



Ordinary Council Meeting

7.00pm, 02 February, 2016

Council Chambers, Civic Centre, Dundebar Road, Wanneroo

Recording of Council Meetings Policy





·         To ensure that there is a process in place to outline access to the recorded proceedings of Council.


·         To emphasise that the reason for recording of Council Meetings is to ensure the accuracy of Council Minutes and that any reproduction is for the sole purpose of Council business.




Recording of Proceedings


(1)     Proceedings for meetings of the Council, Electors, and Public Question Time during Council Briefing Sessions shall be recorded by the City on sound recording equipment, except in the case of meetings of the Council where the Council closes the meeting to the public. 


(2)     Notwithstanding subclause (1), proceedings of a meeting of the Council which is closed to the public shall be recorded where the Council resolves to do so.


(3)     No member of the public is to use any electronic, visual or vocal recording device or instrument to record the proceedings of the Council or a committee without the written permission of the Council.


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(4)     Members of the public may purchase a copy of recorded proceedings or alternatively listen to recorded proceedings with the supervision of a City Officer.  Costs of providing recorded proceedings to members of the public will be the cost of the recording plus staff time to make the copy of the proceedings. The cost of supervised listening to recorded proceedings will be the cost of the staff time. The cost of staff time will be set in the City's schedule of fees and charges each year.


(5)     Elected Members may request a recording of the Council proceedings at no charge.  However, no transcript will be produced without the approval of the Chief Executive Officer.  All Elected Members are to be notified when recordings are requested by individual Members.


Retention of Recordings


(6)     Recordings pertaining to the proceedings of Council Meetings shall be retained in accordance with the State Records Act 2000.


Disclosure of Policy


(7)     This policy shall be printed within the agenda of all Council, Special Council, Electors and Special Electors meetings to advise the public that the proceedings of the meeting are recorded.



Unconfirmed Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting



held on Tuesday 02 February, 2016







Item  1              Attendances   1

Item  2              Apologies and Leave of Absence   2

Item  3              Public Question Time   2

PQ01-01/16     Ms CSharp, Yanchep  2

PQ02-01/16     Mr C White, Scrubwren Circuit, Alkimos  2

PQ03-01/16     Mrs J Strang, Rousset Road, Jandabup  4

PQ04-01/16     Mr C Webb, Lakelands Drive, Gnangara  5

PQ05-02/16     Mr D Endersby, The Fairways, Gnangara  7

PQ06-02/16     Ms T Nguyen, Rousset Road, Mariginiup  8

PQ07-02/16     Mr C Webb, Lakelands Drive, Gnangara  8

PQ08-02/16     Mr C White, Scrubwren Circuit, Alkimos  9

PQ09-02/16     Mr L Flood, Ronez Elbow, Merriwa  10

PQ10-02/16     Ms D Patchett, Maree Place, Gnangara  12

PQ11-02/16     Mrs M. Manners, Belgrade Road, Wanneroo  13

Item  4              Confirmation of Minutes   13

OC01-02/16     Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting held on 8 December 2015  13

SOC02-02/16 Minutes of Special Council Meeting held on 15 December 2015  13

Item  5              Announcements by the Mayor without Discussion   13

Item  6              Questions from Elected Members   14

CQ01-02/16     Cr Aitken -  Dualling of Marmion Avenue  14

Item  7              Petitions   15

New Petitions Received  15

PT01-01/16      Request for Cul de Sac for Parin Road, Marangaroo  15

PT02-02/16      Request to extend Quinns Dog Beach to stairs at Chippy’s Cafe  15


Update on Petitions  15

UP01-01/16     Reduce Motor Vehicle Traffic in Vicinity of Badgerup Road, Gnangara (PT01-12/15) 15

UP02-01/16     Replace Colourbond Fencing with Limestone as Noise Buffer for properties backing onto Ocean Reef Road, Pearsall (the Terraces Estate) (PT02-12/15) 15

UP03-01/16     Request to Relocate the entrance point of Dewars Track Away from Residential Homes on Damepattie and Sovereign Drives, Two Rocks (PT03-12/15) 16

Item  8              Reports   16

Planning and Sustainability  17

City Growth  17

PS01-01/16      Alkimos Beach Foreshore Management Plan  17

PS02-01/16      Petition PT04-11/15:  Rezoning of the Gnangara Special Rural Area to Urban  17

PS03-01/16      Proposed Amendment 1304/57 to Metropolitan Region Scheme: Lots 28 and 29 Belgrade Road and Lots 10 and 11 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo  18

Approval Services  20

PS04-01/16      Additions to existing Intensive Agriculture (Lion Mushrooms) at 69 Rousset Road, Mariginiup  20

PS05-01/16      Consideration of a Management Strategy - Pedestrian Accessway between The Avenue and Feathertop Rise, Alexander Heights  28

Assets  36

Asset Operations & Services  36

AS01-01/16      Parin Road, Marangaroo - Traffic Management Scheme - Community Consultation Results  36

AS02-01/16      Heathfield Drive, Landsdale - Traffic Management Scheme - 38

AS03-01/16      Gnangara Road/Marathon Loop, Madeley - Accessibility Issues and Options  39

Strategic Asset Management  40

AS04-01/16      Equestrian Use within Lake Badgerup Reserve, Wanneroo  40

Infrastructure Capital Works  40

AS05-01/16      Tender No. 01559 - Construction of Connolly Drive Duplication  40

AS06-01/16      Tender No. 01560 for the Construction of the Yanchep Surf Life Saving Club Building and Civil Works. 41

AS07-01/16      Tender No 01571 for the Construction of the Fishermans Hollow Beach Access at Lot 503 Brazier Road, Yanchep  42

Assets Maintenance  43

AS08-01/16      Quinns Beach Shark Barrier - Update and Community Survey Results  43

Community & Place  43

Community Facilities  43

CP01-01/16     Tender No. 01554 Supply, Install and Maintenance of CCTV and Emergency Beacon for Clayton's Beach  43

CP02-01/16     Houghton Park Informal BMX Track Concept Design  45

CP03-01/16     Mary Lindsay Public Open Space Concept Design  47

CP04-01/16     Mary Lindsay Homestead Re-development Concept Plan  49

Community Services  54

CP05-01/16     Youth Futures COMET Agreement 2016  54

CP06-01/16     Edmund Rice Partnership Agreement 2016  59

Place Strengthening  64

CP07-01/16     Partnership Agreement between CoW and i60 Church  64

Corporate Strategy & Performance  69

Transactional Finance  69

CS01-01/16     Financial Activity Statement for the Period Ended 30 November 2015  69

CS02-01/16     Warrant of Payments for the Period to 31 December 2015  78

Property Services  133

CS03-01/16     Proposed Lease to the Minister for Health Over a Portion of Lot 1385 (16) Jenolan Way, Merriwa and Proposed Future Delegated Authority Over Leases between the City and the Minister for Health  133

Council & Corporate Support  137

Procedural Motion  137

CS04-01/16     Donations to be Considered by Council - February 2016  137

CS05-01/16     Proposed City of Wanneroo Public Places and Local Government Property Local Law 2015  139

CS06-01/16     Public Places and Local Government Property Local Law - Delegation of Authority  190

Chief Executive Office  193

Office of the CEO Reports  193

CE01-01/16     Advocacy Plan - Future Strategic Needs Assessment - Strategic Industries & Clusters Project - Agribusiness  193

Item  9              Motions on Notice   193

Item  10           Urgent Business   193

Item  11           Confidential  193

Item  12           Date of Next Meeting   193

Item  13           Closure   193




Please refer to agenda for details of full reports and attachments.

Mayor Roberts declared the meeting open at 7:00pm and read the prayer.


Good evening Councillors, staff, ladies and gentlemen, we wish to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land we are meeting on, the Whadjuk people.  We would like to pay respect to the Elders of the Nyoongar nation, past and present, who have walked and cared for the land and we acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contributions made to the life of this city and this region and I invite you to bow your head in prayer:


Lord, We ask for your blessing upon our City, our community and our Council.  Guide us in our decision making to act fairly, without fear or favour and with compassion, integrity and honesty.  May we show true leadership, be inclusive of all, and guide the City of Wanneroo to a prosperous future that all may share.  We ask this in your name. Amen

Item  1       Attendances

TRACEY ROBERTS, JP                            Mayor




FRANK CVITAN, JP                                    Central Ward

SAMANTHA FENN                                     Central Ward

DIANNE GUISE                                           Central Ward

DOT NEWTON, JP                                      Central Ward

LINDA AITKEN                                             North Coast Ward

RUSSELL DRIVER                                     North Coast Ward

GLYNIS PARKER                                       North Coast Ward

NATALIE SANGALLI                                   North Coast Ward

SABINE WINTON                                        North Coast Ward

LARA SIMPKINS                                         South Ward

BRETT TREBY                                             South Ward

DOMENIC ZAPPA                                       South Ward




DANIEL SIMMS                                           Chief Executive Officer

PHILIP ST JOHN                                         Director, Planning and Sustainability

GRANT CHETTLEBURGH                        A/Director, Assets

MICHELLE BRENNAND                            Operations Manager Community Service Delivery

NOELENE JENNINGS                               Director, Corporate Strategy & Performance

PAS BRACONE                                           Manager Planning Implementation

MARK DICKSON                                         Manager City Growth

SHANE SPINKS                                          Manager Program Services

MICHAEL PENSON                                    Manager Property Services

AMBER GORRIE                                         A/Manager Communications and Events

MUSTAFA YILDIZ                                       Manager Governance and Legal

NATASHA SMART                                      Manager Council and Corporate Support

YVETTE HEATH                                          Minute Officer


Item  2       Apologies and Leave of Absence

DENIS HAYDEN                                         South Ward

HUGH NGUYEN                                          South Ward


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Fenn


That Council GRANT a Leave of Absence to Cr Guise for the period 24 March to 17 April 2016 inclusive.


