


Council Minutes








Unconfirmed MINUTES


Special Council Meeting

6:00pm, 25 May, 2021

Council Chambers (Level 1), Civic Centre,

23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo



Unconfirmed Minutes of Special Council Meeting


held on Tuesday 25 May, 2021



Item  1                 Attendance   1

Item  2                 Apologies and Leave of Absence  2

Item  3                 Public Question Time  2

Item  4                 Reports   2

Corporate Strategy & Performance  3

Council & Corporate Support  3

SCS01-05/21     Consideration of Principles for the Allocation of Continuing Councillors to New Wards  3

Item  5                 Confidential  4

Item  6                 Late Reports  4

Item  7                 Date of Next Meeting   4

Item  8                 Closure   5

Appendix 1      Special Council Agenda – 25 May 2021  6





Mayor Roberts declared the meeting open at 6:00pm and reads the prayer.


Good evening Councillors, staff, ladies and gentlemen, we wish to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land we are meeting on, the Whadjuk people.  We would like to pay respect to the Elders of the Nyoongar nation, past and present, who have walked and cared for the land and we acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contributions made to the life of this city and this region and I invite you to bow your head in prayer:


Lord, We ask for your blessing upon our City, our community and our Council.  Guide us in our decision making to act fairly, without fear or favour and with compassion, integrity and honesty.  May we show true leadership, be inclusive of all, and guide the City of Wanneroo to a prosperous future that all may share.  We ask this in your name. Amen

Please refer to agenda for details of full reports and attachments.

Item  1      Attendance

TRACEY ROBERTS, JP                            Mayor




NATALIE SANGALLI                                   North Coast Ward

LINDA AITKEN, JP                                      North Coast Ward

SONET COETZEE                                      North Coast Ward

CHRIS BAKER                                             North Coast Ward

LEWIS FLOOD                                             North Coast Ward

FRANK CVITAN, JP                                    Central Ward

JACQUELINE HUNTLEY                           Central Ward

PAUL MILES                                                 Central Ward

DOT NEWTON, JP                                      Central Ward

GLYNIS PARKER                                       South Ward

HUGH NGUYEN                                          South Ward

BRETT TREBY                                            South Ward

DOMENIC ZAPPA                                       South Ward




DANIEL SIMMS                                            Chief Executive Officer

MARK DICKSON                                         Director, Planning & Sustainability

HARMINDER SINGH                                  Director, Assets

DEBBIE TERELINCK                                  Director, Community & Place

NOELENE JENNINGS                               Director, Corporate Strategy & Performance

MUSTAFA YILDIZ                                       Manager Governance & Legal

NATASHA SMART                                      Manager, Council & Corporate Support

NATSHA MUTCH                                        Manager, Communication Brand

MADONNA ILIFFE                                       Minute Officer



Item  2      Apologies and Leave of Absence

VINH NGUYEN                                            South Ward (apology)


There were six members of the public and one member of the press in attendance.

Item  3      Public Question Time


Item  4      Reports

Declarations of Interest by Council Members, including the nature and extent of the interest. Declaration of Interest forms to be completed and handed to the Chief Executive Officer.

Cr Treby declared an impartiality interest in Item SCS01-05/21 due to being a continuing Council Member at the October 2021 elections and the motion proposes that he will be allocated to the newly proposed South Ward. (HPE21/219216)


Cr Baker declared an impartiality interest in Item SCS01-05/21 due to being a continuing Council Member at the October 2021 elections and the motion proposes that he will be allocated to the newly proposed North Ward.


Cr Cvitan declared an impartiality interest in Item SCS01-05/21 due to being a continuing Council Member at the October 2021 elections and the motion proposes that he will be allocated to the newly proposed Central Ward.


Cr Parker declared an impartiality interest in Item SCS01-05/21 due to being a continuing Council Member at the October 2021 elections and the motion proposes that she will be allocated to the newly proposed North-East Ward.


Cr Sangalli declared an impartiality interest in Item SCS01-05/21 due to being a continuing Council Member at the October 2021 elections and the motion proposes that she will be allocated to the newly proposed Central-West Ward.


Mayor Roberts declared an impartiality interest in Item SCS01-05/21 due to being a continuing Council Member at the October 2021 elections.


Cr Huntley declared an impartiality interest in Item SCS01-05/21 due to being a continuing Council Member at the October 2021 elections and the motion proposes that she will be allocated to the newly proposed Central-East Ward.



