Council Members’
Briefing Session
Draft Only
6:00pm, 12 March 2024
Council Chamber (Level 1), Civic Centre,
23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo
A Council Briefing occurs a week prior to the Ordinary Council Meeting and provides an opportunity for Council Members to ask questions and clarify issues relevant to the specific agenda items before council. The Briefing is not a decision-making forum and the Council has no power to make decisions. The Briefing Session will not be used, except in an emergency, as a venue or forum through which to invoke the requirements of the Local Government Act 1995 and call a Special Meeting of Council.
In order to ensure full transparency the meetings will be open to the public to observe the process. Where matters are of a confidential nature, they will be deferred to the conclusion of the Briefing and at that point, the Briefing Session closed to the public. The reports provided are the Officers’ professional opinions. Whilst it is acknowledged that Council Members may raise issues that have not been considered in the formulation of the report and recommendation, it is a basic principle that as part of the Briefing Sessions Council Members cannot direct Officers to change their reports or recommendations.
The Briefing Session will commence at 6.00pm and will be chaired by the Mayor or in his/her absence the Deputy Mayor. In the absence of both, Councillors will elect a Chairperson from amongst those present. Council Members may speak more than once on any item, there is no moving or seconding items, Officer’s will address the Council Members and the order of business will be as follows:
Members of the public present may observe the process and there is an opportunity at the conclusion of the Briefing for a Public Question Time where members of the public may ask questions (no statements) relating only to the business on the Agenda. The Agenda will take the form of:
· Attendance and Apologies
· Deputations
· Declarations of Interest
· Reports for discussion
· Tabled Items
· Public Question Time
· Closure
Where an interest is involved in relation to an item, the same procedure which applies to Ordinary Council Meetings will apply. It is a breach of the City’s Code of Conduct for an interest to not be declared. The Briefing Session will consider items on the Agenda only and proceed to deal with each item as they appear. The process will be for the Mayor to call each item number in sequence and ask for questions. Where there are no questions regarding the item, the Briefing will proceed to the next item.
While every endeavour is made to ensure that all items to be presented to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting are included in the Briefing Session papers, it should be noted that there will be occasions when, due to necessity, items will not be ready in time for the Briefing Session and will go straight to the full Council Agenda as a matter for decision. Further, there will be occasions when items are TABLED at the Briefing Session rather than the full report being provided in advance. In these instances, staff will endeavour to include the item on the Agenda as a late item, noting that a report will be tabled at the agenda Briefing Session.
The Council Briefing Session Agenda will be distributed to Council Members on the FRIDAY prior to the Council Briefing Session. Copies will be made on the City’s website for interested members of the public. Spare Briefing Session papers will be available at the Briefing Session for interested members of the public.
The formal record of the Council Briefing Session will be limited to notes regarding any agreed action to be taken by staff or Council Members. No recommendations will be included and the notes will be retained for reference and are not distributed to Council Members or the public.
The Council Briefing Session will take place in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre.
During the Briefing Session, members of the public may, by appointment, present a Deputation relating to items on the current Briefing Session Agenda. A maximum of up to ten minutes (dependent on the number of deputations received) is permitted for each deputation with up to three people to address the Council Members.
Please note that Deputation requests are to be received by no later than 9:00am on the day of the Briefing Session, and must relate to an item on the current Briefing Session Agenda.
Please note:
· Deputation requests must relate to items listed on the current Briefing Session Agenda;
· A Deputation is not to exceed three speakers in number and only those speakers may address the Council Members; and
· Speakers of a Deputation will collectively have a maximum of up to 10 minutes (dependent on the number of deputations received) to address the Council Members, unless an extension of time is granted.
Please ensure mobile phones are switched off before entering the Council Chamber.
For further information please contact Council Support on 9405 5000
To ensure there is a process in place to outline the access to recorded Council Meetings.
To emphasise that the reason for recording of Council Meetings is to ensure the accuracy of Council Meeting Minutes and that any reproduction of these Minutes are for the sole purpose of Council business.
This Policy shall be printed within the Agenda of all Council Meetings which include:
· Ordinary Council Meeting;
· Special Council Meeting;
· Annual General Meeting of Electors;
· Special Electors Meeting; and
· Briefing Sessions.
To advise the public that the proceedings of the meeting are recorded.
Evaluation and Review Provisions
Recording of Proceedings
1. Proceedings for Meetings detailed in this policy; as well as Deputations and Public Question Time during these meetings shall be recorded by the City on sound recording equipment, except in the case of a meeting where Council closes the meeting to the public.
2. Notwithstanding subclause 1, proceedings of a Meeting, which is closed to the public, shall be recorded where the Council resolves to do so.
3. No member of the public is to use any audio visual technology or devices to record the proceedings of a Meeting, without the written permission of the Mayor or the Mayors Delegate.
Access to Recordings
4. Members of the public may purchase a copy of the recorded proceedings or alternatively, listen to the recorded proceedings at the Civic Centre online if the recording is published on the City of Wanneroo website. Costs of providing a copy of the recorded proceedings to members of the public will include staff time to make the copy of the proceedings; as well as the cost of the digital copy for the recording to be placed on. The cost of staff time will be set in the City’s Schedule of Fees and Charges each financial year.
5. Council Members may request a copy of the recording of the Council proceedings at no charge.
6. All Council Members are to be notified when recordings are requested by members of the public, and of Council.
7. COVID-19 Pandemic Situation
During the COVID-19 pandemic situation, Briefing Sessions and Council Meetings that are conducted electronically, will be recorded. The CEO is authorised to make a broadcast of the audio recording of such meetings accessible to the public, as soon as practicable after the meeting.
8. Briefing Sessions and Council Meetings that are recorded. The CEO is authorised to make a broadcast of the audio recording of such meetings accessible to the public, as soon as practicable after the meeting.
Acronym |
Meaning |
Australian Business Number |
Australian Company Number |
Act |
Local Government Act 1995 |
City of Wanneroo Corporate Business Plan |
Coastal Hazard Risk Management & Adaption Plan |
City |
City of Wanneroo |
Consumer Price Index |
Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions |
Department of Fire and Emergency Services |
Department of Education Western Australia |
Department of Health |
Department of Planning Lands and Heritage |
DPS2 |
District Planning Scheme No. 2 |
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries |
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Goods and Services Tax |
Joint Development Assessment Panel |
Long Term Financial Plan |
Metropolitan Region Scheme |
Main Roads Western Australia |
Public Open Space |
Public Transport Authority of Western Australia |
State Administrative Tribunal |
City of Wanneroo Strategic Community Plan |
Western Australian Local Government Association |
Western Australian Planning Commission |
Briefing Papers for Tuesday 12 March, 2024
Item 2 Apologies and Leave of Absence
4.3 Response to Petition PT01-02/23 Objection to BMX Track Redevelopment at McCoy Park, Quinns Rocks
Parks & Conservation Management
4.4 Tender 23159 - Application of Mulch within City of Wanneroo
4.5 Toilet Upgrade - Kingsway Splash Pad - Concept Design and Cost Estimate Options
4.6 2022 Federal Election Commitment Funding - Kingsway Floodlighting and Modular Changerooms
4.7 2022 Federal Election Commitment Funding - Wanneroo Showgrounds Cricket Net Floodlighting
Community Safety & Emergency Management Report
4.8 Bushfire Brigade Local Law 2024
4.9 Mariginiup Fire Coordinated Waste Cleanup
Corporate Strategy & Performance
4.10 Financial Activity Statement for the Period ended 31 January 2024
4.11 Warrant of Payments for the Period to 31 January 2024
4.12 Electronic Attendance at Meetings
4.14 Conferral of the Honour of 'Keys to the City' Policy
4.15 Annual Compliance Audit Report 2023
4.16 Review of City of Wanneroo Local Laws under Section 3.16 of the Local Government Act 1995
4.17 Extension of Review Dates of Council Policies
5.1 Cr Miles - Proposed Land Developer Cash-In-Lieu Reserve Fund for Verge Trees
Item 6 Late Reports (to be circulated under separate cover)
Mariginiup Fire Coordinated Waste Cleanup (item 4.9)
8.1 Chief Executive Officer Performance Review
8.2 Motion on Notice - Mayor Linda Aitken
8.3 Alkimos Aquatic & Recreation Centre - Inclusion of Leased Community Organisation Space
This meeting today is being held on Whadjuk Noongar boodja and we would like to acknowledge and pay respects to Elders past, present and future. We thank all past and present members of the community that have supported the City to better understand and value Noongar culture within the City of Wanneroo.
Item 1 Attendances
Item 2 Apologies and Leave of Absence
Item 3 Deputations
4.1 Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 – Various Amendments to Facilitate Revocation of Lot 201 Breakwater Drive Two Rocks Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 35 and Amendment to Lot 202 Breakwater Drive, Two Rocks Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 53
File Ref: 48918 – 24/27026
Responsible Officer: Director Planning & Sustainability
Attachments: 10
For Council to consider initiating Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 (DPS 2) to:
· Apply local scheme reserves over Crown land parcels in the Two Rocks locality which are currently zoned Rural Residential;
· Adjust the Special Provisions in DPS 2 pertaining to Rural Residential zoned lots in the Two Rocks locality; and
· Facilitate a revocation of Lot 201 Breakwater Drive, Two Rocks Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 35 (ASP 35) and the eventual expiry of Lot 202 Breakwater Drive, Two Rocks Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 53 (ASP 53).
Locational Background
The land subject to proposed Amendment No. 213 to DPS 2 (Amendment No. 213) is located to the west of Wanneroo Road and the north and south of Breakwater Drive, Two Rocks. Amendment No. 213 affects an area which is subject to ASP 35 and ASP 53 (subject area). Both ASP 35 and ASP 53 were prepared to guide the creation of rural lifestyle lots through subdivision. The subject area covers 510.5 hectares; of which 278.5 hectares is affected by ASP 35 and 232 hectares is affected by ASP 53.
The locations of ASP 35 and ASP 53, and how they are situated within the subject area, is shown on the plan in Attachment 1. A Scheme Map extract of the subject area is provided as Attachment 2.
Subdivision of the area affected by ASP 35 has been completed. There is now a complete road network through the ASP 35 area – as well as 139 rural lifestyle lots, of which only nine are not occupied by dwellings. Rural lifestyle lots in the ASP 35 area range in size from one hectare to 2.86 hectares. The ASP 35 area contains public open space and a vacant 5,000m2 site previously ceded for community purposes.
Subdivision in the ASP 53 area is largely completed, except for a small portion which is still subject to subdivision and road construction (where shown in Attachment 1). To date, there have been 157 rural lifestyle lots created, of which 25 are not occupied by dwellings. It is expected that further subdivision will create seven additional lots. Rural lifestyle lots in the ASP 53 area range in size from 8,696m2 to 2.76 hectares. The ASP 53 area also provides public open space areas and the Two Rocks Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade site.
Background on Current District Planning Scheme No. 2 and Proposed Amendment
The subject area is largely zoned Rural Residential under DPS 2, as shown in Attachment 2, except for two conservation sites. The Rural Residential Zone was applied over the subject area through Amendment No. 172 to DPS 2 (Amendment No. 172), which was gazetted in May 2023. Amendment No. 172 was a major amendment that aligned the zonings, land use definitions and other Scheme provisions with the State Government’s ‘model provisions’ for local planning schemes.
Prior to the approval of Amendment No. 172, the subject area had a Rural Community zoning under DPS 2. Rural Community Zone was to provide for orderly and integrated subdivision and development of larger areas of land proposed for rural residential use. DPS 2 then intended that this would occur through structure planning, prompting the preparation of ASP 35 and ASP 53. This Rural Community Zone no longer exists in DPS 2, as Amendment No. 172 replaced this zone with the Rural Residential Zone from the model provisions.
Amendment No. 172 did not apply local scheme reserves over Crown land parcels in the subject area; such as public open spaces, the remaining conservation reserves, a bushfire brigade site and a vacant community purpose site. Amendment No. 213 will apply the appropriate local scheme reserves over these Crown land parcels, as detailed in this report.
Amendment No. 213 also seeks to adjust Special Provisions in Schedule 8 of the DPS 2 text, pertaining to the subject area. In addition to general planning requirements, the Special Provisions in DPS 2 provide specific planning requirements for 20 individual areas zoned Rural Residential. The current Special Provisions in DPS 2 specific to the subject area (Rural Residential area No. 19) are provided in Attachment 3. Adjustments to the Special Provisions are needed to remove redundant text and to account for the revocation of ASP 35 (as recommended in this report). Changes also address the imminent expiry of ASP 53 (as discussed below). The extent of the proposed adjustments to the Special Provisions are detailed later in this report.
Although Amendment No. 213 does not propose extensive changes to the Scheme Map, it does fall within the City’s Scheme normalisation program. The process of normalising structure planned areas is part of the City’s ongoing approach to simplify the planning system and reduce complexity for the City’s stakeholders. Normalisation makes it simpler for landowners to understand the relevant planning controls for their property by reducing the number of planning documents relevant to the decision-making process. This aligns with the City’s goal to provide for well-planned land uses to support the economy, the growing community and environment.
Background on Structure Plans in Subject Area
ASP 35 and ASP 53 was adopted by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) in October 2002 and June 2013 respectively. The implementation parts of ASP 35 and ASP 53 (including the associated maps) are included in Attachment 4 and Attachment 5. Both structure plans are set to expire on 19 October 2025.
Subdivision in the ASP 35 area has now been completed, and therefore the structure plan is now considered redundant. As discussed later in the report, a review of the structure plan provisions has been undertaken to consider what needs to be transferred into DPS 2. This will allow ASP 35 to be revoked, as recommended in this report.
As there is still a vacant portion of the ASP 53 area which is pending subdivision, this structure plan cannot yet be revoked. Nevertheless, through preparing Amendment No. 213, Administration has still undertaken a review of the structure plan provisions for the purpose of transferring relevant requirements to DPS 2. This will minimise the prospect of planning and administrative consequences from occurring when ASP 53 expires in October 2025.
Much of the same vacant portion of ASP 53 mentioned above (and where shown in Attachment 1) was subject to Amendment No. 1 to ASP 53. That proposal reduced the area of a public open space site that ASP 53 had initially intended – from 4.76 hectares to 1.7 hectares. At the time that the amendment was being considered, there was strong community opposition for the proposed reduction of the public open space area. Relating to those concerns, Administration arranged onsite community meetings that some Council Members attended. The final outcome of Amendment No. 1 was that it was approved by the WAPC in October 2019, without a formal recommendation from Council or Administration being provided.
The subject area is also situated within the City’s Yanchep-Two Rocks Agreed District Structure Plan No. 43 (DSP 43). DSP 43 provides the broad district level planning framework for development of the Two Rocks and portion of the Yanchep localities. The District Structure Plan map is included as Attachment 6. DSP 43 has also formed the basis for various local structure plans to be prepared, including ASP 35 and ASP 53. DSP 43 also expires in October 2025, and this structure plan also requires a review, which will be undertaken by DPLH, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
Amendments to DPS 2
The purpose of Amendment No. 213 is to adjust the Scheme Map and text provisions as it relates to the Rural Residential zoned land in the Two Rocks locality. The full extent of the amendments proposed through Amendment No. 213 (including the Scheme (Amendment) Map) is detailed in Attachment 7.
Amendment No. 213 seeks to amend the Scheme Map to apply local scheme reserves over Crown land parcels situated in the subject area. Currently, these Crown land parcels are zoned Rural Residential.
In addition, Amendment No. 213 will adjust the Special Provisions applicable for Rural Residential Zone No. 19, relevant to the subject area. Adjustments to the Special Provisions are intended to:
· Remove redundant provisions, some of which were in place to guide the formulation and content of the structure plans; and
· Ensure that satisfactory development requirements are in place even after ASP 35 is revoked and ASP 53 expires.
The proposed adjustments to the DPS 2 Special Provisions are outlined in detail in Attachment 8. The key changes proposed involve removing provision for building envelopes and aligning land use permissibility in the subject area with the DPS 2 Zoning Table. The key changes are discussed further in the Comment section of the report.
Subsequent Revocation of ASP 35 and Amendments to ASP 53
Should the Minister for Planning (Minister) approve Amendment No. 213, the WAPC will also need to consider revoking ASP 35 and amending ASP 53.
Any local planning scheme amendment affecting land in structure plan areas require an accompanying Statement pursuant to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (Regulations) and the WAPC’s WA Planning Manual: Guidance for Structure Plans. In this case, Amendment No. 213 is proposed to include a Statement to express that ASP 35 should be revoked, DSP 43 will not be affected and for ASP 53 to be amended. A Statement prepared by Administration is included in Attachment 9.
Amendments are needed to the ASP 53 text to ensure that references to DPS 2 in the structure plan are correct and that provisions which are no longer aligned to planning legislation are removed. A substantial review of the ASP 53 text or map was not undertaken, given the structure plan will expire imminently. Reflective of the Statement in Attachment 9, a track change version of the recommended amendments to the ASP 53 text is provided in Attachment 10.
DPS 2 Amendment Classification
Amendment No. 213 to DPS 2 meets the following criteria for ‘Standard Amendments’ in the context of Regulation 34 of the Regulations:
· An amendment to the scheme so that it is consistent with a region planning scheme that applies to the scheme area, other than an amendment that is a basic amendment;
· An amendment that would have minimal impact on land in the scheme area that is not the subject of the amendment.
Further to the EPA referral process, Amendment No. 213 will also need to be referred to the WAPC for approval to advertise. This referral is made pursuant to Section 83A of the Planning and Development Act 2005 and will be considered by an officer of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH), delegated to perform this function by the Minister. Under this section of the Planning and Development Act 2005, the Minister (or their delegate) may:
· Approve a proposed scheme amendment for advertising; or
· Require the local government to modify the scheme amendment, and resubmit it for further consideration; or
· Refuse approval for the proposed amendment to be advertised. Should such a decision be made, the local government cannot proceed with the proposed amendment.
Subject to the EPA and the Minister’s delegate being satisfied with the amendment (with or without modifications), Amendment No. 213 will then be advertised for public comment for a period of 42 days. Advertising is to occur in the following manner, pursuant to Regulations 47 and 76A of the Regulations:
· Publish a notice of the amendment on the City’s website – and upload the amendment documentation;
· Make a copy of the amendment document available for public inspection at a place within the district during normal business hours (City’s Civic Centre);
· Where appropriate, publish a notice in a newspaper circulating in the relevant locality;
· Notify public authorities likely to be affected by the amendment; and
· Advertise the amendment as directed by the WAPC and in any other way the local government considers appropriate.
In addition to the above, Administration will write to all landowners and occupiers of rural-residential land affected by Amendment No. 213.
The process to prepare, amend and revoke structure plans is set out in the deemed provisions for local planning schemes (deemed provisions), contained in Schedule 2 of the Regulations. The deemed provisions do not specifically outline advertising for the revocation and/or amendments to structure plans after the Minister’s approval of a local planning scheme amendment. However, when Amendment No. 213 is advertised, Administration can ensure that potential submitters are also made aware of the City’s intentions to have ASP 35 revoked and ASP 53 amended.
The Regulations (Regulation 35A) make provision for when an amendment to a local planning scheme affects a structure plan area, the amendment must include a Statement that when the amendment takes effect:
(a) the approval of the structure plan is to be revoked; or
(b) the structure plan is to be amended in accordance with the Statement; or
(c) the approval of the structure plan is not affected.
In this case, Administration is proposing that Amendment No. 213 include a Statement in accordance with Regulation 35A(a) (regarding the revocation of ASP 35), Regulation 35A(b) (that ASP 53 will be amended) and Regulation 35A(c) (that there will be no change to DSP 43). As outlined above, a Statement has been prepared for Council’s consideration and is provided in Attachment 9. Both the revocation of ASP 35 and amendment to ASP 53 should then be processed by the WAPC following the approval of Amendment No. 213, pursuant to Clause 29A of the deemed provisions.
Local Scheme Reserves over Crown Land Parcels
Currently, there are multiple Crown land parcels in the subject area that are situated in the Rural Residential Zone. Amendment No. 213 proposes to assign these parcels the appropriate local scheme reserve, as shown on the Scheme (Amendment) Map in Attachment 7. Administration’s reasoning for the local scheme reserves being proposed is provided in the table below:
Land Parcels |
Proposed Local Scheme Reserve |
· Lot 14966 (20) Countryside Drive, Two Rocks; · Lot 701 (1) Caraway Loop, Two Rocks; and · Lot 8002 (18) Oregano Drive, Two Rocks. |
These lots have been ceded through subdivision for the purpose of open space. In response, Amendment No. 213 proposes to apply the ‘Public Open Space’ local scheme reserve over these lots.
Lot 14965 (12) Orchard Rest, Two Rocks |
Lot 14965 is a 5,000m2 land parcel that is landscaped in a manner that integrates with the adjoining open space on Lot 14966 (referred to above). However, Lot 14965 was set aside as a Community Purposes site, as is required under the Special Provisions.
To align with the intended purpose of the site, Amendment No. 213 proposes to apply the ‘Civic and Community’ local scheme reserve over Lot 14965. |
· Lot 212 (559) Breakwater Drive, Two Rocks; and · Lot 213 (558) Breakwater Drive, Two Rocks |
Both lots are owned by the City in Freehold and intended to serve a drainage function. Amendment No. 213, therefore, proposes to apply the ‘Drainage/Waterway’ local scheme reserve over these lots.
Lot 700 (5) Caraway Loop, Two Rocks |
Lot 700 supports the Two Rocks Volunteer Fire Brigade facilities. Amendment No. 213 proposes to apply the ‘Public Purposes’ local scheme reserve over Lot 700, consistent with the activities occurring on that site. |
Lot 1003 (63) Cinnamon Meander, Two Rocks |
An open space area that is well vegetated. Amendment No. 213 proposes to apply the ‘Environmental Conservation’ local scheme reserve over Lot 1003. |
Lot 1002 (123) Cinnamon Meander, Two Rocks |
An open space with good vegetation. ASP 53 has also identified this lot has having Aboriginal heritage significance – and intended that this land parcel be a conservation reserve. In response, Amendment No. 213 proposes to apply the ‘Environmental Conservation’ local scheme reserve over Lot 1002. |
Vanilla Retreat, Majoram Vista, portion Cinnamon Meander and portion Elderberry Link road reserves, Two Rocks |
Most road reserves that were in place at the time Amendment No. 172 was approved in May 2023 were placed into the ‘Local Road’ local scheme reserve. However, these listed road reserves were recently created and currently situated in the Rural Residential Zone.
Amendment No. 213 proposes to apply the ‘Local Road’ local scheme reserve over these road reserves. |
Removal of Building Envelopes
Both ASP 35 and ASP 53 require development on each rural-residential lot to be contained within a building envelope. The Special Provisions required building envelope areas to be designated on each rural-residential lot in the subject area.
DPS 2 defines ‘building envelope’ as an area of land within which all buildings and effluent disposal facilities on a lot must be maintained. The building envelopes placed on the rural-residential lots also seek to maintain amenity and to ensure that impacts on karstic features and the natural environment are minimised. The planning framework in both ASP 35 and ASP 53:
· Provides for building envelope locations on the structure plan maps (contained within Attachment 4 and Attachment 5);
· Required building envelopes to be pegged out through the subdivision process; and
· Allows building envelopes to be amended by landowners through the development approval process.
In preparing this amendment, Administration considered that maintaining the building envelopes is not critical to ensuring that the appropriate development outcomes are achieved. Schedule 6 of the DPS 2 text already makes General Provisions for the Rural Residential Zone that respond to amenity and the protection of the natural environment. For example, the General Provisions prescribe standard building setbacks for the Rural Residential Zone, as well as the requirement for approval prior to the removal of any vegetation.
In respect to building envelopes, what is proposed is the following:
· The removal of Special Provisions from DPS 2, through Amendment No. 213, referring to building envelopes for Rural Residential area No. 19.
· Even if the Special Provisions are changed through Amendment No. 213, the structure plans still contain a mechanism for building envelopes. However, the mechanism for building envelopes in ASP 35 will cease to have effect on revocation of that structure plan. Building envelopes in the ASP 53 area will cease to have effect when that structure plan expires in October 2025.
Further to the above, it is recognised that the building envelopes are set to minimise impacts on karstic features. Building on a karstic feature can affect building stability and integrity – which in turn affects human safety. To ensure continued consideration of risks associated with karstic features during the development application process, a Special Provision is proposed for Rural Residential area No. 19 as follows:
Applications for development approval involving works shall be supported by information that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the local government that:
· The affected land is physically capable of development and geologically suitable for the works proposed; and
· The proposed works will not pose a foreseen and unacceptable impact on karstic features.
The local government may accept the resubmission of information prepared to support a prior planning proposal as a means to meet the requirements of this provision.
Administration acknowledges that geotechnical investigations have been undertaken to facilitate development in the current building envelopes. This occurred either through structure planning, subdivision – or through applications for development approval to modify building envelopes. The above Special Provision proposed will allow use of previously prepared geotechnical investigations to support development applications.
Land Use Permissibility Changes
A Special Provision relating to Rural Residential Zone area No. 19 currently prescribes the following in relation to land use permissibility.
The land the subject of this zone may be used for rural-residential purposes, and no more than one residence shall be permitted on each lot. Home Office, Home Occupation and Home Business, Ancillary Dwelling and a maximum of one Home Store on Lot 12 (3) Countryside Drive may be considered as “D” uses.
In addition, separate Special Provisions also allow for the keeping of horses as an activity that can be carried out on the rural-residential lots in the subject area.
The Special Provisions effectively limit land use permissibility for the Rural Residential zoned lots in the subject area. The Zoning Table in DPS 2 typically makes permissible the following land uses in the Rural Residential Zone, in addition to those referred to in the Special Provisions:
· Bed and Breakfast (‘D’)
· Civic Use (‘D’)
· Commercial Vehicle Parking (‘A’)
· Community Purpose (‘A’)
· Holiday Accommodation (‘D’)
· Holiday House (‘D’)
· Industry – Cottage (‘D’)
· Rural Home Business (‘D’)
· Rural Pursuit/Hobby Farm (‘A’)
· Telecommunications Infrastructure (‘A’)
Under DPS 2, in the case of any conflict between the Special Provisions and the Zoning Table, the Special Provisions prevail. As there is a Special Provision relating to the permissibility of select land uses for Rural Residential area No. 19, the activities listed immediately above are currently not permissible in the subject area.
Amendment No. 213 is proposing to lift the restrictions in the Special Provisions relating to land use permissibility. This is to allow land use permissibility to be determined in accordance with the Zoning Table in DPS 2 for the Rural Residential Zone. Administration considers this to be justified, as the land uses that will become permissible are all discretionary – meaning that the City is able to consider approving proposals for these uses on a case-by-case basis.
Notwithstanding the above, a Special Provision will remain in place restricting the ‘Home Store’ use (formerly called a ‘Corner Store’) to Lot 12 Countryside Drive, located on the corner of Countryside Drive and Breakwater Drive, Two Rocks. A Home Store on Lot 12 will be considered a discretionary use subject to advertising (or an ‘A’ use), consistent with the DPS 2 Zoning Table. This Special Provision is proposed, as a proliferation of ‘Home Stores’ across multiple lots in the subject area has the potential to have a detrimental effect on the amenity of the surrounding rural-residential area.
Imminent Expiry of ASP 53
As outlined above, ASP 53 is set to expire in October 2025. Most of the 232-hectare land area affected by ASP 53 has been subdivided, except for an 8.8-hectare portion adjoining Breakwater Drive (as shown on Attachment 1).
There is a subdivision approval already in place (issued in January 2020) to create seven additional lots in the undeveloped area, which expires in January 2026. The subdivision approval also requires works to ensure the seven lots are serviced (e.g. by road access, power, water etc), prior to the issue of titles.
Administration considers that there is sufficient time for the developer to act on their subdivision approval. Should ASP 53 expire in October 2025, the subdivision approval in place allows for subdivisional works and the creation of lots to occur prior to January 2026. Therefore, there are grounds to allow ASP 53 to expire in October 2025, given the developer has subdivision approval and has reasonable opportunity to complete subdivision works under this current approval.
The expiry of ASP 53 may affect subdivision if the current approval is not enacted upon by January 2026 – and a further subdivision approval is needed. Administration (in consultation with the subdivider) could request the WAPC extend the approval duration of ASP 53 to allow subdivision to be completed in the structure plan area, if needed at the time.
Statutory Compliance
Amendment No. 213 to DPS 2 can be processed in accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2005 and the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
Following the Minister for Planning’s approval of Amendment No. 213, the WAPC will revoke and amend the structure plans that apply over the Amendment No. 213 area pursuant to Clause 29A of the deemed provisions for local planning schemes, provided in Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. This can occur if Council resolves to include a Statement in the amendment to that effect, pursuant to Regulation 35A of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
5 ~ A well planned, safe and resilient City that is easy to travel around and provides a connection between people and places
5.2 - Plan for and manage land use
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 5, we will accept a Medium level of risk, extended to High in the areas of Community / Reputation & Financial / Commercial impacts. Shifting transport modes and usage in the City may require short term pain for longer term gain as the City supports the development, maintenance and connection of alternatives to car use (e.g. cycle ways) and the supporting infrastructure.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
CO-O15 – Project Management |
Low |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Corporate Strategy & Performance |
Manage |
The above risk relating to the issues contained within this report has been identified and considered within the City’s Corporate Risk Register. Action plans have been developed to manage this risk to support existing management systems.
Policy Implications
Amendment No. 213 is being processed noting the guidance for the amendment and revocation of structure plans contained within WAPC-prepared ‘WA Planning Manual: Guidance for Structure Plans’.
Financial Implications
Costs in preparing Amendment No. 213 to DPS 2 – and assisting the WAPC in revoking ASP 35 and amending ASP 53 – can be met from the current Planning and Sustainability operational budget.
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council:-
1. Pursuant to Section 75 of the Planning and Development Act 2005, PREPARES Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2, to amend the local planning scheme to the extent outlined in Attachment 7;
2. Pursuant to Regulation 35A of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, RESOLVES that Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 include the Statement as provided in Attachment 9;
3. Pursuant to Regulation 34 and Regulation 35(2) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, RESOLVES that Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 is a standard amendment for the following reasons:
a) an amendment to the scheme so that it is consistent with a region planning scheme that applies to the scheme area, other than an amendment that is a basic amendment;
b) an amendment that would have minimal impact on land in the scheme area that is not the subject of the amendment;
4. Pursuant to Section 81 and Section 82 of the Planning and Development Act 2005, REFERS Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 to the Environmental Protection Authority;
5. Pursuant to Section 83A of the Planning and Development Act 2005, SUBMITS Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 to the Minister for Planning for approval to advertise;
6. Subject to the satisfaction of the Environmental Protection Authority and the Minister for Planning (or their delegate), ADVERTISES Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 for a period of 42 days pursuant to Regulation 47 and Regulation 76A of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, incorporating any amendments that may be required;
7. NOTES that prospective submitters will be advised that following the approval of Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2, the Western Australian Planning Commission will consider:
a) Revoking the City of Wanneroo’s Lot 201 Breakwater Drive, Two Rocks Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 35; and
b) Amending the City of Wanneroo’s Lot 202 Breakwater Drive, Two Rocks Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 53 in a manner consistent with the Statement in Attachment 9; and
8. NOTES that a further report will be presented to a future Council Meeting, following advertising of Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2, seeking resolution in respect to the following:
a) Whether to support Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 (with or without modification) – or not support the amendment;
b) To provide the advertised Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 to the Western Australian Planning Commission; and
c) Subject to Council supporting Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 following advertising, requesting the Western Australian Planning Commission to:
i. Revoke the City of Wanneroo’s Lot 201 Breakwater Drive, Two Rocks Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 35, pursuant to Clause 29A(1) of the District Planning Scheme No. 2 Deemed Provisions; and
ii. Amend the City of Wanneroo’s Lot 202 Breakwater Drive, Two Rocks Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 53, pursuant to Clause 29A(2) of the District Planning Scheme No. 2 Deemed Provisions.
1⇩. |
Attachment 1 - Location Plan of Area Affected by ASP 35 and ASP 53 |
24/69166 |
2⇩. |
Attachment 2 - Current Scheme Map Extract - Area Affected by Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 |
24/50587 |
3⇩. |
Attachment 3 - Special Provisions in District Planning Scheme No. 2 for Rural Residential Area No. 19 |
24/49746 |
4⇩. |
Attachment 4 - Endorsed Part 1 - Lot 201 Breakwater Drive Agreed Structure Plan No. 35 |
13/150075 |
5⇩. |
Attachment 5 - Part 1 of Lot 202 Breakwater Drive Two Rocks Local Structure Plan No. 53 |
24/49761 |
6⇩. |
Attachment 6 - Yanchep-Two Rocks District Structure Plan Map |
24/49767 |
7⇩. |
Attachment 7 - Scheme Amendment Proposal - Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 |
24/50570 |
8⇩. |
Attachment 8 - Review of Special Provisions in Schedule 8 of Scheme Affecting Rural Residential Area 19 - Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 |
24/50640 |
9⇩. |
Attachment 9 - Regulation 35A Statement - Amendment No. 212 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 |
24/51394 |
10⇩. |
Attachment 10 - Track Changes - Proposed Amendments to Lot 202 Breakwater Drive Two Rocks Local Structure Plan No. 53 - Supporting Amendment No. 213 to District Planning Scheme No. 2 |
24/51200 |
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
4.2 Consideration of Amendment No. 45 and No. 46 to East Wanneroo Cell 6 (Madeley and Darch) Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 8 Following Advertising
File Ref: 3381-45 – 24/40503
Responsible Officer: Director Planning & Sustainability
Attachments: 10
To consider two separate proposed Amendments to the East Wanneroo Cell 6 (Darch/Madeley) Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 8 (ASP 8) and make a recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for their determination. Amendment No. 45 and Amendment No.46 both seek to rezone land to Commercial in order to facilitate development of a Neighbourhood Centre in the Darch locality on two separate sites in close proximity.
The City received two separate amendments to ASP 8, both proposing to rezone land on Furniss Road Darch to Commercial in order to facilitate development of a new Neighbourhood Centre. Both proposed sites abutting Furniss Road. The subject sites are both part of former landfill operations and are actively being redeveloped into residential housing and a business precinct as the land is being progressively remediated and stabilised under the direction of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) and Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH).
Due to the similarities in proposed commercial floor space, the range of land uses and their close physical location, it is considered prudent that both applications be considered together through a single report. This will assist Council to consider not only each individual proposal in context but also their potential combined impact. Particular consideration is required in relation to the impact of one or more new Activity Centres on the existing retail centres.
The two sites form part of the East Wanneroo Cell 6 (Madeley and Darch) Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 8 and are zoned “Urban Development under DPS 2. Both sites are subject of subdivision approvals for land currently zoned Residential R20 and Business.
The area is bound by residential land to the west, south and east with General Industry zoned land to the north being the Wangara industrial area.
A Location Plan is included as Attachment 1.
Amendment 45 – Corner of Furnis Road and Driver Road (Cell 6 Land Company Pty Ltd)
On 23 May 2023, Planning Consultants Element on behalf of Cell 6 Land Company Pty Ltd lodged Amendment No. 45 to the East Wanneroo Cell 6 Approved Structure Plan No. 8 for the City's consideration.
The amendment relates to Lot 1 (115) Furniss Road, Darch, located southeast of the junction of Furniss Road with Driver Road. The land is zoned Urban Development under DPS 2 and Urban under the Metropolitan Region Scheme. The East Wanneroo Cell 6 Approved Structure Plan No. 8 currently designates the site ‘Business Precinct’ and ‘Residential’ (R20). The subject land measures just over 1.2 ha in size.
The proposed amendment affects the approved subdivision layout of four of the Business zoned lots and ten residential zoned lots approved as part of the subdivision approval. These conditionally approved lots will need to be redesigned if this amendment is approved.
Amendment 46 – Corner of Furniss Road and Mirrabooka Avenue (Parcel Darch Pty Ltd)
On 14 August 2023, Urbis Pty Ltd on behalf of Fini Group Pty Ltd lodged Amendment No. 46 to the East Wanneroo Cell 6 Approved Structure Plan No. 8 (ASP 8) for the City's consideration.
The amendment relates to the “balance title” Lot 9002 (50), Attadale Avenue, Darch and is bound by Attadale Avenue to its south, Mirrabooka Avenue to its east and Furniss Road to the north. The land is zoned Urban Development under DPS 2 and Urban under the Metropolitan Region Scheme. The East Wanneroo Cell 6 Approved Structure Plan No. 8 currently designates part of the site ‘Business Precinct’ and part ‘Residential’ (R20).
Prior to the lodgement of proposed Amendment 46, the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) approved an application for the subdivision of the subject land (6 April 2021 and is valid for four years) comprising one Public Open Space (POS) reserve and a large balance lot under WAPC 159221. Subsequently, a further subdivision was approved on 23 March 2021 under WAPC 159333 to facilitate the creation of 281 Residential zoned lots and eight Business zoned lots. The lots approved as part of these two subdivisions approvals have not yet been created through the issuance of land titles as subdivision works are ongoing.
The proposed amendment affects the approved subdivision layout of six Business zoned lots and 23 Residential zoned lots. The other approved lots and large public open space site are not affected by this proposal. Site contamination and land stability are dealt with through the subdivision process and works are proceeding. The proposal to amend the structure plan (the subject of this report) does not impact this or any earthworks required under the subdivision approval, nor does it impact the POS acquisition process under the Cell 6 Developer Contribution Plan (DCP). If approved, the proposed amendments from ‘Residential’ and ‘Business’ to ‘Commercial’ will not cause a DCP shortfall, as contributions are still required.
Amendment 45 Proposal
Amendment 45 proposes to amend ASP 8 to create a new Commercial zoned “Activity Centre” site for a 5,000m2 maximum net lettable floor area (NLA) Neighbourhood Centre at the corner of Driver Road/Furniss Road. The site is intended to accommodate a new anchor supermarket tenancy (Coles) of approximately 4,250m2 and some specialty retail uses of up to 750m2 retail floor space which could typically include shops such as florists, pharmacies, book stores, clothing and the like. The total area of land proposed to be zoned Commercial is 12,230m2. The 7,230m2 of land not being used as retail floorspace will be utilised mainly for parking and loading areas as well as landscaping. The exact details of any future land uses will be the subject of a future development application.
In order to facilitate this, portions of the existing structure plan area are required to be rezoned from ‘Residential’ use and ‘Business Precinct’ use to ‘Commercial’. The current zoning of the land in ASP 8 being Business Precinct and Residential does not currently permit the Shop land use and no Activity Centre is identified in the planning framework in this location. An amendment is also proposed to include a ‘Private Recreation – gym/fitness centre 24hrs / 7 days’ use for the proposed lot within the Business Precinct fronting Furniss Road adjacent to the proposed Neighbourhood Centre.
The key changes proposed to ASP 8 include:
• Inserting a new ‘Cell 6 Neighbourhood Centre (north-east)’ with a 5,000m2 maximum net lettable area into Clause 3 - Schedule 1.
• Inserting a new ‘Private Recreation – gym/fitness centre 24hrs / 7 days’ into Clause 4.4 – Schedule 2 for the proposed lot within the ‘Business’ precinct fronting Furniss Road adjacent to the site with the proposed Neighbourhood Centre.
• Amending the Cell 6 Structure Plan map and Cell 6 Zoning map accordingly.
Amendment 46 Proposal
Amendment 46 proposes to amend ASP 8 create a new Commercial zoned “Activity Centre” site for a 5,000m2 maximum net lettable floor area Neighbourhood Centre at the corner of Mirrabooka Avenue/Furniss Road. The total area of land proposed to be zoned Commercial is 21,394m2. The proposed neighbourhood centre will accommodate a new anchor supermarket tenancy (Woolworths) and associated speciality retail of approximately 3,500m2 NLA, with the adjacent pad-sites capable of accommodating other retail uses totalling up to 1,500m2 NLA of retail floorspace for specialty retail uses. The 16,394m2 of land not used for retail floorspace would be mainly used for car parking and landscaping but would also include other land uses permitted in the Commercial Zone. The exact details of any future land uses will be the subject of a future development application.
In order to facilitate this, portions of the ASP 8 map are proposed to be rezoned from ‘Residential’ use and ‘Business Precinct’ use to ‘Commercial’. The current zoning of the land in ASP 8 being Business Precinct and Residential does not currently permit the Shop land use and no Activity Centre is identified in the planning framework in this location.
The key changes to ASP8 include:
• Inserting a new ‘Cell 6 Neighbourhood Centre’ with a 5,000m2 maximum net lettable retail area into Clause 3 - Schedule 1.
• Amending the Cell 6 Structure Plan map and Cell 6 Zoning map accordingly.
The existing Structure Plan ASP 8 is included as Attachment 2, and the proposed Structure Plan amendments (marked-up to identify the affected areas) are Attachment 3 (Amendment 45) and Attachment 4 (Amendment 46). Concept plans for the proposed centres under Amendment 45 and Amendment 46 are included as Attachment 5.
Both Amendment 45 and Amendment 46 were advertised for a period of 42 days by way of notices placed in the Perth Now – Wanneroo newspaper, signs erected on the sites, letters to landowners within a 200 metre radius and letters sent to the owners of existing and approved centres within the trade areas.
Advertising of Amendment 46 was undertaken between 5 October 2023 and 17 November 2023. Administration received 29 submissions, two of which were late submissions, with nine (31%) objecting to the proposal (including two late submissions), 15 (52%) in support and five (17%) providing comments only (including one late submission). A summary of the issues raised in the submissions and Administration’s response is included in Attachment 7.
For both applications, the main issues raised through the consultation processes related to:
· Retail Demand: there are already enough shops in the area, community facilities would be preferrable, additional retail floor space will detrimentally impact other centres; and
· Traffic: there will be an unacceptable increase in traffic causing disruption, delays, noise and increased safety risks for residents.
As part of the consultation process, several adjacent retail centres located in the catchment area have lodged detailed objections raising significant concern based mainly on the detrimental impact that one or both of the proposals will have on their viability should it be approved. Due to the lengthy and technical nature detailed in these submissions, they are not replicated in this report, but can be viewed as part of the schedule of submissions with comments provided by Administration where applicable.
Discussion of the main issues raised in submissions and the assessment is provided as part of the Comment section below together with other relevant matters.
State Planning Policy 4.2
State Planning Policy 4.2 Activity Centres (SPP 4.2) provides the overarching framework for Activity Centres across the state.
SPP 4.2 aims to ensure decision making adequately considers the distribution, function, broad land use, access and urban form considerations for activity centres. Activity centres are mixed use urban areas which serve as multi-functional community focal points and may include land uses such as commercial, retail, food and hospitality, medium and high-density housing, entertainment, tourism, civic/community, higher education, and medical services.
SPP 4.2 establishes a hierarchy of planned centres through preparation of structure plans and town planning schemes. Activity Centres that are proposed separately are termed ‘out-of-centre developments’.
This means that both proposals constitute “Out of Centre Developments”. They are both centres that constitute Neighbourhood Activity Centres under the hierarchy of centres included in SPP 4.2. SPP 4.2 also sets out criteria for the establishment of activity centre uses outside of activity centres. The proposed amendments that are the subject of this report are therefore assessed against the criteria set out in SPP 4.2 for out-of-centre development.
Policy Objectives, Outcomes and Needs Assessment
The Policy Objectives (Part 5) and Policy Outcomes (Part 6) set out in SPP 4.2 include the requirement to manage the hierarchy of activity centres to ensure that the primacy of activity centres is reinforced, and out-of-centre development does not undermine the hierarchy of activity centres and that new activity centres or the intensification of existing activity centres does not unreasonably undermine existing centres.
As part of their respective applications, both applicants provided reports to assess the demand for activity centre uses as proposed to support their proposals.
The current version of SPP 4.2 that came into effect in July 2023 requires two types of assessments to be undertaken, namely:
· Net Benefit Test (NBT) – The specific purpose of the test is to ensure major development proposals will not unreasonably impact upon the activity centre hierarchy, result in loss of services to the community and/or impact upon existing, committed and planned public and private infrastructure investment. In the previous version of SPP 4.2 this was called a Retail Sustainability assessment.
· Needs Assessment – The Needs Assessment provides an information base to support decision-making by including an assessment of projected land use needs of communities in a local government area. The needs assessment should consider and assess the demand for all activity centre uses and is to be prepared as part of a local planning strategy to guide future development, or to support structure plans where the Needs Assessment has not been updated for more than five years. In the previous version of SPP 4.2 this was called a Retail Needs Assessment.
Amendment 45 was lodged before the current version of SPP 4.2 came into effect and although that proposal uses different terminology, its analysis serves the same purpose under the current version of SPP 4.2. The supporting documents are therefore considered to be consistent with the requirements of SPP 4.2 for the purposes of this assessment.
Key findings of each of these reports include:
· Amendment 45
The assessment by Macroplan on behalf of the applicant asserts that a neighbourhood centre of 5,000m2 retail floorspace is supportable. The report estimates that the trading impacts arising from the development on the surrounding commercial centres falls within the reasonable bounds of competition and is unlikely to threaten the viability of existing centres. It concludes that the low level of impacts reflects an estimated undersupply of food, liquor and groceries (FLG) floorspace in the area. The assessment considers the scale of the proposed neighbourhood centre to be reasonable and unlikely to have an adverse impact on surrounding centres, to the extent that the community would suffer a net disbenefit as a result of it not being approved.
· Amendment 46
The assessment by Locationiq on behalf of the applicant considers that the increased competition between supermarkets is beneficial to consumers and will not adversely affect the balance of the centre hierarchy with all impacts within the normal competitive range. The report concludes that projected impacts on other centres would not threaten the viability or continued operation of any centre and that there would be no depletion or dilution in the range of services which are available to residents. It concludes that a substantial net community benefit would result from the proposed centre.
In this regard both separate reports conclude that their individual proposals would overall benefit the local community by providing a range of daily commercial services not readily available.
As part of the preparation of the City’s Draft Local Planning Strategy, an assessment was prepared under SPP 4.2. The assessment was prepared by MGA Planners and includes all Shop Retail floorspace for all existing and planned Activity Centres within the City of Wanneroo. As part of this assessment, no need was identified for additional centres in this location.
As both proposals (the subject of this report) are “out-of-centre developments” the City engaged MGA Planners to independently assess the impact of the proposed Neighbourhood Centres.
The work by MGA Planners provides an unbiased assessment of the impact the proposed Activity Centres are likely to have on existing and approved Activity Centres in their trading area.
The assessment makes the following observations about the current circumstances:
“It is important to understand that without any additional retail floorspace being approved for the proposals received by the City for retail development on Furniss Road, there are several existing activity centres that have approval to expand in the primary catchment as well as in the wider secondary catchment. Kingsway City currently has the capacity to increase its Shop Retail floorspace to 32,000m2 from its current 18,149m2. East Landsdale is also forecast to come online by 2026 adding 5,197m2 of Shop Retail (PLUC 5) floorspace. Centres outside of the primary catchment that if expanded will impact the retail turnover include Joondalup, Warwick Grove, Mirrabooka and Innaloo.” (MGA Planners)
The assessment by MGA Planners examines four different scenarios to understand the impact of the proposed Activity Centres:
Scenario 1A: No expansion of Kingsway, no new centre at Furniss Road and construction of the East Landsdale Centre by 2026.
Scenario 1B: Expansion of Kingsway, no new centre at Furniss Road and construction of East Landsdale Centre by 2026.
Scenario 2A: No expansion of Kingsway, one new centre at Furniss Road and construction of the East Landsdale Centre by 2026.
Scenario 2A: Expansion of Kingsway, one new centre at Furniss Road and construction of the East Landsdale Centre by 2026.