Carried Unanimously


There were 38 members of the public and three members of the press in attendance.


Item  3       Public Question Time

Public Questions received in writing prior to the Council Meeting

Rubbish washing up on shoreline


What can be done about the vast amount of rubbish washing up on our shoreline, its not just Yanchep it must be right along the coast?


This week I went to Shorehaven Alkimos to check out their beach, which is full of washed up rubbish as well as people not caring, there are a huge number of bins, no signage about littering but the sand was covered in rubbish, I filled two bags in a short walk.  All pictures are documented on FB Save Our Oceans Western Australia.  It is a worry.


Response by Director Assets


The City currently undertakes mechanical beach cleaning at Quinns Beach on a fortnightly basis during the summer period (November to March) and monthly during the winter period (April to October).  Mechanical beach cleaning commenced in January 2016 at Yanchep Lagoon and this location will now be serviced on the same frequency as Quinns Beach.   


Other locations are litter picked on a reactive basis as required. The City is currently looking at options to increase the number of locations that mechanical beach cleaning is carried out as more areas of the City's coastline are developed. 


Various Issues in Alkimos


1.         When will the Foreshore Management Plan be finalised and will it include a dog beach in the Alkimos area?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


The Alkimos Beach Foreshore Management Plan (southern area) will be considered at the 2 February Council Meeting.


It will then be forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for approval. The city cannot predict how long the WAPC will take to consider the Foreshore Management Plan. A dog beach is not proposed as part of this Foreshore Management Plan. The City’s Coastal Management Plan Part 1 recommends the City liaise with PEET to finalise location and timing of the dog beach in North Alkimos (Shorehaven development).


2.         When will a signal tower be provided in the Alkimos area to assist with mobile phone coverage?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


This will be determined by the telecommunications providers.


Further Response by Mayor Roberts


Mr White has provided an update to this question that advice has been received that the tower was ordered in January for delivery in late February and should be operating by the end of March, which is good news for residents.


3.         What will the facilities be when the official Alkimos beach is constructed?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


The facilities proposed to be provided within the Alkimos Beach Foreshore Management Plan are as follows:


·         Temporary Surf Lifesaving Storage Facility for mobile beach patrols;

·         Pedestrian and vehicle access;

·         Carpark for approximately 30 bays;

·         One lookout;

·         Two pedestrian beach accessways; and

·         One dual use pathway along the edge of the foreshore


4.         Can Lendlease or the City of Wanneroo get a bin provided at the end of the beach track?


Response by A/Director Assets


At present the City does not have any bins in this area. It is understood that it will be some time before the area is handed over to the City by the developers. Whilst the City is responsible for waste collection for residential properties in new developments, bins within parks and foreshore areas are maintained by the relevant developer until such time when the development is handed over to the City. Notwithstanding, clarification of the exact location of the track referred to is sought.


5.         It was questioned as to whether our water bills are higher at Alkimos Beach than other areas?  It was also questioned as to why we pay high rates even though we are not officially under the full jurisdiction of the City of Wanneroo?


Response by Director Corporate Strategy and Performance


The City of Wanneroo does not issue the water bills therefore this question will need to be redirected to the Water Corporation.


In response to the question regarding rates, the suburb of Alkimos is under the full jurisdiction of the City of Wanneroo and is rated accordingly.  All properties that are being used for the same purpose are rated the same across all suburbs within the City’s boundaries e.g. all houses are rated on the same rate in the dollar.


However, the rates differ from house to house depending upon the size of the building and other factors determined by the Valuer General’s Office.  The City receives the valuations from the Valuer General’s Office and uses these valuations to calculate the rates to be levied by multiplying the valuation by the rate in the dollar.


6.         At Leatherback Park in Alkimos there is currently a temporary sports changeroom on the north side of the park – could this be built on the south side of the park, away from residents?


Response from Director Community and Place


The location of the sports amenities building at Leatherback Park was influenced by a number of factors including the topography of the site, with the preference to have the building at a higher level to the playing area to provide views over the ground. The facility is also located in the North West corner of the POS to allow co-location to the school site and the use of shared parking amenities with the Department of Education, therefore maximising the usable green space within the POS.


The current temporary facilities will be replaced with a permanent building that will be required to satisfy development approvals and be in fitting with the location and the surrounding land use.


Feedback in regard to future location can be taken into consideration along with other relevant factors when the permanent building is designed.


PS04-02/16 Additions to existing Intensive Agriculture (Lion Mushrooms) at 69 Rousset Road, Mariginiup


1.         Is there some guarantee that the “Lion Mushroom Farm” will not be given an extension of the three years they have been given after the area is zoned urban?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


The City cannot make guarantees about any future decision that the Council or the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) may make. 


2.         We were under the impression that there was to be no “buffer zone” around the mushroom farm.  Why was it put there when there is no composting done on the site?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


The East Wanneroo Structure Plan identifies land within a 500m radius around mushroom farms as a buffer zone.  This document was prepared by the (then), Department of Planning and adopted by the Western Australian Planning Commission.  The Structure Plan does not record any reason why these were included.  



Proposed development of Lakelands Golf Course


1.         Would the Council seriously consider passing the proposed development of Lakelands golf course as it is an obvious benefit to old and young alike and take a delegation there to see firsthand the huge benefits this will give the community?  There is much support for this and cannot be dismissed out of hand.


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


The responsible authority for determining the application is the Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP).  Council officers will make a recommendation to the JDAP based on the zoning of the land and relative planning legislation.


2.         Would like to thank Cr Winton for turning up Thursday at the course and seeing for herself, a credit to her.  Will other councillors now do the same and make the correct informed decision?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


This question is directed towards Elected Members.


Further Response by Mayor Roberts


The application in question is a Department of Planning JDAP matter which will be decided by that body and will not be considered by this Council.


3.         Would Council extend the period of discussion further and allow a window of opportunity for elderly residents to come and have their say on what is a much needed development of highly degraded poor land that serves our aging population.


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


The application was not advertised for public comment and according to the JDAP Regulations have a specific timeframe to report on applications to the JDAP.


A report has to be provided to the JDAP within specific timeframes.  


4.         Would the Council consider that the special rural land adjoining this development (Badgerup Road to Golf View Place from Ocean Reef Road down to Sydney Road be incorporated with it as a buffer zone to industrial spread and become a wildlife corridor for probably one of the last refuges of our dwindling bio diversity?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


Planning for this area including open space areas will be required to be considered through the continued future planning process for East Wanneroo.


Council is not able to consider this at this time.





5.         Will Council consider very carefully their answer that without this development a private course like Lakelands may not survive thus depriving old and young alike and the loss of jobs and job opportunities not only in the initial construction work but also in the maintenance sector on completion?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


The Lakelands proposal is a planning application and Council’s consideration will be based on the Local Planning Scheme and relative Council policies and planning principles.


6.         Will Council agree that this much needed development planned under its guidelines and zoning is of no threat to overall plans of east Wanneroo and shouldn’t be?  The very idea of further endless miles of hot concrete wastelands in its place isn’t an option here.


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


The officer’s view is that the application is not in accordance with Council’s Local Planning Policy for East Wanneroo.  The intent of which is to achieve orderly and proper planning. 


7.         Would the Council look at changing and tightening its policies on many empty cleared suburban blocks suitable for housing that have laid dormant for decades and give owners an ultimatum and time frame to develop or sell them, thus slowing virgin bush clearing?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


The City has no capacity to compel owners to develop their blocks.


8.         Will the Council look seriously at reversing all waste water pipelines into the ocean and put it back in to the land, i.e. growing vegetables, timber etc.  Suggest a catchment reservoir north of Ellenbrook to serve northern suburbs, Bullsbrook and Ellenbrook.  Could be used for fire fighting and be the source and supply for the salad bowl of the state (every major city in Australia should do this, let’s be the first and get to grips with the word water shortage) and green up Australia.


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


Responsibility for disposal of wastewater is carried out by the Water Corporation.  Such a proposal has not been considered by the Council.


9.         Will Council from now on look at every block on its merits irrespective of zoning and make sure its land usage and its attributes are adhered to (Yes or No answer).  Example:  Large Banksia block totally cleared, now a plastics tip and eyesore entrance to Badgerup Road.


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


Council has an obligation to consider the zoning and development standards of the Scheme in every proposal for the development of land.  Where Scheme provisions are not complied with, Council has an option to take compliance action.


10.      Will the Council reverse the small block no garden mentality as totally unsuitable for family occupation?  It achieves nothing except stress and anarchy.


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


The density of development is determined through the structure planning process having regard to State Government Planning Policies on urban development.  


11.      Would like to thank the Council at this time for considering the above and will expect a positive visionary approach and reply to our communities concerns. 


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


No answer required.



Public Questions Received During the Meeting

PQ05-02/16       Mr D Endersby, The Fairways, Gnangara

PS02-01/16 Petition PT04-11/15:  Rezoning of the Gnangara Special Rural Area to Urban


1.         Could Council confirm if the special rural zone was approved under the original covenant when the plan was put in place, that it would require 100% approval of the registered property owners for any future changes of zoning?  If this is the case and Council were forced to change the zone, would they be seeking this consent of the landowners?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


Zoning proposals are determined by the Minister for Planning, both for the Metropolitan Region Scheme and for the Council’s Local Scheme, so there is no requirement in the planning regulations to get agreement, although there is a requirement to consult with all owners.  If there was a covenant in place, that is a private legal matter.


2.         If the Council was forced to approve the changing of this zoning of special rural to urban would any future developers of these properties be required under SPP3.6 required to make development contributions for deep sewerage, roads, community facilities and broadband communications as those that already do in greenfield developments?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


          If the land is rezoned in the Metropolitan Region Scheme to urban, then there is a legal obligation on the Council to amend its local planning scheme to a zoning that is consistent with that and it is not specific about exactly what that zone is.  There is a requirement for the City to bring its scheme into consistency with the Region Scheme in the event that it is amended.  If those two things occurred it would be open to Council to have a developer contribution scheme in that area if it was approved by the Minister, but that is a decision the Council would make depending on the zone that was chosen.


