Special Council Meeting
5:30pm 17 June 2024
Council Chamber (Level 1), Civic Centre,
23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo
To ensure there is a process in place to outline the access to recorded Council Meetings.
To emphasise that the reason for recording of Council Meetings is to ensure the accuracy of Council Meeting Minutes and that any reproduction of these Minutes are for the sole purpose of Council business.
This Policy shall be printed within the Agenda of all Council Meetings which include:
· Ordinary Council Meeting;
· Special Council Meeting;
· Annual General Meeting of Electors;
· Special Electors Meeting; and
· Briefing Sessions.
To advise the public that the proceedings of the meeting are recorded.
Evaluation and Review Provisions
Recording of Proceedings
1. Proceedings for Meetings detailed in this policy; as well as Deputations and Public Question Time during these meetings shall be recorded by the City on sound recording equipment, except in the case of a meeting where Council closes the meeting to the public.
2. Notwithstanding subclause 1, proceedings of a Meeting, which is closed to the public, shall be recorded where the Council resolves to do so.
3. No member of the public is to use any audio visual technology or devices to record the proceedings of a Meeting, without the written permission of the Mayor or the Mayors Delegate.
Access to Recordings
4. Members of the public may purchase a copy of the recorded proceedings or alternatively, listen to the recorded proceedings at the Civic Centre online if the recording is published on the City of Wanneroo website. Costs of providing a copy of the recorded proceedings to members of the public will include staff time to make the copy of the proceedings; as well as the cost of the digital copy for the recording to be placed on. The cost of staff time will be set in the City’s Schedule of Fees and Charges each financial year.
5. Council Members may request a copy of the recording of the Council proceedings at no charge.
6. All Council Members are to be notified when recordings are requested by members of the public, and of Council.
7. COVID-19 Pandemic Situation
During the COVID-19 pandemic situation, Briefing Sessions and Council Meetings that are conducted electronically, will be recorded. The CEO is authorised to make a broadcast of the audio recording of such meetings accessible to the public, as soon as practicable after the meeting.
8. Briefing Sessions and Council Meetings that are recorded. The CEO is authorised to make a broadcast of the audio recording of such meetings accessible to the public, as soon as practicable after the meeting.
Acronym |
Meaning |
Australian Business Number |
Australian Company Number |
Act |
Local Government Act 1995 |
City of Wanneroo Corporate Business Plan |
Coastal Hazard Risk Management & Adaption Plan |
City |
City of Wanneroo |
Consumer Price Index |
Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions |
Department of Fire and Emergency Services |
Department of Education Western Australia |
Department of Health |
Department of Planning Lands and Heritage |
DPS2 |
District Planning Scheme No. 2 |
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries |
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation |
Environmental Protection Authority |
Goods and Services Tax |
Joint Development Assessment Panel |
Long Term Financial Plan |
Metropolitan Region Scheme |
Main Roads Western Australia |
Public Open Space |
Public Transport Authority of Western Australia |
State Administrative Tribunal |
City of Wanneroo Strategic Community Plan |
Western Australian Local Government Association |
Western Australian Planning Commission |
Notice is given that the next Special Council Meeting will be held in the Council Chamber (Level 1), Civic Centre,
23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo on Monday 17 June, 2024 commencing at 5:30pm.
B Parker
Chief Executive Officer
14 June, 2024
Item 2 Apologies and Leave of Absence
SCR02-06/24 Legal Matter - Property
Good evening Councillors, staff, ladies and gentlemen, this meeting today is being held on Whadjuck Nyoongar Boodjar and I would like to acknowledge and pay my respects to Elders, past, present and future. I thank all past and present members of the community that have supported the City to better understand and value Nyoongar culture within the City of Wanneroo.
I invite you to bow your head in prayer:
Lord, We thank you for blessing our City, our community and our Council. Guide us all in our decision making to act fairly, without fear or favour and with compassion, integrity, wisdom and honesty. May we show true leadership, be inclusive of all, and guide all of the City’s people and many families to a prosperous future that all may share. We ask this in your name. Amen.
Item 2 Apologies and Leave of Absence
In accordance with Section 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, a Council at a Special Meeting is not required to answer a question that does not relate to the purpose of the meeting. It is therefore requested that only questions that relate to items on the agenda be asked.
Item 5 Confidential
File Ref: 49902 – 24/203075
Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer
This report is to be dealt with in confidential session, under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995 Section 5.23(2), as follows:
(d) legal advice obtained, or which may be obtained, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting
CITY OF WANNEROO Agenda OF Special Council Meeting 17 June, 2024 1
Item 7 Date of Next Meeting
The next Ordinary Council Meeting has been scheduled for 6:00pm on Tuesday 18 June 2024, to be held at Council Chamber, Civic Centre, 23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo.