/09/2005    VESPOLI ENTERPRISES PTY LTD                            46                    $330,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   35 INSPIRATION DRIVE WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 295 DP 45312 Vol 2599 Fol 637

                   Descriptio      WAREHOUSE x 3 UNITS

                   Applicant       VESPOLI CONSTRUCTIONS

                   File Number   P33/0435V01

DA05/0795      18/10/2005    LANDCORP                                                        26                    $250,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   39 INSPIRATION DRIVE WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 296 DP 45312

                   Descriptio      WAREHOUSE - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       VESPOLI ENTERPRISES PTY LTD

                   File Number   P33/0441V01

DA05/0815      27/10/2005    VAROOJH G SOOKIAS                                          18                    $284,240.00      Approved

                   Prop address   14 CELEBRATION BOULEVARD CLARKSON  WA  6030

                   Land            Lot 1504 DP 46757 Vol 2598 Fol 364

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       JWH GROUP (IN-VOGUE)

                   File Number   P08/2020V01

DA05/0726      03/10/2005    LUCIAN CURRIE DEVELOPERS PTY LTD                   28                    $300,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   43 LANCASTER ROAD WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 13 DP 43288 Vol 2599 Fol 027

                   Descriptio      WAREHOUSE - 3 UNITS

                   Applicant       VESPOLI ENTERPRISES PTY LTD

                   File Number   P33/0321V01

DA05/0891      21/11/2005    SUSAN J MITCHELL                                             11                    $208,372.00      Approved

                   Prop address   1 GOSFORD MEANDER ASHBY  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 272 DP 45440 Vol 2610 Fol 301

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       DANMAR HOMES

                   File Number   P03/0671V01

DA05/0703      20/09/2005    LOULETTA PM D'SOUZA                                       54                    $172,726.00      Approved

                   Prop address   1 IDAHO COURT LANDSDALE  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 269 DP 46214 Vol 2601 Fol 968

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       JWH GROUP (METRO STYLE)

                   File Number   P17/1147V01

  Development Applications determined for Period                City of Wanneroo

  WHERE (Issued_date BETWEEN 01/12/2005 AND 31/12/2005

Note:  Estimated cost not provided on applications for use only or where a flat fee is applicable

  Ram Id           Date     Owners                                                                        Days                Est Cost  Decision

DA05/0748      04/10/2005    HOMESWEST RENTALS                                        57                    $520,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   SUBDIVIDED 650 CONNOLLY DRIVE CLARKSON  WA  6030

                   Land            Lot 9037 DP 46798

                   Descriptio      PARK - PUBLIC OPEN SPACE - STAGE 8

                   Applicant       MCNALLY NEWTON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS

                   File Number   P08/0789V06

DA05/0898      22/11/2005    GA & DJ WRIGHT DEVELOPMENTS PTY LTD             17                    $250,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   8 WILMOT BEND MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 757 DP 47161 Vol 2606 Fol 251

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       GEMMILL HOMES PTY LTD

                   File Number   P18/1157V01

DA05/0897      22/11/2005    GA & DJ WRIGHT DEVELOPMENTS PTY LTD             12                    $240,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   39 KEMBLA CIRCLE MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 807 DP 47161 Vol 2606 Fol 270

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       GEMMILL HOMES PTY LTD

                   File Number   P18/1156V01

DA05/0841      03/11/2005    XTREME HOLDINGS PTY LTD                                 12                    $290,909.00      Approved

                   Prop address   42 MARTINDALE AVENUE MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 639 DP 46620 Vol 2604 Fol 29

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       THE DESIGN MILL

                   File Number   P18/1123V01

DA05/0786      14/10/2005    JAYANTKUMAR K PATEL                                       25                    $290,909.00      Approved

                   Prop address   44 MARTINDALE AVENUE MADELEY  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 640 DP 46620 Vol 2604 Fol 030

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       THE DESIGN MILL

                   File Number   P18/1105V01

DA05/0769      17/10/2005    DRIVE STAR INVESTMENTS PTY LTD                       26                    $300,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   7 BOMBARDIER ROAD WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 228 DP 45386 Vol 2604 Fol 148

                   Descriptio      WAREHOUSE WITH INCIDENTAL OFFICE

                   Applicant       DRIVE STAR INVESTMENTS PTY LTD

                   File Number   P33/0480V01

DA05/0974      09/12/2005    BARRY M GERBER                                               10                    $40,000.00       Approved

                   Prop address   69 WINDSOR ROAD WANGARA  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 206 DP 45386 Vol 2604 Fol 126

                   Descriptio      LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES – SHED & RETAINING WALLS

                   Applicant       BM GERBER

                   File Number   P33/0482V01

DA05/0912      22/11/2005    WIRRAL DEVELOPMENTS PTY LTD                         12                    $375,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   64 ASHLEY ROAD TAPPING  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 31 DP 44612 Vol 2608 Fol 202

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 3 UNITS

                   Applicant       GEMMILL HOMES PTY LTD

                   File Number   P31/1259V01

  Development Applications determined for Period                City of Wanneroo

  WHERE (Issued_date BETWEEN 01/12/2005 AND 31/12/2005

Note:  Estimated cost not provided on applications for use only or where a flat fee is applicable

  Ram Id           Date     Owners                                                                        Days                Est Cost  Decision

DA05/0928      28/11/2005    LAGOON INVESTMENTS PTY LTD                           8                     $250,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   33 WATKINS LOOP TAPPING  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 48 DP 44612

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       GEMMILL HOMES PTY LTD

                   File Number   P31/1237V01

DA05/0909      11/11/2005    LAGOON INVESTMENTS PTY LTD                           19                    $225,000.00      Approved

                   Prop address   77 WATKINS LOOP TAPPING  WA  6065

                   Land            Lot 79 DP 44612

                   Descriptio      GROUPED DWELLING - 2 UNITS

                   Applicant       GEMMILL HOMES PTY LTD

                   File Number   P31/1258V01


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Other Matters

PD12-01/06   Lifting of Urban Deferred Zoning Under the Metropolitan Region Scheme - Wanneroo Road, Woodvale

File Ref:                                              PA18/0008V01

File Name: HALifting of Urban Deferred Zoning under the MRS   Wanneroo Road  Woodvale.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 4 Approval by GraceB Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by GraceB Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by GraceB Date 09 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by GraceB Date 09 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Planning and Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Silvia Foti

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       2

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To consider lifting of the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Urban Deferred zoning in respect of Part Lot 1 (1) Woodvale Drive, Lot 6, 21-23, 26-28, 32-35, 83, 90, 103 and 300 Wanneroo Road, Woodvale and transferring the lots to the Urban Zone.



Cardno BSD


Various, including Watson Property Group Northern Aspects


Lot 1 (1) Woodvale Drive, Lot 6, 21-23, 26-28, 32-35, 83, 90, 103 and 300 Wanneroo Road, Woodvale

Site Area

25.5913 Hectares

MRS Zoning

Urban Deferred

DPS 2 Zoning

General Rural


The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has requested the City’s comments in regard to a proposal submitted by Cardno BSD to lift the Urban Deferred zoning under the MRS in respect to the land abutting Yellagonga Regional Park, situated to the south of Woodvale Drive, Woodvale (refer Attachment 1).


The primary constraint to the development of the subject site until now has been the location of a poultry farm on Lot 21 Wanneroo Road, Woodvale. The Watson Property Group has now acquired the poultry farm and intends to develop the site.


The subject land is zoned Rural under the MRS and General Rural under District Planning Scheme No.2 (DPS2). The North West Corridor Structure Plan (NWCSP) identified seven (7) pockets of rural and non-urban land between Wanneroo Road and Yellagonga Regional Park as “subject to City of Wanneroo Local Structure Planning”. The subject site is the last pocket that remains undeveloped and without structure planning.


The applicant has provided the following justification for the proposal:


·                The land is capable of being provided with essential services;

·                The land has been shown as urban deferred for 15 years;

·                The poultry farm which hindered an Urban Zoning has been purchased by the Watson Property Group with settlement due in August 2006;

·                The proposed urbanisation of the lots represents a logical progression of development;

·                Provision for regional requirements such as roads, open space and public purposes have been or can be satisfied in future planning.


There are no community consultation provisions under the MRS relating to lifting of Urban Deferred zoning. 


The criteria for assessment of this proposal are contained in the WAPC Guidelines for Lifting of Urban Deferment.  These guidelines indicate that:


1.       The land should be capable of being provided with essential services and agreement reached between the developers and service providers with regard to the staging and financing of services;

2.       Planning should be sufficiently advanced to depict an acceptable overall design to guide future development;

3.       The proposed urban development should represent a logical progression of development;

4.       Regional requirements (such as regional roads, open space and public purposes) should have been satisfied or provision made for them; and

5.       Any constraints to urban development should be satisfactorily addressed.


The above criteria are discussed below:


1.       Essential Services


All essential services are available to the site and currently service the existing houses and other uses. These services may need to be upgraded in some instances however can be easily extended to meet the needs of the subject land.


2.       Design of Development


The subject site has been identified for future urban development for over 15 years.  The applicant has indicated that early this year a submission will be forwarded to the City to amend DPS2 so that the land is included within an appropriate zone consistent with the MRS urban zoning.  They have also indicated that a formal local structure plan will be prepared at that stage.


The applicant has submitted a largely residential based indicative concept plan aimed at demonstrating how the subject land could be developed (Attachment 2). To date a detailed assessment of this plan has not been undertaken. A preliminary assessment however has identified the following matters which will require particular attention in preparing the formal Structure Plan proposal:


-          Comprehensive site and context analysis of the site including physical, social, economic and policy elements

-          An analysis of the key issues facing the planning and development of the area derived from the site and context analysis

-          Development of a vision and key urban design, social, environmental and economic principles to guide the planning and development of the area (urban structuring, design response to site and context analysis, sense of place/character/identity etc)

-          Rationale and justification for proposed land use mix

-          Housing strategies (yields, diversity and affordability targets, consistency with demographic projections etc)

-          Transport strategies (integrated with land use proposals) sufficient to make a contribution toward private vehicle trip generation and more balanced mode choice

-          Wanneroo Road interface, lot orientation, access, intersections and funding of traffic signals

-          Employment generating strategies

-          Community Development and Human Service Infrastructure Strategy

-          Environmental Sustainability Strategies including those related to Drainage, Nutrient and Water Management, wetland buffers and interface treatment, hydrological study to assess ground water levels, vertical and horizontal separation to ground water and wetland and potential flood mitigation, public access to the Regional Park and implications of the Yellagonga Regional Park Management Plan, strategies to capitalise on landscape/landform elements, flora and vegetation protection, strategies to minimise impact on adjoining Yellagonga Regional Park, Acid Sulphate Soil management, soil contamination and remediation, midge management, energy efficiency (design for climate etc), Aboriginal and European heritage, etc.

-          Open space strategy including an outline of provision for landform/landscape protection, recreation and social spaces as well as drainage integration.

-          Drainage strategy including details on catchments, disposal areas, impact on open space function

-          Any specific building design requirements

-          Evidence of consultation with relevant service agencies as well as adjoining and affected landowners

-          Other matters contained in Schedule 7 of District planning Scheme No.2.


The above list of issues should not be construed as exhaustive. A comprehensive structure plan proposal will need to be lodged with the City so that all the relevant issues can be identified and assessed in detail through the structure planning process.  This structure plan should cover all the land within the precinct (including Lots 35 and 36) and should be prepared in close consultation wit the Administration to ensure the formal submission will be of a suitable standard.


Notwithstanding that that a formal structure plan has not been submitted, the land is in a discrete area surrounded by the Wangara Industrial Estate and Yellagonga Regional Park with no significant issues preventing progression of planning and development of the area.


3.       Logical Progression of Development


The subject site remains one of the only pockets of rural land amongst a predominantly urban environment. Privately owned land to the north and south of the subject site has been developed as either Residential at various densities or Special Residential and the land to the east as Commercial and Service Industrial.


Given the constraint of the Poultry Farm has now been resolved, it is logical for this site to be developed in accordance with an MRS Urban zoning.


4.       Regional Requirements


These requirements have been largely satisfied.  An established regional road network already exists, local open space will be provided within the development and there is no requirement for a public purpose site in this location.  Buffers to the adjoining wetland within the Yellagonga Regional Park will however require further assessment as part of the structure planning exercise.


5.       Constraints


The subject land was rezoned under the MRS to Urban Deferred in 1995 by way of an omnibus amendment.  The site was originally proposed to be rezoned to Urban under the MRS, however a submission in relation to the poultry farm resulted in the WAPC including the land within the Urban Deferred rather than Urban zone until the issue of the poultry farm could be resolved.


The poultry farm is now under an unconditional contract of sale in favour of the Watson Property Group. The settlement date will be 3 August 2006. It is considered that there are no longer any constraints to the urban development of this land.


From the above analysis, it is evident that the proposal generally meets all of the criteria for lifting the Urban Deferment.


Whilst the City can recommend support for the lifting of the Urban Deferred zoning, it should be acknowledged that pursuant to the NWCSP, structure planning for this area will be required prior to development proceeding. It is likely, should the urban deferred zoning be lifted under the MRS, an Urban Development zone will be recommended for this area under DPS2. An Urban Development zone requires that an Agreed Structure Plan be in place prior to subdivision or development of land being undertaken. Given the above, it is considered appropriate to support the lifting of Urban Deferred zoning without a formal structure plan having been undertaken to date.


It should be noted that Lots 36 (Conti Winery site) and Lot 91 (drainage site) have been excluded from the applicant’s request. If excluded, these lots will remain the only parcels identified as Urban Deferred within this area.

It is therefore further recommended that the MRS urban deferred zoning be lifted over Lot 36 and Lot 91 to finalise the transfer of lots within this area.

Statutory Compliance

Under the provisions of Clause 27 of the MRS, the WAPC has the authority to lift the Urban Deferred zoning through a resolution.

Strategic Implications

Consideration of this matter is consistent with the goal of providing Healthy Communities under the City’s Strategic Plan and in particular, Strategy 2.2 of the Planning and Development Directorate Plan, which seeks to provide a cohesive system of integrated land use planning.

Policy Implications


Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority.

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That Council:-

1.       ADVISES the Western Australian Planning Commission that:

a)      it supports the proposed lifting of the Urban Deferred zone on Part Lot 1 Woodvale Drive, Lot 6, 21-23, 26-28, 32-35, 83, 90, 103 and 300 Wanneroo Road, Woodvale and the transfer of the land to the Urban zone in the Metropolitan Region Scheme; and

b)      it also supports the proposed lifting of the Urban Deferred zone on Lot 36 and Lot 91 Wanneroo Road, Woodvale and the transfer of the land to the Urban zone in the Metropolitan Region Scheme.

2.       ADVISES the applicant and Western Australian Planning Commission that:

a)      The City has not formally considered the concept plan incorporated within the Cardno BSD proposal and as such the City’s support for the lifting of urban deferment and the transfer of the land to the Urban zone should not be construed as support for the type and form of development proposed on the concept plan;

b)      A formal structure plan for the land should be submitted to the City for assessment concurrent with the application for rezoning of the site under DPS2.  This structure plan should comprehensively deal with the range of issues affecting the subject land and in particular those elements outlined in the Comment section of this report.

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IN01-01/06    Tender No 05555 - Construction of Five Bus Shelters at Various Locations within the City of Wanneroo

File Ref:                                              C05555

File Name: AATender No 05555   Construction of Five Bus Shelters at Various Locations within the City of Wanenroo.doc This line will not

Level 3 Approval by jan Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by jan Date 05 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by jan Date 05 January 2006be printed dont delete

Responsible Officer:                           Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Janek Sobon

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachment(s):                                    Nil

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To consider Tender No. 05555 for the construction of five bus shelters at various locations within the City of Wanneroo, as part of the 2005/2006 Bus Shelter Grant Scheme.


Council, at its meeting on 5 April 2005 considered the proposed Bus Shelter grant scheme for 2005/2006 and resolved as follows: -


“1.    Retrospectively ENDORSES the submission forwarded by Administration seeking  $25,000 in funding from the Public Transport Authority Bus Shelter Grant Scheme 2005/2006 as part funding for the supply and installation of five “City of Wanneroo Bus Shelters” proposed at the following locations:


Proposed Site



Priority Basis


West side of Hainsworth Avenue adjacent to the Hainsworth Plaza Shopping Centre






West side of Girrawheen Avenue south of Wade Street adjacent to the Summerfield Shopping Centre






Eastside of Jefferson Drive adjacent to Paloma Park



Active Park


East side Wanneroo Road, adjacent to the intersection of Wanneroo and Joondalup Drive



Major Road Network


East side of Wanneroo Road, north of Templeton Crescent



Major Road Network


2.       LISTS for consideration in the draft 2005/2006 Capital Works Budget an amount of $72,000 for five “City of Wanneroo Bus Shelters”, comprising of $47,000 from Municipal Funds and the balance of $25,000 from the Public Transport Authority Bus Shelter Grant.” 


On the 4 October 2005 the Minister for Planning & Infrastructure approved $25,000 under the Grant Scheme on the basis that supporting documentation showing the completed bus shelters be with the Public Transport Authority by 30 April 2006.


Tender No 05555 for the Construction of five bus shelters at various locations within the City of Wanneroo was advertised on 5 December 2005 and closed at the City’s Offices at 3.00pm on 20 December 2005 with receipt of the following submissions:



Tendered Price

Sign Supplies (1986) Pty Ltd


Jason SignMakers



Tender Assessment


The Tender Evaluation Team comprising the Coordinator Projects Building and Building Projects Officer evaluated the tenders in accordance with the following assessment criteria as detailed in the tender document:


1.             Price for the works offered.

2.             Tenderer’s resources.

3.             Tenderer’s previous experience in carrying out work similar to the works

4.             Safety management (incorporated within tender submission).




Sign Supplies (1986) Pty Ltd submitted the lowest conforming tender.




Sign Supplies (1986) Pty Ltd has confirmed an eight weeks construction program to meet the deadlines associated with Grant funding. It is completing three projects early in the new year and has the capacity to implement the works in accordance with the April deadline. Jason SignMakers did not include a construction schedule in its tender and Sign Supplies was ranked higher accordingly.


Previous Experience


Sign Supplies (1986) Pty Ltd and Jason SignMakers were equally ranked.  Sign Supplies (1986) Pty Ltd manufactured and installed five shelters for the City in 2005 and Jason SignMakers has successfully undertaken bus shelter contracts for other local authorities.


Safety Management


Jason SignMakers was ranked higher than Sign Supplies (1986) Pty Ltd due to its previous safety performance record.


Overall Ranking Assessment


The evaluation team assessed the overall scoring of tenders based on a weighted score is shown below:




Sign Supplies (1986) Pty Ltd


Jason SignMakers



Sign Supplies (1986) Pty Ltd is recommended as the preferred tenderer for Tender No 05555 having offered the best value for money and achieving the highest ranking.


Public comment was not sought on this proposal as the City of Wanneroo Bus Shelters will not be erected adjacent to residential properties.


Due to an increase in manufacturing cost for the five bus shelters Sign Supplies (1986) Pty Ltd was approached to provide an alternative price based on the following changes to the manufacture details of the standard unit:


·                A reduced concrete pad footing

·                Stitch welds in lieu of continuous welded junctions

·                Zinc silicate base steel treatment in lieu of hot dip galvanising

·                Welded connections in lieu of stainless steel bolts

·                Reduction in size of roof framing


This course of action is being undertaken in accordance with to the Local Government Regulations1996, Clause 20, “Variation of Requirements Before Entering Into Contract” with a view to accepting the lowest tender conditional to varying the contract.


These changes to the bus shelters were fully documented with supporting engineering certification design and do not reduce their resilience to vandalism.


Total saving offered per bus shelter is $1,700 or a total saving of $8,500 to the tendered sum of $89,231, giving an adjusted contract sum of $80,731.


Key Characteristics of the lowest tenderer, Sign Supplies (1986) Pty Ltd.


·              The Company has been in operation for approximately 42 years and has been managed by its current owner since 1986.

·              The Company currently employs 30 staff at its purpose built factory in Malaga.

·              Reference check discloses that the Company has successfully constructed projects to the satisfaction of the nominated referees who advise that this Company is a competent and capable contractor.

·              The firm’s tender breakdown information is consistent with the prices presented in the other submission.


The estimated practical completion date for the five bus shelters is 14 April 2006, at which time Administration will be able to claim the approved grant funds as this funding must be claimed by no later than 30 April 2006.

Statutory Compliance

Tenders have been invited and evaluated against the selection criteria in accordance with Section 3.57 of the Local Government Act and associated regulations.


Sign Supplies (1986) Pty Ltd is not a registered builder under the Builders Registration Act.  As bus shelters are not considered to contain a habitable room as defined under the Builders Registration Act there is no requirement to award Tender 4415 to a Registered Builder.


Tender documentation has been submitted to Building and Health Services for its processing and issue of a Building Licence to the successful tenderer.


The Manager Contracts and Property has reviewed the tender evaluation for compliance and fairness and is satisfied with the process.

Strategic Implications

The construction of five bus shelters at various locations within the City of Wanneroo as part of the bus shelter grant scheme is consistent with the City’s Strategic Plan 2002-2005 goals and strategies:


“Healthy Communities

2.1       Achieve an understanding of our community’s needs – present and future

2.6       Provide and manage infrastructure to meet the needs of our community.”

Policy Implications


Financial Implications

A sum of $72,000 has been approved in the 2005-2006 Budget for the installation of the “City of Wanneroo Bus Shelters” in accordance with the design criteria set out as part of the Bus Shelter Grant Scheme.


The Minister for Planning and Infrastructure has approved a grant contribution of $25,000 to the City of Wanneroo as part of the PTA’s Bus Shelter Grant Scheme 2005-2006 and this sum of $25,000 will offset and reduce the City’s cost for the works.


The following table identifies all costs associated with the project expenditure.



Costs to Complete Works


Costs to Complete Works Adjusted Tender


Project Funding: 846200





PTA Bus Shelter Grant Scheme





Building Capital Works Project Management





Tender Advertisement & Administration Cost










Lowest Tender Sign Supplies (1986) Pty Ltd





Total Project Budget





Total Project Costing





Shortfall in Project Funding






Based on the adjusted contract sum, the deletion of one shelter from the program will reduce the grant by $5,000 and result in the following financial outcome:


Cost of Four Shelters







The deletion of two shelters from the program will reduce the grant by $10,000 and result in the following financial outcome:


Cost of Three Shelters







Council has the option to reduce the number of bus shelters to either minimise the shortfall in funding (four shelters) or save budget funds (three shelters). Alternatively Council may wish to proceed with the installation of the five proposed shelters and reallocate funds to accommodate the shortfall in funding. It is recommended that the full Public Transport Authority Grant of $25,000 be utilised and the Council accepts a tender to allow the construction of five high standard ‘City of Wanneroo Bus Shelters’ as part of upgrading the standard of bus shelter infrastructure in the City.


A review of the Capital Works Program has highlighted unexpended funds available for reallocation from the following completed projects to enable completion of the whole program of works:


Project No




Finlay Plance, Wangara – Road Resurfacing



Dundebar road, Wanneroo – Road Rehabilitation


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:

1.             ACCEPTS the Tender No 05555 from Sign Supplies (1984) Pty Ltd for the Construction of five bus shelters at various locations within the City of Wanneroo, subject to agreement from Sign Supplies (1984) Pty Ltd to enter into a contract for a minor variation to requirements resulting in a revised contract price of $80,731.

2.             Notes the following budget variation to reflect the additional expenditure of $15,031 required to complete the construction works for five bus shelters at various locations within the City of Wanneroo

Cost Code




Project No 846111



Finlay Plance, Wangara – Road Resurfacing

Project No 845114



Dundebar road, Wanneroo – Road Rehabilitation

Project No 846200



Construction of five bus shelters

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Traffic Management

IN02-01/06    PT01-09/05 - Traffic Management Treatments in Mindarie Drive, Quinns Rocks

File Ref:                                              R27/0044V01

File Name: BAPT01 09 05   Traffic Management Treatments In  Mindarie Drive  Quinns Rocks.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 3 Approval by rh Date 17 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by rh Date 17 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by rh Date 17 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Traffic Engineer

Meeting Date:   13 December 2005

Attachments:                                       2

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To consider a petition by residents of Mindarie Drive, Quinns Rocks regarding the request for traffic calming devices along Mindarie Drive.


A petition signed by 65 residents was received by Council at its meeting held on 20 September 2005 with a request to “To install traffic calming devices along Mindarie Drive Quinns Rocks. This will go a long way to create a safer environment for both residents and motorists using Mindarie Drive”.  Of the 65 signatures, 27 were from Mindarie Drive representing 21 properties.  Nearly all the petitioners reside within two kilometres of Mindarie Drive.


The residents’ concern about driver behaviour along Mindarie Drive was highlighted by a crash that occurred on 11 July 2005 when a vehicle reversing out a driveway at No. 64 was struck by a vehicle travelling along Mindarie Drive. Refer Attachment 1 for location plan.


Previously the traffic management of Mindarie Drive was considered as part of the Quinns Rocks Precinct Traffic Management Study prepared by Klyne Consultants and Dennis Price Millar Engineering Consultants and adopted by Council at its meeting held on 10 April 2001, refer to Report W117-05/01.  The recommendations for traffic treatments on particular roads are shown on the Dennis, Price & Miller drawing 6769-01E - refer Attachment 2.  The majority of traffic management recommendations resulting from the study have been actioned to date.  Mindarie Drive was recommended to have centreline markings on substandard crests and curves.  Main Roads WA is responsible for centreline marking and was requested in May 2001 to install the line markings, however that request was declined due to the low crash rate and the fact the road had low traffic volumes.


The current situation is that Mindarie Drive is predominantly a two-lane, undivided 6.4m wide road, 1,280 metres long that provides an important north-south link within the Quinns Rocks traffic precinct.  The road performs the function of a local distributor road and forms part of Transperth’s bus route for the area.  The horizontal and vertical alignment is a combination of curves and crests for most the length.  Traffic data for Mindarie Drive was available from several collections over the years 2000 to 2003 with the analysis of the results revealing that traffic speeds were consistent over this period with the 85% percentile speeds along the road ranging between 52 and 59 km/h.


In order to determine if the current traffic speeds and traffic volumes on Mindarie Drive had altered with the land development north of Quinns Rocks in the last year, seven-day traffic counts were taken in the October 2005.  The new data showed the continuing trend in the usage of the road, with speeds and volumes being slightly higher.  In November 2005 Klyne Consultants Pty Ltd was appointed to undertake a Traffic Management Review of Mindarie Drive to technically analyse the available data, to determine the need for any traffic management intervention and provide recommendations in regard to the suitability of traffic management treatments on the condition that intervention warrants were met.  In order to maintain a consistent approach for traffic management treatments throughout the Quinns Rocks traffic precinct, the use of the intervention warrants from the Traffic Management Study of March 2001 were to be utilised in the November 2005 review process.


The Traffic Management Report Mindarie Drive, Quinns Rocks November 2005 prepared by Klyne Consultants is available in the Councillor’s’ Reading Room.  The recommendations of that report include the following:


·             The City of Wanneroo remove or reduce the height of roadside vegetation to improve the available sight distances around curves on Mindarie Drive.


·             The City of Wanneroo, in conjunction with Main Roads WA, undertake the marking of the centre line in Mindarie Drive where there is inadequate sight distance. 


·             The City of Wanneroo, in conjunction with Main Roads WA, undertake the painting of “holding” lines at the intersection of side roads with Mindarie Drive.


·             The City of Wanneroo propose the construction of a central “painted median” with trees (frangible) being planted in the centre of the road, and undertake the necessary “community consultation” and budgeting for and constructing the works.


The Traffic Management Report Mindarie Drive, Quinns Rocks November 2005 compared the 1997 volume data to the 2005 data and the distribution of traffic on the various sections of Mindarie Drive. The increase in volumes for this period are shown in the following table:








North of Tyson Place




North of Javez Drive




West of Simpson Street




East of Bennett Road





The increase between the 1997 traffic volume counts to 2005 counts calculate to approximately a 3% to 4% per year increase over the eight period.  The increase in traffic volumes is consistent with a normal level for new residential development in an established area. It is realistic to assume that the increase is attributed to land development and demographic changes within the area over this period.  There is no indication of a major change in traffic travel patterns attributing to the volume increases.


Over the five-year period January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2004 a total of 11 crashes were recorded in Mindarie Drive.  Two of these crashes occurred at the intersection of Mindarie Drive and Quinns Road. The other nine occurred at different locations along the road and consisted of four rear-end type crashes, one right-angle crash (driveway), three were hit-object crashes and one head-on crash.  Analysis of the crash data showed that there was no particular trend or “clusters” which would identify site-specific deficiencies in the road environment.


Community consultation was not undertaken in conjunction with the assessment of the petition, however, as part of the feasibility design and cost estimate phase, affected residents will be directly consulted on any proposed works.


The petition coordinator has been advised that a report will be presented to the Council meeting on 31 January 2006.


The petition requested that “traffic calming devices” be installed along Mindarie Drive.  The request was very general and details of any specific traffic issue were not provided as part of the residents’ petition.  The brief for the consultants review was generalised to consider the road as a whole and did not request site-specific investigations.


The technical assessment of Mindarie Drive undertaken by Klyne Consultants Pty Ltd indicated:


1.             There is not a warrant for intervention, that the speed parameter is not a significant factor therefore traffic speeds are not issues that need addressing.


2.             The horizontal and vertical geometry to which Mindarie Drive was constructed would be sub-standard to the current Austroads design criteria; therefore it is imperative that opposing vehicles are kept on their side of the road.


3.             The installation of centre line pavement markings would provide some form of advance delineation of the alignment of the road.


4.             The construction of a central median will be effective, however it would make it difficult for residents to gain access at driveways or right turn at intersections.


The consultant’s outcome of this traffic management review is to recommend that Main Roads WA be requested to provide centre line markings as an interim measure on Mindarie Drive while the City of Wanneroo considers budget allocations for physical treatments.


The report’s recommendation to remove or reduce the height of the roadside vegetation to improve the forward visibility around the curves on Mindarie Drive is considered an important corrective action given the limited sight distance available for drivers.  The topography of the area has resulted in the retaining and landscaping for a few properties encroaching onto the road reserve.  In most instances this presents no traffic problem.  In the one instance near No. 84 vegetation does significantly encroach towards the kerb of the road and does reduce sight distance. The removal of this vegetation will be limited in the effect of increasing sight distance due to there being a high retaining structure behind the vegetation.


The construction of a painted median for the full length of the road will indicatively segregate opposing traffic flows and limit the potential for head on type crashes without impacting on access to residents’ driveways.  As part of the median treatment, vertical elements in the form of tree planting would improve forward delineation over crests and around horizontal curves.  Any widening on Mindarie Drive to allow for a painted median is subject to a detailed feasibility study and community consultation given the anticipated high cost of the project and the impact to existing infrastructure such as resident’s driveways and concrete pathways.  Other considerations such as the minimum lane width for buses and commercial vehicles will need to be considered as part of the overall traffic management treatment given that it will impact on the road widening requirements for the project.  The provision of a painted median including trees at only selected locations would provide vehicle separation for opposing traffic flows and improved forward delineation for drivers. 


It should be noted that the traffic management recommendations as detailed in the report would not reduce the potential for driveway related crashes occurring.


After considering the consultant’s report, the site specific effects of implementing the recommendations were examined.  Aspects that were considered were:


·                The impact of the treatments on the bus route,

·                The impact of the bus route on the design of the treatment,

·                Where widening would have minimal impacts,

·                Where concrete median islands could be incorporated and be effective,

·                The possible improvement of the vertical alignment.


There is a definite change in traffic characteristic occurring about the Gordon Avenue intersection.  The graph following is based upon the most recent data and shows:


1.             The traffic volume between Quinns Road and Gordon Avenue is nearly double that in the other section of Mindarie Drive.


2.             The traffic speed in a northbound direction is consistently over 5 km/h, higher than in the southbound direction.


3.             The traffic speed in the section without the bus route is marginally higher than in the section with the bus route.


The third point is an indicator that the fact that the bus route commences along Mindarie Drive at Gordon Avenue and extends to Ashley Avenue is coincidental to the behaviour of drivers along the road.  The bus route does not greatly affect the behaviour of drivers who use that section of Mindarie Drive, as the behavioural trends are similar along the full length of the road. 


The bus route will impact on the physical configuration of the road, as there are minimum lane widths and intersection clearances that must be maintained.


The consultant’s proposal to have a red asphalt, line edged and landscaped median will require the road to be widened from 6.4m to 7.9m to allow for 2 by 3.2m lanes (minimum for buses) plus a 1.5m median (minimum for landscaping).  The ability to achieve a 1.5m widening along the road does not exist at a reasonable expense.  The widening by 1.5m will adversely affect many properties where the driveways are steep or where the natural slopes in the road reserve have been utilised to reduce the need for retaining within properties.  Also the relocation of the footpath will require excavation and retaining along sections of the road.  Service relocations are assured to be required; particularly the electricity supply and sections may have to be replaced with underground power.  These are not insurmountable issues, however there will be a high cost involved in undertaking these works.


The interim action proposed by the consultant to request Main Roads WA to paint a centre line can be enhanced by the construction of median islands at four locations.  At two of these locations the lowering of the road is possible to gain additional improvements in sight distance and in the evenness of the ride along the road.  Those four locations are:


1.             Bennett Road intersection: - the road can be widened and the three legs treated with raised or partially flush median islands.


2.             Simpson Street, Gordon Avenue and Spiers Road intersections: - this is a 100m section of road with three intersections where a minor reduction in road height at Simpson Street combined with widening at all three intersections will permit median islands to be constructed.


3.             Parham Road intersection: - this intersection is the top of an incline on all three legs.  The lowering of this intersection by 0.75m may be hindered by underground service locations otherwise the road geometry will be greatly improved.  The intersection can be widened in conjunction with the lowering so that median islands can be constructed.  Work at this intersection will reduce the risk of another crash near No. 64.


4.             South of Javez Drive intersection: - the road can be widened on a bend to permit a median island to be installed.


The improvements of the road at these four locations may alleviate for many years the need to undertake the widening works along the full length of the road as proposed by the consultant.


Traffic Management Commitments


Council has already committed to a number of traffic management projects that require funding for completion or for implementation.  These projects need to be considered on a priority basis during the annual budget funding process. 


A number of traffic management projects as a consequence of traffic management studies that have been undertaken by the City over the last 5 to 6 years are still to be funded in the following suburbs:


·                East Wanneroo

·                West Wanneroo

·                Quinns Rocks

·                Mindarie

·                Alexander Heights


Funding of remaining projects relating to the Wangara Parking Study is also still outstanding


Furthermore, during the last 12 months traffic management proposals have been committed on a staged basis for:


·                Regent Estates (ie: Backshall Place, etc)

·                Woodward Crescent, Marangaroo

·                Banksia Grove/Mariginiup (ie: as a result of Pinjar Road closures arising from the connection of Joondalup Drive to Neaves Road)

Statutory Compliance


Strategic Implications

The Traffic Management treatments for Mindarie Drive, Quinns Rocks, is consistent with the City of Wanneroo’s Strategic Plan 2002-2005 goals and strategies:


            “Healthy Communities

2.4              Support safe and secure communities”

2.6       Provide and manage infrastructure to meet the needs of our community

Policy Implications


Financial Implications

In review of the recommendations arising from the report prepared by Klyne Consultants, the cost of the works generated fall into three categories. 


1.             Routine maintenance work to be undertaken by the City to clear vegetation in several locations on Mindarie Drive to improve sight distance.  The City’s 2005/2006 Maintenance Budget would cover this cost. 


2.             Cost of the installation of centre-line pavement markings as an interim measure is the responsibility of Main Roads WA. 


3.             Subject to the feasibility design study, the works identified to undertake road reconstruction/widening at four locations will need to be funded in future Capital Works budgets. In this instance $200,000 is proposed for Stage 1 works and funding consideration by Council in the draft 2006/2007 Budget.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:-

1.       RECEIVES the Traffic Management Report, Mindarie Drive, Quinns Rocks November 2005 as prepared by Klyne Consultants.

2.       ACCEPTS the recommendations of the Traffic Management Report, Mindarie Drive, Quinns Rocks November 2005.

3.       ENDORSES the clearing of roadside vegetation (to improve sight lines) around curves on Mindarie Drive as a matter of priority.

4.       REQUESTS Main Roads WA to install holding lines at side roads and centre line marking on Mindarie Drive and Fraser Road.

5.       LISTS $200,000 for consideration in the draft 2006/2007 Budget for Stage 1 Mindarie Drive traffic treatments.

6.       UNDERTAKES feasibility design and cost estimate for the widening and reconstruction of Mindarie Drive at four locations:

§    Bennett Road intersection

§    Simpson Street/Gordon Avenue/Spiers Road

§    Parham Road intersection

§    Bend south of Javez Drive

for the purpose of listing the projects in the City’s Infrastructure Works Program and determining the extent of works that can be accommodated to as part of
Stage 1.

7.       ADVISES the petition organiser of Council’s decision.

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Location Plan

Traffic Management – Mindarie Drive


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IN03-01/06    Anchorage Drive, Mindarie - Traffic Management Treatment

File Ref:                                              R22/0001V01

File Name: FATraffic Management   Lane Merger and Turn Pocket    Anchorage Drive  Mindaire   Budget Variation.doc This line will not

Level 3 Approval by jan Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by jan Date 16 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by jan Date 11 January 2006be printed dont delete

Responsible Officer:                           Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Dennis Blair

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachment(s):                                    1

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To consider modifications to Anchorage Drive, Mindarie between Glensanda Way and Ocean Falls Boulevard.


In Anchorage Drive, Mindarie the staged nature of residential development has led to a confusing situation for traffic travelling north from Long Beach Promenade to Ocean Falls Boulevard.  Before the Ocean Falls Boulevard intersection there exist two traffic lanes and immediately north of the intersection there is only one lane.  The Mindarie Ratepayers and Residents Association first raised concerns for road safety at this location in 2003.  With the assistance of Main Roads WA, signage has been used in an effort to clarify the traffic movements before vehicles reached the intersection.


In 2005, the development of Mindarie Keys Marina Village Stage 4 included the construction of twelve on-road car-parking bays and a footpath along the Anchorage Drive frontage between Glensanda Way and Alexandria View.  The signs were removed with the construction of the parking bays and were not replaced, as space no longer existed for them.


To improve the safety for road uses, an amount of $20,000 was approved in the 2005/2006 Traffic Management Works Program for the construction in Anchorage Drive, Mindarie of a taper to converge two lanes to one lane at a safe distance north of the intersection with Ocean Falls Boulevard.


The position of altering Anchorage Drive north of Ocean Falls Boulevard was reached after consideration of other signage and road treatments to the south of that intersection.


Currently, the left lane in Anchorage Drive ceases to exist beyond Ocean Falls Boulevard, with the lane tapering to zero width over a distance of 20m. The traffic that is not turning left at that intersection must merge into one lane while crossing the intersection. This manoeuvre increases the risk of a crash occurring.


Subsequent to the land development constructing more on-street public car parking bays along Anchorage Drive, Administration arranged a site meeting with a representative of Main Roads WA to determine what signage and line marking could be appropriate to assist in reducing driver confusion.  It was determined that any reliance on signage alone to explain the multiple left turn options would not be successful as there needed to be too much information provided and only a short time for drivers to assimilate that information.


In the follow up with Main Roads WA, various combinations of creating dedicated turn pockets at the intersections along Anchorage Drive with Ocean Falls Boulevard, Alexandria View, Glensanda Way and Long Beach Promenade were evaluated.  Whether constructed with concrete kerbing or white paint those options were not considered as effective, practical or safe as merging the two lanes north of the Ocean Falls Boulevard intersection.


A design was prepared which involved widening the road and associated realignment of the kerbs to the north of the intersection to create a standard two lane to one lane transition zone. This proposal resulted in the existing public parking embayment being shortened by approximately four car lengths.


When the works were set out on site, objections were received from adjacent property owners about the loss in public parking facilities. A commitment was given that the works would be put on hold, subject to a further review of options to resolve this road safety issue, including consultation with residents when cost effective alternatives could be developed.


An alternative design was developed to retain the existing number of car bays.  These works involve new sections of footpath to replace paths disturbed by the realignment of kerb and car bays. A copy of the City of Wanneroo Drawing No T2089-1-1 detailing the proposed works is shown at Attachment 1.


The estimated cost of these works is $29,000, a shortfall of $9,000.


A letter with a copy of the concept drawing was sent to all property owners adjacent to the proposed works on 22 November 2005, seeking any comments or queries regarding the proposed works by 5 December 2005. As no responses were received by that date, an officer visited each of the occupied properties to confirm the extent of works and seek feedback. There were no objections to the revised scope of works.


The works in Anchorage Drive are necessary to remove the current hazardous traffic situation near Ocean Falls Boulevard and the reallocation of funds to accommodate the full extent of pavement, kerbing, footpath, signage and the line marking work is recommended.

Statutory Compliance

Road Traffic Code 2000.

Strategic Implications

The issue of reducing the risk of crashes by vehicles manoeuvring and merging along Anchorage Drive are consistent with the City of Wanneroo’s Strategic Plan 2002-2005 goals and strategies:


“Healthy Communities

2.3       Support and encourage the delivery of a safe and effective transport network

2.6       Provide and manage infrastructure to meet the needs of our community”

Policy Implications


Financial Implications

An amount of $50,000 was approved in the 2005/2006 Traffic Management Capital Works Program for Miscellaneous Traffic Management Works (Project No 846270). To the end of December, $11,435 has been expended from this Project No and sufficient funds are available for relocation to the Anchorage Drive project.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:-

1.             Endorses the traffic management works in Anchorage Drive, Mindarie as shown on Attachment 1 and at an estimated cost of $29,000

2.             NOTES the following amendment to the 2005/2006 Budget to reflect the reallocation of funds to accommodate the shortfall in funding for the works in Mindarie Drawing.

Project No







Miscellaneous Traffic Management




Anchorage Drive, Mindarie

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Funding and Budget

IN04-01/06    Mindarie Foreshore Restoration Project - Stage 2 – Coastwest Grant

File Ref:                                              PR22/0011V01

Responsible Officer:                           Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Danielle McNeill

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachment(s):                                    Nil

File Name: FAMindarie Foreshore Restoration Project   Stage 2   Budget Variation.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 3 Approval by jan Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by jan Date 16 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by jan Date 11 January 2006

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To consider a Coastwest grant received from the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for a dune rehabilitation project in Mindarie.


The City, in conjunction with the Quinns Rocks Environmental Group Inc. (QREG), submitted an application to the Department for Planning and Infrastructure (DPI) for a 2005 Coastwest grant to implement Stage 2 of the ‘Hands On For Our Coastline – Mindarie Foreshore Restoration Project’.  The objectives of the project are:


·                To stabilise and rehabilitate coastal dunes in order to protect natural landforms, biodiversity and recreational infrastructure in the foreshore reserve;

·                To raise community awareness about the natural values of the coastal foreshore reserve; and

·                To build and maintain partnerships between local government and the community.


In 2004/05 the City and QREG implemented Stage 1 of the Mindarie Foreshore Restoration Project in the foreshore reserve off Long Beach Promenade utilising a $16,500 Coastwest grant.  The first stage of the project involved the construction of limestone paths, track fencing, weed control, brushing and planting dunes, and community education through the installation of signage and distribution of pamphlets.


It is proposed that Stage 2 of the project be implemented at Claytons Beach, situated off Alexandria View.  The project will involve the upgrade of car park fencing, construction of dune protection fencing, installation of signage, brushing and planting dunes, and a community education campaign targeting local youth.  A limestone path within the foreshore reserve links the two Mindarie Foreshore Coastwest Project sites (Claytons Beach in the north and Long Beach in the south).


Coastwest grants are provided by the WAPC for on-ground works aimed at building and maintaining partnerships between local coastal managers and community groups.  The City is responsible for managing the Mindarie Foreshore Reserve, and the volunteers from QREG are actively involved in various conservation projects in the Mindarie-Quinns Rocks area.


The City (primary applicant), in conjunction with the QREG (secondary applicant), submitted an application for a 2005 Coastwest grant for implementation of Stage 2 of the Mindarie Foreshore Restoration Project.  The total cost of this stage of the project is estimated at $16,450, which includes the following:


City of Wanneroo (financial contribution)                                         $6,800

Quinns Rocks Environmental Group Inc. (in-kind contribution)       $2,800

Coastwest grant                                                                                  $6,850


The Coastwest grant is to be utilised for brushing and planting dunes, the installation of signage and for promotional materials.  The City is to fund the upgrade of car park fencing and construction of dune protection fencing, and will also be responsible for monitoring and maintaining the site.  The QREG will contribute volunteer labour towards seed collection, planting and hand weeding at the project site.