3.       Would Council undertake to inform and advise all land owners within the Special Rural Zone of these changes that are currently being discussed and any future communications they might receive from the WA Planning Commission on this matter?






Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


          If and when the WA Planning Commission initiates an amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme within this area, it will undertake consultation in respect of those proposals.  The Council would have to determine what, if any, consultation it undertook to assist it in making its submission to the WA Planning Commission on their proposal.


PQ06-02/16       Ms T Nguyen, Rousset Road, Mariginiup

PS04-01/16 Additions to Existing Intensive Agriculture (Lion Mushrooms) at 69 Rousset Road, Mariginiup


1.       Administration’s recommendation to report PS04-01/16 states the planning approval shall expire within three years.  If the business does not cease operating within this timeframe, what will happen?


Response by Manager Planning Implementation


That is a condition of planning approval.  If the landowners do not comply with that requirement they will be in breach of the Scheme and it will be open to the City to take compliance action against them.


2.         How long does that process normally take?


Response by Manager Planning Implementation


The timeframe can vary with the compliance process.  If the landowners respond immediately to the direction that the City might provide, the action would take a fairly short period of time but if they do not comply with the City’s direction and appeal the decision, that process can take several months, even years potentially. 


3.         If they do not stop and then submit an appeal which could take years, this will affect the value of the landowners property in that area.  How does Council ensure there is minimal influence on the landowners around this business?


Response by Manager Planning Implementation


The condition that has been proposed was initially put in place approximately four years ago when the application for the mushroom farm was previously considered by Council.  The condition was prepared in conjunction with the landowners so they are aware of their obligations should the zoning of the land change to urban.  It is not expected that they would not comply with that requirement but the options the City has is that it takes compliance action, such as issuing directions under the Town Planning and Development Act or it could involve prosecution for unauthorised development. 


PQ07-02/16       Mr C Webb, Lakelands Drive, Gnangara

PS02-01/16 Petition PT04-11/15:  Rezoning of the Gnangara Special Rural Area to Urban


Will Council give an undertaking that deferred urban is not an option for special rural areas?  Does deferred urban end with John Day, the State Planning Minister?





Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


This matter is not being considered by the Council.  Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendments are determined by the Minister and then the Governor.  Certain types of major Region Scheme amendments have to go to Parliament and they can be disallowed by Parliament.  Amendments to the local Town Planning Scheme, which would be to change from Special Rural would be a local scheme amendment and that is determined solely by the Minister.

PQ08-02/16       Mr C White, Scrubwren Circuit, Alkimos

Various issues, Alkimos


As President of the Alkimos Progress Association the following questions are submitted:-


1.         When will the Foreshore Management Plan be finalised and will it include a dog beach in the Alkimos area?


          Response by Mayor Roberts


          The Alkimos Foreshore Management Plan is on the Agenda this evening and it will then be forwarded to the West Australian Planning Commission for approval and the response to this question has been provided to you in writing and will be shown at
item 1 of PQ02-01/16 of the Minutes.


2.         When the time comes that Council takes over Alkimos Beach Estate, what, if any, facilities will be provided by Council for such things as beach shacks?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


Question taken on notice.


Further Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


No beach shacks are proposed in the Foreshore Management Plan which was approved by Council on 2 February 2016.  The Foreshore Management Plan will be forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission for their consideration.


3.       Beach access is open with a carpark for 40 cars but there are no bin facilities.  Will Council provide bins or does this come under Lendlease?


Response by Mayor Roberts


Discussions will be held with the developer Lendlease in relation to this. 


4.       It was questioned as to whether our water bills are higher at Alkimos Beach than other areas?  It was also questioned as to why we pay high rates even though we are not officially under the full jurisdiction of the City of Wanneroo?


Response by Director Corporate Strategy and Performance


Water rates are determined by the Water Corporation.


The property rates are based on what the property is used for, so in that area it would generally be residential and they are all properties within the jurisdiction of the City of Wanneroo and the rates will only differ where the value of the property is different. 


If there is a particular property that is of concern this can be brought to Administration’s attention.  A response to this question has been provided to you in writing and will be shown at item 5 of PQ02-01/16 of the Minutes.


5.       At Leatherback Park in Alkimos there is currently a temporary sports changerooms on the north side of the park – could this be built on the south side of the park, away from residents?


          A response to this question has been provided to you in writing and will be shown at item 6 of PQ02-02/16 of the Minutes.  The City will consult with the community.


PQ09-02/16       Mr L Flood, Ronez Elbow, Merriwa

Various Traffic and Litter Issues


1.         The City of Wanneroo is going to face traffic volume increase with the new roads being built that stop short of Romeo Road.  Could zebra crossings, flashing lights or overhead walkways or some other alternative be used for residents of Ridgewood and Merriwa trying to cross Connolly Drive?


Response by A/Director Assets


    Question taken on notice.


Further Response by A/Director Assets


Main Roads WA is the authority responsible for the installation of zebra crossings where their use is limited to major commercial precincts with high pedestrian volumes. Based on the function of Connolly Drive, it is considered that the use of a zebra crossing is not appropriate and would not be supported by Main Roads WA.  Based on pedestrian and vehicle numbers, the lack of available land within the road reserve and the installation and maintenance costs involved, a pedestrian overpass is not considered feasible for this section of Connolly Drive.


The upgrade of Connolly Drive to median separated dual carriageway will assist residents in crossing as they will be able to make a two staged crossing rather than the current situation which requires both directions of traffic to be clear at the same time. Additionally, Administration will support the installation of a guarded children’s crossing, however an application would need to come directly from the school. As part of the City’s Road Safety Strategic Action Plan, the City has been proactive reviewing traffic volumes around all schools to assist schools in identifying crossing points that meet the minimum vehicle warrants for the installation of crossing points. The City will work with Merriwa Primary School to apply for the installation of a children’s crossing on Connolly Drive between Jenolan Way and Hinchinbrook Avenue as this road section meets the minimum vehicle warrants for a children’s crossing.


2.         There are a number of new schools throughout the City of Wanneroo and with the start of the school year, could zebra crossings and flashing lights be used in the Yanchep community on Beach Road and Merriwa Avenue?


Response by A/Director Assets


    Question taken on notice.




Further Response by A/Director Assets


Main Roads WA  is the authority responsible for the installation of zebra crossings where their use is limited to major commercial precincts with high pedestrian volumes.  Their use on arterial roads such as Yanchep Beach Road is not appropriate and would not be supported by Main Roads WA. 


The most appropriate method of improving pedestrian safety at schools is through the use of guarded children’s crossings.  An application for such a crossing must be initiated by either the School Principal, or President/Secretary of a recognised school/parent organisation, for example Parents and Citizen's or Parents and Friends. Information relating to school crossings can be found on the WA Police website under Traffic – Children's Crossings. As part of the City’s Road Safety Strategic Action Plan, The City has been proactive reviewing traffic volumes around all schools to assist schools in identifying crossing point that meet the minimum vehicle warrants for the installation of crossing points. The City reviews the traffic volumes during schools hours at all schools each year and these new schools will be included in these reviews once they are operational. If any roads around these schools meet the minimum traffic volumes the City will advise the schools that they meet the minimum traffic volume warrants outlined by the Children’s Crossing and Road Safety Committee.


3.         Will be participating in the Clean up Australia Day on 12 February from 1-2.30 outside Merriwa Primary School and there is approximately 100kgs of rubbish.


Response by A/Director Assets


    Question taken on notice.


Further Response by A/Director Assets


The City participates in Clean Up Australia Day. City owned locations are contacted each year to determine if the City can provide Clean Up Australia Day assistance.


Due to liability issues, the City can only provide this assistance on City owned land. In this instance, Merriwa Primary School is not located on City owned land.


4.         Could litter signs be placed outside Merriwa Primary School and at Quinns Beach itself, from outside the Surf Lifesaving Club to the marina and Fred Stubbs park and could bins be put in front of all beach entrances?


Response by A/Director Assets


    Question taken on notice.


Further Response by A/Director Assets


The City is conscious of ensuring effective placement of signage to gain maximum impact. It is not currently planned to place additional litter signage at Merriwa Primary School and the Quinns Beach foreshore, however it is planned to develop community education programs to deter the behaviour of littering in the community.


It is not practical for the City to place rubbish bins at all beach entrances. In some instances beach track entrances are not accessible collection points for vehicles, consequently rubbish bins are placed at accessible beach track entrances for disposal and collection of rubbish, however the City has endeavoured to place bins as near to beach entrance as possible which allows accessibility.


PQ10-02/16       Ms D Patchett, Maree Place, Gnangara

PS02-01/16 Petition PT04-11/15:  Rezoning of the Gnangara Special Rural Area to Urban


1.         Local Councils have lost a degree of their power recently regarding future suburban developments.  Understandably, there is a need for change to cater for the growing population but do not understand why a chosen lifestyle at home with nature residing on acreage in Gnangara is under threat.  The government has cleared a large proportion of the Gnangara pine plantation on Gnangara Road which is now void of any life, has this land been considered for future suburbia?  If so, why the need to suburbanise Gnangara?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


          No, this has not been considered by the City of Wanneroo.


2.         As noted earlier, it appears that local Council has lost a degree of power therefore if Elected Members cannot assist in retaining Gnangara as semi-rural then assistance is needed in regard to the proposed timeframe remaining before the onset of the urban development in Gnangara.  For example, should a kitchen renovation at a cost of $20,000 be proceeded with or leave it as is? 