The MGA assessment identified there are several significant issues in all of the above expansion scenarios. It finds that all centres within the primary catchments of both proposals are likely to experience a number of impacts from further development of existing centres that are yet to take up their full allocation of approved but not yet constructed retail floorspace.
There will be a significant potential cumulative impact on the operation of existing centres from expansion of existing Activity Centres between 2026 and 2031 and the construction of approved centres such as Landsdale.
The addition of a further 5,000m2 of Shop Retail floorspace at Furniss Road (in either proposal) by 2031 will have a significant negative impact on the viability of centres within the catchment.
Based on the above, it is considered that the cumulative impacts of the likely and proposed developments are unacceptable.
Initially the assessment undertaken on behalf of both applicants did not identify the current approved floorspace for Kingsway. The centre approved to be constructed at East Landsdale was also not initially accounted for in the assessment supporting Amendment 45. The applicant for Amendment 45 subsequently updated their analysis to include both the permitted floorspace for Kingsway and the approved East Landsdale centre. The applicant for Amendment 46 stated that there would need to be clarity around the mix of new floorspace at Kingsway City for the forecast sales and impact to be accurately modelled and understood and that any future expansion of Kingsway City would mean that impacts would be lower (in percentage terms) than expressed in the assessment.
The analysis prepared by MGA Planners takes these factors into account and clearly demonstrates that there is no need or benefit to the community from the addition of any retail floorspace at either of the proposed locations. The MGA analysis demonstrates significant negative trading impacts on all existing and approved centres resulting from either of the proposed locations.
In the light of the above, Administration considers that both the proposed centres will negatively impact on existing or planned centres and recommend that they are not supported.
Assessment modelling done by MGA Planners is included as Attachment 8 and an agreed interpretation of the assessment modelling as Attachment 9. A map showing the location of existing and proposed centres in the area and how much floorspace currently exists and how much is still to be developed included as Attachment 10.
Net Benefit Test (NB Test)
SPP 4.2 requires a Net Benefit Test for planning instruments that identify new land or rezone land to facilitate major development or out-of-centre development to demonstrate that the proposal will:
• not have an unreasonable and detrimental impact on the activity centre hierarchy or the existing or planned functions of activity centres
Development of a 5,000m2 of Shop Retail space at either of the two locations proposed will likely result in other centres not being able to fulfill their planned function in the hierarchy. For example, Kingsway has a current floor area of just over 18,000m2 but already has approval to expand up to 32,000m2, whilst the East Landsdale Centre with a floor area of just over 5,000m2 has approval but is yet to be constructed. Administration was informed that building construction of the East Landsdale centre is planned to commence by the end of 2025.
• not have an unreasonable and detrimental impact upon existing, committed and planned public and private investment in activity centres
The cumulative impact of activity centre expansions between 2026 and 2031 and the addition of either of the proposed 5,000m2 Shop Retail floor space centres as proposed as part of the subject applications will cause an over-supply of Shop Retail floor space resulting in a significant drop in turnover to below the Australian average of $9,000 - $10,000 per m2. For example, Kingsway City might drop as low as $6,008 per m2 when expanded to 32,000m2 at full build-out as there will be no sufficient increase in demand and therefore no flow-on effect of increase in trade should they currently expand. It is therefore a timing issue. When the additional approved retail floor space is provided in the other centres it will adequately meet the needs of local residents in the area.
• deliver net benefit to the community and not reduce the level of access to services by the community
In the event of centres becoming unviable for further investment as a result of a significant drop in turnover or self-cannibalisation, it will lead to the reduction in the level and variety of services and products provided to the community (especially Kingsway that operate at a district level and already has approval to expand significantly).
Administration considers that the existing and planned retail supply is sufficient to cater for demand over the medium term and a net benefit to the community has not been demonstrated.
The analysis undertaken by MGA Planners on behalf of the City demonstrates there is no need for either proposed Centre. The negative impacts of both centres being approved would also be significantly greater than either one on their own.
Out-of-centre development
SPP 4.2 states that there is a general presumption against the approval of activity centre uses outside of activity centres as they are likely to impact nearby activity centres and that it may only be appropriate where it is:
• sufficiently separated from nearby activity centres to minimise negative impacts to those activity centres (as demonstrated through the NB Test)
The impact on other nearby activity centres through application of the NB test is discussed earlier in this report. It is considered that the impacts on existing centres and on approved additions to their existing floorspace are unacceptable.
• in proximity to existing housing at an average dwelling density of at least 25 dwellings per gross Urban Zone (Region Schemes) hectare within a 400m walkable catchment of the development
The density of existing and approved residential development within a 400-metre walkable catchment of the proposals (including already approved but yet to be created lots under historic subdivisions) is already well below the above requirement with Amendment 45 having around 11.5 dwellings per urban hectare. The total catchment area (including the industrial land to the north of Furniss Road) has approximately 6.8 dwellings per gross hectare. Amendment 46 provides for 12.4 dwellings per urban hectare and 7.6 dwellings per gross hectare. The proposals will result in the loss of a potential 10 Residential zoned lots (Amendment 45) and 23 Residential zoned lots (Amendment 46) already approved as part of subdivisions. Although the impact in terms of dwellings per urban hectare does not appear to reflect a reduction but rather an increase, this is because the gross urban area used in the calculations also changes. However, ten residential lots will be lost as part of Amendment 45 and 23 residential lots will be lost as part of Amendment 46 if either proposal proceeds, which is reflected in the “dwellings per gross hectare” figure. This will result in 11.8 dwellings per urban hectare (6.7 dwellings per gross hectare) under Amendment 45 and 12.5 dwellings per urban hectare (7.1 dwellings per gross hectare) under Amendment 46. Given the current housing crisis being experienced in Perth, the loss of these dwellings is not supported.
• accessible to its catchment community by walking and cycling, minimising the need for additional private vehicle trips.
The existing and approved road layout in the immediate area surrounding the proposed neighbourhood centre locations is considered generally permeable and legible. The residential area west of Driver Road does not have footpaths along all roads as it was not initially earmarked to be in close proximity to a neighbourhood centre when it was designed. This might discourage walking and cycling. However, approved subdivisions to the south of the proposed centre locations are expected to accommodate suitable pedestrian and cycle paths. The industrial area to the north of Furniss Road has no pedestrian or cycle paths. Public transport is not currently within 800 metres walking distance from the sites.
Based on the above analysis, neither of the proposals meet the requirements of SPP 4.2 when considering whether out-of-centre development ought to be supported.
Vehicle Movement and Access
Both of the applications included Traffic Impact Assessments (TIA) to support their respective proposals. No major issues have been identified that would prevent either of the proposals from being able to operate within the existing road network. Should either of the proposals be approved detailed design issues would be addressed as part of a future planning stage such as subdivision and/or development approval.
SPP 4.2 requires the activity centre to be supported by a balanced access and movement network that makes it safe, convenient and practical for residents, employees and visitors to maximise travel by walking, cycling and public transport both within and between activity centres, while minimising the need to travel by private car. In this regard the applications are not supported by a developed pedestrian network or public transport.
Private Recreation
Amendment 45 also proposes an amendment to Part One Clause 4.4 ‘Special Zones Additional Uses’ – Schedule 2 table to include a ‘Private Recreation – gym/fitness centre 24hrs / 7 days’ use for the proposed lot within the Business Precinct fronting Furniss Road adjacent to the proposed neighbourhood centre. In order to facilitate the Additional Use under the ASP8 a Special Use zone also needs to be added to the structure plan map as well which was not shown as part of the application.
The proposed land use ‘Private Recreation – gym/fitness centre 24hrs / 7 days’ as written into draft Amendment 45 does not exist within the defined land uses in the City’s Scheme or the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. The relevant land use is ‘Recreation – private’ as defined in DPS 2:
“recreation - private means premises that are —
used for indoor or outdoor leisure, physical exercise, recreation or sport; and
not usually open to the public without charge.”
The permissibility of land uses set out in ASP 8 are not binding as they would be under DPS 2. Land uses in APS 8 (and other structure plans) only hold a status of “due regard” under the planning framework. The applicant therefore has the ability to submit a Development Application at a later stage for the Recreation - Private land use on the lot. A future development application could therefore be considered on its merits by the City at that time.
The image below is an extract of the Amendment 45 proposal. This has been marked up to depict the location of the required Special Use zone which is not shown on the plan as submitted by the applicant but is described in the text of their proposal.
In considering whether the Recreation – Private land use should be applied to the subject location, it is necessary to consider whether there will be any impacts on surrounding land uses as a result.
ASP 8 contains its own objectives, general provisions and sets the permissibility of land uses that apply to the ‘Business Precinct’ – which lists ‘Recreation – Private’ as a “Not Permitted Use”. The objectives under ASP 8 for the Business Precinct are:
The Business Precinct is a transitional land use precinct providing a buffer between the largely incompatible land uses of the General Industrial Zone situated north of Furniss Road and the Residential Precinct to the south of the Business Precinct. It is intended that development compatible with the Residential Precinct will be encouraged within the Business Precinct and that a high level of amenity will be maintained.
The objective of the zone requires that a “high level of amenity will be maintained”. ASP 8 also includes a provision for non-permitted uses which states that such uses shall not be permitted unless it can be demonstrated that the likelihood of any conflicts or concerns can be ameliorated to the satisfaction of Council.
The applicant considers that the “Recreation - Private” land use is compatible with the proposed Commercial zone and the Recreation - Private use will provide activation after hours improving passive surveillance around the proposed Neighbourhood Centre. The applicant also contends that the Recreation - Private use will also provide a benefit to the community and for workers in the industrial areas to the north before and after work. Inclusion of this specific use in Schedule 2 will therefore provide greater certainty for a prospective gym/fitness operator at the development application stage.
While the land use itself is not included in the Business Zones under ASP the impact of the use would be able to be addressed through a development application. The application of a Special Use zone could facilitate the outcome being sought by the applicant. However this part of the proposal relies on being complimentary to the proposed Commercial Zone. As set out in this report the proposed Commercial zone is not considered appropriate and is not recommended for approval. It is therefore recommended that the proposal to include the Recreation – Private land use on its own would be ad-hoc and inconsistent with the intent of the existing Business Zone which currently prohibits this use.
Proposed Amendments 45 and 46 to the East Wanneroo Cell 6 (Darch/Madeley) Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 8 (ASP 8) are not supported for the same following reasons:
• There is no demonstrated need for the proposed centres;
• The proposed centres will not provide a service that is lacking in the area with existing and planned retail supply considered sufficient to cater for demand over the medium term;
• The proposed centre will prevent existing approved centres from achieving or maintaining a suitable level of trade and impact negatively on their viability over time;
• An additional centre in this location will lead to a loss of residential land and reduction in the provision of much needed residential lots in a time of housing crisis;
• Removal of the Business Precinct will erode the buffer separating sensitive residential and commercial uses from the impacts of the uses within the General Industry zone to the north; and
• The centres are not supported by a pedestrian or public transport network.
In addition, the proposed ‘Private Recreation – gym/fitness centre 24hrs / 7 days’ (Recreation – Private) use under Amendment 45 is not supported for the following reason:
· The proposed ‘Private Recreation – gym/fitness centre 24hrs / 7 days’ use will be ad hoc and not form part of a co-ordinated development as the proposed Commercial Zone is not supported.
Statutory Compliance
The assessments of Amendments No. 45 and 46 to the East Wanneroo Cell 6 (Darch/Madeley) Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 8 (ASP 8) have been undertaken in consideration of Part 4 of the deemed provisions for local planning schemes, contained in Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. These same deemed provisions provide the statutory processes for the City to advertise and consider structure plan amendments, as well for their determination by the WAPC.
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
5 ~ A well planned, safe and resilient City that is easy to travel around and provides a connection between people and places
5.2 - Plan for and manage land use
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 5, we will accept a Medium level of risk, extended to High in the areas of Community / Reputation & Financial / Commercial impacts. Shifting transport modes and usage in the City may require short term pain for longer term gain as the City supports the development, maintenance and connection of alternatives to car use (e.g. cycle ways) and the supporting infrastructure.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
ST-S12 Economic Growth |
Medium |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Corporate Strategy and Performance |
Manage |
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
CO-O03 Strategic Land |
Medium |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Planning and Sustainability Director Corporate Strategy and Performance |
Manage |
The above risks relating to the issues contained within this report have been identified and considered within the City’s Corporate and Strategic Risk Registers. Action plans have been developed to manage these risks to support existing management systems.
Policy Implications
Amendment No. 45 and No. 46 has been assessed by Administration with regard to the provisions contained within the relevant State Planning Policies (particularly SPP 4.2 as discussed above) and the WA Planning Manual – Guidance for Structure Plans (prepared by the WAPC).
Financial Implications
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council:-
1. Pursuant to subclauses 19(1)(a) and 19(1)(b) of the deemed provisions for local planning schemes contained in Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, CONSIDERS the submissions received in respect to Amendments No. 45 and No. 46 to the East Wanneroo Cell 6 (Darch/Madeley) Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 8, as summarised with Administration’s responses in Attachment 6 and Attachment 7;
2. Pursuant to subclauses 20(2)(e) of the deemed provisions for local planning schemes contained in Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, RECOMMENDS to the Western Australian Planning Commission that Amendments No. 45 and No. 46 to the East Wanneroo Cell 6 (Darch/Madeley) Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 8 not be approved for the following reasons:
a) There is no demonstrated need for the proposed centres;
b) The proposed centres will not provide a service that is lacking in the area;
c) The proposed centre will prevent existing approved centres from achieving or maintaining a suitable level of trade;
d) The proposed land to be rezoned from Residential to Commercial results in a net loss of Residential dwellings which reduces housing supply;
e) Removal of the Business Precinct will erode the buffer separating sensitive residential and commercial uses from the impacts of the uses within the General Industry zone to the north; and
f) The centres are not supported by a pedestrian or public transport network;
g) In relation to Amendment 45 the proposed ‘Private Recreation – gym/fitness centre 24hrs / 7 days’ use represents an ad-hoc amendment and would not form part of a co-ordinated development as the proposed adjoining Commercial zone is not supported.
3. Pursuant to subclauses 20(2) of the of the deemed provisions for local planning schemes contained in Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, PROVIDES a copy of reporting on Amendments No. 45 and No. 46 to the East Wanneroo Cell 6 (Darch/Madeley) Agreed Local Structure Plan No. 8 to the Western Australian Planning Commission; and
4. ADVISES the submitters of this decision.
1⇩. |
OCM Attachment 1 - Location Plan |
24/71053 |
2⇩. |
OCM Attachment 2 - Existing Structure Plan |
24/71054 |
3⇩. |
OCM Attachment 3 - Proposed Structure Plan (Amendment 45) |
24/71058 |
4⇩. |
OCM Attachment 4 - Proposed Structure Plan (Amendment 46) |
24/71060 |
5⇩. |
OCM Attachment 5 - Concept Plans |
24/76387 |
6⇩. |
OCM Attachment 6 - Submission Schedule - Amendment No. 45 to the East Wanneroo Cell 6 Structure Plan |
24/71062 |
7⇩. |
OCM Attachment 7 - Submission Schedule - Amendment No. 46 to the East Wanneroo Cell 6 Structure Plan |
24/71063 |
8⇩. |
OCM Attachment 8 - Retail Impact Analysis (006) |
24/71067 |
9⇩. |
OCM Attachment 9 - Retail Proposal Report (002) |
24/71069 |
10⇩. |
OCM Attachment 10 - Floorspace |
24/74615 |
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
4.3 Response to Petition PT01-02/23 Objection to BMX Track Redevelopment at McCoy Park, Quinns Rocks
File Ref: 48477 – 24/44334
Responsible Officer: Director Assets
Attachments: 2
Previous Items: 3.3 - McCoy Park BMX Track - Concept Design - Forum - 06 Feb 2024 Following Special Council Meeting
3.4 - McCoy Park, Quinns Rocks - BMX Track Renewal - Forum - 25 Jul 2023 6:30pm
CP01-04/23 - Response to Petition PT01-02/23 - Objection to BMX Track Redevelopment at McCoy Park, Quinns Rocks - Ordinary Council - 18 Apr 2023 6:00pm
To address the outcome of the petition PT01-02/23 and provide Council with details for the renewal of the BMX track at McCoy Park, Quinns Rocks
At the Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM) on 21 February 2023, Council received a petition (PT01-02/23) with 13 signatures which states:
“We the local residents who surround the park would like to have a residential meeting with the Council to raise our concerns about the BMX TRACK.
We would like to petition for it to be relocated to a more suitable larger area. Mains Concerns: Close proximity to our homes, DUST, Motorbikes at night, Quad Bikes during the day, Heavy-duty remote-control cars, noise, School PE classes during the day, no parking, Rangers not attending always asking us to call the police e.g motor bikes. Risk to bird life in the main big tree. Vandalism of nature no newly planted trees have made it due to this. motorbikes being one of the causes etc.
Should relocating it not be an option we would like strategies in place to deal with the risk factors e.g. wet down the track at night (dust) Rangers to patrol more frequently. Barriers to stop motorbikes).
Too close to residences.”
The response to the petition was deferred at the Council meeting on 18 April 2023 with a procedural motion stating:
“That item CP01-04/23 Response to Petition PT01-02/23 - Objection to BMX Track Redevelopment at McCoy Park, Quinns Rocks be deferred back to Administration for further information.”
Further information was discussed with Council Members in July 2023 where Council Members expressed support for the project and for the design to be presented to Council based on:
· reconstructing the track on a like for like basis (maintain the removed track functionality and meeting current safety requirements)
· investigating options to address motorcycle access/use of previous track
· inform the community of the basis for replacing like for like
· providing Council Members with the design plan prior to presentation to Council.
This report provides details addressing the petition and the plan for progressing this project. The location of the BMX track site is shown on Attachment 1.
In October 2022, it was determined that the track was no longer serviceable due to ongoing maintenance and safety concerns. In the interests of public safety, the track was closed. As the track is within a public open space and the City has no control who accesses this, it was decided to flatten the track entirely to ensure that the area was made safe with the plan to renew the track when funding became available.
Prior to the track being decommissioned in October 2022, the City’s surveyor had inspected the area and had provided data on the levels of the old track. Using this information, Administration has developed a concept design (Attachment 2) that is of a similar design to the old track design.
The exact design will be determined once Administration engages a contractor on a design and construct contract. The scope that will be provided to the contractor will be to develop the detailed design and construct a track using the concept design as a guide.
To address the Petitioner’s concerns, the following design features have been included in the concept design;
Area of Concern |
Administration Response |
Relocate to a more suitable larger area |
McCoy Park is more than 1.5ha in size, therefore the provision of the track is considered appropriate for a park of this nature. |
Proximity to housing / Too close to residents |
All activities conducted on local public open space (POS) will have a proximity to housing. This also includes a number of playgrounds that are situated on parks that are 5000m2. |
Dust |
Administration is proposing to rebuild the track in a like for like manner however will seek the use of asphalt or similar material that will eliminate the issue of dust. |
Motorbikes at night/Quad bikes during the day |
The track, including the surrounding green space are not for use by motorbikes or quad bikes. The use of these vehicles should be reported to the City’s Ranger Services. |
Heavy Duty remote controlled cars |
The park is public open space and the use of remote controlled cars is an appropriate use of this space. As the exact type of remote controlled cars is not known, it is difficult to ascertain if the size of cars being used and the noise level is appropriate use. |
Risk to bird life in the main big tree |
Administration is unsure of the risk posed to the bird life. If this is meant that there would be noise emanating from the park, then it should be noted that the noise would be like that of from the use of a playground. The level of noise may be amplified with increase use however POS’s are developed for the community to enjoy and recreate.
The petitioner also noted that if relocating the track was not an option, then there is an expectation that strategies be put in place to deal with the issues raised in their petition. The strategies that Administration has proposed are noted in the above table.
Relocation has been investigated and there are no other suitably alternative locations. The parks of similar size and within a reasonable proximity are:
Park Name |
Administration Comment |
Belhaven Park, Quinns Rocks |
This park is 460 metres from McCoy Park and under a shared use arrangement with the Department of Education. The park is mainly used for sporting activities and there is no other available space. |
Mintaro Park, Quinns Rocks |
This park is approx. 1km from McCoy Park and is currently used for junior sporting activities. The park is also used for ad-hoc community events, therefore this park would not be suitable for a new BMX track. It should also be noted that to relocate the track to this park, would impose further travelling distances for those users that are close to the current location. |
The concept plan is shown in Attachment 2 and illustrates;
· a like for like shape and size track similar to the previously constructed track. The concept plan is based on previous aerial photography and surveys;
· inclusion of additional planting;
· the use of appropriate materials, such as asphalt to eliminate the dust issue;
· playground fencing to prevent access by vehicles.
Consultation for like-for-like asset replacements, as in this case, usually consists of a letter being sent to local residents notifying them of the works, rather than full consultation with the community where works are for new or upgraded facilities. The renewal of assets falls under the ‘Inform’ category as per the City’s Community Engagement Guidelines.
Considering the community interest in the park, it is Administration’s intention to provide the residents who reside within a 400 metre radius of the park information on the rebuild and a copy of the concept plan (Attachment 2). The information letter will contain a copy of the concept plan and explanation how the concept addresses the issues raised by local residents; and expected timeframes for the construction works.
Additionally, once a contractor is engaged and prior to any onsite works, Administration will mail out to the local residents within a 400 metre boundary of the park a more definitive program of works. This will be in the form of a letter containing the construction advice such as timing of works and anticipated commencement and conclusion dates.
Subject to the allocation of funds in 2024/2025 Capital Works Program, the project can be progressed later this financial year with physical works being undertaken in the 2024/2025 financial year as per the following preliminary works program:
· Community engagement – informing residents of the concept plan and proposed timeframe – April/May 2024
· Tender documentation preparation – for the detail design and construction – May/June 2024
· Tender period – (advertising and evaluation) – June/August 2024
· Tender award – August 2024
· Detailed design – August – November/December 2024
· Informing residents of intent to commence works – November 2024
· Construction – January 2025 – May 2025
Statutory Compliance
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
1 ~ An inclusive and accessible City with places and spaces that embrace all
1.3 - Facilities and activities for all
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 1, we will accept a Medium level of risk. The recent pandemic has challenged our previous event delivery, place activation and community connection processes, and the City accepts that meeting community expectations in a more restrictive environment needs flexibility and innovation if community connection is to develop and grow in contrast to social and individual isolation.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
ST-S24 Strategic Asset Management |
Medium |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Assets |
Manage |
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
ST-S23 Stakeholder Relationships |
Medium |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Corporate Strategy and Performance |
Manage |
Policy Implications
The City's Local Planning Policy 4.3 Public Open Spaces was used as the guiding framework for the development of the track.
Replacement of this asset has been assessed in accordance with the City’s Asset Management Policy and the need for the renewal of this BMX track facility is supported.
Financial Implications
The project has been estimated to cost $650,000, and does not include items like drinking fountain, bike racks and bike repair station which are not part of this renewal project and estimated cost an additional $35,000.
$650,000 has been listed in the Draft Long Term Capital Works Program to complete this project and would need to be listed in Draft 2024/2025 Capital Works Program for Council’s consideration during the forthcoming Budget process consideration and funded from the Asset Replace/Enhance Reserve funding.
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council:-
1. NOTES Petition PT01-02/23;
2. ENDORSES the construction of the BMX Track at McCoy Park, Quinns Rocks in accordance with the Concept Plan (Attachment 2);
3. LISTS $650,000 for consideration in the draft 2024/2025 budget for the construction of a BMX Track, McCoy Park, Quinns Rocks; and
4. AUTHORISES Administration to advise the petition organisers and other respondents to the outcomes of this report.
1⇩. |
Attachment 1 - Location Plan - McCoy Park, Quinns Rocks |
24/21311 |
2⇩. |
Attachment 2 - PR-4494 McCoy Park BMX Track Concept Plan 4391 |
24/58953 |
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
Parks & Conservation Management
File Ref: 48049 – 24/72078
Responsible Officer: Director Assets
Attachments: 2
To consider Tender 23159 for the Application of Mulch within the City of Wanneroo for a period of two (2) years, with up to two (2), twelve (12) month (or part thereof) options to extend.
The City is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced contractor for the application of mulch within the City. The City does not currently have a supplier for these services, and it is imperative that a contract is in place because of the volume of mulch that needs to be applied, including the arterial roads.
Up until now, the City has handled large scale mulch applications by Request for Quote, however due to the cost and large-scale volume of the procurement a longer-term arrangement will provide efficiency and financial benefits to the City.
Tender 23159 for the Application of Mulch within the City was advertised on 16 December 2023 and closed on 16 January 2024.
Essential details of the proposed contract are as follows:
Item |
Detail |
Contract Form |
Goods and Services |
Contract Type |
Schedule of Rates |
Contract Duration |
2 years |
Commencement Date |
March 2024 |
Expiry Date |
March 2026 |
Extension Permitted |
Yes, two (2) periods of twelve(12) months or part thereof |
Rise and Fall |
Maximum Perth All Groups CPI increases upon extensions. |
Tender submissions were received from the following companies:
Legal Name |
Trading Name |
Abbreviation |
Perth Materials Blowing Pty Ltd |
Probity Oversight
Oversight to the Tender assessment process was undertaken by an external Probity Advisor (William Buck Consulting (WA) Pty Ltd) and the City’s Acting Contracts Officer.
Please refer to the external Probity Advisor Final Report as shown in Attachment 1 and to the standard tender Memorandum as show in Attachment 2.
Tender submissions were evaluated in accordance with the Procurement Evaluation Plan (PEP). The PEP included the following selection criteria:
Item No |
Description |
Weighting |
1 |
Sustainable (Corporate Social Responsibility) Procurement a. Environmental Considerations 5% b. Buy Local 10% c. Reconciliation Action Plan 5% d. Disability Access & Inclusion 5% |
25% |
2 |
20 % |
3 |
*Demonstrated Experience |
15 % |
4 |
*Methodology for Application of Mulch |
20 % |
5 |
20 % |
All tenderers must meet the City’s minimum requirements (as determined by the City) for each of the qualitative criteria detailed above (*) in order to be considered for further evaluation.
Pricing is not included in the qualitative criteria and is considered as part of the overall value for money assessment.
Evaluation Criteria 1 – Sustainable Procurement (25%)
Evidence of Sustainable (Corporate Social Responsibility) Procurement was assessed based on the tenderer’s responses provided to the Questionnaires within Schedules 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D which formed part of the tender documentation.
Sub Criteria a) Environmental Considerations (5%)
The City is committed to procuring goods and services that provide positive environmental, social and economic impacts over the entire life cycle of a product or service. Respondents are encouraged to provide credentials of any environmental claims of the goods and/or services submitted in this tender.
PMB demonstrated adequate environmental consideration provisions to meet the City’s requirements.
Sub Criteria b) Buy Local (10%)
An assessment was made based on the response provided, detailing the following information:
· Location of tenderer’s offices and workshops;
· Residential addresses of staff and company addresses of subcontractors;
· Purchasing arrangements through local businesses; and
· Requirement for new employees arising from award of the contract.
PMB’s submission offered minimal economic benefit from a local spend perspective.
Sub Criteria c) Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) (5%)
An assessment was made to determine the ranking based on the responses provided that relate to:
· RELATIONSHIPS - building positive relationships between indigenous and non-indigenous people;
· RESPECT – recognising the contribution of Indigenous people to Australia and learning more about the history, culture and diversity in a two-way communication process; and
· OPPORTUNITIES – attracting, developing, and retaining organisational talent to build opportunities for aboriginal employment, training, and development and mentoring.
PMB demonstrated limited ability to meet the City’s RAP requirements.
Sub Criteria d) Access & Inclusion Plan (AIP) (5%)
An assessment was made to determine the ranking based on the responses provided that relate to:
· People with disabilities having the same buildings and facilities access opportunities as other people;
· People with disabilities receiving information in a format that will enable them to access information as readily as other people are able to access it;
· People with disabilities receiving the same level and quality of service from staff as other people receive;
· People with disabilities having the same opportunities as other people to make complaints; and
· People with disabilities having the same opportunities as other people to participate in any employment opportunities.
PMB demonstrated limited ability to meet the City’s AIP requirements.
Overall Sustainable Procurement Ranking Summary
PMB is deemed to have partial capacity to comply with the City’s Sustainable Procurement requirements as articulated in their response.
Evaluation Criteria 2 - Tenderer’s Safety Management Systems (20 %)
Evidence of WHS management policies and practices was assessed from the tender submissions. The assessment for safety management was based on the tenderer’s responses to a specific questionnaire included within the tender documentation.
PMB demonstrated superior WHS provisions to meet the City’s WHS requirements.
Evaluation Criteria 3 - Tenderer’s Demonstrated Experience (15 %)
The tenderer’s relevant experience in demonstrating the achievement of meeting client expectations as presented in their tender submission were assessed in order to evaluate their capability to meet the requirements of the contract. Assessment of this criterion considered the tendering entity’s credentials to fulfil the requirements of the contract.
PMB demonstrated relevant experience to fulfill the requirements of this contract.
Evaluation Criteria 4 - Tenderer’s Methodology for Application of Mulch (20 %)
Assessment of this criterion considered the tenderer’s staff methodology, resources, vehicles, plant / equipment, and workshop support to manage the contract.
PMB clearly demonstrated their methodology and equipment to deliver the scope of work detailed in the specification.
Evaluation Criteria 5 - Tenderer’s Demonstrated Capacity and Resources (20 %)
The tenderer’s resources as presented in their tender submission were assessed to evaluate their capacity to meet the requirements of the Contract. Assessment of this criterion considered the tenderer’s resources such as vehicles, plant/equipment, and workshop support to manage the contract.
PMB demonstrated that they have the resources and capacity to fulfil the requirements of this contract.
Overall Qualitative Weighted Assessment and Ranking
PMB submission was reviewed in accordance with the Procurement and Evaluation Plan (PEP) and is deemed to have the necessary sustainable procurement, experience, methodology, capacity, resources and safety management systems to fulfill this contract.
Pricing for the Goods/Services/Works Offered
An assessment was made using the schedule of rates provided within the Tender documentation. PMB provided pricing that meets the City’s expectations.
Value for Money Assessment
Value for money of the PMB Tender submission was assessed through an evaluation process that considered both cost and quality of the application of mulch.
Overall Assessment and Comment
The tender submission from PMB was assessed in accordance with the assessment criteria and weightings as detailed in the PEP and PMB is recommended as the successful tenderer.
Statutory Compliance
Tenders were invited in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.57 of the Local Government Act 1995. The tendering procedures and evaluation complied with the requirements of Part 4 of the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996.
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
5 ~ A well planned, safe and resilient City that is easy to travel around and provides a connection between people and places
5.3 - Responsibly managed and maintained assets
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 5, we will accept a Medium level of risk, extended to High in the areas of Community / Reputation & Financial / Commercial impacts. Shifting transport modes and usage in the City may require short term pain for longer term gain as the City supports the development, maintenance and connection of alternatives to car use (e.g. cycle ways) and the supporting infrastructure.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
ST-S23 Stakeholder Relationship |
Medium |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Corporate Strategy and Performance |
Manage |
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
CO-022 Environmental Management |
Medium |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Planning & Sustainability |
Manage |
Financial and Performance Risk
Financial Risk
A financial risk assessment was undertaken as part of the Tender evaluation process and the outcome of this independent assessment advised that PMB assessed with the financial capacity to meet the requirements of the contract.
Performance Risk
Independent reference checks have confirmed the recommended tenderer’s performance as acceptable. The tenderer has also successfully provided similar services for the City.
Policy Implications
Tenders were invited in accordance with the requirements of the City’s Purchasing Policy.
Financial (Budget) Implications
The costs associated with 23159 – Application of Mulch within the City included in the Annual Parks and Conservation Management Operational Budget subject to available budget in future years.
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council ACCEPTS the tender submitted by Perth Materials Blowing Pty Ltd (PMB) for Tender 23159, for the Application of Mulch within the City of Wanneroo, as per the schedule of rates in the tender submission, subject to appropriate funding availability, for each of the financial years within the initial two (2) year contract term, with up to two (2), twelve (12) month (or part thereof) options to extend.
These attachment are confidential and distributed under separate cover to all Council Members. |
Attachment 1 – 23159 Probity Letter Final |
24/60913 |
Attachment 2 – 23159 Confidential Attachment for Council Recommendation |
24/72126 |
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
Community & Place
File Ref: 40785V02 – 24/45206
Responsible Officer: Acting Director Community & Place
Attachments: 7
To consider an updated concept design and cost estimate for the upgrade of the toilets at the Kingsway Splash Pad.
The Kingsway Splash Pad opened in 2019 and is located at Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex. The splash pad is situated adjacent to ‘Building 1270 – Kingsway Splash Pad Toilets and Changerooms’ (formerly Kingsway Soccer Changerooms).
Building 1270 (Attachment 1) was initially built in 1973 to provide storage and changeroom facilities for the adjacent soccer field prior to the commissioning of the Kingsway Olympic Grandstand in 2020. The building currently comprises redundant changeroom facilities, male and female toilets for the splash pad and surrounding area and plant room equipment for the splash pad. There is also an existing UAT on site that provides service to users of the Splash Pad and playground, which was installed because the existing toilet facilities did not accommodate wheelchair access.
Upgrades to the building were not part of the splash pad project scope. The facilities do not comply with current accessibility standards, however, a prefabricated Universal Access Toilet (UAT) is located directly west of the toilet building.
At its meeting in March 2022, Council considered the community consultation outcomes for the proposed Toilet Upgrade (CP03-03/22) and resolved the following:
“1. RECOGNISES and THANKS the community for its involvement in the community consultation component of the project;
2. APPROVES that the project will proceed with Option 4, Stage 1 in 2022/23 subject to budget availability; and
3. NOTES that Administration will investigate external funding options to enable delivery of Option 4, Stage 2 (Changing Place) at a later stage.”
As a result of resolutions 2 and 3, Administration progressed investigations into the delivery of Option 4 Stages 1 and 2 (Attachment 2). Specifically, these investigations included a review of the design and compliance of the existing facility as well as its capacity to accommodate a Changing Place.
Option 4 Stage 1 proposed minor refurbishment works intended to improve the aesthetics of Building 1270 while Administration investigated external funding options to support the delivery of Option 4 Stage 2, which included the provision of dedicated Male and Female Changerooms, a Universal Access Toilet (UAT) and a compliant Changing Place facility. At the time it was estimated that cost for Stage 1 would be $267,200 and Stage 2 $410,800, with a total cost of $678,000.
A Changing Place facility is a specialist bathroom facility for people who cannot use a standard or accessible toilet and can only be accessed with a Master Lock Access Key (MLAK). They are a dedicated facility that includes a ceiling hoist, height-adjustable adult-sized change table with room for two carers to assist and is accompanied by an ACROD parking bay. The City recently installed a Changing Place facility at the Wanneroo Library (Attachment 3).
Investigations conducted since Council’s decision in March 2022 indicated that the proposed toilet upgrades require the removal and replacement of the existing floor slab throughout the building to enable the installation of new underground pipework for sewer drainage. As this work cannot conveniently be installed incrementally at a later stage it is necessary to include these upgrades as part of the preliminary works. The necessary inclusion of these works led to insufficient funds being available to proceed with Option 4 Stage 1, and a need to investigate additional concept design options to complete the toilet upgrade.
Following these investigations, several options were developed and considered based on delivering the facility upgrades within the existing available budget. Options included the provision of a modular Changing Place facility (Attachment 4) installed separately from Building 1270, and a potential staged approach to the delivery of the upgrades to the existing building.
Due to the volatility within the construction market and the inflated costs of civil works, the delivery of a modular facility was not possible within the available budget and was not considered as a viable option. This is primarily due to the extent of civil works required for the connection of utility services and the construction of an accessible path network to provide sufficient access between the facility and the associated ACROD parking bay. Furthermore, as new underground pipework is required to upgrade the sewer drainage to the whole of the building, it was deemed to not be feasible to reduce project scope or stage the delivery of the upgrades.
While these investigations were being undertaken, the State Government (through the Department of Communities) conducted an Expression of Interest (EOI) process to expand the network of Changing Places in Western Australia. In response to part 3 of Council’s resolution from March 2022, Administration submitted an EOI for funding to support the provision of a Changing Place facility as part of the toilet upgrade project. As a result of the EOI, the City was successful in receiving a funding contribution of $150,000 to incorporate a Changing Places facility as part of the project.
The funding is subject to a co-contribution of $50,000 by the City of Wanneroo with an expected project completion date of August 2025. Prior to the funding agreement being signed, Administration discussed with the Department of Communities that the City’s $50,000 co-contribution is subject to Council approval.
In order to progress the project, three new concept options have been developed for the toilet upgrades for Council’s consideration, as summarised below:
Scope of Works |
Estimated Cost |
Option A (Attachment 5) |
· New Changing Place · New Acrod Bay on Goal Way · New accessible pathways · Combine toilets, showers and change room – Male · Combine toilets, showers and change room - Female · New UAT and Cleaners Room · New Storeroom · Removal of existing external UAT |
$1,128,000 |
Option B (Attachment 6) |
· New Changing Place · New Acrod Bay on Goal Way · New accessible pathways · Combine toilets, showers and change room – Male · Combine toilets, showers and change room - Female · Retain existing external UAT |
$904,000 |
Option C (Attachment 7) |
· New Changing Place · New Acrod Bay on Goal Way · New accessible pathways · Minor refurbishment of existing toilets – No structural works · Retain existing external UAT |
$769,000 |
Consultation was undertaken in accordance with the City’s Community Engagement Policy.
A survey was conducted between 13 December 2021 and 31 January 2022 as part of the toilet upgrade project, in which the City received 69 responses to a survey online. Of the respondents, 87% suggested that they felt that the current toilets did not meet the needs of the surrounding park users. Respondents also consider the provision of changeroom facilities important. The City received information from a disability service provider stating “this park is one that our customers attend regularly so there would be a benefit to us if we had access to a Changing Place”.
No further consultation has been undertaken on the three new options proposed in this report as they are consistent with the outcomes of the previous consultation.
The latest concept design work indicates that upgrades to the toilets at the Kingsway Splash Pad, inclusive of a Changing Place facility, are achievable. The provision of a Changing Places facility is anticipated to be a welcome addition by the community, noting that access to a Changing Place requires a specific MLAK and therefore a Changing Place facility will only be available to those users who are eligible and in possession of the key.
The community engagement outcomes indicate that the current level of facility provision does not meet the requirements of park users. Whilst the development of a Changing Place would provide a suitable solution for specific user groups, further facility upgrades are required within Building 1270 to deliver upgrades that service the whole of the community.
As such, concept design Option A (Attachment 5) is considered the best outcome for the community. It provides a suitable level of facility provision for all users visiting the splash pad and surrounding area and provides the closest alignment to Option 4 (stages 1 and 2) previously endorsed by Council. While more expensive, Option A is preferable over options ‘B’ and ‘C’ as it results in a fully integrated toilet and change room facility, inclusive of UAT and Changing Place, to support the high level of use that the splashpad experiences by people of all abilities. Given that the existing UAT on-site is a temporary modular building, incorporating this amenity into a permanent facility through option ‘A’ would also remove the need to undertake further upgrade works in the future, likely at additional cost. It is anticipated the UAT could last for up to 25 years and given that the structure is modular, it can be disassembled and reused at an alternate site where these facilities are required (relocation would incur connection costs and likely siteworks).
It is recommended that concept design Option A be considered as the guiding concept for the toilet upgrade at the Kingsway Splash Pad and that the project progresses to detailed design phase based on this concept. Subject to Council’s support, the preferred option would be to complete all facility upgrades in one stage in order to mitigate any further cost escalations and to complete the project within the timeline of the Changing Place grant funding (August 2025).
Statutory Compliance
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
1 ~ An inclusive and accessible City with places and spaces that embrace all
1.3 - Facilities and activities for all
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 1, we will accept a Medium level of risk. The recent pandemic has challenged our previous event delivery, place activation and community connection processes, and the City accepts that meeting community expectations in a more restrictive environment needs flexibility and innovation if community connection is to develop and grow in contrast to social and individual isolation.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
ST-S23 Stakeholder Relationships |
Medium |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Corporate Strategy and Performance |
Manage |
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
ST-G09 Long Term Financial Plan |
Low |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Corporate Strategy and Performance |
Manage |
Policy Implications
Financial Implications
There are sufficient funds remaining in the FY 2023/24 budget to meet this year’s financial commitments, noting that a portion of the 2023/24 budget was re-budgeted as part of the Mid-Year Review adjustment. Current project budget is outlined below.
PR – 4284 Kingsway Splash Pad Changeroom and Toilets Upgrades |
Description |
Expenditure |
Budget |
Budget: |
PR-4284 Allocated Capital Works Budget for 2023/24 |
$97,937 |
PR-4284 Listed draft Capital Works Budget for 2024/25 |
$1,030,063 |
Expenditure: |
Actual Expenditure year to date FY 23-24 |
$18,877 |
Outstanding Commitments |
- |
Construction Works |
Construction Cost as per QS |
$953,000 |
Design and Consultant costs |
$81,000 |
Contingency |
$55,123 |
Project Management costs |
$20,000 |
Total Expenditure |
$1,128,000 |
Total Funding |
Should Council choose to progress with the recommended Option A, $1,030,063 will be listed as part of the 2024/25 Capital Works Planning process.
This will result in the project (PR-4284) being listed in the draft 20 Year Capital Works Program as per below:
Year |
Reserve |
Grant |
Muni |
Total |
2023/24 |
$0 |
$40,000 |
$57,937 |
$97,937 |
2024/25 (proposed) |
$0 |
$0 |
$543,714 |
$543,714 |
2025/26 (proposed) |
$376,349 |
$110,000 |
$0 |
$486,349 |
Total |
$1,128,000 |
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council:-
1. ENDORSES Option A as included at Attachment 5 as the guiding concept for the toilet upgrade at the Kingsway Splash Pad;
2. SUPPORTS the project progressing to the detail design phase; and
3. NOTES that $1,030,063 will be listed for consideration in draft 20 Year Capital Works Program for allocation to PR-4284 Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex, Madeley, Upgrade Splashpad Toilets and Changerooms.
1⇩. |
Attachment 1 - Kingsway Splash Pad Toilet Building (1270) |
22/52872 |
2⇩. |
Attachment 2 - Kingsway Splash Pad Toilet Upgrade Option 4 Stage 1 and 2 |
22/53007 |
3⇩. |
Attachment 3 - Wanneroo Changing Places photos 02.02.2022 |
22/93271 |
4⇩. |
Attachment 4 - Modular Changing Place |
23/367404 |
5⇩. |
Attachment 5 - Scope Option A |
23/367546 |
6⇩. |
Attachment 6 - Scope Option B |
23/367549 |
7⇩. |
Attachment 7 - Scope Option C |
23/367551 |
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
File Ref: 39299 – 23/424406
Responsible Officer: Acting Director Community & Place
Attachments: Nil
To consider a Federal Government funding commitment of $2 million to the City of Wanneroo to deliver upgrades at the Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex.
Following the May 2022 Federal Election, a number of commitments were made for projects within the City. A $2 million commitment was made by the Member for Pearce, Tracey Roberts MP (the MP) for facility upgrades and floodlights (baseball) at the Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex.
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA) has indicated that the project scope of this funding is for:
“A number of facilities, particularly changerooms, toilets, storage facilities and club rooms require renewal to bring to a standard that meets contemporary compliance and safety requirements. This may require reconfiguration of existing building layouts to accommodate female changerooms, toilets and additional storage.”
Following lengthy discussions with the MP and the DITRDCA, the following works are proposed:
1. Floodlighting at Kingsway Baseball Diamond 1 to a level of 500/750 lux to comply with State/Major competition;
2. Installation of a modular changeroom (with the inclusion of a UAT and additional external toilets for public use and storage) at the football oval; and
3. Should sufficient funding remain, installation of up to two additional modular changeroom facilities at the Kingsway site to support other sports groups, potentially baseball, rugby, cricket and/or soccer clubs.
The commitment has since been confirmed by the DITRDCA who are now seeking the endorsement of a grant agreement.
Subject to Council’s endorsement, once the City accepts the grant agreement the works will be completed in priority order up to the value of $2 million. It should be noted that if the cost of the funded works exceed the $2 million grant, then the City will need to contribute to the cost of the project to ensure that, at a minimum, the floodlights and modular changeroom at the football oval are completed. DITRDCA have indicated that “requests for additional funding from the Australian Department will not be considered for this program”.
As per the grant conditions, funds cannot be used on internal costs (e.g. design, survey, project management etc) which are typically costed at 10-15% of the project budget.
Community and stakeholder consultation will form part of these projects and will be undertaken in accordance with the City’s Community Engagement Policy.
The City is not typically notified of election commitments prior to their announcement and as such is unable to provide guidance on the project scope or cost estimate. Once the City is advised of the project, consultation is then undertaken with the relevant Federal Government agency, in this case DITRDCA, and other stakeholders to determine a suitable scope of works, resourcing and scheduling.
Delivery of the project is subject to Administration completing the appropriate project planning and resourcing schedule. While the final schedule is yet to be determined, it is expected that the projects will need to be completed by December 2026. However, this is subject to change based on the potential external project impacts.
Details of each proposed project are outlined below:
· Floodlighting upgrade
o The planning and design stage is expected to commence in the 2024/25 financial year, with construction planned to commence in 2025/26.
o It is anticipated that the floodlighting will be completed in 2026/27 and is estimated to cost $1,119,273 (as at August 2023).
· Modular Changerooms
o The planning and design stage of the project is expected to commence in the 2024/25 financial year, with construction planned to commence in 2025/26.
o It is anticipated that the modular changerooms will be completed in 2026/27 and can be delivered within the estimated budget of $880,727, based on the City’s experience in delivering similar projects.
It is anticipated that the available budget will be sufficient to deliver both projects. However, it should be noted that there is a risk that Council will need to fund any budget shortfalls in the event of cost escalations or unexpected issues that may be experienced.
Notwithstanding the above, the provision of funds for the upgrades at Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex is anticipated to be a welcome addition by the community and resident clubs and as such it is recommended that Council agree to accept the grant funding from the Federal Government to deliver this project.
Statutory Compliance
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
1 ~ An inclusive and accessible City with places and spaces that embrace all
1.3 - Facilities and activities for all
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 1, we will accept a Medium level of risk. The recent pandemic has challenged our previous event delivery, place activation and community connection processes, and the City accepts that meeting community expectations in a more restrictive environment needs flexibility and innovation if community connection is to develop and grow in contrast to social and individual isolation.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
ST-S23 Stakeholder Relationships |
Medium |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Corporate Strategy and Performance |
Manage |
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
ST-G09 Long Term Financial Plan |
Low |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Corporate Strategy and Performance |
Manage |
Policy Implications
Financial Implications
This project is currently listed on the City’s draft 20 Year Capital Works Program as per the below tables.
Baseball Diamond 1 Floodlighting Upgrade
Year |
Funding Source |
Total |
Municipal |
Grants |
Contribut* |
Reserves |
Loan |
TPS* |
2024/25 |
$15,000 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
$15,000 |
2025/26 |
$85,000 |
$559,636 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
$644,636 |
2026/27 |
$25,000 |
$559,637 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
$584,637 |
Total |
$125,000 |
$1,119,273 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
$1,244,273 |
Modular Changeroom Facility
Year |
Funding Source |
Total |
Municipal |
Grants |
Contribut* |
Reserves |
Loan |
TPS* |
2024/25 |
$50,000 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
$50,000 |
2025/26 |
$30,000 |
$440,363 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
$470,363 |
2026/27 |
$30,000 |
$440,364 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
$470,364 |
Total |
$110,000 |
$880,727 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
$990,727 |
As is common with grant funding, items such as project management fees are not usually included in the funding. As a result, the City is required to commit municipal funding to provide for these costs.