In November 2005 the City was advised by the WAPC that its application for 2005 Coastwest funding has been successful and a grant for $6,850 has been approved for Stage 2 of the ‘Hands On For Our Coastline – Mindarie Foreshore Restoration Project’.  The offer of acceptance for this grant is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the 2005 Coastwest Grant Project Management Agreement, which is to be signed by the Chief Executive Officer on behalf of the City, and returned to the DPI.


During the preparation of the Coastwest funding application, the City liaised with the North Metro Coastcare Officer (employed by the Swan Catchment Council (SCC)), representatives from the QREG, and a teacher from Peter Moyes Anglican Community School.  Further community consultation is planned, and will focus on increasing the involvement of high school students, board-riders and Green Corps teams in local coastal management efforts.


In accordance with the Project Management Agreement, the City has contacted local indigenous representatives and the DPI’s New Coastal Assets Branch, in order to obtain support for the implementation of Stage 2 of the Mindarie Foreshore Restoration Project.  Further consultation with the indigenous community is planned, and the SCC’s Indigenous Natural Resource Management (NRM) Coordinator is able to assist the City through this process.


The acceptance of the Coastwest grant from the WAPC will assist the City with the implementation of the second stage of the Mindarie Foreshore Restoration Project.  Claytons Beach is located at the northern extent of a large ‘regional parks and recreation reserve’ of high coastal biodiversity value, which has come under increasing recreation pressure due to urbanisation of the surrounding area.  The community and the City are concerned that the destabilisation of foredunes has the potential to adversely impact the biodiversity value of the secondary dune system.  This project will aim to stabilise the large primary dune through the control of access and dune rehabilitation works.  The proposed works are in accordance with the recommendations of the City’s Mindarie-Quinns Rocks Foreshore Management Plan (2004) endorsed by Council at its meeting on 8 June 2004 (Report PD07-06/04 refers).

Statutory Compliance

The City may be required to lodge a ‘Notice of Application under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 for the Minister’s Consent to Use Land’ with the Department of Indigenous Affairs if the project involves works that may disturb an Aboriginal heritage site.  The need for approval from the Minister for Indigenous Affairs will be determined through consultation with local indigenous representatives and the SCC’s Indigenous NRM Coordinator over coming months.  This process is not expected to delay the implementation of the dune rehabilitation project.

Strategic Implications

The second stage of the Mindarie Foreshore Restoration Project is consistent with the following goals and strategies of the City of Wanneroo’s Strategic Plan (2002-2005):


            “Environmental Sustainability

                        1.1       Conserve and enhance environmental assets

1.4       Foster a culture of environmental awareness, ownership and action within the community and the organisation


Healthy Communities

                        2.4.      Support safe and secure communities

2.6       Provide and manage infrastructure to meet the needs of our   community”

Policy Implications


Financial Implications

The City’s financial contribution towards the project of $6,800 can be funded from the 2005/06 Capital Works Program for Conservation Reserves (Project No. 825504 – Mindarie-Quinns Rocks Foreshore Dune Stabilisation Works) and no additional municipal funding is required.  However, a budget variation is necessary to reflect the $6,850 Coastwest grant to be received by the City.  For cost management purposes, it is proposed that a new project number is set up for Coastwest Project – Mindarie Foreshore’ with a total budget of $13,650, reflecting the financial contributions from the Coastwest grant and Municipal funds.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:-

1.             ACCEPTS the Coastwest grant of $6,850 from the Western Australian Planning Commission towards the implementation of Stage 2 of the ‘Hands On For Our Coastline – Mindarie Foreshore Restoration Project’.

2.             NOTES the in-kind contribution of $2,800 from the Quinns Rocks Environmental Group Inc. towards the implementation of Stage 2 of the ‘Hands On For Our Coastline – Mindarie Foreshore Restoration Project’.

3.             AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer to jointly sign the Project Management Agreement with the Quinns Rocks Environmental Group Inc. for submission to the Western Australian Planning Commission.

4.             NOTES the following budget variation to reflect the Coastwest grant and associated expenditure for this project.


Cost Code

Present Budget

Additional Amount

Revised Budget

72901 0001 1699






Cost Code




72901 0001 1699



Coastwest Grant

Project No. 825504



Mindarie-Quinns Rocks Foreshore Dune Stabilisation Works

Project No. 826510



Claytons Beach – Coastwest Project

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IN05-01/06    Restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain - Yellagonga Regional Park

File Ref:                                              PR34/0007V02

File Name: EARestoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain   Yellagonga Regional Park.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 3 Approval by jan Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by jan Date 16 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by jan Date 11 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director Infrastructure

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Danielle O'Neill

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachment(s):                                    Nil

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To consider a Swan Alcoa Landcare Program (SALP) grant received from the Swan Catchment Council (SCC) for a stormwater drain restoration project in Yellagonga Regional Park.


The City, in conjunction with the former Yellagonga Catchment Group Inc. (YCG), submitted an application to the SCC for a 2006 SALP grant for the ‘Restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain Site’.  The aims of the project are:


·                To reduce nutrient loading to Lake Joondalup;

·                To provide habitat for local native fauna;

·                To enhance local biodiversity;

·                To control growth of invasive weeds; and

·                To increase community awareness and involvement in wetland management.


In 2004/2005 the City and community volunteers carried out the ‘Upgrade of Church Street Stormwater Drain’ utilising a $17,095 SALP grant awarded to the former YCG.  The project involved water quality monitoring, earthworks, weed control, riffle construction, planting, and installation of signage.  The project transformed the stormwater drain from a weed-infested drainage channel to a more natural ‘stream’ flowing into Lake Joondalup.  These works complemented an extremely successful wetland rehabilitation project adjoining the Wanneroo Recreation Centre, which had been carried out by the City and the community volunteers in 2003/2004.


It is proposed that a stormwater drain, situated between the southern end of Banyandah Boulevard and the northern end of Scenic Drive in Wanneroo, be restored to a more natural condition.  It is anticipated that the Ottawa Way Drain will be restored using an approach similar to that employed for the Church Street Drain project.  The restoration of the Ottawa Way Drain will involve minor earthworks (including flattening the banks of the drain and removing rubble), installation of signage, weed control and planting.  A shared red-asphalt path along Scenic Drive links the two restoration sites (Ottawa Way Drain in the north and Church Street Drain in the south).


SALP funding is directed at ‘community groups involved in on-ground revegetation and rehabilitation projects’ for ‘a broad range of environmental activities within the Swan and Canning catchments’.  The City is responsible for managing the Lake Joondalup Foreshore, and volunteers have been actively involved in various wetland rehabilitation projects in Yellagonga Regional Park since 2001.


The former YCG initiated the application for the ‘Restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain Site’ SALP Grant through the Yellagonga Catchment Group Coordinator, who has since resigned. The City subsequently lodged the grant application. The total project cost as detailed in the submission is estimated at $60,370, which included the following:


City of Wanneroo (in-kind contribution)                                            $11,150

City of Wanneroo (financial contribution)                                         $11,490

Yellagonga Catchment Group Inc. (in-kind contribution)                 $16,400

SALP grant                                                                                         $23,050


According to the grant application, the City’s total contribution towards the project is $22,640, which includes minor earthworks, pre-planting weed control, some wetland planting, watering, and provision of refreshments for volunteers. Most of the City’s contribution towards the project will utilise in-house resources (for pre-planting weed control and watering). However, the City will need to employ contract services for minor earthworks and wetland planting, and this will be funded through the annual Operational Budget for Parks Maintenance. 


The $23,050 SALP grant is to be utilised for the purchase of wetland plants, watering and post-planting weed control at the project site. As the YCG committee is no longer operating, it is proposed that other community members involved in on-ground wetland management works in Yellagonga Regional Park will contribute 820 volunteer hours over two years through involvement in planting and site monitoring/maintenance.  It is anticipated that the Restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain Site will be implemented over two financial years, commencing in late 2005/2006 and finishing in late 2006/2007.


In October 2005 the City was advised by the SCC that its application for 2006 SALP funding has been successful and a grant for $23,050 has been approved for the ‘Restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain Site’.  A tax invoice for the total grant amount has since been sent to the SCC, and the City expects to receive a cheque from the Minister for the Environment at a funding ceremony in February 2006.


During the preparation of the SALP funding application, the City liaised with the former YCG, a representative from the Regional Parks Unit of the Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM), and members of the Friends of Yellagonga Regional Park Inc.  Further community consultation is also planned, and will focus on increasing awareness and involvement of local residents and school students.


As part of the preparation of the funding application, the Yellagonga Catchment Group Coordinator also sought advice from the Department of Indigenous Affairs (DIA).  The City will revisit this issue as part of the planning phase of the project, with a view to undertaking consultation with local indigenous representatives.  The SCC’s Indigenous Natural Resource Management (NRM) Coordinator is able to assist the City through this process.


The acceptance of the SALP grant from the SCC will assist the City with the ‘Restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain Site’.  Yellagonga Regional Park contains wetlands of high conservation significance, which have come under increasing pressure due to urbanisation of the surrounding area.  The community and the City are concerned that stormwater disposal and extensive weed invasion are adversely affecting the health of the wetlands in Yellagonga Regional Park.  The ‘Restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain Site’ will aim to reduce nutrient loading to Lake Joondalup and provide habitat for local native fauna by restoring a weed-infested drainage channel to a more natural ‘stream’ flowing into Lake Joondalup.  The proposed works are in accordance with the recommendations of the Yellagonga Regional Park Management Plan 2003-2013 prepared by CALM.

Statutory Compliance

The City may be required to lodge a ‘Notice of Application under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 for the Minister’s Consent to Use Land’ with the DIA if the project involves works that may disturb an Aboriginal heritage site.  The need for approval from the Minister for Indigenous Affairs will be determined through consultation with local indigenous representatives and the SCC’s Indigenous NRM Coordinator over coming months.  This process is not expected to delay the implementation of the project, with major works associated with the wetland restoration project scheduled for 2006/2007.


Administration is currently working through the statutory process of winding up the former Yellagonga Catchment Group Inc.

Strategic Implications

The Restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain Site is consistent with the following goals and strategies of the City of Wanneroo’s Strategic Plan (2002-2005):


            “Environmental Sustainability

                        1.1       Conserve and enhance environmental assets

1.4       Foster a culture of environmental awareness, ownership and action within the community and the organisation

Healthy Communities

                        2.4.      Support safe and secure communities

                        2.6       Provide and manage infrastructure to meet the needs of our community”

Policy Implications


Financial Implications

The City’s in-kind and financial contributions towards the project of $22,640 can be funded from the annual Operational Budget for Parks Maintenance.  A budget variation is necessary, however, to reflect the $23,050 SALP grant to be received by the City.  It is proposed that the SALP grant be utilised to fund the Stage 2 of the Restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain Site, which is to be implemented during 2006/2007.  As a result, the SALP grant is to be retained in restricted grants for expenditure in 2006/2007.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:-

1.             ACCEPTS the Swan Alcoa Landcare Program grant of $23,050 from the Swan Catchment Council towards the Restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain Site, Yellagonga Regional Park.

2.             NOTES the following budget variation to reflect the Swan Alcoa Landcare Program grant for this project:


Cost Code

Present Budget

Additional Amount

Revised Budget






3.       ENDORSES the City of Wanneroo’s contribution of $22,640 over 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 towards the Restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain Site being funded through the City’s annual Operational Budget for Parks Maintenance (Conservation).

4.       NOTES the in-kind contribution of 820 volunteer hours totalling $16,400 from community volunteers involved in on-ground wetland management works in Yellagonga Regional Park towards the restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain Site.

5.       NOTES that $23,050 for Stage 2 of the Restoration of Ottawa Way Stormwater Drain Site will be retained in restricted grants for allocation in the City’s 2006/2007 Operational Budget for Parks Maintenance (Conservation).


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Corporate Services


CS01-01/06   Warrant of Payment - for the Period to 30 November 2005

File Ref:                                              S13/0002V09

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Corporate Services

File Name: BAWarrant of Payments   For the Period to 30 Novemberxxxxxxxx.doc This

Level 4 Approval by Audrey Binnie Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Wayne Wright Date 13 January 2006line will not be

Level 2 Approval by Mike Cole Date 08 December 2005

Level 1 Approval by Juanita Lee Date 07 December 2005printed Please do NOT delete

Responsible Officer:   Director Corporate Services

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Juanita Lee

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       Nil

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Presentation to the Council of a list of accounts paid for the month of November, including a statement as to the total amounts outstanding at the end of the month.


Local Governments are required each month to prepare a list of accounts paid for that month and submit the list to the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council.


In addition, it must record all other outstanding accounts and include that amount with the list to be presented.  The list of accounts paid and the total of outstanding accounts must be recorded in the minutes of the Council meeting.


The following is the Summary of Accounts paid in November 2005 -





Director Corporate Services Advance A/C

Accounts Paid – November 2005

   Cheque Numbers 

   EFT Document Numbers


Less Cancelled Cheques

Less Recoups Town Planning Schemes
















Municipal Fund – Bank A/C

Accounts Paid – November 2005

Direct Payments

Payroll – Direct Debits









$ 1,391,585.75



Town Planning Scheme 

Accounts Paid – November 2005

 Cell 1

 Cell 2

 Cell 3

 Cell 4

 Cell 5

 Cell 6

 Cell 7

 Cell 8




000011   EFT 377

000012   EFT 377

000013   EFT 377

000018   EFT 377

000020   EFT 377

000030   EFT 377

000016   EFT 377

000012   EFT 377













At the close of November outstanding creditors amounted to $1,551,856.34.




The list of accounts paid by cheque and electronic transfer in November 2005 and the end of month total of outstanding creditors for the month of November 2005 is presented to the Council for information and recording in the minutes of the meeting, as required by the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996.

Statutory Compliance

Regulation 13(1) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 requires a local government to list the accounts paid each month and total all outstanding creditors at the month end and present such information to the Council at its next Ordinary Meeting after each preparation.  A further requirement of this Section is that the prepared list must be recorded in the minutes of the Council meeting.

Strategic Implications


Policy Implications


Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council RECEIVES the list of cheques drawn for the month of November, as summarised below:-




Director Corporate Services Advance A/C

Accounts Paid – November 2005

   Cheque Numbers 

   EFT Document Numbers


Less Cancelled Cheques

Less Recoups Town Planning Schemes

















Municipal Fund – Bank A/C

Accounts Paid – November 2005

Direct Payments

Payroll – Direct Debits









$ 1,391,585.75



Town Planning Scheme 

Accounts Paid – November 2005

Cell 1

Cell 2

Cell 3

Cell 4

Cell 5

Cell 6

Cell 7

Cell 8




000011   EFT 377

000012   EFT 377

000013   EFT 377

000018   EFT 377

000020   EFT 377

000030   EFT 377

000016   EFT 377

000012   EFT 377























Warwick Greenwood Junior Cricket




  Bond Refund




Laurie Hills




  Bond Refund




David Brockwell




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




Mark Appleyard




Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




Daniel Gillbanks




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




Robert Sinkinson




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




Vesa Trandos




  Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




Brett Baldock




  Dog Registration Refund - Double-Up




Michelle Harrison




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




Clayton McKnight




Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




Caroline Alderson




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




SC & DC Pearce




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




MGP Freeman




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




LC MacPherson &




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




West Coast Church




  Donation Towards West Coast Church Christmas Program




Patrick Gill




  Bond Refund




Landsdale Cricket Club




  Bond Refund








Dot Morton




  Bond Refund








  Bond Refund




EL & MM Moller




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




E & N Selwaness




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




The Compassionate Friends




  Donations Community Funding Allocation March 2005




GA & SR Ineson




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




CA Johnston




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




A & J Hay




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




AN Mccoy




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




WE Childs & SJ Horn




  Rates Refund P/N 195015 15 Ferndale Corner - Overpayment




CW & AW Potts




  Rates Refund P/N 211619 Lot 2562 Shiralee Bend - Overpayment




Huong Thi Nguyen




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




RL & AA Roy




Vehicle Crossing Subsidy Rl & AA Roy




BK & MC Aretz




  Rates Refund P/N 143399 Lot 1399 Forrest Grove -Overpayment




John Bloomfield Real Estate




  1 X Ratepayer Financial Assistance




Peter Cook Amcal Chemist




  1 X Ratepayer Financial Assistance




Sisco Enterprises Pty Ltd




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23138




Susan J Hagarty




  Rates Refund P/N 180918 17 Heathfield Drive - Pension Rebate




City of Wanneroo




  Function For Ted Skouros - Leaving Morning Tea




City of Wanneroo




  Dog Registration - Incorrectly Receipted & Paid To 05 Renewal




City of Wanneroo




  Cash Advance Finding My Way Program - Youth Services




City of Wanneroo




  Cr Steffens Travel Allowance October 2005 - Paid To Rates




Damon Carren




Entertainment Provided For Environmental Volunteers

Appreciation Function 2/11/05




Aboriginal Seniors Group Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alexander Heights Adult Day Care




  Petty Cash




Alinta Gas




  3 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($429.25)




  Gas Supplies For The City




Buckingham House Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Corporate Services Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Councillor F Cvitan




  Travel Allowance June-October 2005








  Service Charge 21/9 - 20/10/2005 - Waste Services




Quinns Rocks Adult Day Care Petty




  Petty Cash




Surfing Western Australia Surf




  Gold Program - Safe Surfing - Community Services




Alexander Heights Community House




  Petty Cash








2005 Sustainability Forum Registration – Attendees R De Santis

& C Williams – Development & Health Services




Wanneroo Youth Centre Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Water Corporation




  Meter Repair Costs For Marangaroo Drive




Yanchep Community House Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Youth Services Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Western Power




  3 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($312.15)




  Power Supplies For The City




Ace Podiatry




  Podiatry Services - Community Services




Auto Control Doors




Project Wanneroo Administration Door Staying Open

- Building Maintenance




Big W




  Drop In Art Work Supplies - Youth Services




Bluechip Timing Pty Ltd




  Provision Of Timing Services For Fun Run




Caris Gibson




  Bubble Blowing Services For Fun Run




Cirque Bizirque




  School Holiday Program - WA Circus School




City of Perth




Workshop - Australian National Parking Group – 17-18 /11/05 -

Attendee Tony McTaggart - Ranger Services




CSBP Limited




  Pool Chemicals For Aquamotion




Ecologically Sustainable Design




  Acnu Guide To Projects Book - Planning Services




Excel Traffic Data




  Video Surveys - Project 064-5 Data Collection & Processing




Express Towing Services




  Towing Services For Fleet Maintenance




Fines Enforcement Registry




Lodgement - 100 Infringement Record Fines Enforcement Registry – Ranger Services




Frediani Milk Wholesalers




  Milk Deliveries For City




Holding Educational Aids Pty Ltd




  Selection Of Children's Books - Library Services




Integrated Group Ltd




  Casual Labour For Various Departments




Mindarie Regional Council




  Refuse Disposal - Waste Services




Natasha Stone




  Art Workshop 6/10/05 - Mobile Library School Holiday Program




OSA Group Pty Ltd




  Employee Assistant Program 1/07/05 - 30/06/06




Perth YMCA Youth Services




  YMCA Mobile Youth Service




Porta Power Australia




  Truck Starter 12/24V - Fleet Maintenance




Safety World




  Marshal Vests For Fun Run




Sage Consulting Engineers




  Hepburn Avenue Roadlighting




St John Ambulance of Australia




  First Aid Supplies - Rangers




Swan Taxis Company Operative Ltd




  Taxi Fares For July -August 05 - Community Services








  Cordless Drill - Infrastructure Maintenance




Total Turf




  Flagpoles, Flags & Tee Markers - Parks Maintenance




WA Limestone Company




  Limestone For Azelia Street - Infrastructure Maintenance




Weston Remarking Services




  Joondalup Drive Project - Operations




Westside Fire Services




  Alarm Callout To Clarkson Library




White Oak Home Care Services Pty




  Support Services 6/8 - 12/8/05




Confederation of Australian




  Licence Renewals For National Rally - Youth Services




West Australian Photographic




  Bond Print Display Boards - Cultural Development




Western Power




  1 X Ratepayer Financial Assistance




Wanneroo Library Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Young Leaders Foundation




Conference Entry For 1 Adult ($15) & 5 X Student Entry ($55) - Youth Services




WA Local Govt Superannuation




  Superannuation Contributions For October 2005




Entyce Entertainments




  DJ Services For Fun Run 30/10/2005 - Cultural Services












  Collection Notices For Rating Services




City of Wanneroo




Float For Weekend Operation Of Motivation Drive & Facility & Sale Of Composted Green Waste & Tipping Fees For George Paterson




City of Wanneroo




Parking Infringement Notice P00751 P/N 165625 Paid By BillExpress Through Rates Payment System




City of Wanneroo




Fortnightly Deduction FDC Carers Pay - Period 17/10-30/10/05 Instalment Payment




Norman Holdings (WA) Pty Ltd




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




TM Fallon




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




JC & JJ Atherton




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




MWA Hanson




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Shuhari Karate




Donations Sponsorship To Support Paige O'Donnell In Her Participation In The National All Styles Karate Tournament To Be Held In Queensland 26-27/11/05




Street Image Landscaping & Water




Reimbursement - Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23139




Seacrest Electrical Service




  Reimbursement - Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23111




Power Plus Air




  Reimbursement -Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23433




WG Walker




Rates Refund P/N 201658 15 Cassatt Street - Removal Of Recycling Bin




AE Olsen




  Rates Refund P/N 111536 5 Althorne Way - Overpayment




Bankwest Conveyancing




  Rates Refund P/N 208682 Lot 1260 Cowes Lane - Overpayment




JM & WYW Tarpey




Rates Refund P/N 208186 Lot 122 DP 41711 20 Basico Avenue – Paid Twice




Mahdi Edres




  Facility Hire Refund




S & J Arndt




Rates Refund P/N 143663 14 Gretel Court - Refund Rates Due Pool Being Removed




Lime Industries




Rates Refund P/N 150245 115 Kiln Road - Refund Due To Crown Lease Being Cancelled




Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth




Rates Refund P/N 196428 St Anthony’s Church & Presbytery

15 Dundebar Road - Refund Rubbish Charges Due To Charge Being Levied Through The Sundry Debtor System For Commercial Pickup




Pat Alborn




  Fun Run Refund X 2 (Notified Via Letter Of Non-Attendance)




Harbourside Village Pool




  Bond Refund




Mahdi Edres




  Bond Refund




Sherelle Hillary




  Bond Refund




Joanne Polden




  Bond Refund




Dovista Construction Pty Ltd




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 22788




Always Beautiful




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 22107




Mindarie Keys Early Learning Centre




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23273




LM & EF Harrison




  Rates Refund P/N 201792 40 Chatsworth Drive – Paid Twice




Aidan Van Kampen




  Rates Refund P/N 210655 9 Skeit Road - Overpayment




CJ Ashby & KL Marinan




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




JM Panek




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




DR Upton




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Mindarie Keys Joint Venture




  Rates Refund P/N 162728  17 Toulon Circle - Property Sold




Judith Sims




  Facility Hire Refunds




City of Wanneroo




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05




Aboriginal Seniors Group Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alexander Heights Adult Day Care




  Petty Cash




Alinta Gas




  Gas Supplies For The City




Amp Flexible Lifetime Super Fund




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05




Australia Post




  Postage Charges Billpay For October 2005




Building & Construction Industry




  Levy Payment Reconciliation For October 2005




Corporate Services Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Quinns Rocks Adult Day Care Petty




  Petty Cash




Alexander Heights Community House




  Petty Cash




Wanneroo Youth Centre Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Water Corporation




  Water Supplies & Equipment For The City




Zurich Client Service




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05




City of Wanneroo - Aquamotion




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05








  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05




City of Wanneroo - Limited Use




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05




Western Power




Street Lighting 24/8 - 24/9/05 ($152,058.50)




  4 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($668.45)




  Power Supplies For The City








  Bigpond Broadband




  Phone Charges For October 2005




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($51.43)




Australia Post




  Mail Preparation For October 2005




FESA House




  Catering Volunteer Meeting - Fire Services




Wanneroo Golf Club Inc




  Sponsorship Mag Day 4 November 2005 - Governance




Commander Australia Limited




  Phone Services For Yanchep Community Centre




Abacus Computers & Technology




Toner For Community Services




Acoolah Hats




  Kool Aussie Men Navy Red Hat - Depot Store Stock




Auzzi Bizzi Kites




  Entertainment For Safer Citizens Event




Book City Ocean Keys




  Books For Mobile Library




CE Nicholls & Son Pty Ltd




  Swimming Pool Inspections – Development & Health




City of Subiaco




  Long Service Leave Entitlements Transfer ForC Jalleh - HR




DA Calder




  Entertainment At The Ripper Nipper Picnic On 23/10/2005




Dark Light Lazer Game




  Games For Community Services (Youth Services)




Dept For Planning & Infrastructure




2 x Infringement Notices For Vehicle Transfers - Eco Detour Program




Dept of Conservation & Land




25 Gold Program Participants Entrance To Yanchep National Park On 27/10/2005




Dept of Consumer and Employment




  Dangerous Goods Storage Licence - Depot




Dymocks - Hay St




  Books For Girrawheen Library




Farmyard Favourites




  Mobile Nursery - Safer Citizens Program Event




FOO HUA Chinese Restaurant




  Catering For Quinns Fire Station Meeting - Fire Services




Fred Neal




  Service Fee - Eco Detour Program




Frediani Milk Wholesalers




  Milk Deliveries For City




Holiday Inn




Room Reservations 24-28/10/05 Mr Daniel Katz - Corporate Services




Honda North




  10,000 km Service To WN32321




Huricain Sports




  Holiday Program Landing Mats - Youth Services




Hydro Engineering




  Service Filters At Marangaroo Golf Course - Parks




Integrated Group Ltd




  Casual Labour For Various Departments




IT Vision




 Bizflow & Annual Maintenance For Bizflow – I.T. Services




JB Precise Engineering




  Machine & Drill Brake Drums - Fleet Maintenance




Kott Gunning Lawyers




  Professional Services For Governance (Schnattler -VRO)




Lamson Concept Ltd




  Service For Swiftmail Machine - Library Services




Madeley Development Pty Ltd




Compensation For Public Open Space In East Wanneroo Cell 6 Structure Plan




Miss K McInnes




Reimbursement For Infrastructure Field Employees Quarterly C.C.M. Sausage Sizzle




Mindarie Regional Council




  Refuse Disposal General – Waste Services




MYOB Australia Pty Ltd




Subscription Fees - Economic Development








  Photos/Digital Images - Tourism & Economic Development




Northern Districts Gymnastics




Mat Hire For School Holiday Program - Youth Services




Patch Theatre




Performance ‘Goldilocks And The Three Bears’ 27/10/05 Yanchep Community Centre




PF Donegan




  Chains & Nuts - Parks




Phoenix Motors of Wanneroo




  15,000 km Service To WN32299




Pocket Phone




  Vehicle Phone Car Kits - I.T. Services




Prime Trophies




  Trophies For Environmental Awards




Ray Scarce & Associates




Plans Processed 17-31/10/ 05 – Development & Health Services




Sardis Pty Ltd




Research & Supply New Drive For Control Panel At Marangaroo Golf Course - Parks




Sizzler Beldon




  Luncheon For Eco Detour – Dr Martinus, Economic Development




St John Ambulance of Australia




  Fun Run First Aid Cover




Strike Products




  Hosting Ripper Nipper Picnic - Safer Citizens Program Event




The Circus Shop




  Circus Classroom Kit - Community Services




The Stables Yanchep




 Camel Rides For Safer Citizens Program Events




Turf Tec Australia




  Soil Samplers - Parks




Wanneroo Smash Repairs Pty Ltd




  Repairs To WN32097




Weston Remarking Services




  Linemarking Services - Infrastructure Maintenance




Steve Smith




Meeting On Site For Development & Presentation Of Report Writing Seminar – Human Resources




UWA - Extension




Workshop Training Course, "Healing Without Violence" 16/11/05 - Attendees R Tropf & M Burton




City of Wanneroo




  Cash Advance Graham Rodger Leaving (17 yrs)




Mrs Jess Howell




  Refund For Community Art Classes




Catherine Scarborough




  Refund For Community Art Classes




Mrs Lucia Wastl




  Refund For Community Art Classes




Joan McAteer




  Refund Community Art Classes




Yvonne Johnstone




  Refund For Community Art Classes




BW & DA Smith




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




J Paulin




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




L & KNM Macri




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Wanneroo Caravan Park




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance




TR & TR Christopher




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




MS Anderson




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




J Baker & JM Murphy




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




GR Milton & GR Watson




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Ursula Wachmer




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




Ursula Wachmer




  Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




Lauren Hill




  Dog Registration Refund Overpayment




Wayne Abbot




  Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




Doreen Field




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




Malcolm Ellis




  Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




Marie Clinton




  Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




Dennis Brown




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




Peter Cowan Writers Group




  Room Bond Refund




Jenvale Pty Ltd




  Bond Refund For Lots 1, 2 & 71 Cooper Street, Madeley




AL Omara & SA Shipp




  Rates Refund P/N211716 26 Ornata Bend - Overpayment




L Fawell




  Swim School Refund




GB & NM Pilt




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy








D & S Krsteska




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Sunlight Food Pty Ltd




Rates Refund P/N 210664 - Refund As Valuation Of Land From UV To GRV Resulting In An Overpayment




W Carthew & J Milentis




Rates Refund P/N 210689 - Refund Valuation Of Land From UV To GRV Resulting In An Overpayment




F & R Mauk




Rates Refund P/N210652 - Refund Valuation Of Land UV To GRV Resulting In An Overpayment




Sally Vanoosten




  Bond Refund




Watson Property Group Madeley Rise




  Bond Refund Lots 44-49 Wanneroo Road, Madeley




Lonestar Asset Pty Ltd




  Rates Refund P/N 194732 17 St Stephens Crescent - Overpayment




Terraze Ashfold




  Swim School Refund




P McDonagh




  Facility Hire Refund




L Rowe




  Facility Hire Refund




Alinjarra Primary School




  Facility Hire Refund




M Stavreski




  Facility Hire Refund




H Devan & GR Kaur




Rates Refund P/N 207283 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




Ancor Plumbing




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23604




JMC Technologies




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23436




Mr S Ayles




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 22938




K Kivits




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23544




M & LL Crisan




Rates Refund P/N210667 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




M & M Vithal




Rates Refund P/N210661 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




L & A Major




Rates Refund P/N210663 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




RA & VM Stumpers




Rates Refund P/N210693 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




TM Tesfai & LF Selomon




Rates Refund P/N210684 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




NH Clements & LJ Dransfield




Rates Refund P/N 210674 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




PJ & V Kilrain




Rates Refund P/N210297 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




HNN Lwin & MIA Ibarguchi




Rates Refund P/N 210673 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




M & P Andric




Rates Refund P/N 210683 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




Landsdale Gardens Christian School




  Sign Bond Refund




Combrai Village Residents (RAFF)




  Sign Bond Refund




The West Australian Geranium &




  Sign Bond Refund




RM & KL Spence




Rates Refund P/N 210703 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




RMG & JM Wenn




Rates Refund P/N 211096 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




RMG & JM Wenn




Rates Refund P/N 211100 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




HMT & U Tapping




Rates Refund  P/N 194732 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




P & C Murza




Rates Refund P/N 210682 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




AM & C Kruger




Rates Refund P/N 207277 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




K & KA Silverlock &




Rates Refund P/N 210653 - Refund As Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




WS & HM Gardiner




Rates Refund P/N 210685 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




A & D Borceanu




Rates Refund P/N 210296 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




DR & LA Cridland




Rates Refund P/N 207264 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




B & R Pejoski




Rates Refund P/N 207249 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




DW Tetlow




Rates Refund P/N 211544 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




NP & SM Worsley




Rates Refund P/N 210669 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




V Onicas




Rates Refund P/N 210679 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




LL Bartley




Rates Refund P/N210690 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




V Onicas




Rates Refund P/N 210692 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




GC & DC Burgess




Rates Refund P/N 207252 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




Giuseppe La Russa




Rates Refund P/N 207248 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment








JP Lippi & HG Meech




Rates Refund P/N 207271 - Refund Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




James Cooper Pty Ltd




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 22341




NP & SM Worsley




Rates Refund P/N 207285 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




I & R Mihai




Rates Refund P/N 210303 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




F & M Safi




Rates Refund P/N 210305 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




BR Tran




Rates Refund P/N 210651 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




MB Anthony




Rates Refund P/N 210657 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




JGD Anthony




Rates Refund P/N 210658 -Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




MN Filimon




Rates Refund P/N 210309 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




Gabis Constructions Pty Ltd




Rates Refund P/N 210677 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




Expresso Mobile Cafe




  Reimbursement Of The Small Business Voucher 22963




Owen Boylan




  Refund - Building Application Withdrawn








  Refund - Building Application Not Required




Roman Catholic Archbishop of WA




  Refund - Development Application Overpaid




Automotive Properties Pty Ltd




  Refund - Development Application Overpaid




UPL (WA) Pty Ltd




  Refund - Development Application Overpaid




Toddville Prospective Pty Ltd




  Refund - Development Application Overpaid




Tasha Holdings Pty Ltd




  Refund - Development Application Overpaid




Content Living




  Refund - Code Variation Fee




Arasi Construction Pty Ltd




  Refund - Codes Variation Overpaid




J Corp Pty Ltd




  Refund - Codes Variation Overpaid




Novus Homes




  Refund - Codes Variation Overpaid




In-Vogue Living Pty Ltd




  Refund - Codes Variation Overpaid




Montague Grant Architects Pty Ltd




  Refund - Development Application Not Required




Noilly Pty Ltd




  Refund - 2 Applications Submitted For Same Job




Michael Sullivan




  Refund - 2 Applications Submitted For Same Job




Don Russell Homes




  Refund - Building Application Overpayment




Gilbert Rose Consulting WA Pty Ltd




  Refund - Building Application Overpayment




JWH Group




  Refund - Building Application Overpayment




JWH Group




  Refund - Building Application Fee




J Corp Pty Ltd




  Refund - Building Application Fee




Janet Hunter




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




R & LJ Dyke




  Rates Refund P/N 129833 181 Tranquil Drive - Overpayment




Balczer's Automotive Service Centre




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23431




PJ Franceschini




Rates Refund P/N 207280 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




FA Rossi




Rates Refund P/N 210666 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




J & Todorovski & C & S Todorovska




Rates Refund P/N 210668 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




D & R Casalanguida




Rates Refund P/N 210671 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




D & R Casalanguida




Rates Refund P/N 210672 -Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




L & JE Slavich




Rates Refund P/N 210668 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




MA Ougan




Rates Refund P/N 211095 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




BM Holman




Rates Refund P/N 210298 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




AA & DM DE Mattia




Rates Refund P/N 211535 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




R & CP Scott




  Rates Refund P/N 207253 Valuation Of Land




  Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




TN Nguyen




Rates Refund P/N 207255 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




Skye Court Nominees Pty Ltd




Rates Refund P/N 207275 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




FI & CM Gut




Rates Refund P/N 207259 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




V & M Lall




Rates Refund P/N 210700 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




BR & HM Stone




Rates Refund P/N 207262 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




Kevin Raykos




Rates Refund P/N 207261 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




Bozidar Curavic




Rates Refund P/N 210686 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




Elisa Aquilia




Rates Refund P/N 207251 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




Nicana Investments Pty Ltd




Rates Refund P/N 207276 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




ML Du Toit




Rates Refund P/N 210650 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




LM & C Andrews




Rates Refund P/N 211474 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




JS Broad & JL Wedge




Rates Refund P/N 211592 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




PR Adlam & SM Kearney




Rates Refund P/N 211550 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




B & PJ & SJ Yiend




Rates Refund P/N 207250 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




Kwai Chong Cheng & Suet King Li




Rates Refund P/N 207284 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




KA Anderson




Rates Refund P/N 207254 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




VB & L Rosser




Rates Refund P/N 210306 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




M & R Samardali




Rates Refund P/N 210659 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




M, MM & GA Samardali




Rates Refund P/N 210670 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




S & MA Rind




Rates Refund P/N 210699 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




J & JB Dvorak & RP & GA Brown




Rates Refund P/N211595 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




S Apoleski & PE D'Souza




Rates Refund P/N 207270 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




RR & SK Quinn




Rates Refund P/N 207272 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




DJ & MK Grinceri




Rates Refund P/N 210680 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




DJ Graham




Rates Refund P/N 210698 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




RP & S Scudder




Rates Refund P/N 211103 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




N Nosrati




Rates Refund P/N 207265 - Valuation Of Land Method Changed From UV To GRV Resulting In Overpayment




GJ & LE Gledhill




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




NE Flugge-Sappal & AK Sappal




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




W & C Stejski




Rates Refund P/N 198219 32 Orara Way - Due To Removal Of Recycling Bin




DG & SJ Shorthill




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




RA Carmichael & RM Duggan




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Thuy Trinh Nguyen




Rates Refund P/N 1994063 Sandringham Drive - Cancellation Of Recycling Bin




IC & NJ Brotherton




Rates Refund P/N 196708 34 Stonewall Circuit - Cancellation Of Recycling Bin




BV & CG Becht




  Rates Refund P/N189865 41 Carisbrooke Loop - Pension Rebate




Peet & Co Ltd ATF Yatala Unit Trust




Rates Refund P/N 211678 & P/N 211678 961 Joondalup Drive - Subdivision ($1,4706.24 EA)




Rates Refund P/N 210612 1000 Joondalup Drive - Subdivision ($5,757.51




LM Cross




Rates Refund P/N 196024 10 Ranworth Road - Cancellation Of Recycling Bin




Peet Ashton Heights Ltd




  Rates Refund P/N 211554 289 Pinjar Road - Subdivision




Elizabeth Martin




Rates Refund P/N 156019 7/22 Manoas Way - Cancellation Of Recycling Bin




Satterley Wanneroo Pty Ltd




  Rates Refund P/N 208968 40 Conti Road - Subdivision




JTC & B Thompson




Rates Refund P/N 176980 35 Whitson Crescent - Cancellation Of Recycling Bin




Satterley Wanneroo Pty Ltd




  Rates Refund P/N 152019 30 Conti Road - Subdivision








  Rates Refund P/N 183114 40 Andros Circuit - Overpayment




Mindarie Keys Joint Venture




  Rates Refund P/N 165179 3 Ocean Fall Boulevard - Subdivision




SF Neville




  Rates Refund P/N 211798 121 Ranch Road - Subdivision




IK & AJ Russell




  Rates Refund P/N 195835 21 Dartmouth Circle - Overpayment




Ai Nhi Wong & Sun Wah Chan




  Rates Refund P/N 205994 154 Elliott Road - Overpayment




EJ & MJ Parfitt




Rates Refund P/N 183114 4 Kalix Elbow - Cancellation Of Recycling Bin




A & R Catena




  Rates Refund P/N 209843 55 Carosa Road - Overpayment




St Brigids Convent of Mercy Inc




  Rates Refund P/N 201446 48 Mintaro Parade - Subdivision




BM & CL Ross




  Rates Refund P/N 199248 22 Wadhurst Road - Overpayment




NR Cifelli




  Rates Refund P/N 210796 15 Lavender Chase - Overpayment




SD & DL Wilson




  Rates Refund P/N 202540 30 Andrews Turn - Overpayment




J & JM Turna




Rates Refund P/N 200148 115 East Road - Cancellation Of Recycling Bin




DL & JMK Barclay




Rates Refund P/N 200764 1 Millet Link - Cancellation Of Recycling Bin








KR & KV Ross




  Rates Refund P/N 210643 38 Russell Road - Overpayment




Wanneroo North Pty Ltd




  Rates Refund P/N 209863 65 Carosa Road - Subdivision




Butler Land Company Pty Ltd




  Rates Refund P/N 211357 15 Loyola Green - Subdivision




City of Wanneroo




Fortnightly Deduction Carers Pay For Period 24/10-6/11/05

As Payment 2005/06 FDC Membership Fees




Aboriginal Seniors Group Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alexander Heights Adult Day Care




  Petty Cash




Alinta Gas




  Payment For Damage To Alinta Gas Pipes 13/10/05




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($214.50)




Beatrix Rausch




Keyholder - Phil Renkin Recreation Centre & Oldham Park Kiosk




Clarkson Youth Centre Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Corporate Services Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Department Of Land Information




  Copy Of Certificate Title Details - Rating & Planning Services




Michael Hayes




  Keyholder - Cockman House




Mr E Martin




Keyholder - Hainsworth Leisure Centre, John Moloney Clubrooms & Koondoola Community Hall




Alexander Heights Community House




  Petty Cash








Outlook Study Tour – Attendee K Smith




Wanneroo Youth Centre Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Water Corporation




  Road Footpath Reinstatements Costs Due To Hydrant Works




City of Wanneroo - Payroll Rates




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 04/11/2005




Western Power




  Power Supplies Including Streetvision For The City




  2 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($








  2 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance




Mr L Tan




  Keyholder - Peridot Park & Banksia Grove Zone




Ms J Gilbert




Tennis Booking Officer - Koondoola & Montrose Parks Tennis Courts




Ms D Hetherington




Keyholder - Hudson Clubrooms & Park, Cabrini & Lidell Park, Hudson Park Courts




Peggy Brown




Keyholder - Jenolan Way Community Centre & Addison Park Clubrooms




Clarkson Library Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Western Power




  Street Lighting For Madeley Steet, Landsdale




Mr R F Schiller




Keyholder - Clarkson Youth Centre & Anthony Waring Clubrooms & Parks








  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance




3D Networks (Australia) Pty Ltd




  Maintenance Contract 01/12-28/02/06 – I.T. Services




A & J Salamone




  Deliver Sand/Top Soil - Hilcrest/Derbi - Engineering




Airnergy Engineering




  Routine Maintenance On Safer Citizens Events Equipment




Allen Mobile Phone Services




Remove Hands Free Car Kit From WN32282, WN32283, WN32030, WN402 - Fleet Services




AR & N Contracting




Removal Of Asbestos Sheeting At Inspiration Drive &Creative Street




ARN Contracting




Removal Of Asbestos Sheeting From Darch Way And

Extra Tipping Cost For Asbestos Removal




Asphaltech Pty Ltd




  Asphalt To Hawkins Road - Engineering




Auzzi Bizzi Kites




  Auzzi Bizzi Kites - Safer Citizens Program Event




Barbara Stephenson




Entertainment At Alexander Heights Adult Day Care 2/11/05 & The Heights Community House  5/11/05




Barking Gecko Theatre Co.