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


          It is difficult to determine timeframes.  If there were a proposal from the WA Planning Commission to rezone that land to urban, that takes approximately a year to go through, local scheme amendments another year after that and the urban conversion process is about a five year process but this is pure speculation as it is all dependent on whether the WA Planning Commission decides to amend the Metropolitan Region Scheme. 


3.         Are renovations worth doing to the property?  If the house remained, would it be built around in the future or would it be demolished?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


Exactly how land is urbanised is a complex matter, commonly it would involve the demolition of existing dwellings but it is possible to retain existing dwellings as there is no compulsory acquisition of land for urban purposes.  If owners do not wish to sell and develop their land then there is nothing that compels them to do that.  At the moment it is rural in the Region Scheme and until an amendment to that scheme that seeks to change that, then everything is speculation.


Response by Mayor Roberts


It is suggested that you contact the State Member for Wanneroo and speak to the staff at the Department of Planning who may be able to provide some advice.






PQ11-02/16       Mrs M. Manners, Belgrade Road, Wanneroo

PS03-01/16 Proposed Amendment 1304/57 TO Metropolitan Region Scheme: Lots 28 and 29 Belgrade Road and Lots 10 and 11 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo


Have not heard the result of the public comment regarding the restart of the mushroom farm in Belgrade Road so assume the buffer zone is still in place there.  Considering that and looking at the map on page 26 of tonight’s Agenda (Attachment 1) it is clear how isolated the four blocks are that are in question.  They are isolated from the bigger picture of East Wanneroo quite significantly.  The east is blocked by a buffer zone down to the lake, the south has a Water Corporation reserve and general reserve, the north has urban deferred land and special rural land and to the west there is developed urban land.    Has Council considered this in response to the MRS amendment?


Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


Council will be considering their response this evening.  Administration has taken this into consideration but the report is based primarily on assessment under the Council’s policy.


Item  4       Confirmation of Minutes

OC01-02/16       Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting held on 8 December 2015

Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Zappa


That the minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 8 December 2015 be confirmed.


Carried Unanimously


SOC02-02/16    Minutes of Special Council Meeting held on 15 December 2015

Moved Cr Treby, Seconded Cr Zappa


That the minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on 15 December 2015 be confirmed.


Carried Unanimously


Item  5       Announcements by the Mayor without Discussion








Item  6       Questions from Elected Members

CQ01-02/16       Cr Aitken -  Dualling of Marmion Avenue

1.       With the money in reserves, how much has been set aside for the dualling of Marmion Avenue?


          Response by Director Corporate Strategy and Performance


          There is none in this year’s budget but will take the question on notice to look at the          long term financial plan.


          Further response by Director Corporate Strategy and Performance


          Council did not adopt a 10 Year Capital Works Program in 2015/16.  The draft 2016/17 20 Year Plan currently has the following listed in regards to the dualling of Marmion Avenue from Butler Boulevard to Yanchep –


o   2017/18 - $500,000 for design & documentation

o   2018/19 - $5M

o   2019/20 - $10M

o   2020/21 - $5M


          The draft 2016/17 20 Year Plan is in the process of being reviewed.


2.       With all the growth in the area around Marmion Avenue, there must be money for the       dualling.  Do developer contribution funds contribute to this?


          Response by Director Planning and Sustainability


No because the dualling of Marmion Avenue does not become necessary by virtue of adjoining developments, there are wider issues around that.


          Response by Mayor Roberts


          Consideration is being given by the Director to prepare a report for Council that it   becomes a Main Roads road. 


3.       Can the dualling of Marmion Avenue be fast tracked by:-


a)         Tendering outside of the City for this project; and


b)         Pre-funded out of reserves until any grant funding comes through?


          Response by Chief Executive Officer


          The dualling of Marmion Avenue is a significant, strategic project that Council would first need to determine its priority and as the Mayor has indicated, Council will need to consider as Marmion Avenue ultimately connects to the future city centre of Yanchep, whether that should be a State Government Main Roads road due to its connection between Perth City and Yanchep City Centre.





Item  7       Petitions

New Petitions Received 

PT01-01/16       Request for Cul de Sac for Parin Road, Marangaroo

Cr Simpkins presented a petition of 34 signatories requesting the closure of Parin Road, Marangaroo at its entrance/exit from Wanneroo Road to turn it into a cul de sac for safety reasons.


This petition be forwarded to the Assets directorate for action.


PT02-02/16       Request to extend Quinns Dog Beach to stairs at Chippy’s Cafe

Cr Parker presented a petition of 1,976 signatories requesting the extension of Quinns Dog Beach from the northern end of the current boundary to the stairway servicing Chippy’s cafe.


This petition be forwarded to the Planning and Sustainability directorate for action.


Moved Cr Guise, Seconded Cr Aitken


That the petitions be received and forwarded to the relevant Directorate for action.



Update on Petitions   

Cr Zappa presented a petition of 115 signatories requesting that Badgerup Road and adjoining roads such as Moondyne Trail, Lakelands Drive, Tuscan Way, Jambanis Road and Ashby Street be designated for local traffic only and that the speed limit on Badgerup Road be reduced to 70kph with adjoining roads to be 60kph.




The petition organiser has been contacted to arrange a site meeting with residents along with traffic counts being collected to ensure traffic data is current for the roads identified in the petition.  A report with the outcomes will be presented to the 26 April Council Meeting.


Cr Cvitan presented a petition of 27 signatories requesting that Council allocate funds in the 2016/17 budget to replace the colourbond boundary fencing for properties backing onto Ocean Reef Road, being numbers 48-58 Goundrey Drive and 2-16 Popolo Place that form part of the Terrace Estate in Pearsall with a limestone product of a suitable depth and height to act as a road noise buffer.




Report scheduled for March Council meeting


Cr Sangalli presented a petition of 15 signatories requesting that Council relocate the entrance point of Dewars Track away from residential homes on Damepattie and Sovereign Drives, Two Rocks in order to decrease the incidences of antisocial behaviour in that area.




Since the petition was received, Administration’s efforts have mainly focussed on implementing  Council’s resolution made at the Special Council Meeting held on 15 December 2015 (item SCR01-12/15) to close the existing Dewars Beach Access Track. A review of potential alternative access points will be further considered by Administration and a report will be prepared for the April Council meeting.

Item  8       Reports

Declarations of Interest by Elected Members, including the nature and extent of the interest. Declaration of Interest forms to be completed and handed to the Chief Executive Officer.

Cr Zappa declared an indirect financial interest in item AS05-01/16 due to his employer RSM Australia Partners being engaged as auditors of Jaxon Civil, an unsuccessful tenderer.


Cr Winton declared an impartiality interest in item AS06-01/16 due to being a member of the Yanchep Life Saving Club.


Mayor Roberts declared a proximity interest in item CP01-01/16 due to residing close to Claytons Beach.


Cr Zappa declared an impartiality interest in item CS04-01/16 due to being President of the Landsdale Residents Association, for which he does not receive an honorarium.


Cr Zappa declared an indirect financial interest in item CS04-01/16 due to his employer RSM Australia Partners being engaged as auditors of Football West Limited.



Planning and Sustainability

City Growth

PS01-01/16       Alkimos Beach Foreshore Management Plan

File Ref:                                              2442 – 15/524094

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       4         


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Zappa

That Council:-

1.       APPROVES the draft Alkimos Beach Foreshore Management Plan; and

2.       FORWARDS a copy to the Western Australian Planning Commission for its approval.


Carried Unanimously


PS02-01/16       Petition PT04-11/15:  Rezoning of the Gnangara Special Rural Area to Urban

File Ref:                                              6607 – 15/549548

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       1         


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Zappa

That Council:-

1.       FORWARDS a copy of the petition to the Western Australian Planning Commission;

2.       ADVISES the Commission that the information is provided further to Council’s resolution of 15 September 2015 concerning the need for the Commission to properly consult with residents in the subject area; and

3.       ADVISES the petitioners regarding 1 and 2 above.


Carried Unanimously



PS03-01/16       Proposed Amendment 1304/57 to Metropolitan Region Scheme: Lots 28 and 29 Belgrade Road and Lots 10 and 11 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo

File Ref:                                              2080 – 15/595413

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       3         



That Council:-

1.       OBJECTS to Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1304/57 relating to Lots 28 and 29 Belgrade Road and Lots 10 and 11 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo on the following grounds:

a)      It is contrary to Local Planning Policy 5.3: East Wanneroo;

b)      It may set a precedent for further ad hoc, piecemeal planning rather than the East Wanneroo area being subject to a comprehensive planning approach as proposed under LPP 5.3;

c)      Through requiring that MRS rezoning to an urban type of zoning occur through only a limited number of amendments covering the total potential urban area, LPP 5.3 aims to facilitate a collaborative approach being taken by the various landowner groups and their respective consultants who are active in that area.  Piecemeal MRS Amendments discourages such collaboration occurring between the landowner groups;

d)      The Amendment Report does not include the requirement for Local Structure Plans (LSP) to be prepared as per the LPP 5.3, prior to subdivision stage; and

e)      It does not allow the City to implement a proper accreditation and accounting system to handle subsequent claims for DCP credits;  

2.       FORWARDS a copy of this Administration report to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) as the City's formal response to proposed Metropolitan Region Amendment 1304/57;

3.       ADVISES the WAPC and the Department of Planning that while Council is objecting to this current MRS Amendment for this land on Belgrade Road and Dundebar Road, it would support this land being included in an MRS Amendment which involved rezoning to an urban type of zoning of all of the East Wanneroo Structure Plan potential urban land.

4.       SEEKS confirmation from the WAPC that it has referred the amendment to the Federal Department of the Environment in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

5.       ADVISES the WAPC and the Department of Planning (DoP) that Council notes the advice provided by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) under Section 48A(1)(a) of the Environmental Protection Act 1986, and SEEKS discussions with DoP officers on the matters raised in that advice, as recommended by the EPA.