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council:-
1. ACCEPTS the $2 million grant from the Federal Government for the proposed upgrades at Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex;
2. NOTES that any shortfall in project expenditure above $2 million will need to be funded by the City;
3. AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer to execute an appropriate funding agreement with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications for this project; and
4. APPROVES the project listing for consideration as part of the draft 2024/25 Capital Works Program as per the amount shown in the table in the Financial Implications section of the report.
Attachments: Nil
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
File Ref: 49313 – 24/47083
Responsible Officer: Acting Director Community & Place
Attachments: 1
To consider acceptance of a Federal Government funding commitment of $120,000 made to the City of Wanneroo through an Investing in Our Communities grant to deliver cricket net Floodlighting at the Wanneroo Showgrounds cricket nets.
Following the May 2022 Federal Election, a number of commitments were made for projects within the City. The Wanneroo Cricket Club (WCC) received an election commitment from the Member for Pearce to fund the design and construction of floodlighting to the Wanneroo Showgrounds Cricket Nets (Attachment 1).
Election commitments up to $5 million are delivered through a one-off funding round of the Investing in Our Communities (IiOC) Program. The IiOC program is funded from 2022–23 to 2026–27 and is administered by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications, and the Arts (DITRSCA) on behalf of the Federal Government.
Given the City’s ownership of the asset and experience in delivering similar projects, the City applied for the funding on behalf of WCC.
The City has received advice from the DITRSCA that the City’s application for funding under the IiOC program has been successful, with the following outcome:
Grant Type |
Project |
Project Cost |
IiOC Funding Requested |
IiOC Funding Approved
IiOC |
PR-SP999 Wanneroo Showgrounds, Wanneroo – Cricket Net Floodlighting |
$132,000 |
$120,000 |
$120,000 |
Consultation will be undertaken in accordance with the City’s Community Engagement Policy.
Communication has been ongoing with the relevant stakeholders and Wanneroo Cricket Club to ensure they are kept up to date with the progress of the funding application.
The provision of funds for the cricket net floodlighting at the Wanneroo Showgrounds is anticipated to be a welcome addition by the community and resident clubs and as such it is recommended that Council agree to accept the grant funding from the Federal Government to deliver this project.
The project is fully funded, except for minor project management costs which are required to be covered by the City. Accordingly, Council’s consideration of these additional costs is required, to ensure that this is reflected in the 2024/25 Capital Works Budget.
Subject to Council’s acceptance of the grant, detailed design will commence in the 2024/25 financial year, with construction scheduled for 2025/26. The project is required to be completed by the end of July 2026.
Statutory Compliance
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
1 ~ An inclusive and accessible City with places and spaces that embrace all
1.3 - Facilities and activities for all
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 1, we will accept a Medium level of risk. The recent pandemic has challenged our previous event delivery, place activation and community connection processes, and the City accepts that meeting community expectations in a more restrictive environment needs flexibility and innovation if community connection is to develop and grow in contrast to social and individual isolation.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
ST- G09 Long Term Financial Plan |
Low |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Corporate Strategy & Performance |
Manage |
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
ST-S23 Stakeholder Relationships |
Medium |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Corporate Strategy & Performance |
Manage |
Policy Implications
The provision of flood lighting at Wanneroo Showgrounds Cricket Nets is consistent with the City’s Sports Floodlighting Policy. Community Engagement will be undertaken as per the City’s Community Engagement Policy.
Financial Implications
The Project PR-SP999 Wanneroo Showgrounds, Wanneroo – Cricket Net Floodlighting is currently listed in the City’s draft 20 Year Capital Works Program as follows:
Year |
Funding Source |
Total |
Municipal |
Grants |
Contribut* |
Reserves |
Loan |
TPS* |
2024/25 |
$5,000 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
$5,000 |
2025/26 |
$7,000 |
$120,000 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
$127,000 |
Total |
$12,000 |
$120,000 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
$132,000 |
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council:-
1. ACCEPTS the $120,000 grant from the Federal Government for the Design and Construction of floodlighting at the Wanneroo Showgrounds Cricket Nets;
2. AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer to execute an appropriate funding agreement with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications for this project; and
3. APPROVES the project listing for consideration as part of the draft 20 Year Capital Works Program as per the amount shown in the table in the Financial Implications section of the report.
1⇩. |
Attachment 1 - Wanneroo Showgrounds Cricket Net Location |
24/61943 |
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
Community Safety & Emergency Management Report
File Ref: 25252 – 24/40775
Responsible Officer: Acting Director Community & Place
Attachments: 2
Previous Items: CR01-03/23 - Bush Fire Brigades Local Law - Ordinary Council - 21 Mar 2023
CP03-08/23 - Repeal and Replace the Bushfire Brigades Local Law 2022 - Ordinary Council - 15 Aug 2023
CP06-11/22 - Review of the Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 2001 - Ordinary Council - 08 Nov 2022
To consider repealing the Bushfire Brigades Local Law 2022 and adopting a new Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 2024.
Council adopted the Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 2022 on 8 November 2022 (CP06-11/22) which was gazetted on 22 November 2022 (166 of 2022) replacing the outdated Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 2001.
Within 10 working days of the gazettal date, the City is required to provide copies of the local law and an Explanatory Memorandum, along with other supporting material in accordance with Ministerial Directions, to the WA Parliament’s Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation (JSCDL)
The JSCDL subsequently wrote to the Mayor on 20 February 2023 requesting that the City undertake to
amend its Bushfire Brigades Local Law 2022 to comply with section 62(1)
of the Bushfires Act 1954 (the Act) and Council resolved at the
Ordinary Council meeting of
21 March 2023 (CR01-03/23) to do so.
To effectively address the
Committees requirements, several amendments to the local law were considered
that went beyond those identified in the previous report to Council relating to
the City’s undertaking to the JSCDL. The drafting of an amendment local
law is a complex process, especially where numerous and significant amendments
are proposed. Accordingly, Administration considered it appropriate to
recommend to Council on
15 August 2023 (CP03-08/23) to repeal the existing Bushfires Brigade Local
Law 2022 and adopt, for advertising, a new Bushfire Brigades Local Law
The making of a local law is undertaken in two stages, the first that Council agree to the giving of public notice to seek submissions on the draft local law (which may include a repeal clause). The second stage is for Council to consider submissions and either adopt the local law as advertised or resolve to amend and adopt the local law if not considered significantly different to that previously advertised.
On 24 August 2023 the City undertook the requisite statutory advertising for the new draft Bushfire Brigades Local Law 2023. As part of the advertising process, a local government is to send a copy of the proposed local law to the Minister for Emergency Services and the Minister for Local Government. Both Ministers wrote to the City expressing concerns regarding the drafting of the local law and suggested that the City may wish to seek independent advice as to whether the draft local law satisfied the requirements of the Act. There were no other submissions received at the close of advertising.
The City has now sought advice from McLeod’s Barristers and Solicitors who has assisted the City in making amendments to the Bushfire Brigades Local Law 2023 (as advertised) that in the City’s opinion, complies with section 62(1) of the Act.
The points below summarise the key changes between the draft Bushfire Brigades Local Law 2023 (Attachment 1), advertised for public comment, and the new draft Bushfire Brigades Local Law 2024 (Attachment 2).
· Reference to Brigade Procedures has been removed as this is an operational document that has been drafted and approved by the City’s CEO to assist in the day to day operation of the brigade and does not include matters which should be regulated by the local law.
· The definition of ‘Elected Officer’ replaces the former definition of ‘Bush Fire Brigade Officers’ and this term has been used throughout the local law, where applicable. The definition of Bush Fire Brigade Member or Brigade Member has been amended to include reference to an Elected Officer as well as other members of a brigade. These definitions have been updated to provide clarity between those officers appointed by Council and Elected Officers who may be elected through the Brigade.
· Clause 2.2(2) now provides for an exception that a Bush Fire Control Officer appointed by the local government may not necessarily be taken to be a brigade member.
· Clause 2.2(3) has been amended to refer to the term of an Elected Officer and when that term might end.
· Clause 2.2(5) has been amended to enable, rather than require, a vacant Elected Officer position to be filled before the next Annual General Meeting.
· Clause 4.3(1)(a) has been amended so that it now applies only where there is a vacancy in a Bush Fire Control Office position, removing from the local law reporting or other obligations where there is a vacancy in an Elected Officer position.
· Clause 4.3 (1) (a) and (b) have been kept separate because there may be situations, other than where a vacancy occurs, where the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer (CBFCO) would nominate to the CEO suitably qualified persons for appointment as Bush Fire Control Officers by the City.
· Substantial redrafting of clause 5 that involves dealing separately with appointments made by the City (now in clause 5.1) and appointments made by the CBFCO (now in clause 5.2). Grievances were previously dealt with under Clause 5.2. This has been deleted as these matters are to be dealt with procedurally rather than in the local law.
· The current terms of clause 5.1 and 5.2 have been redrafted on the basis that –
(1) in relation to a person's appointment to the position of CBFCO, DCBFCO or BFCO -
(a) the City is responsible for making the appointment, and for any suspension or termination; and
(b) it is necessary to identify in what circumstances and when an appointment made by the City ends and these matters are now dealt with clause 5.1(3).
(2) in relation to a person's membership of a Bush Fire Brigade –
(a) there are new provisions dealing with the membership application process, including to whom it is made and who assesses and determines the application. (see clause 5.2(1)-(3));
(b) it is necessary to clarify in what circumstances and when a person's membership ends. These matters are now dealt with in clause 5.2(4) which largely mirrors those applying to appointments by the City (clause 5.1(3)) but vary because a person is appointed to be a Brigade Member indefinitely, rather than for a specified term;
(c) the grounds on which a person (except a Bush Fire Control Officer) may be suspended or terminated, now set out in clause 5.2(5), also include the situation where a Brigade Member does not maintain Brigade training currency;
(d) clause 5.2(7) (previously clause 5 .1 (8)) has been amended to require the CBFCO to refer a proposed suspension termination to the Chief Executive Officer where the CBFCO has a conflict of interest (which would generally include the earlier reference to CBFCO being ‘involved in an incident' but that would depend on the nature of the incident); and
(e) clause 5.2(9) (previously clause 5.1(10)) to be expressed as applying where a membership ends, not only where a membership is terminated by the CBFCO.
The agenda and minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting at which the local law is considered is to include the purpose and effect of the proposed local law, which are set out below:
Bush Fire Brigades Local Law
To make provisions about the establishment and organisation of bush fire brigades.
To align the City of Wanneroo’s Bushfire Brigades Local Law with changes in the law and operational practice.
Section 3.13 provides for the procedure where significant change is proposed and requires that if during the procedure for making a proposed local law the local government decides to make a local law that would be significantly different from what it first proposed, the local government is to recommence the procedure.
The attached local law is considered significantly different to that previously advertised and Council is therefore requested to recommence the procedure and resolve to advertise the new draft. Due to the passage of time the local law will now be named the Bushfire Brigades Local Law 2024.
Should Council resolve to advertise the draft Bushfire Brigades Local Law 2024 for submissions, the City will again write to the Committee to provide an update.
The draft Bushfire Brigades Local Law 2024, in the City’s opinion, addresses the Committee’s concerns as it effectively complies with the requirements of 62(1) of the Act relating to the establishment, organisation and administration of the brigades and the appointment, employment, dismissal and duties of brigade members.
Statutory Compliance
Whilst the Act does not expressly prescribe a timeframe in which the procedural requirements for making local laws are to be completed, the procedures should be undertaken with “all convenient speed’ in line with the Interpretations Act 1984.
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
7 ~ A well governed and managed City that makes informed decisions, provides strong community leadership and valued customer focused services
7.1 - Clear direction and decision making
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 7, we will accept a Medium level of risk as the City balances the capacity of the community to fund services through robust cost-benefit analysis and pursues evidence-based decision making to be effective stewards of the Council and City for future generations.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Rating |
ST-S23 Stakeholder Relationships |
Medium |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Corporate Strategy & Performance |
Manage |
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
CO-O23 Safety of Community |
Medium |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Community & Place |
Manage |
The above risks relating to the issue contained within this report have been identified and considered within the City’s Strategic/Corporate risk register. Action plans have been developed to manage these risks.
Policy Implications
Financial Implications
The cost of giving public notice, advertising and gazettal is met through the City’s budget.
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council:-
1. In accordance with Section 3.12(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995, GIVES local public notice stating that the City of Wanneroo proposes to make a Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 2024, a summary of its purpose and effect being:
To make provisions about the establishment and organisation of bush fire brigades.
To align the City of Wanneroo’s Bushfire Brigades Local Law with changes in the law and operational practice.
2. NOTES that:
a) Copies of the proposed Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 2024 may be inspected at the City’s offices and will be made available on the City’s website;
b) Submissions regarding the proposed Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 2024 may be made to the City within a period of not more than 6 weeks after the public notice is given;
c) In accordance with Section 3.12(3)(b) of the Local Government Act 1995, as soon as the notice is given, a copy of the proposed Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 2024 will be provided to the Minister for Emergency Services and the Minister for Local Government; and
d) In accordance with Section 3.12(3)(c) of the Local Government Act 1995, a copy of the proposed Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 2024 will be supplied to any person requesting it.
3. NOTES that all submissions received will be presented to Council for consideration.
1⇩. |
ATTACHMENT 1: Bush Fire Brigades Local law 2023 |
23/204840 |
2⇩. |
ATTACHMENT 2: Bush Fire Brigades Local Law 2024 |
24/53332 |
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
This report will be circulated prior to the Ordinary Council Meeting.
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
Corporate Strategy & Performance
File Ref: 45975V002 – 24/45941
Responsible Officer: Director Corporate Strategy & Performance
Attachments: 4
To consider the Financial Activity Statement for the period ended 31 January 2024
In accordance with Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, the Financial Activity Statement has been prepared in compliance with the following:
· Regulation 34(1) and (3) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, which requires a local government to prepare a statement of financial activity each month, presented according to nature classification,
· Regulation 34(5) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, which requires a local government to adopt a percentage or value, calculated in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, to be used in statements of financial activity for reporting material variances. For the 2023/24 financial year 10% and a value greater than $100,000 will be used for the reporting of variances, and
· Regulation 35 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, which requires a local government to prepare a statement of financial position of the local government as at the last day of the previous month.
Financial Activity for the Period Ended 31 January 2024
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 4 July 2023 (SOC01-07/23), Council adopted the Annual Budget for the 2023/24 financial year. The figures in this report are compared to the Revised Budget.
The Mid-Year Review (MYR) adjustments adopted on 20 February 2024, have not been incorporated in to the Financial Activity Statement for the period ended 31 January 2024.The MYR adjustments will be incorporated from the February 2024 Financial Activity Statement.
Overall Comments Year-to-Date
Results from Operating Activities
The net inflow from Operating Activities for the period ended 31 January 2024 is higher than budget by $18.5m, including non-cash adjustment of $383k. The cash inflows variance before non-cash adjustments from Operating Activities is $4.8m, whereas cash outflows variance is $14.0m.
The overall variance is mainly due to higher inflows from Interest Earnings ($3.7m) and Rates ($745k), underspent from: Materials and Contracts ($9.5m), Employee Costs ($3.7m) and timing variance from Loss on Asset Disposals ($610k).
Results from Investing Activities
The net inflows from Investing Activities is higher than budget by $5.4m mainly due to lower outflows related to Purchase and Construction of Infrastructure Assets ($1.6m), lower outflows from Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment ($9.4m) and lower outflows from Development Contribution Plans Expenses ($8.2m), offset by the lower inflows from Development Contribution Plans Revenues ($11.6m) and lower proceeds from Disposal of Assets ($2.2m).
Results from Financing Activities
Financing Activities mainly consist of Reserve transfers and Development Contribution Plans transfers, which are in line with the budget.
Capital Program
Year to date 31 January 2024, $33.0m (excluding leased assets and contributed physical assets) was spent on various capital projects of which $3.9m was spent on Roads, $6.8m was spent on Foreshore Management, $8.5m was spent on Sports Facilities and $3.7m was spent in Investment Projects. Refer to Attachment 4 for more details).
Investment Portfolio Performance
Comments relating to the Statement of Financial Activity are provided for the variances between Year to Date Actuals and Year to Date Revised Budgets, where the variance is higher than the reporting threshold or item of interest to Council.
Year to Date - (Actual $154.9m, Revised Budget $154.2m)
The variance is favourable by $745k mainly due to higher inflow of interim rates from residential properties.
Note 2 Operating Grants, Subsidies & Contributions
Year to Date - (Actual $2.6m, Revised Budget $2.1m)
The variance is favourable by $472k mainly due to an additional receipt of unbudgeted State Government grants of $51k, higher contributions of $98k from the Department of Education for school turf maintenance, recovery of debt and legal costs of $285k related to Rates and Legal Services and reimbursements of utility payments from leased facilities of $48k.
Note 3 Fees and Charges
Year to Date - (Actual $43.0m, Revised Budget $43.3m)
The unfavourable variance of $297k mainly due to:
· Lower community facility booking fees of $1.3m due to a change of accounting process for concession discounts partially offset by;
· Higher Application and License fees of $303k from Approval services;
· Higher Inspection fee income of $193k from Compliance services;
· Higher Engineering Supervision Fee income of $193k from Land Development services;
· Higher Search fee income from Building approvals and Rates services of $125k;
· Higher Green Fees income from Golf Courses of $128k; and
· Higher Driving range income from Golf Courses of 76k.
Note 4 Interest Earnings
Year to Date - (Actual $12.5m, Revised Budget $8.8m)
The favourable variance of $3.7m is mainly due to higher than budget portfolio balance of $71m and a higher rate of interest received for the City’s investment portfolios as the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has increased the cash rate more than budgeted. The budget has been revised accordingly via MYR.
Note 5 Other Revenue
Year to Date - (Actual $1.6m, Revised Budget $1.3m)
The Positive variance of $251k is mainly due to;
· Higher recouped bond monies related to land developments of $205k;
· Higher income from sale of products from various business units of $24k;
· Recouped booking bond monies related to prior years of $66k from community facilities;
· The traffic and transport business unit received an unbudgeted $60k from the Department of Transport to cover the wages of the Active Travel Officer program;
· Higher inflow from Neerabup Resource extraction fees of $73k;
· Miscellaneous income from various business units of $29k; and
· Partially offset by the lower profit share for Golf Courses of $206k.
Note 6 Employee Costs
Year to Date - (Actual $48.2m, Revised Budget $51.9m)
The employee costs under budget by $3.7m, mainly due to lower salary costs resulting from the delays in backfilling certain vacancies due to current market conditions. The Budget has been revised accordingly via MYR.
Note 7 Materials & Contracts
Year to Date - (Actual $39.0m, Revised Budget $48.5m)
The Materials & Contracts expenditure is under budget by $9.5m mainly due to;
· Of the $2.8m variance in general material expenses, $1.1m is related to underspend, which has been adjusted via MYR. The balance $1.7m is related to timing differences.
· Timing differences in asset maintenance expenses of $1.9m;
· Timing differences in Consulting fees of $1.8m;
· Community facilities booking concessions of $1.3m due to the change of accounting method, which has been adjusted via MYR;
· Underspend of contract expenses of $753k due to timing differences;
· Lower refuse removal expenses of $250k, of which $40k adjusted via MYR and remainder being timing differences;
· Timing differences in reimbursement of crossovers of $203k;
· Timing differences in advertising expenses of $135k; and
· Timing differences in postage, and miscellaneous expenses of $159k.
Note 8 Utility Charges
Year to Date - (Actual $6.1m, Revised Budget $6.3m)
The lower than budget outflow of $174k is mainly due to the timing differences in electricity expenditure outflows.
Note 9 Loss on Asset Disposals
Year to Date - (Actual $101k, Revised Budget $711k)
The positive variance of $590k is mainly due to the timing differences in plant and equipment disposals.
Investing Activities
Note 10 Proceeds from Disposal of Assets
Year to Date – (Actual $564k, Revised Budget $2.8m)
The negative variance of $2.2m is attributable to timing differences in the Disposal of Assets.
Note 11 Development Contribution Plans Revenue
Year to Date – (Actual $2.5m, Revised Budget $14.1m)
The Development Contribution Plan Revenue is under budget by $11.6m, which has been adjusted via MYR. The adjustments were required due to timing delays in project expenditure.
Note 12 Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment
Year to Date – (Actual $13.8m, Revised Budget $23.1m)
The lower net outflow of $9.4m from the Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment is due to delays of multiple capital project deliveries.
Note 13 Purchase & Construction of Infrastructure
Year to Date – (Actual $27.6m, Revised Budget $29.2m)
The underspent of $1.6m in the Purchase and Construction of Infrastructure Assets is due to delays in multiple projects.
Note 14 Development Contribution Plans Expenses
Year to Date – (Actual $3.3m, Revised Budget $11.5m)
The lower-than-budget outflows of $8.2m is due to delays in the acquisitions of various public open spaces.
Statement of Financial Position (Attachment 2)
Note 1 - Net Current Assets
Compared to the closing position at 30 June 2023, Net Current Assets have increased by $101.7m, predominately due to the levying of 2023/24 Rates and Waste Service Fees in July 2023.
Within the Current Assets, Current Receivables of $47.7 are mainly comprised of Rates and Waste Service Fees debtors of $32.7m and Emergency Services Levy of $4.6m. The remaining balance is attributed to General Debtors of $10.4m.
Note 2 - Non-Current Assets
Non-Current Assets as at 31 January 2024 have increased by $14.9m from 30 June 2023 closing balance, mainly due to an increase in Property, Plant and Equipment and Infrastructure Assets partially offset by the decrease in investments in Associates.
Note 3 - Non-Current Liabilities
Non-Current Liabilities as at 31 January 2024 have increased by $11.6m from 30 June 2023 closing balance, mainly due to a change in unspent Grant Liabilities.
Financial Performance Indicators
The table below presents data on relevant financial ratios, comparing the minimum standard expected as per the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSCI) as at 31 January 2024 and at the same period of the last year.
Please note that the Asset Ratios are only calculated at the end of the financial year and published as a part of the Annual Report.
A green highlight is used where the minimum standard is met or exceeded. Highlighted in red is below the standard (where relevant).
Capital Works Program
The status of the Capital Works Program is summarised by Sub-Program in the table below:
As at 31 January 2024, the City incurred $33.0m of capital expenditure, which represents 37.5% of the $88.0m Capital Works Revised Budget.
To further expand on the Capital Works Program information above, updates in key capital projects are selected to be specifically reported on, is provided in the Top Capital Projects attachment to this report (Attachment 4).
Capital Changes
The following changes are proposed to be made to the 2023/24 Capital Works budget.
PR-1042 Recurring Program, Upgrade Corporate Buildings – Minor Works – An additional $18,000 is required for increased costs due to unforeseen site constraints associated with the ceiling replacement in Civic Centre meeting rooms. It is proposed to fund this from savings identified in PR-2558 Recurring Program, Renew Corporate Building Assets.
PR-2749 Recurring Program, New Major Pathways – An additional $10,000 is required for extra reinstatement works. It is proposed to fund this from savings identified in PR-2558 Recurring Program, Renew Corporate Building Assets.
PR-4446 Ashby Operations Centre, Ashby, Renew Building 3 Roof Sheeting, Drainage, HVAC - An additional $113,000 is required due to an increase in scope associated with HVAC Engineering and construction works, as well as price increases due to current market volatility. These works are being funded from the Asset Replacement/Enhancement reserve.
PR-4180 Alexander Drive, Landsdale, New Shared Pathway from Gnangara Rd to Hepburn Ave – It is proposed to bring $150,000 forward from 2024/25 to pay for Western Power undergrounding works at the site. The project is entirely funded from TPS Cell 9.
PR-4467 Recurring Program, Renew Transport Infrastructure Assets – Grant funds of $26,608 have been received from the Federal Government as part of the Roads to Recovery program in excess of the original budget. An additional $35,000 is also required to advance planning works for 2024/25, with those funds proposed to be sourced from savings in PR-4497 Recurring Program, Upgrade Street Lighting.
TPS 20 – District Distributor Road Headworks Reserve name to be changed to “Clarkson Butler Planning District (TPS 20) Reserve”. The change of name is to align with the District Planning Scheme Number 2 (Gazetted 6th July 2001). There is no change to the purpose of the reserve.
Investment Portfolio (Attachment 3)
In accordance with the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 (and per the City’s Investment Policy), the City invests solely in Authorised Deposit taking Institutions (ADI’s):
At the end of January 2024, the City held an investment portfolio (cash & cash equivalents) of $564.7m (Face Value), equating to $576.8m inclusive of accrued interest. The City’s year to date investment portfolio return has exceeded the UBS Australia Bank Bill rate index benchmark by 1.03% pa (5.03% pa vs. 4.00% pa).
This document has been prepared in consultation with Relevant Officers.
This report has incorporated recent amendments to the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, which require local governments to prepare monthly Statement of Financial Activity (formerly Rate Setting Statement) with variance analysis, and the Statement of Comprehensive Income by Nature is no longer required.
The Regulations also require the preparation of Net Current Asset Notes (Attachment 1) to complement the Statement of Financial Activity.
In reference to Statement of Financial Activity in the report, the following symbols have been used to categorise three levels of variance:
· é - Positive Variance more than 10% and/or more than $100,000
· ê - Negative Variance more than 10% and/or more than $100,000
· è - Negative Variance Less than 10% or less than $100,000
Statutory Compliance
This Monthly Financial Activity Statement complies with Regulations 34 and 35 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996.
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
7 ~ A well governed and managed City that makes informed decisions, provides strong community leadership and valued customer focused services
7.1 - Clear direction and decision making
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 7, we will accept a Medium level of risk as the City balances the capacity of the community to fund services through robust cost-benefit analysis and pursues evidence-based decision making to be effective stewards of the Council and City for future generations.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
CO-017 Financial Management |
Medium |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Corporate Strategy & Performance |
Manage |
The above risk relating to the issue contained within this report has been identified and considered within the City’s Corporate Risk Register. Action plans have been developed to manage this risk to support existing management systems.
Local Jobs
The City is prepared to accept a high level of financial risk provided that the City implements a risk management strategy to manage any risk exposure.
Strategic Growth
The City will accept a moderate level of financial risk for facilitating industry development and growth.
Any strategic objective including ongoing planning, funding and capital investment to develop infrastructure strategic assets carries financial risks.”
Policy Implications
The following policies are relevant for this report:
· Accounting Policy;
· Investment Policy;
· Financial Cash Back Reserve Policy; and
· Strategic Budget Policy.
Financial Implications
As outlined in the report and detailed in Attachments 1 to 4.
Voting Requirements
Absolute Majority
That Council:-
1. RECEIVES the Financial Activity Statement and commentaries on variances to Budget for the period ended 31 January 2024 consisting of:
a) January 2024 Financial Activity Statement;
b) January 2024 Net Current Assets Position; and
c) January 2024 Material Financial Variance Notes.
2. APPROVES by ABSOLUTE MAJORITY the following changes to the 2023/24 Capital Works Budget:
Number |
From |
To |
Amount |
Description |
PR-1042 |
PR-2558 Recurring Program, Renew Corporate Building Assets |
PR-1042 Recurring Program, Upgrade Corporate Buildings - Minor Works |
$18,000 |
Increased costs due to unforeseen site constraints. |
PR-2749 |
PR-2558 Recurring Program, Renew Corporate Building Assets |
PR-2749 Recurring Program, New Major Pathways |
$10,000 |
Funds required for extra reinstatement works. |
PR-4446 |
Asset Replacement/ Enhancement reserve |
PR-4446 Ashby Operations Centre, Ashby, Renew Building 3 Roof Sheeting, Drainage, HVAC |
$113,000 |
Costs are associated with an increase in scope as well as price increases due to market volatility. |
PR-4180 |
TPS – Cell 9 |
PR-4180 Alexander Drive, Landsdale, New Shared Pathway from Gnangara Rd to Hepburn Ave |
$150,000 |
Funds brought forward to pay for Western Power undergrounding works. |
PR-4467 |
Grants - MRRP |
PR-4467 Recurring Program, Renew Transport Infrastructure Assets |
$26,608 |
Additional Roads to Recovery grant funds received. |
PR-4467 |
PR-4497 Recurring Program, Upgrade Street Lighting |
PR-4467 Recurring Program, Renew Transport Infrastructure Assets |
$35,000 |
Funds required to advance 2024/25 planning works. |
3. APPROVES by ABSOLUTE MAJORITY to change the name of the TPS 20 – District Distributor Road Headworks Reserve to “Clarkson Butler Planning District (TPS 20) Reserve”.
1⇩. |
Attachment 1 - Net Current Assets January 2024 |
24/50812 |
2⇩. |
Attachment 2 - Statement of Financial Position January 2024 |
24/50831 |
3⇩. |
Attachment 3 - Investment Report January 2024 |
24/50843 |
4⇩. |
Attachment 4 - Top Projects 2023-24 - January 2024 |
24/56527 |
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
File Ref: 1859V02 – 24/54426
Responsible Officer: Director Corporate Strategy & Performance
Attachments: Nil
Presentation to the Council of a list of accounts paid for the month of January 2024, including a statement as to the total amounts outstanding at the end of the month.
Local Governments are required each month to prepare a list of accounts paid for that month and submit the list to the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council.
In addition, it must record all other outstanding accounts and include that amount with the list to be presented. The list of accounts paid, and the total of outstanding accounts must be recorded in the minutes of the Council meeting.
The following is the Summary of Accounts paid in January 2024
Funds |
Vouchers |
Amount |
Director Corporate Services Advance A/C Accounts Paid – January 2024 Cheque Numbers Credit Cards EFT Document Numbers TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAID
Less Cancelled Cheques Manual Journals Town Planning Scheme RECOUP FROM MUNICIPAL FUND |
124476 – 124528 49 - 50 25121 - 26202 |
$25,810.10 $66,054.09 $16,499,779.87 $16,591,644.06
($12,104.68) ($4,849.57) ($1,695,520.20) ($14,879,169.61) |
Municipal Fund – Bank A/C Accounts Paid – January 2024
Recoup to Director Corporate Services Advance A/C Payroll – Direct Debits TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAID |
$14,879,169.61 $4,127,507.38 $19,006,676.99 |
Town Planning Scheme Accounts Paid – January 2024 Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4 Cell 5 Cell 6 Cell 7 Cell 8 Cell 9 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAID |
$1,367,393.20 $916.00 $916.00 $8,095.00 $916.00 $269,536.00 $916.00 $916.00 $45,916.00 $1,695,520.20 |
(Please note in some instances descriptions/details of one transaction are presented across two pages in following table.)
Warrant of Payments January 2024 |
Number |
Date |
Supplier / Description |
Amount |
124476 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$724.65 |
124477 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$639.89 |
124478 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$647.15 |
124479 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$925.95 |
124480 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$907.80 |
124481 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$182.53 |
124482 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$188.88 |
124483 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$661.64 |
124484 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$146.14 |
124485 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$427.05 |
124486 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$2,998.48 |
124487 |
2/01/2024 |
Callum Harris |
$73.00 |
Refund - Planning Register Withdrawn - Incorrect Application |
124488 |
2/01/2024 |
Thanh Thuy Do |
$26.50 |
Refund - Copies Of Plans - Not Available |
124489 |
2/01/2024 |
Fay Burrows |
$13.10 |
Refund - Copies Of Plans - Not Available |
124490 |
2/01/2024 |
City of Wanneroo |
$150.00 |
Cash Advance - 3 $50.00 Gift Vouchers - 3 Independent Early Childhood Professionals, Volunteering Their Time & Expertise To Take Part In A 4 Hour Workshop Review Of Early Childhood Library Programs |
124491 |
2/01/2024 |
Logiudice Property Group |
$1,314.25 |
Quarterly Admin / Reserve Fund Levy - Mindarie Medical Centre - Property |
124492 |
2/01/2024 |
Slawomira Lechowicz |
$144.00 |
Refund - Holiday Program - Events Cancelled |
124493 |
8/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$850.67 |
124494 |
8/01/2024 |
Freedom Pools & Spas |
$61.65 |
Refund - Building Application - Rejected |
124495 |
8/01/2024 |
Sport and Recreation Surfaces |
$2,365.00 |
Tennis Court Maintenance - Elliot Park |
124496 |
8/01/2024 |
Expression Australia |
$264.00 |
Interpreting For Live Broadcast Of Mariginiup Fires |
124497 |
8/01/2024 |
Hang Gliders Association of WA Inc |
$295.00 |
Refund - Planning Application - Withdrawn |
124498 |
8/01/2024 |
MR Thatch |
$61.65 |
Refund - Building Application - Rejected |
124499 |
8/01/2024 |
Indara Infrastructure Pty Ltd |
$1,280.00 |
Refund - Development Application - Withdrawn |
124500 |
8/01/2024 |
The Trustee of MST Consultancy & Services |
$147.00 |
Refund - Development Application - Withdrawn |
124501 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$882.18 |
124502 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$192.51 |
124503 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$913.25 |
124504 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$239.70 |
124505 |
15/01/2024 |
Rhys James |
$70.60 |
Refund - Copy Of Plans - Not Available |
124506 |
15/01/2024 |
Christopher Stone |
$70.60 |
Refund - Copy Of Plans - Not Available |
124507 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$925.95 |
124508 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$625.38 |
124509 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$669.22 |
124510 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$819.16 |
124511 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$756.15 |
124512 |
22/01/2024 |
Laura Gray |
$30.00 |
Refund - School Holiday Program - PT Training - Cancelled |
124513 |
22/01/2024 |
Mark Richards |
$233.30 |
Refund - Building Certificate - Requested Information Not Provided |
124514 |
22/01/2024 |
Andrew Waites |
$171.65 |
Refund - Building Application - Requested Information Not Provided |
124515 |
22/01/2024 |
Andrew McDonald |
$171.65 |
Refund - Building Application - Requested Information Provided |
124516 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$2.38 |
124517 |
29/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$360.00 |
124518 |
29/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$135.82 |
124519 |
29/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$171.65 |
124520 |
29/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$745.65 |
124521 |
29/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$758.02 |
124522 |
29/01/2024 |
Michelle Sindholt |
$61.65 |
Refund - Building Application - Cancelled |
124523 |
29/01/2024 |
Nas Mher |
$129.00 |
Refund - Building Application - Paid Amendment Fee In Error |
124524 |
29/01/2024 |
David Darling |
$129.00 |
Refund - Building Application - Incorrectly Lodged |
124525 |
29/01/2024 |
Jutta Wilkinson |
$166.65 |
Refund - Building Application - Overpaid |
124526 |
29/01/2024 |
City of Wanneroo |
$11.00 |
Petty Cash - Clarkson Library |
124527 |
29/01/2024 |
Hayberry Wellness |
$806.00 |
Medical Fees For The City |
124528 |
29/01/2024 |
Melbourne Pathology Pty Ltd |
$66.00 |
Medical Fees For The City |
Total Cheque Payments |
$25,810.10 |
Electronic Funds Transfer |
25121 |
2/01/2024 |
Mr B Pathirathna |
$837.00 |
Reimbursement - CPA Membership Renewal 2024 |
25122 |
2/01/2024 |
Cancelled |
25123 |
2/01/2024 |
Ms L Thomas |
$837.00 |
Reimbursement - CPA Membership Renewal 2024 |
25124 |
2/01/2024 |
Ms M Wijesuriya |
$837.00 |
Reimbursement - CPA Membership Renewal 2024 |
25125 |
2/01/2024 |
Ms S Calver |
$131.50 |
Reimbursement - Fuel For WR3 - WN 34513 |
25145 |
2/01/2024 |
AARCO Environmental Solutions Pty Ltd |
$1,127.50 |
Removed Asbestos From Verge - Badgerup Road |
25146 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$829.20 |
25147 |
2/01/2024 |
ABN Residential WA Pty Ltd |
$455.77 |
Refund - Building Application - Not Approved Within Statutory Timeframe |
25148 |
2/01/2024 |
Accenture Australia Pty Ltd |
$31,900.00 |
Managed Cloud Services - ICT |
25149 |
2/01/2024 |
Access Technologies |
$557.70 |
Attend &
Repair Cable Gate |
25150 |
2/01/2024 |
Acclaimed Catering |
$23,108.25 |
Catering - Christmas Function |
25151 |
2/01/2024 |
Acurix Networks Pty Ltd |
$10,257.50 |
Monitoring, Licensing, Support, Category Based Content Filtering, Premium Portal And Unlimited Downloads For The Month Of December 2023 Wanneroo Library And Cultural Centre |
25152 |
2/01/2024 |
Adform Engraving & Signs |
$55.00 |
Name Badges - Quinns Rocks BFB |
25153 |
2/01/2024 |
Alexander Figg |
$100.00 |
Candidate Refund - Local Government Elections 2023 |
25154 |
2/01/2024 |