Performance Fee - Treehouse October 2005 - Community Services




Benara Nurseries




  Various Plants For Parks Maintenance




Bev Manning




  Exercise Classes For Community Services




Big W




  Xmas Trees & Decorations - Alexander Heights Community




Brighton Estate Residents




  Catering - Reimbursement Of Costs For Fun Run




Call Out Help




  Internet Training Course For Seniors - Clarkson Library




Carrie Thompson




  Bubble Services At Jazz and Jive - Safer Citizens Event




Chung Wah Welfare & Community




  Specialist HACC Funded Home




City of Joondalup




  Lost/Damaged Book Charges - Library Services




  Two-Way Line Connection – I.T. Services




Collins Whitford City




  Books - Clarkson Library




Dept For Planning & Infrastructure




  Vehicle Search For Court Prosecution - Ranger Services




Edgewater Veterinary Hospital




  Pharmaceuticals For Animals - Ranger Services




  Euthanasia Of 9 Dogs - Ranger Services




Frediani Milk Wholesalers




  Milk Deliveries For City




Haines Norton Chartered




Training ‘Nuts & Bolts Workshop’ 01-02/12/05 – Attendee J Derbyshire




Hanson Construction Pty Ltd




  Construction Materials Delivered To Oakdene Drive, Madeley




Holding Educational Aids Pty Ltd




  Books For Wanneroo Library




Homecare Options




  Support Services For CACP Clients




Housing Industry Association Ltd




  Industry Outlook Breakfast 4/11/05 – Attendee C Williams




Greensmart Forum 2 11/11/05 – Attendees C Williams, R Dias & J Skouros




Integrated Group Ltd




  Casual Labour For Infrastructure Maintenance




Jade Lewis




  Presentation For Finding My Place Program - Yanchep Library




JB Hi Fi Group Pty Ltd




  CD/DVD Purchases - Clarkson Library




Kerrie Mocevic - Creative Memories




  Scrapbooking Materials For Alexander Heights




Lynford Motors




  New Vehicle Purchase BF Fairmont Ghia Sedan 1CCA056




Mindarie Regional Council




  Refuse Disposal - Waste Services








  Roadside Litter Bags - Infrastructure Maintenance




Non Organic Disposals




  Disposal Of Materials - Engineering




Optima Digital Print




  Printing - Tabs Sets For Family Day Care




  Printing - Jazz & Jive Poster - Cultural Development




  Printing - Sportsmania Posters - Cultural Development




Orchid Cove Pty Ltd




  Drycleaning For October 2005 - Fire Services




PMC Roofing Pty Ltd




  Replace Broken Roof Tiles - Broadview Park




Pocket Phone




  Mobile Phone & 2 x Car Kits – I.T. Services




Shenton Enterprises Pty Ltd




  Leaf Rakes For Depot Store Stock




St John Ambulance of Australia




  First Aid At Jazz & Jive - Safer Citizens Program Event




Switch Tech Industries Pty Ltd




  Install Carpark Lighting At Ridgewood Reserve




The Badminton Assoc Of Wa Inc




  Court Hire For Multi Sports 19/11/05 – Leisure & Library




WA Timber Sales




  Treated Pine For Parks Maintenance




Western Australian Planning




  Hard Copy Of Maps - Planning




Weston Remarking Services




  Linemarking Of Wanneroo Road








Laughter Works Australia




Laughter/Juggling Workshops For Finding My Way Program 21/11/05 - Library Services




Laughter Works Australia




Laughter/Juggling Workshops For Finding My Program 18/11/05 - Library Services




Laughter Works Australia




Laughter/Juggling Workshop For Finding My Way Program 17/11/05 x 2 Sessions - Library Services




Councillor A Blencowe




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor F Cvitan




  Councillors Allowance




Cr Dorothy Newton




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor S Salpietro




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor J Stewart




  Councillors Allowance




City of Wanneroo - Payroll Rates




Mayoral Allowance – Mayor J Kelly’s Rates ($200.00)

Councillor Allowance - Cr Newton’s Rates ($83.33)




Councillor Colin Hughes




  Councillors Allowance




Dept of Environment & Water




Clearing Permit Application To Clear Native Bushland For The Construction Of Second Carriageway In Alexander Drive




Dept of Environment & Water 




Clearing Permit Application To Clear Bush For The Reconstruction Of Driving Range & Surrounding Areas At Marangaroo Golf Course




Kitchen Witch




Overpayment Of Account Made On 10/11/05 To An Accounts Receivable Invoice




S & H C M P Strydom




Rates Refund P/N 201844 5 Haslingfield Way - Cancellation Of Recycling Bin




H N & N A Buhariwalla




  Rates Refund P/N 128082 2 Boxley Grove - Pension Rebate




Douglas Lim




  Bond Refund




Jacqui Hunt-Smith




  Bond Refund




Eric Cousins




  Bond Refund




Jay T Low




Rates Refund P/N 157676 4/63 Burbridge Avenue –Overpayment




EP Smith




Rates Refund P/N 152358 176 Kingsway - Change Of Valuation Of Land Method




Patanal Pty Ltd




  Rates Refund P/N 152352 111 Kingsway - Subdivision




Lonnegal Property Pty Ltd




  Rates Refund P/N 152005 46 Clarkson Avenue - Subdivision




Lonnegal Properties Pty Ltd




Rates Refund P/N 204818 76 Clarkson Avenue - Due To Subdivision




Empire Oil Company (WA)




Rates Refund P/N 197927 359 Neaves Road - Cancellation Of Mining Tenement




Carine Nominees Pty Ltd




Rates Refund P/N 209368 2359E Marion Avenue Jindalee - Subdivision




ML & SP George




Rates Refund P/N 143651 12 Shamrock Ct - Cancellation Of Rubbish Services




I & RA Barker




  Rates Refund P/N 137388   22 Galeru Place - Overpayment




GM Bullard




  Rates Refund P/N 168841 4 Carberry Square - Overpayment




LS Birchall




  Rates Refund P/N 190305 6 Starrs Road - Overpayment




A & J Zubko




  Rates Refund P/N190384 28 Rio Marina Way - Overpayment




GJ & LM Ryland




  Rates Refund P/N 185167 22 Ollera Meander - Overpayment




Ngoc Tan Huynh & Thi Lieu Truong




  Rates Refund P/N 112317 12 Clover Square - Overpayment




SH & MJ Powell 




  Rates Refund P/N 185932 19 Landra Loop - Overpayment




JJ Barrow & CL Jarvis 




  Rates Refund P/N 141080 47 Moorpark Avenue - Overpayment




WE Burgoyne 




  Rates Refund P/N 135603 11 Stuart Place - Overpayment




VA Hayes & M Prins-Hayes 




  Rates Refund P/N 100138 2 Baker Court - Overpayment




Khac Loc Do & Thi Kim Nhung Vu 




  Rates Refund P/N 100173 59 Leicester Square - Overpayment




DJ & ZM Cox 




  Rates Refund P/N111111 27 Colne Way - Overpayment




PJ De La Rie & EJ Nichols 




  Rates Refund P/N157808 4B Synnot View - Overpayment




State Housing Commission & 




Rates Refund P/N 209757 61 Observatory Drive - Due To Subdivision




Homeswest Rentals 




  Rates Refund P/N 160401 11D Ferrara Way - Due To Subdivision




JB, JE & PE Tilbrook




Rates Refund P/N 125973 45 Landsdale Road - Amended Valuation




Barton Pty Ltd




Rates Refund P/N 125989 45 Denver Avenue - Change Of Valuation Of Land Method




Galea Building Co Pty Ltd




  Rates Refund P/N 135892 43 Lancaster Road - Subdivision




Arturo Rudi




  Rates Refund P/N152410 8 Denver Road - Subdivision




RV & WD Bailey




  Rates Refund P/N 187268 21 Torridon Loop - Overpayment




MP & BW Greenfield




  Rates Refund P/N 189678 29 Cantrell Circuit - Overpayment




Homeswest Rentals




  Rates Refund P/N 212704 650 Connolly Drive - Subdivision




R & L Manuel




Rates Refund P/N 200611 30 Brightlands Circuit - Pension Rebate




SK & LG Mackenzie




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




A Gossi




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




AJ Butcher & SG Fiedler




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




L Hart




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




E Devitt




  Dog Registration Refund - Overpayment




W Mather-Brown




  Dog Registration Refund - Over Payment




D Necovski




  Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




S Tam




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




D Tenardi




  Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




Y Cleal




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




Irene McCormack Catholic College




  Facility Hire Refund




AF Mason




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Lauren Cavanagh




  Bond Refund - Gumblossom Function Room




  $500 Bond Less Damage Costs




Rema L Webster




Rates Refund P/N 100625 2 Alola Court - Pension Rebate Due To Sale Of Property




Watson Property Group Madeley




Rates Refunds:-

 P/N 152411 2 Korab Link - Valuation Of Land Method Changed

P/N 152926 29 Denver Avenue - Valuation Of Land Method Changed

P/N 209106 29 Tyne Crescent - Due To Strata




L Redfern




  Rates Refund P/N 211732 41 Ornata Bend – Paid Twice




Marco Crocetta




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance




Peet & Co Ltd AFT Yatala Unit Trust




  Rates Refund P/N 208588 1000 Joondalup Drive - Subdivision








JD Trandos




  Rates Refund P/N 162418 55 Timely Hostess Mews -




Watson Property Group Ashby Rise




  Rates Refund P/N 207951 57 Pinjar Road - Subdivision




Congregation of Vietnamese




  Rates Refund P/N 146575 19 Bradford Place - Rate Exemption




GJ & LE Gledhill




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




PC Beckett




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Tales With A Twist




Reimbursement Of The Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23372




1st Wanneroo Scout Group




  Facility Hire Refund




Watson Property Group Ashby Rise




  Subdivision Bond Refund - Ashby Rise




Watson Property Group Ashby Rise




  Subdivision Bond Refund - Ashby Rise




SC & JJE Sullivan




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




JR Holmes




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




P & G Rankin




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




JH Kelly & GL Quinsee




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




GJ Egbury & G Alliston




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




J Herkes & L Wyeth




  Rates Refund P/N 20335418 Boscastle Way -Overpayment




Aged & Community Services WA Inc




Registration Carers Recognition Act 2004 & Implications 1/12/05 – Community Servfices




Alicia Curtis




  Finding My Place Workshop 2/12/05 At Wanneroo Library




All Out 24HR Towing Service




  Towing Services – Fleet




Andrew Del Marco




Consultancy - Local Biodiversity Strategy Discussion Paper And Draft - Planning Services




ARN Contracting




Removal Of Asbestos From Taywood Park – Infra. Maintenance




Auzzi Bizzi Kites




Kite Display At Wanneroo Recreation Centre - Cultural Development




BCJ Plastics Products Pty Ltd




  Acrylic Opal Dome - Depot Stores / Building Maintenance




Bee Removal Service




  Removal Of Bees - Kingsway Reserve




Best Roads Group




  Raise 2 Existing Grates Gnangara Road – Infra. Maintenance




Big Red Fire Engine




Hire Of Big Red Fire Engine 6/11/05 At Buckingham House  - Leisure Services




Books Unlimited




  Boos For Wanneroo Library




Briskleen Supplies




  Lemon Pumice Hand Cleaner - Fleet




C & EM Harmer




  Newspaper Deliveries For City




Cape Demolition




  30 X Monier 100 Tiles - Building Maintenance




City of Joondalup




  Licence Cost For Two-Way Radio Site At High Road, Wanneroo




Coastal Services




Repairs To Jarrah Lounge Bar Fridge & Dishwasher In Mayor’s Area




David Gray & Company Pty Ltd




  Abate - Development & Health




Dewsons Wanneroo




Food Items For Farewell Barbeque For Duncan Greenock’s - Infrastructure




Don Smith




   Story Teller For Seniors Morning




Dymocks - Hay St




  Books - Girrawheen Library




Edgewater Veterinary Hospital




  Pharmaceuticals For Dogs – Ranger Services




Estate Landscape Maintenance




  Landscape Maintenance Services Within Butler – Infra. Projects




Express Towing Services




  Towing Services - Fleet




Eyes On




  Safety Single Vision Glasses For L Sampson




First Aid Kit Sales Australia WA




  First Aid Supplies - Human Resources




Frediani Milk Wholesalers




  Milk Deliveries For City








  Catamaran Sailing For Senior’s Week – Leisure Services




Gear To Go




  Gift Voucher For Participants In Bush Walk For Senior’s Week




Global Aqua Care




  Supply & Install Urinals For Alexander Community Centre




Greenes Tyre & Brake Service




  Puncher Repair - Fleet




Integrated Group Ltd




  Casual Labour For Infrastructure Maintenance




Jim Kidd Sports




  3 X Fitballs For Aquamotion




JMV Hydraulics




  Hydraulic Cylinder - Fleet




Keith Child




  Concrete Kerbing, Cream At Civic Centre




  Flush Kerbing, Gray At Ormiston Park




Lawry Halden




  Workshops For Finding My Place Program - Library Services




Mindarie Regional Council




  Refuse Disposal Domestic & MRF - Waste Services




Mix 94.5FM




Radio Advertising Beach To Bush Festival - Cultural Development




Modern Motor Trimmers




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




MP Bruno




  Entertainment For Pioneer Lunch 17/11/05 - Marketing




Nuturf Australia Pty Ltd




  Primo Growth Retardant – Infra. Maintenance




Parker Black & Forrest




  Provide Service/Parts At Clarkson Library




Patch Theatre




Performance ‘Goldilocks And The Three Bears’ At  Jenolan Way, Banksia Grove, Alexander Heights




Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd




3RD WA State Coastal Conference November 2005 – Attendee C Johnson




Ray Scarce & Associates




  Plans Processed 1-13 November 2005 - Approval Services




Roger James Buckley




  Volunteer Payment




Roy V and Ann Burton




Playing Jazz 21 - 13 /11/05 Wanneroo Recreation Centre - Cultural Development




Sabu Jewellery




Presentation - Website Marketing & Search Engine Optimisation For Small Businesses 26/10/05 - Economic Development




Sensis Pty Ltd




  Aquamotion Advertisement - Sensis




Shenton Enterprises Pty Ltd




  Pool Cleaner For Aquamotion




Slater & Gartrell Sports




Supply Synthetic Turf Consultant Report On Practice Wickets at Oldham Way, Yanchep – Infra. Maintenance




The Red Book Service




  Red Book Vehicle Price Lookup Service - Fleet Services




Vetwest Animal Hospital




  Medication For Kitten - Ranger Services




WA Limestone Company




Limestone & ESL Deliveries Including Waiting Time – Infra.  Maintenance




WA Paint City




  Colortone - Building Maintenance




Wanneroo Optometrists




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance




West Coast Property Training




Lecturing - Commercial Leasing 28/09/05 & 19/10/05 - Economic Development




World Class Entertainment




  Pirate Dudes Show For Wanneroo Library 29/09/05




City of Wanneroo




Fortnightly Deduction From FDC Carers Pay For 31/10-13/11/05 As Payment For 05/06 FDC Membership Fees

Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/05




Aboriginal Seniors Group Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alexander Heights Adult Day Care




  Petty Cash




Alinta Gas




  2 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($275.85)




  Gas Supplies For Aquamotion 28/09-27/10/05




Amp Flexible Lifetime Super Fund




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/2005




Australia Post




  Postage Charges For October 2005 For Lodged Mail




Muriel Burnaby




  Volunteer Payment




Mary Colvin




  Volunteer Payment




Community Development Support




  Petty Cash




Corporate Services Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Girrawheen Library Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alan Green




  Volunteer Payment




Hainsworth Community Centre Petty




  Petty Cash




Ms S McMahon




  Volunteer Payment




Quinns Rocks Adult Day Care Petty




  Petty Cash




Alexander Heights Community House




  Petty Cash




Water Corporation




  Repair Work Wanneroo Road – Infra. Maintenance




  Water Supplies For Various Locations








Zurich Client Service




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/2005




City of Wanneroo - Aquamotion




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/2005




City of Wanneroo - Payroll Rates




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/2005




City of Wanneroo - Limited Use




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/2005




Western Power




  2 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($194.65)




  Power Supplies For Various Sites








  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($67.02)




  Phone Charges – I.T. Services




Australia Post




  Postage Charges For October 2005 Mail Pickup Charges




Zurich Aust Insurance Ltd




Insurance Excess Payment For WN31488 - Contracts & Property




Tina Lisieski




  Volunteer Payment




Bernice Duncan




  Volunteer Payment




Dale Sutherland




  Volunteer Payment




Albina Carcione




  Volunteer Payment




Graeme Lewis




  Volunteer Payment




Frank West




  Volunteer Payment




Rhonda Goddard




  Volunteer Payment




Susan Morrissey




  Volunteer Payment




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Spoiled - Print Error




Mrs Lucia Wastl




  Art Class Refund




Sean Quintal




  Bond Refund




F & R Classic Cabinets




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 22937




BA Green




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




PJ & PM Stevens




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Mitchell Falleni




  Swim School Refund




SG & W Peacock




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy








  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




C & I Rocchi




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




D & YS Rankin




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




GK & PA Sillis




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




LC Smith




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Jesus Lives Mission




  Facility Hire Refund




MS Deluca & C Gullotto




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Heng Ching Lee




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Josef A Schmidt




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




B & S Hales




  Rates Refund P/N 207884 25 Hennessy Drive - Overpayments




Jagdish Gill




  Facility Hire Refund




David Pape




  Refund Part Payment Of Podiatry Fee Charged On 28/09/05




Bruce Russell




  Bond Refund




Karen Munckton




  Bond Refund




Aboriginal Seniors Group Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alexander Heights Adult Day Care Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alinta Gas




  1 X Ratepayer Financial Assistance




Aquamotion Office Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Clarkson Youth Centre Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Corporate Services Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Honeywell Secondhand Shop




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance




Mobile Library Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Quinns Rocks Adult Day Care Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alexander Heights Community House Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Valuer Generals Office




  GR Interim Valuations - Rating Service




WA Local Govt Superannuation




  Super Contributions For November 2005




Wanneroo Library Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Wanneroo Youth Centre Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Water Corporation




  Water Services For City




Yanchep Community House Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Yanchep Two Rocks Library Petty Cash




  Petty Cash








Western Power




  5 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($582.85)




  Power Supplies For The City








  3 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance




Clarkson Library Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Allen Mobile Phone Services




  Remove/Install Nokia Phone Kit To 99007 - Fleet Services




Altered State Pty Ltd




Performance Of Eric Weideman At Kingsway sporting Complex 16/11/2005




Auzzi Bizzi Kites




Kite Display At Sportsmania 19/11/05 At Kingsway Sports Complex




Balga Parents & Citizens Inc




Registration - Youth At Risk Forum 8/11/2005 – Attendee V Jeyakumar




Basketball WA




  Hire Basketball Hoop - Safer Citizens Program Event




Book City Ocean Keys




  Books For Clarkson Library




Bridgeleigh Reception Centre




  Catering For Community Services Volunteers Function




Briskleen Supplies




  Hand Cleaner - Fleet Maintenance




C & EM Harmer




  Newspaper Delivery - Office Of The CEO




Caris Gibson




Bubble Blowing Services At Ripper Nipper Picnic 23/10/05 & Sportsmania Get Active Wanneroo 10,000 19/11/05 – Safer Citizens Program Events  




Casewest Pty Ltd




  Debt Collection Fees Against Late Invoice - Fleet Maintenance




Cathy Jordan




  Yoga At Kingsway Oval - Safer Citizens




City of Joondalup




Service Level Agreement For September & October 2005 - Libraries Services




  Lost/Damaged Book Charges - Library Services




David Coombes




Fishing Demonstration For Sportsmania - Safer Citizens Program Event




Dewsons - Merriwa




  Food Items For Community Services




Dewsons Wanneroo




  Grocery Items - Youth Services




Downer Electrical Pty Ltd




Move Traffic Signal Pole Wanneroo Road & Gnangara Road – Infra. Maintenance




Dymocks - Hay St




  Books - Library Services




Edgewater Communications




  Service Call To Wanneroo Library – I.T. Services




  Service Call To Ranger System – I.T. Services




  Service Call To Aquamotion – I.T. Services




FOO HUA Chinese Restaurant




  Meals For Neerabup & Carabooda Fires - Fire Services








  Torch For Economic Development




Haines Norton Chartered Accountants




Audit Services In Respect Of The Year Ended 30 June 2005 & Audit Certifications Of Various Grants Acquittals




Homecare Options




  Support Services For HACC Clients




Integrated Group Ltd




  Casual Labour For Various Departments




JB Precise Engineering




  Spare Parts For Fleet Maintenance




Jill O'Halloran (Yoga Lessons)




  Yoga Presentation At Sportsmania 19/11/05




Jim Kidd Sports




  Portable Basketball Unit - Youth Services




  Various Sports Items - Community Services




Johndec Engineering Plastics Pty Lt




  Repair One (1) Fibreglass Playground Slide - Parks




Judy Rogers




Presentation Workshop At The "Treasurers"Event Wanneroo Recreation Centre 13/11/05




Kerrie Mocevic - Creative Memories




  Scrapbooking Materials - Alexander Heights Adult Day Centre




KFC - Head Office




  Meals For Neerabup Fire – Rangers Services




  Meals For Wanneroo Fire Depot




Landsdale Plant Farm




  Plants  - Infrastructure Projects




Laughter Works Australia




  Workshop For Finding My Place Program - Library Services




Main Roads




Refund Of Funds Received By The City Of Wanneroo For Two Projects Under State Black Spot Program 2005/06 (Council Report IN10-11/05 Refers)




McDonalds Wanneroo




  Meals For Neerabup Fire - Rangers




Medals & Military Research




  Supply Fire Service Plaques On Jarrah Bases – Ranger Services




Mindarie Regional Council




  Refuse Disposal - Waste Services




Mindarie Waterfront Hotel




  Function Food & Bar For Emergency Services Function




North River Caravans




  Cover For Fire Trailer – Ranger Services




Northcoast Marine Modellers




Supply Model Boats Display At Kingsway Sports Complex    19/11/05




Northside Caravan Repairs




  Toilet Replacement At Mobile Library - Building Maintenance




Ozzi Bugs




  Hire Of Carousel 23/10/05 For Ripper Nipper Picnic




Pharmacy Plus Joondalup




  Printing & Photo Development - Fire Services




Phase One Audio




  Audio System For Sportsmania - Safer Citizens Event




Playground Solutions




  Repairs To Playground Equipment – Infra. Maintenance




Pocket Phone




  1 X Nokia Phone – I.T. Services




  Handsfree Kit – I.T. Services




Quinns Rocks Environmental Group




  Display At The Ripper Nipper Picnic - Safer Citizens Event




R & G Grace Enterprises Pty LTD




Running Of Basketball Clinic At Sportsmania - Safer Citizens Event








  General Garden Mix For Libraries




Roadmarking Industry Assoc of Aust




  Pavement Marking & Signs Seminar 29/09/05 – Attendee R Jack




Shimmy Shack




  Safer Citizens Sportsmania Workshop




Suncity Newsagency




  Newspapers For Yanchep Library 10/10/05 - 6/11/05




Teen Challenge Freedom & Success




Presentations - Say No To Drugs At Girrawheen Library, Wanneroo Library & Clarkson Library




The Stables Yanchep




  Sportsmania Event At Kingsway Sports Complex




Toms Mobile Car Cleaning




  Detail Nissan WN32091 - Carabooda Fire – Ranger Services




Trophy Specialists




  Name Tags & Plaques For Pioneers - Marketing Services




UAM Conference




  Social Function2005 Proceedings – Attendee T McTaggart




WA Limestone Company




  Limestone & Bitumen Deliveries – Infra. Maintenance




WA Olympic Council




  Appearance Fees For Athletes At Sportsmania 19/11/05




WA Rangers Association Inc




  Rangers Notebooks/Covers




Wanneroo Motorcycles




  Spare Parts For Fleet Maintenance




Weston Remarking Services




  Glowline Bullnoses On Island At Hillcrest Road




  Spotting For Linemarking At Hillcrest Road




Wheelchair Basketball WA




  Wheelchair Basketball For Sportsmania - Safer Citizens




White Line Management Pty Ltd




Sportsmania At Kingsway Sports Complex 19/11/05 - M Seaby & B Jones




Integrated Group Ltd




  Casual Labour For Infra. Maintenance




Botanic Golf




Vouchers For Response To Completed Quality Assurance Surveys To Families & Children








  Total Director Corporate Services Advance - Cheques













Australian Taxation Office PAYG Payments




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: NCP 28/10/05








  Cabcharge - Welfare Department




Councillor Terry Loftus




  Travel Allowance - October 2005




Duncan & Crosbie Pro Golf WA Pty Ltd




  Various Items For Charity Golf Day








  Final ESL Payment 2004/05




Marquee Magic




  Hire Of Marquees, Trestles & Chairs - Ranger Services




Mr George Paterson




  Telephone Subsidy Waste Services




Mr Michael Barry




Reimbursement Of Replacement Costs To Window Of Vehicle WN32298




Trailer Parts Pty Ltd




  Bearing & Seal – Fleet Maintenance












Wanneroo Electric




  Electrical Maintenance - Wanneroo Recreation Centre












Action Lock Service




  Locking Services - Building Maintenance




Advanced Sporting Surfaces Australia




Supply & Install Synthetic Turf To Match Wicket At Koondoola Park




Algar Burns Pty Ltd




  Crystal Reports - I.T. Services




Altus Traffic




Hire Of Traffic Controllers At Various Project Sites




Amcap Distribution Centre




  Spare Parts For Fleet Maintenance




APMM Group




  Training Assessment For D Elliott - Contracts & Properties








  Key Safe Collection - Library Clarkson & Aquamotion




Australian Airconditioning Services Pty Ltd




  Services At Various Sites - Building Maintenance




Australian Consumers Association




  Online Subscriptions - Library Services




Australian Institute of Management




  Project Introduction 6/10/05 - Participant E Morrison




Word Advanced (B)  7/10/05 - Participant E Morrison




Word Advanced (A) 22/9/05 - Participant - E Morrison




Excel Advanced (Part 1) 28/9/05 Participant - E Morrison




Barloworld Coatings (Aust) Pty Ltd




  Paint Supplies - Graffiti Program




Beaurepaires For Tyres




  Tyre Fitting Services - Fleet Maintenance




BOC Gases Account Processing




  Oxygen Medical Bottle - Aquamotion




Boral Construction Materials Group Ltd




  Concrete Products Delivered To Various Project Sites




Bounce Away




  Supervised Bouncer For Ripper Nipper Picnic




  Supervised Bouncer For Fun Run




BP Australia Ltd




  Hypogear Vehicle Oil - Depot Store




Bunnings Pty Ltd




  Hardware Purchases For Various Departments




Bywest Pty Ltd




  Mower Spare Parts - Depot Store




Carramar Resources Industries




  Yellow Sand - Operations




Centaman Systems Pty Ltd




  Centaman Licences – Leisure Services




Charter Plumbing & Gas




  Repairs To Ground Floor Billi Unit - Chiller Sensor Faulty




  Repairs To Billi Unit Filter – Mayor’s Office




City Business Machines




  10 x Optical Mouse – I.T. Services




Clean Sweep




Sweeping Of Abbeville Circle, Rothesay Heights & Madeley Netball Courts – Infra. Maintenance




Coles Supermarkets Aust Pty Ltd




  Consumables For Community Service




Glycerine & D/Washing Liquid - Safer Citizens Program Events




Community Newspapers




  Advertising For September 2005




Complete Turf Supplies




  Supply & Install Shreaded Kikuyu - Sandow Park








  HP Black Toner Cartridge - I.T. Services




Courier Australia




  Courier Charges For Various Departments








  Spare Parts For Fleet Maintenance




Crommelins Handyman Hire & Sales




  Drive Belt - Fleet Maintenance




Direct Communications




 Radio Remote Head & Installation To 98022 - Fleet Maintenance




DME Contractors




Landscape Works At Coastal Rise – Infra. Maintenance




Dowsing Concrete




  Lay Footpaths At Various Locations




ERS Australia Pty Ltd




  Parts Cleaner - Fleet Maintenance




Forcorp Pty Ltd




  Amber Mini Bar RFI Protection - Fleet Maintenance




Globe Australia Pty Ltd




  Ryegrass All Sports (Chemicals) - Parks Maintenance




Grass Growers




Mulch Stockpiles Of Greenwaste For October 20 05 - Waste Services




Hitachi Construction Machinery Pty Ltd




  Vehicle Filters For Depot Store




Home Chef




  Meals For HACC/CACP Clients




Icon Office Technology




  Photocopier Meter Reading For Various Departments




Intercity Office Partitioning




  New Roof Construction At Badgerup Weighbridge Office




  Complete Works - Lake Joondalup




  Clean Gutters At Joondalup Pre School




Jacksons Drawing Supplies Pty Ltd




  Suspension Strip Rodia – Infra. Projects




JCA Dealer Services




  Cameras For Fleet Maintenance




Jtagz Pty Ltd




  Yellow Wrapstraps – Ranger Services




KBR Water Services Pty Ltd




Overhaul Pump/Motor & Bore - Hainsworth & Highview Parks








Contract Staff - K Kirby, Acting Coordinator Building Projects




Knight & Sons




  Animal Foodstuffs – Ranger Services




Lawrence & Hanson




  Safety Items For Depot Store Stock




MacDonald Johnston Engineering Company Pty Ltd




  Parts For Fleet Maintenance




Major Motors




  Parts For Fleet Maintenance




Mayday Earthmoving




  Bobcat Hire - Sandow Park




Memo Communications




  Install Two-Way Radio - Fleet




Mercury Firesafety Pty Ltd




   Fire Extinguisher Service - Fleet Maintenance




  Monthly Inspection Of Fire Services - Clarkson Library




  Inspection Of Essential Fire Services For September 2005




Mike Geary Signs




Supply Fit & Remove Signs City Of Wanneroo Advertising Signs For Wanneroo Shopping Centre




Miracle Recreation Equipment Pty Ltd




  Modifications To Fence Liner At Aquamotion




Mobile Glass




  Glazing Services For City




Morley Mower Centre




  Parts For Fleet Maintenance




Mossys Mini Excavations




Payment No. 1 - Supply & Installation Of Street Lighting In Hepburn Avenue (Mirrabooka Avenue To Alexander Drive) ($74,300.62)

Provision Of Underground Thrusting To Girrawheen Avenue – Infra. Maintenance  ($26,125.00)




Nick Del Borrello




  Contract Labour - Fleet Maintenance




Northern Districts Pest Control




  Pest Control At Various Sites








  Vehicle Services For Fleet Maintenance




Ocean Keys Newsagency




  Books  - Clarkson Library




Onesteel Distribution




  Square Edge Flats (Steel) - Fleet Maintenance








  Glass Bin Transport From Wangara MRF To Railroad




Palace Homes & Construction Pty Ltd




Progress Payment 3 - Construction Of Ridgewood Change Room Facility




Perth Home Care




  Support Services HACC/CACP Clients




Perth iX




  MicrowaveAccess For September2005 - I.T. Services




  Internet Access For November 2005 – I.T. Services




PLE Computers




  Bi-Directional Printer Cable - I.T. Services




Productive Plastics




  Sheets Of Eggcrate - Clarkson Library




  Sheets Of Eggcrate - Building Maintenance




Protector Alsafe




  Various Parts For Fleet Maintenance




Raed Kaldis




   Hip Hop Workshop - Youth Services




RCG Pty Ltd




  Disposal Of Material – Infra. Maintenance




Red Hot Parcel Taxi




  Freight For Fleet Maintenance




Reekie Property Services




Cleaning Services Extra Charges For September 2005 – Building Maintenance




Reface Industries




  Stationery/DVD Doughnut Rings - Library Services




Rinker Australia Pty Ltd




  Concrete Products Delivered To Various Project Sites




Roads 2000 Pty Ltd




  Road Works In Quinns Rock - Infrastructure




Royal Life Saving Society Australia




  Enrolment: Heart Beat Club (Group) - Development Services




RPG Auto Electrics




  Labour On Unit 97016 – Fleet Maintenance




Sanax St Andrews Pharmacy




  Zinc, Sunscreen & Insect Repelant - Depot Store Stock




Scotts Trimming Service




  Reupholster Passenger Seat - Fleet Maintenance




Sign A Rama




  Sign For Mobile Library




Sign Supplies




Release Of Retention For Construction Of 5 Bus Shelters - Infrastructure




Silverlock & Co Pty Ltd




  Tote Box Lids - Library Services




Solver Paints




  Paint Supplies For Graffiti Program - Building Maintenance




Spineless Wonders




Spineless Wonders - The Great Outdoors - Safer Citizens Event




Spotlight Stores Pty Ltd




  Art And Craft Supplies - Community Services




Statewide Cleaning Supplies Pty Ltd




  Cleaning Supplies - Depot Store Stock




Stopmaster Brakes




  Brake Parts For Fleet Maintenance




Sunny Sign Company




  Direction Signs – Infra. Planning




Supercrane 2000




  Crane Maintenance - Fleet Maintenance




The Carers




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients




The Pursuits Group




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients




Total Eden Watering Systems




  Reticulation Items – Parks Maintenance








  Spare Parts For Fleet Maintenance




Turfmaster Pty Ltd




  Vertimow Various Parks – Infra. Maintenance




UES (Int'L) Pty Ltd




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Vibra Industrial Filtration Australia




  Air Filter Cleaning - Depot Store




WA Kerbing Pty Ltd




  Kerbing Works – Infra. Maintenance




WA Police Service




National Police Checks July-August 2005 - Community Services




Wanneroo Central Newsagency




  Newspapers & Magazines Subscriptions - Library Services




Wanneroo Electric




  Electrical Maintenance At Various Locations




Wanneroo Hardware




  Hardware Purchases For Various Departments




Wanneroo Plumbing




  Plumbing Maintenance At Various Locations




Wanneroo Trophy Shop




  Name Badges For Various Employees








  Two Stroke - Depot Store Stock




White Oak Home Care Services Pty Ltd




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients




Worldwide Online Printing




  Base Stick - Library Services




  New Employee Handbook Covers - Human Resources




  Base Stock - Aquamotion












Australian Manufacturing Workers Union




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05




Australian Services Union




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05




Australian Taxation Office PAYG Payments




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05




Bounce Away




  Supervised Bouncer Hire For Kidsfest




Builders Registration Board




  Collection Agency Fees - Oct 05




Bush Fire Brigade Quinns




  Part Costs Christmas Party 2005




Child Support Agency




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05




City of Wanneroo - Social Club




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05




Duncan & Crosbie Pro Golf WA Pty Ltd




  Beverages For Staff Charity Day




HBF Insurance




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05




Joe Arrigo




  Reimbursement - Keys Cut For Wanneroo Recreation Centre




KW Inns & KF Penno




Contract Management Fees For October 05 & Reimbursement Of Expenditure & EFTPOS Fees - Quinns Caravan Park








  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05




Ms Hazel Owen




  Reimbursement -Keys Cut For Warradale Community Hall




Municipal Liability Scheme




  Insurance 2nd Instalment - Contracts & Property




Municipal Property Scheme




  Insurance Instalment 15/09-30/06/06 - Contracts & Property




Valuer Generals Office




  Land Valuations For Rating Services












Geoffs Tree Service




  Tree Services (Various) For Infra. Maintenance




Wanneroo Electric




  Electrical Works At Wanneroo Administration












A Class Linemarking Service




  Line Marking At Yanchep – Infra. Maintenance




Actimed Australia




  First Aid Supplies - Community Services




Advanced Nursery




  1 x Plant - Parks Maintenance




Air Liquide WA Pty Ltd




  Cylinder Hire - Depot Store Stock




A-Line Brick Paving




  Brick Paving At Various Locations - Operations








  Self Inking Stamps - Approvals




Amcap Distribution Centre




  Spare Parts For Fleet Maintenance








  Meter Reading Kip2900 - Planning




  Bond Paper - Planning




Art Support Pty Ltd




  Wire Hanging Assembly - Wanneroo Recreation Centre




  Hanging Rail & Assemblies - Temporary Museum Facility








  Design Traffic Management Plan - Leisure Services




Australian Institute of Management




Word Intermediate 20/10/2005 - E Morrison, Human Resources




AVP Construction




  Foreign Objects Spa Pipeworks - Aquamotion




Bank of I.D.E.A.S.




Workshop ‘Turning Dreams Into Sustainable Businesses’ 5/09/05 - Attendee Dr Ian Martinus




Barloworld Coatings (Aust) Pty Ltd




  Paint Supplies - Graffiti Program




BBC Entertainment




  Storyteller For Kidsfest (Andy Brown) - Cultural Development




Beaurepaires For Tyres




  Tyre Fitting Services - Fleet Maintenance




Belair Smash Repairs Pty Ltd




  Insurance Excess Payment WN32102 - Insurance Services




BGC Blokpave




  Works At Derbi & Hillcrest, Alexander Heights




Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd




  Multi Media Stock - Wanneroo Library




Boral Construction Materials Group Ltd




  Concrete Products Delivered To Various Sites




Boya Equipment




  Mower Blades - Fleet Maintenance




Bunnings Pty Ltd




  Air Compressor - Waste Services




Bywest Pty Ltd




  Bar Blade Toro - Depot Store Stock




CA Technology Pty Ltd




Interplan @ User Group Conference & Workshop 23-24/11/05 – Attendee V Thorogood








  Cabcharges For Various Departments




Cadbury Schweppes Pty Ltd




  Beverages For Aquamotion




Carringtons Traffic Services




  Traffic Controllers At Various Sites




CBC Bearings WA Pty Ltd




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance








  Camera Film Polaroid - Depot Store Stock




Central TAFE - Financial Services Branch




   Audit Of Public Artworks – Governance & Strategy




Challenge Batteries WA




  Vehicle Batteries - Fleet Maintenance




Chef Excel Pty Ltd




  Catering Services For Various Council Functions




City Business Machines




  Various Items – I.T. Services




Civica Pty Ltd




  Authority Service Account (Purchase Of Authority Services)




Clarkson Holden




  New Vehicle Purchase - Holden Calais WN217




Clean Sweep




  Sweeping Services At Wangara & Joondalup Drive




Coates Hire Operations Pty Ltd




  Equipment Hire - Safer Citizens & Engineering




Coles Supermarkets Aust Pty Ltd




  Pantry Items - Quinns Day Centre




Complete Turf Supplies




  Supply/Lay Turf At Various Sites - Engineering




Cookies & More




  Catering Supplies - Elected Members




Cottman Australia




  Cleaning Supplies - The Heights








  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Co-Working Solutions - Business Management Consulting & Training




  Strategic Plan Development 2005 - Wanneroo Town Centre




DBS Fencing




  Supply & Install Fencing Hepburn Avenue - Engineering




Delaware North Australia WACA




  Catering For Various Civic Functions




Direct Communications




  Power Lead - Ranger Services




DME Contractors




Streetscape Maintenance For September 2005 – Infra. Maintenance




Edith Cowan University




Funding For Research Project Midge Research Lake Joondalup – Development & Health




Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd




  Reticulation Items - Parks Maintenance




Face Painter Extraordinaire




  Face Painting At Kids Festival - Cultural Development




Forcorp Pty Ltd




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Framecor Picture Framers




  Hanging Tracks - Wanneroo Community Centre








Seminar Presentation "Small Business Smart Business" & Consultancy Promotion & Marketing - Economic Development




  Interactive ED Awards CD Cards - Economic Development




Glenfords Tool Centre




  Various Items - Building Maintenance




GPR Truck Sales & Service




  Wheel Alignment To 195153 - Fleet Maintenance




Graffiti Systems Australia




  Graffiti Removal From Various Sites - Building Maintenance




Gronbek Security




  Lockwood Twin - Building Maintenance




Hallmark Editions




Subscription Renewal Councillor Magazine March – December 2006




Harris Technology




  Printhead – I.T. Services




Hays Personnel Services




  Contractor Building Surveyor - Approvals




Hitachi Construction Machinery Pty Ltd




  Vehicle Filters - Building Maintenance








  Make Up Hyd Hoses - Fleet Maintenance




Hugall & Hoile




  Reticulation Items - Parks Maintenance




Imprint Plastics




  ID Cards With Photo - Development & Health




Imtrade Australia Pty Ltd




  Envirospray - Parks Maintenance




Intercity Office Partitioning




  Building Services In The Councillors Office




J & L Communications




  Uniden Handsets – I.T. Services




Jmac Industries




  Red Devil Degreaser - Depot Store Stock




Joondalup Drive Medical Centre




  Pre-Employment Medicals – Waste Services




KBR Water Services Pty Ltd




  Service Pumps At Broadview, Sandison & Everglades Parks




Ladybirds Plant Hire




  Plant Hire For October 2005 - Customer Service




Landscape Infrastructure




Progress Payment 1 - Construction Of Timber Stairway To Beach At Mary Street




Lawrence & Hanson




  Various Safety Items - Depot Store Stock




MacDonald Johnston Engineering Company Pty Ltd




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Mayday Earthmoving




  Heavy Equipment Hire - Engineering




McLeods Barristers & Solicitors




Professional Services Lot 158 Bebich Drive - Development & Health




Professional Services 22 Marlborough Way Quinns Rocks - Planning




Medical Hand




  Immunisation School & Clinics - Development & Health




Memo Communications




  Install Two-Way Radio WN31921 - Fleet Services




  Repair Radio 95069 - Fleet Maintenance




  Relocate Base Radio Station - Depot Store




Mercury Firesafety Pty Ltd




  Adaptor Light Alloy & Safety Boots - Fire Services




Mercury Technologies




Yanchep Link Mast To Yanchep Recreation Centre - Airstream Radio – I.T. Services




Midland Brick Company Pty Ltd




  Roadpave Red Pavers - Engineering




Mindarie Auto Parts




  Vehicle Spare Parts - Eco Detour Program




Miracle Recreation Equipment Pty Ltd




  Replace Ausplay Stairway - Studmaster Reserve




Mobile Glass




  Glazing Services - Building Maintenance




MP Rogers & Associates Pty Ltd




Professional Services - Design Beach Access Way Opposite Mary Street Quinns Rocks - Infrastructure Projects




Mustang Print & Copy




  Printing - Volunteer Fire Service




Northern Districts Pest Control




  Pest Control At Various Sites – Infra. Maintenance








  Vehicle Services - Fleet Maintenance




Old Macdonald's Farms




  Animal Farm For Kidsfest - Cultural Development




Optima Press




  Your Dog & The Law Brochures – Ranger Services




Osborne Park Welding Supplies




  Repairs To Plasma Cutter - Fleet Maintenance




Pacific Brands Apparel




  Staff Uniforms For Outside Employees




PK Print Pty Ltd




  Aquamotion Information Brochure – Leisure Services




Planning Institute Australia WA Division




  CPD Registration (Pia Member) - Rod Peake




Prestige Alarms




  Install Internal Siren - Clarkson Library




  Routine Maintenance Service - Backups To Database




  Upgrade Security System At Aquamotion




Connect to Monitoring Co. By GPRS - Wanneroo Recreation Centre




  Replace Fuse - Badgerup Refuse Site




Professional Travel




Travel – Perth/Adelaide/Perth For V Thorogood To Attend 2-Day Interplan Conference, Adelaide 23-24/11/05




Protector Alsafe




  Safety Items - Depot Store Stock




Red Hot Parcel Taxi




  Freight - Fleet Maintenance




Rinker Australia Pty Ltd




  Concrete Products Delivered To Various Sites




Roads 2000 Pty Ltd




  Roadworks At Various Sites - Infrastructure




Royal Life Saving Society Australia




Enrolment: Traineeship B Depiazz & P Lister - Aquamotion




Russell Landscaping WA Pty Ltd




  Landscaping Misc Works- Yanchep/Two Rocks




SAI Global Ltd




  Contract Asset Maint Supers - Building Maintenance




Sanax St Andrews Pharmacy




  Click Clack Boxes - Engineering




Selectus Employee Benefits Pty Ltd




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 04/11/05




Sign A Rama




   Signage For Safer Citizens




Soiland Garden Suppliers




  Red Loam Delivered To Kingsway Baseball




Solver Paints




  Paint Supplies - Building Maintenance




Sorensen Short & Associates




Consultancy Payment For Road Widening - Old Yanchep In State Forest




Speedo Australia Pty Ltd




  Bathers For Aquamotion Stock




Spineless Wonders




Exhibiting Event For 3 Ripper Nipper Picnic - Safer Citizens Event




Stampalia Contractors




  Heavy Equipment Hire - Infrastructure




Star Three Media




  RRIF Demonstration Project - Economic Development




State Law Publisher




  Advertising - Planning Services




Stephen Hart Architect




Professional Services For Carramar Community Centre – Leisure Services




Stewart & Heaton Clothing Company Pty Ltd




  Trousers - Ranger Services




Taldara Industries Pty Ltd




  Bin Liners - Depot Store Stock




Technical Irrigation Imports




  Irrigation Supplies - Parks Maintenance




Terrific Trading




Evening Seminar Presentation ‘Sales Skills For Non Sales People’ 4/10/05 - Economic Development




The Furniture Spot




  Wardrobe 2 Door - Youth Services




Tiger Tek Pty Ltd




  Various Items - Depot Store Stock




Toll Transport Pty Ltd




  Courier Services For Various Departments




Total Eden




  Retic Pipe - Parks Maintenance




Total Eden Watering Systems




  Reticulation Items - Parks Maintenance








  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Tract WA Pty Ltd




Consultancy Fees - Mindarie Foreshore Development – Infra. Projects




Trievents WA




  Timing Clock For Fun Run - Cultural Development




WA Kerbing Pty Ltd




  Kerbing Works At Hillcrest/Derbi Road, Alexander Heights




WA Profiling




  Hire Bobcat Profiler - Engineering




  Hire Bobcat Wanneroo Road - Engineering




Wanneroo Electric




  Electrical Maintenance At Various Locations




Wanneroo Hardware




  Hardware Purchases For Various Departments




Wanneroo Plumbing




  Plumbing Maintenance At the Depot




Watts & Woodhouse




  Streetside Advertising Bus Shelters 2005 - Operations




Professional Services - Smith Rate Exemption - Kingsway Darch




WH Locations




Locate Underground Services Berkley Road, Alexander Heights




White Oak Home Care Services Pty Ltd




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients




WJ Moncrieff Pty Ltd




  IBM Equipment - I.T. Services




Worlds Best Products Pty Ltd




  Bare Brick - Building Maintenance




Worldwide Online Printing




Business Cards For Various Employees




Mayors Xmas Appeal Cards & Posters




Worm Affair




  Worm Farms - Waste Services




Wurths Australia Pty Ltd




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance












Bounce Away




  Bouncy Castle Hire For Community Fire Day




  Bouncy Castle Hire For Marangaroo - Safer Citizens




Bouncy Castle Hire For Treasures Event - Cultural Development




Crosbie & Duncan Golf




Commission Fees For October 2005 Carramar Golf Course




Cart Hire Gold Sponsors & Beverages




Duncan & Crosbie Pro Golf WA Pty Ltd




Commission Fees for October 2005 Marangaroo Golf Course








  Cost Sharing Of Mike Teraci's Salary




Joe Arrigo




Keyholder/Tennis Booking - Elliott Road Courts & Wanneroo Senior Citizens




Keyholder/Tennis Booking Officer - Wanneroo Recreation Centre & Wanneroo Showgrounds Courts