Alternative Motion


Moved Cr Guise, Seconded Cr Cvitan


That Council:-

1.         SUPPORTS Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1304/57 relating to Lots 28 and 29 Belgrade Road and Lots 10 and 11 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo for the following reasons:

a)      The MRS Amendment will facilitate further planning of the East Wanneroo area including the undertaking of district and local structure planning and preparation of Development Contribution Plans;

b)      The subject area is contiguous with the existing development in Wanneroo, and is in close proximity to Wanneroo Town Centre and existing infrastructure; and

c)      In making this decision, the Council advises the landowners that support for this amendment to Urban Deferred does not necessarily mean that the Council will support lifting of Deferment, and this will only be considered following the comprehensive planning including the preparation of District Structure Plans, Developer Contributions Plans and confirmation of provision of necessary infrastructure.

2.       SEEKS confirmation from the WAPC that it has referred the amendment to the Federal Department of the Environment in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999;

3.       ADVISES the WAPC and the Department of Planning (DoP) that Council notes the advice provided by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) under Section 48A(1)(a) of the Environmental Protection Act 1986, and SEEKS discussions with DoP officers on the matters raised in that advice, as recommended by the EPA;

4.       REQUESTS the WAPC to progress an MRS Amendment for the broader East Wanneroo area in the next two months to enable the comprehensive and proper coordinated planning of the area.



Reason for Alternative Motion

Refer to 1 a), b) and c) above which indicates the reason for the alternative recommendation.





Approval Services

PS04-01/16       Additions to existing Intensive Agriculture (Lion Mushrooms) at 69 Rousset Road, Mariginiup

File Ref:                                              DA2015/512 – 15/186795

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       5  

Previous Items:                                   PS09-06/12 Agenda   PS09-06/12 Resolution

                                                            Lot 20 (69) Rousset Road, Mariginiup - Consideration of DA2011/1119 (Amendments to Intensive Agriculture Land Use) and DA2012/33 (Change of Use to Industry - Rural)

                                                            CR01-11/12 Resolution - Legal Report - Lot 20 (69) Rousset Road, Mariginiup - Reconsideration - Ordinary Council       



That Council:-

1.       Pursuant to Clause 68(2)(b) of the Deemed Provisions of District Planning    Scheme No. 2 APPROVES the development application for additions to the existing Intensive Agriculture (Lion Mushrooms) at Lot 20 (69) Rousset Road, Mariginiup, as shown in Attachment 3, subject to compliance with the following conditions: 


a)      This application is only in relation to the Additions to Intensive Agriculture as indicated in red on the approved plans. It does not relate to any other development on the lot.

b)      This approval is only valid from the date of this decision and does not retrospectively authorise any previous unapproved development on the subject lot.

c)      This planning approval shall expire :

          i.        within 3 years of the date that :

                   a.       land immediately adjacent to a 500 metre radius of the central point of           69 Rousset Road Mariginiup (the Land) is gazetted 'urban' under the                        MRS; or

                   b.       the Land is gazetted 'urban' under the MRS,

          whichever occurs first in time; or

                   ii.       on 17 December 2019

          whichever is the later;

d)      The use of areas marked as “A” on the approved plan shall conform to the District Planning Scheme 2 definition of ‘Intensive Agriculture’ which states:

                      “Intensive Agriculture : means any land or buildings used for trade or                                commercial purposes for the following:


          (a)     the production of grapes, vegetables, flowers, exotic and native plants,        fruits and nuts (including market gardens); or

          (b)     the establishment of and operation of plant and fruit nurseries; or

          (c)     the development of land for irrigated fodder product and irrigated           pasture (including turf farms).”

e)       The use of areas marked as “B” on the approved plan shall conform to the District Planning Scheme 2 definition of ‘Rural Industry’ which states:

          “Industry – rural: means an industry handling, treating, processing or   packaging primary products grown, reared or produced in the locality, and a workshop used for the servicing of plant or equipment used for rural purposes in the locality.”

f)       The use of areas marked as “C” on the approved plan shall be used for storage purposes;

g)       The use of areas marked as “D” on the approved plan shall conform to the District Planning Scheme 2 definition of ‘Rural Use’ which states:

          “Rural use: means agriculture, horticulture, and may include aquaculture, and includes the raising of livestock and the retail sale of the produce of the property where satisfactory access and parking can           be provided, and provided that any processing of the produce prior to sale can take place on site.”

          A change of use from the uses approved under conditions d), e), f) and g) above will require the approval of the City;

h)       Subject to condition j):

i.        the hours of operation during the months of July and January inclusive shall be :

         a.       box folding equipment between the hours of 7am and 8pm seven         days a week; and

         b.       all approved land uses, except the operation of box folding           equipment, between the hours of 7am and 10pm seven days a week;    and

ii.       the hours of operation during the months of February and June    inclusive shall be :

         a.       box folding equipment between the hours of 7am and 6pm seven         days a week; and

         b.       all approval land uses, except the operation of box folding equipment, between the hours of 7am and 9pm seven days a week; and

         c.       only one box folding machine shall be operated at any one time   during the hours of operations as set out in condition  h) i and ii       herein.

i)        All compost is delivered in sealed packages or in a manner that prevents odour emission to the satisfaction of the City’s Health Services;

j)        The hours of operation of box operating equipment on Sundays and Public Holidays shall be between the hours of 7am and 6pm;  and

k)       8 additional parking bays are to be provided on site.



2.       ENDORSES Administration’s responses to the submissions received as provided in Attachment 4 and ADVISES the submitters of this decision.



Alternative Motion

Moved Cr Cvitan, Seconded Cr Fenn

That Council:-

1.         REFUSES the development application for additions to the existing Intensive Agriculture (Lion Mushrooms) at Lot 20 (69) Rousset Road, Mariginiup, for the following reasons:

a)      the proposal will significantly expand the Intensive Agriculture which is considered to adversely impact on the amenity of nearby residents in terms of increased noise nuisance and traffic generation; and

b)      the proposal seeks to entrench an activity that is inconsistent with the long term   future urbanisation of the subject land and the surrounding area, as envisaged in the Western Australian Planning Commission's East Wanneroo Structure Plan document.

2.      INSTRUCTS Administration to investigate possible breaches to conditions contained within the existing planning approval (DA2012/33), included as Attachment 2, and to provide its findings to Council; and

3.       INSTRUCTS the applicant to cease any increased production in the quantity of mushrooms being produced immediately and to remove all unauthorised structures from the site within 28 days from the date of this decision, unless otherwise approved by the Chief Executive Officer.



Reason for Alternative Motion


Refer to 1. a) and b) above which outlines the reasons for the alternative recommendation.


CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 02 February, 2016                                                       23








PS05-01/16       Consideration of a Management Strategy - Pedestrian Accessway between The Avenue and Feathertop Rise, Alexander Heights

File Ref:                                              8755 – 15/166546

Responsible Officer:                           Director Planning and Sustainability

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       5         


Moved Cr Zappa, Seconded Cr Simpkins

That Council:-

1.       ENDORSES the management strategy (included as Attachment 2) prepared for the pedestrian accessway known as Portion Lot 1055 (20P) Feathertop Rise, Alexander Heights; and

2.       NOTES the submissions received as summarised in Attachment 3 in respect to the management strategy (included as Attachment 2) prepared for the pedestrian accessway known as Portion Lot 1055 (20P) Feathertop Rise, Alexander Heights; and

3.       ENDORSES Administration's responses to those submissions, and ADVISES the submitters of its decision.


Carried Unanimously

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Asset Operations & Services

AS01-01/16       Parin Road, Marangaroo - Traffic Management Scheme - Community Consultation Results

File Ref:                                              3120V03 – 15/234803

Responsible Officer:                           Director Assets

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       9         


Moved Cr Zappa, Seconded Cr Simpkins

That Council:-

1.       APPROVES the revised Traffic Management Scheme – Option 3 (horizontal deflections similar to San Rosa Road), for Parin Road, Marangaroo, as detailed in City Drawing No. 3191-1-1 (Attachment 9 refers) at an estimated cost of $180,000;

2.       NOTES that the additional $90,000 funding is required to be allocated in 2016/2017 Capital Works Program to fully complete the works for  PR-2982 – Parin Road Traffic Management Scheme; and

3.       ADVISES the residents of Parin Road of Council’s decision.


Carried Unanimously

CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 02 February, 2016                                                 37

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AS02-01/16       Heathfield Drive, Landsdale - Traffic Management Scheme -

File Ref:                                              19484 – 15/550340

Responsible Officer:                           Manager Parks and Reserves Maintenance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       5         


Moved Cr Newton, Seconded Cr Winton

That Council:-

1.       DOES NOT SUPPORT the installation of a Traffic Management Scheme along Heathfield Drive, Landsdale; and

2.       ADVISES the respondents of Councils decision.


Moved Cr Zappa, Seconded Cr Treby

That the recommendation be amended to add the words “at this point in time” following the word “Landsdale” in recommendation 1; insert a new recommendation 2 and 3 and renumber the former recommendation 2 to recommendation 4:

That Council:-

1.         DOES NOT SUPPORT the installation of a Traffic Management Scheme along Heathfield Drive, Landsdale at this point in time; and

2.         REQUESTS Administration to apply to Main Road WA to install dividing line, add Heathfield Drive to the 2016 Speed Advisory Trailer list and install ‘Remember 50’ signs to the length of Heathfield Drive;

3.         NOTES a 33% response rate to the proposed traffic management scheme from properties abutting Heathfield Drive with 63% opposing the proposed traffic management scheme and 37% in agreement with the proposed traffic management scheme; and

2 4.    ADVISES the respondents of Councils decision.