Alinta Gas |
$63.25 |
Gas Supplies For The City |
25155 |
2/01/2024 |
Allweather Patios |
$147.00 |
Refund - Development Application - Withdrawn |
25156 |
2/01/2024 |
Amisha Patel |
$317.00 |
Refund - Food Application & Registration - Not Required |
25157 |
2/01/2024 |
Andre Shannon |
$100.00 |
Candidate Refund - 2023 Local Government Election |
25158 |
2/01/2024 |
Angel Harper & Mitchell Tzavaras-Thornton |
$100.00 |
Candidate Refund - 2023 Local Government Election |
25159 |
2/01/2024 |
Anna Weatherill |
$100.00 |
Candidate Refund - Local Government Elections 2023 |
25160 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$2,046.87 |
25161 |
2/01/2024 |
Apex Eco Management International Pty Ltd |
$825.00 |
Survey - Attempted Sludge Analysis & Lake Assessment - Brampton Park - September 2023 - Parks |
25162 |
2/01/2024 |
Applied Security Force |
$564.00 |
Security - Staff Christmas Party - Wanneroo Showground |
25163 |
2/01/2024 |
Ascon Survey and Drafting |
$1,256.20 |
Existing Feature Survey - Carramar Golf Course |
25164 |
2/01/2024 |
Atlas Dry Cleaners |
$71.94 |
Laundering Of Various Items -Trees And Conservation |
25165 |
2/01/2024 |
Audhu Pty Ltd T/A NuChange Building |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25166 |
2/01/2024 |
Australian Airconditioning Services Pty Ltd |
$28,540.21 |
Air Conditioning Services For The City |
25167 |
2/01/2024 |
Australian Services Union |
$291.50 |
Payroll Deductions |
25168 |
2/01/2024 |
Australian Taxation Office |
$29,372.00 |
Payroll Deductions |
25169 |
2/01/2024 |
Autosmart North Metro Perth |
$1,354.10 |
6ltr Orion Sprayer & Floor Smart Floor Cleaner |
25170 |
2/01/2024 |
Banhams WA Pty Ltd |
$7,744.00 |
Fire Compliance – FHR Installation - Wanneroo Sports And Social Club |
Yearly Inspection Of Fire Hydrant Systems - Wanneroo Showgrounds |
25171 |
2/01/2024 |
Banhams WA Pty Ltd |
$2,425.50 |
Sewer Pit Servicing - Mary Lindsay Homestead |
25172 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$1,283.41 |
25173 |
2/01/2024 |
BGC Concrete |
$1,424.94 |
Concrete Mix - Various Locations - Engineering |
25174 |
2/01/2024 |
Bladon WA Pty Ltd |
$31.91 |
Corporate Uniform Issue |
25175 |
2/01/2024 |
Bolinda Digital Pty Ltd |
$33,000.00 |
2023 / 2024 Value Plan Mixed Formats - Library Services |
25176 |
2/01/2024 |
Boya Equipment |
$827.03 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25177 |
2/01/2024 |
Bridgestone Australia Limited |
$4,033.07 |
Tyre Fitting Services For The City |
25178 |
2/01/2024 |
Bridgestone Australia Limited |
$10,729.31 |
Tyre Fitting Services For The City |
25179 |
2/01/2024 |
Brightly Software Australia Pty Ltd |
$10,725.00 |
Assetic Cloud - Hosted Environment - ICT |
Assetic Consulting Service - 9-Month Draw Down Service - ICT |
25180 |
2/01/2024 |
Bucci Holdings Pty Ltd trading as Visimax |
$2,510.00 |
7 Ketch-All Quick Release Animal Control Poles & 5 Snappy Snares - Rangers |
25181 |
2/01/2024 |
Bucher Municipal Pty Ltd |
$8,397.56 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25182 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$1,632.40 |
25183 |
2/01/2024 |
Car Care Motor Company Pty Ltd |
$6,920.12 |
Vehicle Services / Repairs - Fleet |
25184 |
2/01/2024 |
Caron Marshall |
$100.00 |
Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised |
25185 |
2/01/2024 |
Carvalho Design Solutions Pty Ltd |
$6,504.30 |
Accessibility Upgrades - Civic Centre - Design |
Final Invoice - Concept Design - Animal Care Centre |
25186 |
2/01/2024 |
Castledine Gregory |
$13,397.85 |
Legal Fees For The City |
25187 |
2/01/2024 |
Cat Welfare Society Incorporated |
$5,626.50 |
Cat Impound Fees - Community Safety |
25188 |
2/01/2024 |
CDM Australia Pty Ltd |
$74,950.70 |
15 Dell Computers - ICT |
Precision Workstation - USB-C Docking Station, Mouse - ICT |
25189 |
2/01/2024 |
Centaman Systems Pty Ltd |
$5,500.00 |
Pre-Paid 50,000 SMS Bundle - Aquamotion |
25190 |
2/01/2024 |
Central Regional Tafe |
$1,485.86 |
Microchip Implantation For Dogs & Cats - 2 Attendees - Rangers |
25191 |
2/01/2024 |
$244.00 |
Payroll Deductions |
25192 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$2,745.22 |
25193 |
2/01/2024 |
Child Support Agency |
$2,528.47 |
Payroll Deductions |
25194 |
2/01/2024 |
Chivas Enterprises Pty Ltd t/as Mayday Earthmoving |
$1,584.00 |
Hire Of Excavator - Garden Park Verge Works |
25195 |
2/01/2024 |
City of Wanneroo |
$484.00 |
Payroll Deductions |
25196 |
2/01/2024 |
Civica Pty Ltd |
$440.00 |
Attendance At 2 Coffee Sessions (Training) - ICT |
25197 |
2/01/2024 |
CK Maloney Surveying |
$9,581.00 |
Digital Ground Survey - Jack Barlow Park - Quinns Rocks |
Digital Ground Survey - Kingsbridge Connolly Roundabout - Butler |
Digital Ground Survey - Marmion Avenue Roundabouts |
25198 |
2/01/2024 |
Clark Equipment Sales Pty Ltd |
$624.80 |
Vehicle Services - Fleet |
25199 |
2/01/2024 |
Classic Home and Garage Innovations Pty Ltd |
$110.00 |
Refund - Building Application - Not Approved Within The Statutory Timeframe |
25200 |
2/01/2024 |
Claw Environmental |
$112.20 |
Polystyrene 06.12.23 - Waste |
25201 |
2/01/2024 |
Clayton Utz |
$47,750.01 |
Legal Fees For The City |
25202 |
2/01/2024 |
Cleanaway Operations Pty Ltd |
$2,695.00 |
Dispose Septic Waste - Yanchep Lagoon |
Provision Of Grease Trap Servicing - Yanchep Lagoon |
25203 |
2/01/2024 |
Clinipath Pathology |
$661.65 |
Medical Fees For The City |
25204 |
2/01/2024 |
Community Greenwaste Recycling Pty Ltd |
$32,412.38 |
Waste Recycling |
25205 |
2/01/2024 |
Complete Office Supplies Pty Ltd |
$221.80 |
Stationery For The City |
25206 |
2/01/2024 |
Complete Office Supplies Pty Ltd |
$1,013.23 |
Stationery Purchases For The City |
25207 |
2/01/2024 |
Conplant Pty Ltd |
$3,071.75 |
Hire Multi-Roller - Badgerup Road - Assets |
25208 |
2/01/2024 |
Contra-Flow Pty Ltd |
$92,830.15 |
Traffic Management Services For The City |
25209 |
2/01/2024 |
Conway Highbury Pty Ltd |
$3,069.00 |
Consultancy Services - Local Law Review - Legal Services |
25210 |
2/01/2024 |
Corsign (WA) Pty Ltd |
$763.40 |
6 Magnetic Logos - Working With City Of Wanneroo - Engineering |
Memorial Plaque - N Takaki - Waste |
Street Name Plates - Engineering |
25211 |
2/01/2024 |
Cr Glynis Parker |
$138.11 |
Travel Expense Claim - November 2023 |
25212 |
2/01/2024 |
Cr Jacqueline Huntley |
$200.00 |
2 Candidate Refunds - 2023 Local Government Election |
25213 |
2/01/2024 |
Creativity Australia Limited |
$150.00 |
Twas The Night Before Christmas Eventone Voice Choir - Clarkson Library |
25214 |
2/01/2024 |
Critical Fire Protection & Training Pty Ltd |
$2,227.95 |
Fire Fighting Equipment Servicing - Various Locations |
Repairs To Water Storage Tank - Hainsworth Leisure Centre |
25215 |
2/01/2024 |
CS Legal |
$7,600.53 |
Court Fees - Rating Services |
25216 |
2/01/2024 |
CSE Crosscom Pty Ltd |
$3,883.39 |
Subscription - 5 Dispatch Consoles & 7 Talkpaths - Fleet |
Radio Installation - Truck 96212 |
25217 |
2/01/2024 |
Daimler Trucks Perth |
$1,361.22 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25218 |
2/01/2024 |
Danika Dray Music |
$200.00 |
Performance - Carramar Evening In The Park - Events |
25219 |
2/01/2024 |
Data #3 Limited |
$584.24 |
Acrobat Pro For Enterprise - ICT |
Subscription - Azure Year 1 Annual Fee |
25220 |
2/01/2024 |
David Roy Cull |
$1,870.00 |
Pest Control Services For The City |
25221 |
2/01/2024 |
Department of Fire & Emergency Services |
$1,337.00 |
False Fire Alarm Attendance - Aquamotion |
25222 |
2/01/2024 |
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage |
$9,268.00 |
DAP Application Fee Accepted By The City Of Wanneroo. Applicant: Urbis Ltd – Rebecca Travaglione - Address: Lot 2 (15) Ikara Lane, Yanchep |
25223 |
2/01/2024 |
Dormakaba Australia Pty Ltd |
$715.00 |
Called Out - Repair Gate - WLCC |
25224 |
2/01/2024 |
Dot Newton |
$100.00 |
Candidate Refund - Local Government Elections 2023 |
25225 |
2/01/2024 |
Double G (WA) Pty Ltd |
$182.28 |
Irrigation Parts - Parks |
25226 |
2/01/2024 |
Dowsing Group Pty Ltd |
$46,398.97 |
Concrete Works - Various Locations - Engineering |
25227 |
2/01/2024 |
Dream Courts Pty Ltd |
$4,275.00 |
Supply / Installation Of Noise Mitigating Basketball Surface |
25228 |
2/01/2024 |
Eco Homes Group Pty Ltd |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25229 |
2/01/2024 |
Edith Cowan University |
$1,000.00 |
Contribution - Entrepreneurship Prize And New Product Development Prize |
25230 |
2/01/2024 |
Elizabeth Kamara |
$100.00 |
Candidate Refund - Local Government Elections 2023 |
25231 |
2/01/2024 |
Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd |
$5,661.70 |
Iron Filter Servicing - Various Locations - Parks |
25232 |
2/01/2024 |
Eman Seif |
$100.00 |
Candidate Refund - Local Government Election 2023 |
25233 |
2/01/2024 |
Entire Land Care Pty Ltd |
$59,627.48 |
Asset Protection Zone - Mulching - Whitfield Park |
Mitigation Works - Poinciana Park |
25234 |
2/01/2024 |
Environmental Industries Pty Ltd |
$54,636.01 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25235 |
2/01/2024 |
Ergolink |
$130.50 |
1 X Wired Mouse - Customer Relations |
25236 |
2/01/2024 |
Excalibur Printing Pty Ltd |
$33.00 |
Printing - Fire Inspection Officers Shirts |
25237 |
2/01/2024 |
First Aid Certified |
$1,148.40 |
Workshops - First Aid Awareness - Library Staff |
25238 |
2/01/2024 |
First Homebuilders Pty Ltd |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25239 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$400.00 |
25240 |
2/01/2024 |
Fleet Network |
$7,143.95 |
Payroll Deductions |
25241 |
2/01/2024 |
Fleetspec Hire |
$19,272.33 |
Hire - Tilt Truck - Parks |
25242 |
2/01/2024 |
Foxfish Pty Ltd t/as Binley Fencing |
$15.84 |
Hire Of Temporary Fence - Badgerup Road |
25243 |
2/01/2024 |
Francesca Selbie |
$1,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25244 |
2/01/2024 |
Freestyle Now |
$1,760.00 |
BMX Scooter Skateboard Wanneroo Skatepark Jam Sessions And Prizes |
25245 |
2/01/2024 |
Frontline Fire & Rescue Equipment |
$352.00 |
Wanneroo LT2 - Repair Pump Engine Cutting Out |
25246 |
2/01/2024 |
Fusion Applications Pty Ltd |
$18,232.50 |
Consulting Fees For OICs Architecture Integration - ICT |
25247 |
2/01/2024 |
Geoff's Tree Service Pty Ltd |
$55,091.61 |
Bushfire Works - Pinjar Road |
Fire Hazard Control - Emerald Estate, Carabooda |
Pruning Services For The City |
25248 |
2/01/2024 |
Glenn Swift Entertainment |
$1,100.00 |
2 Workshops - Christmas Storytelling - Santa & The Elf - Wanneroo & Clarkson Libraries - Library Services |
25249 |
2/01/2024 |
Global Marine Enclosures Pty Ltd |
$9,020.00 |
Summer Maintenance - Marine Enclosure - November 2023 |
25250 |
2/01/2024 |
GPC Asia Pacific Pty Ltd |
$37.68 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25251 |
2/01/2024 |
GPS Linemarking |
$825.00 |
Mark Outer Boundaries - Splendid Park For 4 Soccer And AFL |
25252 |
2/01/2024 |
Grasstrees Australia |
$1,235.00 |
Grasstree - Memorial Park |
25253 |
2/01/2024 |
Green Options Pty Ltd |
$3,688.63 |
Rotary Mowing Active Parks |
25254 |
2/01/2024 |
Greenwood Party Hire |
$140.00 |
Hiring Of Tables For Joint Induction - 18.11.2023 |
25255 |
2/01/2024 |
Guardian Doors |
$748.00 |
Roller Door Inspection And Service - Quinns Mindarie Surf Life Saving Club |
Routine Maintenance - Two Rocks Volunteer Bush Fire Station |
25256 |
2/01/2024 |
Guru Productions Pty Ltd |
$6,050.00 |
Filming At Yanchep National Park - Destination WA Story - Economic Development |
25257 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$1,416.78 |
25258 |
2/01/2024 |
Heavy Automatics Pty Ltd |
$3,017.14 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25259 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$4,507.44 |
25260 |
2/01/2024 |
Hickey Constructions Pty Ltd |
$528.00 |
Kingsway Olympic - Brick Course Repairs |
25261 |
2/01/2024 |
Hitachi Construction Machinery Pty Ltd |
$1,162.70 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25262 |
2/01/2024 |
Holty's Hiab |
$528.00 |
Reinstate Soccer Goals - Riverlinks Park - Parks |
25263 |
2/01/2024 |
Horizon West Landscape Constructions |
$7,440.95 |
Landscape Construction & Consolidation Claim - Bembridge Park Upgrade - Assets |
25264 |
2/01/2024 |
Hose Right |
$1,442.36 |
Vehicle Hoses - Fleet |
25265 |
2/01/2024 |
Humanness |
$2,805.00 |
Preparation - Website Redevelopment RFQ Documentation |
25266 |
2/01/2024 |
Huu Van Nguyen |
$100.00 |
Candidate Refund - Local Government Elections 2023 |
25267 |
2/01/2024 |
Hydroquip Pumps & Irrigation Pty Ltd |
$18,426.32 |
Replace Pump - Mintaro Park - Parks |
25268 |
2/01/2024 |
Imagesource Digital Solutions |
$3,128.40 |
Fence Banner - Family Fun Day - Aquamotion |
Vinyl Banner - Landsdale Fun Fest - Events |
Printing - Mayor Christmas Cards & Envelopes |
Printing - Councillor Christmas Cards |
Vinyl Banners - Butler Fun Fest |
25269 |
2/01/2024 |
Instant Toilets & Showers Pty Ltd |
$2,878.48 |
Equipment Hire - Badgerup Road |
25270 |
2/01/2024 |
Integrity Industrial Pty Ltd |
$38,895.66 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25271 |
2/01/2024 |
Integrity Industrial Pty Ltd |
$1,570.57 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25272 |
2/01/2024 |
Integrity Staffing |
$8,287.10 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25273 |
2/01/2024 |
Intelife Group |
$1,024.98 |
Sand Sifting - Addison Park |
Urgent Sand Sifting - Kahana Park |
25274 |
2/01/2024 |
J Blackwood & Son Ltd |
$831.60 |
Safety Gloves - Stores |
25275 |
2/01/2024 |
Jako Industries Pty Ltd |
$6,825.50 |
Reactive Work - Faulty Flow Switch - Aquamotion - Assets |
Replace Mechanical Plant - Aquamotion - Assets |
25276 |
2/01/2024 |
Jaqueline Davie |
$100.00 |
Cat Registration Refund - Deceased |
25277 |
2/01/2024 |
Jason Townsend |
$100.00 |
Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised |
25278 |
2/01/2024 |
JB Hi Fi Group Pty Ltd |
$377.61 |
Logitech Combo Touch Case & Shell For iPad - ICT |
25279 |
2/01/2024 |
Jobfit Health Group Pty Ltd |
$2,613.60 |
Medical Fees For The City |
25280 |
2/01/2024 |
Jordan Lewis Dench trading as Dench Entertainment |
$800.00 |
DJ Services - Staff Christmas Party |
25281 |
2/01/2024 |
K & K Facility Services Pty Ltd |
$1,001.00 |
Cleaning Services - WLCC |
25282 |
2/01/2024 |
Kelyn Training Services |
$4,975.00 |
Training - BWTM & Traffic Control - Ashby Operations Centre - 19 - 21.12.2023 |
25283 |
2/01/2024 |
Kerb Direct Kerbing |
$15,161.04 |
Kerbing Works - Various Locations - Engineering |
25284 |
2/01/2024 |
Kleenit |
$4,650.67 |
Graffiti Removal Services For The City |
Pressure Clean Play Equipment - Barndie Park |
Pressure Cleaning Of Gazebo - Frederick Duffy Park |
Remove Concrete Slurry Spillage - Bisque Street |
25285 |
2/01/2024 |
Landcare Weed Control |
$704.28 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25286 |
2/01/2024 |
Larrikin House Pty Ltd |
$760.00 |
Book Purchases - Library Services |
25287 |
2/01/2024 |
Laundry Express |
$536.42 |
Laundry Services - Hospitality |
25288 |
2/01/2024 |
Leda Security Products Pty Ltd |
$458.69 |
Tools And Cable Set - Bike Repair Station |
25289 |
2/01/2024 |
Lexis Nexis |
$22,867.50 |
Lexis Nexis Membership Renewal 2024 - Legal |
25290 |
2/01/2024 |
LGC Equipment Hire |
$2,321.47 |
Lighting Towers And Generator - Christmas Fiesta |
25291 |
2/01/2024 |
Linemarking WA Pty Ltd |
$3,726.25 |
Linemarking Services For The City |
25292 |
2/01/2024 |
Living Turf |
$92,632.10 |
Fertilisers - Parks |
25293 |
2/01/2024 |
Local Government Professionals Australia WA |
$1,000.00 |
Training - Contract Management - 1 Attendee - ICT |
25294 |
2/01/2024 |
Major Motors |
$140,642.47 |
New Vehicle Purchase - Isuzu Truck WAN 728 $139,283.82 - Fleet Assets |
Vehicle Repairs - Fleet |
25295 |
2/01/2024 |
Manheim Pty Ltd |
$695.75 |
Impounded Vehicle Charges - Rangers |
25296 |
2/01/2024 |
Marindust Sales & Ace Flagpoles |
$30,855.00 |
Rugby Union Goals - Parks |
25297 |
2/01/2024 |
Marizane Moore |
$100.00 |
Candidate Refund - Local Government Elections 2023 |
25298 |
2/01/2024 |
Materon Investments WA Pty Ltd |
$14,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25299 |
2/01/2024 |
Maxxia Pty Ltd |
$6,775.26 |
Payroll Deductions |
25300 |
2/01/2024 |
Mayor Linda Aitken |
$923.45 |
Reimbursement - Parking Expenses And Corporate Apparel |
25301 |
2/01/2024 |
Fmr. Mayor Tracey Roberts |
$26,325.56 |
Allowance |
25302 |
2/01/2024 |
McLeods |
$6,870.60 |
Legal Fees For The City |
25303 |
2/01/2024 |
Melissa Regan |
$60.00 |
Cat Registration Refund - Deceased |
25304 |
2/01/2024 |
Michael Page International (Australia)Pty Ltd |
$5,219.98 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25305 |
2/01/2024 |
Mindarie Regional Council |
$264,179.98 |
Refuse Disposal Charges For The City |
25306 |
2/01/2024 |
MP Rogers & Associates Pty Ltd |
$1,060.20 |
Professional Coastal Engineering Services - Jindalee Baw Cps |
25307 |
2/01/2024 |
Natalie Veras |
$500.00 |
Supporting Girrawheen Hub Activation Via The City Of Wanneroo Community Funding Program – Kickstarter Fun |
25308 |
2/01/2024 |
Natural Area Holdings Pty Ltd |
$7,062.00 |
Lakes Debris Removal - Various Locations |
25309 |
2/01/2024 |
Navman Wireless Australia Pty Ltd |
$605.00 |
Investigate And Resolve Fault In GPS Unit In Toro Contour Mower |
Removal & Re-Fit Of Halo / Qube - Fleet |
25310 |
2/01/2024 |
Nick Andrews |
$100.00 |
Candidate Refund - Local Government Elections 2023 |
25311 |
2/01/2024 |
Northern Suburbs Men's Shed Incorporated |
$599.50 |
The Fishing Game - Events |
25312 |
2/01/2024 |
Nu-Trac Rural Contracting |
$30,931.12 |
Beach Cleaning Services - Various Locations |
25313 |
2/01/2024 |
Nuturf |
$3,905.00 |
Supply Folimax NFE - Parks |
25314 |
2/01/2024 |
Office Cleaning Experts |
$1,544.41 |
Cleaning Services For The City |
25315 |
2/01/2024 |
On Road Auto Electrics |
$1,094.50 |
Vehicle Repairs - Fleet |
25316 |
2/01/2024 |
On Tap Services |
$5,675.09 |
Plumbing Maintenance Services For The City |
25317 |
2/01/2024 |
Outdoor World |
$4,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25318 |
2/01/2024 |
Parker Black & Forrest |
$362.92 |
Replace Lock & Handle Set - Edgar Griffiths Park |
25319 |
2/01/2024 |
Paywise Pty Ltd |
$3,188.66 |
Payroll Deductions |
25320 |
2/01/2024 |
Perth Better Homes |
$42,807.60 |
Re-Install Shade Sails - Parks South - Parks |
Replace Damaged Shade Sail - Alvarez Park |
25321 |
2/01/2024 |
Perth Bouncy Castle Hire |
$1,144.00 |
Interactive Games - Christmas Fiesta - Events |
25322 |
2/01/2024 |
Perth Heavy Tow |
$1,138.50 |
Towing Services For The City |
25323 |
2/01/2024 |
Perth Patio Magic Pty Ltd |
$11,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25324 |
2/01/2024 |
Perth Playground And Rubber |
$44,407.00 |
Softfall Renewal - Jimbub Swamp Park - Assets |
25325 |
2/01/2024 |
Philip Bedworth |
$100.00 |
Candidate Refund - Local Government Elections 2023 |
25326 |
2/01/2024 |
Planning Institute of Australia Limited |
$1,520.00 |
Conference Attendance - PIA Congress May 2024 - 1 Attendee |
25327 |
2/01/2024 |
Platinum Locating Services |
$2,084.50 |
Location Of Services - Various Locations - Assets |
25328 |
2/01/2024 |
Play Check |
$770.00 |
Comprehensive Playground Audit - Ridgewood Primary School |
Rubber Surface Impact Testing - Jimbub Swamp Park |
25329 |
2/01/2024 |
PLK Enterprises Pty Ltd |
$6,579.42 |
96150 Requires Aisat To Upgrade The Weigh Load System From Kimax 1 To Kimax 2 |
25330 |
2/01/2024 |
Premier Workplace Solutions |
$295.08 |
Rubber Brush Scrape Mat - Kingsway Indoor |
25331 |
2/01/2024 |
Prestige Alarms |
$41,273.54 |
CCTV / Alarm Services For The City |
25332 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$1,822.16 |
25333 |
2/01/2024 |
Publik Group |
$363.00 |
Freight - Heritage Interpretive Signage - Community History |
25334 |
2/01/2024 |
Pure Homes Pty Ltd Trading As B1 Homes |
$1,186.84 |
Refund - Planning Application - Rejected |
25335 |
2/01/2024 |
RAC BusinessWise |
$497.00 |
Roadside Assistance - Various Vehicles |
25336 |
2/01/2024 |
Rear Vision System Pty Ltd |
$1,238.60 |
Dash Cameras And Leads To Plug Into The Truck Internal Hard Drive |
25337 |
2/01/2024 |
Redink Homes Pty Ltd |
$503.95 |
Refund - Building Application - Not Approved Within Statutory Timeframe |
25338 |
2/01/2024 |
Reliable Fencing WA Pty Ltd |
$35,787.41 |
Install / Repair Fencing / Bollards - Various Locations - Parks |
25339 |
2/01/2024 |
Renee Pettitt-Schipp |
$350.00 |
Author Talk - Girrawheen Library - Library Services |
25340 |
2/01/2024 |
Repeat Plastics (WA) |
$4,233.63 |
Supply, Installation & Services - Mindarie Interpretive Signs |
25341 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$760.00 |
25342 |
2/01/2024 |
Richgro |
$206.80 |
Supply Landscape Mix - Parks |
25343 |
2/01/2024 |
Roads 2000 |
$4,445.33 |
Final Claim - Two Rocks Road |
Supply Asphalt - Engineering |
25344 |
2/01/2024 |
Robert Walters Pty Ltd |
$10,057.08 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25345 |
2/01/2024 |
Roy Gripske & Sons Pty Ltd |
$1,695.58 |
File Holder, Blazer Trimmer, Prokut File & Guide & Spark Plug - Parks |
25346 |
2/01/2024 |
RSEA Pty Ltd |
$338.73 |
Rain Jacket & Pants & Safety Boots - Health Services |
25347 |
2/01/2024 |
Safety World |
$530.20 |
Staff Uniforms - Parks / Waste |
25348 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$993.08 |
25349 |
2/01/2024 |
Sanpoint Pty Ltd ATF the Fiore Family Trust |
$51,159.75 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25350 |
2/01/2024 |
Sarah McKenna |
$100.00 |
Refund - Dog Registration - Sterilised |
25351 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$273.88 |
25352 |
2/01/2024 |
Satalyst Pty Ltd |
$5,748.88 |
Provision Of SQL Server Database Upgrade - Planning & Implementation Services |
25353 |
2/01/2024 |
Seldex Artistic Albums |
$1,550.00 |
Classic Mounts - Events |
25354 |
2/01/2024 |
Site Sentry Pty Ltd |
$1,034.00 |
Collection, Delivery And Installation Of Metro 1 System |
25355 |
2/01/2024 |
SJ McKee Maintenance Pty Ltd |
$1,862.00 |
Repair Works - Various Locations - Waste |
25356 |
2/01/2024 |
Slater-Gartrell Sports |
$613.10 |
20 X Heavy Duty Netball Nets - Parks |
Basketball Ring Repair - Kingsbridge Park |
25357 |
2/01/2024 |
Smartsalary |
$4,534.87 |
Payroll Deductions |
25358 |
2/01/2024 |
Sphere Architects |
$4,350.50 |
Toilet Block Design - Jimbub Swamp |
25359 |
2/01/2024 |
$407.00 |
Irrigation Design & Consulting Services - Basketball Pad - Longford Park |
25360 |
2/01/2024 |
St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd |
$789.33 |
First Aid Training Service / Equipment For The City |
25361 |
2/01/2024 |
Statewide Bearings |
$337.48 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25362 |
2/01/2024 |
Statewide Pump Services |
$9,405.00 |
Provision Of Wastewater Disposal - Various Sites |
25363 |
2/01/2024 |
Stewart & Heaton Clothing Company Pty Ltd |
$59.08 |
Belt Buckle & Name Badges - Ranger Services |
25364 |
2/01/2024 |
Stihl Shop Osborne Park |
$4,439.15 |
Small Plant Spare Parts & Brushcutter |
25365 |
2/01/2024 |
Superior Nominees Pty Ltd |
$5,705.22 |
Playground Equipment Repairs - Parks |
25366 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$881.81 |
25367 |
2/01/2024 |
Synergy |
$7,405.16 |
Power Supplies For The City |
25368 |
2/01/2024 |
Tangent Nominees Pty Ltd (Atf The Summit Homes Group Trust) |
$1,359.34 |
Refund - Building Applications - Not Approved Within Statutory Timeframe |
25369 |
2/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$891.11 |
25370 |
2/01/2024 |
Taylor Burrell Barnett |
$749.10 |
Consultancy Services - Neerabup Management Plan & Subdivision Application |
25371 |
2/01/2024 |
Taylor Robinson Chaney Broderick |
$440.00 |
Preparation And Attendance At The Design Review Panel Meeting On 28.09.2023 |
25372 |
2/01/2024 |
Taylor Robinson Chaney Broderick |
$440.00 |
Design Review Panel Meeting 23.11.2023 |
25373 |
2/01/2024 |
Telstra Limited |
$11,864.48 |
ADSL Charges For The City |
Navman Services - Fleet |
25374 |
2/01/2024 |
The Artisan Co. WA Pty Ltd |
$12,210.00 |
Clear Garden Bed Debris & Vegetation & Spread Mulch - Dinosaur Park |
Spread Mulch - Hudson Park |
25375 |
2/01/2024 |
The Factory (Australia) Pty Ltd |
$49,280.00 |
Installation And Dismantle Of Decorations - Christmas 2023 - Building Maintenance |
25376 |
2/01/2024 |
The Local Government, Racing and Cemeteries Employees Union (WA) |
$1,342.00 |
Payroll Deductions |
25377 |
2/01/2024 |
The Perth Mint |
$2,761.00 |
550 2023 Australian Citizenship Coins |
25378 |
2/01/2024 |
The Royal Life Saving Society Australia |
$169.00 |
Workshop - Pool Lifeguard Licence Renewal - 1 Employee - Aquamotion |
25379 |
2/01/2024 |
The Trustee for BARRA CIVIL AND FENCING Trust |
$56,204.50 |
Install Fencing - Riverlinks Park - Assets |
Replace Fencing - Gumblossom Park Sump - Engineering |
25380 |
2/01/2024 |
The Trustee for The Queensway Unit Trust |
$25,206.86 |
Refund - Bond Release - Lots 56 & 57 Queensway Road, Landsdale |
25381 |
2/01/2024 |
The Trustee for UDLA Unit Trust |
$7,700.00 |
Landscape Architect Services - Cabrini Park Master Plan |
25382 |
2/01/2024 |
Think Water Wanneroo |
$499.02 |
Port Quick Charger - Stihl Charger For Hedger |
25383 |
2/01/2024 |
Tim Eva's Nursery |
$82.50 |
Tree Supply 2023 - Eucalyptus Leucoxylon 35L - Parks |
25384 |
2/01/2024 |
Toro Australia Group Sales Pty Ltd |
$1,067.64 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25385 |
2/01/2024 |
Tree Planting & Watering |
$1,596.10 |
134 Trees With Humic, Wetta And Vital Applications |
25386 |
2/01/2024 |
Triton Electrical Contractors Pty Ltd |
$16,760.70 |
Irrigation Electrical Works - Various Locations |
25387 |
2/01/2024 |
Trophy Shop Australia |
$95.85 |
Glass Arrow - Cadet Participation Award - Emergency Services |
Name Badge - 2 Employees |
25388 |
2/01/2024 |
Turf Care WA Pty Ltd |
$1,269.83 |
Apply Spearhead & Roundup - 3 Locations |
25389 |
2/01/2024 |
Tutaki Unit Trust |
$1,792.00 |
10 Picket Fencing - Carramar Event |
Tables, Chairs & Marquee Hire - Staff Christmas Party - Events |
25390 |
2/01/2024 |
Two Rocks SES Unit |
$7,304.00 |
LGGS Operating Grant - Quarter 2 2023 / 2024 |
25391 |
2/01/2024 |
Ventura Home Group Pty Ltd |
$28,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25392 |
2/01/2024 |
Veolia Recycling & Recovery Pty Ltd |
$2,005.85 |
Waste Services For Wanneroo Show - 17 - 18.09.2023 |
25393 |
2/01/2024 |
VTS – Vocational Training Services |
$2,948.40 |
Provision Of Certificate IV In Business And Certificate IV In Leadership And Management - People & Culture |
25394 |
2/01/2024 |
WA Hino Sales & Service |
$463.72 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25395 |
2/01/2024 |
WA Limestone Company |
$12,396.18 |
Limestone - Badgerup Road |
25396 |
2/01/2024 |
WA Temporary Fencing Supplies |
$2,745.05 |
Fence Rental - DA Vinci Park |
25397 |
2/01/2024 |
Wanneroo Electric |
$39,487.58 |
Electrical Maintenance Services For The City |
25398 |
2/01/2024 |
Water Corporation |
$14,815.90 |
Water Supply Charges For The City |
25399 |
2/01/2024 |
Wave International Pty Ltd |
$56,413.06 |
Professional Services - Neerabup Industrial Estate |
25400 |
2/01/2024 |
West Coast Turf |
$7,665.36 |
Turfing Works For The City |
25401 |
2/01/2024 |
Western Irrigation Pty Ltd |
$10,670.33 |
Irrigation Parts - Parks |
Pipe Cleaning Equipment - Riverlinks Park |
25402 |
2/01/2024 |
William Buck Audit (WA) Pty Ltd |
$5,236.00 |
Audit Services For The Cell / DCP Annual Cost Review |
25403 |
2/01/2024 |
Work Clobber |
$134.10 |
Safety Jogger - Parks Employee |
25404 |
2/01/2024 |
Workpower Incorporated |
$28,743.84 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25405 |
2/01/2024 |
Wurth Australia Pty Ltd |
$109.95 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25406 |
2/01/2024 |
Zeplin Pty Ltd |
$18,251.20 |
Pronestor Planner Licence & Pronestor Display Licence 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024 |
25407 |
2/01/2024 |
Zipform Pty Ltd |
$1,875.69 |
Printing & Issue Of Final Letters Of Demand For Rates |
25416 |
8/01/2024 |
Cancelled |
25417 |
8/01/2024 |
101 Residential Pty Ltd |
$12,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25418 |
8/01/2024 |
A Man At Hand |
$160.00 |
Move Cabinets - Rangers |
25419 |
8/01/2024 |
AARCO Environmental Solutions Pty Ltd |
$437.25 |
Disposal Of Asbestos - Roydon Way |
25420 |
8/01/2024 |
ABN Residential WA Pty Ltd |
$6,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25421 |
8/01/2024 |
ABN Residential WA Pty Ltd |
$22,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25422 |
8/01/2024 |
Adam Blackheart |
$100.00 |
Refund - Candidate Refund 2023 Local Government Election |
25423 |
8/01/2024 |
Alexander Figg |
$2,791.69 |
December Monthly Meeting Attendance Allowance 2023 |
25424 |
8/01/2024 |
Ali Al Saadi |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25425 |
8/01/2024 |
Alinta Gas |
$6,040.25 |
Gas Supplies For The City |
25426 |
8/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$907.81 |
25427 |
8/01/2024 |
Arnowa Pty Ltd |
$4,400.00 |
Annual Dashboard License And Support Services |
25428 |
8/01/2024 |
Audhu Pty Ltd T/A NuChange Building |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25429 |
8/01/2024 |
Australia Post |
$3,148.51 |
Billpay Charges - Rates |
25430 |
8/01/2024 |
Australian Airconditioning Services Pty Ltd |
$4,681.54 |
Airconditioning Services For The City |
25431 |
8/01/2024 |
Australian Taxation Office |
$653,045.00 |
Payroll Deductions |
25432 |
8/01/2024 |
Aveling Homes Pty Ltd |
$1,593.46 |
Refund - Building Application - Duplicate |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25433 |
8/01/2024 |
Bentley Systems International Limited |
$17,358.00 |
Annual Subscription Open Roads, Context Capture, Lumenrt And Opensite Renewal |
25434 |
8/01/2024 |
Better Pets and Gardens Wangara |
$109.26 |
Supplies - Animal Care Centre |
25435 |
8/01/2024 |
BGC Concrete |
$1,424.50 |
Concrete Mix - Silveroaks Way / Headingly Crescent / Lukin Drive |
25436 |
8/01/2024 |
Bladon WA Pty Ltd |
$4,625.13 |
Corporate Uniform Issue |
25437 |
8/01/2024 |
Blueprint Homes (WA) Pty Ltd |
$2,100.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25438 |
8/01/2024 |
Blueprint Homes (WA) Pty Ltd |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25439 |
8/01/2024 |
BP Australia Ltd |
$68,135.12 |
Fuel Issues For The City |
25440 |
8/01/2024 |
Bridgestone Australia Limited |
$1,247.95 |
Tyre Fitting Services For The City |
25441 |
8/01/2024 |
Bridgestone Australia Limited |
$12,987.55 |
Tyre Fitting Service For The City |
25442 |
8/01/2024 |
BrightMark Group Pty Ltd |
$21,569.16 |
Provision Of Cleaning - Aquamotion |
25443 |
8/01/2024 |
Brownes Foods Operations Pty Limited |
$524.88 |
Milk Deliveries For The City |
25444 |
8/01/2024 |
Bucher Municipal Pty Ltd |
$3,650.71 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25445 |
8/01/2024 |
Call Associates Pty Ltd trading as Connect Call Centre Services |
$9,648.10 |
After Hours Calls Service - November 2023 |
25446 |
8/01/2024 |
Cameron Chisholm & Nicol (WA) Pty Ltd |
$687.50 |
Design Review Panel - Approval Services |
25447 |
8/01/2024 |
Car Care Motor Company Pty Ltd |
$267.30 |
Vehicle Service - Fleet |
25448 |
8/01/2024 |
Causeway Publishing |
$313.00 |
Author Event - In Conversation - 05.12.2023 - Library Services |
25449 |
8/01/2024 |
Cheesebuddy Food Supply Pty Ltd |
$3,416.00 |
Refund - Building Application - Duplicate |
25450 |
8/01/2024 |
Cleanaway Operations Pty Ltd |
$2,242.24 |
Remove & Dispose Of Waste Liquid - Fleet |
25451 |
8/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$107.70 |
25452 |
8/01/2024 |
Complete Office Supplies Pty Ltd |
$251.37 |
Stationery Purchases For The City |
25453 |
8/01/2024 |
Contra-Flow Pty Ltd |
$93,437.02 |
Traffic Management Services For The City |
25454 |
8/01/2024 |
Cr Bronwyn Smith |
$2,791.69 |
December Monthly Meeting Attendance Allowance 2023 |
25455 |
8/01/2024 |
Cr Glynis Parker |
$2,791.69 |
December Monthly Meeting Attendance Allowance 2023 |
25456 |
8/01/2024 |
Cr Helen Berry |
$2,791.69 |
December Monthly Meeting Attendance Allowance 2023 |
25457 |
8/01/2024 |
Cr Jacqueline Huntley |
$2,791.69 |
December Monthly Meeting Attendance Allowance 2023 |
25458 |
8/01/2024 |
Cr Jordan Wright |
$2,791.69 |
December Monthly Meeting Attendance Allowance 2023 |
25459 |
8/01/2024 |
Cr Natalie Herridge |
$2,791.69 |
December Monthly Meeting Attendance Allowance 2023 |
25460 |
8/01/2024 |
Cr Paul Miles |
$2,791.69 |
December Monthly Meeting Attendance Allowance 2023 |
25461 |
8/01/2024 |
Cr Sonet Coetzee |
$2,791.69 |
December Monthly Meeting Attendance Allowance 2023 |
25462 |
8/01/2024 |
Critical Fire Protection & Training Pty Ltd |
$26,309.84 |
Fire Equipment Service - October 2023 |
25463 |
8/01/2024 |
CSE Crosscom Pty Ltd |
$22,852.50 |
Provision & Management Of Network Connected Two Way Radios & Desktop Handsets |
25464 |
8/01/2024 |
DFP Recruitment Services |
$5,315.61 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25465 |
8/01/2024 |
DMC Cleaning |
$125,719.84 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25466 |
8/01/2024 |
Dowsing Group Pty Ltd |
$26,782.42 |
Concrete Works - Various Locations |
25467 |
8/01/2024 |
Drainflow Services Pty Ltd |
$165,371.35 |
Drain Cleaning / Road Sweeping Services For The City. |
25468 |
8/01/2024 |
Drovers Vet Hospital Pty Ltd |
$307.90 |
Veterinary Charges For The City |
25469 |
8/01/2024 |
Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd |
$2,619.10 |
Service And Checks To The Iron Filters For The City - Various Locations |
25470 |
8/01/2024 |
Elzbieta Fit-Okon |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25471 |
8/01/2024 |
Eman Seif |
$2,791.69 |
December Monthly Meeting Allowance 2023 |
25472 |
8/01/2024 |
Emineo Engineering Services |
$915.56 |
Monthly Preventative Maintenance - Yanchep & Quinns Beach - December 2023 |
25473 |
8/01/2024 |
Environmental Industries Pty Ltd |
$119,271.54 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25474 |
8/01/2024 |
Equifax Australasia Credit Rating Pty Ltd |
$1,140.70 |
Detailed Financial, Express Financial Check & Standard Financial & Performance - Contract And Procurement |
25475 |
8/01/2024 |
Flexi Staff Group Pty Ltd |
$8,780.32 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25476 |
8/01/2024 |
Gemmill Homes Pty Ltd |
$4,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25477 |
8/01/2024 |
Geoff's Tree Service Pty Ltd |
$4,934.10 |
Clearing Of Sump - Mary Street |
25478 |
8/01/2024 |
GJ Woodard |
$243.55 |
Keyholder Payments - December 2023 |
25479 |
8/01/2024 |
Global Marine Enclosures Pty Ltd |
$9,020.00 |
Quinns Beach Swimming Enclosure Management - Fortnightly Summer Maintenance |
25480 |
8/01/2024 |
GPC Asia Pacific Pty Ltd |
$137.02 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25481 |
8/01/2024 |
Green Options Pty Ltd |
$3,695.80 |
Rotary Mowing - Active Parks - 27.12.2023 - Parks |
25482 |
8/01/2024 |
Guardian Doors |
$673.20 |
Routine Maintenance - Service Roller Doors & Shutters - Various Locations |
25483 |
8/01/2024 |
Halpd Pty Ltd Trading As Affordable Living Homes |
$14,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25484 |
8/01/2024 |
Houspect WA |
$1,149.50 |
Condition Survey - 76 Ashley Road Tapping |
25485 |
8/01/2024 |
Indoor Gardens Pty Ltd |
$623.70 |
Service & Hire Of Live Plant Displays - New Civic Centre Foyer |
25486 |
8/01/2024 |
Integrity Industrial Pty Ltd |
$5,669.40 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25487 |
8/01/2024 |
Integrity Industrial Pty Ltd |
$2,045.67 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25488 |
8/01/2024 |
Integrity Staffing |
$3,441.95 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25489 |
8/01/2024 |
Iron Mountain Australia Group Pty Ltd |
$297.42 |
Document Management Services |
25490 |
8/01/2024 |
J Blackwood & Son Ltd |
$59.29 |
Gloves - Stores |
25491 |
8/01/2024 |
James Bennett Pty Ltd |
$548.24 |
Book Purchases - Library Services |
25492 |
8/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$766.66 |
25493 |
8/01/2024 |
K & K Facility Services Pty Ltd |
$900.90 |
Cleaning Service - Wanneroo Library And Cultural Centre |
25494 |
8/01/2024 |
Kerb Direct Kerbing |
$8,318.37 |
Install Kerbing - Hartman Drive - Engineering |
25495 |
8/01/2024 |
Kinetic IT Pty Ltd |
$105,967.52 |
Crowdstrike Software - ICT |
Detection, Response And Monitoring Service - November - December 2023 - CT |
25496 |
8/01/2024 |
Kleenit |
$4,876.30 |
Graffiti Removal Services For The City |
Pressure-Clean Handrails And Paths - Civic Centre |
Scheduled Clean December - Depot |
25497 |
8/01/2024 |
Kyocera Document Solutions |
$827.20 |
Valet Service - ICT |
25498 |
8/01/2024 |
Landcare Weed Control |
$10,849.57 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25499 |
8/01/2024 |
Landgate |
$492.00 |
Land Enquiries For The City |
25500 |
8/01/2024 |
Landscape Elements |
$24,258.80 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25501 |
8/01/2024 |
Landscape Elements |
$41,805.25 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25502 |
8/01/2024 |
Lawn Doctor Turf Solutions |
$42,578.53 |
Mowing / Top Dressing Services - Splendid Park / Butterworth Park |
25503 |
8/01/2024 |
Les Mills Asia Pacific |
$841.51 |
Licence Fees - Aquamotion |
25504 |
8/01/2024 |
Linemarking WA Pty Ltd |
$1,316.15 |
Pavement Marking & Associated Works - Connolly / Benenden Avenue |
25505 |
8/01/2024 |
Living Turf |
$2,021.80 |
Turfing Works For The City |
25506 |
8/01/2024 |
Mackay Urban Design |
$1,100.00 |
Design Review Panel Attendance - Approval Services |
25507 |
8/01/2024 |
Major Motors |
$3,119.64 |
Vehicle Services - Fleet |
25508 |
8/01/2024 |
Marizane Moore |
$2,791.69 |
December Monthly Meeting Attendance Allowance 2023 |
25509 |
8/01/2024 |
Mastec Australia Pty Ltd |
$36,095.49 |
442 Green Bin With Red Lid & 240 Green Bin With Lime Green Lid - Waste |
25510 |
8/01/2024 |
Materon Investments WA Pty Ltd |
$10,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25511 |
8/01/2024 |
Mayor Linda Aitken |
$12,096.35 |
December Monthly Meeting Attendance Allowance / Mayor Meeting Allowance 2023 |
25512 |
8/01/2024 |
MDM Entertainment Pty Ltd |
$101.00 |
DVD Stock - Library Services |
25513 |
8/01/2024 |
Melody Biggs |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25514 |
8/01/2024 |
Michael Dale |
$200.00 |
Candidate Refund - 2023 Local Government Election |
25515 |
8/01/2024 |
Michael Page International (Australia)Pty Ltd |
$9,282.64 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25516 |
8/01/2024 |
Mindarie Regional Council |
$170,241.89 |
Refuse Disposal Charges For The City |
25517 |
8/01/2024 |
Mini-Tankers Australia Pty Ltd |
$310.41 |
Fuel Issues - Fleet Assets |
25518 |
8/01/2024 |
Ms Melissa Ahlquist |
$100.00 |
Refund - Candidate Refund From 2023 Local Government Election |
25519 |
8/01/2024 |
Ms Peggy Brown |
$145.00 |
Keyholder Payment - December 2023 |
25520 |
8/01/2024 |
Nationwide Training Pty Ltd |
$2,120.00 |
Training - Load Restraint Secure Load & Unload - Parks |
25521 |
8/01/2024 |
Natural Area Holdings Pty Ltd |
$26,995.82 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
Feral Animal Control Services |
25522 |
8/01/2024 |
Noma Pty Ltd |
$440.00 |
Design Review Panel Meeting Attendance |
25523 |
8/01/2024 |
Nuturf |
$6,798.00 |
Biostim Pellets, Dredging Tabs And Aqua Dye - Parks |
25524 |
8/01/2024 |
Office Cleaning Experts |
$82,208.42 |
Cleaning Services / Consumables For The City |
25525 |
8/01/2024 |
Omnicom Media Group Australia Pty Ltd trading as Marketforce |
$5,319.64 |
Advertising Services For The City |
25526 |
8/01/2024 |
On Tap Services |
$19,074.65 |
Plumbing Maintenance Services For The City |
25527 |
8/01/2024 |
Perth Patio Magic Pty Ltd |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25528 |
8/01/2024 |
Philip Bedworth |
$2,791.69 |
December Monthly Meeting Attendance Allowance 2023 |
25529 |
8/01/2024 |
Planning Institute of Australia Limited |
$50.00 |
Conference Attendance - PIA Congress May 2024 - 1 Attendee |
25530 |
8/01/2024 |
Prensa Pty Ltd |
$2,577.30 |
Asbestos In Soil Assessment - Marcon Street - Conservation |
25531 |
8/01/2024 |
Prestige Alarms |
$2,268.42 |
CCTV / Alarm Services For The City |
25532 |
8/01/2024 |
Pure Homes Pty Ltd Trading As B1 Homes |
$6,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25533 |
8/01/2024 |
RAC BusinessWise |
$297.62 |
Business Wise Join On Road Fee - WN 34317 & WN 34617 |
Vehicle Service Fee - Flat Battery - WN 34618 |
25534 |
8/01/2024 |
Reliable Fencing WA Pty Ltd |
$4,285.84 |
Fence / Gate / Mesh / Cricket Nets Repair - Various Locations |
25535 |
8/01/2024 |
Resource Recovery Group |
$116,894.11 |
Recycling Tip Off Fees |
25536 |
8/01/2024 |
Royal Wolf Australia |
$1,446.33 |
Event Kiosk - Halesworth Park |
25537 |
8/01/2024 |
Safety World |
$658.90 |
Staff Uniform Issue |
25538 |
8/01/2024 |
Salvatore Zurzolo |
$1,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25539 |
8/01/2024 |
Sanpoint Pty Ltd ATF the Fiore Family Trust |
$158,904.87 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25540 |
8/01/2024 |
Skyline Landscape Services (WA) |
$125,282.55 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25541 |
8/01/2024 |
SSB Pty Ltd |
$4,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25542 |
8/01/2024 |
St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd |
$69.00 |
Training - CPR - 1 Attendee |
25543 |
8/01/2024 |
Stantec Australia Pty Ltd |
$5,500.00 |
New Traffic Signals - Marangaroo Drive / Girrawheen Avenue - Traffic Services |
25544 |
8/01/2024 |
Statewide Bearings |
$84.30 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25545 |
8/01/2024 |
Statewide Cleaning Supplies Pty Ltd |
$305.32 |
Dishwashing Liquid - Hospitality |
25546 |
8/01/2024 |
Stephen O'Brien |
$100.00 |
Candidate Refund - 2023 Local Government Election |
25547 |
8/01/2024 |
Superior Nominees Pty Ltd |
$5,106.20 |
Playground Equipment Repairs - Various Locations - Parks |
25548 |
8/01/2024 |
Surf Life Saving WA Incorporated |
$83,535.03 |
Lifeguard Services - December 2023 |
25549 |
8/01/2024 |
Synergy |
$117,699.05 |
Power Supply Charges For The City |
25550 |
8/01/2024 |
Tamara Witts |
$50.00 |
Animal Registration Refund - Sterilised |
25551 |
8/01/2024 |
Tanya Fowler |
$20.00 |
Dog Registration Refund - Deceased |
25552 |
8/01/2024 |
Team Global Express Pty Ltd |
$419.66 |
Courier Services For The City |
25553 |
8/01/2024 |
Telstra Limited |
$2,301.32 |
Girrawheen Hub Ethernet Service |
Phone Charges For The City |
25554 |
8/01/2024 |
Terravac Vacuum Excavation |
$3,007.49 |
Pre-Bollard Installation - Montebello Park Two Rocks |
25555 |
8/01/2024 |
The Royal Life Saving Society Australia |
$38,815.75 |
Completed Home Pool Barrier Inspections - November 2023 |
Supply And Install Pressure Gauge - Kingsway Splashpad |
25556 |
8/01/2024 |
Thyssen Elevator Australia Pty Ltd |
$8,519.51 |
Elevator Service - 6 Locations - Building Maintenance |
25557 |
8/01/2024 |
Trailer Parts Pty Ltd |
$416.11 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25558 |
8/01/2024 |
Tree Planting & Watering |
$146,947.24 |
Tree Watering Services For The City |
25559 |
8/01/2024 |
Triton Electrical Contractors Pty Ltd |
$330.00 |
Irrigation Repairs - Kingsway Sporting Complex |
25560 |
8/01/2024 |
Truck Centre WA Pty Ltd |
$3,697.71 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25561 |
8/01/2024 |
Ventura Home Group Pty Ltd |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25562 |
8/01/2024 |
Veolia Recycling & Recovery Pty Ltd |
$5,284.51 |
Refuse Disposal Services For The City |
25563 |
8/01/2024 |
Cancelled |
25564 |
8/01/2024 |
Viva Energy Australia Pty Ltd |
$111,687.11 |
Fuel Issues For The City |
25565 |
8/01/2024 |
WA Temporary Fencing Supplies |
$6,274.40 |
Fencing Hire - Da Vinci Park |
25566 |
8/01/2024 |
Wanneroo Central Bushfire Brigade |
$113.87 |
Reimbursement - Fuel |
25567 |
8/01/2024 |
Wanneroo Electric |
$2,029.50 |
Electrical Maintenance Services For The City |
25568 |
8/01/2024 |
Water Corporation |
$1,402.31 |
Water Supply Charges For The City |
25569 |