Judith Sims




Keyholder /Tennis Booking Officer - Gumblossom Community Centre & Courts, Bellport Tennis Courts Mindarie




Mr Robert Cramp




  Telephone Subsidy - Waste Services




Ms Hazel Owen




  Keyholder - Warradale Community Hall




Street Talk Entertainment




  Craft Stall At Jazzy Workshop - Safer Citizens Program Event




Valuer Generals Office




  GRV Int Metro & FESA - Rating Services




  Minimum Charge Valuation - Rates












Aarons Florist




 Presentation Flowers For Councillors




Accessible Transit Specialists




  Micro Switches - Fleet Maintenance




Action Lock Service




  Replace Cylinder WN32150 - Fleet








  Communications Equipment For Aquamotion




Agent Sales & Services Pty Ltd




  Pool Chemicals - Aquamotion




Air Liquide WA Pty Ltd




  Bottle Hire - Depot Store Stock




A-Line Brick Paving




Gnangara Road Paving To Traffic Island Paving At Hillcrest Avenue




Alltech Industries Australia




  Pager Repairs – Ranger Services




Alphawest Services Pty Ltd




  PowerDocs Software Maintenance – I.T. Services




Altus Traffic




  Traffic Management - Infrastructure Services




Amcap Distribution Centre




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Angus & Robertson Pty Ltd




   Books - Clarkson Library








  Bond Paper - Planning Services








Safe & Cash Collection - Clarkson Library & Aquamotion




Boral Construction Materials Group Ltd




C  onstruction Materials - Infrastructure Maintenance




BP Australia Ltd




  Vehicle Oil - Depot Store Stock




Bring Couriers




  Courier Services - Health Services




Budget Portables




  Equipment Hire - Engineering




Bullivants Pty Ltd




  Repairs For Fleet Maintenance




Bunnings Pty Ltd




  Hardware Purchases For Various Departments








  Camera Film - Depot Store Stock




Challenge Batteries WA




  6 X Vehicle Batteries - Depot Store




Chef Excel Pty Ltd




  Catering For Council Functions




City Business Machines




  Samsung Colour Printer – I.T. Services




Coates Hire Operations Pty Ltd




  Container Hire - Infrastructure Maintenance




Coles Supermarkets Aust Pty Ltd




  Grocery Items - Cultural Development




Communique Wangara




  Mobile Phone Accessories - Economic Development




Complete Turf Supplies




  Supply/Lay Kikuyu - Memorial Park








  Toner Cartridges – I.T. Services




Courier Australia




Courier Service - Clarkson Library & Quinns Day Centre








  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Delaware North Australia WACA




  Catering For Council Functions




Direct National Business Machines




  Drillbit & Baseboard - Reprographics




DME Contractors




  Maintenance Of Public Access Ways Marangaroo Drive




  Grevilleas For Kingsway Road




Dowsing Concrete




  Install Footpaths Various Locations - Infrastructure




Eclipse Resources Pty Ltd




  General Construction Disposal – Infra. Maintenance




Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd




  Reticulation Items Parks Department




Events Industry Assoc




4 X Staff Members To Attend Working Breakfast 30/11/05 – Human Resources




Girradoola Lions Club




  Train Rides - Safer Citizens Program Event




Graffiti Systems Australia




  Graffiti Removal On Wanneroo Road




Greens Hiab Service




  Pick Up Goal Post Kingsway - Parks




Greenway Enterprises




  Arborguard Sapling Protectors - Works Depot




Harbottle On Premise




  Beverages For Elected Members




Hitachi Construction Machinery Pty Ltd




  Vehicle Filters - Depot Store Stock




Home Chef




  Meals For HACC/CACP Clients 1/11/05




Hugall & Hoile




  Reticulation Items - Parks




Icon Office Technology




  Photocopy Meter Reading – Infra. Planning




Indoor Gardens Pty Ltd




  Plant Hire For November 2005 - Clarkson Library




Industrial Fittings Sales (WA) Pty Ltd




  Male Connector & Compressor Elbow - Parks




Intercity Office Partitioning




  Install New Wall - Clarkson Library




John Smart Removals




  Erect/Dismantle Dance Floor In Banksia Room




Knight & Sons




  Animal Foodstuffs – Ranger Services




Kyocera Mita Aust P/L




  Labour Call Out - I.T. Services




Liberty Swing Pty Ltd




  1 X Liberty Swing – Infra. Projects




Logo Appointments




  Casual Labour - Records




MacDonald Johnston Engineering Company Pty Ltd




  Parts For Fleet Maintenance




Marquee Magic




  Hire Of Marquee - Safer Citizens Program Event




Matrix Wholesalers




  Juice For Elected Members Bar




Mayday Earthmoving




  Heavy Equipment Hire – Infra. Maintenance




McLeods Barristers & Solicitors




  Dog Act Prosecution - L Daydon-Wood




Mercury Firesafety Pty Ltd




Hose To Refit Truck - Fleet Maintenance




Inspection For October 2005 Essential Fire Service




Mindarie Bus Charter Pty Ltd




  Gold Program Bus Hire October 2005 - Community Services




Mobile Glass




  Glazing Services - Building Maintenance




Mossys Mini Excavations




  Part Payment 2 Joondalup Drive Streetlighting - Projects




National Hire Trading Pty Limited




  Generator For Ripper Nipper Picnic - Safer Citizens Event




Nec Business Solutions Pty Ltd




  NEC Service Agreement 01/07-30/06/06 – I.T. Services




Nick Del Borrello




  Contract Labour - Fleet Maintenance




North Metro Catchment Group Inc




  Bushlinks Weed Control At Viridian & Celadon Parks




Northern Districts Pest Control




  Pest Control At Various Locations




Ocean Keys Newsagency




  Newspapers - Clarkson Library








  Glass Bin Transport From MRF To Railroad – Waste Services




Pacific Brands Apparel




  Staff Uniforms For Outside Workers




Perth Home Care




  Support Services HACC/CACP Clients




Peter Wood Pty Ltd




  Install Pine Bollards - Buckingham Drive




Prestige Alarms




  Callout To Badgerup Refuse Site Office Toilet




  Install Detection In Staff Lunchroom - Aquamotion




Qualcon Laboratories




  Granite Testing - Gnangara Road




Raeco International Pty Ltd




  People Counter For Yanchep Library




RCG Pty Ltd




  Landfill Rubble Mixed - Engineering




Red Hot Parcel Taxi




  Freight Charges - Fleet Maintenance




Reekie Property Services




  Cleaning Services - Building Maintenance




Rinker Australia Pty Ltd




  Concrete Products Delivered – Infra. Maintenance




Road & Traffic Services




   Wanneroo Road Upgrade @ Joondalup Drive - Engineering




Roads 2000 Pty Ltd




  Supply/Lay Ashphalt At Various Locations - Engineering




Royal Life Saving Society Australia




Senior First Aid & First Aid Refresher Course – Human Resources




Russell Landscaping WA Pty Ltd




  Landscaping Dalvik Park Oct ober 2005 - Infrastructure




SAI Global Ltd




  Contract Asset Maint Supers - Contracts & Property




Schiavello Wa Pty Ltd




  Supply/Install Furniture/Workstation - Building Maintenance




Sector Vision Consulting




  Review Of Admin Officers – Human Resources




Skipper Trucks Belmont




  Aircon Regas To WN31921 - Fleet Maintenance




Speedo Australia Pty Ltd




  Bathers - Aquamotion Stock




Sports Surfaces




  Construction Of Match Wicket - Gumblossom Park




Spotlight Stores Pty Ltd




  Fabrics & Craft Items - Alexander Heights




Stampalia Contractors




  Heavy Equipment Hire – Infra. Maintenance




Statewide Cleaning Supplies Pty Ltd




  Cleaning Supplies – Depot Store Stock




Stewarts Laundry Service




  Laundry For Civic Centre




Stopmaster Brakes




   Service For Fleet Maintenance




Street Talk Entertainment




Entertainment For Jazz N Jive - Safer Citizens Program Event




Sun City News




  Advertising For November 2005 - Ranger Services




Sunny Brushware Supplies




  Refill Brooms - Fleet Maintenance




Sunny Sign Company




  Street Name Plates - Engineering




  Sign - Occasional Flood Of Reserve Engineering




  Sign Clamps For Engineering




The Carers




  Support Services HACC/CACP Clients




The Pursuits Group




   Support Services HACC/CACP Clients




Tiger Tek Pty Ltd




  Road Paint (Yellow / Blue) - Depot Store Stock




Toll Transport Pty Ltd




  Courier Services For City




Total Eden




  Reticulation Parts – Parks Maintenance




Total Eden Watering Systems




  Reticulation Items  - Parks Maintenance




Treacy Fencing




  Supply/Install Lattice At Shiraz Bvd & Simeon Rise, Pearsall




WA Hino Sales & Service




  Front Shockies - Fleet Maintenance




WA Kerbing Pty Ltd




  Supply & Lay Kerbing - Engineering




WA Library Supplies




  Lounge Chairs X 2 - Libraries




  Browser Boxes - Libraries




WA Local Government Assoc




Advertising For October 20 05 - Various Departments




WA Profiling




Bobcat Hire For Hillcrest Alexander Heights - Engineering




Wanneroo Agricultural Machinery




  Various Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Wanneroo Auto One




  Cleaning Gel 20Lt - Engineering




Wanneroo Bush Fire Brigade Social Club




  Catering For Fire Safety Days




Wanneroo Caravan Centre & Steel Fabricators




  Steel Fabrication Works – Infra. Maintenance




Wanneroo Central Bushfire Brigade




  Annual Contribution For The Wanneroo Bushfire Brigade




Wanneroo Hardware




  Hardware Purchases For Various Departments




Wanneroo Plumbing




  Plumbing Maintenance At Various Sites




Wanneroo Support Fire Brigade




Annual Contribution To The Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade Fire Support




Reimbursement For Payment Of Black Acrylic Board For Communications Bench




Wanneroo Towing Service




  Towing Abandoned Vehicles – Ranger Services




Watts & Woodhouse




Legal Advice - Badminton Association Of WA - Community Services




Legal Advice - Governance & Finance




Wel Quip




  Seal Kits - Fleet Maintenance








  Books - Library Services




Westcare Industries




  Micro Vests - Depot Store Stock




WH Locations




  Location Of Services Gnangara & Alexander Road




White Oak Home Care Services Pty Ltd




  Support Services HACC/CACP Clients




Wintergreene Drilling




  Develop Bore At Various Locations Within The City




Woodhead International




Increase In Fees - Girrawheen Library & Community Facility Redevelopment




Worldwide Online Printing




  Business Cards - Cr Cvitan




WT Partnership Australia Pty Ltd




Cost Planning Services For Girrawheen Library And Community Facilities




Wurths Australia Pty Ltd




  Various Items - Fleet Maintenance








  Dog Registration Renewal Notices – Ranger Services












Geoffs Tree Service




  Various Services For Parks Maintenance




Wanneroo Electric




  Electrical Maintenance At Addison Park












Councillor Brett Treby




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Glynis Monks




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Ian Goodenough




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Laura Gray




  Travel Claim For October 2005




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Mark Pearson




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Rudi Steffens




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Terry Loftus




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Tracey Roberts




  Councillors Allowance




Mayor J Kelly




  Mayoral Allowance












Australian Taxation Office PAYG Payments




  BAS For October 2005












Australian Manufacturing Workers Union




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/05




Australian Services Union




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/05




Australian Taxation Office PAYG Payments




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/05




Child Support Agency




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/05




City of Wanneroo - Social Club




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/05




Duncan & Crosbie Pro Golf WA Pty Ltd




  Golf Balls & Tees – Marketing Services








   05-06 ESL - Local Government




HBF Insurance




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/05








  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/05




Mr Daniel Simms




  Reimbursement Of Phone Line Monthly Rental 28/10-27/11/05




Municipal Workcare Scheme




  Workers Compensation Contributions 30/06/05-30/06/06




Trailer Parts Pty Ltd




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance












Aarons Florist




  Presentation Flowers - Mayors Office




Agent Sales & Services Pty Ltd




  Pool Chemicals - Aquamotion




Allwest Engineering Services




  Grease Guns - Depot Store Stock




Altus Traffic




  Hire Of Traffic Controllers - Engineering




Amcap Distribution Centre




  Parts For Fleet Maintenance








  Cash Collection - Customer Service




Arteil WA Pty Ltd




  1 x Office Chair - Infrastructure Maintenance




Australian Plant Wholesalers




  Native Seedlings - Citizenship Ceremonies




Autosmart International




  Hand Cleaner - Fleet Maintenance




AVP Construction




  Spider Gaskets For Spa - Aquamotion




Beaurepaires For Tyres




  Tyre Fitting Services - Fleet Maintenance




Belair Smash Repairs Pty Ltd




  Insurance Excess Payable WN32170 - Insurance Services




Boffins Bookshop Pty Ltd




  Book Purchases – I.T. Services




Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd




  Book Purchases For Books On Wheels




Boral Construction Materials Group Ltd




  Construction Materials Delivered To Various Sites




BP Australia Ltd




  Fuel Issues For October 2005




  Energrease - Depot Store Stock




  Oil Gear Bp Hypogear – Depot Store Stock




Bunnings Pty Ltd




  Hardware Purchases - Parks Maintenance




Bywest Pty Ltd




  Mower Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Cape Byron Imports




  Various Items For Aquamotion




Carringtons Traffic Services




  Traffic Control At Wanneroo Road - Engineering




Charter Plumbing & Gas




  Change Filters To Billi Unit - Wanneroo Community Centre




Chess Moving




  Office Relocation - Leisure Services




Chocolate Drops




  Chocolate Gift Boxes For Pioneers – Marketing Services




Clean Sweep




  Street Sweeping - Infrastructure Maintenance








  HP Black Toner Cartridge – I.T. Services




Corporate Express




  Stationery Purchases For October 2005








  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Crommelins Handyman Hire & Sales




  Equipment Hire - Infrastructure Maintenance




CY O'Connor of TAFE




Training - Justice Act/Criminal Procedures Act Conversion – Attendee R Greer




Dexion Balcatta




  City Laser Labels – Records Services




Diamond Lock & Key




  Service Call To Site - Fleet




DME Contractors




  Maintenance Of Streetscapes For October 2005




Claim 1 Houghton Park Stage 2 Passive Park Landscape




Payment 2 Lot 211 Mindarie Foreshore Redevelopment




Dowsing Concrete




  Install Footpath At Brecknock Way




Eclipse Resources Pty Ltd




  Disposal Of Rubble - Operations




Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd




  Reticulation Items – Parks Maintenance




Face Painter Extraordinaire




  Face Painter For Brighton Park - Cultural Development




Fastway Couriers Perth




  Courier For Podiatry Clinic




Foodlink Food Service




  Tea/Coffee/Sugar Supplies - Depot




Forpark Australia




Sail Panel Over Right Walburg Park – Infra. Maintenance




Fuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd




  Copy Charge October 2005 - Reprographics




GHD Management Engineering Environment




  Access Control - Wanneroo Community Centre




Aquamotion Energy Audit Progress Payment For October 2005




Landfill Groundwater Monitoring Aug05 Pinjar And Badgerup – Waste Services




Gronbek Security




  Locking Services - Wanneroo Recreation Centre




  Keying Services - Girrawheen Senior Citizens Centre




Hays Personnel Services




  Contractor - Planning Officer M Sherring




  Contractor - Building Surveyor S Smith




Hitachi Construction Machinery Pty Ltd




  Vehicle Filters - Depot Store Stock




Home Chef




  Meals For HACC/CACP Clients




Hydro Plan




Consultancy Fees - Design & Documentation For Willespie Park – Pearsall (Aug-Oct 2005)




Icon Office Technology




  Photocopier Meter Reading For Various Departments




Intercity Office Partitioning




  Replace Broken Hardi Fencing - Building Maintenance




Jacksons Drawing Supplies Pty Ltd




  Easel For Cultural Development




  Scale Rule – Development& Health




JCA Dealer Services




  Repair Camera & Cables - Fleet Maintenance




Joondalup Drive Medical Centre




Medical Fee V Bridge 4/09/04




Medical Fee N Arnold 3/09/04




Medical Fee M Stevens 31/10/05








Contract Staff - Acting Coordinator Building Projects K Stuart




Kyocera Mita Aust P/L




  Photocopier Meter Reading - Development & Health




L & T Venables




  Grind Wheel - Fleet Maintenance




Lawrence & Hanson




  Visor Replacement Bullet – Depot Stores




Liftrite Toyota




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Logo Appointments




  Indexing Officer , P Blaquiere – Record Services




MacDonald Johnston Engineering Company Pty Ltd




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Marquee Magic




Marquees Trestles & Chair For Brighton - Cultural Development




Mayday Earthmoving




  Heavy Equipment - Infrastructure Maintenance




McLeods Barristers & Solicitors




Appeal 40879/2004 - Halpin/Evans Place - Development & Health




Memo Communications




  Replace Stolen Radio ID – Fleet




Mercury Technologies




Radio Data Lind 935 Wanneroo Road – I.T. Services




Radio Link Test Girrawheen Library To High Street – I.T. Services




Miracle Recreation Equipment Pty Ltd




  Repairs To Playground Equipment – Infra. Maintenance




Mobile Glass




  Glazing Services At Various Locations




Moore Business Systems




  Printing - Library Services




Morley Mower Centre




  Parts - Depot Store Stock




Mystery Shopping International




  Mystery Shopper Survey - Customer Service




Nec Business Solutions Pty Ltd




  Change Extension Numbers – I.T. Services




  Add Numbers To A Call Group – I.T. Services




Nick Del Borrello




  Labour - Fleet Maintenance




Northern Districts Pest Control




  Pest Control At Various Sites








  Services/Repairs - Fleet Maintenance




Onesteel Distribution




  Painted Rhs - Fleet Maintenance




Optima Press




  Printing - Ian Moss Posters - Cultural Development








Glass Bin From Wangara MRF To Railroad Transport – Waste Services




Pacific Brands Apparel




  Staff Uniforms  - Parks




Peerless JAL Pty Ltd




  Gymclean Stock For Depot Stores Stock




Peter Wood Pty Ltd




Supply/Install Gates At 11 Leach Road - Building Maintenance




Supply/Install Treated Pine Bollard At Mindarie Shower Facility




Phone Control Australia




  Technical Support – I.T. Services




Pirteck Malaga Pty Ltd




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




PJ & CA Contracting




Sandpit Cleaning & Playground Inspections For 103 Parks For October 2005 - Infrastructure Projects




PLE Computers




  8 Port Switch - I.T. Services




Prestige Alarms




  Alarm Services - Building Maintenance




Pro Tramp Australia Pty Ltd




  Pool Noodles For Swim School - Aquamotion




Protector Alsafe




  Safety Boots - Depot Stores Stock




Pulse Design




  Art Design & Illustrations - Economic Development




Qualcon Laboratories




  Hepburn Avenue Limestone Tests - Engineering




Quality Sheet Metal




  Tread Plates - Fleet




Reclaim Industries Ltd




Install Vibraflex Recycled Rubber At Josephine Park, Alexander Heights Park & Boyagin Park – Infra. Maintenance




Reekie Property Services




  Cleaning Services For October 2005




Reid Corporation Pty Ltd




Entertainment For Emergency Services Function – Marketing Services




Rinker Australia Pty Ltd




  Delivery Of Concrete Products – Infra. Projects




Road & Traffic Services




  Supply/Install Signs At Old Civic Centre - Planning




Roads 2000 Pty Ltd




  Supply/Lay Ashphalt At Various Project Sites




SAI Global Ltd




Premium Corporate Governance Set - Governance




Licence Fee - Waste Services




Certification Logo Flag - Building




Scoop Publishing




Magazines Annual Subscription - Cultural Development




Scott Print




  Printing What’s Happening – Marketing Services




Scotts Trimming Service




  Manufacture Tarp - Fleet Maintenance




Selectus Employee Benefits Pty Ltd




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 18/11/2005




Skipper Trucks Belmont




  1St Service For WN32331 - Fleet Maintenance




Soames Combined Services




Routine Service & Maintenance Alexander Heights Community Centre




Southdown Construction




Retention Release Development Of Lot 211 Quinns Road - Infrastructure Projects




Speedo Australia Pty Ltd




  Backstroke Flag - Aquamotion




Stampalia Contractors




  Heavy Equipment - Infrastructure Maintenance




State Law Publisher




  Advertising 11/11/2005 - Planning




State Library of Western Australia




  Lost/Damaged Books Library Services




Seminar "Not Just Libraries" 25/11/05 For 6 X Library Staff




Statewide Cleaning Supplies Pty Ltd




  Cleaning Supplies – Depot Store Stock




Statewide Pump Services




Repair Main Switch - Kingsway Site




Replace Switch To Pump Station John Maloney Clubrooms




Stopmaster Brakes




  Reline Brakes – Fleet Maintenance




Sunny Sign Company




  Signs For Various Departments




Swan Taxi Trucks




Truck Hire To Move Furniture Fromm Ms Ruby Benjamins Office To Wanneroo Community Centre




Taldara Industries Pty Ltd




  36Ltr Bin Liner On Roll (50) - Depot Store Stock




Toll Transport Pty Ltd




  Courier Services - Various Departments




Total Eden Watering Systems




Reticulation Items - Parks




Reticulation Items – Depot Store Stock








  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Training & Inspection Services




  Annual Inspection Of Plant & Equip - Wanneroo Depot




Transport Forum WA Inc.




Load Restraint Training For Outside Staff Members – Human Resources




UES (Int'L) Pty Ltd




  Catch Bonnet Rubber Large - Fleet




Wanneroo Agricultural Machinery




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Wanneroo Caravan Centre & Steel Fabricators




  Steel Fabrication Works For Various Departments




Wanneroo Electric




  Electrical Maintenance At Various Locations




Wanneroo Hardware




  Hardware Purchases For Various Departments




Wanneroo Plumbing




  Plumbing Services At Wanneroo Showgrounds




Wanneroo Trophy Shop




  Name Badges For Various Employees




Wattleup Tractors




  Window Glass - Fleet Maintenance




Wendy Robyn




Reimbursement Replacement Costs For Guitar Stolen From Wanneroo Library








  Books - Library Services








  Inspect Steering Pump - Fleet Maintenance




Westralian Plant Farm




  Tubestock For Hepburn Avenuee – Infra. Projects




WH Locations




Location Of Underground Services - Infrastructure Maintenance




White Oak Home Care Services Pty Ltd




  Support Services HACC Clients




Wintergreene Drilling




   Redevelop Bores At Coopers Park & Abbeville Park




Work Clobber




Staff Uniforms - Parks




Safety Boots - K Jones




Worldwide Online Printing




Breakdown Posters - Infrastructure Planning




Various Business Cards




Community Info Booklets - Governance




Ian Moss Access Passes/Posters – Cultural Development




  OSH Policy Posters - Human Resources








  Rates Interim Notices For November 2005












Ferguson Fforde




Rental Valuation For Proposed Lease To Telstra - Carramar Golf Course




Recycling Company of WA Pty Ltd




  Balance Of Sorting Contract After Adjustment For Fire Loss




WA Local Government Assoc




The Future Of Libraries It's In Our Hands, From Vision To Realty Forum 25 October 2005 – Attendees D Nolan & G Whyte




Advertising For October 2005 - Planning












GHD Management Engineering Environment




Stage 2 - Kingsway Sporting Complex Redevelopment




Stage 2 Design Fee Kingsway Sporting Complex Redevelopment












Australian Taxation Office PAYG Payments




  Payroll Ded F/Ending: 25/11/2005




Bounce Away




  Supervised Bouncer For Sportmania - Safer Citizens Event




Bush Fire Brigade Quinns




  Contribution To Volunteer Fire Brigade - Fire Services








  Courier Charges For Welfare




Mr Geoffrey Whyte




Recoup Of Fuel - No BP Outlet Available




Sport &Recreation Industry Award Night – Attendees S Spinks & G Whyte




  Reimbursement For Caretaker Annual Review




Mr Ian Ireland




Reimbursement For BBQ Supplies s For Community Consultation BBQ At Dalvik Park




Ms K Christoffelsz




Sportsmania 19/11/2005 Kingsway Reserve - Supply Relaxation Massage - Safer Citizens








  Orange Paging - Ranger Services




Trailer Parts Pty Ltd




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance












Action Events




Performance For Kingsway Sports Complex - 9 Hole Mini Golf, Mech Surf, Boune N Box, Kids Sumos 19/11/2005




Jazz & Live Performance 6/11/05 At John Moloney Park








  Service Call To Aquamotion




Advanced Sporting Surfaces Australia




  Supply/Install Practice Wicket At Koondoola Park




Altus Traffic




  Traffic Management Mary Street – Infra. Maintenance




Amcap Distribution Centre




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance








  Maintenance Agreement Charges - Planning




Austral Waste Recycling (WA) Pty Lt




  Refuse Disposal - Waste Services




Beaurepaires For Tyres




  Tyre Fitting Services




Bentley Systems Software




  Drainage Training 2/11/05 - Infrastructure Projects




Beryl Weston




  Cleaning Of Hall At Girrawheen Adult Day Care




Bladon WA Pty Ltd




  Various Beverages Glasses - Marketing Services




Boral Construction Materials Group Ltd




  Delivery Of Concrete Products To Various Locations




Boya Equipment




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




BP Australia Ltd




  Vehicle Oil - Fleet Maintenance




Brownbuilt Metalux Industries




  Filing Cabinet – Rangers Services




Bunnings Pty Ltd




  Hardware Purchases For Various Departments




Bywest Pty Ltd




  Mower Spare Parts - Depot Store Stock




Carramar Resources Industries




  Clean Fill & Top Soil - Operations




Castle Tools Tyrolit Pty Ltd




Supply Of 12" Combination Blade – Infra. Maintenance




Challenge Batteries WA




  Batteries - Depot Store Stock




Chef Excel Pty Ltd




  Catering For Civic Functions




City Business Machines




  3 X Printers – I.T. Services




City of Stirling




  Adwest Art Hooks - Cultural Development




Clean Sweep




  Road Sweeping Services – Infra. Maintenance




Coates Hire Operations Pty Ltd




Hire Of Air Compressor At Marangaroo – Infra. Maintenance




Coles Supermarkets Aust Pty Ltd




  Groceries - Youth Services




Community Newspapers




 Advertising For October 2005








  Toner Cartridges And Fax – I.T. Services








  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Cummins Engine Company Pty Ltd




  3 Way Test Kit - Depot Stores Stock




Cyndan Chemicals




  Insectaguard - Parks Maintenance




Delaware North Australia WACA




  Catering For Civic Functions




Dick Smith Electronics




  Walkie Talkies - Hainsworth Community Centre




Disarect Australia Pty Ltd




Refurbishment Of Business Grow Centre - Economic Development




Ecosystem Management Services




  Supply Materials & Labour - Infrastructure Maintenance




Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd




  Reticulation Items Kingsway Cricket - Parks Maintenance




ERS Australia Pty Ltd




  Service Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Foodlink Food Service




  Tea/Coffee/Sugar – Depot Stores Stock




  Food Supplies - Elected Members




Forpark Australia




  Playground Equipment - Infrastructure Maintenance




Geldens Pty Ltd




  Alpha Epaulettes - Fire Services




GHD Management Engineering Environment




  Building Services Consultancy For September 2005




Mechanical Services - Depot Admin 3 Building For October 2005




Fire Services Maintenance Contract For October 2005 - Building Maintenance




  Building Services Consultancy For October 2005




Gibsons & Paterson WA Pty Ltd




  Catering Equipment For Civic Functions




Goldshore Ent Pty Ltd




  Hire Of Garbage Compactor - Waste Services




Gronbek Security




  Lockwood Twin For Jenolan Way Community Centre




Hallmark Editions




  Advertising In LG Jobs – Human Resources




Harris Technology




  Various Printheads – I.T. Services




Hays Personnel Services




  Contract Staff - S Smith For Approvals




Hitachi Construction Machinery Pty Ltd




  Filters For Depot Store Stock








  Vehicle Hoses - Fleet Maintenance




Icon Office Technology




  Photocopy Meter Reading - Girrawheen Library




Image Bollards




  Replace Bollard At Quinns Rocks Beach Car Park Entry




Imprint Plastics




  ID Cards - Fire Services




Intercity Office Partitioning




  Remove And Put Back Electrical Cable At Clarkson Library








  Contract Staff - Acting Coordinator Building Projects




Klyne Consultants




  Mindarie Drive Traffic Management Review




Knight & Sons




  Animal Foodstuffs – Rangers Services








  Books - Girrawheen Library




Kyocera Mita Aust P/L




  Photocopier Meter Reading - Various Departments




Lawrence & Hanson




  Safety Visors - Depot Store Stock




Locker Group P/L




  Various - Fleet Maintenance




MacDonald Johnston Engineering Company Pty Ltd




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Maria Lavan




Agreed Back Payment Of Fees From July To September 2005 & October To December 2005 - Aquamotion




Matrix Wholesalers




  Beverages For Elected Members




Mayday Earthmoving




  Heavy Equipment Hire - Infrastructure Maintenance




McIntosh & Son




  Wire Scrapper - Fleet Maintenance




McLeods Barristers & Solicitors




  Parking Prosecution – Rangers Services




Medical Hand




Immunisation School & Clinic Program - Development & Health Services




Mercury Firesafety Pty Ltd




  Blundstone Fire Boots - Fire Services




Mobile Glass




Replace Glass At Jenolan Way Community Centre - Building Maintenance




Mobile Shred Onsite




 On-Site Bin Shredding




Morley Mower Centre




 Mower Spare Parts For Fleet Maintenance




MTU Detroit Diesel Australia




 Oil - Fleet Maintenance




National Hire Trading Pty Limited




Generator Monthly Service Civic Centre - Building Maintenance




  Generator 3 Monthly Service Depot - Building Maintenance




Nationwide Training




Traineeships Certificate 111 Road Transport - Various Employees - Waste Services








Traineeships Certificate 111 Road Transport - Various Employees Of Waste




Nick Del Borrello




  Contract Labour - Fleet Maintenance




Northern Districts Pest Control




Kingsway Baseball Club - Parks Maintenance




Treat Beehive At Wanneroo Showgrounds - Parks Maintenance








  10,5000Km Service To WN31861 - Fleet Maintenance








Glass Bin From Wangara MRF To Railroad Transport – Waste Services




P & M Automotive Equipment




  Hoist Inspection - Fleet Maintenance




Pacific Brands Apparel




  Staff Uniforms - Stock For Stores & Outside Employees




Palace Homes & Construction Pty Ltd




Ridgewood Changeroom Facility Contract Payment Number 4




Perth Home Care




  Support Services HACC/CACP Clients




Peter Wood Pty Ltd




  Fence Repairs At Honey Myrtle Park & Marangaroo Reserve




  Supply/Install Bollards At Backshall Place 




Prestige Alarms




  Service Callout To Clarkson Library - Building Maintenance




Monitoring Security Alarm 1-31/10




Monitoring Security Alarm 1-30/11




Protector Alsafe




  Safety Boots – Depot Stores Stock




Quantum Multimedia Communications




  SMS Account - Ranger Services




RCG Pty Ltd




  Disposal Of Rubble - Infrastructure Maintenance




Reekie Property Services




  Cleaning Services - Kitchen April




Roads 2000 Pty Ltd




  Hotmix Delivery To Lancester Road




Rocla Quarry Products




  Supply Plasters Sand - Infrastructure Maintenance




Royal Life Saving Society Australia




  First Aid For Ripper Nipper Picnic 23/10/05




  Senior Firstt Aid Training – Human Resources




Russell Landscaping WA Pty Ltd




  Landscaping - Hainsworth Limestone Wall




  Installation Of Long Jump At Oldham Park




Scotts Trimming Service




  Seat Repairs - Fleet Maintenance








  Water Premium Bottled Waterboys - Ranger Services




Solver Paints




  Paint Supplies – Parks & Building Maintenanace




Spotlight Stores Pty Ltd




  Craft Materials - Alexander Heights Community Services




Stampalia Contractors




  Water Truck Hire - Engineering




State Law Publisher




  Government Gazette Advertising - Governance




State Library of Western Australia




  Lost Damaged Books For Libraries




Statewide Cleaning Supplies Pty Ltd




  Cleaning Supplies – Depot Stores Stock




Statewide Pump Services




  Service Pump At Wanneroo Recreation Centre




Stopmaster Brakes




  Brakes - Fleet Maintenance




Sue Kennedy




  Books - Yanchep Library




The Factory




  Install & Dismantle Decorations For Christmas 2005




The Pool Table Man




  Pool Table Equipment - Clarkson Youth Centre




Total Eden Watering Systems




  Reticulation Items - Parks








  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




WA Local Government Assoc




  Kiss & Drive Signs - Infrastructure Planning




Wanneroo Caravan Centre & Steel Fabricators




  Steel Fabrication Works - Infrastructure Maintenance




Wanneroo Central Newsagency




  Newspapers, Magazines For Libraries




Wanneroo Electric




  Electrical Maintenance At Various Locations




Wanneroo Hardware




  Hardware Purchases For Various Departments




Wanneroo Plumbing




  Plumbing Maintenance At Various Locations




Wanneroo Towing Service




  Towing Abandoned Vehicles - Ranger Services




Wanneroo Trophy Shop




Name Badges For Various Employees




Glass Award Engraving - Governance




Watts & Woodhouse




Professional Costs Department Of Environmental Protection - Lease - Air Quality Monitoring Station - Quinns Lot 211 Mindarie - Contracts & Properties




Wayne Gardiner & Associates




  Beach To Bush Festival - Treasurers Event 13/11/05




WH Locations




  Service Callout To Wanneroo epot




White Oak Home Care Services Pty Ltd




Support Services HACC/CACP Clients




Wintergreene Drilling




  Dredging & Removal Of Debris Ridgewood Park Lake




Work Clobber




  Safety Shoes - P Calley




Worldwide Online Printing




  Business Cards For Various Employees




Worm Affair




  Reln Worm Factory - Waste Services




Wurths Australia Pty Ltd




  Nuts & Bolts - Fleet Maintenance








Total Director Corporate Services Advance - EFT's







General Fund Bank Account







Payment of Wages PE 04/11/05 ($693,930.33)




Payment of Wages PE 18/11/05 ($684,648.47)




Payment of Wages NCP 25/11/05 ($13,006.95)
















Bank Fees - November 2005




CBA Merchant Fees




CBA Pos Fee - Waste Services EFTPOS




CBA Pos Fee




Quick Cash Bags




Returned Cheque Fee








Direct Entry Service Fee




Diamond BFM Pay Fee




Diamond Cash Maint Fee




Trans Negotiation Auth Limit Fee




Account Service Fee




Diamond Cash Trans Fee




Group Limit Facility Fee




Returned Cheque Fee




Bill Express Fees 31/10/05 - 27/11/05




Dishonoured Cheque Rates 04/11/05 07/11/05 11/11/05

















T Ashford




Expresso Mobile Coffee




Warwick Senior High School













Cell 8 - WALGA Advertising (Cell cost Estimates) EFT 377




Cell 7 - WALGA Advertising (Cell cost Estimates) EFT 377




Cell 6 - WALGA Advertising (Cell cost Estimates) EFT 377




Cell 6 - Madely Development - POS Compensation




Cell 5 - WALGA Advertising (Cell cost Estimates) EFT 377




Cell 4 - WALGA Advertising (Cell cost Estimates) EFT 377




Cell 3 - WALGA Advertising (Cell cost Estimates) EFT 377




Cell 2 - WALGA Advertising (Cell cost Estimates) EFT 377




Cell 1 - WALGA Advertising (Cell cost Estimates) EFT 377

















EndOfRecommendation - This line will not be printed Please do NOT delete



CS02-01/06   Warrant of Payments - for the Period to 31 December 2005

File Ref:                                              S13/0002V09

File Name: BAWarrant of Payments   For the Period to 31 December 2005.doc This line will not be printed

Level 4 Approval by Audrey Binnie Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Wayne Wright Date 13 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by Mike Cole Date 06 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Juanita Lee Date 06 January 2006Please do NOT delete

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Corporate Services

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Juanita Lee

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       Nil

StartStrip - This line will not be printed so do not delete


Presentation to the Council of a list of accounts paid for the month of December, including a statement as to the total amounts outstanding at the end of the month.


Local Governments are required each month to prepare a list of accounts paid for that month and submit the list to the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council.


In addition, it must record all other outstanding accounts and include that amount with the list to be presented.  The list of accounts paid and the total of outstanding accounts must be recorded in the minutes of the Council meeting.


The following is the Summary of Accounts paid in December





Director Corporate Services Advance A/C

Accounts Paid – December 2005

   Cheque Numbers 

   EFT Document Numbers


Less Cancelled Cheques

Less Recoups Town Planning Schemes

Manual Journals – To Correct Advance Act




56011 – 56465

381 - 391












Municipal Fund – Bank A/C

Accounts Paid – December 2005

Direct Payments

Payroll – Direct Debits









$ 1,397,612.55



Town Planning Scheme 

Accounts Paid – December 2005

Cell 2

Cell 7













At the close of December outstanding creditors amounted to $1,735,102.31.




The list of accounts paid by cheque and electronic transfer in December 2005 and the end of month total of outstanding creditors for the month of December 2005 is presented to the Council for information and recording in the minutes of the meeting, as required by the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996.

Statutory Compliance

Regulation 13(1) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 requires a local government to list the accounts paid each month and total all outstanding creditors at the month end and present such information to the Council at its next Ordinary Meeting after each preparation.  A further requirement of this Section is that the prepared list must be recorded in the minutes of the Council meeting.