Carried Unanimously


Substantive Motion as Amended


That Council:-

1.         DOES NOT SUPPORT the installation of a Traffic Management Scheme along Heathfield Drive, Landsdale at this point in time;

2.         REQUESTS Administration to apply to Main Road WA to install dividing line, add Heathfield Drive to the 2016 Speed Advisory Trailer list and install ‘Remember 50’ signs to the length of Heathfield Drive;

3.         NOTES a 33% response rate to the proposed traffic management scheme from properties abutting Heathfield Drive with 63% opposing the proposed traffic management scheme and 37% in agreement with the proposed traffic management scheme; and


4.       ADVISES the respondents of Councils decision.


The substantive motion was put as amended and

Carried Unanimously


AS03-01/16       Gnangara Road/Marathon Loop, Madeley - Accessibility Issues and Options

File Ref:                                              7891 – 16/14923

Responsible Officer:                           Director Assets

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       7         


Moved Cr Newton, Seconded Cr Cvitan

That Council:-

1.       NOTES that the Acting Chief Executive Officer and the Mayor, In accordance with Delegation 2.5.:  Authority to Make Decisions on Behalf of the City during Council Recess, authorised the undertaking of a further community consultation (from 18 January 2016 to 8 February 2016) to seek the community’s feedback on the following three accessibility options for the Madeley Residential Precinct:


a)    Option A - Left-In at Marathon Loop West/Gnangara Road intersection and Full Intersection at Marathon Loop East as shown in the City’s drawing no. 3128-1-1;

b)    Option B - Left-In at Marathon Loop West/Gnangara Road intersection and Emergency Access Driveway at Marathon Loop East as shown in the City’s drawing no. 3128-6-0; and

c)    Option C - Left-In at Marathon Loop West/Gnangara Road intersection and construction of an access road from the north end of Buffalo Avenue, north to Gavranich Way, as shown in the City’s drawing no. 3128-9-0;

2.       NOTES that a report on the outcome of the further community consultation is scheduled to be presented at the next Ordinary Council meeting to be held on
1 March 2016.


Carried Unanimously




Strategic Asset Management

AS04-01/16       Equestrian Use within Lake Badgerup Reserve, Wanneroo

File Ref:                                              1717 – 15/509728

Responsible Officer:                           Manager Parks and Reserves Maintenance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       2         


Moved Cr Newton, Seconded Cr Cvitan

That Council:-

1.       ACKNOWLEDGES that equestrian use is prohibited within the boundaries of Lake Badgerup Conservation Reserve and all City reserves and foreshores, unless specifically set aside for that purpose in accordance with the City’s Local Law (Section 26(2) of the City of Wanneroo’s Animals Local Law 1999);

2.       NOTES that the proposed installation of fencing and gates will be accommodated within the 2015/2016 Capital Works Budget, PR 2088 - Badgerup Lake (Environmental Offset requirement); and

3.       ADVISE the surrounding community and residents of the exclusion of equestrian use within the boundaries of Lake Badgerup Reserve accordingly.


Carried Unanimously


Infrastructure Capital Works

Cr Zappa declared an indirect financial interest in item AS05-01/16 due to his employer RSM Australia Partners being engaged as auditors of Jaxon Civil, an unsuccessful tenderer and left the Chambers at 8:07pm.

AS05-01/16       Tender No. 01559 - Construction of Connolly Drive Duplication

File Ref:                                              22735 – 15/573299

Responsible Officer:                           Manager Parks and Reserves Maintenance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       1         


Moved Cr Parker, Seconded Cr Aitken

That Council:-

1.       ACCEPTS the tender submitted by Ralmana Pty Ltd T/A RJ Vincent & Co for Tender No. 01559 for the Construction of Connolly Drive Duplication – Neerabup Road to Lukin Drive, Clarkson/Merriwa, for its tendered Lump Sum of $6,488,062.63 as per the General Conditions of Tendering; and





2.       NOTES that funding of $4.003M in 2016/2017 for both projects (PR-2775 & PR-2779), will be listed in the draft long-term Capital Works Program to allow for completion of the project.

Carried Unanimously

Cr Zappa returned to Chambers at 8:08pm.


Cr Winton declared an impartiality interest in item AS06-01/16 due to being a member of the Yanchep Life Saving Club.

AS06-01/16       Tender No. 01560 for the Construction of the Yanchep Surf Life Saving Club Building and Civil Works.

File Ref:                                              4428 – 15/581920

Responsible Officer:                           Manager Parks and Reserves Maintenance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil       


Moved Cr Winton, Seconded Cr Aitken

1.       That Council ACCEPTS the tender submitted by Diploma Construction WA Pty Ltd for Tender No. 01560 for the Construction of the Yanchep Surf Life Saving Club Building and Civil Works at Lot 503 Brazier Road, Yanchep for the fixed lump sum price of $4,533,573 in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the tender document;

2.       APPROVES BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY the over expenditure of $800,000 subject to Section 6.8(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1995 and in accordance with the City’s Accounting Policy Section 3(g)(c) and APPROVES the following budget amendment:


GL Account/

Capital Project

Current Budget

Adjusted Budget

Upgrade Old Yanchep Road – Pederick Road to Trandos Road




Upgrade Old Yanchep Road – Trandos Road to Wattle Avenue




Construction of the Yanchep Surf Life Saving Club Building and Civil Works





3.       NOTES that a further $3,942,042 funding is required to be allocated in 2016/2017 Capital Works Budget to fully complete the works for the Construction of the Yanchep Surf Life Saving Club Building and Civil Works at Lot 503 Brazier Road, Yanchep.



Carried BY absolute majority



AS07-01/16       Tender No 01571 for the Construction of the Fishermans Hollow Beach Access at Lot 503 Brazier Road, Yanchep

File Ref:                                              19467 – 15/599857

Responsible Officer:                           Manager Parks and Reserves Maintenance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil       


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Parker

That Council:

1.       ACCEPTS the tender submitted by Landmark Products Pty Ltd for Tender No. 01571 for Provision of Services for the Construction of the Fishermans Hollow Beach Access at Lot 503 Brazier Road, Yanchep for the fixed lump sum price of $255,280 in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the tender document;

2.       APPROVES BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY the over expenditure of $85,000 subject to Section 6.8(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1995 and in accordance with the City’s Accounting Policy Section 3(g)(c) and APPROVES the following budget amendment:   


GL Account/

Capital Project

Current Budget

Adjusted Budget

Survey, Design and documentation Marmion Avenue – Lukin Drive to Butler Boulevard




Construction of the Fisherman’s Hollow Beach Access at Lot 503 Brazier Road, Yanchep





3.       NOTES that $50,000 additional funding is required to be allocated in 2016/2017 Capital Works Budget to fully complete the works for PR-2475 Construction of the Fisherman’s Hollow Beach Access at Lot 503 Brazier Road, Yanchep.


 Carried by Absolute Majority





Assets Maintenance

AS08-01/16       Quinns Beach Shark Barrier - Update and Community Survey Results

File Ref:                                              24282 – 16/4191

Responsible Officer:                           Director Assets

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       5         


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Parker

That Council:-

1.       ACCEPTS the outcomes of the community consultation for a shark barrier at Quinns Beach;

2.       LISTS $300,000 for the installation of a shark barrier at Southern Quinns Beach in the long term Capital Works Program under Foreshore Management; and

3.       REQUESTS Administration to prepare the scope of work and specifications suitable for the calling of tenders for design, approvals, supply, installation and maintenance of a shark barrier at southern Quinns Beach, noting that the calling of tenders is subject to the allocation of funds in the long term Capital Works Program under Foreshore Management.

Carried Unanimously


Community & Place

Community Facilities

Mayor Roberts declared a proximity interest in item CP01-01/16 due to residing close to Claytons Beach and left the Chambers at 8:11pm.   Deputy Mayor Guise assumed the Chair.

CP01-01/16       Tender No. 01554 Supply, Install and Maintenance of CCTV and Emergency Beacon for Clayton's Beach

File Ref:                                              20774 – 15/564996

Responsible Officer:                           Director Community & Place

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       2  

Previous Items:                                   CD06-04/14 Agenda  CD06-04/14 Resolution

                                                            City of Wanneroo Coastal Risk and Safety Signage Audit (Part 1)

                                                            CR02-12/15 Resolution

                                                            City of Wanneroo Mobile Beach Safety Patrol – 2015/16 Summer Season      


Moved Cr Zappa, Seconded Cr Fenn

That Council:-


1.         DECLINE the tender submission from Downer EDI in response to Tender No. 01554 for the supply, installation and maintenance of CCTV and emergency beacon for Clayton’s Beach on the basis that:


a)         The City is unable to provide an adequate determination of value for money; and


b)         Advice from Surf Life Saving WA that they are not able to adequately resource a 24/7, 365 day a year response to the proposed emergency beacon, thereby posing an unacceptable risk to the City of Wanneroo, should the project go ahead.


2.         AUTHORISE the Director Community and Place to advise the tenderer of the outcome.



Moved Cr Winton, Seconded Cr Driver

That the recommendation be amended to add a new recommendation 3.

3.      REQUESTS Administration to review the project status and update the budget to be      presented to Council at the March meeting.


Carried Unanimously

Substantive Motion as Amended


That Council:-


1.         DECLINE the tender submission from Downer EDI in response to Tender No. 01554 for the supply, installation and maintenance of CCTV and emergency beacon for Clayton’s Beach on the basis that:


a)         The City is unable to provide an adequate determination of value for money; and


b)        Advice from Surf Life Saving WA that they are not able to adequately resource a 24/7, 365 day a year response to the proposed emergency beacon, thereby posing an unacceptable risk to the City of Wanneroo, should the project go ahead.


2.         AUTHORISE the Director Community and Place to advise the tenderer of the outcome; and

3.      REQUESTS Administration to review the project status and update the budget to be      presented to Council at the March meeting.


The substantive motion was put as amended and

Carried Unanimously


Mayor Roberts returned to Chambers at 8:15pm and resumed the Chair.


Cr Treby left the Chambers at 8:15 pm.

