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Council Minutes

Confirmed Minutes
Ordinary Council Meeting

 6:00pm, 17 June 2024

Council Chambers (Level 1) Civic Centre

23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo





Unconfirmed Minutes of Special Council Meeting


held on Monday 17 June, 2024




Item  1           Attendance   1

Item  2           Apologies and Leave of Absence  2

Item  3           Public Question Time  2

Item  4           Reports   3

Item  5           Confidential  3

SCR02-06/24 Legal Matter - Property  3

Item  6           Late Reports  4

Item  7           Date of Next Meeting   4

Item  8           Closure   4





Mayor Aitken declared the meeting open at 5:33pm and read the prayer.


Good evening Councillors, staff, ladies and gentlemen, this meeting today is being held on Whadjuck Nyoongar Boodjar and I would like to acknowledge and pay my respects to Elders, past, present and future. I thank all past and present members of the community that have supported the City to better understand and value Nyoongar culture within the City of Wanneroo.


I invite you to bow your head in prayer:


Lord, We thank you for blessing our City, our community and our Council. Guide us all in our decision making to act fairly, without fear or favour and with compassion, integrity, wisdom and honesty. May we show true leadership, be inclusive of all, and guide all of the City’s people and many families to a prosperous future that all may share. We ask this in your name. Amen.

Item  1      Attendance

Mayor Aitken requested Councillors to vote for Cr Seif to attend the meeting electronically.  This was carried unanimously by those present.  Mayor Aitken advised that Cr Seif was authorised by Council to attend this Special Council Meeting by electronic means in accordance with the details as signed in the request documentation submitted on the request forms dated 17 June 2024 and under Item 6.5 Criteria for Attending Electronically .


The following declaration was made by Cr Seif

In accordance with section 14CA(5) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 I declare that I can maintain confidentiality during the meeting or the closed part of the meeting (as the case requires) whilst attending this Council meeting electronically.”


Cr Seif joined the meeting via Zoom at 5:35pm.


Mayor Aitken requested Councillors to vote for Cr Huntley to attend the meeting electronically.   This was carried unanimously by those present.  Mayor Aitken advised that Cr Huntley was authorised by Council to attend this Special Council Meeting by electronic means in accordance with the details as signed in the request documentation submitted on the request forms dated 17 June 2024 and under Item 6.11 Exceptional Circumstances of the Policy .


The following declaration was made by Cr Huntley.

In accordance with section 14CA(5) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 I declare that I can maintain confidentiality during the meeting or the closed part of the meeting (as the case requires) whilst attending this Council meeting electronically.”


Cr Huntley joined the meeting via Zoom at 5:36pm.



LINDA AITKEN, JP                                Mayor




ALEX FIGG                                              North Ward

GLYNIS PARKER                                  North-East Ward

BRONWYN SMITH                                North-East Ward

PHIL BEDWORTH                                 Central-West Ward

MARIZANE MOORE                              Central-East Ward

JACQUELINE HUNTLEY                     Central Ward (e-attendance)

NATALIE HERRIDGE                           South-West Ward

JAMES ROWE, JP                                South Ward

EMAN SEIF                                             South Ward (e-attendance)




BILL PARKER                                        Chief Executive Officer

NOELENE JENNINGS                          Director Corporate Strategy & Performance

GREG BOWERING                               A/Director, Planning & Sustainability

VICKI COLES                                         Executive Manager Governance & Legal

ILZAMARIE EVANS                              Lawyer

CHLOE DAVIS                                       Administration Officer

DOUG BRETT-MATHEWSON             A/Manager Council & Corporate Support

     YVETTE HEATH                                             Council Support Officer (Minutes)

     DENISE FRASER                                  Council Support Officer

     AMANDA BLYTH                                   Council Support Officer






Item  2      Apologies and Leave of Absence

HELEN BERRY                                      Central-West Ward (Apology)

PAUL MILES                                           Central-East Ward (Apology)

JORDAN WRIGHT                                 Central Ward (LOA 02 – 30 June 2024)

SONET COETZEE                                North Ward

VINH NGUYEN                                      South-West Ward


There was one member of the public and nil members of the press in attendance.

Item  3      Public Question Time



Item  4      Reports

Declarations of Interest by Council Members, including the nature and extent of the interest. Declaration of Interest forms to be completed and handed to the Chief Executive Officer.

Procedural Motion


Moved Cr Rowe , Seconded Cr Bedworth


That Council move into a confidential session under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995, Section 5.23 (2).




The meeting was closed to the public and all recording ceased at 5:38pm.  Legal representatives remained in the Chamber.  All Administration staff (except the CEO, Director Corporate Strategy and Support, A/Director Planning and Sustainability, Executive Manager Governance & Legal and Manager Corporate & Council Support) left the Chamber at 5:38pm.

Item  5      Confidential

SCR02-06/24    Legal Matter - Property

File Ref:                                              49902 – 24/203075

Responsible Officer:                          Chief Executive Officer


This report was dealt with in confidential session, under the terms of the Local Government Act 1995 Section 5.23(2), as follows:

(d)          legal advice obtained, or which may be obtained, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting


Moved Mayor Aitken, Seconded Cr Bedworth


That Council AUTHORISE the Chief Executive Officer to instruct the City’s legal representative in accordance with Option 2 as outlined in the report.


For the motion:           Mayor Aitken, Cr Bedworth, Cr Figg, Cr Herridge, Cr Huntley,
Cr Moore, Cr Parker, Cr Rowe, Cr Seif and  Cr Smith


Against the motion:   Nil


Procedural Motion


Moved Cr Moore, Seconded Cr Rowe


That the meeting be reopened to the public.




The meeting was reopened to the public and all recording recommenced at 6:15pm.


The Mayor read aloud the resolution made on Item SCR02-06/24


CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Special Council Meeting 17 June, 2024                                                                1


Item  6      Late Reports



Item  7      Date of Next Meeting

The next Ordinary Council Meeting has been scheduled for 6:00pm on Tuesday, 18 July 2024, to be held at Council Chamber (Level 1), Civic Centre, 23 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo.

Item  8      Closure

There being no further business, Mayor Aitken closed the meeting at 6:18pm.


In Attendance


LINDA AITKEN, JP                                Mayor




ALEX FIGG                                              North Ward

GLYNIS PARKER                                  North-East Ward

BRONWYN SMITH                                North-East Ward

PHIL BEDWORTH                                 Centreal-West Ward

MARIZANE MOORE                              Central-East Ward

JACQUELINE HUNTLEY                     Central Ward (e-attendance)

NATALIE HERRIDGE                           South-West Ward

JAMES ROWE, JP                                South Ward

EMAN SEIF                                             South Ward (e-attendance)