Strategic Implications


Policy Implications


Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

EndStrip - This will not be printed so do not delete


That Council RECEIVES the list of cheques drawn for the month of December, as summarised below: -




Director Corporate Services Advance A/C

Accounts Paid – December 2005

   Cheque Numbers 

   EFT Document Numbers


Less Cancelled Cheques

Less Recoups Town Planning Schemes

Manual Journals – To Correct Advance Act




56011 – 56465

381 - 391












Municipal Fund – Bank A/C

Accounts Paid – December 2005

Direct Payments

Payroll – Direct Debits









$ 1,397,612.55



Town Planning Scheme 

Accounts Paid – December 2005

Cell 2

Cell 7























Fal Cash and Carry




Books On Wheels Seniors Christmas Gift (7 Ctns Walkers Shortbread 2 Fingers Pkts) - Community Services




City of Wanneroo




Temporary Cash Float For BP Receipts, LPG Unavailable For A Short Time From BP Service Stations




Noel Hunneybun




  Bond Refund




Allperfect Pty Ltd




Refund Infrastructure Contribution Overpaid In East Wanneroo Cell 2 (Sinagra)




BM Ryder




Rates Refund P/N 147186 33 Addison Gardens – Pension Rebate




KM Ma’Har




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




D Punic




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




GV & E Dose




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Norman Holdings (WA) Pty Ltd




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




LG McCormack




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




RB Parker




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Delyse Sterpini




Reimbursements - Cash Spent On Flowers For The FDC Carers Nominates For Quality Assurance Validation Visits & Farewell Morning Tea For Janelle Tovey (As per Policy, $50 Towards Morning Tea After Working For City For Over 5 Years)




RMD & L McNulty




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




GJ Sherar




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Donna Porter




  Facility Hire Refund




SG Hobbs & PJ Holland




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy








Paraskvi Christovistsis




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance




Mr Ian Willis




Reimbursement Of The Small Business Smart Business Voucher 21/06/1964




Landsdale Gardens Medical Centre




Reimbursement Of The Small Business Smart Business Voucher23373




GL & AL Austin




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




YS & D Rankin




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




LG Dennison & GJ Dowse




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Simone Pocsidio




  Facility Hire Refund




SJ Zemke




Replacement Of Mr Zemke's Letterbox (Damaged During Firebreak Inspections




Peard Cox




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance








Jagdish Gill




  Bond Refund




JJ McAskill




  Over Charged For Worm Farm




NeiL Smith




  Donation For 2005 Mayors Christmas Appeal




PC & CF Mullin




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




MS McNamara




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




RK Ford




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




R & S Munro




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




LA Cabales




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




About Bike Hire




  Hire Of Two Cyber Cycles For Safer Citizens Event




Accredit Building Surveying &




Building Surveying Service Process Building Applications Period 1/10 - 4/11/2005




Ace Podiatry




  Podiatry Service For October 2005 - Community Services




Ballajura Fancy Dress




  Craft Supplies For Alexander Heights Adult Day Care




Better A Dingo




  Dig All Limestone Pathways Out & Widen At Cockman House




Big W




  Various Items - Community Services




  Craft Supplies - Youth Services




C & EM Harmer




  Newspaper Delivery To Wanneroo Library 25/9 - 22/10/05




Celebration Hire Service




  BBQ Hire For Elected Members Christmas Party 9/12/05




Collins Craft & School Supplies




  Craft Supplies - Community Services




Dawn Fulmer - Dawn's Designs




  Jewellery Workshop - Aboriginal Playgroup




Dept For Planning & Infrastructure




  Vehicle Transfer 6XP438 - Eco Detour Program




Downer Electrical Pty Ltd




Progress Payment No 1 For Hepburn Avenue & Alexander Drive




Estate Landscape Maintenance (E.L.M




  Landscape Maintenance In Butler Locality




Frediani Milk Wholesalers




  Milk Deliveries For City




Frendz Arts and Craft Supplies




  Various Supplies - Cultural Development




Friends of Yellagonga




  Event (The Great Outdoors) Friends Of Yellagonga Regional




  Park - Safer Citizens Event




Harvey Norman




  Kodak Silverado Compact Case




Holiday Inn




  Hotel Accommodation For Mr D Katz - Corporate Services




Integrated Group Ltd




  Casual Labour - Parks & Engineering




JB Precise Engineering




  Rollers & End Caps - Fleet Maintenance




Joan Roberson




Art Lessons Community Art At The Wanneroo Recreation Centre




Kmart Joondalup




  Christmas Tree - Clarkson Library




Mettler Toledo Ltd




  Annual Testing & Certification Of Wangara - Waste Services




Midway Ford




New Vehicle Purchase - Ford PH Courier Supercab WN32191 - Fleet Services








  Roadside Litter Collection Bags - Parks Department




Ms S Ng




  Sister Cities Draft & Proposed Letter




Orbit Health & Fitness




  Hire Of 3 Rowers - Safer Citizens Event




ProDesign Lighting Pty Ltd




  Lighting Hire - Alexander Heights Adult Day Care




Quinns Rocks Environmental Group




Supply Display, Colouring Activity For Children Ripper Nipper Picnic 23/10/05




Spectrum Facilitation




  Facilitation Sessions ‘Finding My Place Program’




Swan Auto




Detomaso Front Cut- No Motor Or Gearbox - Youth Rally Team




Target Stirling




  Christmas Tree - Clarkson Library




The Artists Chronicle




12 Month Subscription For The Artists Chronicle - Cultural Development




The Badminton Assoc Of Wa Inc




  Badminton Coaching - Safer Citizens Event




Tony Fingleton




  Sound Equipment Hire For Concert - Community Services








  30 x Grape Plants - Infrastructure Projects




Woodvale Reception Centre




Function & Room Hire Year 9 Lunch For End Of Term Function




  "Finding My Place "Program - Library Services




Integrated Group Ltd




  Casual Labour Runners - Waste Services




City of Wanneroo




Rates For Cr Steffens Travel Claim For November 2005 ($549.44)




Fortnightly Deduction From FDC Carers Pay - As Instalment Payment For 2005/06 FDC Membership Fees




Aboriginal Playgroup Cash Float




  Petty Cash




Aboriginal Seniors Group Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alexander Heights Adult Day Care Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Beatrix Rausch




  Volunteer Payment - Podiatry Clinics




Building & Construction Industry




  Levy Payment Reconciliation For November 2005




Corporate Services Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Girrawheen Library Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alan Green




  Volunteer Payment - Community Buses




Hainsworth Community Centre Petty C




  Petty Cash




Heritage Officer Petty Cash




  Petty Cash








  Service Charge 21/10 - 20/11/05 - Waste Services




Quinns Rocks Adult Day Care Petty C




  Petty Cash




Satterley Property Group




3rd Total Cost Of Irrigation Control System Conversion Works - Brighton Public Open Space - Infrastructure




Alexander Heights Community House P




  Petty Cash




Wanneroo Youth Centre Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Water Corporation




  Water Charges For Various Sites




  Repair Work - Mason Way, Padbury




City of Wanneroo




  Payroll Deductions




Western Power




  7 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($730.20)




  Power Supplies For Various Sites




Farley Campbell




  Volunteer Payment - Community Buses




Mr D Smith




  Volunteer Payment - Day Care Centres




Laurie Bracken




  Volunteer Payment - Community Buses




Gordon Sadler




  Volunteer Payment -Community Buses




Tina Lisieski




  Volunteer Payment - Day Care Centres




Mary Adamson




  Volunteer Payment - Day Care Centres








  Relocating Telstra Networking Gnangara Road




Albina Carcione




  Volunteer Payment - Day Care Centres




Pat Pearman




  Volunteer Payment - Day Care Centres




Amp Flexible Lifetime Super Fund




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 2/12/2005




Zurich Client Service




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 2/12/2005




Friction Control




  3 X Actuators - Fleet Maintenance




Dubrovnik Butchers Pty Ltd




  Meat Supplies For Elected Members BBQ 9/12/05




Bechly & Smith Jazz Duo




  Entertainment For Mayors Xmas Party 9/12/05




Mike Sawyer Cabinets




  Storage Cabinets - Governance




City of Wanneroo




  Extra Food For Mayors Xmas Appeal




Lindsey Robert Holmes




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Rocco's Pizza




  7 X Pizzas For Rally Team End Of Year Party




Sebastian Ember




  Bond Refund




Marion Carvey




  Bond Refund




Yatala Unit Trust




  Bond Refund - Carramar Golf Course Estate Stage 4G




Yatala Unit Trust




  Bond Refund - Carramar Stage 6G




Yatala Unit Trust




  Bond Refund - Carramar Park Stage 5K




Yatala Unit Trust




  Bond Refund - Carramar Stage 6H




Yatala Unit Trust




  Bond Refund - Carramar Stage 6I




Yatala Unit Trust




  Bond Refund




  Carramar Park Dve - Roundabout








  Bond Refund




Wanneroo Agricultural Society (Inc)




  Bond Refund - Temporary Signage




Benedicte Bech




  Refund Part Membership - Aquamotion




Greenwood Baseball Club




  Overpayment Of Hire Fees On Booking ID 56753




Shane McGinlay




  Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




SM Brown




  Rates Refund P/N161200 24 Calabar Crt - Overpayment








CD Bollen




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Geoffrey Brown




  Dog Registration Refund - Overpayment




Laura Del Caro




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




I Stott




  Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




I Stott




  Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




M Doherty




  Dog Registration Refund - Overpayment




Carramar Residents Association Inc




  Community Funding Allocation October 2005 - Social Planning




PD & MJ Santafe




Rates Refund P/N 205278 51 Jindare Lop - Paid Instalment Twice




BT & FJ Larkin




  Rates Refund P/N 165933 1 Hurst Trail - Pension Rebate




M Chen & Y Zhu




Rates Refund Sandalwood P/N 198075 6/26 Salcott Road – Pension Rebate




SC & RC & VE Yabsley




Rates Refund P/N 201144 25 Lilac Hill Vista – Overpayment (December Instalment Paid Twice




C Rundle




  Rates Refund P/N 111194 34 Shortland Way - Pension Rebate




P Benincasa




Rates Refund P/N 138292 1051 Wanneroo Road - Pension Rebate








S Friad




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance




Quinns Rock Caravan Park




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance




JH & AM Whittingham




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Woodvale Senior High School




Sponsorship To Support Meghan Darcy In Her Participation In The National Schools Basketball Tournament, Albury  6 - 10 December 2005




Dennellas-Allyson Jones




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy








Irene McCormack Catholic College




  Facility Hire Refund




Mindarie Body Boarding Association




  Bond Refund




George Draper




  Bond Refund




Kristina Angeleski




  Bond Refund




Richard Noble & Co




  Rates Refund P/N 212962 44 Mintaro Parade - Overpayment








Vicki Philipoff Settlements T/A




  Rates Refund P/N 207348 11 Cactus Link - Overpayment








LM Maitland




Rates Refund P/N 143089 15 Woodlands Grove - Pension Rebate




FM & CM Priest




Rates Refund P/N 196331 3/23 Everglades Parade - Pension Rebate




A Marinovich 




  Rates Refund P/N 136078 11 Sinagra Sreet - Pension Rebate




M & W Barker  




  Rates Refund P/N 173541 7 Heppell Gardens - Pension Rebate




GE Mahony 




  Rates Refund P/N 143135 9 Meadow Place - Pension Rebate




RP & CG Shannon




  Rates Refund P/N 186882 14 Mission Place - Pension Rebate




KF & A Guelfi 




  Rates Refund P/N198464 26 Brockwell Pwy - Pension Rebate




HHT Tran




  Rates Refund P/N197680 7 Shelford Boulevd - Pension Rebate




AM & D Hughes ar




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




LI & MA Luraschi




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




M & PK O’Neil




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




MA Carbone




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Yanchep Two Rocks Recreation




  Community Funding Allocation For October 2005




Susan Gunn




  Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised




DM Loughlin




  Rates Refund P/N 161772 26 Bradbury Place - Overpayment




Antonetta Russo




  Swim School Refund




Dianne McGuirk




  Part Membership Refund - Aquamotion




Swim Australia




  Swim School Subscription




AK & K Wood




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




C Pinto




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




H Tran & TN Vu




  Rates Refund P/N 111698 9 Tendring Way - Pension Rebate




WC & JRC Forbes




  Rates Refund P/N 125712 49 Hurlston Way - Pension Rebate




F, S, A & F Constantino




  Rates Refund P/N 138099 28 Aquanita Place - Pension Rebate




GJ Renshaw




  Rates Refund P/N 180893 53 Cadoux Loop - Pension Rebate




BJ & PW Ashworth




  Rates Refund P/N 180923 2 Dorneywood Way - Pension Rebate




EP & RE Chappell




  Rates Refund P/N 137489 11 Munderee Place - Pension Rebate




RA & SK Knapp




  Rates Refund P/N143693 102 Damepattie Drive - Pension Rebate




LA & GA Decorsey




  Rates Refund P/N 185165 18 Ollera Meander - Pension Rebate




KL Simpson




  Rates Refund P/N 166573 3 Larsson Walk - Pension Rebate




VA Turnbull




  Rates Refund P/N 192944 15 Lambasa Way - Pension Rebate




GP & GH Letham




Rates Refund P/N110747 127 Girrawheen Avenue - Pension Rebate




SE Thompson




  Rates Refund P/N 100190 33 Greenpark Road - Pension Rebate




EJ & J Heslin 




  Rates Refund P/N178835 9 Castellon Ent - Pension Rebate








Tanya Morris 




  Rates Refund P/N 182238 23 Dewar Mews - Overpayment




Nanda Kristnassawmy 




  Bond Refund




Mofflyn House 




  Bond Refund








Jonathan Wood 




  Bond Refund




Marcia Dinnie 




  Bond Refund








  Bond Refund








Satterley Property Group 




  Bond Refund - The Grove Stage 7B




Wanneroo North Pty Ltd 




  Bond Refund - The Grove Stage 4




Wanneroo North Pty Ltd 




  Bond Refund - The Grove Stage 5




AE & KA Milne 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




G Koouli 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




PA & AJ Turland 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




R Zimmerman & JE Rumbold 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




B Thi Duong & Thanh Tung Vo 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




City of Wanneroo 




Payments For Rates Properties 167545, 147193 & 112044 - Receipted In Error to Debtors




City of Wanneroo 




Fortnightly Deduction From IHC Carers Pay Period 21/11/05 To 4/12/05 As Instalment Payment For 2005/06 IHC Membership Fees Raised Through Accounts Receivable




Aboriginal Playgroup Cash Float




  Petty Cash




Aboriginal Seniors Group Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alexander Heights Adult Day Care Petty




  Petty Cash




Alinta Gas




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($224.95)




  Gas Supplies For Various Locations




Corporate Services Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Michael Hayes




  Keyholder - Cockman House




Mobile Library Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Quinns Rocks Adult Day Care Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Rangers & Safety Services Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alexander Heights Community House Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Valuer Generals Office




  Services For Rating Services




Water Corporation




Charges For Wanneroo Showgrounds Road Footpath Reinstatements Costs Due To Hydrant Works 21/7/2005 Backshall Place




Yanchep Community House Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Youth Projects Petty Cash




  Petty Cash








Western Power




  Power Supplies For Various Locations








  Bigpond Service Charge To 31/10/05 – I.T. Services




Australia Post




  Mail Preperation For November 2005




Australia Post




  BillExpress For November 2005 - Rates




Abacus Computers & Technology




  Copier Repair - The Heights Community Centre




Abandoned Art




  Temporary Tattoo Show Wanneroo Youth Centre 3/12/05




Allen Mobile Phone Services




  Remove Hands Free To WN32324 - Fleet Services




Asphaltech Pty Ltd




  Granite Deliveries - Infrastructure Maintenance




Aust Survey Research




  Survey View Software – I.T. Services




Auto Control Doors




  Automatic Door Not Opening - Aquamotion




Awesome Amusements




  Juke Box Hire For Staff Christmas Party 23/12/05




Barbara Stephenson




  Entertainment At 2 Xmas Parties - Alexander Care Centre




Benara Nurseries




  Plants - Parks Department




Better A Dingo




  Back Fill Path With Crushed Limestone - Engineering




  Hire Machine To Dig Out Pathway - Engineering




Bev Manning




  Exercise Classes 2 - 30/11/05 - Community Services




Big W




  Groceries - Alexander Care Centre




Book City Ocean Keys




  Books - Library Services




Buckleys Waste Disposal




  Grease Trap Cleaning - Building Maintenance




C & EM Harmer




  Newspapers Deliveries For Various Departments




CE Nicholls & Son Pty Ltd




  Swimming Pool Inspections To 30/11/05 - Approvals




City of Joondalup




  Hire Cherry Picker For Warradale Park - Parks




200 Notebooks My Money My Life 2006 - Community Services








Supply/Install Quarter Tank Level Alarm System – Ranger Services




David James




  Face Painting & Tattoo - Safer Citizens Events




Dept for Planning & Infrastructure




Annual Jetty Licence Commencing August 2005 - Public Jetty Alexandria View, Mindarie




Duwal Pty Ltd




  Progress Payment 1 - Carramar Community Centre




DVG Wanneroo Mitsubishi




  New Vehicle Purchase - Mitsubishi Triton Club Cab WN32196




Dymocks - Hay St




  Books - Girrawheen Library




Edgewater Veterinary Hospital




  Euthanasia Of 11 Dogs - Ranger Services




  Veterinary Costs/Pharmaceuticals For Dogs - Ranger Services




Fast Finishing Services WA




  Council Minutes - Reprographics




Forms Express




  A4 Pressure Seal - Human Resources




Frediani Milk Wholesalers




  Milk Deliveries For City




Friction Control




  Bearing - Fleet Maintenance




Homecare Options




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients




Integrated Group Ltd




  Casual Labour - Parks & Engineering




IT Vision




  Biz Flow Training & Consultancy Services – I.T. Services




JB Precise Engineering




  Spare Parts - Infrastructure Maintenance




KFC - Head Office




  Meals For Vehicle Maintenance Bay – Ranger Services




Kwik Crane Hire 




  Crane Hire For Tamala Park




Landcare Products WA 




  Root Barrier 900M X 50M - Parks




Landsdale Farm School 




  Landsdale Farm School - Safer Citizens Events




Leadership WA 




  LWA 2006 Program Organisation Fee - Economic Development




Logiudice Property Group 




  Strata Levies – Contracts & Property




Mindarie Mustangs Little Athletics 




  Assistance For Fun Run 30/10/05 - Cultural Services




Mindarie Regional Council 




  Refuse Disposal - Waste Services




Mix 94.5FM 




Mix 94.5 FM Buy A Song For Telethon & Radio Advertising – Cultural Development




NGT Executive Diary Centre 




  Councillors Diaries 2006




Non Organic Disposals 




  Disposal Of Rubble - Infrastructure Maintenance




Old Dutch Pty Ltd 




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Orbit Drilling 




  Call-Out Fee For Repairs At Aquamotion




Orchid Cove Pty Ltd 




  Dry Cleaning For November 2005 - Ranger Services




Pedersens Hire 




  Marquee Kingsway Rugby Club - Cultural Development




Pharmacy Plus Joondalup 




  Photo Developing & Printing – Ranger Services




Rexel Australia 




  Spare Parts - Parks Maintenance








  Jungle Mulch – Parks




Saint Germain Pty Ltd 




  Repairs At Josephine Park




St John Ambulance of Australia 




Senior First Aid Course Schedule 19/12/2005 & 20/12/05 – Attendee F Garlett




The Windjammers 




  Performance - Safer Citizens Event




Tony Fingleton 




  Entertainment At Xmas Parties - Alexander Care Centre








  18V Battery - Parks




Una Bell 




  Book ‘Native Grasses Of Perth Region’








  Epaulettes CoW - Ranger Services




WA Photographic Fed (Inc) 




  Print Display Boards - Cultural Development




WA Suspensions Pty Ltd 




  Suspension Upgrade To Fire Vehicle




Weston Remarking Services 




Hester Avenue Spotting & Grinding - Infrastructure Maintenance




  Traffic Control Ridgewood Boulevard - Engineering




State Revenue




Rates Refund P/N 150570 14 Regent Drive - Pension Rebate Resident Moved




Art & ML Clinton 




Rates Refund P/N 178601 10 Port Jackson Parade - Pension Rebate (Refund Provided In Advance On The Condition That It Is Successfully Claimed From The Office Of State Revenue)








BP Australia Ltd 




  Fuel Issues For November 2005




Councillor A Blencowe 




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor F Cvitan 




  Councillors Allowance




Cr Dorothy Newton 




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor S Salpietro 




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor J Stewart 




  Councillors Allowance




City of Wanneroo - Payroll Rates 




Mayoral Allowance – Mayor J Kelly’s Rates ($200.00)

Councillor Allowance - Cr Newton’s Rates ($83.33)




Councillor Colin Hughes 




  Councillors Allowance




MM & CW Packer 




Rates Refund P/N 201575 1 Chadwick Approach - Pension Rebate




Warren Kiddles 




  Bond Refund




Alison Pederick 




  Bond Refund




Northern Patio Installations




  Refund Codes Variation Fee - Paid Twice In Error




Don Russell Homes Pty Ltd




  Refund - Overpayment Of Building Application Fee




Danmar Homes 




  Refund - Overpaid Variation Fee




Westside Carpentry 




  Refund - Variation Fee Not Required




Rachel Bennett 




  Refund Swimming Pool Inspection Fee - Paid Twice In Error




Highbury Homes 




  Refund - Overpayment Building Application Fee




Dale Alcock Homes Pty Ltd




  Refund - Overpayment Building Application Fee




Mammoth Nominees Pty Ltd 




  Refund - Overpayment Building Application Fee




Outdoor World 




  Refund - Building Application Fee Paid Twice




Westcourt Ltd 




  Refund - Fee Not Required For Development Application




Yanchep Inn Nominees Pty Ltd 




  Refund - Application Fee Cancelled




GA & SM Burleigh 




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 22520




Trademark Constructions 




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23758




T & H Wilkes 




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23594




Austral Windscreen & Tinting 




  Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23432




Whitford Church 




Donation - Cost Of Candles & Holders To Be Sold During The Carols At Somerly Held 10 December 2005 With Profits To Be Donated To Local Chaplaincy's




Eddy's Carpentry Shop




Donation Towards The Project To Help Children At Risk In The Wanneroo Area




Sunshine Children's Ministry




  Donation - Community Funding Allocation October 2005




Women's Healthworks




  Donations - Community Funding Allocation October 2005




MR Mackie




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




AL & KH Hunter




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




AL & KH Hunter




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Charles Rawlins Tae Kwon Do Academy




  Facility Hire Refund




Wanneroo Cricket Club




  Facility Hire Refund




Rosemary Hancock




  Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




Fiona Bonham




  Dog Registration Refund - Deceased




Judith E & Colin D Rose




Rates Refund P/N 204028 7 Redcloud Ridge ($280.23)  & P/N204932 10 Olympus Loop ($282.36) - Overpayment




B & S Naughton




Rates Refund P/N 208282 11 Acapulco Way ($446.99)  & P/N 211490 18 Alvarez Pkwy ($455.29) - Overpayment




CC Riviere




Rates Refund P/N 141720 89 Moorpark Avenue - Pension Rebate




KC Carter




  Rates Refund P/N 110906 53 Casserly Avenue - Pension Rebate




NI & DR Hopkins




  Rates Refund P/N 183769 23 Eradu Ramble - Pension Rebate




M & J Quayle




Rates Refund P/N 202848 23 Oakworth Meander - Pension Rebate




SM Rimene




  Rates Refund P/N 197169 23 Curtin Road - Pension Rebate




KM Wellbourne - Wood




  Rates Refund P/N 189919 27 Carwoola Circle - Pension Rebate




W Sutcliffe




  Rates Refund P/N 157778 6A Marden Street - Pension Rebate




JA & JH Farris




Rates Refund P/N 195914 51 Palmerston Crescent - Pension Rebate




BR & MR Luxmoore




  Rates Refund P/N 195028 7 Sumba Turn - Pension Rebate




JJ Rice




  Rates Refund P/N 160348 15B Shalford Way - Pension Rebate




FN Khan & SH Kamos




  Rates Refund P/N 179896 38 Dandenong Way - Pension Rebate




M Teague




  Rates Refund P/N 174602 47 Frangipani Loop - Pension Rebate




TH H Phan




  Rates Refund P/N 112118 25 Gummow Way - Pension Rebate




C & NR Bentley 




  Rates Refund P/N 199676 2 Jindare Loop Pension Rebate




HO Fowles 




  Rates Refund P/N 203083 2 Kurnalpi Turn - Pension Rebate




RA Kearsley 




  Rates Refund P/N 159164 48 Monarch Court - Pension Rebate




BD Ferguson 




  Rates Refund P/N 165698 8 Speargrass Close - Pension Rebate




ML, M, B & JA Guelfi 




  Rates Refund P/N 161855 9 Conductor Retreat - Pension Rebate




J & LE Ferguson 




  Rates Refund P/N 138155 24 Shillington Way - Pension Rebate




BM & DW Nichols 




  Rates Refund  P/N 189362 3 Camden Glade - Pension Rebate




Z & S Janotka 




  Rates Refund P/N 137691 8 Mundi Place - Pension Rebate




AA Chapple & JD Napier 




  Rates Refund P/N 202802 8 Walburg Drive - Pension Rebate




TP Lynch 




  Rates Refund P/N 178600 34 Duncombe Grove - Pension Rebate




CJ Pereira 




Rates Refund P/N 154488 6 Shaftesbury Avenue - Pension Rebate




J & TK Young 




  Rates Refund P/N 161176 18 Ballina Close - Pension Rebate




MA & NF Edmonds 




Rates Refund P/N192992 25 Grand Bank Pkwy - Pension Rebate




J & PH Nel 




  Rates Refund P/N 179006 14 Nepean Retreat - Pension Rebate




TV & EM Thackray 




  Rates Refund P/N 136425 39 Frederick Street - Pension Rebate




JI & RM Tilyard 




  Rates Refund P/N 173594 5 Heppell Gardens - Pension Rebate




D & VL Ion 




  Rates Refund P/N 194209 7 Maltara Loop - Pension Rebate




D Sikaloska 




Rates Refund P/N 125458 30 Butterworth Avenue - Pension Rebate




SC & DM Allen 




  Rates Refund P/N 194529 56 Monaltrie Loop - Overpayment




Wallace Construction




Reimbursement Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23840




MP Tobin




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Wanneroo Primary School




  Bond Refund




St Anthonys School




  Bond Refund




Judith Sims




  Reimbursement Of Ink Cartridge Replacement




AJS Motorcycle Club Inc




  Donation - Community Funding Allocation October 2005




KJ & GW Baldwin




Rates Refund P/N 180786 &  P/N 180785 51A/51B Esther Loop Wanneroo - Overpayment Of Rates




Wanneroo Cricket Association Inc. 




  Donation - Community Funding Allocation October 2005




CM & RN Cotton




  Rates Refund P/N 200254 22 Oarkdene Drive - Overpayment




CL Duncan




  Rates Refund P/N 196982 134 St Barraba’s Blvd - Overpayment




City of Wanneroo




  Travel Allowance For July-December 2005




Aboriginal Playgroup Cash Float




  Petty Cash




Aboriginal Seniors Group Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alinta Gas




  Gas Supplies For Aquamotion Control 27/10 - 28/11/05




Beatrix Rausch




Keyholder - Phil Renkin Recreation Centre & Oldham Park Kiosk




Clarkson Youth Centre Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Corporate Services Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Department Of Land Information




  Land Valuations - Rating Services




Iinet Technologies




  Internet Connection – I.T. Services




Local Government Planners Association




Breakfast Forum 15/12/05 "Recent Decisions Impacting On Local Government Planners" – Attendees C Penheiro, W Andersen, A Brown, R Bairstow, M Sherring & Dat Phan




Mr E Martin




Keyholder - Hainsworth Leisure Centre, John Moloney Club Rooms & Koondoola Community Hall




Quinns Rocks Adult Day Care Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Alexander Heights Community House Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Valuer Generals Office




  Valuations - Rating Services




Wanneroo Libraries Central Services




  Petty Cash




Wanneroo Library Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Wanneroo Youth Centre Petty Cash




  Petty Cash




Water Corporation




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($136.60)




  Metered Fire Hydrant Standpipe Hire - Operations




Western Power




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance




  Power Supplies For Various Sites








  Phone Charges To 01/12/05 For City




  1 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance ($73.27)




Australia Post




  Mail Charges Courier For November 2005




Mr L Tan




  Keyholder - Peridot Park & Banksia Grove Zone




Ms J Gilbert




Tennis Booking Officer - Koondoola & Montrose Park Tennis Courts




Ms D Hetherington




Keyholder & Tennis Booking Officer - Hudson Clubroom Parks Cabrini & Lidell Park Hudson Park Courts




Alinjarra Primary School




  Book For Library Award - Elected Members




Peggy Brown




Keyholder - Jenolan Community Centre & Addison Park Club Rooms








Relocate Telstra Network Plant Gnangara Road & Wanneroo Road




Western Power




  Street Lighting For Redcliffe Avenue




Wanneroo Senior High School




Works Carried Out By Wanneroo Senior High School In Completing The Ladders To Construction BBQ Project Situated At Wanneroo Youth Centre




Mr R F Schiller




Keyholder - Clarkson Youth Centre & Anthony Waring Club Rooms & Park




Ms V J Thorogood




Reimbursement Of Hotel Accommodation At Mercure Grosvenor Adelaide For Interplan Conference 22-24/11/05




Amazing Staging




  Production Management 19/11/05 - Cultural Services




Anne Lake Consultancy




  Design & Distribute Survey – Human Resources




Aussie Oi Oi Oi




  Books - Yanchep/Two Rocks Library




Book City Ocean Keys




  Books - Clarkson Library




C & EM Harmer




  Newspapers For CEO’s Office




Catherine Malloy




  Christmas Carols On The Coast - Safer Citizens Event




City of Joondalup




  Lost/Damaged Book Charges - Library Services




CSBP Limited




  Pool Chemicals - Aquamotion




David Gray & Company Pty Ltd




  Abate For Midge Treatment








  Shelves For Ute Canopies




Down Under Harley Tours




  Harley Hire For Santa Arrival - Cultural Development




Duwal Pty Ltd




  Progress Claim 2 Carramar Community Centre - Projects




Experience Perth




  Inclusion In 2006 Holiday Planner - Economic Development




Fremantle Children's Literature Centre




  Finding My Place Program - Library Services




Glenn Swift Entertainment




  Storytelling ‘Tales Of Narnia’ - Wanneroo Library




Huricain Sports




  Basketballs - Youth Services




Integrated Group Ltd




  Casual Labour For Various Departments




Italian Cafe




  Find My Way Program Lunch - Youth Services




JB Precise Engineering




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Jumanga Olives




  Merchandise For Icards Project - Economic Development




Kosmic Sound & Lighting




  Head & Stylus For Turntables - Youth Services




Kott Gunning Lawyers




  Legal Advice - Governance




Non Organic Disposals




  Disposal Of Materials - Engineering & Construction




Odin Road Hardware




  Hand Trolley - Construction




Patricia A Duke Physiotherapy Services




  Health Talk - Clarkson Library




Perth Concert Sound




  Carols By Candlelight - Cultural Development




Red Hen Catering Services




  Catering For Staff Function




Sage Consulting Engineers




  Hepburn Avenue Road Lighting - Projects




Scitech Discovery Centre




  Roadshow For Safer Citizens Events




Sensis Pty Ltd




  Advertising - Aquamotion




Sizzler Beldon




  Outing For Chicz Biz




SMB Electrical Services




  Repair Light Pole Wanneroo Show Grounds




Sun City Country Club Incorporated




  Catering For Council Meeting 22/11/05




Suncity Newsagency




Newspaper Delivery 7/11 - 4/12/05 - Yanchep Two Rocks Library




Sunline Press




  Book Stock - Wanneroo Library




The Full Monty Cafe




  Lunch - Youth Services




The Stables Yanchep




  Camel Rides - Safer Citizens Events




Tony Fingleton




Entertainment At Italian Xmas Party - Alexander Heights Community Centre




Town of Victoria Park




  Valuation Fee - Contracts




Two Rocks Fish & Chips




  Catering For Fire Safety Information Door Knock




WA Limestone Company




  Limestone Deliveries - Infrastructure Maintenance




West Elect Industries Pty Ltd




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Wormald Fire Systems




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance
















Watson Property Group Ashby Rise Lt




  Bond Refund - Ashby Rise Stage 1




Watson Property Group Ashby Rise Ltd




  Bond Refund




WA Limestone Company




  Limestone Deliveries - Infrastructure Maintenance




City of Wanneroo




Fortnightly Deduction From FDC Carers Pay As Instalment Payment For 2005/06 FDC Membership




Alinta Gas




  4 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance




Amp Flexible Lifetime Super Fund




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 16/12/05




Water Corporation




  Road Footpath Reinstatements Costs Due To Hydrant Works




Zurich Client Service




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 16/12/05




City of Wanneroo - Payroll Deduction




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 16/12/05




Western Power




  4 x Ratepayer Financial Assistance








Total Director Corporate Services Advance - Cheques













Michael Coate Golf Design




Part Payment Of Invoice – March 03 Design Documentation For The Redesign Of The Driving Range & Surrounding Area At Marangaroo Golf Course












Australian Manufacturing Workers Union




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 2/12/2005




Australian Services Union




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 2/12/2005




Australian Taxation Office PAYG Payments




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 2/12/2005




Bounce Away




  Bouncy Castle - Safer Citizens Event




Child Support Agency




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 2/12/2005




Councillor Terry Loftus




  Travel Allowance For November 2005




HBF Insurance




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 2/12/2005




KW Inns & KF Penno




Reimbursement Of Expenditure On Behalf Of City For Quinns Caravan Park




Reimbursement Of Eftpos Fees For November 2005 Less Power Contract Fees November 2005












  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 2/12/2005




Premier Artists




  Artist Fee Ian Moss & Band  - Cultural Development




Selectus Employee Benefits Pty Ltd




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 2/12/2005








A Team Printing Pty Ltd




  Receipt Books - Community Services




AAA Production Services




Lighting & Backline For Ian Moss Concert - Kingsway Sporting Complex




Air Liquide WA Pty Ltd




  Hire of Gas Bottles - Depot Store Stock




Algar Burns Pty Ltd




  Crystal Reports – I.T. Services




Amcap Distribution Centre




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Amcom Pty Ltd




  Internet Provider Costs For November 2005








Parts & Repairs To Minolta - Development & Health Services








  Key Safe Collection - Clarkson Library




Art Presentation




  Charcoal On Paper (Artwork) - Cultural Development




Australian Institute of Management




  Conflict Resolution 7/11/05 V Whitten




Australian Plant Wholesalers




  Plants For Citizenship - Marketing Services




Australian Turf Industries




Maintenance Works At Carramar/Marangaroo Golf Courses for September & October 2005




Beaurepaires For Tyres




  Tyre Fitting Services




BOC Gases Account Processing




  Dry Ice Pellets - Development & Health




Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd




  Books - Library Services Books On Wheels




Boral Construction Materials Group Ltd




  Concrete Products Delivered To Various Project Sites




Bunnings Pty Ltd




  Various Purchases - Waste Services




Carringtons Traffic Services




  Traffic Controller Alexander Drive - Operations




Chef Excel Pty Ltd




  Catering For Civic Functions




Civica Pty Ltd




  Development - HR Additional Fields - Finance




  GL Restructure Workshop - Finance




CJD Equipment Pty Ltd




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Clean Sweep




Travel To & From Site Alexander Heights & Cnr Hepburn Avenue




Coates Hire Operations Pty Ltd




  Roller Dynapac Tandem - Infrastructure Maintenance




  Generator For Ian Moss Concert - Cultural Development




Coles Supermarkets Aust Pty Ltd




  Groceries - Wanneroo Youth Centre Open Day




Complete Turf Supplies




  Supply/Lay Kikuyu At Bembridge Park




  Kikuyu For Civic Park - Parks




Courier Australia




  Courier Charges - Community Services








  Various Items - Fleet Maintenance




Cr Kennedy & Co Pty Ltd




  Survey Equipment & Annual Maintenance - Surveyors




Crommelins Handyman Hire & Sales




  Rotary Hoe Hire - Parks




Delaware North Australia WACA




  Catering For Civic Functions




Denmoss Holdings




  Supply/Erect Mobile Stage Deck - Cultural Development




DME Contractors




Spray Herbicide Roundabout At Anchorage & Marmion - Parks




Dwight Communications




  Repairs To Telstra Cable Yanchep Surf Club




Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd




  Reticulation Items - Parks




Ethnic Child Centre Resource Unit




  Mobile Library Membership August 05 - June 06




Ferguson Fforde




Reimbursement Of The Small Business Smart Business Voucher 23543




Frogmat Environmental Pty Ltd




  Supply/Install 4 Trees At Berkley Road - Parks




GHD Management Engineering Environment




  Structural Audit Tower Marchwood Park - Building




Hays Personnel Services




  Casual Labour – Planning Officer, M Sherring




Hitachi Construction Machinery Pty Ltd




  Vehicle Filters Depot Store Stock




Knight & Sons




  Dog Food - Ranger Services




Kyocera Mita Aust P/L




  Meter Reading - C larkson Library




MacDonald Johnston Engineering Company Pty Ltd




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Maxwell Robinson & Phelps




  Supply & Application Of Broadside To Various Locations




Mayday Earthmoving




  Heavy Equipment Hire - Infrastructure Maintenance




McLeods Barristers & Solicitors




  Dog Act Prosecutions - Ranger Services




Mercury Technologies




  Assess Microwave Link – I.T. Services




Miracle Recreation Equipment Pty Ltd




Clatteribdge Centre Board (Playground Equip) - Parks




Mossys Mini Excavations




Supply/Install Lighting In Hepburn Ave - Infrastructure Projects




MP Rogers & Associates Pty Ltd




Consultancy Services For Design Of Beach Access Way Opposite Mary St Quinns Rocks - Projects




Nationwide Training




  Traineeships Certificate 111 - Waste Services Employees




Northern Districts Pest Control




Removal Of Bees At Kingsway Shopping Centre




Removal Of Bees Selby & Ramsgate Mindarie








  Recycled Glass Transport To Railroad




Perlex Holdings




  Sumo Suit For Wanneroo Youth Centre Open Day




Perth Home Care




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients




Perth iX




  2M Data Connection For December 2005




Phoenix Motors of Wanneroo




New Vehicle - 2005 Holden Adventra Lx6 WN32292 - Fleet Services




PJ & CA Contracting




  Playground Maintenance Contract Variations - Parks




Qualcon Laboratories




  Limestone/Asphalt Testing - Infrastructure Maintenance




Rinker Australia Pty Ltd




  Concrete Products Delivered To Various Project Sites




Roads 2000 Pty Ltd




Supply/Lay Asphalt At Hester Avenue Neerabup




Supply/Lay Asphalt At Ocean Drive Quinns Rock




Royal Life Saving Society Australia




  Event Safety For Sportsmania




Scott Print




  Corporate Calendars – Marketing Services




Solver Paints




   Paint Supplies - Building Maintenance




Stampalia Contractors




  Water Truck Hire - Engineering




Statewide Cleaning Supplies Pty Ltd




  Cleaning Supplies – Depot Store Stock




Strike Products




  MC Duties Sportsmania - Safer Citizens




Sunny Sign Company




  42 Signs - Infrastructure Maintenance




Table Eight




  Corporate Uniforms For Various Employees








  Repair Head Set – Waste Services




The Carers




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients




The Pool Table Man




  Pool Cues, Chalk & Screw On Tips - Youth Services




The Trophy House




  70 x Medallion Engravings - Governance




Toll Transport Pty Ltd




  Courier Services For City




Total Eden Watering Systems




  Reticulation Items - Parks Services




Tract WA Pty Ltd




  Consultancy Fees For Mindarie Foreshore Redevelopment




Turfmaster Pty Ltd




  Vertimow/Sweep Various Sites - Infrastructure




Vibra Industrial Filtration Australia




  Air Filter Clean - Depot Store Stock




Victoria Ann Whitten




Reimbursement Purchase Of Chocolate For Employee Opinion Survey - Human Resources




WA Kerbing Pty Ltd




Supply & Lay Kerbing At Hepburn Avenue - Infrastructure Maintenance




Supply/Lay Kerbing - Ocean Drive Quinns Rocks




WA Profiling




  Hire Profiler & Sweeper - Engineering & Construction




Wacker Australia Pty Ltd




  Lifting Handle - Waste Services




Wanneroo Caravan Centre & Steel Fabricators




  Steel Fabrication Works - Building




Wanneroo Electric




  Electrical Maintenance At Various Sites




Wanneroo Hardware




  Hardware Purchases - Infrastructure Maintenance




Wanneroo Towing Service




  Towing Abandoned Vehicles - Ranger Services




Wanneroo Trophy Shop




Large Crystal Trophy For Highest Points Overall - Governance




  Name Badge - Marketing Services




Watts & Woodhouse




Legal Advice:  Badminton Association Of WA - Contracts & Property




Western Irrigation




  Test Pump Bore At Willespie Park




White Oak Home Care Services Pty Ltd




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients




Work Clobber




  Safety Boots - D Iles & M Barrow




Worldwide Online Printing




  Christmas Closure Signage - Marketing Services




Worm Affair




  Worm Farms - Waste Services












Bounce Away




  Supervised Bouncer For Event 7 Yanchep




Councillor Laura Gray




  Travel Allowance For November 2005




Crosbie & Duncan Golf




  Carramar Golf Course Commission For November 2005




Duncan & Crosbie Pro Golf WA Pty Ltd




  Marangaroo Golf Course Commission For November 2005








  50% Cost Sharing For Community Fire Manager




  Digital Camera Kit - Ranger Services




Hames Sharley




  Design Consultancy Fee For Houghton Park




Mr Daniel Simms




  Recoup For Monthly Phoneline Rental 28 Nov - 27 Dec 05












Action Events




  Engraved Plaques & Helmets Stickers - Ranger Services




  Christmas On The Coast Event - Safer Citizens








Engraved Plaques & Helmet Name Stickers – Rangers Services




AHG Paper & Magazine Delivery




  Newspaper Delivery 14/11 - 11/12/05 - Girrawheen Library




A-Line Brick Paving




Paving To Traffic Island Woodward Street - Infrastructure Maintenance








  Self Inking Stamps - Development & Health




Alphawest Services Pty Ltd




  Internet Issue – I.T. Services




Altus Traffic




  Traffic Management - Infrastructure Maintenance




Amcap Distribution Centre




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Aqua Fortis Stirling P/L




  Clean Brick Paving On Wanneroo Road








  Cash Collection For Customer Service




Armstrong Energy




  Various Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Australian Institute of Management




  Training - Time Management 24/11/05 – Attendee V Whitten




Autosmart International




  Hand Cleaner - Fleet




BGC Blokpave




Deliver Pavers - Cnr Hepburn Avenue - Infrastructure Services




BOC Gases Account Processing




  Dry Ice Pellets - Health Services




Boffins Bookshop Pty Ltd




Book Purchases – I.T. Services




Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd




  Book Stock - Wanneroo Library




Boral Construction Materials Group Ltd




  Construction Products Delivered To Various Locations




BP Australia Ltd




  Bp Gear Oil - Depot Store Stock




Braille Tactile Paving




  Pram Ramps At Two Rocks - Infrastructure Maintenance




Bring Couriers




  Courier Services - Development  & Health




Budget Portables




  Equipment Hire - Engineering




Bunnings Pty Ltd




  Various Purchases - Infrastructure Maintenance




Bywest Pty Ltd




  Mower Spare Parts - Depot Store Stock








  Cabcharge For Various Departments




Caris Gibson




  Bubble Blowing Services - Safer Citizens Event




Carramar Resources Industries




  Disposal Of Rubble - Engineering




Carringtons Traffic Services




  Traffic Controller For Alexander Hepburn Avenue




2 Man Crew Vehicle & Sign For Tree Pruning Wanneroo Road




Centaman Systems Pty Ltd




Merge Of North And South Zones Centaman Booking Management System Data – Leisure Services




Chef Excel Pty Ltd




  Catering For Various Council Functions




Chris Williamson




  Decorative Feather Banners - Community Events




City Business Machines




  7 x Digital Cameras – I.T. Services




Clean Sweep




  Sweeping Of Various Sites




Coates Hire Operations Pty Ltd




  Equipment Hire - Infrastructure Maintenance




  Diesel Fuel For Ian Moss Concert - Cultural Development




Coca Cola Amatil Pty Ltd




  Beverages - Civic & Hospitality




Coles Supermarkets Aust Pty Ltd




  Groceries - Civic & Hospitality




  Faulding Glycerine For Bubbles - Safer Citizens Event




  Groceries - Community Services




Communique Wangara




  Nokia 6225 - Ranger Services




Complete Turf Supplies




  Supply & Lay Turf - Infrastructure Maintenance








  Toner Cartridges – I.T. Services




Couplers Malaga




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance








  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




  Various Items - Ranger Services




Crommelins Handyman Hire & Sales




  Hire Of Mini Dingo - Parks




Cutting Edges Pty Ltd




  Cutting Edge 8" - Fleet Maintenance




DBS Fencing




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




De Neefe Signs Pty Ltd




Signs And Accessories For Various Departments (Includes Credit)




Delaware North Australia WACA




  Catering For Various Council Functions




Dept of Conservation & Land Management




Forest Lease 1522/97 Aeromodelling & Recreation Activities Rental 1/12 - 30/11/06




Direct Communications




  Repairs - Ranger Services




Disarect Australia Pty Ltd




  Design & Specification - Economic Development




DME Contractors




Progress Payment 3 Lot 211 Mindarie Foreshore Streetscape Maintenance For October & November 05




Downer Connect Pty Ltd




  Supply/Install Communication Cable – I.T. Services




Drive In Electrics




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Driveshaft Balancing Services




   Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Eclipse Resources Pty Ltd




  Disposal Of Rubble - Engineering




Edgewater Communications




  Call Out For Wanneroo Recreation Centre Phone Systems




Elite Badges




  Name Badges - Ranger Services




Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd




  Reticulation Items - Infrastructure Maintenance




Entire IT




Consulting Fees To Correct Problems & Perform Updates On Graphics Computers - Marketing




Express Towing Services




  Truck Towing - Fleet Maintenance




Foodlink Food Service




  Tea, Coffee, Sugar For City




Forcorp Pty Ltd




  Strobe Lights - Fleet Maintenance




Forpark Australia




Powder Coated Steel Structure Installation At Hainsworth Park




Freja Pty Ltd




  Project Work (Mail Out) & Consulting - Planning




Fuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd




  Staplescart - Reprographics




  Lease/Rental/Copy Charge - Reprographics Equipment




Fujitsu Australia Ltd




  1 X Monitor For I.T. Services




GHD Management Engineering Environment




  Consultancy Fee - Building Services




Globe Australia Pty Ltd




  Envirodye - Parks




GM & J Lombardi Pty Ltd




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Grand Toyota Daihatsu




New Vehicle Purchase - Toyota Commuter Bus 1CCE648




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Gronbek Security




  Locking Services - Building Maintenance




Hays Personnel Services




  Contractor - S Smith, Approval Services




Heavy Automatics




  Filters - Depot Store Stock & Fleet Maintenance




Heli West




  Helicopter Hire For Fire Break Inspections – Ranger Services




Hitachi Construction Machinery Pty Ltd




  Vehicle Filters - Depot Store Stock




Home Chef




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients








   Vehicle Hoses - Fleet Maintenance




Icon Office Technology




  Photocopier Meter Reading For Various Departments




ID Consulting Pty Ltd




  Subscription Fee Nov 05 –Jan 06 - Governance




Imtrade Australia Pty Ltd




  Chemag Enviospray  (20L) Lake Joondalup Foreshore




Information Enterprises




Records Officer 19-30 September 05 - Edith Laurent




  Records Officer Period 3-14 October 05 - Edith Laurent




Japanese Truck & Bus Spares




  Header Tank - Fleet Maintenance




JCA Dealer Services




  Camera Repairs - Fleet Maintenance




Joondalup Drive Medical Centre




Medical Fees – P Garrison




Medical Fees - L Sampsom




Pre Employment Medical – E Elored








  Various Parts – Infrastructure Maintenance








  Contractor - K Kirby, A/Coordinator Building Projects




Kyocera Mita Aust P/L




  Photocopier Meter Reading - B1 Fire Depot




Landscape Infrastructure




Construction Of Timber Stairway To Beach At Mary Street Payment Certificate No 2




Lawrence & Hanson




  Safety Items - Depot Store Stock




Liftrite Toyota




  Various Parts - Fleet Maintenance




MacDonald Johnston Engineering Company Pty Ltd




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Mad Science




  Special Effects Make Up For Finding My Place Program




Major Motors




  Various Filters - Fleet Maintenance




Mayday Earthmoving




  Heavy Equipment Hire - Infrastructure Maintenance




McLeods Barristers & Solicitors




Professional Fees:  La Rosa Unlawful Parking Of Commercial Vehicles




Professional Fees:  Bush Fires Act Prosecution - G Thorne




Mercury Firesafety Pty Ltd




Bushfire Helmets Boots & Knapsack - Ranger Services




Bushfire Brigade Training Refill Loan Units Fire Hydrant Inspection New Community Centre




Merriwa Chinese Restaurant




  Catering For Fire Management Meeting




Messages On Hold




  Rental Of Programming - Customer Services




Mike Geary Signs




  Supply/Fit Magnetic Signs - Fleet Maintenance




Mindarie Bus Charter Pty Ltd




  Bus Charter For Super Golf - Leisure Service




Mobile Glass




  Glazing Services - Building Maintenance




Morley Mower Centre




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance








  Inox - Depot Store Stock




Nick Del Borrello




  Contract Worker - Fleet Maintenance




Northern Districts Pest Control




  Pest Control At Various Sites - Building Maintenance




Novus Autoglass




Insurance Claim: Windscreen 9FU857 - Insurance Services




Insurance Claim: Windscreen WN356 - Insurance Services




Replace Windscreens To WN31916 & WN32154 - Fleet








  Services On Vehicles - Fleet Maintenance




Ocean Keys Newsagency




  Newspaper For Clarkson Library




Onesteel Distribution




  Various Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Pacific Brands Apparel