CP02-01/16       Houghton Park Informal BMX Track Concept Design

File Ref:                                              23272 – 16/8031

Responsible Officer:                           Director Community & Place

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       4         


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Fenn

That Council:-


1.       ENDORSES the Houghton Park BMX Upgrade concept plan as shown in Attachment 2 of this report, noting that Administration will address the concern in respect to the proximity of the boundary fence and the outermost track as a part of the detailed design stage;


2.       NOTES that based on the current proposed project schedule, construction of the proposed development is due to commence in April 2016 and will be concluded in June 2016; and


3.       RECOGNISES and THANKS the community for its involvement in the community consultation component of the project.


Carried Unanimously


CP03-01/16       Mary Lindsay Public Open Space Concept Design

File Ref:                                              10295 – 15/564809

Responsible Officer:                           Director Community & Place

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       5         


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Fenn

That Council:-

1.       ENDORSES the Mary Lindsay Public Open Space Concept Plan as shown in Attachment 3 as the Master Plan for the development of the Public Open Space, reflecting the Community’s aspirations for the completed public open space development;

2.       NOTES that Administration will commence detail design for the Mary Lindsay Public Open Space, with revised cost estimates, budget requirements and project staging (should it be required), being reported to Council as a part of the 2016/17 budget development process;

3.       RECOGNISES and THANKS the community for its involvement in the community consultation.


Carried Unanimously

CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 02 February, 2016                                                       48

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CP04-01/16       Mary Lindsay Homestead Re-development Concept Plan

File Ref:                                              21401 – 15/595750

Responsible Officer:                           Director Community & Place

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       5         


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Fenn

That Council:-

1.       ENDORSES the Mary Lindsay Homestead final concept plan as shown in the  Attachment 3, 4 and 5 of this report;

2.       NOTES that based on the current project schedule, work is due to commence in the 2016/2017 financial year; and

3.       RECOGNISES and THANKS the community for its involvement in the community consultation.


Carried Unanimously

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Community Services

CP05-01/16       Youth Futures COMET Agreement 2016

File Ref:                                              4019 – 15/597588

Responsible Officer:                           Director Community & Place

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       1         


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Fenn

That Council:-

1.       APPROVES BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY the continuation agreement between the City of Wanneroo and Youth Futures WA Incorporated, as detailed in Attachment 1, for the use of Clarkson Youth Centre to deliver COMET CaRE school, for the period of three years from February 2016; and

2.       AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer or his nominee to sign the agreement on behalf of the City of Wanneroo.





CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 02 February, 2016                                                       55

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CP06-01/16       Edmund Rice Partnership Agreement 2016

File Ref:                                              5644 – 15/595532

Responsible Officer:                           Director Community & Place

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       1         


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Fenn

That Council:-

1.       APPROVES BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY the continuation of the partnership agreement between the City of Wanneroo and the Edmund Rice Centre Mirrabooka Inc., as detailed in Attachment 1, for the use of the Butler Community Centre, Kingsbridge Park  Amphitheatre, Butterworth Park, Hainsworth Park and Koondoola Reserve to deliver sports based programs for young people at risk and associated activities, for the period of three years from February 2016; and

2.       AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer or his nominee to sign the agreement on behalf of the City of Wanneroo.





CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 02 February, 2016                                                       60

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Place Strengthening

CP07-01/16       Partnership Agreement between CoW and i60 Church

File Ref:                                              24855 – 16/2955

Responsible Officer:                           Director Community & Place

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       1         


Moved Cr Aitken, Seconded Cr Fenn

That Council:-

1.       APPROVES BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY fee waivers associated with the partnership agreement between the City of Wanneroo and the i60 Community Services Inc. up to the value of $4,000, as detailed in Attachment 1 ‘Friend in Need’ service;

2.       AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer or his nominee to sign the agreement on behalf of the City of Wanneroo; and

3.       NOTES that a Community Partnerships Agreement Policy will be developed for future consideration by Council.



Carried by Absolute Majority


CITY OF WANNEROO Minutes OF Ordinary Council Meeting 02 February, 2016                                                       65





Corporate Strategy & Performance

Transactional Finance

CS01-01/16       Financial Activity Statement for the Period Ended 30 November 2015

File Ref:                                              12606 – 15/583194

Responsible Officer:                           Director Corporate Strategy and Performance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       5         


Moved Cr Zappa, Seconded Cr Guise

That Council RECEIVES the Financial Activity Statements and commentaries on variances to YTD Budget for the period ended 30 November 2015, consisting of:


1.       2015/16 Annual Adopted and Revised Budget;


2.       November 2015 YTD Revised Budget;


3.       November 2015 YTD Income and Expenditure;


4.       November 2015 YTD Material Variance Notes; and


5.       November 2015 YTD Net Current Assets.



Carried Unanimously

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CS02-01/16       Warrant of Payments for the Period to 31 December 2015

File Ref:                                              1859 – 16/324

Responsible Officer:                           Director Corporate Strategy and Performance

Disclosure of Interest:                         Nil

Attachments:                                       Nil       


Moved Cr Zappa, Seconded Cr Guise

That Council RECEIVES the list of payments drawn for the month of December 2015, as summarised below:-




Director Corporate Services Advance A/C

Accounts Paid – December 2015

   Cheque Numbers

   EFT Document Numbers



Less Cancelled Cheques

Manual Journal

Town Planning Scheme




104460 - 104770

2424 - 2447











Municipal Fund – Bank A/C

Accounts Paid – December 2015

Recoup – Municipal Fund

Direct Payments

Payroll – Direct Debits









Town Planning Scheme

Accounts Paid – December 2015

                           Cell 1

                           Cell 2

                           Cell 3

                           Cell 4

                           Cell 5

                           Cell 6

                           Cell 7

                           Cell 8

                           Cell 9




























Adam Pickering 




  Bond Refund




Janice Hanney 




  Bond Refund




Yvette Fenwick 




  Bond Refund




Sandra Howe 




  Bond Refund




Rosa Angelica Zapata 




  Bond Refund




Erin Razmoski 




  Bond Refund




ACTU Growth & Campaign Fund 




  Bond Refund




Joan Ras 




  Bond Refund




Jacques Davis 




  Bond Refund




Kellie Carter 




  Bond Refund




Christopher McKeaveney 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Jennifer Judge & Sean Ryan 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Seacrest Homes 




  Refund - Occupancy Permit - Overpaid




Seacrest Homes 




  Reimbursement - Partial - Fees Against Register 32.2015.1 - Application Cancelled




Complete Earthworks WA 




  Reimbursement - Development Application - Not Required




Quinns Districts Amateur Football Club 




  Bond Refund




Craig Patison




  Refund - Application For Section 40 (80.2015.10.1) Lot 555 (100) Kingsway Madeley




Satterley Property Group




  Refund Of Portion Of The Fees Not Expended Assessing Amendment No.23 To The Butler/Ridgewood Agreed Structure Plan No.27




Kingfield Pty Ltd 




  Finalisation Of Contribution Arrangements For Cell 9 - Final Rate Adopted By Council - Balance Of Contingency To Be Returned




Indoor Gardens Pty Ltd 




  Finalisation Of Contribution Arrangements For Cell 9 - Final Rate Adopted By Council - Balance Of Contingency To Returned




Landsdale Property Pty Ltd 




  Finalisation Of Contribution Arrangements For Cell 9 - Final Rate Adopted By Council - Balance Of Contingency To Returned




Eevon Tan-Crockett 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




The Good Twisted Potato 




  Refund - Trading In Public Places Application Fee




West Coast Icecreams & Coffee 




  Refund - Trading In Public Places Application Fee




Jarom Parata 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Elizabeth Joubert 




  Reimbursement - Development Application Fees




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




St Andrew's Catholic Parish 




  Bond Refund




Rates Refund




Dipesh Shah 




  Hire Fee Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




S George 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




N T Man Nguyen




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy








  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




C Ford 




  Bond Refund




A Thompson & N Lacey 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




I & A Ruich 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




I & A Ruich 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Rates Refund








Rates Refund








W Lottering 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Ventura Home Group Pty Ltd 




  Reimbursement - Development Application Fees - Overpaid




Laurie Darnell 




  Refund - Christmas Party - Gold Program




Anh Truong 




  Bond Refund




Rates Refund




Satterley Property Group




  Refund - Portion Of The Fees Not Expended Assessing Amendment No. 2 To The Butler District Centre Agreed Structure Plan No. 87








  Spare Parts - Fleet




City of Gosnells 




  Subscription - Switch Your Thinking 2015 / 2016 - City Growth




City of Whittlesea 




  NGAA Membership 2015 / 2016 - CEO's Office




Harvey Norman AV/TI Superstore 




  Fridge - Facilities




Party Plus 




  Hire - Electric Air Pump - Community Development




RAC Motoring & Services Pty Ltd 




  Call Out - Flat Batteries - Fleet




SAI Global Ltd 




  Addition To Premium ISO - IT




Specsavers Wanneroo (WA) Pty Ltd 




  Safety Glasses - Parks




Stephen McKee 




  Replace Fence Sheets - Waste




Alinta Gas 




  Gas Supplies For The City




Girrawheen Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Wanneroo Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash








Water Corporation 




  Water Charges For The City




Yanchep Community Centre Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Yanchep Two Rocks Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash








  Power Supplies For The City








  Phone Charges For The City




  1 X Financial Assistance $500.00




Department of Housing 




  1 X Financial Assistance




Zurich Aust Insurance Ltd 




  Motor Vehicle Excess Payment - WN 33743 - Insurance Services




Clarkson Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Wanneroo Adult Day Centre Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Finance Services Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Building & Health Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




City of Wanneroo 




  Pantry Items For Seniors - 16.12.2015 - 29.01.2016 - Funded Services




City of Wanneroo 




  Lunch Providing For Seniors - 16.12.2015 - 29.01.2016 - Funded Services




City of Wanneroo 




  Cash Advance - Client Meals 19.11.2015 - 23.12.2015 - Quinns Rocks Day Club




City of Wanneroo 




  Cash Advance - Food For Clients Pantry 19.11.2015 - 18.12.2015 - Quinns Rocks Day Club