8/01/2024 |
West-Sure Group Pty Ltd |
$593.51 |
Cash Collection Services |
25570 |
8/01/2024 |
Western Australian Treasury Corporation |
$230,550.19 |
Guarantee Fee Payment - 01.07.2023 - 31.12.2023 |
25571 |
8/01/2024 |
Western Irrigation Pty Ltd |
$5,532.76 |
Irrigation Parts Replacement - Parks |
25572 |
8/01/2024 |
Western Power |
$177,421.00 |
Streetlight Installation - Hester Avenue Clarkson - Assets |
25573 |
8/01/2024 |
WEX Australia Pty Ltd |
$4,700.72 |
Fuel Issues - Wanneroo Fire Services |
25574 |
8/01/2024 |
Winc Australia Pty Limited |
$239.36 |
Stationery Purchases For The City |
25575 |
8/01/2024 |
Work Clobber |
$478.50 |
Staff Uniforms - Parks |
25576 |
8/01/2024 |
Workpower Incorporated |
$7,384.04 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25577 |
8/01/2024 |
Wrong Fuel Rescue Pty Ltd |
$659.65 |
Fuel Drain WN 34513 |
25578 |
8/01/2024 |
Your Home Builder WA |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25579 |
10/01/2024 |
Australia Post |
$25,386.63 |
Postage Charges For The City - Lodged |
25580 |
10/01/2024 |
Blue Force Pty Ltd |
$32,351.32 |
Progress Claim 1 - Design And Installation Of Security Access Control For The 24/7 Gym - Aquamotion |
25581 |
15/01/2024 |
Ms E Kane |
$24.80 |
Reimbursement - Milk For Staff Use At Civic Centre |
25582 |
15/01/2024 |
Ms J Nelson |
$81.64 |
Reimbursement - Fuel |
25589 |
16/01/2024 |
Australia Post |
$8,270.27 |
Monthly Charges For The City - December 2023 |
25590 |
16/01/2024 |
Bollig Design Group Ltd |
$3,467.75 |
Architectural Consultancy Services - Sports Amenities Building - Halesworth Park - Assets |
25591 |
16/01/2024 |
Hickey Constructions Pty Ltd |
$69,209.47 |
Progress Claim 5 & 6 - Accessible Ramp - Aquamotion |
25592 |
16/01/2024 |
Lions Club of Girradoola Inc trading as Lions Club of Girrawheen |
$6,000.00 |
Community Funding - Australia Day Breakfast 2024 |
25593 |
15/01/2024 |
Acurix Networks Pty Ltd |
$10,257.50 |
Licensing, Support, Category Based Content Filtering, Premium Portal |
25594 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$683.07 |
25595 |
15/01/2024 |
Alexander House of Flowers |
$115.00 |
Arrangement - Sympathy - S Graham Taylor - Office Of The Mayor |
25596 |
15/01/2024 |
Alinta Gas |
$136.75 |
Gas Supplies For The City |
25597 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$137.64 |
25598 |
15/01/2024 |
Allworks (WA) Pty Ltd |
$2,989.25 |
Heavy Equipment Hire For The City |
25599 |
15/01/2024 |
Alphazeta |
$5,500.00 |
Mechanical & Hydraulic Design - Building 3 - Ashby Operations Centre - Assets |
25600 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$1,960.07 |
25601 |
15/01/2024 |
Armaguard |
$647.47 |
Cash Collection Services For The City |
25602 |
15/01/2024 |
Ascon Survey and Drafting |
$6,765.00 |
A Spec Pick Up Off Track - Bernard & Viridian Parks - Assets |
25603 |
15/01/2024 |
Atlas Dry Cleaners |
$16.50 |
Laundry Services - Trees & Conservation |
25604 |
15/01/2024 |
Aussie Natural Spring Water |
$83.65 |
Water Deliveries - Yanchep Community Centre - Rangers |
25605 |
15/01/2024 |
Australian Airconditioning Services Pty Ltd |
$435.16 |
Airconditioning Maintenance Services For The City |
25606 |
15/01/2024 |
AV Truck Service Pty Ltd |
$277.27 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25607 |
15/01/2024 |
Avec Global Pty Ltd |
$4,764.38 |
Technical Specialist Support Services - Payroll |
25608 |
15/01/2024 |
Banksia Grove Development Nominees PL |
$850.00 |
Bond Refund – Discovery Park – Re-Issue Of Unpresented Cheque 00121074 |
25609 |
15/01/2024 |
BOC Limited |
$262.16 |
Gas Bottle Rentals For The City |
25610 |
15/01/2024 |
Boya Equipment |
$541.65 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25611 |
15/01/2024 |
Bridgestone Australia Limited |
$3,053.18 |
Tyre Fitting Services |
25612 |
15/01/2024 |
Bridgestone Australia Limited |
$8,630.63 |
Tyre Fitting Services |
25613 |
15/01/2024 |
Brownes Foods Operations Pty Limited |
$252.72 |
Supply And Delivery Of Milk To The City |
Supply And Delivery Of Milk To The City |
25614 |
15/01/2024 |
Bucher Municipal Pty Ltd |
$2,091.93 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25615 |
15/01/2024 |
Buildinglines |
$640.00 |
Refund - Development Application - Duplication |
25616 |
15/01/2024 |
Business News Pty Ltd |
$8,745.00 |
Full Page Advertorial - 27.11.2023 - Communications & Brand |
25617 |
15/01/2024 |
Car Care Motor Company Pty Ltd |
$2,163.65 |
Vehicle Services / Repairs |
25618 |
15/01/2024 |
Carramar Resources Industries |
$303.45 |
Disposal Of Rubble |
25619 |
15/01/2024 |
CG & GT Bouse |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25620 |
15/01/2024 |
Chillo Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning |
$473.00 |
Repair Fridge In Vehicle Shed - Clarkson Bushfire Brigade Office |
25621 |
15/01/2024 |
Chrysalis Quantity Surveying Pty Ltd |
$10,348.80 |
Construction Specialist Services - Alkimos Aquatic & Recreation Centre - Assets |
25622 |
15/01/2024 |
Cancelled |
25623 |
15/01/2024 |
Clark Equipment Sales Pty Ltd |
$173.66 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25624 |
15/01/2024 |
Clayton Utz |
$5,076.28 |
Legal Fees For The City |
25625 |
15/01/2024 |
Clean Sweep and Specialized Sweeping Services |
$823.77 |
Hire Of Road Sweeper - Badgerup Road Profiling |
25626 |
15/01/2024 |
Cleanaway Equipment Services Pty Ltd |
$503.80 |
Rental - Parts Washer - Workshop |
25627 |
15/01/2024 |
Clinipath Pathology |
$1,215.50 |
Medical Fees For The City |
25628 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$1,332.21 |
25629 |
15/01/2024 |
Commercial Door Hardware |
$3,557.18 |
Commercial Door Closers - Various Locations |
25630 |
15/01/2024 |
Community Greenwaste Recycling Pty Ltd |
$15,910.07 |
Waste Recycling - Badgerup Road |
Waste Recycling - Garden Park Verge Upgrade |
25631 |
15/01/2024 |
Complete Office Supplies Pty Ltd |
$94.07 |
Stationery For The City |
25632 |
15/01/2024 |
Complete Office Supplies Pty Ltd |
$2,028.88 |
Stationery For The City |
25633 |
15/01/2024 |
Contra-Flow Pty Ltd |
$11,105.28 |
Traffic Management Services - Various Locations |
25634 |
15/01/2024 |
Converge International Pty Ltd |
$2,468.40 |
Critical Incident Response - Work Health & Safety |
25635 |
15/01/2024 |
Corsign (WA) Pty Ltd |
$502.70 |
Sign - Kingsway Dog Park Closure Times - Parks |
25636 |
15/01/2024 |
Cr James Rowe |
$4,769.00 |
December Monthly Meeting Attendance Allowance, Deputy Mayor Meeting Allowance 2023 |
25637 |
15/01/2024 |
Craneswest (WA) Pty Ltd |
$139,599.56 |
Contamination Waste - Western GO Organics - Waste |
25638 |
15/01/2024 |
Critical Fire Protection & Training Pty Ltd |
$2,796.06 |
Repair - Fire Detection Equipment - Various Locations |
Monthly Fire Detection System Inspections - December 2023 - Building Maintenance |
25639 |
15/01/2024 |
Cromag Pty Ltd (Sigma Chemicals) |
$1,637.02 |
Pool Chemicals - Aquamotion |
25640 |
15/01/2024 |
Cummins South Pacific Pty Ltd |
$828.03 |
Subscription - Insite RSGR Industrial Pro - 2024 - Fleet |
25641 |
15/01/2024 |
Daniel Jones |
$62.35 |
Refund - Resident Paid For Wrong Service |
25642 |
15/01/2024 |
Data #3 Limited |
$576,285.76 |
Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Subscription |
25643 |
15/01/2024 |
Data Signs Pty Ltd |
$343.20 |
DS Live - VMS Trailer Subscription - Traffic Services |
25644 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$829.67 |
25645 |
15/01/2024 |
David Roy Cull |
$165.00 |
General Pest Services For The City |
25646 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$643.52 |
25647 |
15/01/2024 |
Destination Perth |
$220.00 |
Sunset Coast Famil - November 2023 |
25648 |
15/01/2024 |
Development Engineering Consultants |
$1,376.00 |
Refund - Development Application - Withdrawn |
25649 |
15/01/2024 |
DFP Recruitment Services |
$1,649.67 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25650 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$249.70 |
25651 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$406.75 |
25652 |
15/01/2024 |
Donut Waste Pty Ltd |
$1,160.00 |
DIY Plastic Free Workshops - Wanneroo Library |
25653 |
15/01/2024 |
Dowsing Group Pty Ltd |
$61,450.26 |
Concrete Works - Various Locations - Engineering |
Install Footpath - Scenic Drive - Assets |
Repair Asphalt - Gould Place - Engineering |
25654 |
15/01/2024 |
Drainflow Services Pty Ltd |
$35,525.54 |
Drain Cleaning / Road Sweeping Services |
25655 |
15/01/2024 |
Edge People Management |
$1,373.72 |
Return To Work Monitoring - Work Health & Safety |
25656 |
15/01/2024 |
Emerge Associates |
$1,537.80 |
Consultancy Services - Local Biodiversity Plan |
25657 |
15/01/2024 |
Environmental Industries Pty Ltd |
$87,195.24 |
Landscape Maintenance Works For The City |
25658 |
15/01/2024 |
Fleetspec Hire |
$8,259.58 |
Hire - Tilt-Tray Truck - Parks |
25659 |
15/01/2024 |
Focus Consulting WA Pty Ltd |
$30,250.00 |
Audit, Inspection & Visual Condition Assessment - Park & Path Lighting - Assets |
25660 |
15/01/2024 |
Frontline Fire & Rescue Equipment |
$962.50 |
Thorzt Sachets - Fire Services |
25661 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$168.02 |
25662 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$702.19 |
25663 |
15/01/2024 |
Garry Beplate |
$75.00 |
Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised |
25664 |
15/01/2024 |
Geoff's Tree Service Pty Ltd |
$51,271.86 |
Pruning Services For The City |
25665 |
15/01/2024 |
GPC Asia Pacific Pty Ltd |
$15.29 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25666 |
15/01/2024 |
Greenwood Party Hire |
$200.00 |
Hire 2 Stages - Clarkson Library |
25667 |
15/01/2024 |
Guardian Doors |
$299.20 |
Roller Door Inspection And Service - Various Locations |
25668 |
15/01/2024 |
Harmony Berentson |
$78.95 |
Refund - Extra Bin Collection - No Longer Required |
25669 |
15/01/2024 |
Hodge Collard Preston Unit Trust |
$3,025.00 |
Construction Tender - Heath Park Sports Amenities Building - Assets |
25670 |
15/01/2024 |
Hort With Heart |
$3,200.00 |
Guest Speaker - Sabrina Hahn - Girrawheen Library 12.10.2023 & Clarkson Library 28.10.2023 |
25671 |
15/01/2024 |
Hose Right |
$2,772.01 |
Vehicle Hoses - Fleet |
25672 |
15/01/2024 |
Insight Urbanism |
$1,540.00 |
Design Review Panel Attendance |
25673 |
15/01/2024 |
Integrity Industrial Pty Ltd |
$12,504.41 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25674 |
15/01/2024 |
Integrity Industrial Pty Ltd |
$18,608.24 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25675 |
15/01/2024 |
Integrity Staffing |
$5,966.72 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25676 |
15/01/2024 |
Intelife Group |
$53,811.27 |
BBQ Cleaning - December 2023 - Parks |
Bocce Sport Surfaces - Various Locations - Parks |
Car Cleaning - 6 Vehicles |
Sand Sifting - Wanneroo & Alkimos - December 2023 - Parks |
Slashing Program - Parks |
25677 |
15/01/2024 |
Interfire Agencies Pty Ltd |
$348.24 |
Fire Boots - Emergency Services |
25678 |
15/01/2024 |
Isentia Pty Ltd |
$1,787.50 |
Media Services Fee - 01.01.2024 - 31.01.2024 |
25679 |
15/01/2024 |
Ixom Operations Pty Ltd |
$2,130.22 |
Pool Chemicals - Aquamotion |
25680 |
15/01/2024 |
Jackson McDonald |
$2,200.00 |
Legal Fees For The City |
25681 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$525.95 |
25682 |
15/01/2024 |
James Bennett Pty Ltd |
$12,393.25 |
Book Purchases - Library Services |
25683 |
15/01/2024 |
James Hanlon |
$410.00 |
Reimbursement - Cost Of Repairs To Vehicle Damaged Waste Truck |
25684 |
15/01/2024 |
Japanese Truck & Bus Spares Pty Ltd |
$485.30 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25685 |
15/01/2024 |
Jessica Walsh-Jones |
$1,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25686 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$808.66 |
25687 |
15/01/2024 |
Jobfit Health Group Pty Ltd |
$1,507.00 |
Medical Fees For The City |
25688 |
15/01/2024 |
Kerb Direct Kerbing |
$23,889.51 |
Kerbing Works - Various Locations |
25689 |
15/01/2024 |
$8,250.00 |
Sponsorship - Perth Moto Festival 2023 - Communications & Brand |
25690 |
15/01/2024 |
Kiwi Community Events & Celebrations |
$5,000.00 |
Sponsorship - Waitangi Day Community Event |
25691 |
15/01/2024 |
Kleenit |
$2,315.71 |
Graffiti Removal Services For The City |
Pressure Cleaning - Playground Equipment - Delamare Park - Parks |
25692 |
15/01/2024 |
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Australia Pty Ltd |
$763.06 |
Image Charges - Print Room |
25693 |
15/01/2024 |
Landcare Weed Control |
$27,046.03 |
Weed Control - Euphorbia & Minor Spraying - November & December 2023 - Conservation |
25694 |
15/01/2024 |
Landscape and Maintenance Solutions Pty Ltd |
$99.00 |
Verge Maintenance - Bowline Avenue / Merchant Avenue |
25695 |
15/01/2024 |
Landscape Elements |
$578.16 |
Verge Tidy - Inverell Gardens - Parks |
25696 |
15/01/2024 |
LinkedIn Singapore Pte Ltd |
$41,558.00 |
Job Recruitment Services - 13.12.2023 - 12.12.2024 |
25697 |
15/01/2024 |
Living Turf |
$405.90 |
Conduct Soil Analysis On Supplied Samples For Compliance |
25698 |
15/01/2024 |
Local Government Professionals Australia WA |
$1,000.00 |
Registration - Customer Complaints Resolution Program - November 2023 - Customer Relations |
25699 |
15/01/2024 |
Major Motors |
$359.38 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25700 |
15/01/2024 |
McLeods |
$5,608.35 |
Legal Fees For The City |
25701 |
15/01/2024 |
MDM Entertainment Pty Ltd |
$2,048.66 |
Book Purchases - Library Services |
25702 |
15/01/2024 |
Medihire & Sales |
$240.00 |
Health & Safety Medical Equipment Hire |
25703 |
15/01/2024 |
Messages On Hold |
$830.04 |
Provision Of Audio Productions -30.12.2023 - 29.03.2024 |
25704 |
15/01/2024 |
Mindarie Regional Council |
$361,038.72 |
Refuse Disposal Charges For The City |
25705 |
15/01/2024 |
MNG Pty Ltd |
$38,692.50 |
Coastal Surveys - Northern Beaches October |
25706 |
15/01/2024 |
Morley Mower Centre |
$2,359.60 |
Edger, Cordless Chainsaw & Battery - Parks |
Honda GX120 Engine - Fleet |
25707 |
15/01/2024 |
Natural Area Holdings Pty Ltd |
$7,406.94 |
Brush Cutting & Hand Weeding - Nanovich Park - Conservation |
25708 |
15/01/2024 |
Nature Play WA |
$3,652.00 |
Phase 2 & 3 - Interactive Digital Play Trail Marketing And Promotional Support |
25709 |
15/01/2024 |
Navman Wireless Australia Pty Ltd |
$18.15 |
Solar Tracker Monthly Subscription |
25710 |
15/01/2024 |
Novus Autoglass |
$198.00 |
Repair Windscreen Chip - 2 Vehicles |
25711 |
15/01/2024 |
Nu-Trac Rural Contracting |
$5,976.52 |
Beach Cleaning & Waste Removal - Eden Beach & Quinns Beach - Engineering |
25712 |
15/01/2024 |
Nuturf |
$5,720.00 |
Hydrolink Advanced - Parks |
25713 |
15/01/2024 |
OCP Sales - Omnific Enterprises P/L |
$1,085.69 |
Two Way Radio Service - Aquamotion |
25714 |
15/01/2024 |
Office Of The Auditor General |
$111,749.00 |
Audit For The Year Ended 30 June 2023 |
25715 |
15/01/2024 |
Officeworks Superstores Pty Ltd |
$94.90 |
Markers, Pens & Easel Pad - Traffic Services |
25716 |
15/01/2024 |
Omnicom Media Group Australia Pty Ltd trading as Marketforce |
$4,284.89 |
Advertising Services For The City |
25717 |
15/01/2024 |
On Tap Services |
$7,883.13 |
Plumbing Maintenance For The City |
25718 |
15/01/2024 |
Outdoor World |
$8,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25719 |
15/01/2024 |
Paperbark Technologies Pty Ltd |
$902.32 |
Arboricultural Site Inspection - Mariginiup Fire Assistance |
25720 |
15/01/2024 |
Paperbark Technologies Pty Ltd |
$1,862.81 |
3 Arboricultural Tree Inspections - Mariginiup Fire |
25721 |
15/01/2024 |
Parks & Leisure Australia |
$44.00 |
WA Sam Kerr Technical Tour – 2 Attendees |
25722 |
15/01/2024 |
Perth Mum Adventures |
$315.00 |
Promotional Campaign - Festival Of Speed - Communications & Brand |
25723 |
15/01/2024 |
Perth Patio Magic Pty Ltd |
$5,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
25724 |
15/01/2024 |
Perth Playground And Rubber |
$1,963.50 |
Repair Softfall - Cinnabar Park |
25725 |
15/01/2024 |
Peter's Bus Charters |
$480.00 |
Transport - Yaberoo Budjara Trail Hike Participants - Yanchep National Park To Burns Beach Road |
25726 |
15/01/2024 |
Play Check |
$385.00 |
Comprehensive Playground Audit - Fisherman's Hollow |
25727 |
15/01/2024 |
Power Vac Pty Ltd |
$75.58 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25728 |
15/01/2024 |
Prestige Alarms |
$4,063.89 |
Alarm / CCTV Services For The City |
25729 |
15/01/2024 |
PS&L Group Pty Ltd trading as PSL Legal |
$4,400.00 |
Independent Investigation Consulting |
25730 |
15/01/2024 |
Public Libraries Western Australia Inc |
$153.78 |
Summer Reading Quest Stamps - Library Services |
25731 |
15/01/2024 |
Publik Group |
$4,077.25 |
Signage And Associated Works - Yanchep/Two Rocks |
25732 |
15/01/2024 |
Reliable Fencing WA Pty Ltd |
$23,132.99 |
Boardwalk Bollard Installation - Cinnabar Park |
Fence Installation - Coolamine Close / Stroud Court Sump |
Gate Repairs - Portofino's |
Repair Chain Gate - Manolas Park - Parks |
25733 |
15/01/2024 |
Richgro |
$226.60 |
Landscape Mix - Kingsway Sports |
25734 |
15/01/2024 |
Robert Walters Pty Ltd |
$8,204.46 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25735 |
15/01/2024 |
SAI Global Pty Limited |
$1,050.01 |
Auditing An Environmental Management System |
25736 |
15/01/2024 |
Sanpoint Pty Ltd ATF the Fiore Family Trust |
$317,762.78 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25737 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$1,280.99 |
25738 |
15/01/2024 |
School Sport Western Australia Incorporated |
$600.00 |
Participation Funding - 5 Members - The 16 Years And Under Football Soccer Championships In Canberra 10 - 15.09.2023 |
25739 |
15/01/2024 |
Shaun O'Hare |
$100.00 |
Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised |
25740 |
15/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$2,030.41 |
25741 |
15/01/2024 |
Sign Synergy Pty Ltd |
$847.00 |
Update Signage - Leschenaultia Room - Building Maintenance |
25742 |
15/01/2024 |
SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd |
$11,054.67 |
Spring Fauna BC Survey - Various Locations - Asset Planning |
25743 |
15/01/2024 |
Specialist Wholesalers Pty Ltd t/as Truckline |
$423.13 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25744 |
15/01/2024 |
SSB Pty Ltd |
$2.40 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25745 |
15/01/2024 |
St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd |
$4,846.03 |
First Aid Training / Supplies For The City |
25746 |
15/01/2024 |
Statewide Pump Services |
$11,990.00 |
Sewerage Pumps - Kingsway Indoors |
25747 |
15/01/2024 |
Superior Nominees Pty Ltd |
$108,198.79 |
Playground Equipment Repairs - Various Locations |
Playground Renewal - Fishermans Hollow - Assets |
25748 |
15/01/2024 |
Surf Life Saving WA Incorporated |
$83,535.03 |
Lifeguards - November 2023 |
25749 |
15/01/2024 |
Susan Etheridge |
$130.00 |
Counselling Services |
25750 |
15/01/2024 |
Switched Onto Safety |
$3,932.50 |
Annual Maintenance Fee - Chemwatch Goldffx & Smarter Suite Licence 2024 |
25751 |
15/01/2024 |
Synergy |
$96,312.50 |
Power Supplies For The City |
25752 |
15/01/2024 |
Tamara Witts |
$30.00 |
Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised |
25753 |
15/01/2024 |
Technology One Limited |
$9,768.00 |
Application Managed Service (AMS) Program -12 Month Draw Down Service |
25754 |
15/01/2024 |
Telstra Limited |
$37,612.64 |
Telecommunication Charges For The City |
25755 |
15/01/2024 |
Terravac Vacuum Excavation |
$1,192.13 |
Vacuum Excavate Trench To Relocate Irrigation Pipe - Las Ramblas Park |
25756 |
15/01/2024 |
The Hire Guys Wangara |
$369.50 |
Dingo Hire - Engineering |
25757 |
15/01/2024 |
The Marketing Room |
$2,904.00 |
Social Media Management - Discover Wanneroo |
25758 |
15/01/2024 |
The Royal Life Saving Society Australia |
$682.00 |
Reactive Maintenance - Revolution Park |
25759 |
15/01/2024 |
The Royal Life Saving Society Australia |
$617.10 |
Reactive Maintenance - Kingsway Splashpad - Parks |
25760 |
15/01/2024 |
Thi Nguyen |
$1,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25761 |
15/01/2024 |
Toro Australia Group Sales Pty Ltd |
$1,313.93 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25762 |
15/01/2024 |
Totally Workwear Joondalup |
$202.20 |
Uniform Issue - 1 Employee |
25763 |
15/01/2024 |
Trailer Parts Pty Ltd |
$158.29 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25764 |
15/01/2024 |
Triton Electrical Contractors Pty Ltd |
$2,384.80 |
Irrigation Electrical Works - Various Locations |
25765 |
15/01/2024 |
Turf Care WA Pty Ltd |
$6,272.98 |
Turfing Works For The City |
25766 |
15/01/2024 |
Two Rocks Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade |
$2,000.00 |
2023 Contribution - Two Rocks Youth In Emergency Services Cadet Unit |
25767 |
15/01/2024 |
Veolia Recycling & Recovery (Perth) Pty Ltd |
$66.87 |
Confidential Shredding Services |
25768 |
15/01/2024 |
Vinh Nguyen |
$200.00 |
Refund - 2 Candidate Refunds - 2023 Local Government Election |
25769 |
15/01/2024 |
Vocus Communications |
$495.00 |
Unlimited Internet Access - 7 Lagoon Drive - ICT |
25770 |
15/01/2024 |
WA Garage Doors Pty Ltd |
$2,970.00 |
Service Roller Doors - Building Maintenance |
25771 |
15/01/2024 |
WA Limestone Company |
$12,275.57 |
Limestone Product Supplies |
25772 |
15/01/2024 |
WA Limestone Contracting Pty Ltd |
$997,913.89 |
Mindarie Breakwater Management Works - Coastal Engineering |
25773 |
15/01/2024 |
Wanneroo Electric |
$10,960.24 |
Electrical Maintenance Works For The City |
25774 |
15/01/2024 |
Water Corporation |
$6,747.50 |
Water Supply Charges For The City |
25775 |
15/01/2024 |
West Coast 4x4 Recovery Pty Ltd |
$400.00 |
Water Truck Recovery - 03.01.2024 Edgar Griffiths Park |
25776 |
15/01/2024 |
West Coast Turf |
$1,078.00 |
Supply Topdress Sand - Assets |
25777 |
15/01/2024 |
Western Irrigation Pty Ltd |
$28,657.38 |
34 4G Modems - Parks |
25778 |
15/01/2024 |
Western Power |
$12,723.90 |
Install Streetlighting - Sovereign Drive Two Rocks - Assets |
Tree Cut - 570 Wattle Avenue Neerabup |
Tree Cut - 30 Tranquil Drive |
25779 |
15/01/2024 |
Westside BMX Club Inc |
$1,200.00 |
Participation Funding - 6 Members - The Auscycling BMX Racing National Championships 31.10.2023 - 05.11.2023 In Shepparton Victoria |
25780 |
15/01/2024 |
Wilson Security |
$1,634.87 |
Security Services For The City |
25781 |
15/01/2024 |
Winc Australia Pty Limited |
$116.83 |
Stationery Purchases For The City |
25782 |
15/01/2024 |
Windcave Pty Limited |
$253.00 |
Envisionware Card Payment Fee - Library Services |
25783 |
15/01/2024 |
Work Clobber |
$134.10 |
Safety Shoes - A Lockhart |
25784 |
15/01/2024 |
Workpower Incorporated |
$10,032.20 |
Tubestock Watering - 10 Locations - Assets |
25785 |
15/01/2024 |
Zetta Pty Ltd |
$68,277.38 |
Network Managed Services |
25786 |
18/01/2024 |
Endeavour Developments (WA) Pty Ltd |
$1,366,477.20 |
Public Open Space Acquisition – Carosa Road Ashby |
25787 |
22/01/2024 |
Ms A Coles |
$710.00 |
Reimbursement - GIA Membership Fee |
25788 |
22/01/2024 |
Ms C Lim |
$837.00 |
Reimbursement - CPA Membership Renewal 2024 |
25789 |
22/01/2024 |
Mr M Dickson |
$45.50 |
Reimbursement - Mobile Phone Protective Cover |
25790 |
22/01/2024 |
Ms P Augustin |
$710.00 |
Reimbursement - Governance Membership Fee |
25791 |
22/01/2024 |
Mr R Goulding |
$160.95 |
Reimbursement - Fuel - Vehicle Card Not Available |
25792 |
22/01/2024 |
Mr R Ellyard |
$16.36 |
Reimbursement - Parking Ticket - Meeting |
25793 |
22/01/2024 |
Mr T Wijesiri |
$837.00 |
Reimbursement - CPA Membership Renewal |
25804 |
22/01/2024 |
ABN Residential WA Pty Ltd |
$2,111.97 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25805 |
22/01/2024 |
Action Glass & Aluminium |
$901.78 |
Glazing Services For The City |
25806 |
22/01/2024 |
Advanced Lock & Key |
$154.00 |
2 Commercial Combination Padlocks - Stores |
25807 |
22/01/2024 |
Air Liquide Australia |
$390.72 |
Gas Cylinder Rental - Stores |
25808 |
22/01/2024 |
Alinta Gas |
$438.80 |
Gas Supply Charges For The City |
25809 |
22/01/2024 |
Alldin Pty Ltd |
$71,737.88 |
All Abilities Playground - Riverlinks Park |
25810 |
22/01/2024 |
Allworks (WA) Pty Ltd |
$13,904.55 |
Hire - Hitachi Tracked Excavator 2020 & Volvo L120F Loader 2022 |
25811 |
22/01/2024 |
Alphazeta |
$1,210.00 |
Fire Design Compliance Assessment - The Wanneroo Showgrounds |
25812 |
22/01/2024 |
Aquatic Services WA Pty Ltd |
$18,111.50 |
Investigate Chemical Dosing & Recirculation - Aquamotion |
Investigate Heat Exchanger - Aquamotion |
Monthly Pool Filtration System Service - 4 Months - Aquamotion |
Repair Soda Ash Mixer - Aquamotion |
25813 |
22/01/2024 |
Artref Pty Ltd |
$199.79 |
Ink Cartridges - Planning And Sustainability |
25814 |
22/01/2024 |
Ascon Survey and Drafting |
$3,416.88 |
Digital Ground Survey - Estrel Park Pony Club |
25815 |
22/01/2024 |
Atlas Dry Cleaners |
$1,129.04 |
Laundry Services - Fleet |
25816 |
22/01/2024 |
Atom Supply |
$277.27 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25817 |
22/01/2024 |
Australasian Performing Right Association |
$1,090.44 |
Quarterly Licence Fee Music In Fitness Classes |
25818 |
22/01/2024 |
Australian Airconditioning Services Pty Ltd |
$2,879.47 |
Air Conditioning Maintenance Services For The City |
25819 |
22/01/2024 |
Australian Laboratory Services Pty Ltd |
$648.83 |
Yellagonga Water Quality Monitoring Program 2023 |
25820 |
22/01/2024 |
Australian Services Union |
$291.50 |
Payroll Deductions |
25821 |
22/01/2024 |
Australian Taxation Office |
$689,405.00 |
Payroll Deductions |
25822 |
22/01/2024 |
Autism Swim |
$973.00 |
Autism Swim Registration And Renewal For The Wanneroo Aquamotion Swim School |
25823 |
22/01/2024 |
Autosmart North Metro Perth |
$327.80 |
Plus 10 Degreaser - Fleet |
25824 |
22/01/2024 |
BGC Concrete |
$675.84 |
Kerbmix - Various Locations - Engineering |
25825 |
22/01/2024 |
Biostat Engineering |
$1,948.76 |
Purchase New Dosing Unit Pump |
25826 |
22/01/2024 |
BOC Limited |
$12.54 |
Oxygen Medical C Size - Emergency Services |
25827 |
22/01/2024 |
Bollig Design Group Ltd |
$2,145.00 |
Design Consultancy Service - Accessible Ramp - Aquamotion |
25828 |
22/01/2024 |
Boya Equipment |
$1,322.76 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25829 |
22/01/2024 |
Bridgestone Australia Limited |
$1,317.87 |
Tyre Fitting Services For The City |
25830 |
22/01/2024 |
Brownes Foods Operations Pty Limited |
$447.12 |
Milk Deliveries For The City |
25831 |
22/01/2024 |
Business Station Incorporated |
$65.12 |
Allied Health Precinct - Boardroom Hire |
25832 |
22/01/2024 |
Caitlyn Caroleo |
$295.20 |
Refund – Hair Dressing Application & Inspection Fee – Withdrawn – Reissue Of Unpresented Cheque 00120483 |
25833 |
22/01/2024 |
Call Associates Pty Ltd trading as Connect Call Centre Services |
$7,153.58 |
After Hours Calls Service - December 2023 |
25834 |
22/01/2024 |
Car Care Motor Company Pty Ltd |
$2,383.28 |
Vehicle Service / Repairs |
25835 |
22/01/2024 |
Carroll & Richardson Flagworld Pty Ltd |
$3,118.30 |
Fabric Handwaver - Events |
25836 |
22/01/2024 |
Castledex |
$2,326.50 |
Height Adjustable Workstation - Single Desk - Compliance |
25837 |
22/01/2024 |
Castledine Gregory |
$7,896.90 |
Legal Fees For The City |
25838 |
22/01/2024 |
$244.00 |
Payroll Deductions |
25839 |
22/01/2024 |
Chemistry Centre WA |
$310.20 |
Rainwater Tank Testing - Mariginiup Fire Recovery - Rousset Road - Health Services |
25840 |
22/01/2024 |
Child Support Agency |
$2,528.47 |
Payroll Deductions |
25841 |
22/01/2024 |
City of Wanneroo |
$480.00 |
Payroll Deductions |
25842 |
22/01/2024 |
Civil Sciences and Engineering |
$21,648.00 |
Design - Boardwalk & Pergola Renewal - Queenscliff Park - Assets |
25843 |
22/01/2024 |
Civil Survey Solutions Pty Ltd |
$2,200.00 |
Civil Survey Solutions Licence Renewal 07.04.2024 - 07.04.2025 |
25844 |
22/01/2024 |
Clark Equipment Sales Pty Ltd |
$5,005.00 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25845 |
22/01/2024 |
Clean Sweep and Specialized Sweeping Services |
$6,117.80 |
Hire Of Road Sweeper - Badgerup Road Profiling |
25846 |
22/01/2024 |
Cleanaway Operations Pty Ltd |
$390.50 |
Grease Trap Service - Dalvik Park |
25847 |
22/01/2024 |
Closed Loop Environmental Solutions Pty Ltd |
$10,355.40 |
Reusable Cups - Education Promotion - Waste |
25848 |
22/01/2024 |
Commercial Aquatics Australia |
$605.00 |
Backwash Tank Pump Inspection - Aquamotion |
25849 |
22/01/2024 |
Complete Office Supplies Pty Ltd |
$1,116.53 |
Stationery For The City |
25850 |
22/01/2024 |
Contra-Flow Pty Ltd |
$14,104.34 |
Traffic Management Services For The City |
25851 |
22/01/2024 |
Converge International Pty Ltd |
$10,704.65 |
Critical Incident Management And Response (Trauma Assist) |
25852 |
22/01/2024 |
Corsign (WA) Pty Ltd |
$9,259.14 |
New Signage Installation - Ashby |
25853 |
22/01/2024 |
Couplers Malaga |
$15.15 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25854 |
22/01/2024 |
Craneswest (WA) Pty Ltd |
$26,287.16 |
Debris Removal - Various Locations |
Removal Of Green Waste - Motivation Drive - Waste Services |
25855 |
22/01/2024 |
Critical Fire Protection & Training Pty Ltd |
$4,467.46 |
Service Fire Detection Equipment And Extinguishers - Building Maintenance |
25856 |
22/01/2024 |
Cromag Pty Ltd (Sigma Chemicals) |
$1,868.42 |
Pool Chemicals & Photometer Tabs - Aquamotion |
25857 |
22/01/2024 |
CS Legal |
$38,126.40 |
Court Fees - Rating Services |
25858 |
22/01/2024 |
CW Brands Pty Ltd |
$1,045.44 |
Anchor Spot Survey White / Blue / Yellow, Anchormax New Cat Yellow, Duct Tape & Masking Tape - Stores |
25859 |
22/01/2024 |
Daimler Trucks Perth |
$1,101.85 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25860 |
22/01/2024 |
Danmar Homes Pty Ltd |
$2,100.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25861 |
22/01/2024 |
Data #3 Limited |
$80,454.53 |
Software Subscriptions - ICT |
25862 |
22/01/2024 |
Data Signs Pty Ltd |
$343.20 |
DS Live - VMS Trailer Subscription - Emergency Management |
25863 |
22/01/2024 |
David Neumann and Kate Neumann |
$802.00 |
Vehicle Crossing Subsidy |
25864 |
22/01/2024 |
David Roy Cull |
$1,929.40 |
Pest Control Services For The City |
25865 |
22/01/2024 |
Dell Australia Pty Ltd |
$375.49 |
Single Incident, Onsite Service Support Repair For Notebooks, Desktops, Tablets And All In Ones - ICT |
25866 |
22/01/2024 |
Department of Mines, Industry Regulation& Safety |
$97,206.27 |
Collection Agency Fee Payments 01.11.2023 - 30.11.2023 |
25867 |
22/01/2024 |
DFP Recruitment Services |
$1,690.91 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25868 |
22/01/2024 |
Double G (WA) Pty Ltd |
$7,396.06 |
Irrigation Repairs / Parts - Parks |
25869 |
22/01/2024 |
Dowsing Group Pty Ltd |
$98,956.01 |
Acrod Car Parking Bays - Kingsway Sporting Complex - Assets |
Concrete Works - Elegant Road & Routeburn Street |
25870 |
22/01/2024 |
Drainflow Services Pty Ltd |
$62,220.06 |
Drain Cleaning / Sweeping Services For The City |
25871 |
22/01/2024 |
Du Clene Pty Ltd |
$722.00 |
Cleaning Chairs - WLCC / Leschenaultia Room - Civic Centre |
25872 |
22/01/2024 |
EBSCO International Incorporated |
$0.00 |
Invoice And Credit Note - no payment made |
25873 |
22/01/2024 |
Ellie Rowe |
$250.00 |
Vehicle Crossing Subsidy |
25874 |
22/01/2024 |
Environmental Industries Pty Ltd |
$152,081.32 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25875 |
22/01/2024 |
EPM Partners Pty Ltd |
$1,980.00 |
EPM System Support - January 2024 - ICT |
25876 |
22/01/2024 |
Ergolink |
$273.00 |
Compact Wired Keyboard - Chalina Gibson |
25877 |
22/01/2024 |
Esri Australia |
$1,980.00 |
Training - Migrating From ArcMap To ArcGIS - 1 Attendee |
25878 |
22/01/2024 |
Essential First Choice Homes Pty Ltd |
$759.40 |
Refund - Building Application - Approved Over Statutory Time Frame |
25879 |
22/01/2024 |
Fleet Network |
$7,143.95 |
Payroll Deductions |
25880 |
22/01/2024 |
Flick Anticimex Pty Ltd |
$4,787.38 |
Provision Of Sanitary Waste Services - Various Locations |
25881 |
22/01/2024 |
Foxfish Pty Ltd t/as Binley Fencing |
$469.89 |
Temporary Fence Hire - Longford Park |
25882 |
22/01/2024 |
Freestyle Now |
$1,870.00 |
Coaching Jam Sessions - Two Rocks & Houghton Park - Youth Services |
25883 |
22/01/2024 |
Fusion Applications Pty Ltd |
$6,600.00 |
Consulting Fees For Oics Architecture - ICT |
25884 |
22/01/2024 |
Galt Geotechnics |
$3,630.00 |
Coastal Limestone Hazard Assessment - Yanchep Beach - Coastal Maintenance |
25885 |
22/01/2024 |
Geoff's Tree Service Pty Ltd |
$68,745.81 |
Pruning Services For The City |
25886 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$4,486.33 |
25887 |
22/01/2024 |
GPC Asia Pacific Pty Ltd |
$212.30 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25888 |
22/01/2024 |
GPS Linemarking |
$2,395.00 |
Boundary Marking - Soccer & AFL - Splendid Park |
Initial Survey Of New Fields - Halesworth Athletics Track Linemarking |
25889 |
22/01/2024 |
Green Options Pty Ltd |
$7,057.10 |
Rotary Mowing Active Parks |
25890 |
22/01/2024 |
Hare & Forbes Pty Ltd |
$595.00 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25891 |
22/01/2024 |
Heavy Automatics Pty Ltd |
$1,330.91 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25892 |
22/01/2024 |
Hickey Constructions Pty Ltd |
$517.00 |
Repair Broken Paving - Las Ramblas Park |
25893 |
22/01/2024 |
Holty's Hiab |
$1,650.00 |
Goal Removal For Repairs - Belhaven Park |
Reinstall Soccer Goals - Grandis Park |
Removal Of Limestone Plinth And Rocks - Kingsway Sports Complex |
25894 |
22/01/2024 |
Hydroquip Pumps & Irrigation Pty Ltd |
$4,605.70 |
Repair Lake Aerator - Brampton Park |
Supply And Install Of Clean Fill Sand To Trenches - Riverlinks Park |
25895 |
22/01/2024 |
Imagesource Digital Solutions |
$4,761.90 |
Bookshelf Signage - Library Services |
Marquee & Table Cover - Community Event - Aquamotion |
Signs - Free Youth Event |
25896 |
22/01/2024 |
Indecon Pty Ltd |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25897 |
22/01/2024 |
Integrity Industrial Pty Ltd |
$9,249.13 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25898 |
22/01/2024 |
Integrity Industrial Pty Ltd |
$4,027.90 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25899 |
22/01/2024 |
Integrity Staffing |
$3,586.75 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25900 |
22/01/2024 |
Intelife Group |
$24,159.39 |
Car Cleaning - 28 Vehicles |
Cleaning Services / Consumables For The City |
Sand Sifting - Rotary, Warradale & Broadview Parks & Warradale Community Centre - November 2023 |
25901 |
22/01/2024 |
Iron Mountain Australia Group Pty Ltd |
$5,407.89 |
Document Management Services - Information Management |
25902 |
22/01/2024 |
J Blackwood & Son Ltd |
$562.34 |
Pliers, Tea Bags & Respirator Kits - Stores |
25903 |
22/01/2024 |
Jackie Giglia |
$1,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25904 |
22/01/2024 |
James Bennett Pty Ltd |
$18,830.97 |
Book Purchases - Library Services |
25905 |
22/01/2024 |
James Thomlinson |
$1,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25906 |
22/01/2024 |
Janina Fahy |
$78.95 |
Refund - New Bin Request - Not Required |
25907 |
22/01/2024 |
Jobfit Health Group Pty Ltd |
$1,293.60 |
Medical Fees For The City |
25908 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$2,087.30 |
25909 |
22/01/2024 |
Jordan Dufall |
$26.50 |
Refund - Food Application And Registration Fees - Withdrawn |
25910 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$231.56 |
25911 |
22/01/2024 |
K & K Facility Services Pty Ltd |
$814.01 |
Pressure Cleaning - Wanneroo Youth Centre - Building Maintenance |
25912 |
22/01/2024 |
Kerb Direct Kerbing |
$3,922.16 |
Kerbing Works - Badgerup Road |
25913 |
22/01/2024 |
Kevin Atkinson |
$2,122.03 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
25914 |
22/01/2024 |
Khamis Tombe Laki Wani |
$350.00 |
Bond Refund |
25915 |
22/01/2024 |
Kishor Jethwa and Sangita Jethwa |
$802.00 |
Vehicle Crossing Subsidy |
25916 |
22/01/2024 |
Kleenit |
$8,331.25 |
Graffiti Removal Services For The City |
Pressure Washing - Monthly - Various Sites |
25917 |
22/01/2024 |
Komatsu Australia Pty Ltd |
$1,839.26 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25918 |
22/01/2024 |
L & T Venables Pty Ltd |
$45.94 |
Workshop Consumables - Fleet |
25919 |
22/01/2024 |
Land Surveys |
$21,648.00 |
Professional Surveying Services - Class B Utility Locating Survey |
25920 |
22/01/2024 |
Landcare Weed Control |
$47.03 |
Hand Weeding - Broadford Park - Parks |
25921 |
22/01/2024 |
Landgate |
$16,114.22 |
Gross Rental Valuations Chargeable Schedules |
25922 |
22/01/2024 |
Lawn Doctor Turf Solutions |
$56,186.13 |
Turfing Works For The City |
25923 |
22/01/2024 |
$207,290.60 |
Insurance - Workers Compensation - 30.06.2022 - 30.06.2023 |
Insurance - Workers Compensation - Performance Based Adjustment - 30.06.2019 - 30.06.2020 |
25924 |
22/01/2024 |
Living Turf |
$52,198.30 |
Turfing Works For The City |
25925 |
22/01/2024 |
M Power Health & Wellness |
$150.00 |
Sound Meditation Session - Aquamotion |
25926 |
22/01/2024 |
Major Motors |
$4,455.00 |
Modify Design To Increase Size Of Water Tank - Fleet |
25927 |
22/01/2024 |
Major Motors |
$3,067.79 |
Vehicle Spare Parts / Repairs |
25928 |
22/01/2024 |
Malibu Pools and Spas |
$110.00 |
Refund - Building Application - Approved Over Statutory Timeframe |
25929 |
22/01/2024 |
Mariam Megalaa |
$100.00 |
Bond Refund – Re-Issue Of Unpresented Cheque 00121036 |
25930 |
22/01/2024 |
Materon Investments WA Pty Ltd |
$482.41 |
Refund - Building Application - Approved Over Statutory Time Frame |
25931 |
22/01/2024 |
Mathew Clavi |
$30.00 |
Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised |
25932 |
22/01/2024 |
Maxxia Pty Ltd |
$6,868.21 |
Payroll Deductions |
25933 |
22/01/2024 |
McLeods |
$6,432.80 |
Legal Fees For The City |
25934 |
22/01/2024 |
Michael Page International (Australia)Pty Ltd |
$2,088.00 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25935 |
22/01/2024 |
Mindarie Regional Council |
$214,810.34 |
Refuse Disposal Charges For The City |
25936 |
22/01/2024 |
Miniquip Hire |
$10,986.80 |
Heavy Equipment Hire - Parks |
25937 |
22/01/2024 |
Modus Compliance Pty Ltd |
$880.00 |
Concept Design Advice - Wanneroo Showgrounds Canopy |
25938 |
22/01/2024 |
Monsterball Amusements & Hire |
$1,750.00 |
Hire - Spider Mountain & Operators - Hainsworth Open Day - School Holiday Program - January 2024 |
25939 |
22/01/2024 |
Nicola Butchers and Michael Butchers |
$802.00 |
Vehicle Crossing Subsidy |
25940 |
22/01/2024 |
Nido Duong |
$149.50 |
Hire Fee Refund |
25941 |
22/01/2024 |
Nu Pure Beverages |
$1,862.21 |
Bottled Water - Fire Services |
25942 |
22/01/2024 |
Nu-Trac Rural Contracting |
$8,467.83 |
Beach Cleaning - Shorehaven, Yanchep Lagoon & Alkimos Beach - 14 & 27 December 2023 |
25943 |
22/01/2024 |
Office Cleaning Experts |
$2,903.82 |
Cleaning Services To The City |
25944 |
22/01/2024 |
On Road Auto Electrics |
$681.65 |
Vehicle Electrical Works - Fleet |
25945 |
22/01/2024 |
On Tap Services |
$21,761.76 |
Plumbing Maintenance Works For The City |
25946 |
22/01/2024 |
Oracle Corporation Australia Pty Ltd |
$1,062.71 |
Oracle Cloud Integration Cloud Services |
25947 |
22/01/2024 |
Paperbark Technologies Pty Ltd |
$7,582.23 |
Arborist Reports - Various Locations - Parks |
25948 |
22/01/2024 |
Perth Heavy Tow |
$660.00 |
Towing Services - Fleet |
25949 |
22/01/2024 |
Peter Yanni |
$100.00 |
Bond Refund – Re-Issue Unpresented Cheque 00120378 |
25950 |
22/01/2024 |
Peter's Bus Charters |
$550.00 |
Bus Charter - Girrawheen Hub & Leederville To Go To Canning Vale Recycling Centre - Waste |
25951 |
22/01/2024 |
Planning Institute of Australia Limited |
$3,680.00 |
Training - Introduction To Planning - June 3 Day Course - 4 Attendees |
25952 |
22/01/2024 |
Platinum Locating Services |
$1,222.65 |
Location Of Services - Yellagonga Regional Park |
25953 |
22/01/2024 |
Platinum Window Tinting & Glass Repair |
$440.00 |
Install Polycarbonate Film To Bobcat Windscreen - Fleet |
25954 |
22/01/2024 |
Prestige Alarms |
$8,706.38 |
CCTV / Alarm Monitoring Services For The City |
25955 |
22/01/2024 |
Rain Bird (Australia) Pty Ltd |
$3,465.00 |
Supply & Install Of Rainbird LDI - Brampton Park |
25956 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$1,679.08 |
25957 |
22/01/2024 |
Rebecca Gillis and Nathan Gillis |
$802.00 |
Vehicle Crossing Subsidy |
25958 |
22/01/2024 |
Reliable Fencing WA Pty Ltd |
$4,852.11 |
Fencing / Gate Repairs - Various Locations - Parks |
Progress Claim 1 - Remove & Reinstate Fencing - Yellagonga Park - Assets |
25959 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$700.00 |
25960 |
22/01/2024 |
Richards Mining Services Pty Ltd |
$3,300.00 |
Training - Excavator Course - 3 Attendees - Engineering |
25961 |
22/01/2024 |
Robert Walters Pty Ltd |
$4,366.89 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
25962 |
22/01/2024 |
Robert Willis |
$9,625.00 |
Audit - Clarkson Butler Contribution Arrangement |
25963 |
22/01/2024 |
Rogers Axle & Spring Works Pty Ltd |
$354.20 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
25964 |
22/01/2024 |
Safety World |
$632.28 |
PPE / Uniform Issue - Waste Employees |
25965 |
22/01/2024 |
Sanax Medical And First Aid Supplies |
$1,139.96 |
Sunscreen - Stores |
25966 |
22/01/2024 |
Sanpoint Pty Ltd ATF the Fiore Family Trust |
$24,541.48 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
25967 |
22/01/2024 |
Seabreeze Landscape Supplies |
$19.00 |
Brickies Sand - Parks |
25968 |
22/01/2024 |
Seek Limited |
$12,218.81 |
Seek Job Ads - November / December 2023 |
25969 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$96.38 |
25970 |
22/01/2024 |
Sherril Lee |
$15.00 |
Dog Registration Refund - Sterilised |
25971 |
22/01/2024 |
Sherwood Flooring WA Pty Ltd (NEW) |
$106,996.50 |
Concrete Drilling - Kingsway Stadium - Assets |
Renew Sports Flooring & Remark Lines - Kingsway Stadium |
25972 |
22/01/2024 |
SJ McKee Maintenance Pty Ltd |
$2,409.00 |
Repair Works - Various Locations - Waste |
25973 |
22/01/2024 |
Smartsalary |
$4,760.35 |
Payroll Deductions |
25974 |
22/01/2024 |
SOLO Resource Recovery |
$160,755.35 |
Kerbside Bin Collection & Transport |
25975 |
22/01/2024 |
Specialist Wholesalers Pty Ltd t/as Truckline |
$570.90 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25976 |
22/01/2024 |
SSB Pty Ltd |
$794.20 |
Refund - Building Application - Approved Over Statutory Timeframe |
25977 |
22/01/2024 |
St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd |
$2,299.75 |
Event Health Services - Skate Jam & BMX Jam - Youth Services |
First Aid Training Services For The City |
25978 |
22/01/2024 |
Statewide Pump Services |
$385.00 |
Repair Sewer Pump Fault - Koondoola Community Centre |
25979 |
22/01/2024 |
Superior Nominees Pty Ltd |
$6,350.30 |
Basketball Stand - Anthony Waring Park - Assets |
Playground Repairs - Longford Park - Parks |
25980 |
22/01/2024 |
Supreme Shades Pty Ltd |
$770.00 |
Supply 2 Truck Tarps - Parks |
25981 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$190.70 |
25982 |
22/01/2024 |
Swan Towing Services |
$297.00 |
Vehicle Recovery - Cockman House - Parks |
25983 |
22/01/2024 |
Synergy |
$74,944.65 |
Power Supply Charges For The City |
25984 |
22/01/2024 |
Team Global Express Pty Ltd |
$191.05 |
Courier Services For The City |
25985 |
22/01/2024 |
Telstra Limited |
$7,566.08 |
Girrawheen Hub Ethernet Services |
Navman Services 08.01.2024 - 07.02.2024 |
25986 |
22/01/2024 |
Tenco Engineers Pty Ltd |
$1,980.00 |
Gazebo Structural Report - Hacienda Park - Parks |
25987 |
22/01/2024 |
The Local Government, Racing and Cemeteries Employees Union (WA) |
$1,298.00 |
Payroll Deductions |
25988 |
22/01/2024 |
The Pool Table Man |
$1,034.00 |
Re-Cloth 2 Pool Tables - Yanchep & Wanneroo Youth Centres - Youth Services |
25989 |
22/01/2024 |
The Royal Life Saving Society Australia |
$23,255.23 |
Pool Barrier Inspections - December 2023 - Compliance |
25990 |
22/01/2024 |
The Trustee for Osborne Park Unit Trust |
$159,995.12 |
New Vehicle Purchases - 4 Subaru Foresters - Fleet Assets $39,998.78 Each |
25991 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$2,762.46 |
25992 |
22/01/2024 |
The Trustee for UT Consulting Unit Trust |
$4,400.00 |
Consulting Services - Hearing Loop Audits 2023 |
25993 |
22/01/2024 |
The Trustee for Winter Family Trust |
$1,200.00 |
Participation Funding - 6 Members - The National Cheer & Dance Championships Melbourne 23 - 27.11.2023 |
25994 |
22/01/2024 |
TJ Depiazzi & Sons |
$21,558.13 |
Mulch - Mitchell Park Two Rocks |
25995 |
22/01/2024 |
Toro Australia Group Sales Pty Ltd |
$1,838.14 |
Small Plant Spare Parts |
25996 |
22/01/2024 |
Totally Workwear Joondalup |
$311.94 |
10ltr Water Cooler / Uniform / PPE Issue |
25997 |
22/01/2024 |
Trailer Parts Pty Ltd |
$321.79 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
25998 |
22/01/2024 |
Triton Electrical Contractors Pty Ltd |
$7,683.01 |
Irrigation Electrical Works - Various Locations |
25999 |
22/01/2024 |
Truck Centre WA Pty Ltd |
$8,672.50 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
26000 |
22/01/2024 |
Turf Care WA Pty Ltd |
$1,885.42 |
Application Only Of Council Supplied Eco Matchplay @ 250Kg/Ha Across Various Reserves |
26001 |
22/01/2024 |
Uniqco (WA) Pty Ltd |
$27,472.50 |
Fleet Operations Functional Services Review |
26002 |
22/01/2024 |
Urban Development Institute of Australia WA Division Incorporated |
$154.00 |
Credit Note Paid - Payment Was Refunded Via EFT |
26003 |
22/01/2024 |
Ventura Home Group Pty Ltd |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26004 |
22/01/2024 |
Vexel Pty Ltd |
$12,432.42 |
Supply Of Dog Waste Bags - Waste |
26005 |
22/01/2024 |
VTS – Vocational Training Services |
$210.60 |
Certificate IV In Leadership & Certificate IV In Business - Cluster 3 - 1 Attendee |
26006 |
22/01/2024 |
WA Library Supplies |
$534.36 |
Label Protectors - Cultural Development |
26007 |
22/01/2024 |
Wanneroo Agricultural Machinery |
$224.25 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
26008 |
22/01/2024 |
Wanneroo Business Association Incorporated |
$14,850.00 |
Sponsorship - 2023 / 2024 - Communications & Brand |
26009 |
22/01/2024 |
Wanneroo Electric |
$39,201.69 |
Electrical Maintenance Works For The City |
26010 |
22/01/2024 |
Wanneroo Fire Support Brigade |
$155.02 |
Reimbursement - Vehicle Parts |
26011 |
22/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$596.74 |
26012 |
22/01/2024 |
Water Corporation |
$9,054.45 |
Water Supply Charges For The City |
26013 |
22/01/2024 |
Wave International Pty Ltd |
$37,378.00 |
Professional Services - Neerabup Industrial Estate |
26014 |
22/01/2024 |
West Coast Turf |
$5,319.60 |
Lay Turf - Kingsway Soccer |
26015 |
22/01/2024 |
Western Irrigation Pty Ltd |
$844.01 |
Signal Relay Cube For Controller - Paloma Park |
26016 |
22/01/2024 |
Wilsons Sign Solutions |
$932.80 |
CEO Brass Name Plate |
New Councillor Name Plates, Pigeonholes And Honour Board |
26017 |
22/01/2024 |
Work Clobber |
$504.00 |
Uniform Issue - 1 Employee |
26018 |
22/01/2024 |
Wrenoil |
$16.50 |
Oil Waste Disposal - Motivation Drive - Waste Services |
26019 |
22/01/2024 |
Wurth Australia Pty Ltd |
$303.49 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
26020 |
22/01/2024 |
Zipform Pty Ltd |
$4,193.00 |
Mailout Archive Only - Rating Services |
Printing & Issue - 3rd Rates Instalment Notices - Rating Services |
26021 |
29/01/2024 |
Ms G Grime |
$103.97 |
Reimbursement - Making Heritage Education Resource - Wattle And Daub Frames |
26022 |
29/01/2024 |
Ms J Kallen |
$83.00 |
Reimbursement - Team Building Day - Staff Lunch |
26023 |
29/01/2024 |
Cancelled |
26024 |
29/01/2024 |
Mr P Hoole |
$20.05 |
Reimbursement - Refuelling Work Car - Not Near BP |
26037 |
29/01/2024 |
(A) Pod Pty Ltd |
$63,826.91 |
Progress Claim 9 - Detailed Design (Architectural) Services for Alkimos Aquatic & Recreation Centre |
26038 |
29/01/2024 |
101 Residential Pty Ltd |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26039 |
29/01/2024 |
ABM Landscaping |
$14,379.16 |
Paving Repairs - Various Locations |
26040 |
29/01/2024 |
ABN Residential WA Pty Ltd |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26041 |
29/01/2024 |
ABN Residential WA Pty Ltd |
$18,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
26042 |
29/01/2024 |
Adelphi Apparel |
$220.00 |
Uniform Issue - Rangers |
26043 |
29/01/2024 |
Alinta Gas |
$38.90 |
Gas Supplies For The City |
26044 |
29/01/2024 |
Animal Health Solutions Pty Ltd |
$668.14 |
Supplies - Animal Care Centre |
26045 |
29/01/2024 |
Ascon Survey and Drafting |
$2,512.40 |
As Constructed Surveying Of All Of The Minor Footpaths |
26046 |
29/01/2024 |
Australian Airconditioning Services Pty Ltd |
$2,436.78 |
Air Conditioning Maintenance Services For The City |
26047 |
29/01/2024 |
Aveling Homes Pty Ltd |
$22,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
26048 |
29/01/2024 |
Barry Lewis |
$50.00 |
Refund - Dog Registration Refund - Sterilisation |
26049 |
29/01/2024 |
BGC Concrete |
$1,426.70 |
Cement Mix - Various Locations - Engineering Maintenance |
26050 |
29/01/2024 |
Blueprint Homes (WA) Pty Ltd |
$6,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
26051 |
29/01/2024 |
Bollig Design Group Ltd |
$495.00 |
Professional Services - Gym Carpet & Electrical Upgrade |
26052 |
29/01/2024 |
Bollinger Automation |
$1,810.00 |
10 Animal Traps - Rangers |
26053 |
29/01/2024 |
Brendan Liam Leonard |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Funds |
26054 |
29/01/2024 |
Bridgestone Australia Limited |
$4,848.18 |
Tyre Fitting Services For The City |
26055 |
29/01/2024 |
Bring Couriers |
$1,409.58 |
Courier Services - Health |
26056 |
29/01/2024 |
Building & Construction Industry Training Board |
$16,980.77 |
Collection Agency Fee Payments - 01.12.2023 - 31.12.2023 |
26057 |
29/01/2024 |
Car Care (WA) Mindarie |
$1,595.00 |
Cleaning - Community Buses |
26058 |
29/01/2024 |
Car Care Motor Company Pty Ltd |
$55.01 |
Wiper Blade Replacement - WN 34388 - Fleet |
26059 |
29/01/2024 |
CDM Australia Pty Ltd |
$25,602.23 |
Professional Services - Level 3: Business Hours |
26060 |
29/01/2024 |
Chillo Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning |
$484.00 |
Fridge Repairs - Main Function Room - Quinns Mindarie Saving Club |
26061 |
29/01/2024 |
Chorus Australia Limited |
$604.50 |
Refund - Bond & Bus Booking - Cancelled |
26062 |
29/01/2024 |
Christopher and Melanie Meyers |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26063 |
29/01/2024 |
Civica Pty Ltd |
$1,782.00 |
Licence, Support And Maintenance - 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2024 |
26064 |
29/01/2024 |
Club Fiesta |
$55.00 |
Pop Up Dance Class - Club Fiesta |
26065 |
29/01/2024 |
Coca Cola Amatil Pty Ltd |
$434.69 |
Beverages - Kingsway |
26066 |
29/01/2024 |
Colin Stevenson |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26067 |
29/01/2024 |
Complete Office Supplies Pty Ltd |
$921.15 |
Stationery Purchases For The City |
26068 |
29/01/2024 |
Complete Office Supplies Pty Ltd |
$881.99 |
Stationery Purchases For The City |
26069 |
29/01/2024 |
Conplant Pty Ltd |
$3,196.60 |
Hire Multi Tyred Roller - Assets |
26070 |
29/01/2024 |
Contra-Flow Pty Ltd |
$14,722.98 |
Traffic Management Charges For The City |
26071 |
29/01/2024 |
Corsign (WA) Pty Ltd |
$5,520.35 |
Signs - Beach Signage & Accessories |
Signs - Replacement District - Various Locations |
Signs - Workman Symbol |
Street Name Plates |
26072 |
29/01/2024 |
Cr Paul Miles |
$856.36 |
Travel Expense Claim - November & December 2023 |
26073 |
29/01/2024 |
Critical Fire Protection & Training Pty Ltd |
$1,525.59 |
Fire Alarm Fault - Wanneroo Library & Cultural Centre - Assets Maintenance |
Fire Hydrant Service - Quinns Mindarie Surf Life Saving Club And Community Centre |
Fire Panel Investigation - Civic Centre |
26074 |
29/01/2024 |
Curtin University of Technology |
$8,250.00 |
2024 Curtin Ignition Program - 2 Scholarships |
26075 |
29/01/2024 |
Dale Alcock Homes Pty Ltd |
$14,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
26076 |
29/01/2024 |
Dario Juric and Thuy Bui |
$802.00 |
Vehicle Crossing Subsidy |
26077 |
29/01/2024 |
David Roy Cull |
$2,065.80 |
Pest Control Services For The City |
26078 |
29/01/2024 |
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development |
$1,519.25 |
Skeleton Weed Inspections & Treatment - 2021 / 2022 - Parks |
26079 |
29/01/2024 |
Department of Transport |
$993.70 |
Vehicle Ownership Search - Disclosure Of Information Fees |
26080 |
29/01/2024 |
DFP Recruitment Services |
$1,246.42 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
26081 |
29/01/2024 |
Dowsing Group Pty Ltd |
$2,150.96 |
Footpath Works - Trethowan Promenade - Engineering |
26082 |
29/01/2024 |
Drainflow Services Pty Ltd |
$78,108.63 |
Drain Cleaning / Road Sweeping Services For The City |
Cleaning Infiltration Chambers / Tanks - Various Locations |
Traffic Management Planning And Control - Nador Lane |
26083 |
29/01/2024 |
Eco Faeries Pty Ltd |
$1,400.00 |
Christmas Star Storytelling Sessions - Library Services |
26084 |
29/01/2024 |
Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd |
$2,939.20 |
Iron Filter Servicing - Various Locations |
26085 |
29/01/2024 |
Entire Land Care Pty Ltd |
$27,225.00 |
Mulching - Whitfield Park |
26086 |
29/01/2024 |
Environmental Industries Pty Ltd |
$31,843.01 |
Application Of Primo Max & Barricade - Various Locations |
26087 |
29/01/2024 |
Ergolink |
$496.60 |
Office Chair - Health |
26088 |
29/01/2024 |
Focus Consulting WA Pty Ltd |
$8,525.00 |
Electrical Consulting Services: Ridgewood Park Clubrooms Electrical Assessment - Due Diligence Investigations |
Electrical Consulting Services: Gumblossom Community Complex Electrical Infrastructure Design Review |
26089 |
29/01/2024 |
Foxfish Pty Ltd t/as Binley Fencing |
$408.54 |
Temporary Fencing - Yellagonga Regional Park - Assets |
26090 |
29/01/2024 |
Fusion Applications Pty Ltd |
$6,600.00 |
Consulting Fees For OICs Architecture - ICT |
26091 |
29/01/2024 |
Galt Geotechnics |
$9,240.00 |
Geotechnical Investigation And Report - Rotary Park |
26092 |
29/01/2024 |
Gemmill Homes Pty Ltd |
$100.30 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26093 |
29/01/2024 |
Geoff's Tree Service Pty Ltd |
$6,041.76 |
Pruning Services For The City |
26094 |
29/01/2024 |
GPC Asia Pacific Pty Ltd |
$16.28 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
26095 |
29/01/2024 |
Great Southern Fuels |
$1,435.28 |
Fuel Issues - Stores |
26096 |
29/01/2024 |
Groeneveld Lubrication Solutions Pty Ltd |
$619.47 |
Vehicle Spare Parts - Fleet |
26097 |
29/01/2024 |
Halpd Pty Ltd Trading As Affordable Living Homes |
$3,026.72 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
26098 |
29/01/2024 |
Hayden Blake |
$1,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26099 |
29/01/2024 |
Headset ERA |
$4,922.50 |
10 Headsets - Customer Relations |
26100 |
29/01/2024 |
Heatley Sales Pty Ltd |
$26.40 |
Lynch Pin - Stores |
26101 |
29/01/2024 |
Hello Perth |
$4,658.50 |
2024 Sunset Coast Map Advertising - Yanchep Lagoon - January - June |
26102 |
29/01/2024 |
Home Group WA Pty Ltd |
$10,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
26103 |
29/01/2024 |
Homecraft Textiles (WA) Pty Ltd |
$2,207.80 |
Fabric For Drapes - Wanneroo Festival - Events |
26104 |
29/01/2024 |
Horizon West Landscape Constructions |
$8,470.00 |
Construct Park Equipment - Bembridge Park - All Abilities Playground |
26105 |
29/01/2024 |
Hose Right |
$200.82 |
Repair Hose Reel - Fleet |
26106 |
29/01/2024 |
Ideal Homes Pty Ltd |
$4,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
26107 |
29/01/2024 |
Imagesource Digital Solutions |
$848.10 |
Printing - Summer Read Roster Signs |
Printing - Yanchep Play Trail Booklets & Flyers |
26108 |
29/01/2024 |
Integrity Industrial Pty Ltd |
$4,072.49 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
26109 |
29/01/2024 |
Integrity Staffing |
$1,737.53 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
26110 |
29/01/2024 |
Intelife Group |
$8,034.58 |
Sand Sifting - November & December |
26111 |
29/01/2024 |
Jeffery Electronics |
$14,124.00 |
Cloudmaster Monthly Modem Fees - December 2023 |
26112 |
29/01/2024 |
Jodie Aedy Freelance Graphic Designer |
$17,297.50 |
Graphic Design Services - Annual Report 2022 - 2023 |
Graphic Design Services - Corporate Business Plan 2023 / 2024 |
26113 |
29/01/2024 |
Josh Langley |
$900.00 |
Author Event - Summer Reading Quest - Your A Star Of Your World - 4 Sessions - Library Services |
26114 |
29/01/2024 |
Kelly Smith |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26115 |
29/01/2024 |
Kerb Direct Kerbing |
$15,088.34 |
Install Kerbing - Various Locations |
26116 |
29/01/2024 |
Kids Just Wanna Have Fun Amusement Hire |
$1,740.00 |
Arcade Games - Butler Community Centre - Youth Services |
26117 |
29/01/2024 |
Kleenit |
$2,436.02 |
Graffiti Removal & Play Equipment Cleaning - Various Locations |
26118 |
29/01/2024 |
Komatsu Australia Pty Ltd |
$2,002.18 |
Vehicle Repairs - Fleet |
26119 |
29/01/2024 |
Kyle Doig |
$1,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26120 |
29/01/2024 |
Kyocera Document Solutions |
$4,272.68 |
Printer Services For The City - Copy Charges |
26121 |
29/01/2024 |
Landcare Weed Control |
$9,155.59 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
26122 |
29/01/2024 |
Laundry Express |
$354.85 |
Laundry Services - Hospitality |
26123 |
29/01/2024 |
Lions Cancer Institute Incorporated |
$5,000.00 |
Donation - 50 Children & Their Carers To Attend The Special Children's Christmas Day Out 23.12.2023 |
26124 |
29/01/2024 |
Living Turf |
$8,731.80 |
Fertiliser - Proseries NPK |
26125 |
29/01/2024 |
Louvre Shade |
$1,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26126 |
29/01/2024 |
Lumify Group (formerly DDLS) |
$4,356.00 |
Training - Change Management Certification - 2 Attendees |
26127 |
29/01/2024 |
Major Motors |
$1,210.00 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
26128 |
29/01/2024 |
Major Motors |
$993.83 |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
26129 |
29/01/2024 |
Marino Salinas |
$100.00 |
Refund - Candidate Refund 2023 Government Election |
26130 |
29/01/2024 |
Mark Lowe and Rebecca Lowe |
$802.00 |
Vehicle Crossing Subsidy |
26131 |
29/01/2024 |
Materon Investments WA Pty Ltd |
$6,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
26132 |
29/01/2024 |
Mayank Verma |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26133 |
29/01/2024 |
McGees Property |
$4,345.00 |
Market Valuation Advice - 109 Pederick Road Neerabup - Property Services |
26134 |
29/01/2024 |
MDM Entertainment Pty Ltd |
$1,604.79 |
Library DVD Stock |
26135 |
29/01/2024 |
Medihire & Sales |
$150.00 |
Equipment Hire For The City |
26136 |
29/01/2024 |
Metrix Consulting Pty Ltd |
$11,000.00 |
Community Wellbeing Survey |
26137 |
29/01/2024 |
Michael Page International (Australia) Pty Ltd |
$2,609.99 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
26138 |
29/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$766.66 |
26139 |
29/01/2024 |
Mindarie Regional Council |
$242,376.51 |
Refuse Disposal Charges For The City |
Reimbursement Of Admin Expenses - January 2024 |
26140 |
29/01/2024 |
Modern Motor Trimmers |
$418.77 |
Seat Covers - Ford Ranger - WN 34159 |
26141 |
29/01/2024 |
Morley Mower Centre |
$390.33 |
Mower Spare Parts - Stores |
26142 |
29/01/2024 |
Naomi Kinsella |
$52.00 |
Refund - Junior Holiday Program - Cancelled Due To Low Enrolment Numbers |
26143 |
29/01/2024 |
Natasha Pollard |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26144 |
29/01/2024 |
Natural Area Holdings Pty Ltd |
$11,243.98 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
26145 |
29/01/2024 |
Nelson Mondlane |
$3,532.58 |
Urban Art Project - Wanneroo Skate Park Mural |
26146 |
29/01/2024 |
Nuturf |
$8,976.00 |
Fertiliser Products - Parks |
26147 |
29/01/2024 |
Nyungar Birdiyia (Australia) Pty Ltd |
$22,715.00 |
Consulting Fees Expenses - Noongar Naming Narrative Project |
26148 |
29/01/2024 |
Office Cleaning Experts |
$5,474.25 |
Cleaning Services For The City |
26149 |
29/01/2024 |
Omnicom Media Group Australia Pty Ltd trading as Marketforce |
$0.00 |
Advertising Services For The City |
26150 |
29/01/2024 |
On Road Auto Electrics |
$2,314.86 |
Vehicle Electrical Repairs - Fleet |
26151 |
29/01/2024 |
On Tap Services |
$5,064.01 |
Plumbing Maintenance Works For The City |
26152 |
29/01/2024 |
Parker Black & Forrest |
$864.78 |
Locking Services For The City |
Retractable Bollards Repair And Serviced - Kingsway |
26153 |
29/01/2024 |
Perth Heavy Tow |
$660.00 |
Towing Services - Waste Truck To Volvo Forrestfield |
26154 |
29/01/2024 |
Planning Institute of Australia Limited |
$1,045.00 |
Registration - The Balancing Act: Planning For Movement And Place For Urban Corridors - 3 Attendees |
Registration - Public Art Walk Tickets - 4 Attendees |
26155 |
29/01/2024 |
Precision Carpets Pty Ltd |
$20,927.51 |
Carpet Replacement - Ashby Waste Services |
26156 |
29/01/2024 |
Prestige Alarms |
$7,599.30 |
Alarm / CCTV Services For The City |
26157 |
29/01/2024 |
Rain Bird (Australia) Pty Ltd |
$11,661.10 |
Service Plan - Brighton Central Irrigation System Year 3 |
Service Plan - Kingsway Central Irrigation System Year 3 |
26158 |
29/01/2024 |
Redink Homes Pty Ltd |
$16,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
26159 |
29/01/2024 |
Reliable Fencing WA Pty Ltd |
$16,783.06 |
Repair / Replace Fencing – Various Locations |
26160 |
29/01/2024 |
Richgro |
$226.60 |
Landscape Mix - Parks |
26161 |
29/01/2024 |
Robert Walters Pty Ltd |
$5,028.54 |
Casual Labour Services For The City |
26162 |
29/01/2024 |
Royal Wolf Australia |
$1,446.33 |
Hire - Event Kiosk & 3m High Cube Pallet |
26163 |
29/01/2024 |
Safety Tactile Pave |
$2,115.41 |
Install Handrail With Sleeve To Footpath - Topsail Park |
Install Handrails With Sleeves To Pram Ramps - Topsail Loop |
26164 |
29/01/2024 |
Safety Tactile Pave |
$852.50 |
Installation Of U Rail Handrail - Hughie Edward Drive |
26165 |
29/01/2024 |
Safety World |
$1,351.13 |
Uniform Issue - Various Employees |
26166 |
29/01/2024 |
Samantha Stabler |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26167 |
29/01/2024 |
Sanpoint Pty Ltd ATF the Fiore Family Trust |
$8,906.70 |
Landscape Maintenance Services For The City |
26168 |
29/01/2024 |
Rates Refund |
$185.26 |
26169 |
29/01/2024 |
Site Sentry Pty Ltd |
$3,102.00 |
Site Sentry System Relocation - Kahana Park To Waterland Point - Community Safety |
26170 |
29/01/2024 |
SJ McKee Maintenance Pty Ltd |
$2,153.00 |
Repair Works - Various Locations - Waste |
26171 |
29/01/2024 |
Slater-Gartrell Sports |
$429.00 |
Replace Basketball Chain Net - Hinckley Park - Parks |
26172 |
29/01/2024 |
SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd |
$11,743.38 |
Spring Fauna Surveys - Black Cockatoo - 3 Locations |
26173 |
29/01/2024 |
Speedo Australia Pty Ltd |
$2,571.25 |
Infant & Junior Goggles - Aquamotion |
26174 |
29/01/2024 |
SSB Pty Ltd |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26175 |
29/01/2024 |
St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd |
$2,541.00 |
First Aid Training / Supplies For The City |
26176 |
29/01/2024 |
Steven Skinner |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
26177 |
29/01/2024 |
Storytime Pods Pty Ltd |
$1,892.00 |
Subscription - Era Books Online - Library Services |
26178 |
29/01/2024 |
StrataGreen |
$180.95 |
Super Turbo-Cut Saw |
26179 |
29/01/2024 |
Superior Nominees Pty Ltd |
$1,422.74 |
Playground Repairs - Various Locations |
26180 |
29/01/2024 |
Susan Etheridge |
$130.00 |
Counselling Services |
26181 |
29/01/2024 |
Synergy |
$671,574.90 |
Power Supplies For The City |
26182 |
29/01/2024 |
Tangent Nominees Pty Ltd (Atf The Summit Homes Group Trust) |
$12,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bonds |
26183 |
29/01/2024 |
Team Global Express Pty Ltd |
$232.19 |
Courier Services For The City |
26184 |
29/01/2024 |
Technology One Limited |
$9,768.00 |
AMS Program 01 - 29.02.2024 |
26185 |
29/01/2024 |
Telstra Limited |
$220.00 |
Phone Charges For The City |
26186 |
29/01/2024 |
The Trustee for BARRA CIVIL AND FENCING Trust |
$22,704.00 |
Manufacture, Supply And Install New Garrison Fencing And Gates - Carlow Way |
26187 |
29/01/2024 |
The Trustee for The Queensway Unit Trust |
$49,500.00 |
South Bund Landscaping & Survey - Lots 56 & 57 Queensway Road |
26188 |
29/01/2024 |
Totally Workwear Joondalup |
$1,474.20 |
Staff Uniforms - Various Employees |
26189 |
29/01/2024 |
Triton Electrical Contractors Pty Ltd |
$303.60 |
Irrigation Electrical Repairs - Various Locations |
26190 |
29/01/2024 |
Truck Centre WA Pty Ltd |
$1,433.72 |
Vehicle Repairs - Fleet |
Vehicle Spare Parts |
26191 |
29/01/2024 |
Urban Development Institute of Australia WA Division Incorporated |
$2,600.00 |
Registration - UDIA WA 2024 Annual Development Conference - Cr Huntley |
26192 |
29/01/2024 |
Wanneroo Agricultural Machinery |
$944.00 |
Service Tool Calibration & Spare Parts |
26193 |
29/01/2024 |
Wanneroo Electric |
$6,870.33 |
Electrical Maintenance Services For The City |
26194 |
29/01/2024 |
Wanneroo Fire Support Brigade |
$641.03 |
Reimbursement - Wanneroo Fire Support Bucket Hats |
26195 |
29/01/2024 |
Water Corporation |
$34,632.91 |
Water Supply Charges For The City |
26196 |
29/01/2024 |
West Coast Shade Pty Ltd |
$165.00 |
Re-Install Detached Shade Sail - Hudson Park |
26197 |
29/01/2024 |
Western Australian Local Government Association |
$11,270.00 |
Enrolment - Diploma Of Local Government - Elected Member - Cr Herridge |
Membership - Growth Alliance Perth And Peel 2023 / 2024 |
26198 |
29/01/2024 |
Western Irrigation Pty Ltd |
$2,134.47 |
Parts - Irrigation Controller Upgrade - Curtis Park |
26199 |
29/01/2024 |
Wilbro and Co Pty Ltd |
$3,355.00 |
Graffiti Remover - Building Maintenance |
26200 |
29/01/2024 |
Winc Australia Pty Limited |
$84.43 |
Stationery Purchases For The City |
26201 |
29/01/2024 |
Work Clobber |
$2,076.20 |
Staff Uniforms - Various Employees |
26202 |
29/01/2024 |
Your Home Builder WA |
$2,000.00 |
Refund - Street & Verge Bond |
Total EFT Payments |
$16,499,779.87 |
49 |
2/01/2024 |
CBA Corporate Card |
Mark Dickson |
49-01 |
23/12/2023 - Qantas Airways Limited - Flights PIA Conference May 2024 |
$756.70 |
Noelene Jennings |
49-02 |
08/12/2023 - Intuit*Mailchimp - Mailchimp For Wanneroo Wrap December 2023 |
$19.97 |
49-03 |
18/12/2023 - TFE Hotels - Accommodation - Acting Corporate Data Principal Specialist To Attend Business Conference In Canberra |
$906.95 |
49-04 |
19/12/2023 - Amazon Au Marketplace - Online Guide - The Standard For Project Management - Project Management Office |
$71.63 |
Rohan Klemm |
49-05 |
29/12/2023 - The Good Guys - General Materials - Gumblossom Community Centre |
$2,335.00 |
49-06 |
30/12/2023 - Appliances Online - General Materials - Gumblossom Community Centre |
$1,130.00 |
Harminder Singh |
49-07 |
01/12/2023 - Sec*Eianz - Webinar- Consultation On New National Environmental Laws |
$20.00 |
49-08 |
13/12/2023 - City Of Vincent - Parking Fees - Meeting |
$12.00 |
49-09 |
13/12/2023 - Institutepu - IPEWA Yearly Membership Renewal |
$330.00 |
49-10 |
19/12/2023 - Waste Management - Subscription Renewal 2024 Waste Management And Resource Recovery Association |
$2,268.11 |
49-11 |
21/12/2023 - Western Power - Alkimos Aquatic Recreation Centre Western Power Application |
$498.91 |
49-12 |
21/12/2023 - Booktopia Pty Ltd - Guide To Project Management |
$267.80 |
Total - CBA |
$8,617.07 |
50 |
2/01/2024 |
NAB Corporate Card |
50-01 |
Advocacy & Economic Development |
50-02 |
06/12/2023 -* R83G2Uj - Facet Tourism Event 13.12.2023 - 1 Attendee |
$39.14 |
50-03 |
06/12/2023 - Paypal - Facet - Membership 2024 |
$250.00 |
50-04 |
25/12/2023 - Localis.Co - Destination Perth Localis Membership - December 2023 |
$163.90 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Building Maintenance |
50-05 |
01/12/2023 - Bunnings - Floor Grate / Gloves - Community Buildings |
$28.26 |
50-06 |
01/12/2023 - Valspar Mindarie - Paint - Community Buildings |
$120.59 |
50-07 |
04/12/2023 - Bunnings - Lubricant |
$12.95 |
50-08 |
04/12/2023 - Bunnings - Treated Pine / Door Seals / Sealant - Community Buildings |
$74.80 |
50-09 |
04/12/2023 - Bunnings Utility Matting - BM Supervisors Utilities |
$214.00 |
50-10 |
04/12/2023 - SAS Locksmithing - Key Cutting - Corporate Buildings |
$42.00 |
50-11 |
04/12/2023 - Valspar Joondalup - Paint - Community Buildings |
$93.57 |
50-12 |
05/12/2023 - Bunnings - Caution Tape - Community Buildings |
$9.17 |
50-13 |
05/12/2023 - Bunnings - Paint / Paint Brushes / Roller Covers - Graffiti Removal - Community Buildings |
$185.21 |
50-14 |
05/12/2023 - Bunnings - PVC / Downpipe - Community Buildings |
$30.60 |
50-15 |
05/12/2023 - Lindan Pty Ltd - Custom Signage - Community Buildings |
$29.70 |
50-16 |
06/12/2023 - Bunnings - Adhesive / Bolts & Nuts / Mounting Tape - Community Buildings |
$75.39 |
50-17 |
06/12/2023 - Bunnings - Cleaner / Screws - Corporate Buildings |
$40.95 |
50-18 |
06/12/2023 - Bunnings - Handrail - Corporate Buildings |
$7.84 |
50-19 |
06/12/2023 - Bunnings - Ramplug / Screws / Wall Plugs - Community Buildings |
$113.51 |
50-20 |
06/12/2023 - Lams Oriental Supermarket - Windex Cleaner - Community Buildings |
$6.31 |
50-21 |
07/12/2023 - Bunnings - Silicone / Turpentine - Community Buildings |
$34.65 |
50-22 |
07/12/2023 - Valspar Joondalup - Sandpaper / Wood Filler - Community Buildings |
$30.28 |
50-23 |
08/12/2023 - Bunnings - Dressed Pine / Pine Dar - Community Buildings |
$47.58 |
50-24 |
08/12/2023 - Bunnings - Mounting Tape - Corporate Buildings |
$9.90 |
50-25 |
08/12/2023 - Bunnings - Pine - Community Buildings |
-$16.50 |
50-26 |
08/12/2023 - Officeworks - Office Chair - BM Tech Officer - Corporate Building |
$359.00 |
50-27 |
11/05/2023 - Bunnings - Toilet Seat |
$53.34 |
50-28 |
11/12/2023 - Bunnings - Melamine - Screw Caps - Corporate Buildings |
$35.11 |
50-29 |
11/12/2023 - Bunnings - Shower Rail |
$45.57 |
50-30 |
11/12/2023 - Bunnings - Toilet Seat - Community Buildings |
$17.78 |
50-31 |
11/12/2023 - Work Clobber - PPE - 1 Employee |
$220.32 |
50-32 |
12/12/2023 - Bunnings - Hooks - Community Buildings |
$12.78 |
50-33 |
12/12/2023 - Bunnings - Indicator Bolt - Community Buildings |
$50.76 |
50-34 |
12/12/2023 - Bunnings - Paint / Brushes - Community Buildings |
$331.21 |
50-35 |
12/12/2023 - Bunnings - Shower Rail - Community Buildings |
$148.83 |
50-36 |
12/12/2023 - Bunnings - Wrench / Chain - Community Buildings |
$22.48 |
50-37 |
13/12/2023 - Bunnings - Indicator Bolt - Community Buildings |
$22.29 |
50-38 |
13/12/2023 - Bunnings - MDF Moulding - Community Buildings |
$9.50 |
50-39 |
13/12/2023 - Bunnings - Rust Defence / Paint Primer / Brush - Corporate Buildings |
$111.10 |
50-40 |
13/12/2023 - Bunnings - Safety Glasses / Brushes / Tape - Community Buildings |
$62.44 |
50-41 |
13/12/2023 - Bunnings - Solarsmart Reflect - Community Buildings |
$52.64 |
50-42 |
13/12/2023 - Valspar Joondalup - Paint / Bucket - Community Buildings |
$167.71 |
50-43 |
15/12/2023 - Bunnings - Door Handle / Bolts & Nuts - Community Buildings |
$34.91 |
50-44 |
15/12/2023 - Officeworks - Security Card Holders - Corporate Buildings |
$200.00 |
50-45 |
15/12/2023 - Valspar Mindarie - Paint - Community Buildings |
$80.00 |
50-46 |
18/12/2023 - Bunnings - Flush Blockboard |
$437.57 |
50-47 |
18/12/2023 - Bunnings - Metal Paint |
$25.00 |
50-48 |
18/12/2023 - Bunnings - Putty Intergrain |
$33.49 |
50-49 |
19/12/2023 - Bunnings - Contact Adhesive |
$44.94 |
50-50 |
19/12/2023 - Bunnings - Contact Adhesive |
$32.20 |
50-51 |
19/12/2023 - Bunnings - Toilet Seat |
$88.00 |
50-52 |
19/12/2023 - Bunnings - Trowel Pointing |
$10.95 |
50-53 |
19/12/2023 - Calidad Industries - Opal Domes |
$829.40 |
50-54 |
19/12/2023 - Calidad Industries - Opal Domes |
$778.80 |
50-55 |
20/12/2023 - Bunnings - Protectant Car Mechanix |
$18.94 |
50-56 |
20/12/2023 - Bunnings - Screws Timber |
$57.78 |
50-57 |
20/12/2023 - Bunnings - Silicone Roof And Gutter |
$60.54 |
50-58 |
20/12/2023 - Bunnings - Tape Weatherproof |
$83.02 |
50-59 |
20/12/2024 - St John Ambulance - Training - 1st Aid - 3 Attendees |
$642.00 |
50-60 |
21/12/2023 - Barnetts Architectural Hardware - 3572 Primary Lock |
$250.40 |
50-61 |
21/12/2023 - Bunnings - Indicator Bolt |
$72.20 |
50-62 |
21/12/2023 - SAS Locksmithing - Code Cut Single Sided Key |
$27.00 |
50-63 |
21/12/2023 - SAS Locksmithing - Inshop Single Sided |
$247.98 |
50-64 |
21/12/2023 - Valspar Joondalup - Paint - Community Buildings |
$177.89 |
50-65 |
21/12/2023 - Valspar Joondalup - Paint - Community Buildings |
$277.94 |
50-66 |
22/12/2023 - Bunnings - Drill Bit |
$57.60 |
50-67 |
22/12/2023 - Bunnings - Mounting Tape Scotch |
$17.79 |
50-68 |
28/11/2023 - Bunnings - MDF Moulding - Community Buildings |
$44.48 |
50-69 |
28/11/2023 - Bunnings - Plywood / Screws - Community Buildings |
$191.86 |
50-70 |
28/11/2023 - Bunnings - PVC / Pipes / Cement |
$75.51 |
50-71 |
28/11/2023 - Bunnings - Rubber Mallet - Corporate Buildings |
$24.98 |
50-72 |
28/11/2023 - Bunnings - Silicone - Community Buildings |
$29.70 |
50-73 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-74 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-75 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-76 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-77 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-78 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-79 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-80 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-81 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-82 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-83 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-84 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-85 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-86 |
29/11/2023 - Bunnings - Adhesive - Community Buildings |
$53.79 |
50-87 |
29/11/2023 - Bunnings - Dressed Pine / Screws / Plasterbond - Corporate Buildings |
$76.27 |
50-88 |
29/11/2023 - Bunnings - Spraypaint / Padbolt / Screws - Community Buildings |
$76.76 |
50-89 |
30/11/2023 - Bunnings - Bracket Stand - Community Buildings |
$6.27 |
50-90 |
30/11/2023 - Bunnings - MDF Moulding - Corporate Buildings |
$15.40 |
50-91 |
30/11/2023 - Bunnings - Paint / Sealer - Community Buildings |
$230.74 |
50-92 |
30/11/2023 - Bunnings - PVC / Pipes - Community Buildings |
$40.18 |
50-93 |
30/11/2023 - Bunnings - Screw Batton / Countersink Bit - Community Buildings |
$21.26 |
50-94 |
30/11/2023 - Bunnings - Traps - Community Buildings |
$6.54 |
50-95 |
30/11/2023 - Sydney Tools Pty Ltd - Makita Combo Drill Kit - Corporate Buildings |
$694.00 |
Chief Bush Fire Control Officer |
50-96 |
08/12/2023 - Super Cheap Auto - Truck Wash |
$119.98 |
50-97 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Childhood & Youth Planning |
50-98 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Community & Place - Curatorial Services |
50-99 |
05/12/2023 - Sp Koori Curriculum - Museums Kids Space Resources - Kiya Doll And First Nations Puzzle |
$92.30 |
50-100 |
05/12/2023 - Paypal - Shipping - Lighting Kit For Object Photography |
$99.00 |
50-101 |
15/12/2023 - Blackbox AV - Handheld Speakers - Exhibit |
$501.29 |
50-102 |
17/12/2023 - Sq *Maalinup Aboriginal Group - 2 Books - Museum Education Resources |
$30.00 |
50-103 |
21/12/2023 - Modern Teaching Aids - Museum Exhibit - Education Resources |
$249.67 |
50-104 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Community & Place - Events |
50-105 |
01/12/2023 - Kmart - Event Materials - Christmas Fiesta |
$125.20 |
50-106 |
01/12/2023 - Kmart - Place Management - Materials For Events |
$108.80 |
50-107 |
01/12/2023 - Woolworths - Supplies For Christmas Fiesta |
$71.40 |
50-108 |
02/12/2023 - Puma Energy Wanneroo - Petrol For Events Van |
$152.55 |
50-109 |
02/12/2023 - Sushi Hiro - Catering - Contractors At Christmas Fiesta |
$196.95 |
50-110 |
06/12/2023 - Woolworths - Prizes - Christmas Function |
$185.00 |
50-111 |
07/12/2023 - Coles - Food - Christmas Function |
$336.00 |
50-112 |
11/12/2023 - Fibo 4 Pty. Ltd. - Place Management - Catering For Contractors At Christmas Fiesta |
$250.50 |
50-113 |
13/12/2023 - Tradies Workwear Pty Ltd - Protective Uniform For Events Staff |
$80.70 |
50-114 |
13/12/2023 - Tradies Workwear Pty Ltd - Protective Uniform For Events Staff |
$999.00 |
50-115 |
13/12/2023 - Woolworths - Materials For Christmas Function |
$111.00 |
50-116 |
14/12/2023 - Kmart - Materials For Christmas Function |
$9.00 |
50-117 |
14/12/2023 - Red Dot Stores - Equipment For Christmas Function |
$18.00 |
50-118 |
15/12/2023 - BWS - Ice - Christmas Function |
$80.00 |
50-119 |
15/12/2023 - Coles - Items - Christmas Function |
$143.50 |
50-120 |
15/12/2023 - Kmart - Materials - Events Season |
$60.00 |
50-121 |
15/12/2023 - Puma Energy Wanneroo - Ice - Christmas Function |
$120.00 |
50-122 |
15/12/2023 - Trophy Shop Australia - Student Citizenship Medal Insert |
$8.00 |
50-123 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-124 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-125 |
30/11/2023 - Bunnings - Place Management - Materials For Events |
$14.90 |
Community & Place - Media & Communications Services |
50-126 |
07/12/2023 - Sq *Imagesource Digital Services - Printing Expenses - Christmas Cards |
$544.50 |
50-127 |
13/12/2023 - Coles - Material Expenses - Wanneroo Way |
$100.00 |
50-128 |
20/12/2023 - Coles - Gift Card - Wanneroo Way Winner |
$100.00 |
50-129 |
25/12/2023 - Facebook Vbbdcwxae2 - Advertising Services |
$707.49 |
50-130 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Community & Place - Place Management |
50-131 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Community Development |
50-132 |
19/12/2023 - Wanneroo Smash Repairs - Bus Repair - Community Transport |
$500.00 |
50-133 |
21/12/2023 - City Of Stirling - Catering - Stakeholder Annual Forum |
$200.00 |
50-134 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-135 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Community History |
50-136 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-137 |
28/12/2023 - Org Fee - Advertising Subscription - Museum And Library Events |
$29.00 |
Community Safety & Emergency Management |
50-138 |
12/12/2023 - Officeworks - Credit - Targus Stylus Pen |
-$87.45 |
50-139 |
12/12/2023 - Officeworks - Stylus Pens |
$43.80 |
50-140 |
26/12/2023 - Reconyx - Covert Camera Sim |
$29.84 |
50-141 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-142 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-143 |
29/11/2023 - City Of Wanneroo - Development Application - Shed - 248 Countryside Drive |
$443.51 |
50-144 |
29/11/2023 - Officeworks - Tablet Stylus For Rangers |
$104.94 |
Construction Team |
50-145 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Council & Corporate Support - Hospitality |
50-146 |
04/12/2023 - Coles - In House Hospitality Requests - Induction Session 5, Volunteer Training Session, NWMDLG Meeting, Local Government CEO's Training And ICT Valuable Awards |
$30.40 |
50-147 |
04/12/2023 - Smp*Wanneroo Bakery - In House Hospitality Requests - Induction Session 5 |
$34.48 |
50-148 |
04/12/2023 - Smp*Wanneroo Fresh - In House Hospitality Requests - Induction Session 5, Volunteer Training Session, NWMDLG Meeting, Local Government CEO's Training |
$30.29 |
50-149 |
05/12/2023 - Coles - In House Hospitality Requests - Induction Session 5, Volunteer Training Session, NWMDLG Meeting, Local Government CEO's Training And ICT Valuable Awards |
$154.28 |
50-150 |
05/12/2023 - Wanneroo Fresh - In House Hospitality Requests - Induction Session 5, Volunteer Training Session, NWMDLG Meeting, Local Government CEO's Training And ICT Valuable Awards |
$54.17 |
50-151 |
07/12/2023 - Coles - In House Hospitality Requests - Local Government CEO Training |
$151.25 |
50-152 |
08/12/2023 - The Reject Shop - Purchase Of Items For Various Functions And Events For And When Required |
$31.00 |
50-153 |
11/12/2023 - Coles - Purchases - Dining Room |
$33.00 |
50-154 |
12/12/2023 - Coles - Purchases - Corp Strategy Meeting / Council Meeting |
$101.54 |
50-155 |
12/12/2023 - Smp*Wanneroo Fresh - Purchases - Corp Strat Meeting |
$36.64 |
50-156 |
13/12/2023 - Coles - Purchases - Corp Strat Meeting |
$13.00 |
50-157 |
19/12/2023 - Coles - In House Hospitality Requests - CRC Valuable Award And Noongar Naming Elders Meeting |
$168.90 |
50-158 |
19/12/2023 - Coles - In House Hospitality Requests - Recovery Centre |
$81.75 |
50-159 |
19/12/2023 - Smp*Wanneroo Fresh - In House Hospitality Requests - CRC Valuable Awards And Noongar Naming Elders Meeting |
$32.70 |
50-160 |
22/12/2023 - Coles - Milk For Staffrooms |
$12.40 |
50-161 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-162 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-163 |
30/11/2023 - EG Group - Fuel - Trucks For The Mayors Christmas Appeal |
$129.60 |
Cultural Exhibitions |
50-164 |
04/12/2023 - Flash Photbition - Exhibition Display Poster / Signage |
$57.09 |
50-165 |
04/12/2023 - Flash Photbition - Exhibition Display Poster / Signage |
$61.09 |
50-166 |
04/12/2023 - Flash Photbition - Exhibition Display Poster / Signage |
$33.13 |
50-167 |
06/12/2023 - Artists Foundation - Advertising Listing - Art Awards Call For Entries |
$165.00 |
50-168 |
07/12/2023 - Ticketek Pty Ltd Web - Promotional Ticket Giveaway For Brickman Cities |
$58.95 |
50-169 |
07/12/2023 - Ticketek Pty Ltd Web - Promotional Ticket Giveaway For Brickman Cities |
$58.95 |
50-170 |
11/12/2023 - Ticketek Pty Ltd Web - Promotional Ticket Giveaway For Brickman Cities |
$58.95 |
50-171 |
11/12/2023 - Ticketek Pty Ltd Web - Promotional Ticket Giveaway For Brickman Cities |
$58.95 |
50-172 |
13/12/2024 - - Art Project & Collection Management Software |
$386.52 |
50-173 |
28/09/2023 - Canva - Subscription - Advertising / Design |
$39.99 |
50-174 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Customer & Information Services |
50-176 |
01/12/2023 - Campaignmonitor - Subscription - December 2023 |
$1,264.23 |
50-177 |
01/12/2023 - Google*Cloud Gjb3M2 - Google Cloud Search Fee - Monthly Fee |
$124.44 |
50-178 |
02/12/2023 - Rezdy - Accelerate Plan - Rezdy Booking System Monthly Subscription Fee |
$176.54 |
50-179 |
10/12/2023 - Surveymonkeycore - Facilities Survey Monkey Standard Annual Renewal |
$312.00 |
50-180 |
12/12/2023 - Surveymonkeycore - Survey Monkey - City Main Account |
$384.00 |
50-181 |
16/12/2023 - Paypal - Canva Pro - Additional User Subscription |
$11.20 |
50-182 |
19/12/2023 - Paypal - Zoom One Promonthly - Quantity 2 |
$49.26 |
50-183 |
23/12/2023 - Paypal - Canva Pro - Period 23.12.2023 - 23.12.2024 |
$164.99 |
50-184 |
26/12/2023 - Paypal - Yumpu Subscription - Period 26-12-2023 - 25-01-2024 |
$38.38 |
50-185 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-186 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-187 |
28/12/2023 - Gethomesafe - Subscription - December 2023 |
$457.38 |
50-188 |
30/11/2023 - AP Wanneroo Post Shop - Mail Redirection - 1204 Wanneroo Road Wanneroo – Locked Bag 1 Wanneroo |
$1,414.00 |
50-189 |
30/11/2023 - Paypal - Charge Name: Zoom Onebusiness Monthly - Quantity 10 |
$307.89 |
Engineering Maintenance |
50-190 |
01/12/2023 - Sydney Tools Pty Ltd - Glasses / Socket Kit |
$183.95 |
50-191 |
05/12/2023 - Bunnings - Sprayer And Dustpan Set - Maintenance 05, Hex Key Set - Maintenance 11, Drill Bit Set, Shovels, Silicon And Padlocks - Maintenance 06 |
$308.81 |
50-192 |
07/12/2023 - JB Hi Fi Ocean Keys - Wireless Keyboard And Mouse - Maintenance 03 Laptop |
$45.00 |
50-193 |
11/12/2023 - Bunnings - Gumboots / Recip Blades / Dustpan / Steel Round Bar - Maintenance 04, Markers / Fence Posts - Maintenance 11 |
$253.44 |
50-194 |
12/12/2023 - Lindan Pty Ltd - PPE - Maintenance 04 |
$360.80 |
50-195 |
13/12/2023 - Bunnings - Dill Bit - Maintenance 09 |
$108.76 |
50-196 |
18/12/2023 - Nutrien Ag Solutions - 3 New Garden Bags - Maintenance 15 |
$46.33 |
50-197 |
18/12/2023 - Sydney Tools Pty Ltd - Blower Kit |
$1,146.95 |
50-198 |
20/12/2023 - Bunnings - Drill Bits / Morter / Ladder |
$282.73 |
50-199 |
20/12/2023 - Bunnings - Morter / Bucket |
$57.64 |
50-200 |
20/12/2023 - Jaycar Clarkson - Cords / Phone Holder - Eng Maint Trucks |
$77.80 |
50-201 |
21/12/2023 - Bunnings - Batteries - Portable Mouse / Keyboards - Laptops, Hasp / Staple - Office Filling Cabinet |
$23.44 |
50-202 |
21/12/2023 - Officeworks - Filling Draws |
$244.38 |
50-203 |
22/12/2023 - Bunnings - Tarp |
$84.98 |
50-204 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-205 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-206 |
29/11/2023 - Totally Workwear - Boots / Socks Due To Fire Ash / Water Damage |
$233.80 |
Fleet Maintenance |
50-207 |
06/12/2023 - Martins Trailer Parts - Jockey Wheel Tall No Clamp / Swivell Bracket / Clamp |
$197.35 |
50-208 |
14/12/2023 - Jaycar - Joondalup - Battery Lithium Button |
$31.25 |
50-209 |
14/12/2023 - Jaycar Malaga - Battery Lithium Button |
$20.85 |
50-210 |
14/12/2023 - Napa - CB Radio Rem Speakmic |
$360.80 |
50-211 |
14/12/2023 - Statewide Bearings - Bearing Ball |
$66.00 |
50-212 |
15/12/2023 - Statewide Bearings - Metric Ball Bearing |
$44.00 |
50-213 |
20/12/2023 - Martins Trailer Parts - Inner Bearing |
$163.94 |
50-214 |
21/12/2023 - JTB Spares - Antenna Only |
$41.50 |
50-215 |
21/12/2023 - Martins Trailer Parts - Pin & Nut / Grease / Brass Bush / Pin & Nut |
$114.49 |
50-216 |
21/12/2023 - Truckline Wangara - Vehicle Spare Parts |
$51.26 |
50-217 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-218 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-219 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-220 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-221 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-222 |
29/11/2023 - Martins Trailer Parts - Top Handle / Dust Cap / Me Hitch Pintal Hook & Ball |
$269.01 |
Health Services |
50-223 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Heritage Education |
50-224 |
02/12/2023 - Red Dot Stores - Containers - Anzac Museum In A Box - Saluting Their Service Department Of Veteran Affairs Grant |
$47.49 |
50-225 |
06/12/2023 - Food Safety - Food Supervisor Course - Three Heritage Education Officers Required To Run Food Activities For Programs |
$479.88 |
50-226 |
13/12/2023 - Officeworks - Craft Supplies - Wanneroo Museum School Holidays |
$88.03 |
50-227 |
28/11/2023 - Paypal - Noongar Wooden Animal Game - Wanneroo Museum |
$76.35 |
50-228 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Irrigation Maintenance |
50-229 |
13/12/2023 - Bunnings - Parts To Repair Pat Scafo Parks Iron Filter Enclosure |
$30.01 |
50-230 |
18/12/2023 - Ajar Enterprises Pty Ltd - Rubber Matting - The Supervisors Ute |
$294.15 |
50-231 |
18/12/2023 - Bunnings - Tool Replacement |
$69.98 |
50-232 |
21/12/2023 - Western Irrigation Pty - Irrigation Replacement |
$117.34 |
50-233 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Kingsway Indoor Stadium |
50-234 |
01/12/2023 - Facebook - Advertising |
$171.05 |
50-235 |
05/12/2023 - Coles - Cleaning Items |
$19.75 |
50-236 |
05/12/2023 - Coles - Junior Comp Finals |
$118.90 |
50-237 |
05/12/2023 - Coles - Water |
$86.95 |
50-238 |
06/12/2023 - 7 Eleven Darch - Ice |
$10.00 |
50-239 |
06/12/2023 - Bunnings - Rechargeable Batteries |
$83.38 |
50-240 |
06/12/2023 - Bunnings - Water Key |
$12.50 |
50-241 |
06/12/2023 - First Choice Variety - Party Treat Bags |
$60.00 |
50-242 |
08/12/2023 - Ambica Trading WA Pty Ltd - Pizza For Comp Finals |
$121.00 |
50-243 |
08/12/2023 - Ambica Trading WA Pty Ltd - Pizza For Comp Finals |
$122.00 |
50-244 |
08/12/2023 - Ambica Trading WA Pty Ltd - Pizza For Comp Finals |
$226.00 |
50-245 |
08/12/2023 - Woolworths - Junior Comp Finals |
$119.00 |
50-246 |
12/12/2023 - Coles - Catering - Gold Christmas Lunch |
$38.65 |
50-247 |
13/12/2023 - Darch Supa IGA - Catering Items - Christmas Lunch - Gold Program |
$7.78 |
50-248 |
18/12/2023 - Bunnings - Tools - Operational Use |
$27.98 |
50-249 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-250 |
30/11/2023 - Big W - Prizes - Gold Christmas Party |
$191.60 |