Corporate Strategy & Performance

Council & Corporate Support

SCS01-05/21    Consideration of Principles for the Allocation of Continuing Councillors to New Wards

File Ref:                                              41102V02 – 21/210966

Responsible Officer:                          Director, Corporate Strategy & Performance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       2         


Moved Cr Newton, Seconded Cr Parker


1.       APPROVES the tiered three principle system outlined in this report, to be applied for the allocation of continuing Councillors to new wards following the City of Wanneroo 2020 Review of Wards and Representation as follows:

a)      Principle 1 - Order of retirement from office of Councillors (Schedule 4.2 of the Local Government Act 1995);

b)      Principle 2 - Commonality with the ward for which a continuing Councillor was initially elected;

c)      Principle 3 - New ward proximity to residential property of continuing Councillor;

2.       AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer to advise the Local Government Advisory Board, through the Department of Local Government, Sports and Cultural Industries, of the proposed allocation of continuing Councillors as an outcome of the application of the tiered three principle system.


Motion to Amend

Moved Cr Huntley, Seconded Cr Baker

That part 1(c) of the recommendation be amended to add new tiered sub-principles as follows:


1.         APPROVES the tiered three principle system outlined in this report, to be applied for the allocation of continuing Councillors to new wards following the City of Wanneroo 2020 Review of Wards and Representation as follows:

a)         Principle 1 - Order of retirement from office of Councillors (Schedule 4.2 of the Local Government Act 1995);

b)         Principle 2 - Commonality with the ward for which a continuing Councillor was initially elected;

c)         Principle 3;

                          i.          residential property of continuing Councillor being located within a new ward;

                         ii.          proximity of residential property of continuing Councillor within a straight line distance to a new ward;

Procedural Motion


Moved Cr Baker, Seconded Cr Aitken


That an extension of time to speak be granted to Cr Huntley for three minutes.




Cr Domenic Zappa left the meeting, the time being 6:56pm


Cr Domenic Zappa returned to the meeting, the time being 6:57pm



Procedural Motion to Adjourn


Moved Cr Zappa, Seconded Cr Treby


That Council adjourn the meeting for ten minutes to allow external guests to present to the Audit & Risk Committee Members on item 4.1 on the Audit & Risk Committee Agenda.




In accordance with Standing Orders Local Law 2008 part 7.6 the Council Members who spoke to Item SCS01-05/21 prior to the Motion to adjourn were: Cr Huntley,
Cr Baker, Cr Parker, Cr Aitken, Cr Newton, Cr Treby and Cr Miles.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:58pm


Mayor Roberts declared the meeting open at 7:08pm



Procedural Motion to Resume Debate


Moved Cr Newton, Seconded Cr Treby


That debate on the proposed amendment to Item SCS01-05/21 be resumed.




The debate resumed at 7:08pm


The Motion to Amend was put and




For the motion:           Cr Aitken, Cr Baker, Cr Coetzee, Cr Huntley, Cr Miles and
Cr H Nguyen

Against the motion:   Cr Cvitan, Cr Flood, Cr Newton, Cr Parker, Mayor Roberts,
Cr Sangalli, Cr Treby and Cr Zappa


The Substantive Motion was put and




Item  5      Confidential


Item  6      Late Reports


Item  7      Date of Next Meeting

The next Council Members’ Briefing Session has been scheduled for 6:00pm on Tuesday 8 June 2021, to be held at Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo.

Item  8      Closure

There being no further business, Mayor Roberts closed the meeting at 7:20pm.


In Attendance


TRACEY ROBERTS, JP                            Mayor




NATALIE SANGALLI                                   North Coast Ward

LINDA AITKEN, JP                                      North Coast Ward

SONET COETZEE                                      North Coast Ward

CHRIS BAKER                                             North Coast Ward

LEWIS FLOOD                                             North Coast Ward

FRANK CVITAN, JP                                    Central Ward

JACQUELINE HUNTLEY                           Central Ward

PAUL MILES                                                 Central Ward

DOT NEWTON, JP                                      Central Ward

GLYNIS PARKER                                       South Ward

HUGH NGUYEN                                          South Ward

BRETT TREBY                                            South Ward

DOMENIC ZAPPA                                       South Ward


Appendix 1 Special Council Agenda – 25 May 2021


Attached is a copy of the Special Council Agenda for 25 May 2021 as required by the Local Government Regulations Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2020 11(g) “Minutes, content of -“The content of minutes of a meeting of a council or a committee is to include…. (g) each document attached to an agenda relating to a council or committee meeting unless the meeting or that part of the meeting to which the documents refers is closed to members of the public”.