City of Wanneroo 




  Cash Advance - Pantry Items For 4 Weeks Of Program 20.11.2015 - 20.12.2015 - Alexander Heights Room 1




City of Wanneroo 




  Cash Advance - Meals For 4 Weeks Of Program 20.11.2015 - 20.12.2015 - Alexander Heights Room 1




City of Wanneroo 




  Cash Advance - Councillor IPad Repair - IT




Barrier Reef Pools Northside 




  Refund - Over Charged By $140 For An Inspection Fee




Ms Gaiel Clayton 




  Refund - Dog Registration - Overcharged








  Sale Of Consignment Items - Heritage, Museum And Arts








Cafe2U Wangara 




  Refund - Trading In Public Places - Change Of Process




Dai Nguyen




  Hire Fee Refund




Vita Group Ltd 




  Hire Fee Refund




Jiena Wang 




  Refund - Building Application - Not Required




M Mallon 




  Refund - Part Of Aquamotion Membership Fees




C Rafferty 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




A & S Gregory 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




C Winton 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




R Peters 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Y Hutchings 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Peard Real Estate Mindarie 




  1 X Financial Assistance




Lord Mayor's Distress Relief Fund Esperance Fires 




  Donations Received At The Wanneroo Show For The Lord Mayor's Distress Relief Fund Esperance Fires Appeal 2015




Susan Jones 




  Bond Refund




Natasha Smith 




  Bond Refund




Quinns Rocks  Playgroup 




  Bond Refund




Mayank Pankhania 




  Bond Refund




Prem Bhatt 




  Bond Refund




WA Zokhuapeng Razohkhetnak Bu 




  Bond Refund




Reena Shah 




  Bond Refund




Christina  Anderson 




  Bond Refund




Rates Refund




Rakhi Bose 




  Bond Refund




Traditional Taekwondo Club 




  Key Bond Refund




Traditional Taekwondo Club 




  Key Bond Refund




All Ford Day Committee 




  Bond Refund




E Carre Cecil Andrews Senior High School 




  Bond Refund




Wanneroo Discount Drug 




  1 X Financial Assistance




ST & NE Bevan 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Rates Refund




Endeavour Properties Pty Ltd




  Refund - Portion Of Fees Not Expended Assessing Amendment No 2 - The Woodvale Agreed Structure Plan 64




K Masani 




  Hire Fee Refund




Abstar Health & Fitness 




  Hire Fee Refund








Rates Refund








Rates Refund




C & J Greaves 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




B Foote & K Maffin 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Maurice Marcus Brown 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Capricorn Village Joint Venture 




  Refund Of Contributions - Overpayment Of 3 Lots




Daniel Bayman 




  Hire Fee Refund












City Farmers Dog Wash 




  Refund - Trading In Public Places Application - Application Unable To Proceed




Mindarie Keys Pharmacy 




  1 X Financial Assistance




J Johnson 




  Refund Of Dog Registration - Pension Rebate




Diabetes Association of WA Incorporated 




  Hire Fee Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




City of Wanneroo 




  Cash Advance - Alexander Heights Room 1 - Xmas Party




Alexander Heights Day Centre Room One 




  Petty Cash




Alinta Gas 




  Gas Supplies For The City




  6 X Financial Assistance $1,155.65




Aquamotion Office Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Buckingham House Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Building & Construction Industry 




  Collection Levy Payments 01 - 30.11.2015 - Finance




Cr F Cvitan 




  Monthly Allowance




Girrawheen Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Cr D M Newton 




  Monthly Allowance




Wanneroo Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Water Corporation 




  Water Charges For The City




  1 X Financial Assistance $105.34












  Power Supplies For The City




  7 X Financial Assistance $2,491.95








  Internet/Phone Charges For The City




Miss Emily Wood 




  Reimbursement - Austswim Qualification Renewal - Aquamotion




Child Education Services 




  Bookstock - Library Services




City of Bayswater 




  Reimbursement - Long Service Leave - R Henke




City of Whittlesea 




  NGAA Conference - CEO & Mayor Office




  NGAA Contribution 2015 / 2016 - Office Of CEO




Metro Hardware Pty Ltd 




  Various Items - Parks




Pacific Datacom W.A. 




  Cable Management Kit - IT




Stephen McKee 




  Repair Works At Various Locations - Waste




Subaru Wangara 




  Spare Parts - Fleet




The Good Guys 




  4kg Vented Dryer - Cultural Services




Town of Bassendean 




  Reimbursement - Long Service Leave - W Barry








  Streetlight Charges 25.10.2015 - 24.11.2015








Rates Refund








Tonia Binns 




  Refund Hire Fees




Surfdog Australia 




  Refund - Power - Dogs Breakfast 2015




El Caballo Lifestyle Village 




  Refund - Double Payment Invoice 164818




Blackburne Strata 




  Refund - Payment Of Invoice 165535 - Double Up




Damon Bussche 




  Reimbursement - Mowing Incident 25.08.2015 - Insurance Services




Adam McGuire 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




G & A Evans 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Z Najdovski 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




A Verma 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




M & D Bouse 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




E & E Frances 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




TJ & AK Goddard-Maloney 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




GJB Roofing Pty Ltd 




  Refund - Residential Building Fee - Charged Twice




S Latouche 




  Dog Registration Refund




The Perth CPAP Services 




  1 X Financial Assistance




M Beyleveld 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Rates Refund




Beatrix Delport 




  Bond Refund




Ashley Parker 




  Bond Refund




Cata Group Incorporated 




  Bond Refund




Elissa Brown 




  Bond Refund




Care for Kids 




  Bond Refund




Elaine Inchan 




  Bond Refund




Maria Szep 




  Bond Refund




Marching WA Incorporated Trading As DrillDance WA 




  Bond Refund




Rosalie Sherlock 




  Bond Refund




Glenice Redman 




  Bond Refund




Joanne Riach 




  Bond Refund




Paul Te Kuru 




  Bond Refund




Deon Van der Westhuizen 




  Bond Refund




Guor Michar Miab 




  Bond Refund




Teniell Graham 




  Bond Refund




Deepak Pawar 




  Bond Refund




Best Value Patios 




  Reimbursement Of Development Application Fees - Not Required




Allweather Patios 




  Reimbursement Of Development Application Fees - Not Required




J Corp Trading As Homestart 




  Refund - Building Application - Paid Twice In Error




J Salecic 




  Reimbursement - Development Application Fee - Not Required




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Weight Watchers 




  Refund Hire Fees




Sharon Broughan Personal Trainer 




  Refund Hire Fees - Kingsbridge Park




Reynaldo Lima 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Skoolz Out 




  Key Bond Refund




Charlotte Williams 




  Refund - Term 1 2016 Swimming Lessons




Sotheary Men 




  Refund - Term 4 2015 Swimming Lessons




E Labis 




  Refund Of Food Premise Application And Registration Fee - Not Required




V Butler 




  Refund - Dog Registration - Sterilised




N & A Prestipino & M & R Cottone 




  Finalisation Of Contribution Arrangements For Cell 9 - Final Rate Adopted By Council - Balance Of Contingency To Be Returned




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Deisha Cox 




  Bond Refund




Sharee Jones 




  Bond Refund




Landsdale Gardens Playgroup Incorporated 




  Bond Refund




Two Rocks Playgroup 




  Bond Refund




James Miyom 




  Bond Refund




Mrs Donna Yates 




  Bond Refund




Mrs Amber-Jade Motha 




  Bond Refund




Sara Nikkheslat 




  Bond Refund




Eh Soe Kyat Oo 




  Key Bond Refund




LJ Hooker 




  1 X Financial Assistance




Rates Refund




Hocking Primary School 




  Refund Of Bond For Art Trailer




P3 Events Pty Ltd 




  Bond Refund




The Salvation Army - Merriwa 




  Bond Refund




Pamela Ridley 




  Bond Refund




Rates Refund




C Detchon 




  Sale Of Artwork - 80% Sales In Wedge Island Exhibition Held In WLCC Conference Room 13 - 24.11.2015




Ridgewood Little Athletics Centre Incorporated 




  Key Bond Refund




Ridgewood Little Athletics Centre 




  Key Bond Refund




P A Namaskumar 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




J Singh 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




K L Senghani 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




M C & S & T Sutton 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




Kelly Mellor 




  Vehicle Crossing Subsidy




P Talbot 




  Refund - Overpayment Of Invoice - Kingsway




R Roberts 




  Reimbursement - Direct Debit Payment - Aquamotion




J Roberts 




  Hire Fee Refund




J Offermann 




  Returned Live Work Play Book - Sent In Error




Town of Claremont




  Returned Live Work Play Book - Sent In Error








Lake Joondalup Baptist College 




  Key Bond Refund




Peter Moyes Anglican Community School




  Key Bond Refund




Quinns FC 




  Key Bond Refund




Clarkson Community High School 




  Key Bond Refund




Brighton Seahawks Junior Football Club 




  Key Bond Refund




Rates Refund




Rates Refund




Wanneroo Softball Club 




  Key Bond Refund








Girrawheen Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Facility Officer WLCC Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Quinns Rocks Adult Day Care Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




The Heights Community Club Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Wanneroo Library Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Water Corporation 




  Water Charges For The City
























  Power Charges For The City




  1 X Financial Assistance $33.45








  Mobile Phone Charges For The City




  Asset Relocation - Hopkins Road & Orchid Road - Projects




Wanneroo Adult Day Centre Petty Cash 




  Petty Cash




Balga Soccer & Social Club 




  Kidsport Voucher X 20 Children




Alexander Heights Day Centre Room Two 




  Petty Cash




City of Wanneroo 




  Cash Advance - Pantry For Heights Community House