  Staff Uniform Issue For Outside Employees




Palis Sound and Lighting




  Council Chambers Sound Equipment For Meeting




Phoenix Motors of Wanneroo




  Repairs - Fleet Maintenance




Pirteck Malaga Pty Ltd




  Hoses - Fleet Maintenance




PJ & CA Contracting




  Repairs At Sandow Park - Infrastructure Maintenance




Pope Packaging




  Supply Bags - Engineering




Prestige Alarms




Additional Security Access Cards - Depot Administration




Protector Alsafe




  Safety Items - Depot Store Stock




Pulse Design




 10,000 x 34 Kinds Of Business Cards - Economic Development




Quantum Multimedia Communications




  Usage Charges - Ranger Services




Quick Corporate Australia




  Clip Folders - Waste Services




Ray Scarce & Associates




  Building Plans Processed 15-30 November 2005




RCG Pty Ltd




  Landfill For Engineering & Construction




Red Hot Parcel Taxi




  Freight Charges - Fleet




Reekie Property Services




  Cleaning Services For November 2005




Repco - Bayswater




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Rinker Australia Pty Ltd




  Concrete Productions - Engineering




Road & Traffic Services




  Supply/Install Speed Humps Ridgewood Car Park




Roads 2000 Pty Ltd




  Road Works At Flynn Drive Carramar




Rocla Quarry Products




  Sand - Infrastructure Maintenance




Royal Life Saving Society Australia




  Event Safety - Safer Citizens Event




RPG Auto Electrics




  Repairs - Fleet Maintenance




SAI Global Ltd




  Small Business HBK - Waste Services




Scotts Trimming Service




  Recover Drivers Seat Cushion - Fleet








  Coffee Tea & Sugar For City




Skipper Trucks Belmont




  Repair Air Con - Fleet Maintenance




Solver Paints




  Paint Supplies - Building Maintenance




Sports Surfaces




  Remove/Install Match Wicket At Edgar Griffiths Park




Spotlight Stores Pty Ltd




  Craft Items - Community Services




Stampalia Contractors




  Water Truck Hire For Hepburn Avenue - Engineering




State Law Publisher




  Advertising Basis Of Rates - Rating Services




Statewide Cleaning Supplies Pty Ltd




  Cleaning Supplies - Depot Store




Statewide Pump Services




  Sewer Pump - Yanchep Kiosk Test Floats & Controls




Street Talk Entertainment




  Entertainment By Just Jump 11/12/05 - Safer Citizens Event




Sue Kennedy




  Books - Girrawheen Library




Sunny Brushware Supplies




  Gutter Broom Head Refill - Fleet




Sunny Sign Company




  Various Signs - Infrastructure Maintenance




Taldara Industries Pty Ltd




  Black Bin Liner - Depot Store Stock




Technical Irrigation Imports




Controller Repairs At Gumblossom - Infrastructure Maintenance




The Factory




Repair Christmas Decorations (Santa & Reindeer) – Marketing Services




The Printing Factory




  Bushfire Permits Triplicate Carbonless Sets – Ranger Services




The Pursuits Group




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients




Toll Transport Pty Ltd




  Courier Services - Various Departments




Total Eden Watering Systems




  Reticulation Items - Infrastructure Maintenance








Spare Parts - Depot Store




Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Turfmaster Pty Ltd




Vertimow And Sweep Anthony Waring, Bellport & Aldersea Park And Ferrara Reserve




Weed Control To Various Parks




UES (Int'L) Pty Ltd




  Durafoam - Fleet Maintenance




WA Library Supplies




  Stationery Items - Library Services




WA Local Government Assoc




Advertising For November 2005 – Human Resources And Contracts & Property




WA Profiling




  Hire Of Bobcat, Profiler & Sweeper - Engineering




Wanneroo Agricultural Machinery




  Various Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Wanneroo Electric




  Electrical Maintenance At Various Locations




Wanneroo Hardware




  Hardware Purchases For Various Departments




Wanneroo Support Fire Brigade




  Part Payment Of Brigade Christmas Party 2005




Wanneroo Towing Service




  Towing Abandoned Vehicles - Ranger Services




Wanneroo Trophy Shop




  Name Badges For Various Employees




Waste Master




  Supply Rotary Actuator - Fleet Maintenance




Wattleup Tractors




  Vehicle Filter - Depot Store Stock




Watts & Woodhouse




  General Advice 27/10 - 4/11/05 - Governance




Wel Quip




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance








  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




  Vehicle Filter - Depot Store Stock




White Oak Home Care Services Pty Ltd




  Support Services For Hacc/Cacp Clients




Worldwide Online Printing




  CoW Christmas Cards & Envelopes












Councillor Brett Treby




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Glynis Monks




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Ian Goodenough




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Laura Gray




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Mark Pearson




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Rudi Steffens




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Terry Loftus




  Councillors Allowance




Councillor Tracey Roberts




  Councillors Allowance




Mayor J Kelly




  Mayoral Allowance












Australia Post




  Bulk Mail Charges For November 2005




Australian Taxation Office PAYG Payments




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 16/12/05




Councillor Terry Loftus




  Travel Allowance For December 2005








2005/06 ESL Quarter 2




Joe Arrigo




Keyholder & Tennis Booking Officer -Elliott Road & Wanneroo Senior Citizens




Keyholder & Tennis Booking Officer - Wanneroo Showground Courts & Recreation Centre




Judith Sims




Keyholder & Tennis Booking Officer - Gumblossom Courts, Community Centre Bellport Tennis Court Mindarie




Ms Hazel Owen




  Keyholder - Warradale Community Hall




Street Talk Entertainment




  Entertainment - Safer Citizens Events




Tourism Council Australia




2005 Christmas Tipple At The Tourism Council 14/12/05 - Attendees W Barry & P McMinn




Trailer Parts Pty Ltd




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance












A Team Printing Pty Ltd




  Receipt Dockets - Receivables




Action Lock Service




  Repair Sliding Door - Fleet




Agent Sales & Services Pty Ltd




  Pool Chemicals - Aquamotion




Alphawest Services Pty Ltd




  Site Manager Training – Attendee S Perryman




Altus Traffic




Traffic Control - Wanneroo Road For Infrastructure Maintenance




Amcap Distribution Centre




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance








  Meter Reading Kip2900 - Planning








  Cash Collection - Aquamotion




ARRB Transport Research Ltd




Sustainable Transport Planning Workshop 28-30/11/05 – Attendee R Korenhof




Atlas Steels Pty Ltd




  Steel - Fleet




Australian Institute of Management




  Excel Intermediate Training – Human Resources




Australian Racecare Pty Ltd




  Gokart Hire - Eco Detour Program




Auzzi Bizzi Kites




  Kite Display's - Safer Citizens Events




Battery World




  Battery - Infrastructure Planning




Beaurepaires For Tyres




  Tyre Fitting Services




Beryl Weston




  Cleaning Of Hall - Alexander Heights Community Centre




BGC Blokpave




  Pavers Delivered - Infrastructure Maintenance




Boral Construction Materials Group Ltd




  Concrete Products Delivered To Various Sites - Operations




BP Australia Ltd




  Oil Vanellus C6 Global 15W - Depot Store Stock




Braille Tactile Paving




  Supply/Install Tactile Paving - Infrastructure Maintenance




BT Equipment Pty Ltd




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Cadbury Schweppes Pty Ltd




  Beverages - Aquamotion Kiosk




CBC Bearings WA Pty Ltd




  Housing Bearing Unit - Fleet




Chadson Engineering Pty Ltd




  Filter & Pump Service - Aquamotion




Chef Excel Pty Ltd




  Catering For Civic Functions




Clean Sweep




  Sweeping Of Highclare & Woodward Street - Operations




Coles Supermarkets Aust Pty Ltd




  Grocery Items - Youth Services




Community Newspapers




  Advertising For November 2005




Complete Turf Supplies




  Supply/Lay Turf - Oldham Park








  Toner Cartridges – I.T. Services




Convic International Pty Ltd




Schematic Design & Disbursements Hainsworth Youth Plaza




Cookies & More




  Cakes For Mayors Xmas Party




Corporate Express




  Stationery For November 2005




Courier Australia




  Courier Services For Various Departments








  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Co-Working Solutions - Business Management Consulting & Training




  Strategic Plan Review Workshop - Strategic Services




De Neefe Signs Pty Ltd




  Reversal Of Credit Taken Up & Deducted From Invoice




Delaware North Australia WACA




  Catering For Civic Functions




Delta Protective Services




Crowd Controllers Kingsway Sporting Complex - Ian Moss Concert




Deltaline Security




  Security At Wanneroo Youth Centre Open Day




Dexion Balcatta




  Fullvue Files - Human Resources




DME Contractors




  Claim 2 - Houghton Parks Stage 2 - Infrastructure Projects




  Streetscape Maintenance For October/November 2005




Dowsing Concrete




  Supply/Lay Footpaths & PAW - Infrastructure




Drive In Electrics




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Eastern Press Pty Ltd




  Printing Of Explore Books - Economic Development




Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd




  Reticulation Items - Parks




ERS Australia Pty Ltd




  Parts Cleaner - Fleet




ESRI Australia




  Software Maintenance Arcview - Planning




Estate Landscape Maintenance (E.L.M.)




  Landscape Maintenance Service Butler




Foodlink Food Service




  Catering Items – Marketing Services




Frogmat Environmental Pty Ltd




  Supply/Install Plants - Parks




Fuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd




  Lease/Rental Equipment - Reprographics




Fujitsu Australia Ltd




  Monitor & Adobe Photoshop Licences – I.T. Services




Gary Martin




  Consultancy - CEO Performance Review 2005








  Artwork & CD Cards - Economic Development




Graffiti Systems Australia




  Graffiti Removal At Various Locations








  Equipment Repairs - Aquamotion




Hassell Pty Ltd




  Consultancy Services For Quinns Beach Caravan Park




Hays Personnel Services




  Contract Building Surveyor




Hitachi Construction Machinery Pty Ltd




  Vehicle Filters - Depot Store Stock




Homecare Options




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients








  Vehicle Hoses - Fleet Maintenance




Hugall & Hoile




  Reticulation Items - Parks




Hydramet Pty Ltd




  Equipment Service - Aquamotion




Icon Office Technology




  Photocopy Meter Reading - Various Departments




Infection Control Engineering




  Repairs For Wanneroo Clinic Equipment




Intercity Office Partitioning




  Repairs To Partition - Clarkson Library








AAPA Joint Workshop 5/12/05 – Attendees D Blair, P Calley, B Chang & P Starling




Jaycar Electronics




  Basketball Scoreboard - Youth Services




John Smart Removals




Removal Of Boxes From Basement To First Floor – Marketing Services




Knight & Sons




  Various Items For The Animal Care Centre




Kyocera Mita Aust P/L




  Photocopier Meter Reading - Finance




Ladybirds Plant Hire




  Plant Hire For Customer Services




Latitude Creative Services




  DVD Living History - Heritage




MacDonald Johnston Engineering Company Pty Ltd




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




MacDougall Reprographics




Printing /Delivery Of Contract For Carramar Community Centre




Macroplan Australia Pty Ltd




  Local Housing Strategy - Executive Services




Matrix Wholesalers




  Nippys Unsweetened - Elected Members




McLeods Barristers & Solicitors




  S401 Miscellaneous Act E & R Felix - Planning




Damages Claim Marlborough Way, Quinns Rocks - Development & Health




Lot 470 Yanchep Beach Road - Development & Health




East Wanneroo Infrastructure Contributions: Lot 37 Windsor Road - Planning




Medical Hand




  Immunisation School & Clinics Program




Mey Equipment




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




Michael Coate Golf Design




Balance Of Payment For Design Documentation For The Redesign Of The Driving Range & Surrounding Area At Marangaroo Golf Course




Morley Mower Centre




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




MP Rogers & Associates Pty Ltd




Professional Services:  Beach Access Way Mary Streett Quinns Rocks




National Hire Trading Pty Limited




  Generator Hire - Safer Citizens Events




Network Foods Australia Pty Ltd




  Truffles For Elected Members




Northern Districts Pest Control




  Pest Control At Various Sites




Novus Autoglass




Insurance - Supply/Fit 3 x Windscreens – Contracts & Property








  Vehicle Services - Fleet Maintenance




Onesteel Distribution




  Flat Bar Steel - Fleet Maintenance




Optima Press




  Christmas A3 Posters - Cultural Services




Palace Homes & Construction Pty Ltd




  Progress Payment 5 Ridgewood Change Room Facility




Paul Conti Estate Bottled Wines




  Wine For Elected Members




Pax Books




   Books - Girrawheen Library




Perth Home Care




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients




Peter Wood Pty Ltd




  Supply/Lay Track & Pathway - Mary Street Car Park




Peters & Brownes Group




  Kiosk Stock - Aquamotion




  Ice Creams For Swim School




Phoenix Motors of Wanneroo




  Touch Up Paint – Infrastructure Maintenance




Pocket Phone




Nokia 3120 Phone & Pouch – I.T. Services




Mobile Phone – I.T. Services




Productive Plastics




  Polycarbide - Fleet Maintenance




Professional Travel




Flights & Transport For Ian Moss's Band Members - Cultural Development




Protector Alsafe




  Various Items Stock For Stores




Pulse Design




Printing 30000 A3 Maps & 250 Invitations - Economic Development




Raeco International Pty Ltd




  People Counter - Mobile Library




Raed Kaldis




  Hip Hop Workshop - Youth Services




Reclaim Industries Ltd




  Install Softfall At Hainsworth Park




Reliance Consulting Pty Ltd




Expenses For CoW Including Mobile Phone & Registration Of Business Name - Economic Development




Rinker Australia Pty Ltd




  Concrete Products Delivered To Hepburn Avenue




Roads 2000 Pty Ltd




Roadworks At Woodward St Marangaroo - Infrastructure Maintenance




Royal Life Saving Society Australia




  Enrolment For Heart Beat Club - Tania Naake




Swim School Certificates




First Aid Posts - Safer Citizens Events




Russell Landscaping WA Pty Ltd




Reticulation Repairs/Landscape Maintenance Works For November 2005 At Dalvik Park




Landscaping For November 2005 At Yanchep/Two Rocks




SAI Global Ltd




  Internet Download Standards - Infrastructure




Scoop Publishing




Advertising In Scoop Magazine Edition 34 - Cultural Development




Simon Gilby




Mindarie Foreshore Public Art Commission - Cultural Development




Skipper Trucks Belmont




  Travel Cost - Fleet Maintenance




Spotlight Stores Pty Ltd




  Art & Crafts Supplies -Youth Services




Stamfords Advisors & Consultants Pty Ltd




  Professional Fees: Internal Audit Service - Governance




Stampalia Contractors




  Heavy Vehicle Hire - Infrastructure




State Library of Western Australia




  Lost/Damaged Book Charges - Library Services




Stewarts Laundry Service




  Laundry Service For Civic Centre




Sunny Sign Company




Pedestrian/Bicycle Signs - Infrastructure Projects




Sign Mobile Library - Library Services




Parking Signs - Infrastructure Maintenance




Taldara Industries Pty Ltd




Disposable Dinnerware For Alexander Heights Community Centre




Technifire 2000




  Repairs To Foam Unit - Fleet




The Carers




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients




The Honda Shop




  Parts - Fleet Maintenance




The Trophy House




  Medallion Engraving - Governance




Toll Transport Pty Ltd




  Courier Services For Various Departments




Total Eden Watering Systems




  Reticulation Items - Parks




Tract WA Pty Ltd




  Consultancy Fees Mindarie Foreshore Redevelopment




Turfmaster Pty Ltd




  Verti Drain & Sweep Kingsway Soccer (British)




  Weed Control Median & Verges Wanneroo Road




WA Kerbing Pty Ltd




Lay Kerbing For Woodward Cir - Infrastructure Maintenance




WA Local Government Assoc




  Advertising For November 2005




Wanneroo Agricultural Machinery




  Various Parts - Fleet




Wanneroo Caravan Centre & Steel Fabricators




  Steel Fabrication Works – Ranger Services




Wanneroo Central Newsagency




  Newspapers/Magazines - Library Services




Wanneroo Electric




  Electrical Maintenance At Hainsworth Leisure




Wanneroo Hardware




  Various Items - Engineering




Wanneroo Plumbing




  Plumbing Maintenance At Various Locations




Wanneroo Towing Service




  Towing Abandoned Vehicles - Ranger Services




Wanneroo Trophy Shop




  Name Badges For Various Staff Members




Wattleup Tractors




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance




WH Locations




  Location Of Service - Quarkum Street




White Oak Home Care Services Pty Ltd




  Support Services For HACC/CACP Clients




Wintergreene Drilling




  Redevelop Bore At Bembridge Reserve




Woodhead International




Girrawheen Library & Community Facility Redevelopment Project - Infrastructure Projects




Civic Centre Refurbishment & Memorial Gardens – Infrastructure Projects




Worldwide Online Printing




  Business Cards For Various Staff




  Business Development Books - Economic Development




Wurths Australia Pty Ltd




  Spare Parts - Fleet Maintenance












Australian Manufacturing Workers Union




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 16/12/05




Australian Services Union




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 16/12/05




Australian Taxation Office PAYG Payments




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 16/12/05




Child Support Agency




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 16/12/05




HBF Insurance




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 16/12/05








  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 16/12/05




Robert Jack




Reimbursement Of Business Mobile, Phone Calls &Charges




Selectus Employee Benefits Pty Ltd




  Payroll Ded: F/Ending 16/12/05












Mr Michael Parker




Reimbursement Car Repairs For Melissa Burtons Car Dispute Resolved












Jag Demolition




  Demolition Of Quinns Rock Surf Life Saving Club




PJ & CA Contracting




Sandpit Cleaning & Playground Inspections For November 2005








  Total Director Corporate Services Advance - EFT's






General Fund Bank Account







Payment of Wages PE 02/12/05




Payment of Wages NCP 14/12/05




Payment of Wages PE 16/12/05




Payment of Wages NCP 22/12/05




















Bank Fees - December 2005




CBA Merchant Fees




CBA Pos Fee - Waste Services EFTPOS




CBA Pos Fee




Bill Express Fees 28/11/05 - 22/12/05




Returned Cheque Fee








Direct Entry Service Fee




Diamond BFM Pay Fee




Diamond Cash Maint Fee




Trans Negotiation Auth Limit Fee




Account Service Fee




Diamond Cash Trans Fee




Group Limit Facility Fee








Credit Card Payments:








CEO – Airfares/Accommodation For China Trip




CEO - Annual Charge On Credit Card




DI - Annual Charge On Credit Card




SPO - Annual Charge On Credit Card




SPO - Regsoft Software for I.T. Services




SPO - DOLA Transfer of Land Infrmation for Contracts & Property




SPO - Occupies Liability Seminar For Contracts & Property




DGS - Annual Charge On Credit Card




DGS - Orientation Lunch With Mayor, J McNamara




DCS - Hospitality 27/10/05 & 17/11/05




DCS - Annual Charge On Credit Card




DCD - Australian War Memorial CD-ROM Publication




DCD - Annual Charge On Credit Card




DPD – Hospitality 25/10/05




DPD - Annual Charge On Credit Card




Advance Recoup – December 2005

















Patrick Gill




Shane McGinlay








Irene McCormack




Watson Property Group




JR Holmes













Correct To Bank Fee




Oracle Cheques To Be Cancelled




Cancelled Cheque 52702 - Keystart




Cell 7 - McLeods - Legal Fees For Lot 37 Windsor Road Wangara




Cell 2 - Allperfect Pty Ltd - Refund on Infrastructure Contributions Overpaid



















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CS03-01/06   Financial Activity Statements - for the Period Ended
30 November 2005

File Ref:                                              S13/0002V09

File Name: BBFinancial Activity Statements   For the Period Ended 30 November 2005.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 4 Approval by Audrey Binnie Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Wayne Wright Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by Mike Cole Date 05 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Mike Cole Date 05 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Corporate Services

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Manager Finance

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       3

StartStrip - This line will not be printed so do not delete


To consider statements of financial activity for the period ended 30 November 2005.


Regulation 34(1) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 requires a local government to present the financial activity statement according to nature and type, by program, or by business unit.  Administration has opted to present the statement of financial activity by nature and type and in a similar format to that presented in the Rate Setting Statement for the 2005/2006 Annual Budget.  This format separates operating revenue and expenditure from other revenue and expenditure and provides improved disclosure of Council’s underlying operating result.


The financial activity statement compares year to date actual income and expenditure with the year to date budget, shows variances, forecast changes and end of year forecasts.


A statement of financial position, showing the current status of the City’s assets and liabilities is also included in this report.


The attached statement of financial activity for the period ended 30 November 2005 represents five (5) months of the financial year past.


As indicated in previous reports, Administration conducts a review with each Service Unit at the end of each month with regard to their progress to date against the budget and revised forecasts are included in this statement of financial activity report.  This process will be ongoing with a major review each four (4) months, ie after October 2005 and February 2006.


Comments on the financial performance compared to year to date budget are set out below.




The following comments are provided on the Financial Performance Report (Operating Statement) and Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) for the period ended 30 November 2005.


Financial Performance Report – Summary by Nature and Type (Operating Statement) -Attachment 1 refers.


The operating result for the City to the end of November is an favourable variance of $1.163 million.  The following information is provided on key aspects of the year to date financial performance:-


Operating Revenue

Year to Date                           Unfavourable variance of $17,460

End of Year Forecast              $68.525 million


Overall, year to date operating revenue is within budget.  Some variances are principally due to timing differences in the actual receipt of revenues compared to the budget spreads loaded by Administration.  Of particular note are Operating Grants and Subsidy Income showing an unfavourable variance of $0.35 million and Other Council Income showing an unfavourable variance of $0.14 million.  These areas will be monitored closely over coming months.


Operating Expenses

Year to Date                           Favourable variance of $1.181 million

End of Year Forecast              $73.989 million


Year to date operating expenses currently show significant variances in the areas of salary and wage expenses, contract expenses and material expenses and depreciation.


Variances in salary and wages are due in part to delays in filling vacant positions.  In addition, a review of salaries and wages has identified an overstatement in the Adopted Budget and accordingly, a reduction of $1.46 million has been identified in the End of Year Forecast.


Variances in Contract and Material Expenses reflect timing differences for operating activities undertaken by the City and also the budget spreads loaded by Administration.  Again, these will be monitored closely over coming months.


Following the finalisation of year end accounts for 2004/2005, Administration has been required to increase the End of Year Forecast for Depreciation by $4.97 million to accommodate an expected increase in this expense.


Other Revenue and Expenses

Year to Date                           Favourable variance of $5.65 million

End of Year Forecast              $45.895 million


The year to date variance is influenced by the receipt of Capital Grant of $3.0 million for Connolly Drive.  In addition, the result is also influenced by the value of Physical Assets Received from developers and the timing of income and expenses for Town Planning Schemes (TPS).

No Physical Assets have been recorded as being received from developers compared to a budget of $7.78 million.  TPS scheme income is $4.09 million ahead of budget, whereas, TPS expenses are $5.13 million below progressive budget.


Proceeds from the sale of assets are also significantly ahead of progressive budget, due to the disposal of a number of plant assets from the carried forward plant replacement programme.


Capital Expenditure

Year to Date                           Favourable variance of $8.238 million

End of Year Forecast              $33.619 million


Variances in capital expenditure reflect the timing of projects undertaken by the City.  With the exception of Developer Contributions, the City’s year to date Capital Works and Committed expenditure is 23.87% of the Capital Budget.


Developer contributions, (Physical Assets Received free of Charge) are generally recognised at year end although during 2005/2006 it is intended to recognise these assets as they are progressively transferred from developers.  The current status of works compared to the Adopted Budget is as follows:


Regional Infrastructure Projects         24%

Building Works                                   57%

Engineering Works                             27%

Parks Works                                        21%

Plant and Equipment                          51%

Plant and Equipment Sales                 72%

Strategic Projects – Capital                 41%

Developer Contributions                     0%


A more detailed summary of Capital Works is included - Attachment 3 refers.


Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) - Attachment 2 refers.


The increase in proceeds from the sale of land at Lot 232 Dellamarta Road Wangara is reflected in an increase in Investments – Restricted Municipal of $450,000 and a related increase in transfers to Municipal Reserve.


Other forecast increases in operating revenue and forecast reductions in operating expenditure are reflected in a forecast increase in Investments – Municipal Cash of $0.09  million.  This results in an increase in the total forecast for Unrestricted Cash from $3.28 million to $3.37 million.


Total Equity has been budgeted for an overall increase of $39.7 million.  With the changes outlined above, this is now forecast to increase by $40.43 million.

Statutory Compliance

The monthly financial report for the period ended 30 November 2005 complies with Section 6.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Regulation 34 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996.

Strategic Implications

“Goal 4 Corporate Management and Development – Committed to proper management of our financial resources.”

Policy Implications


Financial Implications

As outlined above and detailed in Attachments 1 to 3.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council RECEIVES the Financial Activity Statement report for the month of November 2005.

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Contracts and Property

CS04-01/06   Realignment of Mather Drive, Neerabup

File Ref:                                              P23/0010V01

File Name: CARealignment of Mather Drive  Neerabup.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 4 Approval by Wayne Wright Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Wayne Wright Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by John Paton Date 13 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by John Paton Date 13 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Corporate Services

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   John Paton

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       4

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To consider realignment of the proposed Mather Drive road reserve, east of Pederick Road and rationalisation of property boundaries with LandCorp.


Lot 4 Flynn Drive, Neerabup (Lot 4) was purchased by the City of Wanneroo in 1976 with a view to its long-term development potential.  The then City of Wanneroo subsequently undertook a subdivision of approximately 27.5 hectares of the property on the corner of Flynn and Mather Drive.  The following land details are relevant for the remaining area:-

Address:                       240 Flynn Drive, Neerabup

Area:                             203.91 hectares

Title:                              Vol. 1963        Folio 202

Zoning (DPS2):            Industrial Development


The Lot is covered by the Neerabup Industrial Area (NIA) Structure Plan, which was adopted by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 11 January 2005.


A detailed report (CS03-05/05) outlining a proposal for Council to consider the subdivision of Lot 4 and incorporating a Business Plan was presented to the Council meeting held on 17 May 2005.  The Business Plan was endorsed and authorisation granted for the advertising of a public notice in accordance with the requirements of section 3.59 of the Local Government Act.  Following the public submission period, a further report (CS04-08/05) was presented to the Council meeting held on 9 August 2005, resulting in the adoption of the following resolution:-


“That Council:-

1.             NOTES the two public submissions received in response to the public notice advertised in the Western Australian on Saturday 21 May 2005, dealing with the Business Plan - “Proposed Subdivision of Lot 4 Flynn Drive, Neerabup”;

2.             APPROVES BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY the staged subdivision of Lot 4 Flynn Drive, Neerabup for the purpose of establishing an industrial development estate in accordance with the approved Business Plan; and

3.             NOTES that outcomes from the preliminary planning process will be reported to a subsequent Council meeting for consideration.’


As part of the preliminary subdivision planning for the NIA, in consultation with LandCorp, a proposal has been considered to amend the proposed road reserve alignment of Mather Drive north of Pederick Street.  This would include a rationalisation of the City’s and LandCorp’s property boundaries adjoining Mather Drive, being Lot 4 and Lot 1002 respectively.


Mather Drive is the main entry road servicing the existing small industrial area and over recent years was extended to link with Pederick Road (see Attachment 1 – Current Mather Drive Alignment).  The 40m wide unconstructed road reserve then extends for a further 600 metres, heading generally in a north easterly alignment, stopping within Lot 4 approximately 500m from the closest property boundary.


The indicative road network depicted in the NIA Structure Plan (see Attachment 2 – Typical Movement Network) reflects a standard grid pattern, generally with north/South, and East/West alignment for local roads, including the extension to Mather Drive.  Road reserve widths are listed as:-

Local roads                   min 20m – 25m

Collector roads             min 35m


It is unclear why the current Mather Drive alignment was originally selected, other than perhaps to follow lower contour levels.  It is however apparent that the current alignment north of Pederick Road is impractical and a straightened alignment would provide the added opportunity to rationalise the property boundaries to create more regular shaped lots.


Given that the road reserve already exists, any amendment would need to be implemented through a formal road closure process.  Preliminary discussions have been held with representatives from the Department of Planning and Infrastructure on the proposal to initiate a road closure by deviation.  In principle, this approach has been received favourably.  In order to commence the formalities, LandCorp consultants, GHD Surveys Pty Ltd have prepared the following drawings:-

§    Mather Drive Realignment (Attachment 3 refers)

§    Proposed Subdivision of Lot 4 & 1002 (Attachment 4 refers)


The main principles addressed in the drawings are:-

1.             the rationalisation of boundaries between the City and LandCorp is on an equal land area, equal value basis;

2.             the realignment of Mather Drive is by ‘deviation’ on an equal land area, equal value basis; and

3.             the proposed alignment and width of Mather Drive north of Pederick Road is consistent with the structure plan.


There appears to be no practical justification to continue Mather Drive on its approved alignment.  Whilst ideally, Mather Drive would be straightened, given the condition of that section of road, the added expense of fully reconstructing the 500m section of road south of Pederick Road could not be justified.  A realignment as proposed provides the following benefits:-

·                by reducing the road reserve width, a longer section of road is achieved on the same square metre allocation;

·                the straightened road provides blocks with regular shaped street frontages, more suitable for subdivision; and

·                the associated rationalisation of land holdings, straightens the boundary between the LandCorp properties on the north side of Pederick Road and the City’s Lot 4, significantly enhancing the subdivision potential.


LandCorp is particularly anxious for the rationalisation of land, as the resulting Lot (proposed Lot 2001) on the north-eastern corner of Pederick Road and Mather Drive will then be suitable to accommodate a proposal for the establishment of a ‘green’ power plant.  This proposal is gathering momentum and in order for the proponents to progress, security of land is required.


In view of the circumstances, it is considered that the proposal has significant merit and should be supported.  Approval in principle is therefore sought for the rationalisation of land boundaries as detailed on Attachment 3.  This will then enable formalities to proceed, commencing with submission of a formal subdivision application, followed by road closure procedures.

Statutory Compliance

Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act (the Act) deals with ‘Disposing of Property’ and outlines a process to be followed, except in cases that are excluded by Regulations.


The Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996, state in part:-

“30   Dispositions of property to which section 3.58 of Act does not apply

(1)       A disposition that is described in this regulation as an exempt disposition is excluded from the application of section 3.58 of the Act.

(2)       A disposition of land is an exempt disposition if-

      (c)       the land is disposed of to-

(i)         the Crown in right of the State or the Commonwealth;

(ii         a department, agency, or instrumentality of the Crown             in right of the State or the Commonwealth;”


Whilst the proposal for a rationalisation of boundaries between Lot 4 and Lot 1002 does not change the net land holdings between the City and LandCorp, technically, a transaction is occurring, including a disposition element.


LandCorp is the Western Australian Government's land and property development agency and would therefore meet the requirements of subsection 30(2)(c)(ii), resulting in the ‘disposition’ being exempt from the requirements of Section 3.58 of the Act.


Closure of the existing alignment of Mather Drive will be achieved under the provisions of Section 58 of the Land Administration Act 1997, by Council passing a resolution to request its closure by the Minister for Lands.  Prior to resolving to request the Minister, Council must give public notice of the proposed closure in a newspaper circulating in the district, inviting submissions within a period of not less than 35 days and must consider any submissions received.  Council must also advise all public utilities and ascertain their requirements in the event of closure.

Strategic Implications

The City’s Strategic Plan 2002-2005 highlights the importance of “Healthy Communities” and incorporates the following strategic goals:-

“2.3       Support and encourage the delivery of a safe and effective transport network

2.6       Provide and manage infrastructure to meet the needs of our community”

Policy Implications


Financial Implications

The proposed exchanges of land to effect the rationalisation of boundaries is being undertaken on an equal value, equal area basis, therefore there is no financial implication associated with the transaction.  There may be GST implications, however this would be treated as a full input credit and have a nil impact on the City.


Survey costs will be incurred, however they will be shared equally between the City and LandCorp.  These costs have been allowed for under budget item Subdivision of Lot 4 Flynn Drive, Neerabup (Project No. 1602).

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:-

1.             APPROVES a proposal to realign the unconstructed section of Mather Drive, Neerabup and rationalise the boundaries between City’s Lot 4 and LandCorp’s Lot 1002 properties;

2.             AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer to sign the Form 1A Application for Approval of Freehold Subdivision or Survey-Strata and submission to the Western Australian Planning Commission; and

3.             AUTHORISES the giving of public notice of the proposed closure of part of Mather Drive, Neerabup under Section 58 of the Land Administration Act 1997.

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CS05-01/06   Proposed Lease - Portion 935 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo - Small Business Centre (North West Metro) Inc

File Ref:                                              P34/0597V01

File Name: CAProposed Lease   Portion 935 Wanneroo Road  Wanneroo   Small Business Centre  North West Metro  Inc.doc This line will

Level 4 Approval by Audrey Binnie Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Wayne Wright Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by John Paton Date 13 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by M Sparks Date 13 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Corporate Services

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Coordinator Property & Insurance

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       1

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To consider entering into a lease with the Small Business Centre (North West Metro) Inc for an area of approximately 11m2 at 935 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo.


The building known as 935 Wanneroo Road, the old Wanneroo Road Board building, is situated on Lots 90 and 91, and owned freehold by the City under Certificate of Title Volume 1095 Folio 593.


At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 13 December 2005 a report (CS04-12/05) was presented to Council outlining a proposal to enter into a lease with the Small Business Centre (North West Metro) Inc for a portion of the building at 935 Wanneroo Road, identified as Office Two, for the purpose of office space (Attachment 1 refers).  Council resolved as follows:-


“That Council:-

1.       AGREES in principle to the leasing of Office Two at 935 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo to the proposed Small Business Centre (North West Metro) Inc on a commercial basis, subject to compliance with the requirements of section 3.58(3) of the Local Government Act 1995; and

2.       AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer to publish a local public notice of its intention to enter into the lease in 1. above.”


The establishment of the Small Business Centre (North West Metro) Inc entity (SBC) is in progress and incorporation should be complete well in advance of the proposed commencement date of the lease. 


Due to some unscheduled asbestos removal works being carried out at 935 Wanneroo Road, it has been necessary to review the timing of that date and it is now proposed that the lease commencement will be Monday, 6 March 2006 (or before should the premises be available), not 1 February 2006 as first proposed.


The rent applicable to the lease, as provided in the previous report to Council, will be $1,920 per annum plus variable outgoings of $406 per annum and the lease will also provide for specific ‘house rules’ to be included to clarify issues such as booking arrangements for training or meeting rooms, access and use of City equipment, use of common areas, displays, confidentiality and security, public access and parking.


In addition to the rental and outgoings and other normal obligations within the lease SBC will be granted a licence to use the ‘common areas’ being the foyer, toilets and tea preparation facilities.


A public notice was placed in the Wanneroo Times on 20 December 2005 detailing the terms of the proposed lease as follows:-

Lessee:                                    Small Business Centre (North West Metro) Inc

Property:                               Portion of 935 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo

being an office of an area of approx 11m²

Term:                                     Two years

Rental:                                   $1,900 per annum plus

variable outgoings (with annual CPI increases)

Market Valuation:                $163 - $173 per m² plus outgoings


SBC will be responsible for the following under the Lease:-

1.       All services relating specifically to the leased area;

2.       Maintenance of leased area; and

3.       Cleaning of the lease area.


As the proposed leased area represents only a small proportion of the total area of the building, it is proposed that the operating costs (variable outgoings) will be estimated based on the Lessee’s percentage of the overall operating expenses of the Building and that amount would be paid in advance at the same time as the rent.


Given that the centre is being established and the relevant operating costs need to be determined, the lease will provide for a review of the variable outgoing rate to ensure that all appropriate costs are being recovered, including components for car park maintenance, gardening and general office administration.


The public notice also invited written public submissions with respect to the proposed disposition and closed at 4:30pm on Wednesday, 11 January 2006.  No written submissions or comments were received and Administration therefore supports the proposed lease as previously outlined. 

Statutory Compliance

The local public notice complied with the requirements of Section 3.58(4) of the Local Government Act 1995, which states:-

“The details of a proposed disposition that are required by subsection (3)(a)(ii) include -

(a)     the names of all other parties concerned;

(b)     the consideration to be received by the local government for the disposition; and

(c)     the market value of the disposition as ascertained by a valuation carried out not more than 6 months before the proposed disposition.”


In light of this, Council is in a position to approve a lease consistent with the local notice, however if a submission was received for a ‘peppercorn’ rental, then this would be a departure from the proposal that the public were invited to comment on.  In that eventuality, Council would have two options:-

1.             Not approve the lease; or

2.             Consider an alternative proposal and recommence the local notice process with a further invitation for public comment.

Strategic Implications

The proposed lease is consistent with the City’s Strategic Plan as follows:

“2.6          Provide and manage infrastructure to meet the needs of our community”

Policy Implications

The proposed lease is in accordance with the City’s Tenancy Policy, adopted by Council at its meeting of 6 April 2004.

Financial Implications

Based on commercial rates, the lease to SBC will provide the following annual income stream to the City (with annual CPI increases):-

Rent                                      $1,900

Variable Outgoings               $   406

Total                                      $2,306   plus GST

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:-

1.             NOTES there were no submissions or comments received in response to the local public notice placed in the Wanneroo Times on 20 December 2005 outlining the proposed lease to the Small Business Centre (North West Metro) Inc;

2.             APPROVES the leasing of portion of 935 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo (being Office Two) to the Small Business Centre (North West Metro) Inc on a commercial basis for a period of two (2) years under the terms and conditions outlined in this report; and

3.             AUTHORISES the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer to affix the Common Seal of the City of Wanneroo and execute the lease between the City and the Small Business Centre (North West Metro) Inc.

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CS06-01/06   Proposed Lease - Portion 935 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo - Wanneroo Business Association Inc

File Ref:                                              P34/0597V01

File Name: CAProposed Lease   Portion 935 Wanneroo Road  Wanneroo   Wanneroo Business Association Inc.doc This line will not be

Level 5 Approval by Wayne Wright Date 25 January 2006

Level 4 Approval by Audrey Binnie Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Wayne Wright Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by John Paton Date 13 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by M Sparks Date 12 January 2006printed dont delete

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Corporate Services

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Coordinator Property & Insurance

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       1

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To consider entering into a lease with the Wanneroo Business Association for an area of approximately 14.25m2 at 935 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo.


The building known as 935 Wanneroo Road, the old Wanneroo Road Board building, is situated on Lots 90 and 91, and owned freehold by the City under Certificate of Title Volume 1095 Folio 593.


At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 13 December 2005 a report (CS03-12/05) was presented to Council outlining a proposal to enter into a lease with the Wanneroo Business Association Inc (WBA) for a portion of the building at 935 Wanneroo Road, identified as Office One, for the purpose of office space (Attachment 1 refers).  Council resolved as follows:-


“That Council:-

1.       AGREES in principle to the leasing of Office One at 935 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo to the Wanneroo Business Association on a commercial basis, subject to compliance with the requirements of section 3.58(3) of the Local Government Act 1995; and

2.       AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer to publish a local public notice of its intention to enter into the lease in 1. above.”


The rent applicable to the lease, as provided in the previous report to Council, will be $2,400 per annum plus variable outgoings of $530 per annum with a proposed commencement date of 1 February 2006.  Due to some unscheduled asbestos removal works being carried out at 935 Wanneroo Road, it has been necessary to review the timing of the proposed commencement date of the lease, and it is now proposed that the lease commencement will be Monday, 6 March 2006 (or before should the premises be available).


The lease will also provide for specific ‘house rules’ to be included to clarify issues such as booking arrangements for training or meeting rooms, access and use of City equipment, use of common areas, displays, confidentiality and security, public access and parking.


In addition to the rental and outgoings and other normal obligations within the lease WBA will be granted a licence to use the ‘common areas’ being the foyer, toilets and tea preparation facilities.


A public notice was placed in the Wanneroo Times on 20 December 2005 detailing the terms of the proposed lease as follows:-

Lessee:                                   Wanneroo Business Association Inc

Property:                               Portion of 935 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo

being an office of an area of approx 14.25m²

Term:                                     Two (2) years

Rental:                                   $2,400 per annum plus variable outgoings

(with annual CPI increases)

Market Valuation:                $163 - $173 per m² plus outgoings


WBA will be responsible for the following under the Lease:-

1.       All services relating specifically to the leased area;

2.       Maintenance of leased area; and

3.       Cleaning of the lease area.


As the proposed leased area represents only a small proportion of the total area of the building, it is proposed that the operating costs (variable outgoings) will be estimated based on the Lessee’s percentage of the overall operating expenses of the Building and that amount would be paid in advance at the same time as the rent.


Given that the centre is being established and the relevant operating costs need to be determined, the lease will provide for a review of the variable outgoing rate to ensure that all appropriate costs are being recovered, including components for car park maintenance, gardening and general office administration.


The public notice also invited written public submissions with respect to the proposed disposition and closed at 4:30pm on Wednesday, 11 January 2006.  No written submissions or comments were received within the public comment period and Administration therefore supports the proposed lease as previously outlined.


WBA forwarded a letter dated 20 January 2006 regarding the draft lease, which included a request for consideration of a ‘Peppercorn’ rental fee.

Statutory Compliance

The local public notice complied with the requirements of Section 3.58(4) of the Local Government Act 1995, which states:


“The details of a proposed disposition that are required by subsection (3)(a)(ii) include -

(a)     the names of all other parties concerned;

(b)     the consideration to be received by the local government for the disposition; and

(c)     the market value of the disposition as ascertained by a valuation carried out not more than 6 months before the proposed disposition.”


In light of this, Council is in a position to approve a lease consistent with the local notice, however, if Council wished to consider the request from WBA for a ‘peppercorn’ rental, then this would be a departure from the proposal that the public were invited to comment on.  In that eventuality, Council would have two options:-

1.             Not approve the lease; or

2.             Consider an alternative proposal and recommence the local notice process with a further invitation for public comment.

Strategic Implications

The proposed lease is consistent with the City’s Strategic Plan as follows:

“2.6          Provide and manage infrastructure to meet the needs of our community”

Policy Implications

The proposed lease is in accordance with the City’s Tenancy Policy, adopted by Council at its meeting of 6 April 2004.

Financial Implications

Based on commercial rates, the lease to WBA will provide the following annual income stream to the City (with annual CPI increases):-

Rent                                      $2,400

Variable Outgoings               $   530

Total                                      $2,930   plus GST

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:-

1.             NOTES there were no submissions or comments received in response to the local public notice placed in the Wanneroo Times on 20 December 2005 outlining the proposed lease to the Wanneroo Business Association Inc;

2.             APPROVES the leasing of portion of 935 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo (being Office One) to the Wanneroo Business Association Inc on a commercial basis for a period of two (2) years under the terms and conditions outlined in this report; and

3.             AUTHORISES the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer to affix the Common Seal of the City of Wanneroo and execute the lease between the City and the Wanneroo Business Association Inc.

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CS07-01/06   Head Lease and Sublease for Portion State Forest 65 - Shooting and Recreational Facilities

File Ref:                                              P26/0016V01

File Name: CAHeadlease and Sub Lease for Portion State Forest 65   Shooting and Recreational Facilities.doc This line will not be printed

Level 4 Approval by Audrey Binnie Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Wayne Wright Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by John Paton Date 13 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Natalie Cook Date 12 January 2006dont delete

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Corporate Services

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Property Officer

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       1

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To consider the renewal of Head Lease – No 1490/97 - with the Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM), over portion of State Forest No 65, for a term of ten (10) years and a proposed sublease to the Wanneroo Shooting Complex Inc (WSC) over the same portion of State Forest No 65, also for a term of ten (10) years, less one (1) day.


The proposed leased area known as the Wanneroo Shooting Complex (the Complex) is situated on Perry Road, Pinjar and comprises an area of approx 394 hectares (Attachment 1 Refers).  The City has held this land under a Head Lease, for a term of twenty-one (21) years, for the purpose of Shooting and Recreational Facilities, expiring on 31 May 2004.  The lease has been in holdover on a monthly basis since that date, awaiting approval by the Minister for the Environment and subsequent lease negotiations to be finalised.  Current rental payable by the City is $150 per annum and is fully recovered from the City’s subtenant.


The City subleases the area to the WSC under an agreement dated 9 May 1985 and expiring 30 May 2004.  This arrangement is also in holdover on a monthly basis.