50-251 |
30/11/2023 - House In Whitfords - Raffle Prizes - Gold Program |
$29.98 |
50-252 |
30/11/2023 - Kmart - Raffle Prizes - Gold Program |
$35.00 |
Library Services |
50-253 |
01/12/2023 - My Post Business/Post - Interlibrary Loans - Postage |
$46.30 |
50-254 |
01/12/2023 - Two Rocks IGA - Milk |
$3.10 |
50-255 |
04/12/2023 - Amazon Au - Library Book Stock |
$18.19 |
50-256 |
04/12/2023 - Coles - Staff Milk Supply |
$4.50 |
50-257 |
04/12/2023 - Kmart - STEAM Club Supplies - Kitchen Scales And Batteries |
$15.50 |
50-258 |
04/12/2023 - Viverse Limited - Library Programs - Virtual Reality Software - Annual Charge |
$143.88 |
50-259 |
05/08/2023 - My Post Business/Post - Interlibrary Loan Postage |
$20.78 |
50-260 |
05/12/2023 - Coles - Catering - Library Programs - Meet The Author Talk |
$69.15 |
50-261 |
05/12/2023 - Kmart - Christmas Craft And Steam Club Program Supplies - Art And Craft Supplies |
$45.00 |
50-262 |
05/12/2023 - Kmart - Christmas Program Supplies - Adhesive Roll |
$4.00 |
50-263 |
05/12/2023 - SP JB Hi-Fi Online - General Materials – Laptops And Accessories - Capacity Builder – Grant Funded - Customer Use |
$4,235.74 |
50-264 |
05/12/2023 - - General Materials - Capacity Builder Program - Grant Funded |
$578.54 |
50-265 |
06/12/2023 - Ap Wanneroo Post Shop - Postage Of RFID Tags To Supplier |
$29.95 |
50-266 |
06/12/2023 - Kmart - Clarkson Library - General Materials - Iaap Supplies - Bubble Blowers And Batteries-Kmart |
$29.00 |
50-267 |
06/12/2023 - Quaylie Pty Ltd - Car Wash For BOW Van |
$50.00 |
50-268 |
07/12/2023 - Aldi Stores - Catering - Library Programs Writing Workshop - Patron Use |
$10.92 |
50-269 |
07/12/2023 - Bunnings - Under-Counter Lights Wanneroo Library |
$30.40 |
50-270 |
07/12/2023 - Camerahouse Online - General Materials - Capacity Builder Program - Grant Funded |
$1,499.00 |
50-271 |
07/12/2023 - Coles - Supplies For Christmas Program - Paper Towel |
$3.00 |
50-272 |
08/12/2023 - Bunnings - Plant - Gift For A Long Serving Volunteer Gift |
$34.98 |
50-273 |
08/12/2023 - Coles - Clarkson Library - General Materials - ECG Adult Program, Long Term Volunteers Farewell - Cake - Coles |
$18.00 |
50-274 |
08/12/2023 - Coles - Staff Milk Supply |
$4.50 |
50-275 |
08/12/2023 - Coles - Thank You Cards For Volunteers - Junior Program Volunteers |
$11.98 |
50-276 |
08/12/2023 - My Post Business/Post - Interlibrary Loans Postage |
$42.63 |
50-277 |
08/12/2023 - Quaylie Pty Ltd - Detailed Clean For BOW Van |
$110.00 |
50-278 |
08/12/2023 - Tickets - How To Facilitate - Training - Facilitating Author Talks |
$62.50 |
50-279 |
08/12/2023 - Two Rocks IGA - Milk |
$3.10 |
50-280 |
09/12/2022 - Kmart - Library Services - Project Materials |
$29.00 |
50-281 |
10/10/2023 - Sq *Amber Eiffler Books - Library Book Stock |
$169.96 |
50-282 |
11/12//2023 - Red Dot Stores - Craft Materials - IAAP - Christmas Session |
$4.00 |
50-283 |
12/12/2023 - Ticketek Pty Ltd Web - Advertising - Incentive Prizes - Library Programs - Summer Reading Quest |
$718.95 |
50-284 |
12/12/2023 - Wanewsdti - Library Newspapers - Wanneroo |
$144.00 |
50-285 |
13/12/2023 - Amazon Au - Library Book Stock |
$32.48 |
50-286 |
13/12/2023 - Red Dot Stores - Junior Library Program Materials - Craft Supplies |
$12.00 |
50-287 |
13/12/2023 - Ticketek Pty Ltd Web - Advertising - Incentive Prizes - Library Programs - Summer Reading Quest |
$883.95 |
50-288 |
13/12/2023 - Wanewsdti - Library Newspapers - Girrawheen |
$144.00 |
50-289 |
14/12/2023 - Coles - Staff Milk Supply |
$3.10 |
50-290 |
14/12/2023 - Ezi*Alia - Materials - Program Delivery - National Simultaneous Storytime Printed Merchandise |
$314.00 |
50-291 |
14/12/2023 - My Post Business/Post - Interlibrary Loans Postage |
$24.60 |
50-292 |
15/12/2023 - Tickets*Science Of Reading - Literacy Training Course - |
$112.12 |
50-293 |
16/12/2023 - My Post Business/Post - Interlibrary Loans Postage |
$14.21 |
50-294 |
16/12/2023 - My Post Business/Post - Interlibrary Loans Postage |
$24.60 |
50-295 |
18/12/2023 - Amazon Marketplace Au - Library Book Stock |
$27.62 |
50-296 |
18/12/2023 - Kmart - Materials - Family Literacy Programs – Christmas Prizes |
$85.25 |
50-297 |
18/12/2023 - Red Dot Stores - Program Materials - IAAP - Bubble Machine |
$12.99 |
50-298 |
18/12/2023 - Two Rocks IGA - Milk |
$3.10 |
50-299 |
19/12/2023 - Ed Resources Pty Ltd - IAAP Materials |
$244.81 |
50-300 |
19/12/2023 - Kmart - Materials - It’s All About Play |
$92.00 |
50-301 |
19/12/2023 - Kmart - Materials - Program Delivery Summer Reading Quest - Misc Craft Materials And Drawing Materials |
$24.00 |
50-302 |
19/12/2023 - Lams Oriental Supermarket - Catering - Christmas Carols |
$23.94 |
50-303 |
19/12/2023 - Lams Oriental Supermarket - Juice |
$27.38 |
50-304 |
19/12/2023 - Lams Oriental Supermarket - Juice |
$35.28 |
50-305 |
19/12/2023 - Modern Teaching Aids - IAAP Materials |
$299.77 |
50-306 |
19/12/2023 - Sp IQM Store - Learning Materials - It’s All About Play Program |
$137.85 |
50-307 |
20/12/2023 - Amazon Au - Library Book Stock |
$73.04 |
50-308 |
20/12/2023 - Coles - Staff Milk Supply |
$4.00 |
50-309 |
20/12/2023 - My Post Business/Post - Interlibrary Loans Postage |
$14.21 |
50-310 |
20/12/2023 - News Pty Limited - Library Newspapers |
$80.00 |
50-311 |
20/12/2023 - Viettown Girrawheen - Catering - Christmas Carols |
$92.37 |
50-312 |
20/12/2023 - Viettown Girrawheen - Catering - Girrawheen Library Christmas Event |
$237.51 |
50-313 |
21/12/2023 - Dymocks Online - Library Book Club Kit Replacement Item |
$37.98 |
50-314 |
21/12/2023 - Dymocks Online - Library Book Club Kit Replacement Item |
$34.98 |
50-315 |
21/12/2023 - Kmart - Books On Wheels Van - Accessory Holder For GPS |
$8.00 |
50-316 |
22/12/2023 - My Post Business/Post - Interlibrary Loans Postage |
$14.21 |
50-317 |
27/11/2023 - Lams Oriental Supermarket - Milk |
$5.29 |
50-318 |
27/12/2023 - Coles - Staff Milk Supply |
$3.10 |
50-319 |
27/12/2023 - Two Rocks IGA - Milk |
$3.10 |
50-320 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-321 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-322 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-323 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-324 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-325 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-326 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-327 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-328 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-329 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-330 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-331 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-332 |
29/11/2023 - Dymocks Online - Library Book Club Kits |
$1,349.59 |
50-333 |
29/11/2023 - JB Hi Fi Ocean Keys - Cable - Photocopier To Connect To Internet |
$19.00 |
50-334 |
29/11/2023 - Red Dot Stores - Craft Materials - Christmas Events |
$34.00 |
50-335 |
30/11/2023 - Big W - Envelopes - Volunteer Christmas Cards |
$20.00 |
50-336 |
30/11/2023 - Coles - Materials - Gelli Printing Event |
$6.00 |
50-337 |
30/11/2023 - Kmart - Letter Board - Library Displays |
$16.00 |
Parks & Conservation Management |
50-338 |
19/12/2023 - Coles Express - Fuel For Fleetspec Hire Tilt-Tray Truck - 1GRD 967 |
$192.89 |
50-339 |
19/12/2023 - Coles Express - Fuel For Fleetspec Hire Tilt-Tray Truck - 1HKI 088 |
$119.30 |
50-340 |
19/12/2023 - Work Clobber - Shirts - 2 Employees |
$281.55 |
50-341 |
22/12/2023 - Bunnings - Pesticide For Ants' Nests - Parks For Use |
$98.88 |
50-342 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-343 |
30/11/2023 - Coles Express - Diesel For Fleetspec Hire Truck - 1HKI 088 |
$174.09 |
Parks Maintenance |
50-344 |
04/12/2023 - Bunnings - Power Point Timers |
$63.16 |
50-345 |
04/12/2023 - Lindan Pty Ltd - Personal Protective Clothing - Parks North |
$326.70 |
50-346 |
07/12/2023 - Chrystal Pty Ltd - Valuable Awards Barbeque - Parks And Conservation Management |
$70.00 |
50-347 |
07/12/2023 - Woolworths - Valuable Awards Parks And Conservation Management |
$39.60 |
50-348 |
07/12/2023 - Woolworths - Valuable Awards Parks And Conservation Management |
$95.60 |
50-349 |
07/12/2023 - Woolworths - Valuable Awards Parks And Conservation Management |
$91.35 |
50-350 |
14/12/2023 - St John Ambulance Aust - Stingos Spray - One Per Operations Vehicle - Parks Operations South |
$94.70 |
50-351 |
21/12/2023 - Totally Workwear - Uniform - Safety Shoes |
$79.90 |
50-352 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-353 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-354 |
29/11/2023 - Bunnings Group Ltd - Supplies For 95376 - Socket / Adaptor For Edger Blades / Rake / Sprayers - General Horticulture / Cooler |
$179.71 |
People & Culture |
50-355 |
11/12/2023 - Kmart - Value-Able Awards |
$100.00 |
50-356 |
11/12/2023 - Kmart - Value-Able Awards |
$100.00 |
50-357 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-358 |
29/11/2023 - Coles Group Limited - Value-Able Awards |
$205.50 |
Property Services |
50-359 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Surveys |
50-360 |
03/12/2021 - Microsoft*Onedrive Standard - Microsoft 100gb Cloud Storage |
$3.00 |
50-361 |
04/12/2023 - Officeworks - High Sierra Approach Backpack |
$125.00 |
50-362 |
04/12/2023 - Repco - Magic Mount - Car Phone Holder |
$25.50 |
Traffic Services |
50-363 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Tree & Conservation Maintenance |
50-364 |
01/12/2023 - Bunnings - Chain / Clear Tube/ Tarp For Lemon Tree |
$205.95 |
50-365 |
01/12/2023 - Farmer Jacks Ashby - Catering - Turtle Tracking Event Snacks |
$33.55 |
50-366 |
06/12/2023 - Fire And Safety WA - Fill Up Hose Fittings - Water Trailer |
$143.44 |
50-367 |
07/12/2023 - United Petroleum Pty Ltd - Gas Bottle Refill - OPs Centre BBQ |
$35.00 |
50-368 |
08/12/2023 - Bunnings - Tools - Water Truck And Conservation Shed |
$59.78 |
50-369 |
13/12/2023 - Work Clobber - Uniform / PPE - 2 Employees |
$234.90 |
50-370 |
18/12/2023 - Think Water Wanneroo - Thinkwater Chainsaw Helmet |
$148.00 |
50-371 |
18/12/2023 - Work Clobber - Uniform / PPE - 2 Employees |
$444.60 |
50-372 |
21/12/2023 - Ezi*Stratagreen - Arbortabs, Tree Tie, Bamboo Stakes, Tree Guards |
$913.30 |
50-373 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-374 |
30/11/2023 - Work Clobber - Uniform / PPE - 2 Employees |
$771.90 |
Wanneroo Aquamotion |
50-375 |
04/12/2023 - Campaignmonitor - Campaign Subscription |
$141.90 |
50-376 |
06/12/2023 - AP Kingsway LPO - Postage - Speedo - Returns |
$1.39 |
50-377 |
06/12/2023 - Twilio Sendgrid - Email Credits - Advertising |
$177.47 |
50-378 |
07/12/2023 - Coles - Tea And Coffee - Aquarobics Nifty Fifties Christmas Morning Tea |
$24.40 |
50-379 |
08/12/2023 - Boc Limited - Medical C Oxygen |
$6.27 |
50-380 |
11/12/2023 - Anaconda - Gazebo 3X3 |
$398.00 |
50-381 |
11/12/2023 - Anaconda - Inflatable Boat - Swim School Safety Week Skills |
$88.99 |
50-382 |
11/12/2023 - Officeworks - Birthday Party Notice Banners |
$199.76 |
50-383 |
11/12/2023 - Red Dot Stores - Open Day Balloons |
$35.00 |
50-384 |
13/12/2023 - Facebook - Advertising - School Holiday Boost |
$3.19 |
50-385 |
14/12/2023 - Facebook - Advertising - School Holiday Boost |
$3.86 |
50-386 |
14/12/2023 - Kmart - Pool Noodles |
$114.00 |
50-387 |
20/12/2023 - Sp Finisaustralia - Flippers - In Swim School Lessons |
$811.00 |
50-388 |
22/12/2023 - SP Abacus Shop Fittings - Retail Size Dividers |
$31.15 |
50-389 |
27/12/2023 - Plineph Wanneroo Ctl - Ventolin - 1st Aid Kits |
$25.98 |
50-390 |
28/11/2023 - Bunnings - Tape Measure |
$36.90 |
50-391 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-392 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-393 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-394 |
30/11/2023 - Facebook - Advertising |
$8.08 |
50-395 |
30/11/2023 - Facebook - Advertising |
$233.28 |
50-396 |
30/11/2023 - Mitre 10 - Replacement Shower Curtains |
$41.80 |
Waste Services |
50-397 |
01/12/2023 - Bunnings - Chairs - Waste Staff And Events |
$448.20 |
50-398 |
01/12/2023 - CPP Council House - Parking Fees - MRC Members Waste Education Meeting |
$22.21 |
50-399 |
14/12/2023 - Bunnings - Replacement Of Damaged Plant By Waste Truck |
$153.90 |
50-400 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-401 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-402 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-403 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-404 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
Youth Services |
50-405 |
01/12/2023 - Officeworks - Materials - Niny Bidi |
$290.56 |
50-406 |
02/12/2023 - 7-Eleven - Materials - Youth Events - Christmas Fiesta |
$15.00 |
50-407 |
02/12/2023 - Spotify P27A19E14E - Family Account |
$20.99 |
50-408 |
03/01/2023 - Coles - Masking Tape |
$94.30 |
50-409 |
04/12/2023 - Bunnings Group Ltd - Giant Games |
$469.00 |
50-410 |
05/12/2023 - Big W - Clarkson - Kitchen Items |
$18.50 |
50-411 |
05/12/2023 - Bunnings - Materials - Youth Programs |
$19.78 |
50-412 |
05/12/2023 - Bunnings - Outreach Program - Wooden Boards For Urban Art Program |
$466.00 |
50-413 |
05/12/2023 - Coles - Food - Youth Programs |
$42.51 |
50-414 |
05/12/2023 - Coles - Food - Youth Programs |
$64.78 |
50-415 |
05/12/2023 - Kmart - Food - Youth Programs |
$45.00 |
50-416 |
05/12/2023 - Red Dot Stores - Acrylic Paint, Brushes, Pallets - Youth Team - Wanneroo Festival |
$384.85 |
50-417 |
06/12/2023 - 7-Eleven - Materials - Wanneroo Drop In |
$18.79 |
50-418 |
06/12/2023 - Bunnings - Materials |
$11.55 |
50-419 |
06/12/2023 - Coles - Food - Youth Services |
$88.90 |
50-420 |
06/12/2023 - Spudshed - Food - Wanneroo Drop In |
$73.66 |
50-421 |
07/12/2023 - Coles - Food - Wanneroo Drop In |
$52.95 |
50-422 |
07/12/2023 - Dominos - Food - Youth Services |
$87.00 |
50-423 |
07/12/2023 - Kmart - Materials - Wanneroo Drop In |
$51.00 |
50-424 |
07/12/2023 - Woolworths - Clarkson - Food |
$105.29 |
50-425 |
08/12/2023 - Amazon Marketplace Au - Skateboards Urban Art -Trailer Day - Splendid Park |
$200.28 |
50-426 |
08/12/2023 - Amazon Marketplace Au - Skateboards Urban Art -Trailer Day - Splendid Park |
$200.28 |
50-427 |
08/12/2023 - Amazon Marketplace Au - Skateboards Urban Art -Trailer Day - Splendid Park |
$200.28 |
50-428 |
12/12/2023 - Coles - Food - Youth Services |
$92.71 |
50-429 |
12/12/2023 - Coles - Food - Youth Programs |
$153.36 |
50-430 |
12/12/2023 - Coles - Food - Youth Programs |
$32.70 |
50-431 |
12/12/2023 - Dominos Estore Alexander - Hainsworth - Food |
$59.00 |
50-432 |
12/12/2023 - Dominos Estore Mindarie - Clarkson - Food |
$79.00 |
50-433 |
12/12/2023 - Officeworks - School Holidays - Birak Art Supplies |
$183.34 |
50-434 |
13/12/2023 - Bunnings - Materials - Youth Programs |
$3.42 |
50-435 |
13/12/2023 - Coles - Clarkson - Food |
$24.50 |
50-436 |
13/12/2023 - Dominos - Food - Wanneroo Drop In |
$86.00 |
50-437 |
13/12/2023 - Red Dot Stores - Clarkson - Art Materials |
$72.94 |
50-438 |
13/12/2023 - Spudshed - Food - Wanneroo Drop In |
$51.92 |
50-439 |
14/12/2023 - Coles - Food - Youth Services |
$44.50 |
50-440 |
14/12/2023 - Dominos - Pizza - Youth Programs |
$23.00 |
50-441 |
14/12/2023 - Kmart - Refund - Tie Dye Materials - School Holidays |
-$40.00 |
50-442 |
14/12/2023 - Kmart - Tie Dye Materials - School Holidays |
$127.00 |
50-443 |
19/12/2023 - Kmart - Prizes - Trailer Day - Aquamotion |
$34.00 |
50-444 |
21/12/2023 - Bunnings Group Ltd - Eskys |
$398.00 |
50-445 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-446 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-447 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-448 |
28/12/2023 - Annual Fee - Credit Card Fee - Paid Monthly |
$5.00 |
50-449 |
29/11/2023 - Coles - Clarkson - Food |
100.52 |
50-450 |
29/11/2023 - Kmart - Materials - Youth Events - Christmas Fiesta |
$78.50 |
50-451 |
30/11/2023 - Bunnings Group Ltd - Primer Spray - Youth Team - Wanneroo Festival |
$114.00 |
50-452 |
30/11/2023 - Coles - Food - Youth Programs |
$87.50 |
50-453 |
30/11/2023 - Coles - Food - Youth Services |
$41.70 |
50-454 |
30/11/2023 - Coles - Food - Youth Services |
$34.00 |
50-455 |
30/11/2023 - Kmart - Materials - Youth Events - Christmas Fiesta |
$73.40 |
50-456 |
30/11/2023 - Kmart - Materials - Youth Services |
$26.00 |
50-457 |
30/11/2023 - Spotlight - Materials - Youth Events - Christmas Fiesta |
$77.75 |
Total - NAB Credit Cards |
$57,437.02 |
124475 |
18.12.2023 |
SAI Global Pty Limited |
-$1,050.01 |
124472 |
18.12.2023 |
SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd |
-$11,054.67 |
Total - Cancelled Payments |
-$12,104.68 |
FA24-447 |
31.01.2024 |
Returned Reject Fees - EFTs |
$10.00 |
FA24-447 |
31.01.2024 |
FER Lodgement - January 2024 |
$3,757.50 |
FA24-447 |
31.01.2024 |
CBA Corporate Credit Card January 2024 - GL Correction |
-$8,617.07 |
Total - Journals |
-$4,849.57 |
Cell 1 |
POS Acquisition - Carosa Road |
$1,366,477.20 |
Office Auditor General - 2022 / 2023 Audit Payment |
$916.00 |
Cell 2 |
Office Auditor General - 2022 / 2023 Audit Payment |
$916.00 |
Cell 3 |
Office Auditor General - 2022 / 2023 Audit Payment |
$916.00 |
Cell 4 |
Office Auditor General - 2022 / 2023 Audit Payment |
$916.00 |
Castledene Gregory - Legal Fees |
$7,179.00 |
Cell 5 |
Office Auditor General - 2022 / 2023 Audit Payment |
$916.00 |
Cell 6 |
Swancolt Pty Ltd - Payment To Landowners - Not Previously Received An Historic POS |
$268,620.00 |
Office Auditor General - 2022 / 2023 Audit Payment |
$916.00 |
Cell 7 |
Office Auditor General - 2022 / 2023 Audit Payment |
$916.00 |
Cell 8 |
Office Auditor General - 2022 / 2023 Audit Payment |
$916.00 |
Cell 9 |
Office Auditor General - 2022 / 2023 Audit Payment |
$916.00 |
The Trustee for The Queensway Unit Trust - South Bund Landscaping & Survey |
$45,000.00 |
Total - TPS |
$1,695,520.20 |
General Fund Bank Account |
Payroll Payments January 2024 |
02.01.2024 |
$1,008.55 |
09.01.2024 |
$1,980,574.16 |
09.01.2024 |
$45,166.39 |
09.01.2024 |
$32,474.66 |
23.01.2024 |
$2,016,484.79 |
23.01.2024 |
$42,822.53 |
23.01.2024 |
$36.22 |
23.01.2024 |
$8,335.94 |
23.01.2024 |
$604.14 |
Total - Payroll |
$4,127,507.38 |
Total Muni Recoup |
$14,879,169.61 |
Direct Payments Total (Includes Payroll & Advance Recoup) |
$19,006,676.99 |
At the close of January 2024 outstanding creditors amounted to $3,134,428.80.
The list of payment (cheques and electronic transfers) and the end of month total of outstanding creditors for the month of January 2024 is presented to the Council for information and recording in the minutes of the meeting, as required by the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996.
Statutory Compliance
Regulation 13(1) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 requires a local government to list the accounts paid each month and total all outstanding creditors at the month end and present such information to the Council at its next Ordinary Meeting after each preparation. A further requirement of this Section is that the prepared list must be recorded in the minutes of the Council meeting.
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
7 ~ A well governed and managed City that makes informed decisions, provides strong community leadership and valued customer focused services
7.2 - Responsibly and ethically managed
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 7, we will accept a Medium level of risk as the City balances the capacity of the community to fund services through robust cost-benefit analysis and pursues evidence-based decision making to be effective stewards of the Council and City for future generations.
Risk Management Considerations
There are no existing Strategic or Corporate risks within the City's existing risk registers which relate to the issues contained in this report.
Policy Implications
Financial Implications
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That, in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, Council RECEIVES the list of payments drawn for the month of January 2024, as detailed in this report.
Attachments: Nil
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
Council & Corporate Support
File Ref: 14553V016 – 24/65691
Responsible Officer: Director Corporate Strategy & Performance
Attachments: 1
To consider the proposed policy for Electronic Attendance at Meetings (Policy).
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held 10 October 2023, Council resolved to defer Item CS04-10/23 ‘Electronic Attendance at Meetings’ as follows:
“Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Huntley
That Item CS04-10/23 be deferred to allow further consideration of the operational impacts of the proposed Policy.
For the motion: Mayor Aitken, Cr Coetzee, Cr Cvitan, Cr Herridge, Cr Huntley, Cr Rowe, Cr Smith and Cr Treby.
Against the motion: Cr Berry, Cr Miles and Cr Nguyen.”
The Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 (Regs) deal with Council Members’ electronic attendance at meetings.
The following information summarises these requirements and provides details including operational impacts in consideration of Council’s proposed Policy (Attachment 1).
The Regs identify that the types of meetings for which electronic attendance may be authorised are:
a) an ordinary meeting of the Council;
b) a special meeting of the Council;
c) a meeting of a committee of the Council; or
d) a meeting of an audit committee of a local government.
Whilst the above meetings (relevant meetings) are specifically provided for within the legislation, guidance for electronic attendance at Other Meetings and Group Meetings has also been included in the Policy.
Other meetings mean a Council Member Briefing Session, Workshop, Forum, Presentation, or any other meeting arranged to provide information to all Council or Committee Members. Group Meetings refer to a meeting of a working group, advisory group or community reference group, as established by Council.
The general principles of the Policy recognise the important role of Council Member decision-making and the necessary purpose that meetings have in this process. Further, the Policy highlights that meetings are primarily to be conducted as in-person and whenever possible, Members and Delegates will attend meetings in-person, rather than by electronic means.
Consideration of e-attendance
There are two reasons provided within the Regs that the Mayor or Council may consider authorising a Member to attend a relevant meeting electronically. These reasons are summarised below.
· Reason 1 - ‘a public health emergency or state of emergency exists or a natural disaster has occurred’ (Reg 14C(2)(a)(i) and (ii) and (iii)); or
· Reason 2 - ‘the Member is otherwise authorised to attend the meeting by electronic means by the Mayor or Council’ (Reg 14C(2)(b))
This Policy primarily deals with Reason 2, being ‘otherwise authorised’.
Based on previous feedback from Council Members, the following details have been included in the Policy:-
1. All requests for electronic attendance are to be in writing and submitted a minimum two full working days before the proposed meeting.
2. A list of circumstances for which electronic attendance at a meeting will be considered including:
i. Member is on a leave of absence previously granted by the Council; or
ii. Member/Delegate is unwell but makes a declaration they are fit to participate electronically; or
iii. Member/Delegate has a conflicting engagement; or
iv. Member/Delegate is located in a region outside of the Perth metropolitan area but still within Western Australia; or
v. Member/Delegate is intrastate, or is overseas.
3. Circumstances under which electronic attendance will not be supported.
4. A maximum number of three Members are permitted to attend a relevant meeting electronically, determined in order of receipt.
5. The provisions of the Policy are to apply generally to Other Meetings and Group Meetings, with exceptions as detailed.
6. The level of authority required to authorise electronic attendance at meetings differs dependent on the type of meeting (refer section 7 of the Policy).
In considering electronic attendance at a relevant meeting;
a) in accordance with Reg 14C(3), electronic attendance cannot be granted if it would result in the Member attending more than half of the meetings in the preceding 12 months (including the proposed meeting); and
b) Reg 14C(5) requires that the Mayor or Council must have regard to:
· whether the location from which the Member intends to attend the meeting, and
· the equipment that the Member intends to use to attend the meeting,
are suitable for the Member to be able to effectively engage in deliberations and communications during the meeting. Effective engagement has been defined within the Policy to mean maintaining a reliable connection with continuous and clear participation.
Administration will maintain a register of electronic attendance including the details of the date, type of meeting, reasons for authorisation being approved or declined and the number of times the Member has attended a meeting electronically.
Electronic Means Platform
The Mayor or Council are to determine the platform (means) of electronic attendance (Reg 14CA(2)).
‘Electronic means’ includes telephone, video conference or other means of instantaneous communication, as determined by the Mayor or Council.
Whilst attendance by telephone has been available for a number of years (subject to specific requirements), e-attendance by this means may present challenges with evidencing continued confidentiality and functional participation at a relevant meeting due to the necessity for ongoing verbal prompts (including voting). With advancement in video conferencing platforms, the Policy proposes that the electronic means of participation in a meeting is preferred to be via video conference. The Policy provides guidance on effective methodology to attend by video conference.
Reg 14 CA(5) requires that a ‘Member must not attend the meeting or the closed part of the meeting unless, before the meeting, or the part of the meeting, is closed, the Member declares that the Member can maintain confidentiality during the meeting or the closed part of the meeting (as the case requires)’.
If the Member makes the declaration and subsequently cannot maintain confidentiality, the Member must leave the meeting or the closed part of the meeting (Reg 14CA(6)). A Member’s declaration must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting (Reg 14CA(7)).
Holding a relevant meeting by electronic means
The Policy generally references the legislated requirements for holding a relevant meeting by electronic means (in contrast with individuals attending an in-person meeting electronically). It should be noted that the intent of the Policy is not to comprehensively encompass conducting a meeting electronically given the more prescriptive legislation governing such arrangement. However, the Policy may be used as guidance for this circumstance.
Operational Impact Considerations
Although the Local Government Act 1995 prescribes that certain policies must be adopted by Council, there is no legislated requirement for Council to adopt a Policy for electronic attendance at meetings.
Nonetheless, the benefit of a policy is that it clearly defines and sets expectations for all stakeholders and provides a source of reference. A policy would assist to facilitate a consistent and transparent approach to the receipt and approval of requests for electronic attendance, adherence to regulatory requirements and the expectations of Council in relation to equipment and location.
The policy was drafted as a result of feedback from Council Members, including that the policy was to provide criteria and circumstances that would be considered when deciding whether or not a Member would be authorised to attend a relevant (or other) meeting electronically, and under which determining authority.
Regardless of whether an adopted policy is in place, the specified requirements of legislation will continue to prevail for any request for e-attendance by a Member being:
Reg |
Summary |
14C(2)(a)(i) and (ii) and (iii)
14C(2)(b) |
A public health emergency or state of emergency exists or a natural disaster has occurred; or The Member is otherwise authorised to attend the meeting using electronic means by the Mayor or Council. |
14C(3) |
Electronic attendance cannot be granted if it would result in the Member attending more than half of the meetings in the preceding 12 months (including the proposed meeting) by electronic means. |
In considering the request, the Mayor or Council must have regard to · whether the location from which the Member intends to attend the meeting, and · the equipment that the Member intends to use to attend the meeting, are suitable for the Member to be able to effectively engage in deliberations and communications during the meeting. |
14CA(2) |
Electronic attendance includes telephone, video conference or other means of instantaneous communication, as determined by the Mayor or Council. |
14CA(5) |
The Member must not attend the meeting or the closed part of the meeting unless, before the meeting, or the part of the meeting, is closed, the Member declares that the Member can maintain confidentiality during the meeting or the closed part of the meeting (as the case requires) |
14CA(6) |
If the Member makes the declaration under subregulation (5) and subsequently cannot maintain confidentiality, the Member must leave the meeting or the closed part of the meeting. |
14CA(7) |
A Member’s declaration under subregulation (5) must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. |
To date under Reg 14C(2)(b), one Member has attended an Ordinary Council Meeting by electronic means using the Zoom platform. That e-attendance was authorised by Council for the meeting held 12 December 2023, and followed consideration of the responses provided by the Member against the criteria above. The request was presented during the Order of Business Item 1 “Attendances” and whilst Council considered the Members request in confidential session, the Member remained in the electronic ‘waiting room’ of the Zoom platform.
The result of the request was the Member was authorised by Council to attend the Ordinary Council Meeting by electronic means, and the Member made a declaration to maintain confidentiality in accordance with section 14CA(5).
Subsequently, the Council Member attended and participated in the meeting electronically.
If the proposed Policy is endorsed, it is recommended that a review be undertaken within 12 months to further assess the operational impacts of the policy.
Feedback has been received from Council Members during the development and drafting of the proposed Policy.
In accordance with the procedural motion to defer, Council Members are requested to consider the proposed Policy and the additional information provided in relation to the operational impacts.
If endorsed, the Administration will prepare the ‘Request for Electronic Attendance at a Meeting Form’ to reflect the Policy guidance for e-attendance.
Statutory Compliance
Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, and the Local Government Act 1995 5.25(1)(ba).
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
7 ~ A well governed and managed City that makes informed decisions, provides strong community leadership and valued customer focused services
7.1 - Clear direction and decision making
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 7, we will accept a Medium level of risk as the City balances the capacity of the community to fund services through robust cost-benefit analysis and pursues evidence-based decision making to be effective stewards of the Council and City for future generations.
Risk Management Considerations
There are no existing Strategic or Corporate risks within the City's existing risk registers which relate to the issues contained in this report.
Policy Implications
This report seeks consideration of a new Council Policy for ‘Electronic Attendance at Meetings’.
Financial Implications
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council APPROVES the Electronic Attendance at Meetings Policy as detailed in Attachment 1.
1⇩. |
Electronic Attendance at Meetings - Proposed Policy |
23/321154 |
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
4.13 Consideration of Minutes and Decisions of the Electors' Annual General Meeting held 5 February 2024
File Ref: 5153V02 – 24/56197
Responsible Officer: Director Corporate Strategy & Performance
Attachments: 1
To consider the Minutes and Decisions for the Electors’ Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 5 February 2024
Section 5.33(1) of the Local Government Act 1995 requires that all decisions made at an AGM are to be considered at the next Ordinary Council Meeting or, if that is not practicable, at the first Ordinary Council Meeting after that meeting or at a Special Council Meeting called for that purpose, whichever occurs first. The City of Wanneroo hosted an Electors’ Annual General Meeting on 5 February 2024.
There were 27 submissions of proposed motions received in writing prior to the AGM from the following electors:
Submitter |
Brief Summary of Proposed Motion |
Admin Ref. |
1 |
R Casey |
Tree canopy and heat mapping data |
24/33756 |
2 |
R Casey |
Combat Polyphagous shot-hole brer infestation |
24/34174 |
3 |
R Casey |
Street trees planted in the Urban Forest Strategy |
24/34284 |
4 |
D Newton |
Terms of reference - Festival & Cultural Events Committee |
24/34289 |
5 |
D Newton |
Amend demolition licence conditions |
24/34290 |
6 |
K Gollan |
Park area bordered by Wanneroo Road, Joondalup Drive, Sandilands Circuit |
24/34300 |
7 |
N Jaeger |
Tree canopy target |
24/35471 |
8 |
N Jaeger |
Urban forest officer appointment |
24/35454 |
9 |
N Jaeger |
Retention of mature trees on private property |
24/35451 |
10 |
Z Fulcher |
Electronic agenda and minutes |
24/37675 |
11 |
A Weatherill |
Elected Member event details made public |
24/37721 |
12 |
Z Fulcher |
Monthly list of Elected Member activities |
24/37745 |
13 |
Z Fulcher |
City’s Bushfire Risk Management Plan |
24/37748 |
14 |
S Jeffrey |
Hainsworth Park drainage action plan |
24/37817 |
15 |
Z Fulcher |
Anchorage Drive Mindarie traffic |
24/37822 |
16 |
Z Fulcher |
Traffic lights to Bluewater Drive Mindarie |
24/37823 |
17 |
A Weatherill |
Firebreak schedule |
24/37825 |
18 |
Z Fulcher |
Apology – Council Member complaint |
24/37666 |
19 |
Z Fulcher |
Council Member training |
24/37667 |
20 |
J Eames |
Meeting transcribing |
24/37661 |
21 |
Z Fulcher |
Social Media |
24/37665 |
22 |
Z Fulcher |
Funding for organisations |
24/37669 |
23 |
A Weatherill |
Publishing of agendas and minutes |
24/37657 |
24 |
A Weatherill |
Da Vinci Park lake in Tapping |
24/37671 |
25 |
D Newton |
Waste management for strata lots |
24/37742 |
26 |
G Healy |
Cost of living relief |
24/38709 |
27 |
R Casey |
AGM start time |
24/38210 |
All proposed motions were displayed on the public screen in the Council Chamber, to ensure that everyone present was clear about what they were voting on. The Presiding Person requested a mover and a seconder for each motion that was put to the Meeting.
The full details of the AGM proceedings are detailed in the Minutes of the meeting (refer Attachment 1). These Minutes were published on the City of Wanneroo website on Friday, 16 February 2024.
Decisions made at the Electors’ Annual General Meeting
All proposed motions were put to the vote. There were 22 motions were successfully carried and five motions that were lost.
In accordance with 5.33(2) of the Act -
If at a meeting of the Council a local government makes a decision in response to a decision made at an electors’ meeting, the reasons for the decision are to be recorded in the minutes of the Council meeting.
Council is requested to consider the decisions made at the AGM as detailed below and the Administration comments provided in response.
The recommendation contained at the end of this report provides decisions for Council’s consideration in respect to the decisions that were made at the Electors’ Meeting.
That the City urgently procures up-to-date tree canopy and heat mapping data. CARRIED
Votes For the Motion: 31 Votes Against the motion: 0 |
Administration Comment
The City’s Urban Forest Strategy (UFS) was approved in October 2022, and the data that informed the Strategy was from 2018, obtained from the Department of Planning, Lands & Heritage (DPLH). It is noted that the Strategy will be reviewed in 2026/27, and this review would be based on the updated data from DPLH at that time (noting that DPLH data is updated every 2 years).
It should be noted that the UFS data reflect both vegetation (less than 3m) and canopy (more than 3m); whilst the DPLH reporting only includes canopy data.
The City also uses the most up-to-date CSIRO urban heat island estimates for Australian capital cities.
The Strategy is a strategic and long-term document and minor variations in canopy cover and heat islands occur from year-to-year. The mapping and data in the UFS provide a baseline for data and images that is used to compare and analyse against updated data as it becomes available from the DPLH. The City is also currently participating in a long-term Australian Design Research Centre (UWA) study that will provide detailed area-specific urban heat island mapping which will inform the review of the UFS.
Decision 4.2
Votes For the Motion: 28 Votes Against the motion: 0
Administration Comment
That the City provides an annual report that identifies the number of street trees planted in each of the suburbs identified In the Urban Forrest Scheme as having under 5% canopy cover and the number of trees of the previous year’s planting that failed to survive.
Votes For the Motion: 32 Votes Against the motion: 0
Administration Comment
Some of the information in relation to the implementation of the Urban Forest Strategy (UFS) including the planting of trees by the City will be reported in future Annual Reports.
It is noted that in 2023, over 3,500 trees were planted by the City in key areas, with additional trees planted into key conservation rehabilitation sites.
Although the City does not formally report on the survival rate of trees planted, estimated tree losses are within industry standards.
During the current financial year, tree losses were higher than previous years due to the earlier onset of higher temperatures experience in September and October 2023.
Request change to terms of reference of the Festival and Cultural Events Committee.
Votes For the Motion: 21 Votes Against the motion: 0
Administration Comment
Following each ordinary local government election, the Terms of Reference for all Committee’s are presented to the relevant Committee for review. In accordance with this process, the Committee will review its Terms of Reference.
If any changes are considered necessary then the proposed Terms of Reference are then presented to Council. As this is an established Committee under the Local Government Act 1995, the Terms of Reference for the Committee may only be determined, amended, or annulled, by a resolution of Council.
Decision 4.5 Request amendment to demolition licence.
Votes For the Motion: 29 Votes Against the motion: 0
Administration Comment
A Demolition Permit is valid for 2 years from the day on which it was granted or such longer period that is approved on the application to extend the time during which the permit has effect. This is a provision of the Building Act under Section 32. The two-year period is therefore not a condition of the Demolition Permit but part of the Act.
If demolition is not completed within in the two-year period the Building Act also enables requests for further extensions of time to be granted. In dealing with building works and the state of a property the City has enforcement powers under the Local Government Act 1995 if the site is not left in a tidy state once a Demolition Permit has expired.
Decision 4.6 Redevelop park area bordered by Wanneroo Road-Joondalup Drive-Sandilands Circuit with more vegetation, paths and children’s play equipment.
Votes For the Motion: 26 Votes Against the motion: 0
Administration Comment
The land located around the southeast corner of Wanneroo Road/Joondalup Drive intersection is under the control of Main Roads WA (MRWA). The City maintains this land under the streetscapes maintenance arrangement with MRWA. Any upgrades at this location would need to be considered by MRWA. Administration will refer and request MRWA to consider this item.
That the City of Wanneroo commits to a tree canopy target nearer to 30% by 2040 supported by appropriate planning, policy changes, funding, monitoring and annual reporting.
Votes For the Motion: 32 Votes Against the motion: 0
Administration Comment
The City acknowledges the importance of tree canopy cover in the health of our communities, which is reflected by the fact that Council approved the City’s first Urban Forest Strategy in October 2022.
The Strategy was put in place with the acknowledgement that as a new Strategy, it will be further refined and updated, taking into account lessons learned through the implementation of the document.
The current Strategy reflects the fact that the City is a Growth Council, and unlike more established inner City Councils, should initially focus on increasing all suburbs to a minimum of 5% canopy cover and in major heat islands within these suburbs before progressing to a target range of 15-20% canopy coverage and beyond. The Strategy is due to be reviewed in 2026/27 and at that time, Council will determine future tree canopy targets.
That the Chief Executive Officer of the City of Wanneroo amends the workforce structure to include a position responsible for coordinating and managing all matters pertaining to the urban forest across the organisation.
Votes For the Motion: 20 Votes Against the motion: 0
Administration Comment
The City already employs officers responsible for the preparation, review overall coordination and implementation of the Urban Forest Strategy (UFS). The officers are in several teams across the organisation but closely coordinate on implementation.
That the City of Wanneroo investigates potential options to incentivise property owners to retain mature trees on their private property; and to plant shade trees that have the potential to grow to over 8m at maturity on their private property.
Votes For the Motion: 30 Votes Against the motion: 0
Administration Comment
The City’s Administration is currently investigating ways to increase tree protection on private land as well as a requirement for developers to plant street trees when land is subdivided. This has been included as an action to be investigated through the City’s Local Planning Strategy and new Local Planning Scheme No. 3.
As part of this, the City Administration is investigating the establishment of a Significant Tree Register and the City is liaising with other local governments through WALGA, which is currently considering drafting a standard or ‘model’ Local Planning Policy that could potentially be used by all local governments in the State.
In addition, the City is considering a potential update to its Local Planning Policy - Tree Preservation Policy 4.8 (which provides a mechanism to protect significant trees on vacant land, bushland and POS reserve), in order to align the Policy with the lessons learned from the implementation of the Urban Forest Strategy.
Decision 4.10 The City send agenda and minutes to Elected Members and City administration by electronic means and cease hard copies and courier.
Votes For the Motion: 13 Votes Against the motion: 11
Administration Comment
The City will continue to work towards reducing the need for printed material and investigate options to support all stakeholders to utilise electronic documentation wherever possible.
Decision 4.11 Elected Member event invitations be publicly available including value associated, after the event.