The WSC subleases portions of the Complex to nine (9) individual clubs, each having different range sizes dependent upon the particular firearm being used.  The Clubs are Perth Rifle Metallic Silhouette Club Inc, Western Australian Field and Game Inc, Perth Western Action Club (SSAA) Inc, Perth Field Rifle Club Inc, Perth Lever Action Rifle Club Inc, West Coast Pistol and Revolver Club Inc, Perth Handgun Metallic Silhouette Club Inc, Perth Muzzleloading Club Inc and Northern Districts Pistol Club Inc.  Each club falls under one of the three governing bodies, which are the WA Field and Game State Branch, Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA) and International Pistol Shooting Club (IPSC).


Competitions are held within the individual Clubs, although the Complex is essentially used for recreation purposes with an approximate membership of 460 members and throughout the year, approximately 11,000 people will enter the complex. As a result, the complex is the second largest in Australia behind a similar facility in Queensland.


The WSC maintains and insures the common property, fencing and the access road whilst the individual clubs maintain and insure their own ranges and infrastructure.  The sublease however will ensure that the responsibility for maintenance and insurance for the entire Complex will rest with WSC.


Head Lease:

The land is owned by CALM and discussions have previously been held suggesting that CALM lease directly to the individual club or organisation that is occupying the facility.  It is CALM’s view however that a lease should be granted to a controlling body, in this case the City, for subleasing on to the individual club or organisation.

Negotiations with CALM for the essential terms of the Head Lease have been protracted but agreement, subject to Council approval, has now been reached as follows:

Lease Term

Ten (10) years

Commencement Date

Proposed 7 October 2005 * (Still being negotiated)

Expiry Date

Proposed 6 October 2015

Rent Payable

$150 per annum from 7 October 2005 then

$500 per annum from 7 October 2007.

(Intermediate years will be subject to increases in the CPI)

Option to Renew


Permitted Use of the Leased Area

Shooting and Recreational Facilities

Rates, taxes and outgoings

Responsibility of the City (will be passed on to the sublessee)


By either party giving 12 months notice in writing


*CALM has provided a draft of the Head Lease and suggested that the commencement date be backdated to 1 June 2004.  Administration however, believes a more appropriate commencement date is the 7 October 2005 being the date of the draft lease being forwarded to the City by CALM.



Ordinarily, as a recreational body, the WSC would be classified as a Non Commercial category under the City’s Tenancy Policy and would therefore pay a ‘peppercorn’ rental for the sublease.  However, as it is proposed that the arrangement be at no cost to the City WSC will be liable to pay the same rent as is payable by the City under the Head Lease. 

In addition, under normal circumstances it would be proposed that the sublease be a Land Lease in accordance with the Tenancy Policy and as such the Asset Preservation Fund levy would not apply.  In this instance it is a requirement of the Head Lease from CALM that the sublease be in a normal lease format however, it is still recommended that the Asset Preservation Fund be waived as the City has no interest in the building facilities and structures on the premises.

The negotiated criteria for the proposed sublease, subject to Council approval, is as follows:


Lease Term

Ten (10) years, less one (1) day

Commencement Date

Proposed 7 October 2005

Rent Payable

$150 per annum from 7 October 2005 then

$500 per annum from 7 October 2007.

(Intermediate years will be subject to CPI increases)

Permitted Use of the Leased Area

Shooting and Recreational Facilities

Rates and Taxes (including Council Rates)

Sublessee responsibility

Outgoings (water, electricity, gas and telephone etc)

Sublessee responsibility

Liquor Licence

Sublessee responsibility - City approval required

Public Liability Insurance

Sublessee responsibility

Building Insurance

Sublessee responsibility

Building Maintenance

Sublessee responsibility

Statutory Compliance

Sublessee responsibility


Sublessee responsibility

Asset Preservation Levy

Not applicable


By either party giving 12 months notice in writing


The renewal of the Head Lease with CALM and sublease to the WSC will help ensure the survival of a popular recreational pursuit and is therefore supported by Administration.  WSC will be responsible to negotiate and prepare appropriate documentation for the nine clubs using the Complex.  The documents are to be in a format agreeable to the City and Council consent is required to the sub subleases.

Statutory Compliance

The sublease would be considered an exempt disposition under Regulation (30(2)(b) of the Local Government Act 1995, which states:


       “30(2) A disposition of land is an exempt disposition if –

                   (b)   the land is disposed of to a body, whether incorporated or not –

(i)        the objects of which are a charitable, benevolent, religious, cultural, educational, recreational, sporting or other like nature;


(ii)       the members of which are not entitled or permitted to receive any pecuniary profit from the body’s transactions;”

Strategic Implications

The proposed Head Lease and sublease arrangement is consistent with the City’s Strategic Plan as follows:-


       “2.6          Provide and manage infrastructure to meet the needs of our community”.

Policy Implications

The sublease negotiations have been conducted in accordance with the City’s Tenancy Policy adopted by Council in April 2004.

Financial Implications

The proposed sublease to the Wanneroo Shooting Complex Inc has been negotiated on the basis of no cost to the City.  All rent and outgoings payable by the city under the Head Lease, any costs passed onto the City by CALM under the Head Lease, and the reasonable costs incurred by the City associated with the negotiation and preparation of the sublease documentation shall be passed on to the sublessee.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council: -

1.             APPROVES the entering into a Head Lease with the Department of Conservation and Land Management over a portion of State Forest No 65 for a period of ten (10) years commencing 7 October 2005;

2.             APPROVES the entering into a sublease between the City and the Wanneroo Shooting Complex Inc over the same portion of State Forest No 65 for a period of ten (10) years, less one (1) day, commencing 7 October 2005;

3.             CONSENTS to the entering into various sub subleases between the Wanneroo Shooting Complex Inc and the following nine (9) organisations – Perth Rifle Metallic Silhouette Club Inc, Western Australian Field and Game Inc, Perth Western Action Club (SSAA) Inc, Perth Field Rifle Club Inc, Perth Lever Action Rifle Club Inc, West Coast Pistol and Revolver Club Inc, Perth Handgun Metallic Silhouette Club Inc, Perth Muzzleloading Club Inc and Northern Districts Pistol Club Inc. over portion of the subleased area for a period of ten(10) years, less one (1) day, commencing 7 October 2005;

4.             AUTHORISES the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to execute and affix the Common Seal of the City of Wanneroo to the Head Lease between the City and the Department of Conservation and Land Management;

5.             AUTHORISES the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer to execute and affix the Common Seal of the City of Wanneroo to the sublease between the City and the Wanneroo Shooting Complex Inc subject to the Wanneroo Shooting Complex Inc bearing any costs incurred by the City under the Head Lease with the Department of Conservation and Land Management together with the reasonable costs of the City in the negotiation and preparation of the sublease documentation; and

6.             AUTHORISES the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer to execute and affix the Common Seal of the City of Wanneroo to the nine (9) sub subleases between the Wanneroo Shooting Complex Inc and Perth Rifle Metallic Silhouette Club Inc, Western Australian Field and Game Inc, Perth Western Action Club (SSAA) Inc, Perth Field Rifle Club Inc, Perth Lever Action Rifle Club Inc, West Coast Pistol and Revolver Club Inc, Perth Handgun Metallic Silhouette Club Inc, Perth Muzzleloading Club Inc and Northern Districts Pistol Club Inc, subject to the Wanneroo Shooting Complex Inc bearing any costs incurred by the City in the negotiation and preparation of the sub sublease documentation. 

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CS08-01/06   Shared Use - Public/School Sports Ovals

File Ref:                                              S08/0015V01

File Name: CAShared Use   Public School Sports Ovals.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 5 Approval by Wayne Wright Date 25 January 2006

Level 4 Approval by Audrey Binnie Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Wayne Wright Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by John Paton Date 16 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by John Paton Date 16 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Corporate Services

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Martine Baker

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       Nil

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To consider community consultation to determine support for various schools to use a Section 20A reserve exclusively for particular periods of specified days, for the schools’ recreational purposes. 


There are several locations within the City of Wanneroo where planning approval has been granted for the co-location of schools and public recreation facilities.  The principle underpinning this arrangement is that the sports oval component could be shared, along with the maintenance responsibilities, thus avoiding the duplication of facilities.  As a result, the area required for the relevant schools has been reduced by the area of the oval, although in some instances, these facilities have been constructed straddling the boundary of Department of Education and Training (DET) land and the Crown reserve.


Officers from the City and DET have had formal discussions regarding the question of entering into arrangements to enable schools to have guaranteed access to adjoining reserves.  This arrangement would require DET and the City to execute a licence agreement in relation to each affected reserve.


Section 20A reserves are created under the Town Planning and Development Act 1928, with the land being vested in the Crown.  Management Orders are issued to the local government, however power to lease is not granted in order to protect the public access entitlement to these reserves.


The Department for Planning and Infrastructure (DPI) has established a set of guidelines to assist local governments implement licence agreements with schools which will be utilising the Section 20A reserves, which the local government has a management order over.


Many local governments including Joondalup, Stirling, Swan, Rockingham and Kwinana have already had licence agreements in existence for many years.  However, since the establishment of the new City of Wanneroo, the City has not been in the position to develop agreements with DET.  Other local governments receive a financial contribution towards the operating and maintenance costs of reserves depending upon the circumstances of each site.



The DPI and the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) have agreed that while Section 20A reserves are intended for the recreation of the general public, licence agreements can be entered into between local governments and the Minister for Education.  By supporting this action DPI have developed some pertinent points contained within their Government Land Bulletin to which local governments are required to adhere to as a minimum.  They include:-


“1.    Such land may however be used for organised sporting events, as such arrangements in fact promote the public’s recreational enjoyment of the land.

2.       Organised recreational use inevitably means that the public’s use of such land must be regulated, in the interests of facilitating the organised event, and public safety.

3.       Licensing is an appropriate means for achieving a level of control and regulation of use of a s.20A reserve, with an associated deed specifying the responsibilities and powers of parties and limitations on public exclusion.

4.       While having regard for points 2 and 3, the public should not be unreasonably excluded from access to such land for recreational use.

5.       It is nevertheless reasonable for schools to be given licences to use s.20A land during school hours, for organised supervised sporting events.

6.       Most larger reserves can be used for a number of purposes and by different parties simultaneously. A s.20A reserve should be licensed for a school’s use only to the extent required for active, organised, supervised use. Residual areas of such a reserve should remain available for the general public’s use.

7.       It would not be reasonable to allow s.20A land to be used as incidental “spill-over” playgrounds for schools, for continual, exclusive school use during (and before and after) school hours. Schools must continue to provide sufficient space within their own grounds for such purposes.

8.       Schools would not be permitted to fence s.20A land, and there would be limited permanent structures permitted (eg. recreational facilities, or storage of recreational equipment).

9.       DET should indemnify the relevant local government and DPI against any claims for damages.

10.     The maximum term of a licence should be 21 years, and there should be no consideration payable to the local government for land use (other costs such as maintenance may be recoverable).

11.     There should be provision in the licence deed for variation or termination, whether by agreement between the parties, or by the Minister for Lands (presently the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure), if it is in the public interest for the Minister to intervene.

12.     A model licence document should be submitted for consideration by DPI and the WAPC.

13.     Each licence document for each licensing arrangement must be reviewed by DPI prior to execution by the parties and when executed, submitted for the consent of the Minister for Lands under s.18 of the LAA.

14.     The WAPC would have concerns if this arrangement were to result in an effective diminution of public open space, reasonably available for public use. Those concerns would be less, where WAPC is given the opportunity to consider and approve such a proposal as part of a new subdivision. There would be far greater concern where the arrangement is being used to facilitate subdivision and disposal of existing school lands.

15.     Public consultation is not required in relation to a proposal to license a school’s use of s.20A land, where the subdivision is new and there has been no sale of adjoining or nearby lots. Developers and their agents should however notify intending purchasers of lots in that subdivision, of the intended use, so that they are aware of the arrangement before they buy.

16.     Where lots within the particular subdivision creating the s.20A land have not been sold yet, consultation is not required. However, if the subdivision is part of a series of staged subdivisions being undertaken by the one developer, and nearby land-owners within an earlier stage may have had a reasonable expectation that proposed s.20A land shown on concept plans for future stages would be available for their use, consultation may be necessary.

17.     Prior consultation will be required where an existing reserve, or s.20A land not yet reserved under the LAA, in a subdivision where lots have been sold, is proposed to be licensed to a school.

18.     A reasonable catchment should be used, in determining the extent of households or property-owners to be consulted. Consultation should not be limited to owners of lots in the subdivision creating the s.20A reserve, but should take in households within a radius of around 400 metres of the reserve.

19.     Standards of consultation are generally to be determined by the relevant local government, but DPI may specify additional requirements on a case by case basis. Basic standards would consist of the local government or other proponent signposting the affected reserve to indicate the intended change, advertising in the local newspaper and canvassing nearby landholders by mail, in order to demonstrate to the Minister the level of ratepayer support.

20.     DET will be responsible for undertaking consultation, in liaison with the relevant local government. Efforts should be made to accommodate reasonable requests by parties responding to the process.

21.     Results of the consultation process should be submitted to DPI for review, prior to licensing arrangements being settled.”


Prior to further negotiations with DET to formalise License Agreements, the City will need to undertake the required public consultation process.  The table below lists the school sites where formalisation of ‘shared use’ is required:-

Reserve Name

School Name


Houghton Park

Reserve 48106  Lot 15371 DP 38295  Vol 3135  Fol 241

Carramar Primary School

Richard Aldersea Park

Reserve 42042  Lot 11670  P 17995 Vol 3096 Fol 150

Clarkson Primary School

Addison Park

Reserve 41483 Swan Loc 12265 and 11346

Merriwa Primary School and Merriwa Ed Supp Centre

Abbeville Park

Reserve 43899 Lot 12424 P 20320 Vol 3106 Fol 25

Mindarie Primary School

Belhaven Park

Reserve 47792  Lot 774 DP 24964 Vol 3134 Fol 483

Quinns Beach Primary School

Gumblossom Park

Reserve 28376  Lot 8163  DP 28734  Vol 3046  Fol 22

Quinns Rocks Primary School


It should be noted that there are a number of other sites in various stages of planning where there is the potential for similar co-location of facilities.  These will require negotiation and if approved, appropriate licence arrangements, however they will be addressed as they eventuate.


The DPI guidelines require that a public consultations process be undertaken to demonstrate the level of community support for the proposal.  Indicatively, the City is required to consult households within a radius of around 400 metres of the reserve.  The other elements of consultation proposed include:-

·                Direct canvassing of interested person/groups;

·                An advertisement in the Wanneroo Times;

·                On-site signage; and

·                Place an article in the local school newsletter.


Public consultation is required even at sites where the arrangement has been in operation for extended periods, but not formalised.  In this case, however, the requirements may be reduced and discussions are being undertaken with DPI to determine an appropriate level of consultation.


The above approach is considered to be consistent with the WAPC’s Policy No. DC 2.4 in relation to the co-location of school sites with public open space.


The City and DET understand they have separate roles and responsibilities in relation to the provision of facilities and services to the community.  They include:-


·                It is the responsibility of the City, to plan, develop, construct, operate and maintain parks and recreational facilities in the City of Wanneroo, and to organise and administer public recreational programs.

·                It is the responsibility of the DET to develop and deliver educational programs and provide the necessary facilities and sites for these programs.


In negotiating for the shared use of co-located sports ovals, discussions have been implemented in support of the following principles:-


1.             The parties support, to the extent possible, the extension of their services to the total community and encourage co-operation and co-ordination among the community to better meet the educational and recreational needs of the City of Wanneroo community.


2.             Therefore the parties wish to use their resources and facilities for the maximum benefit of the citizens of the City of Wanneroo and to accomplish this goal the parties desire to enter into a Licence Agreement.

Statutory Compliance

DPI has a number of policies and guidelines it requires local governments to adhere to, to ensure the Section 20A reserves are intended for the recreational purposes of the general public.  DPI is currently progressing the formal implementation of a Government Land Bulletin regarding “Licensing of S.20A Public Recreation” reserves to the Department of Education and Training for school sporting activities.


The arrangement of giving schools licences to use Section 20A reserves during school hours is consistent with the WAPC Policy No. DC.2.4.  Organised sport promotes the objectives of public recreation and requires a degree of control and exclusion of the public’s rights of access at particular times.


Subject to the outcome of the public consultation process, the City will progress the formal development and implementation of licence agreements with the Minister for Education, which will ensure the City is meeting its obligations with DPI and WAPC.

Strategic Implications

By implementing Licence Agreements will ensure compliance with the City’s Strategic Plan objectives.

“2        Healthy Communities - To foster an identity that promotes lifestyle choices and provision of quality services and infrastructure.

2.4       Support safe and secure communities.”

Policy Implications

A series of protocols have been developed and are being used administratively within the City of Wanneroo and DET when considering co-location of school sites and public open space.  As these circumstances appear to be increasing, particularly with the number of schools planned in the northern corridor, it would be prudent for a policy to be developed and submitted for consideration and adoption by Council.

Financial Implications

To conduct public consultation at the six (6) sites is estimated to cost a minimum of $1,500.  The consultation process will be implemented by the City’s Contracts and Property Services unit and expenses accommodated in the relevant operating budget.


The following table provides indicative maintenance cost figures for all ovals except for Houghton Park, as this reserve has not been in operation for a full 12 months and to date maintenance has only been undertaken on a portion of the reserve:-

Table 1: Estimated costs for maintenance based on 2004/2005 financial year


School Site and Reserve

Maintenance Costs 2004/2005

Clarkson Primary School

Richard Aldersea Park


Merriwa Ed Supp Centre & Primary School

Addison Park


Mindarie Primary School

Addeville Park


Quinns Beach Primary School

Belhaven Park


Quinns Rocks Primary School

Gumblossom Park – based on one oval usage





In the event that Licence Agreements are ultimately achieved, it is estimated that the City will receive a contribution from DET in the order of $8,000 annually per site.  This contribution is based on the area required to be used by the schools and the City’s estimated rate per hectare for the maintenance of Active – Minor reserves, being $8,000 per hectare.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council APPROVES the implementation of a public consultation strategy to determine public support for entering into Licence Agreements with the Minister for Education to use the following Section 20A Public Recreation Reserves: -

·                Houghton Park – Reserve 48106

·                Richard Aldersea Park – Reserve 42042

·                Addison Park – Reserve 41483

·                Abberville Park – Reserve 43899

·                Belhaven Park – Reserve 47792

·                Gumblossom Park – Reserve 28376

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Community Development

Community Services

CD01-01/06   Home and Community Care (HACC) Program 2005 - 2006 Deed of Variation

File Ref:                                              S07/0004V02

File Name: AAHome and Community Care  HACC  Program 2005   2006 Deed of Variation.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 4 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by rh Date 13 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by rh Date 13 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Brigitte Creighton Date 12 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Community Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Team Leader Aged and Disability Services

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       Nil

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To consider proposed changes to the existing Service Agreement with the State Department of Health in relation to the provision of the Home and Community Care Program (HACC).


The City of Wanneroo receives funding from the Department of Health to provide services under the HACC program. The aim of the program is to provide services to enable people to remain living at home if they so desire and to prevent inappropriate admissions to nursing homes or hostels.


Last financial year the City provided HACC services to nearly 800 residents. This included over 9,000 hours of Domestic Assistance, more than 2,000 hours of Personal Care and 1,300 hours of Social Support and Respite. Nearly 300 residents, including the frail aged, younger people with disabilities, those with dementia, aboriginal and culturally and linguistically disadvantaged groups, attended the City’s adult day centre programs.


The outputs to be provided by the City in order to acquit this funding are contained in a Service Specification Schedule that forms part of the Service Agreement. The City currently is in the final year of a 3-year contract. Each year variations to this contract are negotiated with the Project Officer from the Department of Health, specifically around the outputs required for the following financial year (2005/2006).


The process of negotiation has been completed and the variation to contract now requires approval. The variations negotiated are outlined below:





Domestic Assistance

9,282 hours with funding of $242,260.00

9,580 hours with funding of $268,240.00

Social Support

1,522 hours with funding of $26,635.00

1,520 hours with funding of $42,560.00

Personal Care

3,583 hours with funding of $93,516.00

3,583 hours with funding of $100,324.00

Centre Based Day Care

78,500 hours with funding of $471,000.00

57,050 hours with funding of $524,860.00

Transport (related to Centre Based Day Care)

18,241 trips with funding of $196,638.00

13,998 trips with funding of $155,382.00


1,851 hours with funding of $48,126.00

1,850 hours with funding of $51,800.00


22,500 meals with funding of $61,875.00

22,500 meals with funding of $33,750.00


900 hours with funding of $27,168.00

1,200 hours with funding of $36,000.00

Case Planning/Review and Coordination

1,250 hours with funding of $37,738.00

1,200 hours with funding of $33,900.00

Counselling/Support, Information and Advocacy

1,000 hours with funding of $26,750.00

780 hours with funding of $23,400.00

Allied Health (In Home)

80 hours with funding of $1,444.00

85 hours with funding of $3,400.00

In particular, it must be noted that the HACC subsidy for the provision of the City’s delivered meal service has been reduced from $2.75 to $1.50. The original subsidy was deemed inappropriate and was reduced in order to achieve equity with other agencies providing a meal service and was not negotiable. The purpose of the subsidy is to assist with the cost of delivering the meal. The meal recipient is expected to pay for the actual cost of the meal, as this is seen to be an everyday living expense.

A copy of the Deed of Variation has been provided in the Elected Members’ Reading Room.




The services provided are well utilised, relevant and factor highly in supporting the needs of older people, younger people with disability and other marginalised groups living in the City of Wanneroo.


The variations recommended in the Service Specification Schedule represent minor changes in actual service delivery. In general the adjustments are to the unit price paid by the Department to the City, with a small reduction in hours within the Adult Day Centre programs and a reduced subsidy for the delivered meal service. The changes made to service delivery are minor and will not disadvantage any resident; rather they will enable a more accurate record of need within the City that can be used to identify any gaps in service for future planning and any annual HACC Growth Funding Application.


The City’s unit price has remained unchanged for a number of years and with increased costs in the areas of administration, staff wages, fees charged by the contracted agencies to deliver services (approximately 4% increase in 2005/2006) and the rise in the price of fuel (impacting on Adult Day Centre transport), it is essential that the City renegotiate a more realistic unit price for the delivery of its HACC services.


The Annual Funding Level for 2005/2006 incorporating these variations is $1,273,616.00, exclusive of GST.


Additionally, should Council change its focus in this area of service provision, this agreement may be terminated at any time during its term by 90 days written notice to the Department.

Statutory Compliance

A Council resolution is required to allow the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer to affix the common seal of the City of Wanneroo.

Strategic Implications

The HACC provides programs and services that offer choices that allow people to live independently in our community. Delivery of the service is consistent with the City’s Strategic Plan 2. Healthy Communities


“2.1 Achieve an understanding of our community’s needs – present and future

2.5 Foster a community that finds strength in its diversity

2.7 Provide community focussed services and lifestyle opportunities”

Policy Implications


Financial Implications

The Annual Funding Level, Schedule 1, for 2005/2006 is $1,273,616.00, and represents an increase of 3% on the previous period. The signing of the Deed of Variation document will allow funding to continue and represents a rescheduling of target outcomes with no impact on the 2005/06 budget.


The Service Specification Schedule of outputs represents realistic targets that are achievable. The unit prices for each service type paid to the City by the Department for the delivery of services now reflect a more realistic cost within the current economic climate, are in line with those paid to other service providers and will form the basis to attract more realistic HACC funding to support growth within the City’s Aged and Disability Services.


Should this funding be lost due to a decision not to sign the Deed of Variation there would be a considerable impact on the budget and operations of Community Services, given that most operations within the Aged and Disability Services unit are funded through the HACC program.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council AUTHORISES the Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer execute and affix the common seal of the City of Wanneroo to the Deed of Variation to the Home and Community Care contract between the City of Wanneroo and the Department of Health.

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CD02-01/06   Additional Home and Community Care (HACC) Funding Awarded to the City

File Ref:                                              S07/0084V01

File Name: AAAdditional Home and Community Care  HACC  funding awarded to the City.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 4 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 16 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 16 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director Community Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Team Leader Aged and Disability Services

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachment(s):                                    Nil

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To consider additional funding provided by the Department of Health through its Home And Community Care (HACC) program that will allow for the provision of more services to eligible individuals living in the City.


Each year the City has the opportunity to apply for additional recurrent as well as non-recurrent funds within its HACC program.


The aim of the HACC program is to prevent inappropriate admissions to hostels or nursing homes through the provision of targeted home support services to eligible individuals.  The main criteria for eligibility are an ongoing functional disability that affects activities of daily living and a risk of premature admission to supported accommodation.


Currently the City provides HACC services to approximately 800 individuals living in the City.  At its meeting of 4 November 2003 Council resolved to continue the provision of HACC services (Report CD-0211/03 refers).


The City has been advised that it has been successful in obtaining additional ongoing or recurrent funding to provide additional Centre Based Day Care (CBDC) for Younger People with a Disability (YPWD), aged between 18 – 35 years of age and targeting the northern suburbs of the City.


This additional recurrent funding can be summarised as follows:

Service Item

(Identify whether new or expansion)

Number of additional clients


(Hours/trips per annum)

Unit Price

Total Purchase Price







CBDC Transport





$ 7,762








(GST excluded)






The City will receive 65% of the total increase or $13,337.00 in order to provide increased services in the identified areas for the period November 2005 to June 2006.  It is anticipated that demand for services will allow for this condition to be met.  This growth funding will continue to be paid to the City in the 2006/2007 financial year, bringing the City’s total annual funding in the HACC program for the 2006/2007 financial period to $1,280,798.


It will also allow the City to maintain its current status of being able to provide services immediately to those who are eligible, whereas many other HACC services hold waiting lists and clients may have to wait some time after being assessed as eligible before receiving a service.




By 2021, the number of people with disabilities in Western Australia is expected to increase by more than 200,000, due mainly to our ageing population.


In the Local Government Area of Wanneroo, over 25,000 residents have been identified as having a moderate or severe disability that restricts their capacity to live independently. Within this group of residents, approximately 9,000 are aged between 15 and 44 years of age and are in need of support to improve their quality of life and independence. (refer DSC Profile of Disability, City of Wanneroo – South-West (Perth).)


A gap in service for younger people with disabilities has been identified within the City. This gap has been identified by a number of groups, including residents, carers, Local Area Coordinators (LAC). In the suburbs of Merriwa, Quinns Rocks, Yanchep and Two Rocks, twenty-eight 18 – 35 year olds have been identified who would be eligible for and benefit from the proposed service.


The Heights Program located in the Alexander Heights Community Care Complex currently provides services to 60 younger people with disabilities six days a week, Monday to Saturday. This service is HACC funded as Centre Based Day Care. The City already has the expertise and experience to ensure success in expansion of services for this marginalised group.

Statutory Compliance


Strategic Implications

The acceptance of the offer of recurrent and non-recurrent HACC funding is consistent with the City’s Strategic Plan, 2. Healthy Communities, in the following areas:


“2.1     Achieve an understanding of our community’s needs – present and future

2.5       Foster a community that finds strength in its diversity

2.7       Provide community focussed services and lifestyle opportunities”

Policy Implications


Financial Implications

The offered increase in funding will better place the City to meet the increasing demand for HACC services for Younger People with Disability.


The offer of recurrent funding allows for the City to provide a weekly service to a small number of young people. The service will be provided within the funding allocated, with no additional expenses to the City’s existing HACC program. There will also be a small amount of additional income generated for the program from fees for service received from those attending.


A total of $20,519 has been approved as recurrent funding for the expansion of the YPWD program. The following budget amendment reflects the $13,337 (65% of the total recurrent funding) that will be received in the 2005/2006 financial period and the total amount of recurrent funding, $20,519, that will commence at the beginning of the 2006/2007 financial year.



Financial Period.

Account No.

Present Budget

Additional Amount

Revised Budget







65% HACC recurrent growth funding grant

Total Recurrent Funding










HACC recurrent growth funding grant

Total Recurrent Funding




Financial Period

Account No.

Present Budget

Additional Amount

Revised Budget







Salaries (Basic) and Leave Loading






A/L Provision






LSL Provision












Workers Compensation






Miscellaneous Costs






Programming Activities

Total Recurrent Funding







Salaries (Basic) and Leave Loading






A/L Provision






LSL Provision












Workers Compensation






Miscellaneous Costs






Programming Activities

Total Recurrent Funding


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:

1.             ACCEPTS the offer of recurrent funds from the Department of Health for the expansion of the CBDC (YPWD) program;

2.             NOTES the budget variation to reflect 65% or $13,337 of the approved recurrent HACC Program Growth Funding in the 2005/206 financial period:


Account No.

Present Budget

Additional Amount

Revised Budget






65% HACC recurrent growth funding grant

Total Recurrent Funding 2005/2006






Account No.

Present Budget

Additional Amount

Revised Budget






Salaries (Basic) and Leave Loading





A/L Provision





LSL Provision










Workers Compensation





Miscellaneous Costs





Programming Activities

Total Expenditure 2005/2006



3.             NOTES that the total recurrent funding approved, $20,519, will commence at the beginning of the 2006/2007 financial year.

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CD03-01/06   Hainsworth Skate Facility

File Ref:                                              S07/0024V01

Responsible Officer:                           Director Community Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Michael Parker

Meeting Date:   31/1/2006

Attachment(s):                                    1

File Name: AAHainsworth Skate Facility.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 4 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 16 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 16 January 2006

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To consider the impact of cost escalations in the pre-tender quotation for the construction of the Hainsworth Skate Park.


At the ordinary meeting of Council on 9 August 2005 (report CD01-08/05 refers), Council resolved to:


“1.    ENDORSE the preferred option of a fenced skate facility at  the Hainsworth Centre;

  2.     NOTE that administration will prepare tender specifications, seek alternative sources of funding for fencing and provide a further report to council once tenders are received;

 3.      WRITE to the minister for lands seeking approval to fence the proposed skate facility at the Hainsworth Centre, and;

 4.      REQUESTS Administration to prepare a project timeline and identify sources of funding to be reported to Council no later than 20 November 2005.”


At a subsequent ordinary meeting of Council on 1 November 2005, (report CD04-11/05 refers), Council further resolved to:


“1.   NOTE the progress of the project.(this in relation to a response from Minister for Lands giving permission for the facility to be fenced on a 20a gazetted reserve and the notification of an unsuccessful grant enquiry to LotteryWest, and a pending application to the Office of Crime Prevention with successful applications to be notified in Mid December 05).”


Since the 1 November report to Council, the following updates and aspects of the project are presented for consideration:


Fencing Funding:


The application for grant funding for fencing around the skate park from the Proceeds of Crime Funding Scheme (Federal) was unsuccessful.  No other eligible funding sources have been identified to date and it is considered unlikely that any external funding can be found.


Tender Documentation/timelines


Pre tender documents received from the skate park concept designers (Convic) have indicated some considerable cost escalations as identified in the Financial Implication area of this report, and further itemised at Attachment 1. As these estimates exceed the budget for this project the Director Infrastructure and Director Community Development agreed not to proceed to tender without identifying sufficient funds to complete the project.


The impact on the project construction timeframe is as follows


Council approval to proceed to tender  and additional funding

31 Jan 2006

Advertise tender

11 Feb 2006

Tender selection approved by Council

4 April 2006

Commence construction

April 2006

Complete construction

May 2006



Since the last report on this matter in November 2005, delays to the project have been experienced and are attributable to the search for for alternative fencing funding streams, and the blowout in time taken by the consultant in preparing the tender specifications.


The above timeline is seen as an attainable scenario that would see the project well into the construction phase by the end of the financial year.


Council may wish to reconsider the need for this initiative to proceed given the reported escalation of costs associated with the project.

Statutory Compliance

Permission has been received by the Minister for Lands to fence part of a 20a gazetted reserve.

Strategic Implications

2.6 The City of Wanneroo provides the services and facilities to meet the changing needs of our community through Healthy Communities to foster an identity that promotes lifestyle choices and provision of quality services and infrastructure to meet the needs of our community.


Policy Implications


Financial Implications

The original budget allocation towards the project was $150,000.00.


Convic as consultants to the project, have utilised $20,000.00 of these funds for concept design and documentation.


A pre-tender estimate  price of $174,799.84 for the skate bowl, without additional works including fencing and irrigation and City management costs has been received from Convic.


The outcome of the increased pre-tender documentation indicates a total funding shortfall of between $55,000 - $70,000 (depending on savings on earthworks being done by the City in conjunction with another project). This sum is itemised as follows:



Quote from Convic


CoW management @ 4%








possible savings*





* provision and placement of fill from adjoining project by City


A potential funding source has been identified from non-committed funds associated with the Koondoola Plaza Revitalisation Project. Further consideration of replacement of these funds will have to be considered in the 2006/07 budget planning deliberations.  It should be considered however that the Smart Growth Steering Committee will be presented on the
21 February 2006 fully costed revitalisation options for this project.  Subject to further deliberations by Council and the owners of the centre significant funding may be required in the early 2006/07 financial year.


As stated earlier, there has been no identifiable funding available for the fencing estimate of $15,000 – these calculations are included in the project increase evaluations.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:

1.       NOTES the increase in project costs over and above the budgeted amount in the 2005/06 capital works program.

2.       APPROVES the transfer of an estimated $75,000 from the Koondoola Plaza Revitalisation Project to complete the Skate Bowl facility at the Hainsworth Centre.


Project No.







Koondoola Plaza Revitalisation Project

824548 / 825550



Hainsworth Skate Project


3.       APPROVES advertising of the tender for the construction of the Hainsworth Skate facility.

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CD04-01/06   Grant From Lotterywest for 2006 Summer Concert Series

File Ref:                                              S17/0117

File Name: AAGrant From Lotterywest for 2006 Summer Concert Series.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 4 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Brigitte Creighton Date 12 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by rr Date 11 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by rr Date 11 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Community Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Ross Rayson

Meeting Date:   1 February 2006

Attachments:                                       Nil

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To consider a successful grant from Lotterywest to assist with production costs for the 2006 Summer Concert to be held in Two Rocks.


The City’s fifth annual Summer Concert Series is happening in 2006.  The three concerts in the 2006 programme are being held in areas throughout the City of Wanneroo.  Previous summer concert series have featured a range of notable Australian performers, and have featured at venues in the City’s South (Liddell Reserve), Central (Jacaranda Amphitheatre), and Coastal (Brighton Estate).  These concerts are traditionally well attended by the community, with the larger outdoor venues attracting an audience of between 2000-5000.


The City has attracted a number of presenting partners for this series in the last two years, with major supporters, Brighton Estate, New North and City of Stirling providing financial support. The City has previously received Lotterywest support in 2002 and 2004 towards the Beach to Bush Festival.


In 2006, the City included the Yanchep-Two Rocks area as part of its Summer Concert Series.  This is the first time that a Summer Concert has been conducted in this area, and featured Australian music Icon, Wendy Matthews.


Support from corporate sponsors Yanchep Sun City, Capricorn Village, and Yanchep Beach Estate assisted the City in being able to bring this event to the community.


The City of Wanneroo recently received correspondence from Lotterywest that an application for funding has been successful.  The City requested an amount of $10,000 plus GST to assist with the production costs for the concert.


The summer concert in Two Rocks has been made possible with significant corporate and community support, and the Lotterywest grant assisted the City in continuing to provide a comprehensive summer events program.

Statutory Compliance


Strategic Implications

The Summer Concert series is supportive of Council’s strategic direction regarding the development and support of healthy communities.

Policy Implications


Financial Implications

The receipt of the grant does not require the City to provide any additional funds. However the following budget amendment is necessary to reflect the $10,000 Direct Grant received by the City:



Account No

Present Budget


Revised Budget







Project/Account No







Operating Activities Grant _ Lotteries Commission




Production Costs

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:-

1.             ACCEPTS the successful grant of $10,000 from Lotterywest for the Beach to Bush Festival;

2.             NOTES the budget variation as follows:


Account No

Present Budget


Revised Budget






Project/Account No







Operating Activities Grant _ Lotteries Commission




Production Costs


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Leisure & Library Services

CD05-01/06   Dalvik Park Merriwa - Development Proposal

File Ref:                                              PR21/0006V01

File Name: BADalvik PArk Merriwa   Development Proposal.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 4 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Brigitte Creighton Date 12 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 10 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 10 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director Community Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Recreation Officer Facility Development

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       3

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To consider the recommendations of the Dalvik Park Community Reference Group for the development proposals for Dalvik Park, Merriwa.


Dalvik Park is defined as that area of land generally bounded by Baltimore Parade, Dalvik Avenue, Seagrove Boulevard and Grand Paradiso Parade. The partial development of the park has already been undertaken by the Developer, however community concern was raised at a public meeting on 10 September 2004 as to the exact use and future development of the park.


At the Ordinary Council Meeting of 21 September 2004, Council resolved to establish the Dalvik Park Community Reference Group. (Report No - MN01-09/04)


The objective of the Reference Group was to consider the development of a concept plan for Dalvik Park and to consult with community members on the future uses of the Park.


At the Ordinary Council Meeting of 22 February 2005 Council approved the appointment of Ms Cheryl Haynes and Mrs Gina Smith as Community Representatives to the Dalvik Park Community Reference Group (Report No - CD07-02/05).


The Dalvik Park Community Reference Group consisted of:


Elected Members

Community Representatives

City Officers

Mayor Jon Kelly JP

Ms Cheryl Hayes

Director Community Development

Cr Rudi Steffens CD

Mrs Gina Smith

Director Infrastructure

Cr John Stewart PSM


Manager Leisure & Library Services



Coordinator Leisure Services



Landscape Projects Designer



Recreation Officer Facility Development


The Reference Group held a total of four meetings between April 2005 and December 2005, giving consideration to a number of development options and the associated costs for presentation to community consultation in line with the groups objectives.


The Dalvik Park Community Reference Group considered two options:


1.             Active Public Space, providing formal organised sports pitches, path network, car parking, toilet facilities, playground, shade shelter and barbeque.


2.             Village Green concept, providing informal active open space, 3 on 3 basketball, shade trees, barbeque, path network, drainage sump screening.


At the meeting on 9 August 2005, the Dalvik Park Community Reference Group AGREED UNANIMOUSLY to recommend to Council:


“THAT a composite plan for Dalvik Park be developed for a staged development subject to public consultation at each stage to provide, initially a Village Green style park with a design capability of developing a senior sized sport facility in the future.”


The outcome of the group’s deliberations was to produce a composite design option, (Attachment 1) and cost estimation (Attachment 2) that would provide the local community and surrounding residents with a staged development subject to public consultation at each stage to provide, initially a Village Green style park with a design capability of developing a senior sized sport facility in the future.


The elements proposed in each stage were as follows:


Stage 1 – Village Green


·                Informal active open space,

·                3 on 3 basketball court,

·                Cricket practice nets,

·                Shade trees,

·                Barbeque,

·                Playground

·                Path network,

·                Drainage sump screening.


Stage 2 - Active Public Space


·                Formal organised sports pitches,

·                Path network,

·                Car parking,

·                Toilet facilities, 

·                Shade shelter

·                Barbeque.


In addition to the constructive input through the Dalvik Park Community Reference Group, the community at large were given the opportunity to comment on the composite Dalvik Park Concept Plan through a consultation strategy endorsed by the City’s Consultation Review Panel on 31 October 2005.


The consultation strategy included the following:


·                The period of public consultation was from 7 November 2005 to 6 December 2005.

·                Mail drop to residents, within a 2 street, 400m proximity of Dalvik Park

·                Static display in Clarkson Library

·                Static display in Merriwa Shopping Centre

·                Item in Wanneroo Link

·                Community Sausage Sizzle at Dalvik Park


All the methods within the consultation strategy were undertaken and a summary of the outcomes of the consultation process is included within Attachment 3.


Eighty six percent of the written submissions were in favour of the staged development of the Dalvik Park as per the Dalvik Park Concept Plan. However the development of the second stage into a sports oval had less support with only 73% of respondents supporting the stage 2 development of Dalvik Park.


This is also supported in the comments received at the sausage sizzle and reinforces the Dalvik Park Community Reference Group’s resolution at the meeting of 9 August 2004 that a similar community consultation process should be undertaken prior to the development of stage 2 of Dalvik Park.


A number of recurring comments on the detail of the design were given consideration by the Dalvik Park Community Reference Group and prioritised for consideration as listed below, subject to funding being available.


·                Provision of Park lighting

·                Provision of Pathway lighting

·                Realignment of the path to the school facility at the north of the park


On consideration of the consultation comments the members of Dalvik Park Community Reference Group felt there was an additional requirement to foster a local feeling of “ownership” of Dalvik Park and that a community art project should be considered within the development of the park at a future stage.

Statutory Compliance

Section 5.8 of the Local Government Act 1995 provides Council the ability to introduce Committees and appoint community representatives to serve on these Committees.


At the meeting of Dalvik Park Community Reference Group on 13 December 2005 it was agreed the group had achieved the objectives as determined within the Terms of Reference.


1.              To consider the development of a concept plan for Dalvik Park.

2.              To consult with community members on the future uses of Dalvik Park.


As such it was agreed by the group that on adoption by Council of the composite Dalvik Park Concept Plan, recommendation be made that under the group’s Terms of Reference, Council terminate the Dalvik Park Community Reference Group.

Strategic Implications

The formation of the Dalvik Park Community Reference Group supports the City’s Strategic Goal 2 – Healthy Communities and objectives of :


2.1       Achieve an understanding of our communities needs – present and futures.

2.6       Provide and manage infrastructure to meet the needs of our community.

2.7       Provide community focussed services and lifestyle opportunities.

Policy Implications


Financial Implications

The indicative cost for the development of stage 1, of Dalvik Park as outlined in the Dalvik Park Concept Plan (Attachment 2) is $270,000.00, inclusive of design consultancy fees at 2005/2006 costs estimates.


A provisional sum would have to be considered to allow for construction industry cost escalations currently estimated at 15% per annum, equivalent to  $40,000.00 to complete the project within 2006/07.  Total development is therefore estimated to be $310,000.


An amount of $50,000.00, Project No 826574 has been provided for design and associated costs in the Capital Works Budget for 2005/2006.


In order to complete construction of Dalvik Park, an amount of $260,000.00 will need to be considered in the 2006/07 Draft Four Year Capital Works Program.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:-

1.             ADOPT the Dalvik Park Concept Plan (Attachments 1&2) and lists the sum of $260,000.00 for consideration within the City’s 2006/2007 Capital Works Budget process, with the following items to be included as additions to the concept design in order of priority as listed and subject to available funds.

·         Park security flood lighting.

·         Park pathway lighting.

·         Re-alignment of the path network to school in northern corner of park.

2.      CONSIDER future funding for the development of a community art project within Dalvik Park Concept Plan to create a feeling of ownership of the facilities from the surrounding community.

3.      AGREE to terminate the Dalvik Park Community Reference Group on adoption of the Dalvik Park Concept Plan (Attachment 1) accepting that the objectives of the group as identified in the Terms of Reference have been achieved and expressions of thanks be sent to the community members for their contributions.

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Dalvik Park- Cost Estimate-Village Green



























1 Security light to playground/BBQ area





Sub-total Building Works






























Modifications to irrigation





Sub-total Site Works

























Sub-total Soft Landscaping















Concrete paths- 2.1m wide





BBQ -electric, double plated





Picnic table with roof





Basketball half court





Footy goals





Practice cricket wicket+ nets





Hit-up wall+concrete pad





Playground with rubberised softfall





Drinking Fountain





Sub-total Hard Landscaping













































* Allowed for moving sprinklers if they interfere with new infrastructure (Provisional sum)


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All the methods within the consultation strategy were undertaken and a summary of the consultation process is as follows:


Mail drop to residents within a 2 street (400m) proximity of Dalvik Park




Static Display in Clarkson Library



Static Display in Merriwa Plaza Shopping Centre



Item in Wanneroo Link



Community Sausage Sizzle at Dalvik Park


·         Date – 24 November 2005, 4.00pm – 5.30pm


·         Attended by 15-20 adults and in excess of 30 children.


In addition the information was made available on the City of Wanneroo website for 30 day period from 7 November 2005 to 6 December 2005.


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Ranger & Safety Services

CD06-01/06   Application to Keep More Than Two Dogs - Various Addresses

File Ref:                                              P28/0376V01, P11/1533V01

File Name: CAApplication To Keep More Than Two Dog   Various Addresses.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 5 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 25 January 2006

Level 4 Approval by Lisa Godfrey Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Brigitte Creighton Date 12 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by Brigitte Creighton Date 12 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Brigitte Creighton Date 12 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Community Development

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Kristy Sticken

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       Nil

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To consider applications for an exemption to Council’s Local Laws under Section 26(3) of the Dog Act 1976 to keep more than two dogs.


Clause 14 of the City of Wanneroo Animal Local Laws 1999 stipulates:


          “A person shall not keep or permit to be kept on any premises more than:


          a)      2 dogs over the age of 3 months and the young of those dogs under that age; or


b)      6 dogs over the age of 3 months and the young of those dogs under that age if the premises are situated within a rural area or comprise a lot in a special rural area having an area of 4 hectares or more;


unless the premises is licensed as an approved kennel establishment or has been granted an exemption pursuant to section 26(3) of the Dog Act 1976 and have planning approval under the Town Planning Scheme.”


The following applications have been made under the Dog Act 1976 and are submitted for consideration:


Address of Applicant

Description of Dogs


29 Twilight Circuit, Ridgewood


Female Sterilised Black Labrador Retriever

Female Sterilised White Bull Terrier Cross

Male Brown and White Jack Russell



34 Burgland Drive, Girrawheen


Male Black and White Shih Tzu Cross

Female Black and White Shih Tzu

Female Black and White Shih Tzu



Rangers have inspected the properties to ensure that means exist on the premises at which the dogs will ordinarily be kept for effectively confining the dogs within the premises.


Address of Applicant

Property Zoning

Size of Property


29 Twilight Circuit, Ridgewood





0.0556 ha


34 Burgland Drive, Girrawheen





0.0683 ha


It has been the practice where an application is received by the City to keep more than two dogs, that residents immediately adjoining the applicant’s property in question have been consulted by letter to ascertain if they have any objections.


On this occasion the following objections have been received:


29 Twilight Circuit, Ridgewood


Number of residents consulted:          4

Number of objections received:          Nil


34 Burgland Drive, Girrawheen


Number of residents consulted:          2

Number of objections received:          Nil


In considering these applications for exemption, the following two options are available:


a)         Council may grant an exemption to pursuant to Section 26(3) of the Dog Act1976 subject to conditions;


b)         Council may refuse permission to keep more than two dogs.


29 Twilight Circuit, Ridgewood


The applicant’s mother was staying with her for a short period, but has since become ill and will be residing permanently at this address.  As the applicant currently has two dogs licensed with the City, she is seeking approval to keep her mother’s dog, a Jack Russell Terrier.


The Ranger has noted that the property is completely secure.  The gate at the front of the property is made of timber slats and is 1.6 metres in height.  The pool fencing is also 1.6 metres in height and the left and right boundary fences are 1.8 metres in height.


A check of the City’s records reveal that prior to this application being made, no previous complaints have been lodged with Ranger and Safety Services in relations to dogs at the premises.


The inspecting Ranger advises that the property is more than adequate for the confinement and exercise of the dogs.  Fences and gates are all in compliance with regulations.  There is also adequate shelter for all dogs.  The Ranger has recommended that an exemption to the City of Wanneroo Local Laws 1999 made under Section 26(3) of the Dog Act 1976 be granted.


34 Burgland Drive, Girrawheen


The applicant is seeking approval to keep one of the litter from the other two dogs on their property, which is now 14 weeks old, named “Ella”, in order for their daughter to gain experience in becoming a responsible dog owner.  Both the other dogs have been fully vaccinated and micro chipped.


The Ranger advises that the applicant and her partner appear to be very responsible and caring dog owners.  The applicant’s partner works from home so there is always at least one occupant present to monitor the dogs’ behaviours.


The Ranger has noted that the backyard is of a large size with a separate area fenced off with pool fencing if required.  There is a gate situated on the north side of the house, which is made of wood and stands 1.2 metres high.  The pool fencing is also 1.2 metres in height.  All three dogs sleep inside and have access to the house all day via a doggy door.  Shelter, food and water is well provided and there is ample exercise room for all dogs.  To date, there have been no complaints received with Ranger and Safety Service in relation to dogs.


The inspecting Ranger advises that the property is more than adequate for the confinement and exercise of the dogs.  Fences and gates are all in compliance with regulations.  The Ranger has recommended that an exemption to the City of Wanneroo Local Laws 1999 made under Section 26(3) of the Dog Act 1976 be granted.

Statutory Compliance

These applications for exemption to Council’s Local Laws made under Section 26(3) of the Dog Act 1976 has been detailed in this report.

Strategic Implications

“2.       Healthy Communities


To foster an identity that promotes lifestyle choice and provision of quality services and infrastructure


Goal 2.5 Foster a community that finds strength in its diversity;

Goal 2.7 Provide community focussed services and lifestyle opportunities.”

Policy Implications


Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:-

1.             GRANTS an exemption to the City of Wanneroo Animal Local Laws 1999 made under Section 26(3) of the Dog Act 1976 to keep three dogs at the following listed properties subject to the specified conditions:

§  29 Twilight Circuit, Ridgewood

§  34 Burgland Drive, Girrawheen

          i)       If any one of the dogs die or is no longer kept on the property, no replacement is to be obtained;

                   ii)      Any barking by the subject dogs is to be kept to a minimum;

                   iii)     This exemption may be varied or revoked if any complaints are received which are considered reasonable.

2.             RESERVES THE RIGHT to vary or revoke, at any future date, the exemption given to the applicant should any relevant conditions be contravened.

3.             ADVISES the adjoining neighbours of this decision.


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Governance and Strategy

Governance & Customer Relations

GS01-01/06   Donation Request to be Considered by Council

File Ref:                                              S07/0057V02

File Name: AADonation Request to be Considered by Council.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 4 Approval by Rhonda Bowman Date 18 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Daniel Simms Date 13 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by Rhonda Bowman Date 11 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Rhonda Bowman Date 11 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Governance & Strategy

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Rhonda Bowman

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachments:                                       1

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To consider a request for a donation in accordance with the City’s Donations, Sponsorships and Waiver of Fees and Charges Policy.


The Donations, Sponsorships and Waiver of Fees and Charges Policy requires applications for over $500.00 from individuals and organisations to be determined by Council. Consequently a report is prepared for Council meetings, coinciding with a period where applications of this nature have been received.


During this period, the City has received one request for a donation to be considered by Council. This request is summarised on the following pages. The application is included as an attachment to this report (Attachment 1).


Applicant 1 – Girrawheen Discovery Club

Request Amount


Description of Request

Request for a waiver of fees for the hire of the Hainsworth Community Centre for 2006 to provide social opportunities and recreation for intellectually disabled members of the community



Potential for income generation


Status of the applicant organisation

Not for profit

Exclusivity of the event or project

This program currently has 40 members who are all intellectually disabled

Alignment with Council’s existing philosophies, values and strategic direction.

This request supports the Healthy Communities initiative in the City’s Strategic Plan




Potential benefits to the Wanneroo community

The members of this group come from many different locations throughout the northern suburbs including Balga, Noranda, Eden Hill, Padbury, Morley, Greenwood, Koondoola and Girrawheen.

Alternative funding sources available or accessed by the organisation

None specified

Contribution to the event or activity made by the applicant or organisation

$7.00 per week is contributed by the participants

Previous funding assistance provided to the organisation by the City


Commitment to acknowledgement of the City of Wanneroo

Not specified


The policy states that 75% of a group need to be residents of the City of Wanneroo and that there should be no entry fee (other than a gold coin donation). This request as a result, does not satisfy the criteria of the policy as the group does not have 75% of its membership residing in the City of Wanneroo and has an entry fee.


NOT APPROVE a donation of $2,397.50 to the Girrawheen Discovery Club for a waiver of fees for the hire of the Hainsworth Community Centre.

Statutory Compliance


Strategic Implications

The provision of donations is aligned with the City’s strategic goals of developing and supporting Healthy Communities as follows:


“2.       Healthy Communities


Foster an identity that promotes lifestyle choices and the provision of quality services and infrastructure


Goal 2.5:         Foster a community that finds strength in its diversity

Goal 2.6:         Provide community focused services and lifestyle opportunities.”

Policy Implications

This report complies with the provisions and delegations of the Donations, Sponsorships and Waiver of Fees and Charges Policy.


Financial Implications

Budget 2005/2006 Elected Members Donations


Amount expended to date:-

·         Under delegated authority:

·         By Council Determination:







Impact of approval of recommended application

Donation and Waivers





Remaining Funds (to 16 January 2006):


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council NOT APPROVE a donation of $2,397.50 to the Girrawheen Discovery Club for a waiver of fees for the hire of the Hainsworth Community Centre.

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Strategic Projects

GS02-01/06   Consultant Selection for Visioning and Structure Plan

File Ref:                                              S41/0046

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Governance and Strategy

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachment(s):                                    Nil

File Name: AConsultant Selection for Visioning and Structure Plan.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 3 Approval by rh Date 27 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by rh Date 27 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by rh Date 27 January 2006

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To consider Tenders to undertake a Community Visioning exercise to assist the identification of key actions for the revitalisation of the Wanneroo Town Centre as described in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Wanneroo and the State Government. This review will also involve the WTC Structure Plan, using the findings of the community visioning.


At the Wanneroo Town Centre Partnership meeting of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) and at the Wanneroo Town Centre Advisory Committee (WTCAC) meeting in December 2005 it was recommended and noted that the City will call tenders for the Community Visioning and Structure Plan consultancy.


Public tender No. 05556 was advertised on 10TH December 2006 and closed on 10th January 2006.  The tender outlined the scope and extent of service, and included the City’s General Conditions of Contract for the Engagement of Consultants.


Four Tenders were received from the following companies:-

·         Hames Sharley

·         GHD

·         Whelan (WA) Pty Ltd

·         The Planning Group


In referring to the Tender assessment process, the Tender document stated:

“The Client will take into consideration the following criteria along with the risk assessment and reference checking:

a)        tenderer’s previous experience and expertise in carrying out services or projects similar to the Services or the Project;

b)        tenderer’s methodology - soundness and comprehensiveness of the proposed program and of the tasks required; and

c)        price for the Services offered.”


The Tender Evaluation Team comprised members from Premier and Cabinet, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Main Roads WA, Coordinator Traffic from Infrastructure, Manager Planning Services and Manager Strategic Projects from the City.


The Evaluation Team reviewed each Tender submission and scored them against the established assessment criteria.  The overall weighted score and final ranking was determined following consideration of relevant reference details.


Consultant’s previous experience and expertise


Given the multi discipline nature of the project, this criteria was considered the most important to achieve an effective outcome and therefore represented 50% of the total score.


Tenders were assessed on the Tenderer’s demonstrated experience with previous projects completed of a similar size and nature.


In assessing the Tenders, it was noted that the submissions reflected strengths and variations in emphasis on different areas of the scope of works.  For an optimum outcome, it was considered that broad experience across the full scope was essential and Tenders were scored accordingly.  This resulted in the following ranking:

1          The Planning Group

2          Whelan (WA) Pty Ltd

2          GHD

4          Hames Sharley Pty Ltd


The Planning Group were rated stronger in the Urban Planning area (Structure Plan) and Whelan’s stronger in the Community Engagement section.  Overall, The Planning Group were only marginally ahead of Whelan’s and GHD.


Methodology Proposed


This criterion represented 30% of the total score.


Tenders were assessed on how they would approach this project and work with the City.  In this instance, The Planning Group, Whelan’s and GHD were judged consistently.  Each of these companies was assessed as conforming tenders and having outlined an approach that will deliver the scope of work tendered.  The following ranking resulted:

1          The Planning Group

1          Whelan WA Pty Ltd

1          GHD

4          Hames Sharley Pty Ltd


Fee Structure

This criterion represents 20% of the total score.


A significant range of prices were tendered, resulting in the following ranking:

1.             Hames Sharley                 $120,000

2.             The Planning Group         $186,428

3.             Whelan’s                          $204,840

4.             GHD                                $243,691


The full assessment, including all criterion resulted in the following overall raking:


1. The Planning Group

2. Whelan (WA) Pty Ltd

3. GHD

4. Hames Sharley


The Panel agreed to interview the two highest ranked Tenderer’s, being The Planning Group and Whelan’s to finalise the assessment process.


Interview process


The interview had two components; a presentation session and a Q&A session.


Presentation - 30mins


Project Objective

What is the company’s understanding of what this project is trying to achieve?


Partner Selection

Explain to the panel why the City of Wanneroo should choose the company to partner with us? The following areas should be addressed specifically;


·                Engagement and community visioning

·                Urban design

·                Social and community development

·                Traffic

·                Economic development

·                Environmental sustainability


Q&A Session - 30mins


We will be conducting a Q&A session after the presentations. The Q&A will use the following format:

·                Questions specific to elements of the Request for Tender

·                Adhoc questions based on the presentation


Outcome of Interview


The evaluation panel did not change their view on the marginal difference between the two companies on the criteria “Relevant Expertise and Experience and Methodology”.  It was noted however that The Planning Group price was $18,412 lower than the Whelan’s tender.




Reference checks were conducted on both the interviewed companies.




With the reference checks and in view of the price difference between the two companies the evaluation panel agreed to recommend The Planning Group as the preferred tender.

Statutory Compliance

Tenders were invited in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.57 of the Local Government Act 1995.  The tender procedures and evaluation complied with the requirements of Part 4 of the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996.

Strategic Implications

The provision of Consultancy Services fro the Wanneroo Town Centre Revitalisation Project Community Visioning and Structure Plan Review is consistent with the following City of Wanneroo Strategic Plan (2002-2005) goals and objectives: -


            “Healthy Communities

            2.4       Support safe and secure communities

2.6       Provide and manage infrastructure to meet the needs of the community”.


Policy Implications


Financial Implications

The tender price from the Planning Group is $186,428 (excluding GST)


TAG has recommended a budget of $300,000


The 2005/2006 budget has sufficient funds, including contributions from the Partnership allocation and Main Roads.


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority


That Council ACCEPTS the Tender No 05556 from The Planning Group for the Provision of Consultancy services for the Wanneroo Town Centre Revitalisation Project Community Visioning and Structure Plan Project for the tendered price of $186,428.

Chief Executive Office


CE01-01/06   Donation Requests Determined Under the Delegated Authority of the Chief Executive Officer

File Ref:                                              S07/0057V02

File Name: ADonation Requests Determined Under the Delegated Authority of the Chief Executive Officer.doc This line will not be printed

Level 4 Approval by Rhonda Phillips Date 18 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Rhonda Bowman Date 12 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by Rhonda Bowman Date 11 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Rhonda Bowman Date 11 January 2006dont delete

Responsible Officer:                           Chief Executive Officer

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:   Rhonda Bowman

Meeting Date:   31 January 2006

Attachment(s):                                    Nil

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To note donations applications considered and determined by the Chief Executive Officer during December 2005, in accordance with the provisions of the Donations, Sponsorships and Waiver of Fees and Charges Policy.


The Donations, Sponsorships and Waiver of Fees and Charges Policy delegates the consideration and determination of requests for donations, sponsorships and the waiver of fees and charges under the value of $500.00 to the Chief Executive Officer.


During December 2005, the City received the following requests to be considered under the delegated authority of the Chief Executive Officer:-


·         Four (4) requests for a waiver of fees, and

·         Two (2) requests for a donation.


In accordance with the provisions and criteria nominated in the Donations, Sponsorships and Waiver of Fees and Charges Policy, determinations were made as listed in the recommendation to this report.


A complete list of original applications and assessments of each against the policy is available in the Elected Members Reading Room for further information.

Statutory Compliance


Strategic Implications


Policy Implications

This report complies with the provisions and delegations of the Donations, Sponsorships and Waiver of Fees and Charges Policy.

Financial Implications

The financial implications of this round of requests has resulted in expenditure in the Governance Donations Account (05201 0001 4402):-


·         $1,250 from the 2005/2006 budget.


A remaining balance of $9,517.05 is available from the 2005/2006 financial year.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council NOTES the delegated determination of requests received by the City in December 2005 for donations, sponsorships and the waiver of fees and charges, which are as follows:-








Wanneroo Agricultural Society

Request for a waiver of fees for the hire of the Jacaranda Amphitheatre to hold a Junior Talent Quest on Saturday 18 February 2006.

APPROVE a donation of $300.00 to the Wanneroo Agricultural Society as a waiver of fees for the hire of the Jacaranda Amphitheatre on Saturday 18 February 2006 to hold a Junior Talent Quest.

Due to this event being rained out on its originally scheduled date and because it is for juniors, it is considered appropriate that the request be approved for a 100% waiver of fees.


Cheers – Scripture Union WA

Request for a waiver of fees for the hire of the Banksia Grove Community Centre on 19 May 2005 for a concert performed by the Watoto Children’s Choir

NOT APPROVE a donation of $104.00 to the Cheers – Scripture Union WA for a waiver of fees for the hire of the Banksia Grove Community Centre for a Watoto Children’s Choir, which performed on the 19 May 2005.

The policy states that groups will generally only be considered for a donation once per calendar year. As this group has already received a waiver in the 2005 calendar year this request does not satisfy the criteria of the policy. The policy also states that retrospective requests will not be approved.


The International Association of Lions Clubs District 201W1

Sponsorship request to assist disadvantaged children from the community to attend the 14th Annual Christmas Children’s Film Festival in December 2005 at Hoyt’s Cinema City.

NOT APPROVE a donation to the International Association of Lions Clubs District 201W1 to support the attendance of children to the 14th Annual Christmas Children’s Film Festival to be held in December 2005.

The policy states that 75% of a group need to be residents of the City of Wanneroo. This request does not satisfy the criteria of the policy therefore it cannot be supported.


Wanneroo Aeromodellers

Request for a donation to support the yearly Fun Fly In to be held at the airfield at Perry Road, Wanneroo in March 2006.

APPROVE a donation of $500.00 to the Wanneroo Aeromodellers Inc to support the Annual Fun Fly In to be held in March 2006.

This request fully satisfies the criteria of the policy.


Clearwater Revival of East Wanneroo (CREW)

Waiver of fees for the hire of the Banksia Room at the City of Wanneroo Civic Centre for a residents information evening regarding the planning issues of East Wanneroo to be held on 10 January 2006.

APPROVE a donation of $45.00 to the Clearwater Revival of East Wanneroo for a 50% waiver of fees for the hire of the Banksia Room for a resident’s information evening regarding the planning issues of East Wanneroo to be held on 10 January 2006.

This request satisfies the criteria of the policy that states that a maximum of 50% of a request for a waiver of fees will be approved.


Wanneroo Senior High School

Waiver of fees for the hire of the Banksia Room for an induction to Structured Workplace Learning workshop to be held on 2 and 3 March 2006.

NOT APPROVE a donation of $300.00 to the Wanneroo Senior High School for a waiver of fees for their hire of the Banksia Room for an induction to Structured Workplace Learning workshop to be held on the 2 and 3 March 2006

This request does not support the criteria of the policy, as it is from a government institution. The policy states that government agencies will not be funded unless substantial community benefit is established. It is not considered that there is substantial community benefit for this request.

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CE02-01/06   State Infrastructure Strategy

File Ref:                                              S41/0010V01

File Name: GAState Infrastructure Strategy.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 4 Approval by Chief Executive Officer Date 25 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by rh Date 17 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by rh Date 17 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by rh Date 17 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by jan Date 11 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Chief Executive Officer

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachment(s):                                    1

Author:  Charles Johnson

Meeting Date:  31 January 2006

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To consider a submission on the State Infrastructure Strategy being prepared by the Government of Western Australia.


The Western Australian Government is proposing the development of a State Infrastructure Strategy (SIS) to identify and prioritise Western Australia’s infrastructure needs for the next 20 years. The Government, through the Department of Treasury and Finance, has requested submissions that will be considered in the preparation of a Green Paper on the infrastructure strategy by 17 February 2006 (extended from 31 January 2006).


Submissions on the strategy are to address the State’s overall demand for infrastructure over the next 20 years and how this demand can be met (by both the public and private sectors) as efficiently and effectively as possible.  The SIS is designed to:-


·        Engage the wider community and all tiers of government to identify existing and emerging infrastructure pressures throughout WA;

·        Prioritise infrastructure requirements to provide greater certainty for the private investors;

·        Outline a plan for developing major projects to allow the better informed decisions in both the public and private sectors;

·        Encourage Commonwealth and Local Government to take responsibility for their fair share of infrastructure provision; and

·        Ensure proposals for future investment are affordable and based on an appropriate mix of skills from both the public and private sectors.


The indicative time line for the development of the SIS requires the production of a Green Paper in April 2006, with a public consultation period ending September 2006, followed by the release of a White Paper in June 2007.


This call for submissions provides the City with a strategic opportunity to identify the significant infrastructure investments required in the Wanneroo region and clearly outline the projects that must be given a priority by all levels of Government.  In making this submission it is acknowledged that there is a need for a partnership approach involving State, Federal and Local Government as well as the private sector in meeting the infrastructure needs of the Wanneroo Region.


Due to the short time frame to prepare a submission over the Christmas/New year period and the strategic importance of a detailed submission, a brief was presented to three consultants for assistance in the preparation of a submission to the development of the SIS. Syme Marmion & Co was appointed in late November for a fee of $9,000 (Excluding GST) to provide the consultancy service which included:-


·        A review of growth predictions for Wanneroo and them to future infrastructure needs, having regard to contribution made by growth in Wanneroo to the State economy


·        A review of current funding sources for the provision of infrastructure and make recommendations for incorporation into the City’s submission.


·        Identification of clear responsibilities for regional infrastructure provision between the Federal, State and Local Government within the Wanneroo region, inclusive of timing and funding of this project.


Syme Marmion met on three occasions with the Executive management Team and key senior staff.


A copy of the proposed submission on the SIS is shown at Attachment 1.


The City of Wanneroo’s submission focuses on a number of areas.  It:-


1.         Considers the economic significance of land development for Western Australia;

2.         Provides an overview of the City along with the implications of growth for the City;

3.         Identifies the advantages that the City has in terms of land development;

4.         Identifies issues with the current method of providing infrastructure to support growth;

5.         Suggests alternative models for developing an infrastructure strategy; and

6.         Identifies key infrastructure projects that are essential to support long-term sustainable growth in the City.


Council’s submission on the SIS has been prepared in a short timeframe to meet submission requirements.  It is hoped that opportunities for a more detailed submission will be provided following the publication of the Government’s Green Paper.


Growth Management and Economic Development


As identified in the Syme Marmion Report, the land development and new construction industry is an important component of the State’s economy.  Development activity in the City of Wanneroo accounts for a very substantial proportion of this economic activity. It is argued that the effectiveness of this contribution can be enhanced by ensuring that there is a co-ordinated and timely provision of infrastructure, to facilitate sustainable development that delivers positive outcomes for the economy, environment and the community.


The Syme Marmion Report points out that for development to be sustainable in the longer term it is essential that the City improve both its employment self sufficiency and employment self containment ratios.


The development of a strong economic base in Wanneroo would have metropolitan-wide planning implications but will require co-ordination and commitment over a long time period from Federal, State and local governments.   To achieve significant employment decentralisation requires a willingness to recognise that we are investing early in good planning, infrastructure and other support to achieve long-term efficiencies.


It is essential that infrastructure be provided in a timely manner in accordance with a timetable that is well known and understood by all stakeholders. Development can only be facilitated in an orderly way with the most sustainable outcomes if there is a high degree of certainty in the timing of infrastructure provision.


Large, single ownership, greenfields sites in the City provide excellent opportunities in comparison to other parts of Perth to achieve urban development that is very efficient demonstrating best practice urban development in terms of long-term sustainability.


Key Infrastructure Requirements


Based on the analysis undertaken by Syme Marmion there are a member of Infrastructure Projects that are required to make the best use of developable land in the City:


Extension of the Northern Suburbs Railway to Jindalee by 2011


By developing future rail infrastructure in a way that allows the presence of the rail system to be factored into land use planning, some significant potential density increases will flow. This in turn offers potential increases in development value and a community benefit by substantially reducing the rate of urban sprawl.  The effect can be substantial


Neerabup Industrial Land


This 1,000 ha site is the only general industrial zone between Enterprise Park (Wangara) and Yanchep and is seen as a critical piece of infrastructure contributing to local employment opportunities in the future. Unfortunately, the site is not serviced with water or sewage. The nearest industrial site is at Wangara which is expected to be built out within 3 years


Freeway Extension and East/West Linkages


The extension of the freeway to Neerabup Road and the establishment of east/west connections are essential to support the Neerabup Industrial Area.


Indian Ocean Drive Connection of Lancelin to Wanneroo along the coast


This connection will complete the Indian Ocean Drive link providing a coastal tourism route to Cervantes and an alternative to Brand Highway. It will provide potential development and business opportunities for coastal communities including Lancelin.


Horticulture in East Wanneroo


The East Wanneroo Land Use and Water Management Strategy (2005) is currently out for public comment. East Wanneroo contains some of the most productive agricultural land in the metropolitan region with the area providing approximately 30% of the total metropolitan horticultural production for the metropolitan area.


The opportunity to use grey water from the Alkimos Wastewater Treatment Plant, is subject to environmental and health requirements.


It is essential that alternative water sources are found and secured to support horticultural activities in the north of the East Wanneroo area before current land is lost to production.


Regional Sporting Complexes


Need for regional open space/recreation through redevelopment/upgrade of Kingsway and replication of this type of regional level facility in another suitable northern location (possibly Alkimos).


Fibre Optic Cabling


Fibre optic cabling enables rapid reliable transfer of large quantities of digital data. Developer pre-funding of fibre optic cable is available to support future commercial development. The cable needs to be accessible by commercial and business operators at reasonable cost.


The State Government is asked to make commitments to the timely development of these key infrastructure projects.


Roles and Responsibilities


Funding contributions from all spheres of Government and the private sector are essential if the current and future demands for infrastructure in Wanneroo are to be met.


It is noted that there is a downward trend in local government’s share of the national tax take in terms of financial assistance grants from the Commonwealth Government.  These grants have decreased from nearly 1.2% of taxation revenue in 1993/94 to 0.74% in 2007/08.  In addition growth Councils like Wanneroo are treated the same as other established Councils in the metropolitan area.  There is an argument that can be made that a special disabilities allowance should be paid above the standard grant to Councils like Wanneroo.


In the context of State/Commonwealth grants the Outer Metropolitan Growth Councils Policy Forum is meeting with the Department of Local Government and Regional Development in late January 2006 to press the case for additional funding allocations.


State Government has the joint responsibility for regional planning and the timely provision of essential regional infrastructure.  At least in the case of Wanneroo they have failed to deliver either effective regional planning or the timely provision of infrastructure.


The State Government should follow the example of the Queensland Government in the development of the South East Queensland Regional Plan which provides a co-ordinated approach to growth management.  The Plan is supported by the South East Queensland Infrastructure Plan and Program 2005-2006.  The Infrastructure Plan provides a 20-year $25.7 billion funding program from the State Government.  The total investment from all spheres of government is $32.3 billion to support the growth management strategies contained in the Regional Plan.  A similar approach has been adopted by the New South Wales Government.


In the Local Government context it is acknowledged that there is a need for the creation of long term financial management plans linked to the funding of infrastructure development and maintenance.


Private sector land developers also play an important role in providing initial infrastructure to support urban development. Whilst the private sector has a significant role in the provision of essential services in the Eastern States, its role in Western Australia is limited.


The City believes that there is an opportunity for private developers to take a larger role in the provision of community-based infrastructure where the need for the infrastructure has been generated by their developments. Negotiations are proceeding to hold a major workshop in March on infrastructure charging with the State Government and Urban Development Institute of Australia.  The intension is to reach more equitable, set charging provisions that could be agreed to by all stakeholders.


Regional Planning and Infrastructure Development


The linking of regional planning and infrastructure provision is considered to be the key to the successful implementation of growth management strategies. 


In late 2003 Council requested that the State Government review structure planning for the Northwest Corridor (north of Lukin Drive).  A joint workshop was held with the Department for Planning and Infrastructure (DPI) in January 2004 to commence the review process.  At that workshop a commitment was given to complete the review by December 2004.  It is now more than a year since the review should have been completed.  It is very evident that as we are now preparing district structure plans for the development of St Andrews and Alkimos-Eglinton that corridor structure plan is urgently needed.  A preliminary draft Review Report on the Corridor Structure Plan was received by Council Administration on Friday 20 January 2006.


Without the regional plan it is very difficult for an infrastructure program to be developed. Whilst the Metropolitan Development Program provides an overview of developer intentions for residential land, it fails to identify the timing of construction and funding of regional infrastructure.  In addition it does not deal with non-residential development including industrial development.  As discussed previously the Southeast Queensland model provides a good example of how regional planning and infrastructure development should be linked. 


A key factor in achieving the best possible use of infrastructure is to ensure that developers are confident about the timing for the installation of key infrastructure so that they can plan to maximise its utilisation.

The City of Wanneroo has long argued that developing future rail infrastructure in a way that allows the presence of the rail system to be factored into land use planning, some significant density increases are possible. Where rail stations are well located with pleasant and secure walking routes, especially in a town centre, they can have a substantial effect on land values and therefore on the ability to support high levels of density. 


In mid 2003 the City of Wanneroo was persuaded to provide $3 million to pre-fund the grade separation of Hester Avenue above the railway tracks to the Nowergup Depot.  This was on the basis that the Government did not have the funds for the work due to budgetary constraints and the need to maintain a triple A credit rating.  The monies were to be repaid with CPI when funding was made available for the State to construct the passenger rail extension beyond Clarkson Station.  Advice from the CEO of the Public Transport Authority in December 2005 is that the program for the extension of the railway to Jindalee has not been established.  This is a very disappointing result for the past efforts of the City in trying to ensure the early construction of the railway. 


In 2004, the DPI did commission the preparation of a Butler-Jindalee Public Transport Development Strategy which argued that the railway construction should be brought forward to 2007 from the initial date of 2011, on the basis of a private sector contribution.  Unfortunately nothing seems to have happened with the study in the intervening period.  In the meantime development is occurring along the railway alignment and opportunities for higher density development, and for the developers to assist with earthworks are being lost.


The State Government should be asked to refund the $3m for pre-funding of the Hester Avenue Bridge immediately given this lack of progress on planning for the railway extension. 


Planning and Infrastructure Co-ordination


In 2003, when the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure sought Council’s pre-funding of the Hester Avenue bridge over the railway, she gave a commitment to the establishment of a corridor development steering committee.  The committee was to comprise local members of parliament, the Mayors of Wanneroo and Joondalup and senior representatives of State government agencies.  It was to deal with both economic development, planning and infrastructure issues.  In providing the pre-funding payment the City had requested that the City meets within two months to develop a timetable for the production of reports and matters to be considered. 


Since this commitment was given by the State Government the City has attempted on several occasions, with the support of Dianne Guise MLA for Wanneroo, to have the Government establish the committee. The co-ordinating committee has yet to be established and it must now be commented that if it had been it would have helped ensure that both the regional planning and infrastructure provision for the corridor were progressed in a much more timely and co-ordinated manner.


The Syme Marmion Report does recommend that an Infrastructure Co-ordinating Committee be established to address the needs of the North West Corridor.


They argue that the Committee should comprise of the following members:-

·         Local Members of Parliament;

·         State Government Representatives from key planning, infrastructure and service agencies;

·         Council Representatives from both the Cities of Wanneroo and Joondalup;

·         Community Representatives.


It would also seem appropriate that representatives from the development sector should also be on this committee. 


The model proposed by Syme Marmion could be duplicated for other corridors in the metropolitan area and has merit in the same way that the earlier proposals had.  It would be reporting to a Cabinet steering committee which could help provide a high level of Government commitment to the development of the corridor.

Statutory Compliance


Strategic Implications

Council’s submission on the State Infrastructure Strategy is consistent with Council’s established strategic planning objectives relating to the promotion of Smart Growth.

Policy Implications


Financial Implications


Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council:-

1.             SUBMITS the Council Report and the attached Report by Syme Marmion to the Department of Treasury and Finance as its initial submission on the State Infrastructure Strategy.

2.             SUBMITS copies of the Reports to the Premier of Western Australia and the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure Hon Allanah McTiernan requesting:-

a)      the immediate repayment of Council’s $3 million loan to the Government for the pre-funding construction of the Hester Avenue bridge over the railway line;

b)     the establishment of a co-ordinating committee for the Northwest Corridor as previously promised by the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure in mid 2003;

c)      the urgent preparation of a corridor structure plan covering the land north of Lukin Drive, noting that the Government had previously promised that this would be completed by the end of 2004;

d)     the publication of the Department of Planning and Infrastructure report on the Butler-Jindalee Public Transport Development Strategy.

3.             PROVIDES copies of the Reports to all State and Federal Members of Parliament that cover the City of Wanneroo inviting them to a series of briefings on the issues raised in the Reports.

4.             NOTES that Council Administration through the Outer Metropolitan Growth Council Policy Forum will be entering into discussions with the Department of Local Government and Regional Development on the potential for additional grant funding allocations based on the creation of disability allowances for growth Councils. 

5.             NOTES that Council Administration as part of the Outer Metropolitan Growth Council Policy Forum and Western Australian Local Government Association are planning to hold a joint workshop with the Urban Development Institute of Australia designed to develop new models for infrastructure charging for the private sector.

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Item  9     Motions on Notice

MN01-01/06  Cr Salpietro - Request for a Waiver of Fees - Celebrate Recovery

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Level 3 Approval by Daniel Simms Date 16 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by Daniel Simms Date 16 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Daniel Simms Date 16 January 2006

File Ref:                                              S07/0057V02

Responsible Officer:                           Nil

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

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To reconsider a request from Celebrate Recovery for a waiver of fees for the use of the Banksia Grove Community Centre to serve meals.


Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting on the 09 August 2005, Item GS01-08/05, resolved in part as follows:


“2.    NOT APPROVE a donation request for a waiver of fees of $1,780.00 to Celebrate Recovery for the hire of the Banksia Grove Community to serve meals on a Monday and Wednesday.”


Details of the request for a waiver of fees by Celebrate Recovery as previously presented to Council are summarised below:


Applicant 2 – Beachway Compassion Ministries/Celebrate Recovery

Request Amount


Description of Request

Waiver of fees for the hire of the Banksia Grove Community Centre to serve meals on a Monday and Wednesday to those in need



Potential for income generation


Status of the applicant organisation

Not for profit

Exclusivity of the event or project

The provision of meals is available to the local community of Banksia Grove

Alignment with Council’s existing philosophies, values and strategic direction.

This request supports the Healthy Communities initiative in the City’s Strategic Plan

Potential benefits to the Wanneroo community

This organisation are providing a charitable service in the community by providing meals to families within the Banksia Grove area two nights per week

Alternative funding sources available or accessed by the organisation

None specified



Contribution to the event or activity made by the applicant or organisation

The time and provision of the meals

Previous funding assistance provided to the organisation by the City

$1,293.60 Waiver November 2004

$1,200.00 Waiver December 2003

$1,240.80 Waiver May 2003

Commitment to acknowledgement of the City of Wanneroo

Not specified


The policy states that continuous requests for waivers of fees and charges will not be supported. This group have consistently received a waiver of fees over the last three years for their hire of the Banksia Grove community Centre; therefore this request does not support the criteria of the policy.

This group have been requested to complete a Community Development evaluation form each time they have asked for a waiver of fees. Community Services at the City do not feel that this group are meeting relevant Community Development outcomes or are demonstrating that they are working towards the ongoing sustainability of their program with the provision of meals to the community and therefore do not support this request for a waiver.

The Beachway Compassion Ministries had the booking for the first six months of the year and Celebrate Recovery have the booking for the same service provision for the latter six months of the year.

Administration will advise this group of the City’s Community Funding Program as a possible source of funding.


Celebrate Recovery provide a valuable service to many disadvantaged members of our community and I seek Council’s support in providing their free use of the Banksia Grove Community Centre to provide a meal service


The meals provided by this group are prepared and served by volunteers, and add to a value of approximately $50,000 per annum. In many cases the volunteers not only contribute their time, but also out of pocket expenses such as travel, telephone, cleaning aids, etc. to ensure that those disadvantaged in our community have access to a basic meal.


There is a view that the provision of free meals increases dependency on the welfare system, and more should be done by this group to "wean" beneficiaries of the meal service away from "free handouts", and to teach them to fend for themselves.


This is a valid argument in certain cases where a few are taking advantage of the project and not doing more to improve their circumstances. It is appropriate for the City to work with the group during the coming year, and assist where possible in reducing the number of beneficiaries to genuine cases.


This is a great example of volunteers within our community making extraordinary efforts to help those less fortunate. It is also a unique example of what the community values in volunteer projects, and the City has an obligation to make a contribution, and a public gesture on the value we place on volunteers.


If Community Services have a view that this service should not be supported because it does not meet Community Development outcomes we need to review our outcomes to ensure that they are not a discouragement to deserving volunteer projects.

Statutory Compliance

Council will need to revoke their previous decision in this regard in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995.

Strategic Implications


Policy Implications

Council’s Policy on Donations states that continuous requests for waiver of fees and charges should not be supported.

Financial Implications

The value of the hire fees is estimated at $1,780.

Voting Requirements

Absolute Majority

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That Council:-

1.         NOTES that Councillors Blencowe, Cvitan, Steffens, Newton and Pearson support a motion to revoke a decision of Council.

2.         REVOKES BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY, the following part decision of Council made at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 09 August 2005, Item GS01-08/05, detailed below:

“2.   NOT APPROVE a donation request for a waiver of fees of $1,780.00 to Celebrate Recovery for the hire of the Banksia Grove Community to serve meals on a Monday and Wednesday.”

3.         APPROVE a donation request for a waiver of fees of $1,780.00 to Celebrate Recovery for the hire of the Banksia Grove Community to serve meals on a Monday and Wednesday.

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Administration Comment


Administration comments were reflected in the report to Council on the 09 August 2005 and are set out in the Detail section to this current report.

MN02-01/06  Cr Treby - Dob in a Graffiti Offender

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Level 3 Approval by Daniel Simms Date 25 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by Daniel Simms Date 25 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Daniel Simms Date 25 January 2006

File Ref:                                              S42/0001V01

Responsible Officer:                           Nil

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

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To consider the introduction of a “Dob in a Graffiti” program to encourage members of the community to pass on information to Council in relation to graffiti offences to facilitate prosecution of offenders and recovery of the associated costs of graffiti on the community.


The City of Wanneroo spends more than $350,000 on removing graffiti each year. This cost does not include the cost to the City of vandalism or the disruption to normal services that vandalism producers.


The costs associated with graffiti management within the City of Wanneroo are considerable and continues to grow each year. The removal of graffiti not only diverts financial resources away from Council’s ability to provide facilities and services to the community but also has a detrimental effect on people’s perception of safety and community well being.


It is suggested that the impact of graffiti on our community could be significantly reduced if we engage the community in the management of graffiti.


As a result I would like to suggest that the City of Wanneroo introduces a Dob in a Graffiti Offender program based on the following elements:


·         A City of Wanneroo 24 hour hot-line telephone number to report information about graffiti incidents

·         Incentives to community members that provide information that leads to an arrest and successful prosecution of the offender (including a concession/ donations towards property rates)

·         The City of Wanneroo actively seeks reimbursement from offenders including the parents of juvenile offenders charged with graffiti offences.

Statutory Compliance


Strategic Implications

Council is committed to supporting safe and secure communities and this proposal is specifically aimed at this objective.


Policy Implications


Financial Implications

The provision of a financial incentive will have a budget impact but savings through a reduction in graffiti control should offset this in the long term.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council REQUEST Administration develop a proposal for the next ordinary Council meeting for the INTRODUCTION OF A DOB IN A GRAFFITI OFFENDER PROGRAM based on the following principles:

·         A City of Wanneroo 24 hour hot-line telephone number to report information about graffiti incidents

·         Incentives to community members that provide information that leads to an arrest and successful prosecution of the offender (including a concession/ donations towards property rates)

·         The City of Wanneroo actively seeks reimbursement from offenders including the parents of juvenile offenders charged with graffiti offences.


Administration Comment

Administration is supportive of proposed motion.

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MN03-01/06        Cr Salpietro – Mindarie Regional Council


To be tabled at the meeting.




Note:  Please go to the end of this Agenda to see this tabled document.

Item  10           Urgent Business


Item  11           Confidential

CR01-01/06   Joint Venture Arrangement - Lot 4 Flynn Drive, Neerabup

File Ref:                                              P23/0010V01

File Name: SCAJoint Venture Arrangement   Lot 4 Flynn Drive  Neerabup.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 4 Approval by Wayne Wright Date 19 January 2006

Level 3 Approval by Wayne Wright Date 17 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by Audrey Binnie Date 17 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Audrey Binnie Date 17 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director, Corporate Services

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:  John Paton

Meeting Date:  31 January 2006

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THAT Council move into a Confidential Session to discuss this item under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995 Section 5.23(2), as follows:

·         (e)(ii) a matter that if disclosed, would reveal – information that has a commercial value to a person;



CR02-01/06   Consent of Assignment of Sublease - Yanchep Lagoon Kiosk

File Ref:                                              P36/0468V01

File Name: SCAConsent of Assignment of Sub Lease   Yanchep Lagoon Kiosk.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 3 Approval by RH Date 19 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by audrey binnie Date 19 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by audrey binnie Date 19 January 2006

Responsible Officer:                           Director Corporate Services

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Author:  Coordinator Property & Insurance

Meeting Date:  31 January 2006

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THAT Council move into a Confidential Session to discuss this item under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995 Section 5.23(2), as follows:

·         (e)(ii) a matter that if disclosed, would reveal – information that has a commercial value to a person;


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Item  12           Date of Next Meeting

The next Ordinary Councillors Briefing Session has been scheduled for 6.00pm on Tuesday, 14 February 2006, to be held at the Civic Centre, Dundebar Road, Wanneroo.

Item  13           Closure

MN03-01/06        Cr Salpietro - Mindarie Regional Council - Technical Study Tour

File Name: ACr Loftus.doc This line will not be printed dont delete

Level 3 Approval by Daniel Simms Date 31 January 2006

Level 2 Approval by Daniel Simms Date 31 January 2006

Level 1 Approval by Daniel Simms Date 31 January 2006

File Ref:                                              S/0073V08

Responsible Officer:                           Nil

Disclosure of Interest:                         Ni

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To consider requesting the Mindarie Regional Council to resolve that the costs associated with each Councillor’s involvement in the Resource Recovery Facility – Site Visit be provided by that Councillors local government.


The Mindarie Regional Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting on the 27th October 2005 resolved as follows:


That Council:


   (i)         approve the approach for a proposed site visit as part of the tender                           evaluation process for the Resource Recovery Facility.


   (ii)        approve the participation in this visit of the following:


               (a)        Councillors

               (b)        Officers

               (c)        others


   (iii)       approve expenditure of up to $300,000 for this activity from project loan                     funds.”


I am concerned in relation to the cost of this site visit, the number of Councillors that may be potentially attending this visit and the associated benefits of their attendance at what is considered to be a technical site visit.


The current resolution allows for an unspecified number of delegates to attend this visit with the potential for several officers and Councillors from individual Council’s being able to attend.


As a result I would like to put forward a Notice of Motion to the next Mindarie Regional Council meeting that requires the attendance of Councillors on this visit to be fully meet by their own Council. In doing so this will allow each Council to determine their support of the proposed site visit and also ensure that the cost of multiple Councillors from the same Council is met by that Council.


Statutory Compliance


Strategic Implications


Policy Implications


Financial Implications

The cost associated with a Councillor attending the visit is estimated to be in the vicinity of $23,000.

Voting Requirements

Simple Majority

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That Council REQUEST Mindarie Regional Council to reverse the decision to pay for all expenses for its elected members for its planned world trip to visit waste treatment facilities. It is the City of Wanneroo’s view that individual Councils should meet the expenses of its representatives of Mindarie Regional Council who wish to take part in the trip.

Administration Comment

The resolution from the October meeting has been superseded by the resolution of the 8 December 2005 meeting which listed the actual approved attendees on the Tender Evaluation Tour.  Four councillors were listed.

Per resolution 9.2.3 on 8 December 2005, the following Councillors will be on the RRF tender evaluation trip (Cr Stewart has withdrawn).  This resolution was passed 12/0.

Cr T Clarey - Chairman MRC (City of Stirling)
Cr B Stevenson  - Deputy Chairman MRC  (Town of Victoria Park)
Cr R Willock - Chairman Secondary Waste Treatment Working Group  (City of Stirling)

The next MRC meeting will be held on 16 February 2006. The study tour is expected to depart on 19 March 2006.

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