Votes For the Motion: 24 Votes Against the motion: 0
Administration Comment
Amongst, other things, it is the legal role of a Councillor to represent the interests of electors, ratepayers and residents of the district; as well as to facilitate communication between the community and the Council. In addition to those requirements, the Mayor is further legally responsible for carrying out civic and ceremonial duties on behalf of the local government. Attending relevant events which provide an avenue for interaction with the community and representation for the City, is one way to facilitate these aspects of a Council Members role.
Nonetheless, Section 5.90A of the Local Government Act 1995 requires that local governments must adopt an “Attendance at Events” policy as part of the Local Government’s Gifts Framework to ensure transparency and accountability in decision-making. The Council adopted such a policy in February 2020.
This policy applies to Council Members and the CEO in respect of their acceptance of invitations to events where it is offered at a discounted rate or free of charge, as part of a sponsorship agreement or paid for by the City of Wanneroo. The acceptance of this benefit (if not paid for by the local government) is considered a gift and is subject to the disclosure of interest provisions unless the event is detailed or is expressly approved under this policy.
Further Council Members and the CEO are statutorily obligated to disclose the receipt and acceptance of the gift or event invitation in accordance with Section 5.87A and 5.87B of the Act. There is no requirement for Council Members to publish every event invitation, including the value associated.
Therefore, the City has processes in place to manage the receipt and acceptance of event invitations received by Council Members and will continue to adhere to legislative and policy requirements.
Decision 4.12 That Council requires all Elected Members to complete a list of activities they have participated in during each month.
Votes For the Motion: 5 Votes Against the motion: 20 |
Administration Comment
Whilst this Motion was lost, the Administration provides the following information.
The role of Mayor and Councillors is outlined in sections 2.8 and 2.9 of the Local Government Act 1995. In fulfilling these roles, all Council Members take part in a variety of activities including, but not limited to, meetings, workshops, briefings, training, professional development, events, community engagement and so forth. Council adopts frameworks, policies, strategies and relevant codes to ensure that Council Members are fully informed in their decision-making role and aware of their obligations. All Council Member’s diligently maintain a busy schedule to meet the many expectations and requirements of their role.
Decision 4.13 Motion to review the City of Wanneroo's bushfire risk management plan.
Votes For the Motion: 23 Votes Against the motion: 0 |
Administration Comment
The City will review the City’s Bush Fire Risk Management Plan (BRM Plan) in accordance with the Office of Bushfire Risk Management’s instructions, which is due in May 2025, and will align with the Department of Fire and Emergency Services’ guidelines. The City will engage with the traditional land owners and Aboriginal knowledge holders who have an interest in bushfire risk management during the BRM Plan review and will ensure areas protected under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 are considered and managed appropriately.
Decision 4.14 Motion to Administration to review and action previous reports of the drainage issues at Hainsworth Park.
Votes For the Motion: 28 Votes Against the motion: 0
Administration Comment
The City’s contractor carried out cleaning and jetting of the existing drainage network on Rochford Way and Salcott Road during 2023 which removed a significant amount of debris.
The location will continue to be monitored during the winter months with additional jetting and cleaning works to be actioned as required.
Following monitoring, should it be determined that upgrade works are necessary, they will be listed in a future Capital works programme.
Decision 4.15 Traffic calming measures on Anchorage Drive Mindarie to prevent risk to life or serious injury.
Votes For the Motion: 21 Votes Against the motion: 0
Administration Comment
Anchorage Drive (North) has a school 40kph speed zone between Marmion Avenue and Bayfield Crescent for the entire length past the three schools. Two Warden Controlled Crossings are provided along this length of the road to provide a safe environment for the school pupils to cross the road.
The City is likely to schedule the modifications to the intersection of Anchorage Drive North and Salerno Drive in the second half of 2024/25 to further improve safety in the area.
Decision 4.16 Traffic lights to be installed on Bluewater Drive onto Marmion Avenue to ease congestion and to improve safety to drivers and pedestrians.
Votes For the Motion: 11 Votes Against the motion: 10
Administration Comment
Marmion Avenue is managed by Main Roads WA. On 31st October 2023, the State Transport Minister announced that the speed limit along this section of Marmion Avenue would be reduced to 70kph and that traffic signals would be installed at this intersection.
Decision 4.17 Firebreak schedule to be enforced, maintained and published by suburb.
Votes For the Motion: 10 Votes Against the motion: 10 |
Administration Comment
Whilst this Motion was lost, the Administration provides the following information.
The maintenance of firebreaks is the responsibility of the property owner. The City’s Firebreak Inspection Program commences annually on the 1 November and can take up to three months to complete.
Fire Mitigation Notices are sent out with the Rates Notices to all property owners within the City of Wanneroo to advise that firebreak inspections will commence on 1 November. The Notice advises that fire mitigation measure must be in place by 1 November and maintained until 30 April each year.
Inspections are carried out by appointed Bushfire Control Officers who are allocated specific areas. The inspection program includes Fire Hazards on residential properties. Property owners who have not complied with the notice and are still non-compliant following a second inspection may be issued with an infringement notice. The City will then engage a contractor to install the firebreak at the cost of the property owner.
Decision 4.18 That the City of Wanneroo cannot apologise on the behalf of an Elected Member.
Votes For the Motion: 8 Votes Against the motion: 2
Administration Comment
It is not unusual for the Panel when ordering a sanction in accordance with s.5.110(6)(b)(ii) of the Act, which requires the Council Member to make a public apology, for the Panel to order that in the event that the Council Member fails to, or is unable to comply with the requirements of the Order, to require the Chief Executive Officer of the Local Government to arrange for a notice of public apology to be published in accordance with the Order.
The City is required to follow the Orders of the Panel.
Decision 4.19 That all training that Councillors must undertake be made available to the public, and reasons why.
Votes For the Motion: 8 Votes Against the motion: 10 |
Whilst this motion was lost at the Electors meeting, the Administration provides the following information.
On 29 June 2019, the Local Government Legislation Amendment Act 2019 came into effect. The Amendment Act recognised the unique and challenging role that Council Members have and introduced six key reforms for the Local Government Act 1995. One of these reforms focused on providing Members with the skills and knowledge to be an effective Council Member. As such, all Councils are now required to report on training undertaken by Council Members.
Section 5.126 of the Act requires that a Council Member must complete training in accordance with Regulations. For the purposes of Section 5.126, training is detailed in Regulation 35 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996.
Section 5.127 of the Act states:
5.127. Report on training
(1) A local government must prepare a report for each financial year on the training completed by council members in the financial year
(2) The CEO must publish the report on the local government’s official website within 1 month after the end of the financial year to which the report relates.
The Report on Training is to list each Council Member and the training each has completed in the financial year.
The City of Wanneroo publishes this report by the required timeframe each year on its website Registers - City of Wanneroo
Decision 4.20 Meetings and Briefings to be fully transcribed and publicly available within reasonable time.
Votes For the Motion: 5 Votes Against the motion: 9 |
Administration Comment
Whilst this motion was lost at the Electors meeting, the Administration provides the following information.
All Council Meetings and Briefing Sessions are livestreamed, and the recording is available on the City of Wanneroo website (via YouTube Channel). The YouTube channel provides a transcript of the recording, which can be easily accessed by all members of the public.
Decision 4.21 Elected Members that use social media as a conduit for communication to residents and ratepayers are not permitted to block or prevent followers from their social media updates, which is often their only form of communication with their local Elected Member. We motion a 3-strike rule that allows followers.
Votes For the Motion: 8 Votes Against the motion: 17
Administration Comment
Whilst this Motion was lost, the Administration provides the following information.
Social media accounts for Council Members are not administered by the City of Wanneroo. It is up to each Council Member to manage their own social media.
Official contact information for Council Members is provided on the City of Wanneroo website.
Decision 4.22 Sponsorships and funding to be for not-for-profit organisations, charities, Incorporated and non-Incorporated, City of Wanneroo residents and teams only.
Votes For the Motion: 12 Votes Against the motion: 3 |
Administration Comment
The City enters into sponsorship agreements with both for-profit and non-profit groups, associations and organisations where the proposed event, program or activity provides social, economic or environmental benefits to the community broader City of Wanneroo.
The City’s Community Funding program supports local not-for-profit organisations and community groups to support delivery of community led and co-funded activities and events that benefit the wider community.
Non-profit groups and organisations are eligible to apply for both City sponsorship or community funding. More information including the Sponsorship Policy and Community Funding Policy as well as how to apply is available on the City’s website.
Decision 4.23 Agenda to be published 5 working days prior to Council Meeting, Briefing and Special Meeting allowing residents and ratepayers in the City opportunity to read it in a timely manner. CARRIED
Votes For the Motion: 23 Votes Against the motion: 0
Administration Comment
Section 5.5 of the Local Government Act 1995 requires that the CEO is to convene an Ordinary Council Meeting by giving each Council Member at least 72 hours’ notice of the date, time and place of the meeting and an agenda for the meeting. To convene a Special Council Meeting, the CEO is to provide notice as above, however no time requirement is specified.
There is no legislative requirement relating to the holding of Briefing Sessions. However, the City and the Council recognises that holding Briefing Sessions allows Council Members and the public additional time to consider the contents of the Agenda for any upcoming Ordinary Council Meeting. Both the Briefing Session and Ordinary Council Meeting dates are published on the City website for each calendar year.
At present, the agenda for Briefing Sessions and for Ordinary Council Meetings are published on the City website on the Friday prior to a Tuesday meeting.
This publication time exceeds the requirements of the Local Government Act 1995.
For a Special Council Meeting, the Agenda is published as soon as practical prior to the meeting and a notice is placed on the City’s website. This fulfills the City’s legal obligation.
Nonetheless, the City can investigate opportunities to adjust the distribution timeframe noting that for the 2024 calendar year, the Briefing Session and Ordinary Council Meeting dates have already been set which therefore limits the re-scheduling of agenda release dates.
Decision 4.24 To take adequate action to provide water aeration at da Vinci park lake in Tapping.
Votes For the Motion: 27 Votes Against the motion: 0 |
Administration Comment
Da Vinci Park lake is a natural wetland that is fed by groundwater and water run-off from the surrounding road network. Water quality is influenced by nutrients that enter the lake system from the water run-off. Water quality is monitored to measure nutrient levels and is treated as required throughout the year.
During large rain events and high temperatures, nutrient loads are higher and can lead to algal blooms. As part of the wider management of the lake, feral fish are also monitored in the lake and removed as required.
The original aerator was installed as a decorative feature in the lake without approval by the City and was subsequently removed by the Developer prior to handover to the City. Due to fluctuating water levels, the installation of an aerator is not a practical solution.
Administration is continuing to investigate options to improve the water quality in the lake.
Decision 4.25 Address waste management following strata.
Votes For the Motion: 24 Votes Against the motion: 0 |
Administration Comment
Administration will review the issue of collection of bins from the multi-unit / strata properties and explore options that may be considered for implementation. This matter may also require liaison and consultation with the affected properties.
Decision 4.26 That
Council, recognising the economic efficiencies and economies of scale
accruing to the City from the exponential increase in the valuation and
number of rateable properties resulting in decreasing costs per capita,
provides cost of living relief to families and residents by implementing no
increase in the residential rate for the
Votes For the Motion: 25 Votes Against the motion: 0 |
Administration Comment
Gross Rental Value (GRV) is a value determined by Landgate and represents the gross annual rental income that a property might reasonably be expected to earn annually if it were to be rented, including rates, taxes, insurance and other outgoings. Likewise, the GRV is not related to a bank valuation or the market value of a property were to be sold. The Un-improved Value (UV) is the fair market value of a property and does not take into account any improvements on a property such as a house or sheds.
The City needs to generate a minimum income from rates to ensure essential services and facilities can continue to be delivered to the community. Using the GRV and the UV provided by Landgate, the City divides the total rates income required for each differential rate category by the total GRV/ UV for that differential rate category to determine each differential category’s rate in the dollar. To calculate one’s individual rates notice, the City multiplies the GRV for your property by the applicable Rate in the Dollar. As a result of the above, to enable the City to generate the required revenue to maintain the expected level of service to the community and distribute the rates equitably amongst the rateable properties of that differential rating category, rates are determined.
Accordingly, movement in GRV or UV either way does not have an impact on the total revenue to be raised through Rates. It will only have an impact on how the rates are distributed amongst the rateable properties.
The City will continue to use Council adopted Strategic Budget Policy, the Local Government Act 1995, and relevant regulations in setting annual rates each year.
Decision 4.27 That the start time of future Annual General Meeting be moved to a later time to allow residents greater opportunity to participate and thereby provide greater representation of the electorate.
Votes For the Motion: 26 Votes Against the motion: 0
Administration Comment
In accordance with section 5.27 of the Local Government Act 1995, an Electors’ General Meeting is required to be held on a day not more than 56 days after the local government accepts the annual report for the previous financial year. The City refers to this as the Elector’s Annual General Meeting.
In accordance with section 5.29 of the Act, the CEO is to convene an electors’ meeting by giving at least 14 days’ notice of the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting. The CEO convenes an Electors’ meeting in consultation with the Presiding Person of that meeting.
Therefore, the date, time and location for an Annual Electors Meeting may be held at a later time if so convened by the CEO and such details are published via public notice for a minimum of 14 days. This extended notice period provides an opportunity for Electors’ to be aware of the convened meeting and consider arrangements for attendance.
Statutory Compliance
Local Government Act 1955 – Part 5 – Administration. Division 2 – Council meetings, committees and their meetings and electors’ meetings. Subdivision 4 — Electors’ meetings.
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
7 ~ A well governed and managed City that makes informed decisions, provides strong community leadership and valued customer focused services
7.1 - Clear direction and decision making
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 7, we will accept a Medium level of risk as the City balances the capacity of the community to fund services through robust cost-benefit analysis and pursues evidence-based decision making to be effective stewards of the Council and City for future generations.
Risk Management Considerations
There are no existing Strategic or Corporate risks within the City's existing risk registers which relate to the issues contained in this report.
Policy Implications
Financial Implications
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council, in regards to the Electors’ Annual General Meeting held 5 February 2024:
1. ACCEPTS the Minutes of the Meeting as detailed in Attachment 1;
2. NOTES that 22 Decisions were carried at the Meeting;
3. DECIDES that, in relation to-
a. Decision 4.1, NOTES the Administration information provided including that the City is participating in a long-term study that will provide detailed area-specific urban heat island mapping which will inform the review of the City’s Urban Forest Strategy;
b. Decision 4.2, NOTES that Administration continues to follow the guidelines and protocols set by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development regarding the management of Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer;
c. Decision 4.3, NOTES that Administration will provide information in the Annual Report on the number of new trees planted per suburb;
d. Decision 4.4, NOTES that the Festival and Cultural Events Committee will review its Terms of Reference in accordance with the usual City process and legislative requirements of the Local Government Act 1995;
e. Decision 4.5, NOTES the Administration information provided in this report;
f. Decision 4.6, NOTES the Administration will the request Main Roads WA to consider the request for upgrades to the land area located at the southeast corner of Wanneroo Road/Joondalup Drive;
g. Decision 4.7, NOTES the City’s initial focus is to increase all suburbs to a minimum of 5% tree canopy cover followed by a review in 2026/27 with Council to then determine future tree canopy targets;
h. Decision 4.8, NOTES that the City has officers responsible for the preparation, review overall coordination and implementation of the Urban Forest Strategy;
i. Decision 4.9, NOTES the Administration is considering a variety of options to preserve and protect significant trees;
j. Decision 4.10, REQUESTS the Administration to continue to work towards reducing the need for printed material and investigate options to support all stakeholders to utilise electronic documentation wherever possible;
k. Decision 4.11, NOTES the City has processes in place to manage the receipt and acceptance of event invitations received by Council Members, and will continue to adhere to legislative requirements and the Council’s adopted “Attendance at Events” Policy for Council Members and the CEO;
l. Decision 4.13, NOTES that City will review the City’s Bush Fire Risk Management Plan in accordance with the Office of Bushfire Risk Management’s instructions, which is due in May 2025;
m. Decision 4.14, NOTES the Administration will continue to monitor the drainage issues at Hainsworth Park and consider remedial measures to suit;
n. Decision 4.15, NOTES that the modifications to the intersection of Anchorage Drive North and Salerno Drive are likely to be scheduled to be undertaken in the second half of 2024/25;
o. Decision 4.16, NOTES that the State Minister for Transport announced that new traffic signals will be installed at Marmion Avenue/Bluewater Drive intersection;
p. Decision 4.18, NOTES that the City is required to follow the Orders of the Local Government Standards Panel;
q. Decision 4.22, NOTES that non-profit groups and organisations are eligible to apply for both City sponsorship or community funding;
r. Decision 4.23, REQUESTS the Administration investigate future opportunities to increase the Agenda distribution timeframe for Briefing Sessions and Council Meetings;
s. Decision 4.24, NOTES that Administration will continue to manage Da Vinci Park lake water quality to monitor, measure and treat nutrient levels as required throughout the year and NOTES that re-installation of an aerator is not a practical solution to manage water quality in this natural water body;
t. Decision 4.25, NOTES the Administration will review the issue of collection of bins from the multi unit / strata properties and explore options that may be considered for implementation;
u. Decision 4.26, NOTES that the City will continue to use Council adopted Strategic Budget Policy, the Local Government Act 1995, and relevant regulations in setting annual rates each year.;
v. Decision 4.27 NOTES that an Electors’ meeting is convened by the CEO and such details are published via public notice for a minimum of 14 days; and
4. NOTES that whilst Decisions 4.12, 4.17, 4.19, 4.20, and 4.21 were not carried at the Electors’ meeting, the Administration has provided additional information on those matters as detailed in this report.
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Minutes Electors AGM 05/02/2024 Attachments Included - Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Electors - Monday, 5 February 2024 |
24/78959 |
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
File Ref: 2409V04 – 24/78415
Responsible Officer: Director Corporate Strategy & Performance
Attachments: 3
To consider the proposed policy for the Conferral of the Honour of the ‘Keys to the City of Wanneroo’.
The Policy titled ‘Award of the title ‘Honorary Freeman of the City of Wanneroo’ (Attachment 1) has been reviewed following feedback received form Council Members. The proposed amendments are intended to bring the policy into a more contemporary context whilst ensuring that the honour of recognising extensive and distinguished service is maintained.
The proposed amendments are detailed in Attachment 2. The proposed final Policy is detailed in Attachment 3.
The City of Wanneroo has traditionally recognised members of the community who demonstrate outstanding commitment and contribution to the community, through the conferral of the title ‘Freeman of the City of Wanneroo’.
It is important to note that the proposed changes to the Policy do not in any way reduce or change the prestigious nature of such conferral on current or former Freeman of the City. The City remains honoured to have had legacy Freeman of the City, and to continue recognising current Freeman who represent the City and uphold their respected status to the Wanneroo district. There will be no change to the entitlements of conferred Freeman who shall continue to be invited and valued at all civic events and functions.
The changes shown in Attachment 2 acknowledge that a person who fulfills the criteria within the policy is a key contributor and a key advocate for the Wanneroo community.
The conferral of “Keys to the City’ status is a high honour, symbolising the relationship between the City and the conferee. A ‘Holder of the Keys to the City of Wanneroo’ is acknowledged for their achievement, commitment and pursuit to further the Vision, Goals and Priorities informed by the community.
The proposed amendments to the Policy are based on feedback received from Council Members.
Statutory Compliance
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
7 ~ A well governed and managed City that makes informed decisions, provides strong community leadership and valued customer focused services
7.1 - Clear direction and decision making
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 7, we will accept a Medium level of risk as the City balances the capacity of the community to fund services through robust cost-benefit analysis and pursues evidence-based decision making to be effective stewards of the Council and City for future generations.
Risk Management Considerations
There are no existing Strategic or Corporate risks within the City's existing risk registers which relate to the issues contained in this report.
Policy Implications
This report seeks consideration of proposed amendments to the Policy as outlined in this report and the Attachments.
Financial Implications
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council APPROVES the “Conferral of the Honour of ‘Keys to the City’ Policy” as shown in Attachment 3.
1⇩. |
Award of the title "Honorary Freeman of the City of Wanneroo" |
10/24752[v2] |
2⇩. |
Marked up Changes - Conferral of the Honour of ‘Keys to the City’ Policy |
24/78849 |
3⇩. |
Final - Changes Accepted - Conferral of the Honour of ‘Keys to the City’ Policy |
24/78851 |
CITY OF WANNEROO Error! No document variable supplied. OF Error! No document variable supplied. 12 March, 2024 1
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
Chief Executive Office
File Ref: 7312V007 – 23/427236
Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer
Attachments: 1
To consider the audit of the City of Wanneroo’s (City) Compliance Audit Return (CAR) for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.
Local government authorities are required to carry out an annual compliance audit against specific requirements of the Local Government Act 1995 and relevant regulations that are set out in the CAR which must then be submitted to the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (the Department) by 31 March each year.
The Audit and Risk Committee reviewed the completed CAR (Attachment 1) and the Internal Audit Report provided by the City’s Auditors (William Buck) (Auditors) to support management responses on 27 February 2024. The Audit and Risk Committee recommends Council adopt the CAR for submission to the Department.
Compliance Audit Return
The Department emailed the CAR questions to all local governments on 20 December 2023 advising that their secure portal would be available from early January 2024 to enable local government to enter their responses.
The 2023 CAR comprises of 94 questions under 11 categories.
Relevant sections of the CAR were allocated to Managers for completion using the City’s compliance software, with responses collated by Governance and provided to the Auditors for review.
Internal Audit
The Auditors undertook a sample review of 65 questions out of the 94 questions.
The objective of the Audit was to consider the adequacy and effectiveness of key controls within the City to meet its compliance obligations and the findings are set out in the Audit Report.
There were no areas identified where management responses contradicted the supporting evidence provided.
There was one area of non-compliance and two performance improvement opportunities identified.
CAR questions were assigned to relevant administrative service units for response with approval and sign-off by the Director responsible for the function prior to being amalgamated into the final CAR.
The Audit and Risk Committee reviewed the CAR and the Audit report, and recommends Council adopt the CAR for submission to the Department.
One instance of non-compliance was indicated in the CAR responses, and this is shown below.
Disclosure of Interest – Question 4
Section 5.75(1) of the Local Government Act 1995 states that:
“A relevant person other than the CEO must lodge with the CEO a primary return in the prescribed form within 3 months of the start date.”
One primary return was not received within the required timeframe and was dealt with appropriately by the City. There are currently no primary returns outstanding.
Performance Improvement Opportunities
The auditors undertook their audit of sections of the CAR concurrently with the completion of the CAR by relevant officers and found two opportunities for performance improvement as noted below.
1. Record Keeping and Maintenance of Register
Whilst the testing did not reveal non-compliance, the internal audit noted that for two samples, the content manager document number on the annual return register was incorrect.
The performance solution proposed is that the Task Procedure to be updated to include a review of data input by a second person and the insertion of a column in the Financial Interest Register to identify both the entry officers name and the reviewer’s name.
2. Version Control – Online Published Documents
The internal audit identified that the Codes of Conduct published on the City’s website relating to Employees and Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates Codes of Conduct do not include information relating to version control.
The performance solution proposed is that a record of the document version control will be maintained internally for both documents and that the website version will include the date of adoption.
Three Year Strategic Audit Plan
A further potential area of improvement has been identified which auditors are conducting further testing on as part of the People Management Process Audit which will be presented at the March 2024 Audit and Risk Committee Meeting.
Statutory Compliance
The compliance programs of a local government are a strong indication of attitude towards meeting legislative requirements. A function of the Audit and Risk Committee in regard to monitoring compliance programs typically includes monitoring compliance with legislation and regulations, reviewing the CAR and reporting to Council the results of that review.
Local Government (Audit) Regulations 1996 refer:-
"14. Compliance audits by local governments
(1) A
local government is to carry out a compliance audit for the period
1 January to 31 December each year.
(2) After carrying out compliance audit the local government is to prepare a compliance audit return in a form approved by the Minister.
(3A) The local government's audit committee is to review the compliance audit return and is to report to the council the results of that review.
(3) After the audit committee has reported to the council under sub-regulation (3A), the compliance audit return is to be –
(a) presented to the council at a meeting of the council; and
(b) adopted by the council; and
(c) recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which it was adopted."
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
7 ~ A well governed and managed City that makes informed decisions, provides strong community leadership and valued customer focused services
7.2 - Responsibly and ethically managed
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 7, we will accept a Medium level of risk as the City balances the capacity of the community to fund services through robust cost-benefit analysis and pursues evidence-based decision making to be effective stewards of the Council and City for future generations.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
CO-C01 Compliance Framework |
Low |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Executive Manager Governance and Legal |
Manage |
Policy Implications
Financial Implications
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council:-
1. ACCEPTS the recommendation of the Audit and Risk Committee and ADOPTS the Local Government Annual Compliance Audit Return for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 as shown in Attachment 1;
that the Chief Executive Officer and the Mayor will certify the Local
Government Compliance Audit Return for the period 1 January 2023 to
31 December 2023; and
that Administration will submit the completed Local Government Annual
Compliance Audit Return for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 to
the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries by
31 March 2024.
1⇩. |
Attachment 1 - 2023 Compliance Audit Return |
24/48473 |
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
File Ref: 48356 – 24/66875
Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer
Attachments: 1
Previous Items: CE02-12/23 - Review of City of Wanneroo Local Laws under Section 3.16 of the Local Government Act 1995 - Ordinary Council - 12 Dec 2023 6:00pm
To receive the outcome of a review of the City’s Local Laws in accordance with section 3.16 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act).
Section 3.5 of the Act provides the power for local governments to make local laws to help perform their functions and the City has a number of local laws which help manage, regulate and control activities throughout the City. Local laws are subsidiary legislation; in the event of a conflict between a local law and an Act or Regulation of the Commonwealth or State, the Act or Regulation prevails to the extent of any inconsistency.
Section 3.16 of the Act requires a local government to review its local laws at least once every eight years after their commencement to determine if they should remain unchanged, be repealed or amended.
At its meeting held on 12 December 2023 (CE02-12/23), Council resolved:
“1. In accordance with s3.16 of the Local Government Act 1995, AUTHORISES Administration to provide local public notice stating that the City proposes to review the following local laws:
a) Bee Keeping Local Law 2016
b) Dogs Local Law 2016;
c) Health Local Law 1999;
d) Parking Local Law 2015;
e) Penalty Units Local Law 2015;
f) Public Places and Local Government Property Local Law 2015;
g) Signs Local Law 1999;
h) Site Erosion and Sand Drift Prevention Local Law 2016; and
i) Waste Local Law 2016;
2. NOTES that a copy of the local laws may be inspected or obtained at the City offices or from its website;
3. NOTES that submissions about the local laws may be made to the City before a day to be specified in the notice, being a day that is not less than six weeks after the notice is given; and
4. NOTES that the results of the above advertising be presented to Council for consideration of any submissions received.
In summary, the process set out by s3.16 of the Act requires Council to resolve to initiate the review and call for public comments.
Council is then to consider any submissions received and may resolve to repeal or amend a local law. The process to amend or repeal a local law must be undertaken in the same manner as adoption of a local law as required under s.3.12 (or as required by the enabling legislation under which the local law may have been made if not under the Act). If a Council resolves not to change any local law, no further action is required and the review process is finalised.
On 14 December 2023, the City undertook the requisite statutory advertising. A public notice was placed in Perth Now on 14 December 2023 along with notices on all public library notice boards, the City’s web site and on social media.
At the close of the consultation period on Friday 9 February 2024, no submissions had been received by the City.
As noted in the report to Council on 12 December 2023, minor amendments were proposed to one local law and two were recommended for repeal as their provisions are replicated in the City’s Local Planning Scheme or could be dealt with by amendments to other local laws.
By way of summary the report suggested that the Public Places and Local Government Property Local Law be amended and that the Signs and Site Erosion and Sand Drift Prevention Local Laws be repealed.
There were no amendments proposed to the following local laws:
a) Bee Keeping Local Law 2016;
b) Dogs Local Law 2016;
c) Health Local Law 1999;
d) Parking Local Law 2015;
e) Penalty Units Local Law 2015;and
i) Waste Local Law 2016.
Administrations initial assessment of the City’s local laws is provided at Attachment 1 to this report.
It is however proposed to recommend that the City’s Parking Local Law potentially also be amended to address issues raised by Council Members at a Forum Meeting on 20 November 2023 and subsequent queries received by the City concerning parking on or over footpaths and large vehicles or trailers parked on verges.
Reports to initiate the changes suggested will be submitted to council in due course, and using the process required by s3.12 of the Act. This entails Council consider the proposed amendments or recommendations for repeal, call for public comment, consideration of comments and a final Council decision whether or not to proceed.
Exactly what this entails remains to be seen but the DLGSCI has announced that there will be new, simple model local laws that local government may easily adopt. In the meantime, the City must comply with the requirements of s3.16 and s3.12 of the Act. The situation will be monitored as proposed changes to local laws are progressed and further changes may be proposed, if required.
Statutory Compliance
Section 3.16 of the Local Government Act 1995 provides that:
3.16. Periodic review of local laws
(1) Within a period of 8 years from the day when a local law commenced or a report of a review of the local law was accepted under this section, as the case requires, a local government is to carry out a review of the local law to determine whether or not it considers that it should be repealed or amended.
(2) The local government is to give local public notice stating that —
(a) the local government proposes to review the local law; and
(b) a copy of the local law may be inspected or obtained at any place specified in the notice; and
(c) submissions about the local law may be made to the local government before a day to be specified in the notice, being a day that is not less than 6 weeks after the notice is given.
(3) After the last day for submissions, the local government is to consider any submissions made and cause a report of the review to be prepared and submitted to its council.
(4) When its council has considered the report, the local government may determine* whether or not it considers that the local law should be repealed or amended.
* Absolute majority required
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
7 ~ A well governed and managed City that makes informed decisions, provides strong community leadership and valued customer focused services
7.1 - Clear direction and decision making
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 7, we will accept a Medium level of risk as the City balances the capacity of the community to fund services through robust cost-benefit analysis and pursues evidence-based decision making to be effective stewards of the Council and City for future generations.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Rating |
CO-C01 Compliance Framework |
Low |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Executive Manager Governance and Legal |
Manage |
The eight-year local law review process is a legislative requirement. The City has complied with this requirement.
Policy Implications
Financial Implications
The City incurred costs calling for submissions about existing local laws. The second phase of the project will deal with any potential amendments to the local laws and may incur legal and consulting fees. There is adequate operational budget to cover both phases of this project.
Voting Requirements
Absolute Majority
That Council:-
1. NOTES that in accordance with s3.16(2) of the Local Government Act 1995, local public notice was given of the City’s proposal to review the City’s Local Laws and no submissions were received to the proposed review of the Local Laws as listed in Attachment 1.
2. RESOLVES BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY that the following Local Laws should continue in operation without repeal or amendment:
a) Bee Keeping Local Law 2016;
b) Dogs Local Law 2016;
c) Health Local Law 1999;
d) Penalty Units Local Law 2015;and
e) Waste Local Law 2016.
3. RESOLVES BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY that amendments are required to the Public Places and Local Government Property Local Law 2015 and the Parking Local law 2015 and that a separate Local Law amendment should be initiated in accordance with s.3.12(2) of the Local Government Act 1995; and
4. RESOLVES BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY that the following Local Laws be repealed:
a) Signs Local Law 1999; and
b) Site Erosion and Sand Drift Prevention Repeal Local Law 2016.
1⇩. |
Attachment 1 - 8 Year Local Law Review |
23/376946 |
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
File Ref: 26321V014 – 24/68488
Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer
Attachments: Nil
To consider proposed extension to the review dates for Council Policies.
Council Policies and supporting procedures are a statement of the principles or positions that are intended to guide or direct decision-making and operations within the City of Wanneroo (the City). The City’s Strategic Community Plan (SCP) sets a clear direction from Council for Administration to make consistent and aligned decisions at an operational level through policies and procedures.
All Council Policies (as well as other like documents) should be reviewed regularly to ensure compliance with legislation; continued alignment with the adopted SCP and the City’s requirements to provide sound and effective internal controls to minimise risk and deliver desired outcomes.
Policy documents, at the adoption stage, are assigned a review date however in some cases, the deadline for a review may need to be postponed due to factors such as external stakeholder consultation, changes in the environment, development or finalisation of other supporting documents, or are required to align with State planning documents that are being reviewed, amongst other things.
Request for Extension to Council Policy Review Dates:
1. Legal Representation and Costs Indemnification Policy
Administration is seeking an extension to the review date of the Legal Representation and Costs Indemnification Policy.
The Legal Representation and Costs Indemnification Policy is due to be reviewed by 30 March 2023, however due to capacity limitations and many other competing priorities this policy will not be reviewed by the due date, and Administration seeks an extension until 30 June 2024.
There is no statutory compliance risk to maintaining the existing policy.
2. Strategic Land Policy
Review of the Strategic Land Policy is ongoing at the current time. Completion of the review (including consultation with Council Members) should be finalised in early 2024/25, ahead of a report to Council later in 2024.
In the interim, the continued implementation of the Policy has not identified any substantive issues with the Policy that require urgent amendment.
Administration supports the Policy remaining in its current form until 31 December 2024, in anticipation of the review being completed before that date.
3. Facility Hire and Use Policy
An extension to the review date of the Facility Hire and Use Policy is proposed.
The Policy is due to be reviewed by August 2024, however a preliminary review of the Policy undertaken by Administration has identified a number of complex issues that need to be resolved before the review can be finalised.
It is proposed to workshop these issues with Council Members to inform the direction of the Policy review. To allow additional time for this to occur, Administration seeks an extension until 30 June 2025.
There is no statutory compliance risk to maintaining the existing policy.
Consultation has been undertaken with the relevant stakeholders.
The review of Council policies will ensure that the information available to the City’s stakeholders is aligned to the current SCP and are relevant and up to date.
Statutory Compliance
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
7 ~ A well governed and managed City that makes informed decisions, provides strong community leadership and valued customer focused services
7.2 - Responsibly and ethically managed
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 7, we will accept a Medium level of risk as the City balances the capacity of the community to fund services through robust cost-benefit analysis and pursues evidence-based decision making to be effective stewards of the Council and City for future generations.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
CO-C01 Compliance Framework |
Low |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Executive Manager Governance & Legal |
Manage |
The above risk relating to the issue contained within this report has been identified and considered within the City’s Corporate risk register. The review of the Policies as set out in this report will support existing management systems.
Policy Implications
Financial Implications
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council APPROVES the extension of the scheduled review date for the following Council Policies:
1. Legal Representation and Costs Indemnification Policy to 30 June 2024;
2. Strategic Land Policy to 31 December 2024; and
3. Facility Hire and Use Policy to 30 June 2025.
Attachments: Nil
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
Item 5 Motions on Notice
File Ref: 37574 – 24/67160
Author: Cr Paul Miles
Action Officer: Director Planning & Sustainability
Disclosure of Interest: Nil
Attachments: Nil
To investigate the provision and retention of street trees through the establishment of a Land Developer Cash-in-lieu Reserve Fund for verge trees.
The City has an ongoing issue of street trees being damaged or removed by builders and/or landowners. To address this concern, it is recommended that Administration investigates options for the provision and retention of street trees and consider alternative mechanisms to increase tree canopy.
In areas of new subdivision, street trees are typically planted by land developers as part of their works towards the end of the lot creation process as it enhances the appearance of the area making it more attractive to land buyers. Whilst the provision of trees is welcome, experience shows that some trees are lost during the subsequent process of housing development on individual lots either through damage by workers, removal by owners of adjoining lots or lack of watering.
In considering means to maximise tree survival and minimise the need to replace lost trees, consideration of an alternative approach to the standard development and tree planting process is warranted.
The establishment of a Land Developer Cash-in-lieu Reserve Fund (CRF) for verge trees is an alternative approach that may have some merit. Developers could opt-in and pay the City for the cost of supplying, planting, establishing and maintaining verge trees rather than through the normal landscaping packages delivered at the end of the home build process. The City would be responsible for ensuring that the area where a tree is to be planted is appropriately prepared with the correct soil type and ensuring there are no impediments to planting a tree.
Precise details of how a CRF would be established and managed need to be developed. The approach would allow developers to enter into agreements that enable payment to the City for the provision, planting and maintenance of street trees. The practice could be used on a case-by-case basis depending on factors such as timing, the size of the subdivision and capacity and preference of the developer. This practice could be formalised into a broader program and used to form the basis of a CRF.
The logic and process for establishing a CRF could be outlined in a Guideline, Corporate Policy and a Management Procedure detailing the process and operation. The cash-in lieu cost per tree could be reviewed annually and included in the City’s Fees & Charges Schedule adopted by Council as part of the annual budget process. Whilst there may be merit in a CRF, it may not necessarily be made a compulsory process. In the first instance, it could be presented as an option for street tree planting and the mechanism could be similar to the practice already provided by the City.
To make the fund compulsory, the City would need the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) to apply a condition of subdivision approval requiring land subdividers to pay the City an amount of money equivalent to the cost of providing and planting one street tree per lot (or at least one tree per 10 metres of lineal frontage to a street) and for their maintenance for a nominated period to the specifications and satisfaction of the City. This would require liaison with the Department of Planning, Lands & Heritage (DPLH) and WAPC who are the responsible authorities for subdivision approval.
Where funds are collected, they would be placed in an appropriate reserve account. The funds would need to be used to plant street trees in areas following land subdivision and once an agreed percentage of lots within a stage are built out with housing. Any funds in the reserve account would be for use only for street trees and only for the area for which the funds were collected. The planting of trees would be carried out by the City at an appropriate time of the year to maximise their chance of surviving. Planting of trees at the same time will also allow for consistent and uniform tree growth.
To ensure that any money received by the City through a street tree fund is appropriately utilised, it may be necessary to develop management guidelines (their development should provide confidence to land developers as to how and where the funds will be used). The guidelines will define the City’s broad process for utilisation of any funding that is provided, as well as the process for planting, species selection, maintenance and timing for planting.
Funding will be required to be paid at the time of subdivision clearance for the relevant stage or stages.
It is preferable for trees to be planted at the end of the subdivision stage at or near full build out, and at an appropriate time of the year to maximise the best possible outcome for trees to survive and thrive. Occasionally developers will plant trees as part of the subdivision works as their presence is often seen as a selling feature ahead of lot sales and home build out. However, developers recognise the complications of this approach, as builders can damage verge infrastructure including verge trees. Hence why most developers prefer to plant verge trees as part of the landscape works for a completed home build. Regardless of the timing of planting, the City will not accept handover of verge trees where they are in poor condition.
A verge tree fund/contribution allows trees to be planted at the best time of year to maximise tree survival and for advance ordering of preferred tree species as opposed to species substitution.
A review of a recent arrangement between the City and a land developer for a subdivision showed that the practice works. A review of the current practice could be undertaken to map the process and identify where there may be scope for changes or improvement to streamline the process.
A compliance aspect will also likely need to form part of any new approach to ensure that verge trees are planted and protected. This will include the need for agreed measures to be taken against anyone who is proven to have damaged and/or removed street trees.
No external consultation has been currently undertaken. Consultation with the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) WA will be required as part of any proposed deployment of a CRF for verge trees.
It is recommended that Administration considers the establishment of a City managed process for a CRF for verge trees. Administration will need to undertake a detailed analysis of a proposal and present a report to a future Council Forum.
Statutory Compliance
There is generally no statutory requirement for land developers to provide verge trees in new land subdivisions. However, there are a few instances where a developer is obligated to provide street trees as part of an Environmental Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 approval. If a developer chooses to provide street trees, they are approved by the City through a Street Tree Master Plan and planted as part of the landscape package for a new home build.
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
4 ~ A sustainable City that balances the relationship between urban growth and the environment
4.3 - Manage natural assets and resources
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 4, we will accept a Medium level of risk. The nature of the City being ‘pro-growth’ means that commercial opportunities will be explored in areas identified for development, potentially challenging perceptions of the City as an environmental steward.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
ST-S06 Climate Change |
Medium |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Planning & Sustainability |
Manage |
The above risk relating to the issue contained within this report has been identified and considered within the City’s Strategic risk register. Action plans are in place/have been developed to manage/mitigate this risk, including the Urban Forest Strategy, Local Biodiversity Plan and the Water Wise Council Action Plan.
Policy Implications
The proposal supports the City’s Street Tree Policy and Urban Forest Strategy.
Financial Implications
The proposal will establish a reserve fund utilising cash-in-lieu from land developers. The costs of administering and deploying the program will require further investigation and consideration by Administration.
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council:-
2. NOTES that a report on the outcome of the investigation will be presented to Council Members for consideration within the next 6 months.
Administration Comment
Verge trees are typically installed by land developers through the house and landscaping package for each residential build. Occasionally verge trees are planted at the time of land subdivision and ahead of the home build-out process, however developers find this problematic due to the damage caused by builders and their contractors. Developers will install street trees in accordance with a City approved Street Tree Master Plan.
There are a range of factors to be considered in relation to creating a cash-in-lieu reserve fund for verge trees. Administration is proposing to undertake an initial investigation into this request that will consider matters such as:
· legislative, legal and contractual implications for land developers,
· timing of verge tree planting and the land subdivision and home build-out process,
· administrative and operational costs including resource needs, and
· compliance requirements for verge trees that are damaged or removed.
It is proposed that this initial investigation be undertaken, and the outcomes provided for consideration of Council Members.
There is a considerable amount of work in undertaking this background analysis, in addition to current workload pressures. Administration anticipates it will take approximately 6-months to complete the work and prepare a report to Council Forum.
The proposed CRF would form part of an integrated approach to streetscapes, noting that Administration is also working on matters relating to:
· Crossovers
· Verge Beautification & Planting Guidelines,
· Website content and community education,
· Urban forest,
· Streetscapes review, and
· Waterwise Council Program initiatives.
Attachments: Nil
ITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
5.2 Cr Herridge - To request of an investigation into "Dogs on lead only within the City's nature reserves"
File Ref: 25243 – 24/50411
Author: Councillor Herridge
Action Officer: Acting Director Community & Place
Disclosure of Interest: Nil
Attachments: Nil
To investigate the need to require dogs to be “on lead only” in nature reserves.
During the recent turtle nesting season there was a significant increase of concern from residents and wildlife rescuers over the amount of harm and death to wildlife from dogs being walked off lead in our nature reserves.
Under the current dog exercise provisions in place in the City, dogs are permitted off lead in the majority of reserves within the City other than:
· Kingsway Sporting Complex (dogs must be kept on a lead and are prohibited on the netball courts).
· Gumblossom Reserve (western oval only). Dogs must be kept on lead between 8am and 4pm on school days.
· Frederick J Stubbs Grove, Quinns Rocks.
· Wanneroo Showgrounds, Wanneroo.
· Beach Reserves, except designated areas.
· Lot 124 Timely Hostess Mews, Mariginiup.
· Coastal walkways or pedestrian access ways being part of Foreshore Reserve 20561*.
The City does not have detailed data to indicate what the effect of dogs off lead in natural areas has had, however evidence from fauna surveys and community feedback would suggest that dogs off lead are having a negative effect on fauna.
Recently the Cat Local Law 2016 was reviewed and a new Cat Local Law adopted. In the new local law there were provisions introduced regarding nuisance cats including 28 nature reserves being identified as places where cats are prohibited. This was designed to assist in protecting local fauna.
It is suggested that similar provisions should be made in the Dog Local Law 2016 to restrict dogs to be “on lead only” when in the same 28 specified nature reserves. However, dog exercise restrictions are provided for differently under the dog legislation compared to cat legislation and exercise provision are controlled under section 31 of the Dog Act 1976.
Council can specify places where dogs are required to be on lead at all times under section 31(3B) and (3C) of the Dog Act 1976. Any proposed changes to exercise provisions must be advertised for public comment for 28 days prior to any Council resolution.
The City’s 28 specified nature reserves are scattered across the region therefore it is suggested that Citywide consultation is required to gauge community interest and opinion in regard to the proposed restrictions in these specified nature reserves. This can be via the Your Say webpage with an online survey, similar to what was completed for the recently adopted Cat Local Law.
Dog exercise provisions (where dogs are permitted to be exercised off lead) are quite extensive across the City with only a small number of reserves having restrictions in place. The community has not been consulted in regard to exercise provisions on a broad scale (Citywide), for some time. As the 28 specified nature reserves are scattered throughout the City and given the high numbers of dog ownership, it will be beneficial to have Citywide consultation regarding this matter to ensure the community has ample opportunity to provide feedback.
Statutory Compliance
Section 31 of the Dog Act 1976, provides the mechanism to change dog exercise provisions to restrict dogs to being on lead at all times at specified reserves/natural areas.
Section 31(3B) of the Dog Act 1976 provides for a local government to, by absolute majority, specify a public place that is under the care, control or management of the local government to be a rural leashing area.
Pursuant to Section 31(3C) of the Dog Act 1976, at least 28 days before specifying a place to be a place where dogs are prohibited at all times or at a specific time, or a rural leashing area, a local government must give local public notice as defined in the Local Government Act 1995 section 1.7 of its intention to so specify.
Strategic Implications
The proposal aligns with the following objective within the Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031:
7 ~ A well governed and managed City that makes informed decisions, provides strong community leadership and valued customer focused services
7.2 - Responsibly and ethically managed
Risk Appetite Statement
In pursuit of strategic objective goal 7, we will accept a Medium level of risk as the City balances the capacity of the community to fund services through robust cost-benefit analysis and pursues evidence-based decision making to be effective stewards of the Council and City for future generations.
Risk Management Considerations
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
ST-S23 Stakeholder Relationships |
Low |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Chief Executive Officer |
Manage |
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
ST-S26 Resilient and Productive Communities |
Moderate |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Community and Place |
Manage |
Risk Title |
Risk Rating |
CO-O23 Safety of Community |
Moderate |
Accountability |
Action Planning Option |
Director Community and Place |
Manage |
The above risks relating to the issue contained within this report have been identified and considered within the City’s Strategic and Corporate risk registers. Action plans have been developed to manage these risks to support existing management systems.
Policy Implications
Financial Implications
A Citywide community consultation using website and social media platforms can be managed inhouse.
If prohibitions are recommended, there would be costs incurred in regard to installing signage at the 28 nature reserves requiring dogs to be on lead at all times and providing a community education campaign. This would require an additional budget provision. Additional patrol attention will also be required by Rangers, however, this could be provided for as part of standard operating costs.
Voting Requirements
Simple Majority
That Council:-
1. REQUESTS Administration undertake city wide community consultation as a matter of priority on proposed changes to dog exercise provisions, restricting dogs to be on lead only at all times in 28 specified nature reserves and parks.
2. REQUESTS Administration provide a report to Council forum for July 2024 regarding the results of the community consultation.
Dog exercise provisions in the City of Wanneroo are quite generous with only a small number specified locations prohibiting dogs or requiring them by be kept on lead at all times or between specified hours.
The Community has not been widely consulted in regard to dog exercise provision for many years and it is considered appropriate that a City wide consultation is undertaken for Council to be able to consider whether dogs should be on lead in the 28 nature reserves specified within the newly adopted Cat Local Law to protect fauna from dogs being exercised off lead.
Attachments: Nil
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Council Members' Briefing Session 12 March, 2024 1
Item 6 Late Reports (to be circulated under separate cover)
Item 8 Confidential
File Ref: 2416V04 – 24/76361
Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer
This report is to be dealt with in confidential session, under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995 Section 5.23(2), as follows:
(a) a matter affecting an employee or employees
This report is to be dealt with in confidential session, under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995 Section 5.23(2), as follows:
(b) the personal affairs of any person
File Ref: 40645V014 – 24/69123
Responsible Officer: Acting Director Community & Place
This report is to be dealt with in confidential session, under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995 Section 5.23(2), as follows:
(c) a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting
The next Ordinary Council Meeting has been scheduled for 6:00pm on Tuesday 19 March 2024 to be held at Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo.